
Facts about mothers. All about moms - The most interesting facts. She may have helped in your love life

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Good day to all! I want to talk about the holiday dedicated to our mothers! By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin dated January 30, 1998 N 120, an annual Russian holiday- Mothers Day. The holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.

And although this holiday is celebrated recently, but at all times, mother has been and remains the most important and close person for each of us.
Russian mothers have always been distinguished by generosity of soul, devotion, self-sacrifice, love and great patience. And today they carefully keep the family hearth, teach children kindness, mutual understanding, morality.

The official explanation for this holiday is as follows. Mother's Day meets the best traditions of Russians' attitude to motherhood, unites all layers of Russian society on the ideas of kindness and reverence for the woman-Mother. In addition, as many believe, it is necessary to raise the status of a woman-mother. Sometimes they clarify: there is a Women's Day on March 8th. Feminine at all, he doesn't stress honorary title mother. Mother's Day is a relatively young holiday. It does not yet have established traditions; few people celebrate it in the family circle. But we hope that over time the significance of this day will increase, because in terms of meaning and content this is the most holy holiday.

History of Mother's Day

The origins of the celebration of Mother's Day, perhaps, should be sought in the spring holidays that the inhabitants of ancient Greece dedicated to Rhea, the mother of the gods. Beginning in 1600, the tradition of celebrating Mother's Sunday appeared in England. On this day, which fell on the fourth Sunday of Lent, mothers were honored.

The history of the origin of this holiday has preserved several curious facts. For example, at that time, many English poor people worked as servants for the rich. Since they often worked far from their families, they had to live in the homes of their employers.

On Mothering Sunday they were given a day of rest so that they could go home and spend that day with their mothers. The symbol of the holiday was a special, maternal cake, which was presented to the mother as a sign of respect.

After the spread of Christianity in Europe, holidays began to be held in honor of the Mother Church - a symbol of spiritual power that gives life and protection from danger. Over time, Mother's Day of the Church and Mother's Sunday began to be celebrated as one holiday: people honored their mothers in the same way as the church.
But this holiday is celebrated not only in Russia but also in other countries.

How Mother's Day is celebrated in different countries Seal

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Mother's Day in the USA

This day was first celebrated in the United States of America in 1910. The history of this holiday is as follows: in 1908, a young American, Anna Jervis from Philadelphia, took the initiative to honor mothers in memory of her mother, who died prematurely. Anna wrote letters to government agencies, legislatures, to outstanding persons with a proposal to devote one day a year to honoring mothers. Her efforts were crowned with success - in 1910, the state of Virginia was the first to recognize Mother's Day as official holiday.

In the United States of America, this holiday is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.

In terms of popularity among Americans, Mother's Day is in fifth place after St. Valentine, Fathers Day, Easter and Christmas. On this day, all sons, regardless of their relationship with their parents, should visit their mother, present her with a symbolic gift, and stay with her for some time.

Mother's Day in Australia

In Australia, Mother's Day is celebrated with gusto. However, how could it be otherwise? Australian Mother's Day coincides with the American - the second Sunday in May - and is celebrated in a very similar way.

Australians use this day to express sincere gratitude and appreciation to their mothers. Adults give serious gifts, kids - flowers and cards.

As in the United States, in Australia, the tradition of wearing a carnation flower on clothes has taken root on this day. A colored carnation means that a person's mother is alive and well, white flowers are pinned to clothes in memory of departed mothers.

In addition to their own mothers, children thank and congratulate their grandmothers, as well as all the women who raised them and cared for them with no less love. Another great holiday tradition is that children prepare breakfast for their mothers and bring it right to bed, along with flowers and gifts.

Mother's Day in Brazil

Every year, every second Sunday in May, Brazil, like many countries around the world, celebrate Mother's Day - Dia das Maes.

The first Women's Day was held at the initiative of the Christian Association in Porto Alegre on May 12, 1918. In 1932, the President of the country, Getulio Vargas, officially confirmed this date as a holiday.

In Brazil, large families are common, with three or four children, so it is not difficult to imagine how heartfelt and important such a day became.

Today, this popular and respected holiday takes place, as a rule, in the family circle, but the day before, in preschool and school institutions, children with teachers diligently prepare festive performances and gifts for mothers.

The holiday is not disregarded by various retail chains that attract buyers with large discounts and low prices set specifically for this event in order to please women of different generations.

Mother's Day in Austria
Mother's Day is celebrated in Austria, as in many other countries, every second Sunday in May. The traditions of celebrating this day are very similar to the traditions of March 8 in Russia. Usually children on this holiday present small bouquets of spring flowers. At school and in special classes, children are helped to learn poetry and make gifts.

Numerous entertainment events are dedicated to this holiday, confectioners bake special cakes, and special dishes appear on the menu of restaurants.

The Austrians also have Father's Day - it is usually celebrated on the day of the Catholic Ascension.

Mother's Day in Italy

On this day, all the children of Italy bring flowers, sweets, small gifts to their mothers to once again express their love and gratitude to them.

This holiday has a great history. It was during this period of the year that the ancient Greeks and Romans honored the Goddess of Fertility. Indeed, at the beginning of May, nature explodes with flowers, aromas, joy, which spreads with the first warm spring breeze.

Mothers, brave women who know when to shut up, and when to support and give the necessary advice, who love their children simply for what they are, whatever they may be ... On this day, they are rightfully Queens and all flowers, all gifts, all the sweets of the world, everything kind words- all at their feet!

Mother's Day in Canada
“That best academy, a mother's knee.” (James Russell Lowell).

"There is no better academy than mother's knees." Two centuries ago, the American poet, critic, essayist, and professor at Harvard University, James Russell Lowell, thought so. It seems that nothing has changed since then in this matter, and all over the world, in all ages, the grateful sons and daughters of their mothers will agree with him.

Mother's Day Holiday in Canada is not just a version of March 8 - International, moved to a warmer and more affectionate month of May women's day. The emergence of this holiday is the result of the tireless efforts of the American Miss Anna Jarvis from Philadelphia, who wanted to express recognition not only to her mother, who raised 11 children, but to all mothers in general. She was able to convince President Wilson himself of the need for an official celebration, and in 1914 the second Sunday in May was designated Mother's Day in America. Canadians also joined the idea of ​​an officially organized reward on this day of honor and gratitude to mothers.

On this day, like ours on March 8, they give gifts to mothers, make them all sorts of pleasant surprises, and even release them from the obligation to wash dishes (and wash them in a dishwasher, for example). Usually, all family members get up early on this day, but mother's morning sleep is especially carefully guarded. And while mom is sleeping, everyone cooks for her her favorite dishes together, and when she wakes up, they serve her breakfast right in bed. They behave with her all day like a queen, pleasing and entertaining her in every possible way. The only thing she is allowed to do on this day is to open front door when the messenger calls, delivering a pre-ordered gift for her or a luxurious holiday bouquet.

Shops on eve Mother's Day, of course, "in full combat readiness." Especially for this day, a lot of goods "for mothers" are produced, with congratulatory inscriptions on beautiful labels. You have to take care of booking a table in a restaurant ahead of time if you are going to invite your mother to a festive lunch or dinner that day. And tickets for excursions and recreational trips, which are becoming an increasingly popular gift for Mother's Day in Canada, are sold out even a few weeks before it. It is noteworthy that the organizers of holiday tours mother's day on a special excursion train Prairie Dog Central Railway, plying among the landscapes of the Canadian prairie, in addition to excellent conditions for recreation, they also provide personal gifts for all mothers traveling on it.

Mother-in-law and mother-in-law also do not go unnoticed on this day. More than 600 Canadians aged 18 to 60 took part in a recent study commissioned by Hallmark Canada and Chatelaine magazine. At the same time, 90% of respondents said that in reality they love the mothers of their wives and husbands, and 9% of Canadians consider relationships with mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law even closer than with their own mothers. All this, according to the researchers, speaks of a change in the "face of the Canadian family."

Before the onset of Mother's Day, widely celebrated in Canada, quite big number buyers are interested in postcards for women who do not fall under the traditional category of mothers. Hallmark, a leading manufacturer of postcards, is constantly increasing sales of its products for mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law, who are destined for the inscription: "The one who is like a mother."

TALK ABOUT MOM. N.Sakonskaya
From the heart,
In simple words
Come on friends
Let's talk about mom.
We love her
Like a good friend
For what we have
All together with her
For what, when
We're having a hard time
We can cry
At the native shoulder.
We love her for
What sometimes
Are getting stricter
In the wrinkles of the eyes
But it is worth confessing
Come head -
Wrinkles will disappear
The storm will pass.
For what is always
Without concealment and directly
We can trust
She has her heart.
And just for
That she is our mother
We are strong and gentle
We love her.

Mother's Day in China

Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated annually in China on the second Sunday of May.

This is a day of remembrance for mothers, when their work and selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children is paid tribute. On Mother's Day, the Chinese congratulate their mothers, present them with flowers and gifts.

In some cities (for example, in Shanghai), adult children arrange matinees for mothers with performances, set the table with plentiful refreshments for all those present.

Mother's Day in Japan

“Mom, you knitted mittens for me.
Knitted tirelessly on long cold evenings.
News will come to me from my native land,
And in it - the smell of a hearth ... "

The lines of this old and good "Mom's Song" (1958) are known to all Japanese. On the second Sunday of May, of course, it will sound in many homes, recalling the great maternal love and care.

In 1915, they learned about Mother's Day in Japan thanks to a foreign woman, a professor at the Aoyama Gakuin Missionary University. Groups of Christian believers help to spread the holiday throughout the country, holding festive services in churches and readings in Sunday schools. But the conservative society is not yet ready to accept the innovation. Society, which for a long time belittled the position of women, does not consider the daily work of the mother for the benefit of the family, for children something special, worthy of gratitude and holiday.

Time passes, and pre-war Japan of the 30s is rapidly strengthening its militaristic orientation, cultivating a new ideology. An integral part of the new ideology is the symbol of the Emperor-God and the greatness of the imperial family. Since 1931, Mother's Day has been set on March 6, exactly on the birthday of the wife of the living Emperor, emphasizing her historical meaning as "Mother of all Japanese people".

Having survived the loss in World War II and the defeat of Emperor Hirohito, post-war Japan becomes the object of the introduction of American culture, and as a result, since 1947, Mother's Day has been moved to the second Sunday in May. Congresses of women are held in the country, mothers are invited to schools, glorifying their work.

Long time there was a tradition in the country on Mother's Day to pin a carnation on the chest - a symbol of a mother's love for her child. Red carnations decorated clothes with children whose mothers are alive, and white - children who have lost their mothers.

IN last years Mother's Day celebrations in Japan are becoming more and more commercial, often replacing the concept of "expressing gratitude" with the banal action of "give a gift." On Sunday it becomes lively, all kinds of sales, lotteries are arranged, discounts are provided on popular goods. On the eve of this day, department store shelves are abundantly filled with traditional “goods for mothers”. Blouses, aprons, wallets, handbags, kitchen utensils, Jewelry, sweets - and this, of course, is only a part of materialized feelings, from which the Japanese choose a gift, invariably applying a red carnation to it.

But no matter what stereotypes representing Japanese society and the position of women in it would not exist in the world, the Japanese really appreciate and love their mothers. Every Japanese knows that "the center of the Japanese family (read - society) is a woman-mother." Men are incredibly comfortable and reassuringly calm from such a consciousness.

Mother's Day in Germany

Mother's Day in Germany is celebrated on the second Sunday in May.

In Thuringia (one of the 16 federal states of Germany) in the Middle Ages there was a Sunday (necessarily in the spring, because spring is the beginning of life, and the mother gives this life), on which relatives were visited and wished wealth and prosperity. Mother was blessed on this day separately and with great honors.

The tradition of the annual and national holiday of Mother's Day came to Germany from the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. It was then that the custom was strengthened to celebrate it in May.

For the first time, Mother's Day in Germany was celebrated in 1923, as a national holiday has been celebrated since 1933.

Mothers Day - international holiday in honor of mothers. On this day, it is customary to congratulate mothers and pregnant women, unlike International Women's Day, when all female representatives accept congratulations. This day falls on different dates in different countries. Basically, in the world, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, including in Ukraine, Estonia, the USA, Malta, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan, Belgium. Mother's Day in Russia is celebrated on the last Sunday of November (for the first time this holiday was celebrated in RUSSIA on October 30) in Belarus on October 14, in Georgia on March 3, in Armenia on April 7. The idea to appoint a certain day to honor Kazakh mothers belongs to Nursultan Nazarbayev, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the changes made in 2012 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Professional and Other Holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan" dated 1998, Mother's Day will be celebrated on the third Sunday of September, and Family Day on the second Sunday of September (with reference to , in Kyrgyzstan - the third Sunday of May, in Great Britain - on the last Sunday of March, in Greece - on May 9, in Poland - on May 26. In Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, "Mother's Day" coincides with the "International women's day". It is celebrated on March 8th. Swedes and French congratulate their mothers on the last Sunday of May. Portuguese and Serbs - in December. In Spain, Mother's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May. May 10th in the Philippines.

On this day, mothers are given flowers, small souvenirs, pleasant things, unexpected surprises and hot kisses. Although the main gift is attention. Adult children visit their parents' house and thereby tell them: "We have not forgotten you and we will be grateful to you for everything."

For giving life
How patient and kind!
What for attention and care
You are amazingly generous!

For the fact that with your sensitive heart
You warm every moment!
For what you give selflessly
Souls of his holy spring!

For sharing the joy of a joke,
What do you appreciate help and success!
May God send you health
More happiness, long years!

Dear women, I congratulate you all with all my heart on this wonderful holiday! I wish everyone good health, love, patience, fulfillment of desires, so that you are surrounded by your loved ones and loved ones!

May it be long and joyful
Mom's and grandmother's age!

Mother's Day in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the celebration of Mother's Day, which takes place on the 2nd Sunday of May, is not yet so common. And I want this day to be remembered, so that at least once a year they forget about business and devote their attention to dear and beloved mothers. And to attract interest in this holiday, we offer some Interesting Facts. BUT best gift for the mother, of course, these are flowers that can be planted at

Historical facts about Mother's Day:

  • According to Greek mythology, there were spring holidays in honor of the mother goddess - Rhea. She was the wife of Kronos and the mother of many deities.
  • In 250 B.C. The ancient Romans celebrated a spring festival called Hilaria. It is dedicated to the mother goddess named Sybil. Her followers made offerings at the temple, held parades, games, and masquerades. The celebration lasted for three days.
  • In 15th-century England, Mother's Sunday was celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent. It began with a church service in honor of the Virgin Mary, and after that, the children congratulated their mothers with a bunch of flowers.
  • Anna Jarvis is the woman who defined the traditional understanding of Mother's Day and the celebration on the second Sunday in May. Anna had no children, but in memory of her mother, and what every mother does for a child, she put forward a proposal for this holiday. Anna tirelessly campaigned and on May 8, 1914, American President Wilson signed a joint agreement that designated the second Sunday of May as Mother's Day.

Flowers for Mother's Day

Among annual flower sales, a quarter falls on Mother's Day. Carnations in Western religious society are a popular choice of flowers for Mother's Day. Since it is believed that they appeared from the tears of the mother of Jesus (Mary). Studies and experiments show that by presenting a bouquet of flowers or flowers in a pot, you not only aesthetically please mothers, but also have a positive effect on health and psychological state.

Fun Facts:

  • In the vast majority of the world's languages, the word "mother" begins with the letter M.
  • In the United States alone, 122 million phone calls are made to mothers to wish them Happy Mother's Day.
  • What gifts are common on Mother's Day? Today's highlights: postcards and flowers, going to a restaurant, jewelry, clothing, gift cards and spa trips, books, CDs, home furnishings and even gardening tools.
  • About $14 billion is spent on Mother's Day.

How Mother's Day is celebrated around the world:

  • In Australia, children bathe their mothers in flowers and gifts. In addition, children pay tribute in honor of grandmothers and other women who are important to them. On this day in Australia, mothers are pampered heartily by preparing breakfast in bed, presenting gifts and cakes.
  • In Italy, a traditional gift is sweets.
  • Children in Finland even raise a special flag in honor of Mother's Day, and dads work hard in the kitchen.
  • In Spain, this day is celebrated on December 8th. Churches hold ritual services in honor of the Virgin Mary.
  • Mother's Day in Austria is reminiscent of the 8th of March in Ukraine - children prepare performances for mothers, matinees are held in schools.

It doesn't matter what part of the world you live in, or what culture you belong to, the attention given to your mom on Mother's Day is the biggest gift you will give her. Take time on this day to let your mom know that you love, respect and appreciate her. If you do not want to limit yourself to one call with congratulations, then order a bouquet for delivery in Kiev and all of Ukraine. Learn more about Mother's Day gifts

Some peoples have been celebrating this day since time immemorial: for example, the ancient Greeks paid tribute to Gaia, who was considered the mother of all gods. The Romans for three days in March honored another mother of the gods - eastern Cybele. For the Celts, such a goddess, personifying the mother, was Bridget. In the UK, Mother's Day has been celebrated for four hundred years - since the 17th century.

In medieval Europe, children were still early age they were usually sent to work far from their father's house. The money they earned was sent to the family budget. Of course, both parents and children missed this forced separation. Therefore, in England, once a year, a day was appointed when you could go home to your relatives and spend this day with them. Children brought small gifts to their mothers and grandmothers - fresh eggs, bouquets. This day was full of joy and had quite a festive atmosphere.

The feeling of the holiday was complemented by a special simnel cake, which was called “mother's cake” and was prepared according to a special recipe. Now it is often baked for Easter.

Of course, not all families could afford to bake a cake, but everyone tried to pay extra attention to their mother that day.

Today, both in the UK and in many other countries of the world, the hashtag #mothersday (in Russia - #mother's day) is very popular. A week before the holiday, social media users post photos with congratulations and wishes.

But back to history and interesting traditions, dedicated to the Day mother. Yes, in USA and Australia eat interesting tradition: When this holiday is celebrated, people pin carnation flowers to their clothes. If the carnation is red, it means that the person’s mother is alive and well, but white carnations are worn on clothes in memory of the mother, who is no longer alive.

Mother's Day celebration in Austria very reminiscent of March 8 in our country: matinees are held in schools, children learn poetry and make crafts and give their mothers bunches of spring flowers.

in Italy a traditional present that children present to their mothers is sweets.

In Canada there is a custom to prepare breakfast for mom, bring it to bed, give flowers and small symbolic gifts. Also, mothers and grandmothers are released on this day from the traditional duty of washing dishes - this is done with pleasure by children and grandchildren.

The Maltese have been celebrating Mother's Day since time immemorial. Historians believe that the tradition itself originates in the female mysteries of ancient Rome, intended to honor the Great Mother - the goddess, the mother of all gods.

In Finland Mother's Day began to be celebrated officially since 1927 on the second Sunday of May. On this day, flags are hung out, children prepare gifts for mothers, and dads try in the kitchen that day, each to the best of their abilities and capabilities. Grandmothers are also congratulated.

The origin of this holiday in the United States is interesting. In 1872, the famous pacifist Julia Ward Howe proposed that Mother's Day be celebrated as a symbol of the unity of mothers for world peace, but her concept did not find support. This was done in 1907 by another American, Anna Jarvis, who grieved so much after the death of her own mother that she decided to arrange a mother's day all over America. Anna acted decisively: she wrote letters to many government agencies and legislatures in order to convince everyone of the need for such a holiday.

Three years later, the state of Virginia was the first to recognize Mother's Day as an official holiday. In 1914, US President Woodrow Wilson announced that from now on, every second Sunday in May will be designated as a national holiday in honor of all American mothers.

Immediately after the United States, the second Sunday in May was declared a holiday by 23 countries (Australia, Ukraine, Estonia, Oman, Singapore and others).

Mother's Day in Russia began to be celebrated relatively recently - since 1998. According to the decree of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, this holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday in November.

If you want to congratulate your mom, but don't know how to do it, just say one of these phrases: 1. I love you! 2. You taught me a lot. 3. I want to be like you. 4. I am proud that you are my mother. 5. Do you remember how you were with me in childhood ... (played, read)? I will never forget it. 6. I know how difficult it was for you, but despite this you were able to ... 7. You - best mom in the world! 8. You are the most beautiful! 9. If I were born again, I would still choose you as my mother.

Tell us about how Mother's Day is celebrated in your family.

Every seven seconds a baby is born in the world!

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Record number of children born by one woman was 69. According to reports made in 1782, between 1725 and 1765. The wife of a Russian peasant Fyodor Vasiliev gave birth 27 times, giving birth to twins 16 times, triplets 7 times and 4 twins 4 times. Of these, only 2 children died in infancy. In another part of the world in South America, the most prolific mother is Leontina Albina (or Alvina) from San Antonio, Chile, who in 1943-81. gave birth to 55 children. As a result of the first 5 pregnancies, she gave birth to triplets, and exclusively male.

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The oldest woman in labor Rosanna Dalla Corta from Viterbo, Italy, on July 18, 1994, at the age of 63, she gave birth to a boy; before that, she had undergone treatment for infertility.

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The longest intervals between births in multiple pregnancies.
Peggy Lynn from Huntington, pc. Pennsylvania, USA, gave birth to a girl, Hanna, on November 11, 1995, and the second of the twins, Erika, only 84 days later (February 2, 1996).

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The largest baby in the world was born in Italy in 1955. His weight was 10 kilograms 200 grams. The record of the 21st millennium was a baby born in Altai. Her birth weight was 7 kilograms 750 grams with an average growth for a newborn - 56 centimeters. The girl was born on September 17, 2007 in the city of Aleysk.

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The smallest child in the world a boy from Germany is considered to be born prematurely at the 25th week of pregnancy and at birth weighed about 270 grams, his height reached 27 centimeters. by the most premature baby who managed to survive is the girl Amalia Taylor, she was born at the 22nd week of pregnancy in October 2006 in Miami with a weight of 284 g and a height of 24 cm.

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The lowest birth rate(for the period 2005-2010) was noted in Germany - 8 children per 1000 inhabitants per year. According to German statistics, every fifth German woman (under 45 was analyzed) has never had children, and among them 28% have a higher education. A real paradox: German families are among the strongest in the world, but a third couples do not want to have children. The main reasons are the desire to live for yourself and employment. If we take a separate city, then Chemnitz (formerly Karl-Marx-Stadt) stands out, where the birth rate is still almost one and a half times lower. The second, third and fourth place in the list of countries with the lowest birth rate was shared by three developed Asian countries - Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore.

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The highest birth rate recorded in Nigeria, where there are 51 newborns per 1,000 inhabitants.

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The biggest family in the world lives in India. Zion Khan - the head of the family is surrounded by 39 wives, 94 children, 33 grandchildren - a total of 167 people. According to journalists, this family eats about 200 kilograms of rice a day, a little more than 130 kilograms of potatoes, and about 30 chickens.

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The largest family in Russia lives in the Orenburg region, 64 children are brought up in this family, their parents are the rector of the temple and his wife. Twenty-four children are adopted in this family, and the rest are under guardianship. Children were taken from shelters and orphanages in many cities, most of the children ended up with various serious diseases.

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Most children in the world from the Moroccan Sultan Ismail. He's like real father brings up 548 sons and 340 daughters. In his numerous harem, on average, a child was born every 20 days.

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The youngest mother on the planet was 5-year-old Lina Medina from Peru. In 1939 she gave birth to a boy with the help of caesarean section. This is the earliest recorded case of childbirth in the history of modern medical observations.

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The youngest grandmother Romanian Rifka Stanescu became the world leader at the age of 23. At the age of 11, the girl ran away from home with her chosen one, and soon their daughter was born. A year later, a son was born. Rifka's daughter, becoming an adult, repeated the fate of her mother - she decided to get married before finishing school (at the age of 11). The girl moved to live with her chosen one, and six months later gave birth to a son.

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The most unusual female names according to the registry offices of Russia, the names are: Gryazina, Banana, Dust, Vanna, Afigenia, Belka, Trishka, Evdoksia. The most unusual names for boys are Edgard, Darius, Bluetooth, Yarobog, Eneken, Zhiromir, Luchezar.
According to RIA Novosti, with reference to the Metropolitan Civil Registry Office, last year they joined the ranks of children with unusual names newborns Angel Maria, Princess Angelina, Kasper Beloved, in addition, Yagoda, Sever, Veter, Privatization, Cosmos, Martitsia, Volpurgia, Knox now live in the capital.

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by the most smart kid planets, recognized by the Guinness Book of Records, was 11-year-old Mahmud Vail Mahmud (Mahmud Vail). The young Egyptian has the highest IQ among his peers, his IQ is 155 units. Mahmoud Wail Mahmoud was born on January 1, 1999 in one of the densely populated areas of Cairo in a middle-class family, both of his parents are doctors. The brilliant boy is the third child in the family, he has two older sisters. Thanks to his phenomenal abilities, a super-intellectual child can perform complex arithmetic calculations right in his mind. He easily multiplies and divides nine-digit numbers at computer speed, and does it with pleasure and without any effort.

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In Korea those 9 months that the child is in the womb, enter the age. Therefore, according to documents, Korean children are always a year older than their peers from other countries, although there is no physical difference in age.

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Most twins in the world born in Nigeria: one in every 11 births. Least of all, twins appear in Japan: one case in 250 births.

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In most languages ​​of the world the words "mom" and "dad" have a similar sound. This is not due to the single origin of all languages, but to the fact that these words are the first word-like sounds that babble children pronounce.

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In Japan in relation to children, the word "bad" and "bad" is not used at all.

is an international holiday in honor of all mothers. This holiday differs from International Women's Day in that on this day it is customary to congratulate only mothers and pregnant women, and not all females.

  • For the first time, the official holiday of the mother woman appeared in the United States.
  • In most countries of the world, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
  • In Russia, the holiday has been officially celebrated since 1998 and is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.
  • In the United States alone, 122 million phone calls are made to mothers to wish them Happy Mother's Day.
  • Leaders: cards and flowers, going to a restaurant, jewelry, clothes, gift cards and trips to SPA centers, books, home comfort items and even gardening tools.
  • About $14 billion is spent annually on Mother's Day around the world.
  • The symbol of Mother's Day in Russia is the forget-me-not.
  • In Russia, there are three awards for women - the Motherhood Medal, the Order of Maternal Glory and the Order of Parental Glory.

History of Mother's Day

In 1907, a young American, Anna Jervis, lost her mother. After this event, she considered that it was necessary to make sure that all mothers in the country received their holiday, a memorable day on which children and other close people would honor them. Anna managed to find like-minded people and after a few years the efforts of the activists bore fruit - in 1914, US President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday of May a national holiday in honor of all American mothers.

Mother's Day in Russia

In Russia, Mother's Day was established in 1998 and by decree of the head Russian Federation its date was determined by the last Sunday of November, but the first time it was celebrated 10 years earlier. Its author was Elmira Javadovna Huseynova, a teacher of Russian language and literature from the city of Baku. Thanks to her initiative, a festive concert was prepared, which marked this wonderful date for the first time. The good tradition was picked up by many schools of the country, and gradually the holiday became popular.

Mother's Day around the world

This day falls on different dates in different countries. Basically, in the world Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, including in Ukraine, Estonia, USA, Malta, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan, Belgium, Brazil.

Mother's Day in Egypt - March 21, in Belarus - October 14, in Georgia - March 3, in Armenia - April 7. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mother's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of September, in Kyrgyzstan - the third Sunday of May, in the UK - on the first Sunday of March, in Greece - on May 9, in Poland - on May 26.