
Typical mistakes in clothes. Never dress like this! T-shirt covering shorts


Many articles have been written about how to dress and match clothes. This is certainly very important. But today I want to remind you of the mistakes that each of us runs the risk of making from time to time. Let's learn together not to violate the holistic harmony of the image and only emphasize our natural beauty with clothes.

out of place

Before you put on your outfit, make sure it matches the activity you plan to do today or the event you're going to attend. A white dress is wonderful and feminine, but not if you're invited to a wedding. A deep neckline is quite appropriate for an evening out or a celebration, but completely inappropriate at work or an interview. When traveling, shorts, tank tops and sandals are fine, but not in the office. And the length of the skirt should not distract colleagues from the current work.

Out of shape

A lot has been written and said about body types and suitable clothes for everyone. This information helps us to be in harmony with our body, emphasizing the dignity of the outfit and hiding the flaws. But often we see how women choose things that do not adorn the figure, but vice versa. The thing itself can be good, but not suitable for this particular woman due to the peculiarities of her figure. While a woman with a different type of figure, this thing would decorate.


Excess does not adorn anyone. Diversity, an abundance of jewelry, a tendency to outrageous - all this distracts attention from a person and his uniqueness and draws all attention to the outfit. Even the legendary Coco Chanel said: “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and remove one extra accessory.” If we remember the sense of proportion, we can always look harmonious.

fashion victim

Often girls and women want to use all their knowledge of trends and put on all the trendy things at once, regardless of whether they suit them or not. It looks ridiculous, especially if you want to emphasize all this magnificence with the names of famous brands, so that others can see and appreciate exactly where the outfits come from. Often this looks like overkill, especially if the outfit does not suit the girl, or if the clothes are actually fake under famous brand which is obvious to everyone.

Not by age

What looks cute if you are 10 years old looks ridiculous and often scary at another age. Sugary-candy shades of pink, an abundance of bows and ruffles, in a word, everything that can often be seen in the children's departments. Of course, at any age a woman is a woman, and I myself, to confess, have a weakness for hello kitty, but do not abuse these cute things, otherwise you may get the impression that you will not grow up in any way.


Underwear that voluntarily or involuntarily becomes “public property”, leopard “outfit”, ultramini, fishnet tights - all this looks vulgar and defiant. In my opinion, not a very wise way to get attention.

Not in size

It also happens that you really like a thing, but you don’t have the courage to admit that it is not the right size. But from the outside it is always visible, and it looks ugly. Things not in size The best way hide or, conversely, demonstrate their forms.

Bad color

And again I quote the Great Mademoiselle: best color in the whole world is the one that suits you. By choosing the right color for your outfit, you can look fresher and younger, it really is. And, on the contrary, not “their” colors can not only bring disharmony, but also add age. Pay attention to how Nicole Kidman glows in spring heavenly shades and how black color "clogs" her beauty.

Caution: pantyhose

Such a seemingly insignificant and inconspicuous item of clothing can disrupt the harmony of the image in no time. Despite the fact that creativity and experimentation are in fashion, some rules are still relevant. Do not wear black tights with light-colored shoes; it is better not to wear tights with sandals and open-toed shoes; and it is worth remembering that fishnet tights, tights with an "active" pattern, can visually fill the legs. In any case, before you go out, look at yourself from the outside, whether everything is harmonious in your image.

The discomfort

Very important rule, which we often forget about: clothes should be comfortable in every sense. This applies not only to the style, size, color, but also the style of the clothes you have chosen. The super trendy or “neighborhood” thing that you dreamed about, but, as it turned out, you feel uncomfortable in it, is not the kind of thing that will create the right image of you and in which you can feel natural. Such things, as a rule, remain unclaimed in the wardrobe, or you put them on and feel out of place.

It has long been no secret that every woman wants to look good, dress stylishly and stand out from the crowd. But, unfortunately, many make mistakes in creating their image, and these are not banal mistakes, such as oversized clothes or unkempt shoes, but stylistic inconsistencies.

Despite the fact that the most daring experiments in fashion are possible in the 21st century, there are many unshakable rules that are determined by our perception of beauty. Today we're going to look at 10 of the most common recruiting mistakes. female image.

1. Blouse with a deep neckline combined with a mini skirt.

There is nothing more vulgar than a blouse with a very revealing neckline combined with a mini skirt. This image will attract undue attention and cause a feeling of complete lack of taste. Such a set can exist in a stage image, but not as an everyday outfit.

2. Underwear for show.

American fashion critics use the expression "whale tail" ( fish tail) in relation to panties, which are much higher than the jeans themselves. A few years ago with a low waist, and many girls showed all the delights of underwear.

3. Sandals with socks or nylon tights.

Sandals were originally designed to be worn barefoot. So why not follow this simple rule? The seams of socks, even nylon ones, are very noticeable on the tips of the fingers coming out of open-toed shoes or sandals, and this does not look aesthetically pleasing.

4. Stockings.

Stockings are worn in all sorts of combinations: with dresses, skirts and shorts. Many girls like them. But do not forget about the features of the figure. Stockings look good on slender legs, while very strongly emphasize full legs, and add volume.

5. Striped print and plaid materials.

Striped or checkered materials are very stylish elements, but when worn separately. These two textures simply cannot be used at the same time. Their combination in one set can distort and deform any figure.

6. Color combination.

Another mistake in women's wardrobe- a combination of incongruous colors.

7. Long outerwear(fur coat, coat) and boots without heels.

A long, elegant fur coat attracts attention and defines a certain social status, and in this case, boots without heels spoil the whole look. Flat shoes look casual and add casualness and simplicity.

8. Sequins, sequins and rhinestones

Sequins, rhinestones and all kinds of sequins add brightness to our outfits and create a sense of celebration. But when creating a glamorous look, it's important to know when to stop. The enumeration of sparkling and shiny elements turns the girl into Christmas tree or a fairy-tale character from the carnival.

9. Slippers.

Without a doubt, a pair of flip-flops is indispensable in the summer season, especially on the beach. But you don’t need to wear them in the city just because the weather is hot. Leather sandals are in no way inferior to slippers in terms of comfort, but they are much superior in beauty.

Of course, every woman expresses her individuality in her own manner and creates her own unique image, but these simple rules will help to emphasize the dignity in the best way. We all want to live comfortably and be accepted for who we are. But the truth of life is such that in fact, we only need ourselves like that ...

Whatever we girls say, but deep down we know that we dress for the sake of men. True, we do not always do this for them and often shock with our outfits. About the form in which you do not need to appear in front of a potential boyfriend, our TOP 10 most obvious female mistakes in creating an image will tell. Made with the support of several volunteers of the strong half of humanity.

1. Terribly comfortable

Girls, in the depths of your soul, did you suspect that pants with "sunk" will not lead to anything good, except for convenience? Men do not develop mutual love with them. A strong half of humanity wants to see a girl next to them, and not a baby in diapers. Moreover, bloomers shorten the legs and make the most appetizing part of the body shapeless and not at all attractive. The only place you can go in them is nowhere. Even at home, you need to look your best. This, ladies, is not an easy task.

2. Gulchatay, open your face

V Lately Have you noticed that the representatives of the stronger sex do not pay attention to you? And just recently you got yourself big sunglasses? Believe me, these events are connected. Perhaps your new accessory is so huge that you simply cannot see behind it. Or it seems to men that you are trying to hide yesterday's party at the club or your advanced age. Points of impressive size do not make the image stylish, mysterious and fashionable. They credit you with a wild weekend and an extra 10 years. Therefore, if you have nothing to hide, take off your "veil" as soon as possible. Moreover, in this form, according to men, almost any girl looks like a fly. That's not the most pleasant comparison, is it?

3. Don't come close - it will kill you!

Some ladies have long ceased to be ladies. They are more like conquerors of all subjects men's wardrobe. Initially, they were satisfied with shirts and boyfriend jeans, but now their addictions have changed a bit. And now the shoes are replaced by rough big boots, in which the girls are very reminiscent of builders. And if you are planning a walk with a young man, please change your shoes. Or do you want to leave him without his toes if you accidentally step on them? Return such shoes to their true owners - men. A miniature leg should not become a weapon of mass destruction.

4. Both in winter and summer

What to do when it's +30 outside, and the sun beckons you to sunbathe on the beach? That's right, put on summer boots and arrange bath procedures for the legs. Not only are such shoes unhygienic and look strange, but men also express their obvious dissatisfaction with them. And the girls still continue to buy this “beauty” for several seasons in a row, increasing the level of sales of Chinese products. Ladies, there are so many shoes in the store that can kill the male population on the spot, stop giving them a heart attack with your summer boots.

5. Hairy Stories

You just did not have time to do hair removal and resorted to the services of your savior - long skirt? And the male fantasy at the sight of you has already played out in earnest. And now in front of them they represent hairy uneven legs, and even different lengths. Now try to convince them of this. To begin with, you should take off this huge piece of fabric and put on something more tight and emphasizing your figure. That's better.

6. Show everything that is hidden

Moose love has long enslaved most of the female population, regardless of figure, height and number on the scales. Leggings can be put on a girl of any build, which scares men. Not everyone is in friendly relations with the gym and your body, so you should not expose the shortcomings to the public. But beauties with an impeccable figure should also get rid of this little thing, because the guys do not want to see a seductress of other males next to them. Let us add modesty and mystery to ourselves by removing them from ourselves. The main thing is not to forget to wear something else.

7. Debauchery suits you

If today you have a date, and you have been trying for the second hour to make a perfect bun or ponytail on your head, then quit this idea and leave your hair alone. A man will still not appreciate your efforts, and you, in turn, will get rid of a nervous breakdown. Flowing curls are a great option for almost any event. And if you want to touch your hair, your gentleman will definitely be delighted with the absence of a million invisible hair clips, bandages, elastic bands and other unnecessary attributes. And try not to resort to using varnish. It was not enough for your chosen one to get tangled in a shock of hair, and you were left without them.

8. Hunting or a date?

To impress a guy and not immediately scare him away, hang this hanger with a leopard print outfit back. The first thing that can come to a man's head is your predatory inclinations. The guy will think that he is dealing with a predator who is going to enslave him, and therefore will run away from you at any good opportunity. And the second is paid "services". If you do not want to hear the phrase "maybe to me?" or even better “what time is it?”, then you should definitely think about changing your outfit.

9. Marsupial giant

You were going to visit a friend, and your boyfriend thought that you were moving away from him forever? And it's all about your giant (you can't call it anything else) bag. It seems to men that this all-consuming abyss is just waiting for some object to be put into it, and it disappeared there without a trace. But the girls understand that if you suddenly find yourself in a foreign country with such a bag, then there is nothing to worry about. There will always be a second pair of shoes and a hair straightener and other “vital” things with you. As they say, "I carry everything with me." But for meetings with your loved one, it is better to take a smaller “bag”.

10. Settle down

For the past few years, uggs have taken over the shoe market in winter. And what turns into a warm refuge for women's legs, for men's eyes it becomes a real nightmare. And wherever you go, the owners of flat and shapeless legs surround you everywhere. It's like the girls don't care at all that elegance is lost somewhere far away in sheep wool. In such shoes, all the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity want to be sent to their grandmother in the village. It's time to stop arousing such desires and finally buy beautiful feminine boots.

Diana Rudenko for Women's magazine"Charm"

Every woman, no matter what age she is, despite her physique, tries to look attractive, well-groomed and a little mysterious. Of course, it is much easier for thin women to buy clothes for themselves than for full ladies. In order to look beautiful, sexy and with a twist, fat girls you need to try very hard when choosing a wardrobe not to make mistakes that may not be perfect figure make it even more unattractive.

There are nine unspoken rules that overweight women should know when choosing clothes for themselves.



The little black dress is, of course, a classic. But for full ladies there are some nuances when buying it. Too fitted and short models do not suit them. In this choice, it is important to build on the features of your figure. Such a dress should be tailored to the figure, with slightly open shoulders and just a little bit above or below the knees. Any material is suitable for it, but it is better if the frame is made of a dense and opaque material. Sleeves are desirable in three quarters, it is better to make them in the form of small wings. Typically, such ladies have broad shoulders and a large bust, so it is preferable for them that such a dress has a fitted bodice, a slightly flared skirt and a high waist.


The big mistake of fat ladies is wide canopies, huge capes, voluminous sweaters, various ponchos. However, such clothes will never give miniaturization, but, on the contrary, will make the figure more shapeless and vague. In addition, a woman relaxes under such clothes, that is, her shoulders drop, and her chest is lost in numerous folds, and this does not add charm in any way.



Even more unattractiveness will get a full figure in clothes one size smaller. All your flaws will simply stick out and can do a disservice, giving the image an underlined vulgarity.



A caricature image can be obtained by a lady with magnificent forms who chose the wrong shoes for themselves. Agree, the image of a full overweight woman in high thin heels will not look very beautiful. But at the same time, it is contraindicated for them to wear shoes without them at all. fat women it is preferable to wear high, but not thin heels or platform shoes. Also, do not wear too closed shoes, this will make your legs more shapeless.


Those plump women who choose models with padded shoulders make a mistake. Such clothes make the shoulders even wider, diverting the eyes from the wonderful bust.



Do not get carried away with models with large and voluminous patterns. For all their beauty, they are able to add a couple of extra pounds to a large figure.



Knitwear is beautiful, comfortable and warm. But remember that if you choose its size incorrectly, then it will show everything, even the smallest flaws in your figure. The effect will be about the same as when choosing clothes that are too tight.



Young girls always try to look hyper sexy by wearing miniskirts. But sadly for plump figures - this is unacceptable clothing. She will shorten the figure even more, making it a “kolobok”. The best option for such girls would be a classic English skirt length - to the middle of the knees.



And, of course, jeans. Modern women can't do without them. Shapeless, from the hip or flared models of such pants, and even with large pockets or embroideries, will look ugly on a full figure. It is better to abandon this forever. The best option such trousers are a classic straight form or slightly from the hip, high or medium fit. Jeans should be made of soft stretch and without any rhinestones, large pockets and other spectacular accents.

Do not complain about fullness, because it can be charming and appetizing. Love your figure, and over time you will learn to determine at a glance at a thing whether it is yours or not. And this can significantly reduce the time for shopping and create good mood from a pleasant purchase.

What do you think about this?We look forward to your comments!

The designer of the fashionable Russian brand VIKTORIA IRBAIEVA told us about the main fashion mistakes of Russian women - do not repeat them!

designer and founder of fashion brand VIKTORIA IRBAIEVA

Of course, these mistakes are individually characteristic not only of our compatriots, but also of fashionistas from other countries. However, most often and "wholesale" they are made by Russian women.

Mistake 1. Not interested in fashion at all


To take fashion seriously is considered by some to be stupid and ridiculous: “do not drink water from your face” and “meet by clothes, see off by mind,” they say. And fashion, pffff, is vanity, marketing, and in general “only for the thin and tall”!

But have you tried to ask yourself why designers show such collections in the new season? Why do colors and silhouettes change in this way from season to season? This can be an interesting excursion into history, geography, art and politics with the economy! Also, fashion is, in my opinion, the most interesting way to present yourself to the world.

Mistake 2. Not being interested in yourself, being interested in fashion

Even more pernicious, in my opinion, is the ability of some women to pay a lot of attention to fashion, clothes, novelties, but at the same time not to have their own style. This is not only about what makes you beautiful, but also about what kind of character you have. Dressing in all the novelties of the season at once, such women change 100%, but only externally.

Having met such a friend in a year, you may not recognize her - who knows which of the trends she will choose in the new season and what she will wear, how her hair will be, and what eyebrows she will have?

Mistake 3. Dressing to hide flaws rather than emphasizing dignity

From childhood, everyone often and regularly tells us what is wrong with us: you speak too softly, you comb your hair for too long, your neck is too long, your legs are not long enough ... And how rarely someone tells us about such an elegant posture, beautiful collarbones and a chic waist ! It's like in education - you can spend years studying English, not having a penchant for languages, and achieve only that you can fill out a questionnaire at passport control on your own, or you can effortlessly achieve champion heights in what you really have a natural talent for or even inclination and interest.

Legs that are not too long are unlikely to suddenly grow, but spinal problems due to the constant wearing of breathtaking heels are very easy to earn. But by emphasizing a thin waist, you will achieve a better visual effect without physical sacrifice and an inferiority complex.

Mistake 4. Be able to set goals in work affairs and not set goals when shaping your wardrobe

Shopping trips after every paycheck and a stocked closet are rarely guarantees that we are satisfied with our wardrobe. Why? Because every time you go to the store to embody new idea: buy a dress like the heroine of your favorite TV series and become a “stylish bitch”, replace your favorite old jeans and at the same time manage to find exactly the same already outdated model that will not be combined with more fashionable things, find at least something relevant in the new season of yellow colors, not taking into account your color type and the colors available in the closet, and so on ad infinitum ...

In fact, all you need is to set a goal when shaping your wardrobe. For example, to look elegant and modern in any situation, which will automatically exclude tight and too open. Or wear only what makes me beautiful - colors and silhouettes. And then suddenly it becomes very easy to combine everything with each other and always feel confident. Or dress only in black in the style of your favorite rock band :)

Mistake 5. Taking as an axiom someone's statements about clothes

I am always "pleased" with statements like "And never wear ... (insert optional - shorts, black, shiny, hat).". Or about the fact that "every woman's wardrobe should have ... (also optional)". Why does someone who doesn't know me know what to wear or not to wear?

No, there are no universal solutions! Of all these statements, I really liked only one, from Paco Raban - "The color of your white shirt should not be whiter than your teeth."

Mistake 6. Save on accessories

I regularly meet women on the streets in mink coats with terrible bags and trampled boots, or, in the theater, ladies in elegant and obviously expensive dresses, but with an untidy head and without a matching bag, but with an ordinary "work" bag. The argument about “a fur coat is for warmth, not for beauty” or “what does a bag have to do with it, they don’t go to the theater for this” seem dishonest to me. For warmth, you can buy a practical sheepskin coat 3-5 times cheaper than a fur coat and more durable to wear, and then you can not wear an elegant dress to the theater, but go straight in a bathrobe and slippers - you’re not going to show yourself.

Fashion is not the whims of seasonal collections, fashion is about the integrity of the image that conveys a certain idea. So it is with accessories: they complete your look and say more about you than a fur coat. I do not urge you to spend a fortune on bags, I urge you to take care of yourself in detail. If you're putting in the effort to dress up or layer up in chic fur, add a couple of finishing touches and glossy details: a bag, jewelry, nice shoes.

Mistake 7. Choose a practical color

I noticed that most people wear black coats, gray suits and black shoes? As if this is a condition for survival? Or is there nothing else to buy? Or do all other colors discredit you in the eyes of friends and colleagues? I went all winter in a bright pink coat with lurex. And I never saw condemnation in the eyes of others, but, on the contrary, received an infinite number of compliments even from ordinary people on the street (including the editor-in-chief of a glossy magazine! :).

At the same time, this pink coat goes wonderfully with blue jeans and boots, and with black sneakers and leggings, and with boots of the color egg yolk paired with purple tights ... It also accompanied me to a business meeting at the bank (the result is positive), and parent-teacher meeting to school. We do not live in the most colorful natural region. Allow yourself a little color that gives pleasure and does not interfere with practicality!

Mistake 8. Do not take into account clothes for the house

How do you choose clothes for the house? Most prefer leggings and T-shirts that have completely lost their decent look. Some are old jeans and, again, old T-shirts. Quite a disaster - a bathrobe with which you have celebrated more than one anniversary of your life together.

The question is not even that your family is not to blame for anything and did not deserve the daily contemplation of a dubious home wardrobe (this applies even to the situation when you live alone or with a cat).

When you start the morning by putting on a flowing negligee and silk slippers to wash your face and drink your morning coffee, the likelihood that the day will turn out well increases dramatically. As well as the opportunity to have a good rest after work, it directly depends on what you choose for the evening at home - a long dress made of cool viscose gives a feeling of lightness and bliss, unlike pajamas at 7 pm, which by the time you go to bed will already be smeared with pieces of dinner and full of aromas of fried potatoes and fluff from a shedding cat.

Mistake 9. Believing in the existence of a Universal Basic Wardrobe

This is the most common, in my opinion, myth about clothing. At some point, I even went to a lecture by Evelina Khromchenko on this topic. Did not help. I don’t understand why I have to look until I’m blue in the face for a classic camel robe coat, if neither the color nor the style suits me by definition? The same goes for a black dress and a white shirt with a neutral turtleneck... And the thing is that the Universal Basic wardrobe can only exist with Universal Soldiers.

We are all too different to feel equally comfortable and confident in the same type of things. And the purpose of the existence of such a wardrobe is precisely to allow us to look appropriate and feel comfortable in any situation. Form your own basic wardrobe - a few things that will help you out in most typical situations in life.

Mistake 10. Not trusting stylists

There are two variants of this problem: “I can’t choose clothes myself, but I don’t trust a stranger either” and “Spend time and money on a stylist, but dress the same.” We understand that it’s better not to cut your own hair at the mirror - it’s better to go to the salon to the master, the same applies to all other areas of life. You can cook dinner at home heartily and tasty, or you can try the same thing in a restaurant. So why would a professional stylist do worse work on your style and wardrobe?


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