And I want to write about my son, who is 22 now. I am a mother who hates her son. I never had big problems with my son. He grew up quite an obedient child. I raised him alone, with the help of my mother and her husband, a wonderful person. I tried to give him the best. I always went with him to the south to rest, and my grandparents always took him with them on vacation. I always ordered suits for school to order from beautiful blue velvet. I worked like a wolf to give him everything the best - the best tutors in English and French.

When he was 11 years old, we went to America, I married an American. All my friends and he also knew that I was not getting married for love, but in order to give the best to my son. In America, I also plowed even more, so that there would be funds for everything. In the 9th grade, he alone from the whole school went to Washington for a week, in the 10th grade he went on a boat trip on the lakes of Minnesota. A gift for graduation - school - is a 2 week trip to Israel. Naturally, this was without me, I could not afford to take a vacation for at least a week. When I bought clothes for him in expensive stores, the cashier told me that he was spoiled by you. I thought he deserved it. I am a very strong-willed mother, I always stood behind his back to push him in his studies so that he would succeed .. and be one of the best .. I did not have the means to pay for his studies, studying in America is very expensive. I did my best to get him a grant for education.

And so it happened, one rich university gave him a grant, almost 95% of free education. He went far away from me, we constantly talked, but I noticed he had a lie .. He began to lie to me. Started spending my credit cards without even asking me for permission. I said once, two .. three and I had to close these cards. I was angry, screaming .. but I accepted it. When I was already buying clothes for the university, they asked me in the store: "It's your child's birthday." no, I just want it to look nice. I have always been proud of him. Everyone told me what a good mother I am and what kind of children I have .. As my mother told me that my eldest son and I were "zaedinshchina". I also have a second son with an American, they are 12 years apart. My youngest is now 10 years old .. Everything seemed to be going fine .. BUT, 2 years ago I was diagnosed with grade 3 cancer .... And everything changed .... I entrusted all my savings to my eldest son, since we were good friends, and I completely trusted him. I didn't know how long I had to live... He also knew that he was the only claimant on my half million dollar life insurance in the event of my death. He had 2 years left to study when I was diagnosed.

It should be added that in the 2nd year during the spring break I sent him to rest in Italy for 10 days, already being sick - in the 3rd year I sent him to rest in Europe .. He traveled through 6 European countries .. I naturally struggled with cancer as soon as I could .. With all my might ... In general, all the doctors told me that I would not survive ... And I, like a fool, kept saying that I really want this .. Here in the first year of fighting with cancer, my son somehow supported me in this. When I told him that I wanted to survive, he told me. "how will it turn out, it will turn out, at the time when I told my youngest (9 years old) that I would try to survive, he told me:" No, I won’t try, but you will survive, "moreover, he had such an inner conviction in this. .. I was on chemotherapy for a year and a half, he saw all this and wiped the sweat off my forehead and stroked my arm .. the elder supported me on the phone, but without much optimism .. I was very weak, and my mind was "like in the fog" from my illness ... And everything changed last summer, when the eldest turned 22 years old, and he had one year of study left before receiving his diploma. He stopped calling me, I could not get through to him for 5 days, he simply did not take tubes... I continued my desperate struggle with cancer, changed 3 oncologists.. In the end, they agreed to send me for an operation, although the second oncologist did not even want to do this.

Relations with my son became colder and colder ... I tried to somehow get through to his mind ... it seems that he did not hear me .. Then I told him: "my friend, return my money that I gave him for savings .." and transferred 50% of the insurance to the name of my youngest son before the operation, and informed my eldest son ... At first he did not want to return, he just calmed down .. I asked him to do this again and said that I was not joking .. He returned, then only half, and he spent the second half ... and even refused to say how ... the operation came, a huge, 8-hour one .. they cut out all the organs from the small pelvis .... they put a colostomy bag and a urinal. .. on the second day after the operation, the surgeon came up to me and said: "this is a success!!!" ... I wanted to call my eldest son and tell him .. BUT, BUT he turned off the phone.... and I'm like a fool , I tried to get through to him all day ... In the end, my American husband wrote him an e-mail that they say call your mother ... He is in the race I called him back in an angry tone and told him that he was writing this to him ... And my husband answered him that it was not him, but "your mother" dictated this letter ... That's when he turned on the phone and I heard his voice. .. Even now, my tears are ready to run ... when I remember this time ... I was on intraspinal and intravenous morphine for almost 10 days ...

When I was discharged and I was lying at home with plastic .. He wanted to go to New York for spring break, with his girlfriend .. I told him that this was wrong .. And he needed to come home and be with me .. Support me a little a little.. He arrived for 5 days. and had to leave on Friday .. And on Thursday I had indigestion and poisoning ... About 3 weeks after the operation .. I began to terribly vomit some smelly greens ... every 30 minutes .. I still I couldn't get out of bed by myself.. I had to be pulled.. I was alone with my youngest son, and I asked my eldest to stay with me for another 3 days until Monday... And my mother asked him on the phone and I begged him ... my mother even offered him money for it as much as she would take .. BUT he told me: "I'm tired, I've spent 5 days with you, I want to rest" .. And he left .... After that there was still a lot meanness in my address.. I survived, cancer markers are at zero.. there are no signs of metastasis.. I am very happy to live.. But my son and I don’t communicate anymore, he graduated from the university, got a good job.. and he doesn’t want to know us .... And now I understand that I hate him .... no matter how terrible it sounds .. and I told him that I don’t love him anymore and don’t need his love .. and that he the name is no longer on my insurance... and wished him good luck in life.. And only 3 years ago he was mine best friend.... Like this ... What do you, good people say about this ... I'm just crying now .... how is it, I survived from cancer .., and all relations with my son are broken ...