
Desperate housewives: is it worth trading house worries for work? Class hour: "My mom's profession" How good it is to be a housewife! "


If you interrogate different women that made them choose the path of a housewife and abandon their career ambitions, each of them will tell a whole story - funny or funny, chaotic or carefully thought out. But all these stories, by and large, can be subjected to a clear systematization. The reasons why a woman gives up a career and becomes a housewife can be divided into two large groups - when a woman does it of her own free will, and when she is forced by her husband or circumstances. The first group of reasons includes the following reasons:

  • The desire to spend as much time as possible with your children.
  • Striving to provide home comfort for your family.
  • A woman wants to be creative - write a book, paint ... In this case, the opportunity not to work is just a gift!
  • If a woman considers her main purpose to be the role of the mother of the family, the keeper of the hearth, the spouse, and career ambitions for her do not exist. The second group includes such reasons as:
  • A sick, weak child who needs careful care.
  • Often, a wife, not finding enough inner strength in herself to insist on her own, succumbs to the persuasion of her husband and condemns herself to hard labor at home.
  • The woman was unable to get an education - having gone to the "academic" or never entered the university.
  • The first pregnancy is immediately followed by the second.
  • The habit of putting off everything "for later" worked - when baby will go v Kindergarten, then to school. As a result, the woman remained to "work" at home.
  • If the husband's work is associated with constant moving from place to place, the wife, following him, simply does not have time to gain a foothold in the new city. But whatever the reasons forcing a woman to choose the profession of a housewife, their consequences can also be very diverse.

What are the consequences?

The degree of mental comfort of a woman housewife can be different - depending on whether she herself decided to devote herself to her husband and children, or she was forced by circumstances.

Victim of circumstance

Psychologists believe that confinement in four walls is most difficult for women who, before pregnancy, led an active lifestyle - made a career, communicated with a large number of people, and had stable incomes. These women may even need the help of a specialist in the adaptation process. The main problem of a woman who finds herself in such a situation is that she is cramped at home. And all efforts should be directed at expanding the framework of the world in which it found itself. If you find yourself in a similar situation - do not avoid communication, because the lack of communication is one of the most common reasons depression. Use every opportunity to "break free" - various courses, hobby groups ... but even going to visit your friends! Find new friends with whom you share similar interests: go up to mothers walking with strollers, talk to them, ask former colleagues give you someone's phones to call and offer to take the kids for a walk. And if you leave the baby in the care of grandmothers and break into a nightclub on the night from Friday to Saturday or from Saturday to Sunday, there is also nothing to worry about. Books, the Internet, constant contact with colleagues and friends can also help you. It might be worth paying attention to the courses. Now there are a lot of them: computer and feng shui, design and ikebana, art history and culinary. In general, computer courses will be useful to you always and everywhere - in particular, at a new job. In addition, try to find the pluses in the fact that, by the will of circumstances, you are now within four walls.

"How nice it is to be a housewife!"

How lucky the child is!

A housewife mother can breastfeed a child normally, because one of the main conditions for a successful breastfeeding- This is feeding the baby "on demand". When mom is around, the baby grows up healthier, calmer and more balanced than under the supervision of numerous nannies and grandmothers - no matter how ideal they are. No one will ever replace a baby's mother! A non-working mother can devote much more time to communicating with her baby than a working mother. In the future, when the baby grows up, the mother will be able to pay a lot of attention to his intellectual, spiritual and physical development.

How lucky my husband is!

It is very important for men to have a strong rear - the feeling that the family loves him and expects him to come from work to a warm, heated house. It is difficult for a working woman to provide her husband with such thorough care. A rare man will refuse the opportunity to eat a normal, full-fledged dinner every day - and a housekeeper who prepares dinners is not affordable for every family. In addition, for many men it is very important to know that the child is under the constant supervision of a loved one for him - this helps them to work calmly and give all their strength to their careers.

How lucky you are!

You are calm, joyful, take care of your beloved family and do not part with the little creature that is dearest to you. You are seriously engaged in raising a child - you read books to him, for a long time and thoughtfully explain why this should not be done, if he is to blame for something, you do not break into a cry from fatigue. You have a lot of time - you can cook a complete meal for all family members, walk with your baby for a long time. And also engage in self-education, visit a fitness club, meet with friends - in a word, do whatever you want within reasonable limits: after all, the only one who dictates the time frame to you is your child. You do not depend on relatives - and you do not have to beg them to sit with your child. You can forget about public transport - especially during peak hours. There are savings on transport, food in the office, various bags, folders, pens, etc., which a working woman cannot do without.

"Oh, this is not an easy job! .."

The loads on the shoulders of the housewife are heavy precisely because of their monotony. Indeed, a person working in an enterprise or office sees the fruits of his labor, can be proud of them, and tell others about them. A housewife can cook an amazingly delicious dinner, but it will disappear overnight, leaving behind only a mountain of dirty dishes, not to mention washing, ironing, cleaning, and - most importantly - caring for the baby. Monotony is the worst enemy of a housekeeping woman. It is also possible that you will often hear from family members something like this: "What do you mean, you are sitting at home!" or "And you are generally well settled!". Sometimes it is difficult to gain understanding from the people closest to you. To avoid these accusations, often involve your household in helping you with the housework: let them see that your life is also not sugar.

A little about the most important

In order to work as a housewife and experience psychological comfort at the same time, you need a little: the confidence that you have chosen the right path, and have chosen not under pressure, but yourself. In this case, the possible difficulties recede before the situation of free choice. The following can deprive you of your inner comfort:

  • Thoughts about dependence on her husband - moral and material.
  • Household dismissive attitude towards your work.
  • "Career" friends are free, independent, always well dressed, with whom you can talk about everything in the world, except what you cooked for dinner today or what mess your baby has made today.
  • If a working friend's child spoke earlier than yours, went earlier or shone with any other talents, you may start to suffer from an inferiority complex: how is it that you only work with the family and the baby, and the friend entrusted her child to the nanny, she herself works sixteen hours a day ... and here you are!

The most serious thing on this list is dependence on her husband. Indeed, life is now quite unstable, and if something happens and the husband loses his job ... Of course, anything can happen, but why think about troubles before they happen and, quite possibly, will not happen? Unfortunately, there are men who can say in plain text: "Where are you going from me? Who needs you with children?" In this case, we are actually talking about domestic psychological abuse, and only a qualified psychologist can help you. Never let your husband decide his psychological problems, humiliating and intimidating you! Girlfriends deserve a separate conversation. Unfortunately, it often happens that single business women visit a married friend to receive a permanent "vaccination against marriage." Do not let yourself assert yourself at the expense of you in this way - communicate only with those who are sincerely disposed towards you. As for children, everything happens in due time. You are not in a competition. It doesn't matter who will come first to the finish line - it is important that your baby is happy and he is doing well.

What if your husband wants you to work?

If you only dream of staying at home and raising children, try to convince your husband that this is for you and your family. the best way... Your husband can make the following arguments:

  • We don't have enough money. The only really serious argument. In this case, it is better not to insist and postpone the resolution of the issue until better times.
  • I will be bored with my housewife wife. Of course, if you watch TV shows all day, you will not only be with your husband, you will become bored with yourself! But books, good music, museums, exhibitions ... And perhaps an institute completed by an external student! In this case, the husband can be truly proud of you.
  • Sitting at home, you degrade: you will watch TV series and read some women's novels. What can I say here? If you followed your general development before, then why should you degrade right now?
  • The baby will be better looked after if he is watched by a professional nanny, and you are not a professional. No nanny can replace a baby's mother - no matter how wonderful she is! Although nothing can stop you from studying literature for parents on parenting and child care.
  • You have to live a full life, and grandmothers will take care of the baby. After all, this is YOUR child and you YOURSELF want to raise him according to YOUR ideas. And in what way can a woman most naturally and fully reveal herself if not in the role of a mother? Why, if you are happy, fiddling with this helpless lump, should you "yield" this happiness to others?

In any case, remember that the fact that you are a housewife does not mean that life is passing you by. You yourself create your life and there is nothing wrong with choosing the most beautiful profession in the world - the profession of a mother and a homemaker.

There is a fairly widespread opinion that a woman who is sitting at home and raising children remains unrealized professionally, constantly feels envy of her "career" friends and has to ask her husband for money for tights and shower gel every time. In a word, it evokes in everyone a feeling of pity and inner superiority.

If you ask different women what made them choose the path of housewife and abandon their career ambitions, each of them will tell a whole story - funny or sad, chaotic or carefully thought out. But all these stories, by and large, can be subjected to a clear systematization.

The reasons why a woman gives up a career and becomes a housewife can be divided into two large groups - when a woman does it of her own free will, and when she is forced by her husband or circumstances. The first group includes the following reasons:

  • The desire to spend as much time as possible with your children.
  • Striving to provide home comfort for your family.
  • A woman wants to be creative - write a book, paint ... In this case, the opportunity not to work is just a gift!
  • If a woman considers her main purpose to be the role of the mother of the family, the keeper of the hearth, the spouse, and career ambitions for her do not exist.

To second group include reasons such as:

  • The need for careful care of a sick, weak child.
  • Often, a wife, not finding enough inner strength in herself to insist on her own, succumbs to the persuasion of her husband and condemns herself to domestic hard labor.
  • The woman was unable to get an education - having gone to the "academic" or never entered the university.
  • The first pregnancy is immediately followed by the second.
  • The habit of putting off everything for later worked - when the child goes to kindergarten, then to school. As a result, the woman remained to "work" at home.
  • If the husband's work is associated with constant moving from place to place, the wife, following him, simply does not have time to gain a foothold in the new city.

But whatever the reasons forcing a woman to choose the profession of a housewife, their consequences can also be very diverse.

What are the consequences?

The degree of psychological comfort of a woman housewife can be different - depending on whether she herself made the decision to devote herself to her husband and children, or she was forced by circumstances.

Victim of circumstance

Psychologists believe that confinement in four walls is most difficult for women who, before pregnancy, led an active lifestyle - made a career, communicated with a large number of people, and had stable incomes. These women may even need the help of a specialist in the adaptation process.

The main problem of a woman who finds herself in such a situation is that she is cramped at home. And all efforts should be aimed at expanding the framework of the world in which it is concluded. If you find yourself in this situation, do not avoid communication, because the lack of communication is one of the most common reasons. Use any opportunity to "break free" - various courses, hobby groups ... but even going to visit your friends!

Find new friends with whom you share similar interests: go up to mothers who are walking with strollers, talk to them, ask your former colleagues to give you someone's phones to call and offer to go for a walk with the children. And if you leave the baby in the care of grandmothers on the night from Friday to Saturday or from Saturday to Sunday and break out to a nightclub, there is nothing wrong with that either.

Books, the Internet, constant contact with colleagues and friends will also help you. It might be worth paying attention to the courses. Now there are a lot of them; computer and feng shui, design and ikebana, art history and culinary. In general, computer courses will be useful to you always and everywhere - in particular, at a new job.

In addition, try to find the pluses in the fact that by the will of circumstances you are now within four walls.

"How nice it is to be a housewife!"

How lucky the child is!

A housewife mother can breastfeed her baby normally, because one of the main conditions for successful breastfeeding is on-demand feeding.

When mom is around, the baby grows up healthier, calmer and more balanced than under the supervision of numerous nannies and grandmothers - no matter how ideal they are. No one will ever replace a baby's mother!

A non-working mother can devote much more time to communicating with her baby than a working mother.

In the future, when the baby grows up, the mother will be able to pay a lot of attention to his intellectual, spiritual and physical development.

How lucky my husband is!

It is very important for men to have a strong rear - the feeling that they are waiting for him, that he will come from work to a warm, cozy home.

It is rare that a man will refuse the opportunity to eat a normal, full-fledged dinner every day - and a housekeeper who prepares dinners is not affordable for every family.

In addition, for many men it is very important to know that the child is under the constant supervision of a loved one for him - this helps them to work calmly and give all their strength to their careers.

How lucky you are!

  • You are calm, joyful, take care of your beloved family and do not part with the little creature that is dearest to you.
  • You are seriously engaged in raising a child - you read books to him, for a long time and thoughtfully explain how to behave, answer his endless "why", do not break into a cry of fatigue if he is to blame for something.
  • You have time to prepare a complete meal for all family members, to walk with your baby for a long time. And also engage in self-education, visit a fitness club, meet with friends - in a word, do whatever you want within reasonable limits: after all, the only one who dictates the time frame to you. is your child.
  • You do not depend on relatives - and you do not have to beg them to sit with your child.
  • You can forget about public transport - especially during rush hours.

"Oh, this is not an easy job! .."

The loads on the shoulders of the housewife are heavy precisely because of their monotony. Indeed, a person working in an enterprise or office sees the fruits of his labor, can be proud of them, and tell others about them. A housewife can cook an amazingly delicious dinner, but it will disappear overnight, leaving behind only a mountain of dirty dishes, not to mention washing, ironing, cleaning, and - most importantly - caring for the baby. Monotony is the worst enemy of a housekeeping woman.

It is also possible that you will often hear from family members something like this: "What do you mean, you are sitting at home!" or "And you are generally well settled!". Sometimes it is difficult to gain understanding from the people closest to you.

To avoid these accusations, more often involve your household in helping you with the housework: let them see that your life is also not sugar.

A little about the most important

In order to work as a housewife and experience psychological comfort at the same time, you need a little: the confidence that you have chosen the right path, and have chosen not under pressure, but yourself. In this case, the possible difficulties recede before the situation of free choice.

The following can deprive you of your inner comfort:

  • Thoughts about dependence on her husband - moral and material.
  • Household dismissive attitude towards your work.
  • "Career" friends are free, independent, always well dressed, with whom you can talk about everything in the world, except what you cooked for dinner today or what mess your baby has made today.
  • If a working friend's child speaks earlier than yours, went earlier or shone with any other talents, you may begin to suffer from an inferiority complex: how is it that you only work with the family and the baby, and the friend entrusted her child to the nanny, she works on sixteen hours a day ... and here you are!

The most serious thing on this list is dependence on her husband. Indeed, life is now quite unstable, and if something happens and the husband loses his job ... Of course, anything can happen, but why think about troubles before they happen and, quite possibly, will not happen?

Unfortunately, there are men who can say in plain text: "Where are you going from me? Who needs you with children?" In this case, we are actually talking about domestic psychological abuse, and only a qualified psychologist can help you. Never let your husband solve his psychological problems by humiliating and intimidating you!

Girlfriends deserve a separate conversation. Unfortunately, it often happens that single business women come to visit a married friend to get a permanent "vaccination against marriage". Do not let yourself assert yourself at your expense - communicate only with those who are sincerely disposed to you.

As for children, everything happens in due time. You are not in a competition. Does not matter. who will be the first to come to the finish line. - it is important that your baby is happy and he is doing well.

What if your husband wants you to work?

If you only dream of staying at home and raising children, try to convince your husband that this is the best option for you and your family. Your husband can make the following arguments:

  • We don't have enough money.
  • The only really serious argument. In this case, it is better not to insist to postpone the issue until better times.

  • I will be bored with my housewife wife.
  • Of course, if you watch TV shows all day, you will get bored not only with your husband, but with yourself! But books, good music, museums, exhibitions ... And perhaps an institute finished as an external student! In this case, the husband can be truly proud of you.

  • Sitting at home, you degrade: you will watch TV series and read only women's novels!
  • What can I say here? If you followed your general development before, then why should you degrade right now?

  • It will be better if a nanny looks after the baby, because she is a professional, and you are not.
  • No nanny can replace a baby's mother - no matter how wonderful she is! Although nothing can prevent us from studying literature for parents on raising and caring for a child.

  • You must live a fulfilling life; grandmothers will take care of the baby.

After all, this is your child and you yourself want to raise him according to your ideas. And in what way can a woman most naturally and fully reveal herself if not in the role of a mother? Why, if you are happy, fiddling with this helpless lump, should you "yield" this happiness to others?

In any case, remember that the fact that you are a housewife does not mean that life is passing you by. You yourself create your life and there is nothing wrong with choosing the most beautiful profession in the world - the profession of a mother and a homemaker.

“Sits within four walls, his head is not washed, in a dressing gown and slippers, has grown fat, there are only pots and pans in his head!”. Spooky description, right? And who is it? Housewife. What a housewife does, according to the general definition, is a woman who does not go to work, sits at home and does nothing. After all, other women manage to work, and lead the house, and go to classes, and visit guests. So the one who sits at home is just a lazy person. We want to prove to you that you can look at everything from the other side, and that being a housewife is not ashamed.

Myth # 1 "Housewives are sloppy"

As a rule, it is the housewife who has more time to look after herself than her working companions. Both for and for trips to the beautician and for shopping. Another thing is that we are not bourgeois in the bulk and a woman who is not working is minus the salary to the family budget, which means that she does not always have a lot of money for all these joys.

Myth number 2 "Housewives have limited horizons"

Now almost everyone has access to any information via the Internet. If earlier a woman about to give birth could only listen to her “colleagues in the shop”, now she goes to medical sites, reads literature and can even ask a question to an online specialist. By the time of childbirth, she has such complete information on the issue that she herself can give full-fledged consultations.

Myth number 3 "Housewives are made because of laziness or lack of education"

A housewife is a woman for whom her home and family come first. And for their sake, she sacrifices the opportunity to realize herself somehow in the outside world. Being a housewife is not a shame - it is a choice that is as respected as the choice of any other activity. A slacker and a gray personality, however, can equally well be both at home and sitting in an office.

Myth No. 4 "A housewife sits on her husband's neck and is dependent on him"

This is generally a strange point of view. The wife and husband are a family, a social unit. They are equally dependent on each other. In case of divorce, if a woman did not work, but ran a household, she has every right to half of the property acquired by her spouse in marriage with her. She also has the right to maintenance, alimony, which he will pay her.

It's not a shame to be a housewife - it's the same job as any other. Do not forget the Soviet slogan: "Any work is honorable!" Making an honest living is not a shame. A housewife creates comfort, conditions for her husband's quiet work, she can pay more attention to children. Husbands very rarely leave families where a woman does not work. And children in such a family, as a rule, are very developed and successfully study.

Don't you think that there is no greater praise for a woman who has decided to be a housewife than her husband's love and the success of her children?

A housewife is not a profession, it is a character warehouse.

What kind of mistress are you?

There have been fierce debates around the concept of "housewife" at all times. And indeed: how to determine who is the real housewife - the one who sits at home, or the one who has a soul for the household?

All women can be conditionally divided into housewives "by vocation" and housewives "by compulsion."

Housewife by vocation

This is a woman who enjoys household chores. Tired, exhausted after a hard day's work, she, nevertheless, will not be able to calmly watch TV, knowing that at least one unwashed plate is left in her sink, or fall asleep, seeing that some, even a very insignificant, interior detail is out of place. A housewife by vocation gets up long before leaving for work in order to put in order not only herself, but her house as well. Her strength lies in her love for work and life.

Housewife under duress?

Each of us, for sure, has friends and just acquaintances who were captured by their own illusions, and decided to sacrifice their own career for the benefit of the family for various reasons. In any case, the role of a housewife was never the height of their dreams, but became breaking themselves in the name of any goals.

Being at home "under duress", they do not find an outlet for their own energy, ways of self-realization and, as a result, begin to hate all their household duties, which, under a different set of circumstances, would have been quite calm.

Housewife Type One: Cook

They will never let you out of the house until they feed you first, second, and dessert. Even if there are no eggs in the refrigerator, and you want scrambled eggs, they will literally create it for you out of thin air. It is difficult to live with such housewives, because every half hour you will be fed "tasty", and every four - fully fed.

Housewife, type two: Mom

Remember, in the film "We'll Live Until Monday," one of the girls wrote that she wants to become a mother, that this is real happiness. Of course, all women by nature (some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent) are endowed with a maternal instinct. But only a housewife-mother, like this girl, always knew that she was born with only one mission: to give birth and raise a child.

Housewife, type three: Resting

A vacationing housewife or, in other words, a “couch housewife” has always known that any job is not for her. Throughout her adult life, she strove for one thing: to successfully get married, have a child, hire him a nanny, and her spouse - a servant, and devote all the time to her beloved. She goes to the gym, reads glossy magazines, meets with friends in cafes and talks on the phone all day long. She is a housewife only nominally, and it is this state of affairs that absolutely suits her.

Housewife Type Four: Cultivator

It happens that right after the wedding, the beloved spouse says to his wife: “Dear, the breadwinner in our family, as it should be, will be me. You will have whatever you want. I ask only one thing: do not bother yourself with work, sit at home and do what you like. "

Housewife type five: Jack of all trades

A master housewife is capable of handling any kind of homework with dignity. She knows how to hammer a nail or hang a shelf, she does not wait for her husband to come to take out the trash or take a walk with the dog, she washes, does laundry, ironing, mending, cleaning, and at the same time feels great.

This could have ended if there had not been another type, which is now very rare and is characterized as an endangered species and is listed in the Red Book. This…

Housewife, type six: HOUSEHOLDER

Of course, it is more common to see a woman doing household chores. And yet everyone knows that men cook better (especially meat). And the experience of a mustachioed nanny suggests that a more strict and impartial educator is not inferior to a woman in raising children. And some men do not take care of, patience and respect for household items. Of course, this is more likely an exception than a rule, however, we should give our beloved householders their due: they are quite capable of competing with any of the above types of housewives.

What is made up of family life? Any woman, without hesitation, but at the same time sighing heavily, will answer - from responsibilities. To list everything - not enough fingers. Apartment cleaning, cooking, washing, childcare, taking care of elderly parents. In addition to these, the main ones, there are things that are less burdensome, not everyday, but also require a lot of time and effort - monthly payment of apartment bills, gas, electricity and telephone bills, birthdays of family and relatives, family events about various calendar holidays... Among other things, from time to time, completely unforeseen plots arise:

broke down washing machine, flooded neighbors or, conversely, neighbors flooded you, the child did something at school and call the parents, etc. You can continue this list indefinitely, remembering something of your own, special. So who in the family bears all this exorbitant burden of daily affairs? Of course, a woman.

Our women have always worked. Even in Soviet times, for which many still sigh nostalgically, housewives could be counted on one hand. We have always been very proud that the Russian woman is the most emancipated - in the sense of the right to any profession and the right to work. This fact was considered one of the main achievements of our advanced society.

Only from time to time did they complain that as a result of such "freedom" the woman's load became double. After all, having given her the right to earn money, no one freed the woman from the "right" to homework... And there is no doubt that housekeeping and raising children is precisely work.

One friend of mine, a housewife, was constantly indignant that her husband did not consider her chores around the house as work. She specially obtained somewhere and gave her husband a look at the tariffs for the services of the Zarya company: how much does it cost to wash, polish the floors, cook, wash windows, babysit, etc. This did not have the desired effect on my husband, or he pretended that it did not. It can be understood. Any man from childhood is accustomed to the fact that everything appears as if by itself, without any effort on his part: comfort and coziness at home, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, a clean shirt.

He was always served by women - mother, grandmother. Why should things be different now that he has his own family? Not to mention that the existing order of things more than suits the man. He was taught from childhood that he is a breadwinner, the support of the family in terms of money, and debt is the diocese of a woman.

Our lives today have become difficult and costly, and many women are simply forced to look for opportunities to make money. There are not many families where the husband earns very well and the wife can devote herself entirely to raising children and home.

A woman, as before, must work. The most capable and motivated of them even manage to reach career and professional heights. It is far from uncommon for a wife to earn significantly more than her dearest spouse and actually support her family. In the light of all this, an unfair, at least strange, situation develops: at work a woman is an energetic leader, a generator of ideas, a creative person, a high-class professional.

She works with the full dedication of mental and physical strength, often without regular working hours, days off and bulletins in case of illness. And in the time remaining free from work, she is also a housewife, obliged to wash and iron her husband's shirts, feed him, protect his peace of mind, provide him with comfort, and take care of children. As a result, everyone is on the nerves, physical fatigue, depression, family conflicts.

Housewives are different too
Is it possible and necessary to change the "division of duties" in the family that already exists today? The question is not easy and, oddly enough, there is no single answer to it. There are families, and there are many of them, where this state of affairs suits not only the husband, but also the wife.

Yes, of course, it is hard for her, she is very tired, but at the same time she does not want to give up even a millimeter of the territory of her power at home. She was and wants to remain a sovereign mistress, albeit within the confines of her small apartment. Women of this type, moreover, are fully confident that a man is not capable of anything, at least at home. He cannot even be entrusted with taking out the garbage, and not even with cooking eggs or bathing the child before bed. As a last resort, he can change a burned-out light bulb, hang curtains or nail a shelf.

There are wives, and there are quite a few of them, who agree that such a situation when they have to do literally everything is unfair, but it's easier this way. Firstly, not every husband will agree to do something around the house - he must either be persuaded or achieved with a scandal. Secondly, even if he agrees, every time you have to come up with what you can actually entrust him, then check how he coped with it, etc. In a word - just an extra hassle.

It's worth a try!
And yet, despite the fact that the separation of responsibilities at home will require some effort on both sides at first, it is worth considering and trying. Because and positive aspects there are many. First, in families where spouses share childcare and household chores, there is a healthy feeling of "one team".

You will communicate with each other more and, perhaps, if there has been no mutual understanding between you for a long time, it will reappear. Indeed, often the constant reproaches and complaints of women that her husband does not regret her, does not participate in family affairs - this is an external manifestation of the crisis of relations. Doing everything together, you will not exist in parallel, but really as one whole. Sexologists dealing with the problems of married couples believe that equal involvement of spouses in family concerns and childcare significantly improves intimate life.

Third, a collaborative family is a good object lesson for your children. They see every day, using the example of the two closest people, that between a man and a woman there can be not only complete mutual understanding and healthy cooperation, but also mutual support, that there is no purely female or purely male work. And the last positive result of the separation of duties - there will be more free time for yourself and for your children and husband.

As you can see, there are still many advantages in such a redistribution of responsibilities in the family. Maybe you should try?

Here are some tips on how best to do this:
- Sit with your husband and jot down on a piece of paper a list of current chores around the house, for a start, you can for one day. Agree clearly on who will do what. Think about what you have to do during the month (paying bills, repairing household appliances, taking your child to school, extracurricular activities). What can you do and what is your husband.

Do not criticize your husband if, from your point of view, he did something wrong. Men often complain that their wives are almost always unhappy with the results of their housework efforts. In addition, the more you praise your husband, the more willingly he will take on something.

Connect to household chores and children. Moreover, it is not necessary that the boys just fix something, and the girls cook and wash. Let the children get used to the fact that there are no purely female or purely male responsibilities in the family. - In about a month you will be able to understand whether it is really easier for you or, on the contrary, worse than it was. In the end, it's never too late to get things back on track.