
baby shower. We make a Wish-list or how to avoid unnecessary gifts. Electronic "Wishlist": applications for creating wishlists What is the name of the list of desired gifts


If you remember, in one of the episodes of "Sex and the City" there was an episode,
when, after the wedding, the newlywed returned to the store the donated items that she did not like?

Funny)) Meanwhile, this is not such a rare situation when a person receives something as a gift,
incompatible with his tastes and habits

Why is it so?

I think, first of all, because of the lack of communication. When you see a person more or less periodically,
listen to his words, then you don’t need to guess - his desires and interests are in front of you at a glance -
it is enough not to interrupt the interlocutor and be more attentive

But what can you do, there are other circumstances: rare birthday meetings once a year,
or such a hectic life that you meet in two weeks - and the person is already carried away by something new and unusual, he has radically new interests
or it happens that in general it is known what a person needs, but what brand, color, model this thing should be is unknown

How to guess with a gift?

it is clear that you can safely give something good and cool -
there are no problems with this, and 7darov is dedicated to such ideas

But something material is usually attached to the good and cool.
And this question is usually more difficult, especially if you are counting on a significant amount.

Giving unusually cool + money gets a little boring over time (do you agree?)
and often you want to give a thing that will please its owner and find direct use in his life

And here comes to the rescue wishlist- wish list, which is a potential hero of the occasion

The first time I tried this method was in preparation for the birthday of our good friend Max

We had several ideas for a gift, but there were doubts about what is better and how relevant these ideas are at the moment.
And I suggested that Max do a little brainstorming on the topic "What I want in general and in principle",
and on ICQ write what comes to mind
The most important thing is not to save the history later and not to look into the compiled list
Leading and deviating questions were asked as the list was formed.

The result was a small document in doc format, which was carefully studied later

The best part is that since there were quite a lot of points and there were also enough questions,
the material part of the gift was a surprise! (Cheers cheers)
And what is important - we bought exactly what the birthday man wanted

In general, the ice has broken and on my birthday this year I wrote my wish-list for the first time

And I'll tell you... I liked it! And one more thing: several people have already become infected with this idea))

What did the writing of the wish-list give?

it was interesting to write and realize your desires
amazing discoveries,
for example, it turned out that some things that I want for a long time can be obtained even now
(and that's what happened)
it's fun to look at the list from the outside and learn something new about yourself
prescribing desires helps to cut off unnecessary ones, and speed up the implementation of important and necessary

And now some useful information

Compose wish list tutorials helped me Yulechki aka 1001smile , for which many thanks to her!

List of all master classes

The most useful thing about these workshops is the orderliness and examples of other people's wishlists

You read such a list and immediately interesting thoughts come to mind - try it!
Especially at the Julia very

From myself I will add that, for the sake of completeness, I would additionally walked by main areas
or the spokes of the wheel of life (remember we talked about him?)

What are these areas?

- Health- where to go, what new species sports activities try (dancing, yoga, maybe even strip plastic?), what to buy for face and body care (what products and novelties are there in this area?), what procedures to undergo (sauna, massage), what can be purchased for home health and beauty treatments? (massages, essential oils)

- Family and home - What will increase the comfort and coziness in your home? walk around the rooms, buy a couple of new magazines with new interiors, what did you like the most? What are the things and activities that bring your family together? What do you need to further warm the atmosphere in your home? What new rules, habits and rituals would you like to introduce into your family?

- People (relationships with other people)- Who do you want to talk to? how to organize it? What events would you like to visit together?

- Work- what can add comfort to your work now? are these some little things for the convenience of work or maybe a couple of days or weeks of vacation?))
for example, it turned out that buying headphones and registering for turned out to be a huge contribution to the productivity of the workflow.

Why? Because now when I get tired, I turn on relaxing music and sit like that for a little while with my eyes closed, and then slowly, calmly and slowly, I start working. Music easily switches my attention, relaxes or invigorates - in general, it helps to tune in to the right wave, you just have to select it with a couple of mouse clicks))

-Self-realization- what to read, what trainings or courses to take, what new things you can learn, what new language learn what to change in life, what new habits to acquire, which ones to get rid of, what to spend your time on, what exercises to do (I wrote about exercises, since distance exercises always give me a lot, which has a fairly large free part)

List your current projects, how many are there, what are they, do they inspire you, what do you need to implement them? Do you have big projects?

- Brightness of life- where to go, where to visit, what events to visit, who to talk to, what to try new things (skating, skydiving?), how long ago did you change your hairstyle, style?

- Hobby- what are you doing now? what you need for your hobbies, what materials, tools, and maybe something to organize your workplace (see this series of articles for inspiration)

- Leisure and holidays - do you know how to arrange a holiday for yourself? what is the "perfect day" for you? With whom and how do you like to spend time? what do you want to treat yourself to? what does the festive atmosphere consist of for you? what attributes do you need for this? new restaurant? evening with loved ones? romantic evening with candles? what kind sports events will contribute to your relaxation?

and more globally:

Happiness - what makes you feel happy? what little things make you happy? What moments are you willing to relive over and over again? By the way, it is very useful to make your personal list of reasons for happiness (we have already said)

I also liked the idea of ​​finding pictures that illustrate desires.
Visualization, as you probably know, speeds up the materialization of the desired (and just a pleasure)
For example, I really liked this wish list

especially "stroking the horse's nose with the palm of your hand" - cool wish from the section of reasons for happiness

Writing a wish list will reveal you to friends and family from a new side.

The larger the list, and the less often (before your birthday) you look into it,
the more likely a pleasant surprise))

Of course, giving always only from the wish-list is also not interesting,
but the list itself gives an idea in which direction you are thinking now, where you are moving,
and in this case, it is much easier for friends to come up with and buy the most suitable gift for you!

For dreams come true, dear friends!

Modern society can be called a consumer society. So, most people are constantly on the lookout for special things that could satisfy their needs. There is nothing wrong with this, of course. But how can you structure your desires? That's what wish lists are for.

What it is?

First, you need to understand the terminology. What is a wishlist (wishlist) and how is this concept translated correctly? The original language is English. And to understand the essence, you just need to know that from English wish is a desire, and list is a list, a list. That is, wish lists are some kind of lists of what a person wants. I would also like to separately note that today such lists are elements of youth culture. This is the "must have" that everyone should have.

Why do you need a wishlist?

I also want to tell you why you need to make such lists. There are a few simple reasons for this:

  • To structure your desires.
  • In case of need, quickly orientate with the desired.
  • So that friends and loved ones know what a person really wants.

In essence, such lists are very useful. First of all, in order to satisfy the needs of a particular person. It should be noted that in Europe and the USA, before the wedding, the newlyweds make lists of gifts (in fact, the same wish lists). There are only those things that married couple useful in life. And each guest notes in advance what exactly he will give for the wedding. In this case, everyone finds a positive. The couple gets exactly what they need in one piece. And the guests do not need to invent what to present in order to please the young. Any wishlist works on the same simple principle.

Where to create such lists?

Where can vish lists be placed? Yes, almost anywhere, as long as it is convenient. Options:

  • Initially, these were special sites where those who wished could register, create their own wish lists, make friends and view each other's lists. A huge problem was that few people knew about such sites.
  • You can create wish lists in your favorite social networks. This may be a separate list that you create yourself, or a link to a specific site where such lists are more convenient to view.
  • Wish lists can be written on ordinary leaflets, hanging them, for example, in the house. So, each family member can attach to the refrigerator a list of what they want to receive for a particular holiday. Or you can distribute such lists once a year in your company, if, of course, this is practiced.

Rules for creating lists

We figured out what a wishlist is. How to make a wish list correctly? For this, there are several simple ways. The easiest way to do this is on a specially designed site. Most often, there you can add not only a photo of the desired item or event, but even give links to a store where it can be purchased. Or, for convenience, it may indicate average price presentation to the shops of the city or country. It is much more difficult to create lists yourself. So you need to think about how to structure them correctly. The most convenient option is to create lists for specific categories. Attention: to avoid embarrassing situations, all gifts should be as specific as possible. For instance:

  1. Category "Hobby". There a person brings everything that can satisfy him in terms of hobbies. The list may include: (multi-colored or a strictly defined color), embroidery threads (for example, DMC red shades), tailor's scissors (blade length should be 25 cm), a set for (trademark "Flame"), etc.
  2. Category "Recreation". Here you can include everything that you want to buy for the holiday season. It can be big with "Flowers" pattern, straw hat with pink border, SnowMaster ski goggles, etc.
  3. Category "Books". Not only authors and titles of works are also entered here, but today the format of the release is still relevant. This may be a paper edition or a volume in electronic format (for reading with an e-book).

More about categories

I also want to tell you what categories the wish list of gifts can consist of. So, there are a huge number of them:

  • Collections.
  • Cloth.
  • Cinema.
  • Entertainment.
  • Job.
  • Gadgets and technology.
  • Sport.
  • Shameless desires.
  • Housing.
  • All for yourself.
  • Cosmetics.

It should also be noted that it is necessary to single out the category " expensive gifts". And if such presents are not affordable for friends and relatives, then maybe one day it will be possible to receive such a gift from a secret admirer or a new boyfriend.

I would also like to note that you can create a category "Desired events". It will be especially useful for reading by the second halves. So, you can describe in detail how you want to see this or that event. For example, girls can paint a picture perfect offer hands and hearts.


When creating a wish list, you can also think about the opposite. That is, about what you do not want to receive as a gift from loved ones. This is often called an anti-wishlist. This includes everything that you do not want to receive as a present. This is also very correct, because, probably, there is nothing worse than receiving something that you absolutely do not like as a gift.

Constant work on the list

And, of course, you need to remember that you need to work on the list constantly. Not only in terms of introducing more and more new elements there. It is also worth looking at what has previously been created. After all, no one will argue with the fact that desires tend to change, to transform. This is especially true for girls. So, periodically it is worth deleting what you no longer want from the list provided for consideration.

Separately, I would like to note that periodically you need to report what was donated from the list. For example, you can put the nickname of the one who presented it in front of the desired thing. Or give a link to the donor's profile.

Important nuances

At the very end, we note that you also need to create a list of important holidays, for which you want to receive gifts. Each list will be different, it will be slightly different. This includes not only dates such as New Year and birthday, but also name days, graduation, graduation from school or university, etc. So it will be easier for comrades to decide when and what to present.

wish list(wishlist) - a list of specific desires, designed as a list.

Why List

This is how, in all countries of the world, children tell the magician who comes on New Year's Eve what exactly and in what order they want to see under the tree. The miraculous materialization of children's desires, as a rule, occurs with the help of parents. But what about adults? Grown up children turn into scientists who create scientific theories about the visualization and materialization of desires. An adult approach to the children's theme has led to the appearance in our lives of such a thing as the Wish List (wishlist). Due to its practicality, making a wish list has become very popular.

How to compose

First, remember everything you would like: from a bouquet of flowers to a trip to the city of dreams. Second, make a list in order from the most desirable things to the least important. This method will help to put in order the confusion in desires, and organize the sequence of execution.

Then you (or your loved ones) will be able to determine exactly what you need, for example, when buying a gift. It’s a good idea to make such a list at the beginning of any season and you don’t have to spend energy and money feverishly remembering, for example, what kind of suntan you read about in a glossy magazine in winter.

How to issue

In this case, the scope for your imagination is unlimited:

  • on the paper;
  • on the wall in the room;
  • on a magnetic board;
  • on the desktop as wallpaper;
  • make a video cut, burn it on a USB flash drive and periodically watch it on TV.


Remember that first of all, you make a wish list for yourself. Don't forget to format it correctly. If you have too many wishes, break the list into groups:

  • image;
  • places where I want to visit;
  • books;
  • movies.

A list of actions and “checkmarks” next to the completed one will also not hurt.

Unobtrusive hints

Are you tired of "running in circles" during the same dates? How many teddy bears and bunnies are missing in your room? How many dull vases and perfumes that cause allergies have you gifted to friends? Lost count? Internet to help you! The Wish List is a real lifesaver. A wall on VKontakte and a list on Twitter, of course, are not an option. Use the Internet wisely. On the expanses of the World Wide Web, many specialized wishlist sites have formed where you can create your own page. There you can dream in full:

Create your account on the wishlist site, and you will greatly ease the "suffering-throwing" of your friends and loved ones in anticipation of important events. Wish List - an unobtrusive hint to help your loved ones fulfill your desires.

Anti-Wish List

Do you want to avoid spoiled holidays and a collection of unnecessary gifts? Make an anti-wish list! Anti-Wish List - a list of things that you do not want to see as a gift. Include in it what especially annoys you. Accurately indicate the brands, shapes, colors of what you cannot give in any case.


Feel free to describe in detail what exactly you don't like. Usually, it is forbidden to comment on the list of anti-gifts on such sites.


We are not immune from them, but we can avoid them. So, typical mistakes when making a wish list.

  • Too long list.

Do not forget that the Wish List is needed, first of all, for you. "Hint" for friends should not turn into a "drop-down" list of 100 items. At best, they will read up to the fifteenth, and they will remember even less.

Remember how in childhood you wrote to Santa Claus in detail what exactly you want to find under the New Year tree? Of course yes. But even if you have matured, you can still enjoy it by thinking about how to please yourself in main night of the year. And to make it easier for you to make a list of desired gifts, ELLE has selected several applications that will help you create a holiday wish list.



Do you want to calculate whether your budget will be enough to buy all the gifts? Dreaminizer will help with this. First you need to enter the amount you plan to spend, and then start adding objects of desire with an indication of the price. As soon as you start to go beyond the acceptable limits, the application will immediately make it clear that it's time to slow down.


For visuals, MyWishboard will be to your liking (do not confuse with the previous one: here the letter b is small in the word Wishboard). In it, you can make collages from photos of your desires, uploaded from your personal gallery, or from pictures that are already in the system. All of them are divided into 14 categories, and they illustrate rather than objects (like another eye cream), but your personal achievements. For example, if you finally want to take part in a half marathon in the new year, then upload a picture with a girl running along the beach. And if the main goal for the year of the fire monkey for you is finding simple female happiness, then welcome to the Men category, which is replete with photos of Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hardy. We all know perfectly well that the main thing is to visualize our desires.


Are you afraid to forget to congratulate one of your many friends? Then you should consider downloading the Santa's Bag app: then you will be able to download your contact list directly from your phone book or Facebook. In addition, to each of them you can add the amount you want to spend and a link to a specific gift, as well as calculate the savings.


If you can't stop shopping at all kinds of online stores, and guided by the rules of "I need" and "give me two", then check out the My Wish List app. Its main advantage is completely manual settings: you yourself create groups of your desires (for example, "cosmetics", "clothes", "shoes"), and then enter the name, description, brand, price, link to the site where this item can be buy, explain for whom. And if you're the type of person who takes special pleasure in checking off the wish list of already purchased gifts, then the "done" button will especially appeal to you.


With your loved ones, or like me, do you like unexpected surprises? Not so long ago, the Internet community became rich in "wishlists", a kind of know-how for pragmatists who always know what they want and get upset when they are given an unnecessary trinket or a mug with a stupid inscription.

I used to be sure that love for practical gifts typical only for men. But after analyzing Instagram, Facebook and many women's forums, it turned out that a huge part of the beautiful half of humanity can not stand surprises and all their manifestations. Husbands and boyfriends of such girls are incredibly lucky. Imagine, she said she wanted to, bought it and her head didn’t hurt for a month.

It is for these of us that the wishlist is a real find. What then to say about the guests invited to a wedding or anniversary? Usually the way it is. You were invited to a holiday, and instead of rejoicing with the hero of the occasion, we, with all seriousness and puffing, proceed to the quest called “What to give?”. Everyone wants to present something worthwhile, special, necessary, and at the same time invest in a specific “family” budget. And this, as we know, is not so simple. Here is the head going around.

But if the inviter offers this same wishlist to the guests, the whole process becomes much easier and more enjoyable. Let's figure it out together, what kind of magic wand is this and what is it eaten with?

What is a wishlist?

The word itself, as I think you guessed it, came to us from the West and means. In Russian culture, there is also an analogue of the American wishlist, and we called it "a letter to Santa Claus." Remember, in early childhood, every year we scribbled huge lists of what we want to get on new year holidays thereby making life easier for parents?

So is the wishlist - a list in which the person celebrating something extremely accurately and point by point writes down what he wants to receive for his birthday or wedding. Guests receive a list with an invitation to the celebration and either immediately choose what they can afford and like, or find out on the spot in the store whether the item was bought from the Ivanovs, Grays or Smiths gift list. Just remember the episode of the beloved "Sex and the City", where poor Kerry constantly bought gifts for her married friends from such a wishlist. In the US, such lists are compiled for all more or less important occasions - weddings, christenings, birthdays, baby showers (parties before the birth of a child), and so on.

How do you make a wishlist?

In order to give you exactly what you need, the wishlist must be correctly formulated. To do this, write it point by point, clearly formulate the name, brand, color, if possible, enter the price of the gift (focusing on the financial capabilities of your guests). We offer three options for creating a gift list:


Here we need a pen, a piece of paper and our imagination. You can write a wishlist by hand point by point, you can also take an already prepared form-table from the web, in which I will already have all the columns you need. Here is an example of such a table:

If you decide to draw or print it yourself, do not forget the lines for names where the givers themselves will enter them.

Online Wishlist

With the omnipotence of the internet, creating your wishlist just got a whole lot easier. There are many online services that will help you make the right list of gifts. Here are some of them:,,, Simple and convenient services will help not only to create the right wishlist, but also send mailings to your friends in mailboxes and social networks. Good, I want to tell you.


Well, the most common type of wishlist now is a list of gifts just on your page on a social network. There is of course little specification, there are no prices and instructions where to buy. But, firstly, here you can write whatever you want, and how you want. Secondly, people unknown to you can join your holiday, from whom it is even more pleasant to receive gifts. Thirdly, this is the most convenient, affordable and easy way to get what you really always wanted for a wedding or birthday, instead of soap, mugs and incomprehensible souvenirs.

The most common user desires

After going through a lot of users and social networks, we have identified the top most common wishes from the wishlists of Internet users:

1. Trip

The first point of all wishlists is travel or a trip somewhere: to the sea, to interesting places, to concerts and even to trainings. Very often we want to go where the wallet or just time does not give us. But with the universal strength and gifts of friends - dreams come true. When the ticket is in hand, are there still any obstacles?

By the way, the most desired trip of many users is a trip to Disneyland. Whatever, from small to large.

2. Help loved ones

Our world is unfair, and sometimes, without the help of friends, we cannot overcome the obstacles that life has in store for us. That is why the wishlist of many includes a request for help to relatives who cannot cope with misfortune on their own.

3. Friend

But many lack a true friend for happy life and they ask for someone who will meet them with a wet nose and a wagging tail.

4. Clothes, accessories and cosmetics

Girls in any situation remain girls. And if you decide to search #wishlist, hundreds of photos of sneakers, expensive rings, fashionable dresses and you are provided with hats.

5. Feelings

Well, in the last place of our top were intangible gifts: smiles, feelings, kindness, intimacy, joy - only a small part of what Internet users ask from those around them. After all, after all, you can buy a lot yourself, but the most precious thing in life, happiness, will be given to you only by true friends.

On what holidays to prepare a wishlist?


Like it or not, not all newlyweds want to receive as wedding gift money. This is where the wish list comes to the rescue, which excludes the repetition of gifts and blankets, coffee makers and curtains that are completely unnecessary for a young family (I personally got three identical sets of bed linen for the wedding).

Childbirth and baby shower

The most practical type of wishlist. Savings for parents and easier for guests. After all, all relatives, without exception, want to see a new family member, and everyone brings him gifts anyway. But if you let this process take its course, unnecessary nipples, diapers and extra bottles are provided to you.


Unfortunately, this way of presenting gifts in our country is not very common. But in last years this process is gaining momentum. If a birthday or anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale, then it is the “list of your desires” that will help get rid of the annoying question “What to give you?”.


Our Western friends greatly appreciate the tradition of housewarming gifts. Especially if these gifts are thought up in advance by the hosts of the holiday and are listed. Most often, Americans go to a large furniture or interior supermarket, choose the things they need for their new home, and add them to their wish list for event guests.

The most original wishes from the wishlist

And finally, we have chosen the most original, interesting and touching desires from the pages of social networks, which, perhaps, will inspire you to tell the whole Runet about your dream:

1. Visit London's Abbey Road and copy the famous Beatles album cover.

2. Pay for products to a stranger.

3. Learn to surf somewhere in