
Childish inattention. What to do if the child is inattentive? Mindfulness tasks for children. Absent-mindedness of the primary school child

Pathology of the uterus

Reading 7 min. Views 4.3k. Published on 06/25/2019

It is not uncommon for a child to have completely distracted attention: either he forgets to write down a homework assignment, or he doesn’t remember what time the lessons start tomorrow, or he didn’t take notebooks or textbooks.

How to help a child not sit for several hours on homework, more than one parent thinks. Making comments does not help, repeating the same thing over and over again - you just get tired. You need to find some method how to independently develop mindfulness in a child. All tips are in our article.

Why children are distracted and inattentive: 6 reasons

You can notice that the baby has scattered attention, even in kindergarten. He does not play any game for a long time, he is generally not interested in activities that require perseverance: drawing, modeling from plasticine, picking up puzzles or mosaics.

But parents pay attention that their child is restless and inattentive, only at school.

What do you do when student performance starts to suffer?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the origins of children's absent-mindedness:

  1. Distracted attention syndrome usually goes hand in hand with hyperactivity. In the scientific community, there is a short abbreviation for this condition: ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Those children who are diagnosed with this are very mobile. It is actually difficult for them to overcome themselves and concentrate on some activity. They are constantly distracted for any reason. Once diagnosed, corrective action must be taken to prevent symptoms from worsening over time. The later treatment begins, the more difficult it is to apply.
  2. Sometimes parents themselves provoke the development of inattention in their child, giving him toys. Due to the fact that every time the baby has a new hobby, he does not need to remember and get involved in something specific. Thus, memory training does not occur, and the baby becomes distracted. How to develop mindfulness in a child in this case? It's very simple: stop buying more and more toys for your darling, despite the boundless love for him.
  3. If your baby has colds and viral diseases, you will not envy his general condition. Not only is all the energy spent on fighting diseases, but the lack of oxygen, movement and sunlight also affects. After all, a cold child will not go for a walk! Concentration of attention suffers from this, and the student becomes absent-minded, even if nothing at home distracts him from his studies.
  4. Home environment definitely affects a child's ability to focus on learning. When parents, children, grandparents live in a small apartment, one can only dream of silence. The second case is when adults constantly quarrel. The child's psyche becomes unstable, he expects sudden loud sounds and is used to listening to the environment. That is, full concentration on work never happens.
  5. Another factor that negatively affects the baby's ability to concentrate is excessive workload. Ambitious parents want their offspring to be the most successful, the most gifted, and so on. Based on their selfish motives, they shift the burden on the fragile children's shoulders. The student is required to have excellent grades at school, he is taken to developmental classes in languages, or mathematics, or chess; as well as sports sections and compulsory reading at night. But any resource is not unlimited, and even the most reliable mechanism will break from constant stress. In the case of children, mindfulness suffers first.
  6. A diametrically opposite situation is when a student does not have time to study, because he does not understand why he needs it at all. Parents, and then all adults, do not have authority in his eyes. What they try to explain to him about the importance of education, he considers insignificant. It is much more important for him to communicate with a yard company or play online shooters. This is not about distracted attention, but about the lack of motivation for education. As soon as the child realizes that he desperately needs it, he will be transformed before our eyes.

Based on everything that has been listed, it becomes clear that a congenital disease is not always the cause of childhood forgetfulness.

Very often distraction is the result of wrong upbringing child.

And if so, then there is probably a recipe for how to deal with inattention.

What Not to Do

It is very difficult to recognize and accept your own mistakes. Especially for an adult when it comes to relationships with a child. It’s much easier to say: “Yes, he himself is such a slob, you can’t do anything here!”. Yes, shifting the blame to the baby is the simplest, but not the wisest decision.

It depends only on the parents how their child will grow up. It is necessary to instill the right values ​​in your child from an early age, because then it will become almost impossible to drive at least some truth into the head of a doubting teenager.

The most common mistake in raising children is categorical prohibitions. It is easy to ban, it is more difficult to explain why it is impossible to do so. But you still need to tell how to do it right and why it is so - right.

The ban is held as long as the controller watches. And if you explain to the kid the reasons and consequences of his actions, he will begin to think every time on his own, before committing an act.

The reverse version of a simple ban is a long and tedious lecture to a delinquent child about the foundations of morality and morality. At this moment, the “lecturer” parent feels at his best: he also pays attention to the younger generation. But how is this perceived by the baby, who recently got up from the potty? But no way!

Lecture as a punishment is meaningless, because the child will meet it with hostility.

Then, the ability to absorb information in adults and children is different and depends on language development: the child will not understand half. This is often forgotten, or even not known at all, by those who are trying to "read morals" to small children.

Another is the time during which the child's brain is able to concentrate. The first grader has distracted attention, and this is normal for his age.

With the development of intellect, he will learn to consciously control concentration, maintaining it on a certain topic for a longer time.

Therefore, moralizing will be effective only if two conditions are met:

  1. The readiness of the listener to accept information favorably.
  2. The brevity of the lecture (what is impossible, why, how to fix it, what are the benefits).

The main mistakes of parents

Now let's briefly touch on other mistakes that parents make when trying to correct the absent-mindedness of their child.

What not to do:

  • it is impossible to scold for inattention;
  • ridicule is an insult to a child, especially in public;
  • you can’t compare your and a “good” child - so you say that yours is bad;
  • to independently do what the baby can do - this provokes his carelessness, infantilism;
  • force the baby many times (for memorization) to redo the work.

Blame to a small child their own blunders in upbringing dishonestly. Dear Parents, try to accept that the distraction of the baby's attention, if it is not caused by an illness, is your omission.

Only by working together will you improve the situation, but you need to treat each other with respect.

What will help the child become more attentive

If you notice excessive mobility, excitability, coupled with a lack of concentration in the crumbs, then take him to a neurologist. Maybe the cause of distraction lies in ADHD.

Your attention to his life will make the baby more in himself.

Praise him for his success, participate in homework (do not do it instead of him, but direct the train of thought). Teach the student to double-check their work. The presence of the parent mobilizes concentration in the child.

Organize a comfortable atmosphere at home. Close the door to the baby's room or turn down the sound of the TV while doing homework. Also set a time limit for homework so that sitting at your desk is productive.

Motivate your child a little every day. Stories about your successes at work related to the fact that you studied well will do; praise for success, extra minutes of computer use, or money for reading books.

Remove excess load, if any. Chronic fatigue syndrome is not the best companion for a small child.

Developing games that train memory are also suitable:

  • chess is the alpha and omega of good memory;
  • anagrams - make up short words from one long;
  • funny poems or favorite songs for memory - an excellent brain training;
  • computer pictures like "Find the cat".


As you can see, overcoming absent-mindedness can be easy and fun. The main thing is to engage in the development of memory regularly.

Love your children, be closer to them, and then you will be surprised at their success!

Becoming parents, people begin to think about what awaits their baby in the future. They certainly want him to grow and develop no worse than the rest: attend additional hobby groups or sports sections. But this is not always the case. It may turn out that they have an inattentive child. What are the reasons and what to do in this situation, psychologists help to understand.

Causes of inattention in children

First of all, you don't have to shout. It is necessary to try to independently analyze the actions of the child, to find out what exactly led him to such behavior. The reasons may be the following:

  1. Hyperactivity. It is not difficult to identify it, just observe it and it will become noticeable that the baby is restless and more active than his peers. Such children cannot be motionless for a long time (sitting at a desk during a lesson), they are also more often distracted by extraneous factors (a bird outside the window, a car passing by, etc.).
  2. Frequently ill children. As a rule, their diseases eventually become severe chronic forms. And permanent sick leave does not contribute to learning, in which it is very difficult to fully immerse yourself due to the general weakened state of the body, which leads to even greater absent-mindedness during classes.
  3. Lack of parental attention. If adults are constantly at work, and the child lacks their attention, he will try to attract him in any way. Namely: he will start to misbehave at school, fight, get bad marks and everything like that. Before you run to an appointment with a neurologist, you should carefully look at the relationship with the child from the outside.
  4. High loads. In addition to classes at school, parents decided to send their child to the pool, dancing, music school, English lessons and somewhere else ... Don't they think that it does not have time to feel the taste of childhood?! The whole day is scheduled. And when will the unfortunate person rest, or at least just play in order to unload the nervous system? Worth considering!
  5. Failure to motivate. Probably, adults noticed behind themselves how they do with pleasure only what they like. Children are exactly the same. If they are not interested in the subject or the teacher does not know how to interest, boringly and monotonously telling the essence of the lesson, the child's attention gradually fades and dissolves into thin air.

Restlessness and distraction can appear in anyone. True, some children are more prone to it than others. This, as a rule, is facilitated by many factors, such as stress, depression, malnutrition and daily routine, insufficient attention from parents and other adults (teachers, relatives, coaches). Therefore, parents should create favorable conditions for the life and development of their children.

Signs of deviations from the norm

Sometimes parents are so preoccupied with themselves that they learn about the inability of the child to focus their attention on the lesson only when their adored child enters the first grade. This is where all the problems begin. It is important to recognize in time that a child is distracted and inattentive at 7 years old. This is already quite a conscious age. You need to check if there are any similar situations from his life:

  • He does lessons quickly and does not delve into the essence of tasks;
  • This reveals many errors;
  • Or he constantly complains of fatigue, although he was not particularly loaded with anything;
  • But it can also be back side- lessons are done extremely slowly and reluctantly;
  • Or repeatedly manage to catch a child on the fact that he is in the clouds, and not engaged.
So It has become a tradition that absent-minded children constantly lose something, forget, and can even get lost. Therefore, do not yell at them or scold them for every oversight. They themselves are aware of their guilt. And then the parents lash out, talking about how much money they invested in the thing lost by the child, exacerbating the already stressful state of the baby.

Problems at school

Everyone would like to raise an excellent student, but the child is inattentive in the classroom. What to do in this case, not every parent knows. Of course, help him develop mindfulness and memory. Check his homework more often, do not leave everything to chance. It has been scientifically proven that the lack of participation or the complete absence of mothers and fathers in the educational process of their child adversely affects the performance of children. If you do not praise the child, he sees no reason to develop further.

Accordingly, from the first days of entering school and during the holidays, it is necessary to strive to interest him in his studies. Can this be done in game form to tell some Interesting Facts. The main thing is that children like it and take them into the world of knowledge, and not be an unpleasant duty, for which they can also be scolded.

Absentmindedness at home

Probably, it is not difficult to notice that the child promises to clean her room and forgets... Well, what can you do... It is worth starting to accustom the child to order not only in the house, but also in the head. There is no need to scold and punish. This will only cause a feeling of misunderstanding and aggression. I forgot - and that there is such a thing, with whom it does not happen. This case requires a different approach.

You should gradually and unobtrusively accustom the baby to order. Develop in him the habit of putting everything in its place, preparing things and a portfolio for school in the evening, so that in a hurry in the morning you don’t forget something very necessary in the classroom. The best way out in resolving this issue will be to draw up a daily routine with a detailed schedule of all his affairs to the smallest detail - checking homework by parents and preparing a satchel with notebooks and textbooks.

An example of a daily routine for a student is presented in the table below:

Time Action
07:00 - 07:05 The child wakes up
07:05 - 07:20 Charging, hygiene
07:20 - 07:35 Breakfast
07:35 - 08:00 School fees
08:00 - 08:30 Road to school
08:30 - 13:05 Lessons
13:05 - 13:30 Way home
13:30 - 13:40 Dressing, hygiene
13:40 - 14:00 Dinner
14:00 - 16:00 Free time, sections
16:00 - 18:00 Doing homework
18:00 - 18:30
18:30 - 20:00
Free time
20:00 - 21:00
Preparation for sleep
21:00 - 07:00
Night sleep

At first, the entire daily regimen will need to be passed with the child together, gradually accustoming him to the independent continuation of the work begun together. Then he himself will begin to think over a plan of his actions for tomorrow, fulfilling all duties and affairs on time and without outside help. The main thing is to help him learn to perceive himself correctly in the world around him - be it at home or at school.

Ways to solve the problem

If parents want their baby to become more attentive, they need to make every effort to self-control. After all, you need to educate not children, but yourself. They are a reflection of their parents, look at their actions and draw conclusions about what is happening. Thus, having accustomed themselves to order, adults will always find time for their child, which is an important factor in his development and upbringing.

To understand what to do if the child is inattentive, you need to contact the appropriate doctor - a psychologist or neurologist. It is possible that medical indications will help the specialist to better understand his non-standard actions, resorting to various tests and analyses. The sooner the causes are identified, the sooner behavior can be corrected.

Also, do not leave the child alone with homework. It has been verified that some modern puzzles from textbooks can lead even an adult into a stupor. So the indispensable participation of parents in the studies of the youngest member of the family should become a daily and paramount task. You don’t have to do everything for him, it’s enough to monitor the completion of tasks, check in time and help where he can’t do it alone.

A well-designed daily routine will definitely help, which includes all the important and not so important tasks and responsibilities of the child, not only at school, but also in the family. Quite a few important role the correct arrangement of furniture in his room will also play. You need to be able to share the workplace with the play and recreation area, so that nothing and no one distracts him during classes.

It is not easy when an inattentive child grows up in a family. We need to help him become attentive. It is necessary to find out who the baby wants to be when he grows up. This will help to properly motivate him to study and comprehensive development on thematic circles or sports sections. Thus, it is necessary to interest him in the necessary subject at school, encourage all his undertakings and help bring the work he has begun to the end.

It is also very important to diversify the child's food. It should contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Do not forget about the mandatory consumption of fruits and vegetables in food. They should be in the daily diet of a growing organism in order to saturate it with vitamins and minerals in time. useful substances contributing to the proper functioning of the brain.

The main thing is not to leave everything as it is, hoping that everything will pass by itself. Absent-mindedness is not only possible, but must be fought. You should not scold and punish your child, you need to love and respect him, as well as help him find the cause of non-standard behavior and work together to cope with it.

It happens that children are not able to concentrate for a long time. They can not bring things to the end, they are constantly distracted. Absent-mindedness does not at all imply low mental abilities; it is often difficult for very smart children to retain knowledge in their heads, to remember information for a long time.

Having discovered that baby is in the clouds while reading or solving various kinds of problems, any mother will start to panic. And not without reason, because such inattention is reflected in school success and in relationships with friends. However, you should not be too nervous - the problem is easily solved. The main thing is not to try to eradicate it with punishments and moralizing, but to find the real cause of absent-mindedness and help the baby correct the situation.

Why can a child be distracted

The main reasons for the inattention of older preschoolers and younger students are problems with peers and teachers. A child experiencing constant mental stress is not able to concentrate enough. Also, absent-mindedness often occurs against the background of certain diseases. For some, this problem exists from birth, and it is associated with disorders of the nervous system.

Among hyperactive toddlers, inattention is widespread. It is also called "fluttering" attention. It is manifested by a lack of concentration, as well as frequent involuntary switching to another matter.

Reference! The diagnosis of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is not only based on absent-mindedness. Such children are overly mobile and too active, restless and often play pranks. However, only a doctor can determine whether a child really has ADHD or is just very mobile.

To analyze whether your child has absent-mindedness, you can use the following featured:

  • the child is too fussy and easily excitable;
  • does not finish what he started (even if he really likes the lesson);
  • has a "short" memory, with difficulty concentrating attention.

There are also some indirect signs:

  • the student performs school assignments late or noticeably later than all other students;
  • often dreams. It is difficult to lure him into the real world;
  • finds various excuses not to do the work entrusted to him;
  • often lose things.

Of course, some of the symptoms can sometimes be observed in any ordinary child. But, if they are constant, you need to think, find the reason.

A very absent-minded child: what should parents do

The first thing that every parent should do at the first suspicion of a deviation is to contact a pediatrician. The doctor will examine the child, if necessary, give a referral to narrow specialists. If the cause really lies in the disease, absent-mindedness will pass after complete recovery.

In the case when the baby is healthy, specialists often give advice not to complain him for carelessness. And even more so, you should not laugh at him either with your family or with friends. Because of ridicule, the self-esteem of the baby suffers, he closes in himself, begins to get angry at others. You can not stop trusting an absent-minded child with household chores. His efforts, his desire to help, should be encouraged in every possible way, even if he did not do the job very well.

Distracted child 4-5 years old: what to do

At this age, you can "train" attention. There are various toys that help develop perseverance and patience. For example, the mosaic and the designer are very fascinated by most kids. However, not all parents know that the purpose of these games is not just to assemble the model to the end. In the process develops fine motor skills and with it the memory logical thinking, attention and speech.

Preschoolers should be taught the concept of order and order. If the kid has lost a toy and cannot remember where he last played it, do not scold him for it. Try to understand his problem and help solve it. Moms of kindergarteners should show them how to properly prepare clothes in the evening. Together, choose an outfit that you both like, hang it on a hanger.

Did the kid want to take a toy with him? Prepare it in advance by putting it in a conspicuous place next to your clothes. Before going to bed, children 4-5 years old can already neatly fold the removed clothes and put them in the closet, and make the bed in the morning. You should not take on these small responsibilities, they will only benefit the preschooler.

Important! Children just need a clear daily routine. In order for the child to be collected, focused and attentive, he must intuitively understand at what time there will be meals, games, sports exercises and sleep. This does not mean that he will lose free time. Leave one and a half to two hours a day for games, let the baby use them at his discretion.

Distracted child 6 years old - 7 years old: what to do

In this case, you already have to face some difficulties at school, as well as in preparing for it. They find themselves in a new atmosphere, to which it is not enough just to get used to - they also need to remember everything that they are taught. Distractedness is not uncommon for students, most often it is associated with fatigue (emotional or physical).

When a student begins to do homework at home, he nothing should interfere. Nor outsiders loud sounds, no requests from parents, ranging from my mother's "Run to the store in a hurry", ending with my grandmother's "Where are my glasses ?!". Adults themselves can cope with such minor problems, but for some reason they prefer to "hang" them on the youngest member of the family. This mistake is serious, because such behavior does not allow him to concentrate, he has an inattention to learning material, distraction. In the end, he may completely lose interest in classes.

Rulers, pens and other educational supplies forgotten at school are a different story. Such losses often make parents angry, because constant visits to the store significantly affect the wallet. In addition, a feeling of embarrassment in front of teachers is added. However, all these negative feelings are nothing compared to the sensations that the child experiences. He feels guilty, ashamed. If parents attack him with reproaches, resentment is added to this difficult condition.

In fact, older family members should not worry too much about trifling losses. Here, pay attention to emotional condition student is essential. Don't be compulsive about it, it is better to instill attentiveness, frugality, love for order, as if from afar, without pressure. Over time, the child, out of habit, will confidently plan his tomorrow, independently collect a satchel and take care of the purchased school things.

Often for parents in a kindergarten or school, a conversation can be held on the topic of an absent-minded child in the family. Moms and dads whose babies are prone to chronic absent-mindedness can consult with educators, teachers and psychologists.

Helpful Tips on Raising Distracted Children:

Attention disorder can be treated different ways. They depend on many factors - on the causes and origin of this symptom, as well as the person himself - his character and individual characteristics.

You can correct absent-mindedness in a child with the help of special classes aimed at improving concentration. These are puzzles and logic puzzles that the baby must solve. It is also important to clearly distribute classes for the day, allocating more time for physical activity and complete rest. If mental illness is not found in a child, then the reason for absent-mindedness is likely to be a lack of interest in the proposed activities. So at the initial stage of adjustment, you need to try to solve the problem without involving drugs. It is necessary to captivate the baby so that he himself is interested in what he is doing - then he will be able to concentrate better.

Growing children's body requires a balance of beneficial vitamins, because its absence can also cause problems with attentiveness. In this case, it will be useful to take a complex of vitamins. If the problem arose due to disorders in the immune system, you can undergo treatment with immunostimulants.

Drug treatment

Among the medicines that can treat absent-mindedness in a child, psychostimulants are distinguished, which must be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

  • Glycine, which is a nootropic drug. It helps to improve mental abilities, increases efficiency, affects the increase in protective processes in the central nervous system. The dosage is 1 tab. under the tongue.
  • Piracetam, which improves the brain metabolic process, which helps to better absorb school material. For children, the daily dose of the drug is 30-50 mg.

Side effects: irritability, anxiety, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, tremors, convulsions.

Contraindications: Not suitable for children with diabetes and allergies to fruit juices. Also, you can not assign infants under 1 year.

  • Biotredin, which positively affects the cognitive functions of the brain. It increases alertness and improves memory. The dosage for children is 2 mg/kg body weight for 3-10 days.

Contraindications: do not take together with antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers.

  • Phenibut, which improves blood flow to the brain - it improves brain performance, memory, and helps to remember better large volume information.


  • pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • liver failure.

The dosage of the drug for children is 20-250 mg. More precisely, it is prescribed by a doctor, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Side effects: anxiety, irritability, excessive excitability may occur.

Physiotherapy treatment

Absent-mindedness in a child can be corrected without the use of drugs - the course consists of various procedures, including correction by neuropsychological and pedagogical methods, psychotherapy, methods of behavior modification. Physiotherapy procedures are also used.

  • Laser therapy - the course includes 7-10 procedures, for one of which 3-5 zones of the body are irradiated.
  • UHF therapy, consisting of 8-10 procedures.
  • 5-10 inhalation procedures.
  • The course of UVR of the nasopharynx for 3-5 procedures.
  • Ultrasound course, consisting of 8-10 procedures.

Parents need to consult a psychotherapist, where they will be explained that they should not perceive such behavior of the child negatively - he does not do it on purpose, so he must be treated patiently and with understanding. It is also necessary to ensure that the child observes the daily routine - eat at a certain time, do homework, go to bed. Let him get rid of excess energy during long walks, running, jumping, doing physical exercises.

Because it is difficult for such a child to concentrate, try not to load him with tasks - let there be only one for a separate time period. You should also carefully select his playmates - they should be calm and balanced.

Alternative treatment

Absent-mindedness in a child can be treated with some folk remedies.

For example, juniper berries are good. They must be eaten, starting with the 1st piece per day, and so, gradually increasing by one, to reach 12 pieces. Next, you need to reverse the course - in descending order.

  • Tartar prickly - pour 20 g of boiling water over the grass and leave it on low heat for 10 minutes. The resulting tincture should be drunk 3-4 times a day 1 tbsp.

Mix together 2 parts of chopped dry root of pink rhodiola and echinacea and add hop cones (1 part) to the resulting mixture. A tablespoon of this collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for a quarter of an hour. Honey (2 tsp) is added to the resulting broth and drunk throughout the day, dividing the contents into 3 parts. This course lasts for about a month.

  • Immortelle grass is poured with boiling water (about 10 grams), after which this tincture should be wrapped in a towel and left to infuse for 30-40 minutes. When the decoction is ready, it should be drunk in a dosage of a third of a glass. The procedure is performed 3 times / day.

Very useful for the body as a whole, and improving mindfulness in particular, ordinary garlic. Eat 1-2 cloves before each meal.

Herbal treatment

You can improve your child's attention with various ways. In this case, taking medicinal herbs will not interfere. They have a positive effect on the body, although we must not forget that such treatment should also be prescribed by a doctor. Herbs such as chamomile and lemon balm work well for absent-mindedness in a child. They promote better concentration, providing a calming effect.

A method such as phytotherapy is also used.

  • Hawthorn tincture has a positive effect - it is drunk in a quarter cup daily. The recipe is as follows: grass flowers (1 tablespoon) are poured with a glass of hot water and infused for 2 hours;
  • Drink 2-3 times daily 2 tablets of valerian tincture - it also has a calming, softening effect;
  • Medicinal herbal collection, consisting of various herbs. It includes motherwort (a dose of 3 parts is taken), cudweed (also includes 3 parts), hawthorn (again 3 parts of the mixture), chamomile in the form of flower baskets (in the amount of 1 part). Next, 1 tbsp is taken. the resulting product is poured with a glass of boiling water, and infused for 8 hours. Then the collection is filtered and taken twice a day after meals for half a glass.


Homeopathy can be used as an alternative to drug treatment. It can be prescribed if the child shows a toxic or allergic reaction to medications. Homeopathic remedies improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the body's defenses, treat adenoids and behavioral problems - for example, distraction in a child.

This symptom can be observed in the presence of hyperactivity syndrome. The child not only becomes too noisy, violent and uncontrollable, but also behaves inattentively - he can forget, lose things, etc. Numerous examinations have shown that with this disease, the behavior of children who took individual doses of homeopathic remedies improved significantly calmer, more careful, more attentive, constant absent-mindedness disappeared. Among the most effective means homeopathy for ADHD:

  • Stramonium, used as a decoction for baths, 20 g of the product is taken per bucket of water (3 or 6 dilution level);
  • Cina - the course lasts 2-3 months, take 7 grains of the drug 1 time / week;
  • Hyoscyamus niger, applied under the guise of bleached oil, which is used for external rubbing into the skin.

In today's rapidly changing world, overflowing with a huge amount of information, it is becoming increasingly difficult to remain attentive and concentrated even for adults, not to mention kids. Scattered attention in children today is becoming almost the norm, and more and more children's specialists are diagnosing attention deficit disorder, abbreviated as ADD.

Distraction in children is quite common

In medical practice, the first description of this problem dates back to the middle of the 19th century. The German psychologist G. Hoffman created a collective image of the little fidget Phil and explained in detail the causes of ADD and ways to combat this disease.

Distracted Attention Symptoms

Children with ADD are hyperactive and mobile. They are not able to sit still even for a while and do the same thing, even if it were incredibly interesting for the child. Such kids forget everything, they are sloppy and clumsy, they cannot remember the task, let alone repeat it.

Distraction leads to learning problems

Particularly pronounced distraction of attention is manifested in primary school. Such a student will endlessly spin at the desk, disturbing his neighbors and the teacher and disrupting the lesson, although he does not want this at all. Usually a smart and talented fidget cannot show his abilities to the end. The desire for leadership also does not work, because such a child does not get along well with his peers and usually does not gain authority.

Thus, children with distracted attention live in constant disharmony with themselves and the world around them. They need special care from parents and teachers, an individual approach to education and study.

Lack of attention is usually associated with neurobiological disorders, problems with hearing or vision, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, you need to be able to recognize whether the child really suffers from ADD or whether he simply does not want to do what is required of him due to other reasons, such as laziness.

Definition of absent-mindedness and its causes

Causes of inattention

From research results it is known that ADD is diagnosed in approximately 5% of children in the world. This is enough a large number of, and it is constantly increasing. But in fact, there is no such parent who would not note the inattention and distraction of his child. Before drawing any conclusions, it is necessary to analyze the conditions in which a small person studies and rests, his regimen and loads, as well as his behavior and methods of education.

Here are some reasons why a child may be inattentive and not collected.

Education methods

You should not overprotect your beloved child. If the child knows that they will definitely help and prompt, and even do the task instead of him, then he will have no need to focus and train his skills. As a result, he will not strive to develop and improve.

Daily regime

For kids preschool age you need to follow a certain schedule. The child should know at what time he should read a book or draw, and when he can just play in the yard with the boys.

Every child should have a certain daily routine

Having learned from childhood to properly allocate his time, he adulthood will be collected and concentrated.

How younger child the more difficult it is for him to hold his attention. But even a very small baby is able to concentrate on bright toy or a lit light bulb.

In teenagers distraction is provoked by gadgets

Features of physiology

Any disease can reduce the attention of the child. After an illness, a certain recovery period must pass and distraction of attention will disappear.

Mental disorders

Violations in the work of the brain and malfunctions in the activity of the nervous system inevitably affect the concentration of the baby's attention. These serious reasons can only be identified by a neurologist.

Parents should not demand special attention from a child with mental disorders. With such children, they are engaged in a special group according to a special program.

Defensive reaction

Often distraction is a defensive response to stress.

Scattered attention can be caused by the body's defensive response to fear, fatigue, or stress. If the student does not know how to solve equations in mathematics, then fear takes over, and his ability to concentrate during the test is sharply reduced.

Lack of vitamins in the body

Non-natural food products, poor ecology and at the same time huge physical and mental stress often lead to fatigue, and with it distraction of attention.

Lack of vitamins leads to absent-mindedness and lack of interest in everything

Lack of interest

Very often, parents and teachers note the absent-mindedness of the child, which immediately disappears as soon as he begins to do his favorite thing. If, while learning the multiplication table, a friend comes to visit and brings a train as a gift to the child, it is completely normal that all attention will be focused on the toy. Therefore, trying to keep the child's attention on a particular subject, it is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere.

An overabundance of impressions and information in children reduces attention

genetic factors

Inattention can be passed on to the child along with the genes of the parents. If the father or mother is alcoholic or hyperactive, or if the pregnancy has been complicated, ADD may occur.

Ways to eliminate ADD

Only sometimes, in especially severe cases, the distraction of the child's attention requires treatment with medication. Usually, if a doctor has diagnosed ADD, they try to get by with the use of drugs that stimulate the immune and nervous systems, and the creation of certain conditions for rest and study of the child.

In order for the baby to be collected and attentive, parents need to establish a clear daily routine. Meals, bedtime and exercise must be scheduled in advance. It is necessary to leave two hours for free classes when the child will draw or build a house for the doll.

Children should be able to do chores around the house.

The child should have a range of responsibilities. You should not, on demand, help him in their implementation. Let him wash his own dishes, make the bed and put away his toys. Children should be given more independence. This will increase the attention of the child and allow him to express himself.

But at the same time, you can not leave the child alone with his problems. He should always feel the shoulder of an adult nearby, hope for his help and advice in resolving difficult situations.

Puzzles teach you to concentrate

From early childhood, it is necessary to conduct attention-developing classes with the baby. You can collect cubes or children's puzzles. If the child does not keep his attention on one thing, you need to involve him in action by asking him to take exactly the green cube, or to paint only the middle of the flower.

It is very important not to forget to praise the child. If the baby has distracted attention, you should not give him obviously impossible tasks. And if it turned out at least a little, you should not skimp on praise.

Never expect too much from a child. Life is sometimes so intense and eventful that sometimes you can just go to the forest or to the river, allowing yourself and your child to get rid of stress and fatigue.

If your child cannot concentrate on one thing and does not know how to concentrate, then this can greatly interfere with his life. It is likely that this is an Attention Deficit Disorder. How to identify and fix such a problem?

What it is?

Attention deficit disorder in children is often referred to as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD for short). This condition is accompanied by various deviations and disorders of behavior, mental activity, social activity. This term appeared relatively recently. It began to be used at the end of the last century.

But as a diagnosis, this condition began to be regarded only in the present century. Today, ADHD is diagnosed in approximately one in 10-15 children. Most often, the problem is detected between the ages of 4 and 9 years (it is simply impossible to make an accurate diagnosis earlier). Surprisingly, every year the number of children with such a problem is increasing, some experts even talk about a kind of epidemic.

Boys suffer from ADHD more often than girls by 3-5 times. In adults, this deviation also occurs, but more often children outgrow it. In some cases, manifestations persist into adulthood, but become less pronounced.

There are several types of attention deficit disorder:

  • Separate attention deficit without any other obvious manifestations.
  • Attention deficit combined with impulsivity. This is a more complex case.
  • Attention deficit and hyperactivity. A complex condition that significantly complicates learning, socialization and other processes.
  • Mixed type. Most difficult option, this condition can have a variety of manifestations.

How is it manifested?

How does distracted attention syndrome manifest itself in children? Here are some possible signs of this condition:

  • The child cannot focus on one thing. This leads to errors in both school assignments and simple household chores.
  • It may seem that the child does not listen to you or does not understand what you are talking to him about.
  • Restlessness, inability and unwillingness to sit in one place and for a long time do one particular thing.
  • Difficulties in following instructions, instructions, prescriptions.
  • Difficulties in self-organization and self-control.
  • Clutter in the room and in the workplace.
  • The child is quickly distracted.
  • Often there is forgetfulness. But it is connected not with memory problems, but with the inability to concentrate on one thing.
  • The child often loses or forgets his things.
  • It seems that the child is not goal-oriented, but in fact he simply does not understand how to go to his goal to the end, because he cannot concentrate on it.
  • Difficulties in interacting with peers, with teachers, with family and friends.
  • Behavior problems. Often children with distracted attention syndrome are naughty, noisy, rude, do everything out of spite.
  • Anxiety.
  • Carelessness, negligence.
  • The child is constantly spinning, cannot sit in one place, jerks his legs and arms, gets up from his seat (even when it is forbidden), tries to climb somewhere, break something.
  • Often such children are very talkative, but at the same time they cannot keep up a conversation on one specific topic.
  • The child answers the questions without listening to them to the end.
  • Impatience. For example, standing in line or waiting are real tests for such a child.
  • It is not uncommon for children with Attention Deficit Disorder to be intrusive and may appear ill-mannered.

What causes distracted attention syndrome?

The nature of the development of such a state is still unknown, but there are several assumptions and theories. Here are the possible reasons:

  • Most scientists agree that the hereditary factor plays an important role. Specific genes have been identified that may influence behavior and cause some manifestations of diffuse influence syndrome.
  • Deterioration of the ecological situation. Some experts believe that certain adverse conditions environment may lead to the development of ADHD.
  • Birth trauma in a child and complications during childbirth (traumatic brain injury, asphyxia, prolonged or difficult labor) and related problems and conditions.
  • Diseases carried over future mother during gestation and complications during pregnancy: intrauterine infections, hypoxia, cord entanglement, smoking and alcohol consumption by a woman during pregnancy, uterine hypertonicity and the threat of miscarriage, Rhesus conflict, abnormal position of the fetus, and so on.
  • Traumatic brain injuries can also have a certain effect.
  • Certain illnesses of the child, such as heart or lung failure, kidney disease, brain disease, asthma.
  • Diseases suffered in the first months of life, accompanied by a significant increase in temperature (such an increase has an extremely negative effect on the state of the child's brain).


It is not so easy to make an accurate diagnosis, because all the symptoms listed above can occur with other pathological conditions, diseases and disorders. Therefore, a specialist should monitor the child's condition and behavior in dynamics, as well as exclude other diseases.

A special role is played by parents who, at the request of the doctor, must accurately describe the behavior of their child in certain situations. It can take several months to make an accurate and final diagnosis.

How to get rid of the problem?

It is worth noting that in some cases children outgrow ADHD. But this is possible only under the condition of long-term and constant work of doctors, parents and relatives.

Here are some measures that may include the treatment of distracted attention syndrome:

  1. Taking certain medications. It is necessary only in case of obvious and serious deviations and violations. Children may be prescribed sedatives. Taking strong medications childhood dangerous and harmful. Any remedy must be prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Lifestyle change, regimen. So, if a child at school cannot sit still and is far behind his peers, then it makes sense to switch to home schooling. An individual approach and adjustment of the training program will make the process as comfortable and effective as possible for the child. It is extremely important to properly organize the daily routine. Its observance will help to discipline the child and accustom him to order.
  3. The specialist should give advice to parents and tell them how best to organize the activities of the child, how to behave in certain situations. First, do not force the child to do something, it will only make him angry. Secondly, be patient and do not be nervous, otherwise the child will be nervous. Thirdly, always show your child that you love him.
  4. In some cases, regular visits to a psychologist, certain classes and exercises are required.
  5. Sports can help. It will provide an outlet for energy and allow you to discipline the child.

Health and success to your child!

The dream of any parent is a healthy, active child who studies well, successfully masters the skills of playing instruments and drawing, and always manages to fulfill his plans. But, unfortunately, these dreams are overshadowed by one unpleasant feature of the baby - inattention.

Causes of child neglect

Parents should not panic and make an appointment with a neurologist. First you need to find out the reasons that led to this problem.

Hyperactivity or attention deficit in adults. These children are not hard to spot. playground They never stay in one place for a minute. They are always in a hurry somewhere, rushing and being distracted by all sorts of external factors. Problems of this nature are detected at the age of 3-5 years and require great patience from parents. The upbringing of such a child should take place under the supervision of physicians, teachers and psychologists.

Frequent chronic illnesses. Poor health is another reason why a child forgets everything and is inattentive. To replenish the energy supply of the child, it is necessary to systematically drink courses of vitamins for schoolchildren.

Features of the nervous system. Attentive, active and stable children with a labile character. Their inert classmates will be more lethargic, mediocre.

High loads, as a result - overwork. Experts say that the intensive school program and the desire of parents to involve the child in all circles leads to congestion. As a result, efficiency and vigilance decrease.

Lack of motivation. Even a one-year-old baby will pay attention to the toy that he likes. When performing boring, uninteresting tasks, attention drops exponentially.

Risk group

An absent-minded and inattentive child is not uncommon today, but in some cases the problem is especially acute. Stress, chronic fatigue, inharmonious daily routine, the abuse of unhealthy food and poor ecology exacerbate this character trait. Parents should make every effort to provide their child with ideal living conditions.

Signs of a child's inattention

Distractedness and lack of concentration in a child can manifest itself in the following:

  1. Quick superficial performance of assigned tasks, especially school assignments.
  2. Slowness.
  3. Dreaminess.
  4. Quick fatigue even from a small amount of work.
  5. A large number of errors when performing simple tasks.
  6. Lack of attention and concentration in the process of work.

Finding a Solution to a Problem

If the child is inattentive, what should I do? The main thing is not to get excited and not to make complex diagnoses. All parents should remember this. Experts in the field of pediatrics recommend training voluntary attention from infancy. Help for moms and dads a wide range of educational toys in children's stores. Dynamic attributes will improve the attention of babies up to a year.

If problems with attention disorder appeared at an older age, for example, when the child went to kindergarten or school, it is necessary to look for the main causes of inattention. Teachers recommend optimizing the child’s workspace as much as possible - allocate a separate quiet place in the house where he can concentrate and prepare homework.

Inattention in the classroom

The development of memory and attention is a direct path to fives. The main reason for the absent-mindedness of a primary school student is the insufficient participation of parents in educational process or its complete absence. In order to maximize the child's mindfulness, you need to engage with him from the first day of school, including holidays. First of all, it is necessary to find out what teachers and parents mean by the concept of “inattention”. In the second - to trace how absent-mindedness manifests itself in a child.

It is not uncommon for a student to be inattentive in a particular discipline. This means that the subject is not interesting to him or the teacher fails to interest the children. If the dispersal persists at home, something is probably bothering the baby.

How can you help your child become more attentive?

In an effort to help a child, adults need to be guided by only one rule - you need to educate not the baby, but yourself. This work is not easy, it takes a lot of time and effort, but the result will be simply stunning! By and large, not so much is required from parents:

It is important to understand that all the efforts made in the fight against the inattention of the child will be nullified without daily activities and exercises. They are simple, accessible, do not require special time and emotional costs. In return, they will provide an entertaining pastime and a great mood.

"I won't go astray" - an exercise to develop attention

A simple technique is aimed at developing concentration and eliminating the disorder of the distribution of attention in children. The child is asked to count up to 31, saying each number out loud. At the same time, figures that contain a triple or are multiples of this number should not be called. Instead, the student should say "I won't go astray." For example: 1, 2, "I won't go astray", 4, 5, "I won't go astray", 7, 8, "I won't go astray" and so on up to 31.

"The letter is forbidden"

A typical mindfulness task. An adult names a letter that should not be used in a word. The child is asked a simple question, for example, what is the name of the teacher, what day of the week is it, etc. He must give an answer without hesitation, excluding the forbidden letter from the phrase. For example, the forbidden letter “n”, when asked what month of the year it is (November), the child should answer “November”.

The essence of the exercise is simplicity. Do not ask too complex questions, the student should answer without hesitation and without delay. If an incorrect answer was given, the partners change roles - the child becomes the leader and asks his questions.


With this exercise, an inattentive child will be able to develop visual attention. Mom or dad should invite him to remember objects that he has met many times. There are a lot of options - grandmother's apartment, the road to school, the location of attractions on the playground. It is necessary to describe in as much detail as possible, paying attention to even insignificant details.

The game can be a team game. For example, one of the children acts as a respondent, while others prompt him or complete the answer.

Educational game for attention "Palms"

The described task for attentiveness is perfect for kids with impaired concentration stability. Several players (the more, the more interesting) sit in a circle and put their hands on the knees of their neighbors. The right hand of each participant should lie on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. At the command of an adult (you can turn on fast clockwork music), you should raise your hands in turn, forming a smooth wave. Guys who raise their hands at the wrong time are excluded from the circle of players. The winner is the one whose palm remains in the game last.

"Flies - does not fly"

A game for developing attention for children, aimed at training its arbitrary switching. Participants sit in a semicircle. The facilitator, teacher or parent begins to list the subjects. If the spoken object is flying, children should raise their arms above their heads, otherwise they should sit still.

As soon as the guys get a taste, the main one can start to cheat by raising his hand up on a non-flying object. Due to the power of imitation, the hands of some participants will go up intuitively.

The task of each child participant is to raise their hands deliberately, not paying attention to the actions of the neighbors and the host.

Riddles for the development of attention

Riddles for attentiveness will help in a playful way to increase the intelligence and ability to concentrate the child.

Riddle number 1. The chest lies at the bottom of the ocean. It has everything but one. What is this about?

Answer: emptiness.

Riddle number 2. The plane flies from Berlin to New Mexico. You are his navigator. There will be one change in Paris. What is the navigator's last name?

Answer: Respondent's name.

Riddle number 3. You are closed in a dark room, in the hands of boxes with one match inside. There is a kerosene lamp in the corner, a gas stove on the table, a candle in a glass. Which item should be lit first?

Answer: Match. An excellent riddle for attentiveness and the ability to find the simplest solution to a problem.

Riddle number 4. How many black peppercorns will go into one glass beaker?

Answer: None, peas do not go.

Riddle No. 5. It started to rain, I had to open my umbrella. What umbrella am I under?

Answer: Wet. Simple logic problem.

Riddle No. 6. Two men walk towards each other. They are exactly the same in age, height, etc. Which of the men will be the first to say hello?

Answer: The most polite.

Riddle number 7. Seven sisters live in the country, no one sits idle. The first girl is watching TV, the second is preparing dinner, the third is solving a crossword puzzle, the fourth is playing chess, the fifth is tending the plants, the sixth is washing clothes. What does the seventh sister do?

Answer: playing chess (this is a doubles game, so the fourth is unlikely to play alone).

Your child again forgot to write down his homework, does not remember where he left his change of shoes, cannot say what subjects are on the schedule tomorrow. And he does lessons for an infinitely long time, or rather, he does not do them for an infinitely long time, but simply sits over notebooks, thinking about something of his own. You are tired of making remarks to him and reminding him of the same thing twenty times, but you do not know how to break this circle of childish absent-mindedness and inattention. Therefore, you only sigh doomedly with the words “Who is he like?”, not suspecting that the answer to this question sometimes lies on the surface, because such a child can be in you and because of you.

Causes of children's absent-mindedness and inattention

As a rule, parents learn about a child's inability to concentrate, about his inability to concentrate, when he becomes a schoolchild. It is at this time, which requires special perseverance from the baby, that previously unfamiliar problems begin to unfold. And adults are unaware that they themselves laid the foundation for them many years ago and that the child is often not to blame for this. The most common causes of child neglect include:

  • The child suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Children with this diagnosis, in principle, are not able to focus their attention on anything for a long time, they are restless and impulsive. As a rule, this feature is revealed even in kindergarten age, but if you do not pay attention to it, then with age it will be very problematic to correct the behavior of a child with ADHD.
  • The child is in poor health. He is regularly sick, he is constantly attacked by viruses. All forces go to the fight against ailments, and there is nothing left to hold attention.
  • The peculiarities of the children's nervous system affect: the more mobile it is, the easier it is for the child to switch his attention, and vice versa - with a weak nervous system a small person is unable to quickly change the form of activity and concentrate on it.
  • There was a negative emotional atmosphere in the family. If adults constantly swear, quarrel, sort things out, then it is difficult to expect productive activities and success in the development of personal qualities from a child.
  • Parents cannot create a working environment for their child. He does not have his own desk, during classes he is constantly distracted by conversations or a working TV interferes with him. Naturally, under such conditions, the student will not take his studies seriously; accordingly, he does not need to spend his personal resources on it, to be focused and attentive.
  • Great physical and emotional stress. In the morning the child goes to school, where only positive marks are expected from him, after classes he meets with a coach in the sports section or a teacher in the art studio, then he must help his mother at home, after doing his homework, and before going to bed he is required to read several pages of a book from list of required literature. And so from day to day. Not every adult can withstand such a rhythm of life. It is not surprising that sooner or later fatigue takes its toll, children's performance approaches zero, and the child is unable to control his attention.
  • The child is not interested in any educational activities, he does not consider important anything that his parents require of him. It is boring for him to study, he does not understand why lessons are important and necessary and why waste time on them when there are many others in life for real interesting activities. That is why the child does everything that is obligatory hastily, as it will, without spending a single gram of his attention on what he considers insignificant. But after that he concentratedly and enthusiastically plays computer games demonstrating miracles of perseverance. Lack of motivation can negate all efforts to educate an independent and responsible person.

As you can see, there are no supernatural reasons among the causes of children's inattention. Work on mistakes is quite real, the main thing is that it is adequate and does not cause additional psychological and emotional trauma to the child.

Prohibited methods of dealing with child inattention

Many parents, seeing the imperfection of their own child, understand that it is possible and necessary to work on the development of his personality. But often they choose the easiest way, shifting all the responsibility to him. As a result, the whole process of the formation of perseverance and concentration of attention in a small person comes down to remarks and moralizing. Good parental intentions can result in a lecture on the topic “What is good and what is bad”, which, at best, will not lead to any result, and at worst, will aggravate the situation, forming in the child the opinion that he is hopeless, and therefore He doesn't need to try to be better.

Child psychologists identify several “not” that loving and understanding parents should be guided by when fighting childish inattention: do not scold, do not ridicule, do not punish, do not compare with other children, do not go to extremes, correcting mistakes for the child or demanding from him ten times independently remaking something without the help of adults.

Dear parents, you can not scold the child for being the way he is. It is unacceptable to ridicule his shortcomings. It is dishonest to blame him for your own failures in education. If a child is inattentive and distracted, then this is not his fault, but your common misfortune, which you can deal with together.

How to help your child become more attentive

On the way to correcting mistakes, adults need to be guided by simple rule: when raising a child, one must begin with oneself. This work will take a lot of effort and time, but the result is worth it. However, nothing special is required from parents:

  • Show the child to a psychologist and neurologist. Perhaps children's restlessness and inattention have a medical reason. The sooner you find out about this, the more effective measures will be to correct the behavior of the baby.
  • Help the child learn. Do not do the work for him, but do not leave him alone with problems. You need to be there and praise for success, even the smallest, so that the child believes in his own strength. And it is also necessary to form a habit in him to double-check what he has done. For the absence of errors due to inattention - to present a symbolic prize.
  • Ensure adequate daily routine. No matter how much you want to raise a diversified genius, the physical and emotional stress on the child's body should be reasonable. Otherwise, it will not be possible to educate even an ordinary student who does not experience problems with attention.
  • Create a working environment for classes. Every child has the right to a desk, silence in the house while doing homework and respectful attitude to their parenting activities.
  • Monitor your child's diet. Unhealthy food is tiring, a lack of vitamins relaxes, and an excess amount of food provokes laziness, apathy and absent-mindedness.
  • Work on motivation, while simultaneously teaching to separate important things from minor ones. Of course, for a child computer games more interesting than lessons, but you can explain to him that without knowledge there is a risk of being left without a computer at all, because technical progress requires smart and educated people.
  • Demand that any work begun by the child be brought to an end. The motto "And so it will do" should become a taboo in your family for both children and adults.

It is worth noting that all these efforts may be useless if you do not engage in daily mindfulness exercises with your child. They are simple and do not require much time and effort, but they will provide you good mood and enjoy spending time together.

  • Word game "Find the object" or "I see." Look at what surrounds you in a room or on the street, and name five to ten items for a particular book.
  • Letter game. Choose a long word and use the letters in it to make as many new words as possible.
  • Write a text with errors and instruct the child to find them and correct them.
  • Assemble the puzzle.
  • Describe the picture. You need to find as many objects in the picture as possible and present a list of them.
  • Learn poetry by heart.
  • Play chess or checkers.
  • Wander through the drawn mazes and eliminate unnecessary items from logical chains.

Exercises for training memory and concentration can be invented independently, the main thing is that they are not a burden to the child. It is equally important that such educational games are included in the daily routine constantly, and not from case to case. It is best to give such exercises to children from the very beginning. younger age as soon as they begin to make sense of the world around them. How earlier child will begin to develop his skills to concentrate, distinguish the particular from the general, build associative series, memorize, note the details, the easier it will be for him to master the school curriculum.