
What day should you put the tree. When to put the tree? Interesting facts about the Christmas tree


The next New Year is approaching, a few hours separate us from this bright holiday. It's time to prepare a gala dinner and decorate your home! But why do they decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, what is this tradition connected with?

... Imagine that you are in Bethlehem, about 2,000 years ago. The darkness of the night is scattered by the light of a bright star that suddenly lights up in the sky. Wonderful, angelic voices are heard above the ground. In the distance, three stately wise men appeared, who are in a hurry to bring their gifts to a certain Infant ...

Even the trees will bow to him

Why do they decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year - this question is often asked not only by children, but also by adults. Not everyone knows that the tradition of decorating this tree is closely related to the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas tree is the main attribute of the New Year's holiday

According to one ancient legend, not only people and animals who were nearby, but even trees and other plants, hastened to greet the born Savior. They all wished to bring the Infant as a gift their fruits, flowers and the finest aromas. Spruce arrived from the cold north, but she modestly remained on the sidelines, not wanting to enter the cave.

All those present wondered why Yel did not want to approach the newborn Jesus. The Christmas tree replied that she had nothing to give the baby as a gift, and that she was afraid to scare him or injure him with a sharp needle. Then each of the plants gave ate part of their fruits, bright colors and nuts. Seeing a kind, elegant Spruce, the baby smiled. At that very moment, the star of Bethlehem shone even brighter over the top of the tree.

There is another version of this tale. In accordance with her, the arrogant Palm and Olive did not let the Christmas tree go to the Baby, laughing at its unprepossessing appearance, sticky resin and sharp needles. The modest Spruce did not object, she was saddened, but remained at the entrance to the cave. Then the angels took pity on the Christmas tree and decorated its branches with heavenly stars. In such an outfit, the tree was not ashamed to appear to the Savior!

Faith in the spirits of the forest

Our ancestors deified nature, they endowed plants with intelligence and supernatural strength. It was believed that the spirits of the forest are capable of destroying a person who does not like them. And, on the contrary, they awarded some people with treasures for certain merits.

To appease the forest spirits, it was supposed to make and decorate with all kinds of fruits and treats a spruce, which has long been a symbol of life.

New Year tree in Russia

The custom of installing a decorated Christmas tree in the house comes from southern Germany. In Russia, the very first Christmas tree was dressed up and installed for the New Year by order of Peter I (this happened on January 1, 1700). The tsar commanded "to light fires, launch rockets and decorate the capital with coniferous branches - spruce, pine and juniper."

The Bolsheviks, who came to power after the 1917 revolution, considered the New Year "a relic of the bourgeois past" and even tried to ban the holiday. However, the celebration fell in love with the people, so in 1935 the holiday was returned. It is believed that the rehabilitation of the holiday and its attributes (Christmas tree) began with a small note in the newspaper Pravda, published on December 28, 1935.

It's also a talisman!

It is believed that on New Year's Eve, the most intimate dreams and desires come true. However, New Year's Eve is favorable not only for people.

After midnight, evil spirits appear on earth to make fun of people and mend them all sorts of small dirty tricks. Uncleanness can spoil the hostess cooking, steal something not particularly valuable, but useful.

To ward off such unwanted "guests" from their home, it was necessary to decorate the home with bright shiny objects capable of. Sequins, tinsel and, of course, an elegant Christmas tree were supposed to keep evil spirits at a respectful distance from the house.

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Why is it customary to decorate the Christmas tree on New Year? Where was this tree first installed and why should there be a star at the top? Where was the tallest New Year tree placed? You will learn about all this in this article.

Earlier, back in ancient times, it was believed that trees are alive. People thought that the souls of the departed settled in the branches of trees. Therefore, they tried to appease and decorate them. A special attitude was towards evergreen trees, because it was believed that the sun loved them - the main god among the pagans. These traditions were supported by different nationalities: in Western Europe - Germans, in Eastern - Udmurts and Khanty.

Playing, dancing and singing with the evergreen beauty was customary according to Slavic mythology. So the Slavs awakened the spring goddess, who sent her son - Light to the people. He also awakened the earth from the icy shackles.

The tree became a symbol of Christmas in the 16th century. At first, apples and pears, as well as nuts, were hung on it: due to the fact that it was believed that on Christmas Day fruits appeared on all trees. Let me remind you that according to ancient legend, that night all the green brothers went to greet the newborn. Among them were beeches, willows, poplars, even cypresses. At the very end of the line was a small Christmas tree. And it was on her that the snow fell, from which she became shiny and sparkling.

With the development of society and technology, decorations have changed: a paper or straw sun was installed on top of the Christmas tree, artisans invented glass decorations.

Historians still do not know exactly when exactly the tree became a New Year's and Christmas symbols. Some speculate that this happened in Germany. As German historians write in their writings, the first Christmas tree was erected in 1539 in the Strasbourg Cathedral in Germany.

In general, the first to dress up the Christmas tree was the famous reformer Martin Luther. It was he who decided to decorate it with candles and a star. His brothers began to decorate the tree with apples, and when the harvest of these fruits happened, they were replaced with round glass toys.

It should be noted that the first decorated city ​​tree appeared in the 17th century in Saxony. And she was not alone: ​​they put several small Christmas trees there and put candles on them.

Then - in the 19th century - this tradition spread to all of Europe: first to Hungary, then to Poland and Scandinavia. At the same time, the tradition appeared in the UK and the USA. Moreover, the Germans brought the custom of decorating a Christmas tree to both countries.

In our country, the first "common" Christmas tree was installed in one of the stations in St. Petersburg. This was in 1852. No historian knows its height. It remains only recorded that the prickly beauty was decorated with multi-colored paper and fruits. And even then there was a star at the top of the spruce.

Now in Russia, most families decorate an artificial one instead of a live tree. But this tradition also originated from Germany. They invented artificial Christmas trees (made of dyed goose feathers) to preserve the forests. After all, every year before Christmas hundreds of residents cut down trees. In Russia, of course, there are more forests, but, nevertheless, our fellow citizens have found many advantages in artificial trees.

It remains to add that the place for the Christmas tree in the house must be chosen wisely. As bioenergy specialists say, if you want to find new friends and find the necessary connections, you need to put the Christmas tree in the near left corner of the room. If career growth is important to you - green beauty you need to put in front of the entrance to the house. For improvement family relations the tree must be installed on the left when entering the room. If you put a tree in the far right corner, it will give a boost to your intimate life. Trying for the joy of children? Place the thorn on the right. If the owners want to get rich, you need to put the Christmas tree in the far left corner, and use coins in foil as decorations.

Interesting Facts about the new year tree

  1. It is said that Martin Luther hung the tree upside down from the ceiling.
  2. Prior to the tradition introduced by Luther, the inhabitants of Germany stood or a Christmas tree on the street, near the house, so that it scared away demons.
  3. First glass christmas ball appeared in the 16th century in Saxony.
  4. The first electric garland appeared in the late 19th century in the United States. She was decorated with a Christmas tree in front of the White House.
  5. Christmas trees were banned in Russia in 1916 because the authorities saw them as enemy German influence.
  6. Norway every year makes a present to the capital of Great Britain - a tall live spruce. Such gratitude comes to London since 1946 for the liberation of the country from the German occupation.
  7. The age of the spruce that you buy for the holiday is approximately 7-10 years.
  8. Faux Christmas tree will serve you for about half a decade. But at the same time, it will decompose in the soil for centuries.

The most unusual Christmas trees

There are trees that have entered the Guinness Book of Records. This was achieved by the inhabitants of the capital of Mexico 5 years ago. The height of the prickly beauty was just over a hundred meters, which is equal to a 40-storey building.

In Rio de Janeiro, they also tried and broke their record: they installed a floating Christmas tree on one of the lakes weighing more than 500 tons.

The sheikhs of the United Arab Emirates, as usual, boasted of their wealth and decorated their tree with balls of gold and silver. That was 5 years ago, and so far no one has put the tree more expensive than this one.

Few can imagine a New Year's holiday without a tree, but the tradition of decorating it appeared relatively recently. Not everyone knows in what ways this custom came to us, and when exactly it is necessary to put up a New Year tree.

The origins and features of the holiday

New Year's Eve and Christmas time are the darkest and most mystical times. According to the beliefs of the ancient peoples who inhabited Europe, it is at the end of the year that nature dies to be reborn again, and the old calendar is replaced by the report of new days. It was believed that evergreens have a special vitality during this period. To get a piece of it, all family members touched the tree brought into the house, and it was customary to touch pets with its branches.

The earliest information about New Year's holidays dates back to the 16th century. It was then that guilds and guilds from the Alemannic region of Alsace began to organize Christmas celebrations for their children. Then a small fluffy Christmas tree or pine tree was hung from the ceiling and its branches were decorated with sweets and toys. At the end of the holiday, children were allowed to shake gifts from the branches.

By the middle of the 17th century, the beautiful tradition of decorating a Christmas tree on the eve was fully formed, and New Year's trees, standing on the floor and decorated with all kinds of toys, appeared in all wealthy houses in Germany and Austria. We set up the tree 1-2 days before Christmas to please the children and bring the atmosphere of a fun holiday into the house.

In the 1840s, the custom of placing a festively decorated tree appeared in Russia as well. At first, he did not have much success, but, over time, Christmas trees appeared at Christmas markets, and in the homes of the nobility, and in rural clubs.

When to decorate the tree

Today preparing for Christmas and new year holidays many start in early December. For a month, gifts are bought, new year events with colleagues, a menu of a festive feast is being thought over. To create in advance for yourself great mood, some people already in the beginning of December decorate the New Year tree.

Most of our fellow citizens are trying to time the appearance of a fluffy beauty in the house by the end of December, therefore, on the 24-25th, there is a Christmas tree in almost every home. Some believe that it is best to decorate the tree on New Year's Eve. Then they put it and dress it up on December 31, just before sitting down at the festive table.

When exactly to decorate your home with a New Year tree, everyone decides for themselves. The main thing is that she bring with her good mood and the confidence that the new year will be more successful and richer than the outgoing one. By the way, don't forget to remove the tree after the holidays. This can be done either after Christmas on - January 8-9, or after the New Year celebrations according to the old style - January 14-15.

The main symbol of the New Year is a beautiful fluffy tree. Signs and beliefs collected over the years will help you attract happiness, love and wealth into your life with the help of the New Year tree.

Spruce has been creating an unforgettable holiday atmosphere on New Year's Eve for many years. Finding gifts under a decorated Christmas tree is mysterious and pleasant. The advice of the famous astrologer and master in the feng shui tradition Vasilisa Volodina will help you to understand what gifts to choose for 2017 of the Rooster.

Signs about the Christmas tree

Spruce is considered a powerful talisman against evil people. When dressing up a Christmas tree, you can mentally ask her to show you your secret enemies. It is believed that a person who wishes you harm will certainly break one of the toys when he comes to visit you.

The star on the top of the tree should be put on first, and removed last. This is due to the fact that it is the star decoration that illuminates the path to your home for luck and happiness.

The last removed Christmas ball must be hung over the front door. It will become your protection from evil forces until the next New Year.

Each Christmas tree decoration makes sense. According to custom, the shape of toys prevails on the tree, symbolizing what the owners of the house are most lacking: balls represent protection and wealth, icicles - health, and twisted spirals - success in work.

The tree is also decorated with sweets, gingerbread and nuts, which also symbolizes family wealth.

Throwing out the tree should not be earlier than the Old New Year., otherwise you can throw away your happiness. This sign does not apply to artificial Christmas trees: on the contrary, the annual joint decoration of a fluffy beauty gradually enhances her energy and makes the spruce a powerful family amulet.

To break a toy is to save yourself from trouble. It is believed that the accidentally broken toy "took upon itself" the big trouble awaiting this person.

The hostess's outfit should match the color of most toys. The color carries a strong energy. Both the dress of the hostess of the house and the beautiful Christmas tree attract attention. If the color holiday dress and most Christmas tree decorations will coincide, then the energy of the house and the energy of a person will unite, and luck and unexpected joy await the hostess.

Astrologer Natalya Pravdina's advice on what to wear for 2017 will help you choose a festive outfit.

How more gifts will be under the tree, the richer the next year will be. Wrap gifts for your family and close friends beautifully, provide notes with names and holiday wishes, and fold them under Christmas tree: the energy of joy emanating from gifts will attract material well-being to your home.

Financial success, wealth, and prosperity can be brought into your life through the Christmas Tree meditation. We wish you a Happy New Year and all your wishes come true. Be happy and remember to press the buttons and

29.11.2016 01:30

You don't have to go shopping for toys to decorate your home and Christmas tree. Bright and ...

At the turn of the old and new years, miracles constantly occur, and this is where the wonderful ...

Today it is already difficult to imagine New Year's holidays without a fluffy forest beauty and magic lights. Indeed, as soon as a Christmas tree appears in the house, the atmosphere immediately becomes fabulous. The mood rises, there is an anticipation of something unusual. But once our ancestors did without all this. Where did this tradition come from and when is it necessary to put the tree so that on the eve of the new year it will already bring joy to both children and their parents? Let's figure it out.

An integral attribute of Christmas and New Year is a green spruce. Usually, Christmas (or New Year's) spruce meant not only ordinary spruce, but also fir or pine. In addition, in recent decades, artificial imitations of forest trees have also been actively used. Today there are Christmas trees in everyone with home garlands, balls, sweets, lights. But where did the knowledge of why, how and when to put the tree came from?

Several centuries ago, after the consolidation of Christianity in Europe, people on New Year's Eve continued to go into the forest, where they decorated the trees with goodies. But this was more suited to a pagan society. Priest Martin Luther thought a lot about this. Once, walking through the forest, he saw a beautiful spruce sprinkled with snow, which sparkled in the moonlight. It reminded him of the Star of Bethlehem. And Martin came up with the following: he brought home a fir tree and decorated it with lights that resembled stars shining in the night sky. This legend explains where the tradition of putting Christmas trees and pines at home originated, and later many people put Christmas trees in their homes.

It cannot be said with certainty that this is one hundred percent true. But such beautiful legends have a right to exist.

There are also written documents mentioning such firs. These manuscripts are dated to the beginning of the eighteenth century. In those days, trees were decorated with nuts, apples and colored paper... All the rest, familiar to us toys and tinsel, appeared much later. And only at the beginning of the nineteenth century, spruce became popular in other European countries.

When is a Christmas tree set up in Russia?

Probably everyone remembers that nobody other than Peter I moved the New Year from September to January 1. It was thanks to his tsarist decree that from 1700 not only the celebration began, but also the decoration of houses with sprigs of coniferous trees.

But the infinitely popular tradition of decorating New Year trees in Russia became only in the thirties of the nineteenth century. And all this thanks to Nicholas I. It was he who once ordered to decorate New Year's trees for this magical holiday. And so it has become a tradition since then: for all New Year's holidays, they put green fluffy beauties in Russia.

Much later new year tree had to go through hard times when they fought against opium for the people. After the October Revolution, a strict ban was introduced on everything related to the Christmas holidays. But already in 1936, a fluffy Christmas tree was the main attribute of a merry winter holiday. True, not Christmas, as before, but New Year. The ideologues of that time uprooted all the religious implications of this have a nice holiday... At the top of the trees there was already an ordinary red five-pointed star instead of the one of Bethlehem.

So it became in a new way. On New Year's Eve, everything was almost the same as before, but with a socialist mood.

When to put the tree at home?

Of course, each family decides for themselves when to put the tree at home. And all because I want to bring all family members together to decorate the Christmas tree and decorate the apartment all together, in a friendly and fun way.

Homemade decor elements bring a special atmosphere of coziness. We have prepared for you an interesting article about om, in which it is very cool to hide various goodies.

You can put a Christmas tree at home on any convenient day. Every year, and this - 2019th, and the upcoming, 2020th will not be an exception - after the twentieth of the last month of the year, in hundreds of thousands of windows, you can see bright lights of garlands, which decorate not only Christmas trees, but also apartments.

So when should you put the tree? Before the twentieth of December, the Christmas tree is definitely not worth it. And the reasons are very simple, if not banal. Firstly, a living tree deteriorates quickly enough (it was not cut down yesterday), and it can get bored. By the way, you need to install a more stable tree, especially for those families in which there are small children and pets.

Those who, for some reason, did not manage to decorate the Christmas tree before December 24, should try to install it at least on this day, the 24th. We must not forget that Russia is a multinational country, there are many people living in it, whose religion is different. In the circle of friends of almost everyone, there can be at least one Catholic who will be pleased with such attention.

When to put the tree for the new year? Ordinary Orthodox Christians, who are in no hurry to install Christmas trees at this date, can do this starting from December 27. This year this date falls on Friday, the end of the working week. Of course, adults will get tired after work. But for the sake of your children, everyone together, including grandparents, can begin to decorate their home, which, as you know, should be a fortress, moreover, beautiful and comfortable. In addition, if you decorate the Christmas tree a few days before the start of the holidays, you can get used to this beauty, as experts advise.

There is no specific day when the tree should be set up. The main thing is that all this should be a joy to all family members.

Until what date should the tree stand

In fact, there are no rules to this. Someone removes the tree without waiting for Christmas. Someone celebrates Epiphany with him. And someone, probably too welcoming to tradition, admires the New Year's beauty until spring.

And really no strict rules into account - when you can put the tree and when you can remove it. Many Russians do not harvest artificial spruce until the end of January. It's a little more difficult with live ones: they are taken out after they begin to crumble. Usually in Russia, decorations are removed from Christmas trees after the Old New Year - January 14.

And yet, in reality, everything is completely different. It is already January 16, the twentieth, thirtieth in the yard, and in many apartments the garlands on the Christmas trees sparkle. And this is not strange, because even adults want to extend the most wonderful and magical holiday of the year.

We figured out when to put up the 2020 Christmas tree, where this tradition came from and when it needs to be removed. And yet, this is not the main point. Most importantly, thanks to the New Year holidays, relatives can once again gather together at a large table. And this is very important!