
Scenario of the holiday "Family Day in kindergarten. Family day in kindergarten Family day event script for preschoolers


Holiday for older children - preparatory group Kindergarten "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity"

Holiday script for older children preschool age
"Day of Family, Love and Fidelity"

To bring up a responsible attitude of children to the family, as a basic value of society.
1. Develop positive emotions and feelings;
2. To educate the consciousness of the share of one's own participation in the creation of warm, family relations.
3. To develop the child's communication skills - free communication with adults and children.
4. Creation of a favorable atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding.
The scenario is intended for holding a holiday on a summer playground on the street for children of older preschool age. The script can be useful to music directors, teachers of additional education, educators.
The holiday begins in the morning, with a meeting of parents with children, the main event takes place after breakfast - on the summer playground and ends with a competition of drawings on asphalt.
Characters: two adult Leaders, a girl-Chamomile and Peter and Fevronia with children.
The whole event is held by the forces of the graduation and senior groups of the kindergarten. The musical numbers were as previously learned - a song about mother, about family, "Hands clap", "Boogie-woogie" (graduation group); the number of children involved in the dance circle - "Spanish dance"; and learned for the holiday - the dance "I love you Russia", the song "Hymn of the family".
And, of course, games, exercises for the show for children, spectators and guests.
Such holidays associated with family, kindness always leave a mark in the hearts of children and adults!

Holiday progress:
There are songs about family. From the very morning, parents with children on the threshold of the kindergarten receive as a gift a symbol of the holiday - a snow-white chamomile with wishes of peace and goodness to all the families of our pupils.

Children and guests of the holiday meet on the summer playground. Two leaders come out.

Leading 1. Hello dear guys! Today we celebrate with you the World Day of Family, Love and Fidelity!
Leading 2. Children, do you know what a family is? The family is a world where love, devotion and mutual understanding reign. It is one for all joys, sorrows, habits and traditions.
Leading 1. Day of family, love and fidelity is celebrated on July 8. This beautiful summer day was chosen for the holiday not by chance - for about 780 years, the Orthodox have been honoring the memory of the holy princes on July 8 for about 780 years.
Leading 2. Peter and Fevronia of Murom - the patrons of family happiness, love and fidelity.

1. Family Day today in the world -
How many of you are in the family, four?
Let it become ten soon:
More noise, din, songs!
Let the family grow, grow stronger,
Never upset!

2. In Russia there is a tale about
Like Fevronia with Peter
Were an exemplary couple
Friendly, loving and faithful.
That time has flown by
No Fevronya, no Peter.
But they are an example of a family,
Honest, sincere love.

The song "My family" (girls gr. "Pearls")

1. What is a family?
You will ask me.
I will answer you with pleasure
That family is home
My garden outside the window
And the family is a small Motherland!
2.Under the blizzard and rain we will be warmed with warmth
And help in any situation.
Mom's sweet eyes, and father's smile,
And cheesecakes, and grandmother's buns!

Leading 1.
We go into the world from the family,
There are your roots
Your long life begins.
And the foundation of the foundations is our parental home,
And the family in the world life goes on.
Leading 2. The symbol of the Day of family, love and fidelity is a simple
Russian flower - chamomile.

Chamomile comes out to the music.
My hello to you, preschool children!
I am Chamomile, I am rich in sunshine!
My flowers are burning in a wreath,
Live flowers are my outfit!
White chamomile - a symbol of the family,
Little children are my petals!
Leading 1.
When it suddenly becomes difficult for you
Hugs white chamomile,
her smile brighter than the sun,
She knocks on your window.
Playfully wink with petals,
And he will lead you away with a white dance.

Dance "I love you, Russia" (girls of the group "Bees") (with flowers)

Leading 2.
Family - how much meaning in this word ...
When kids laugh in the house
So I want to live right now
Create, care, love.

Leading 1.
For children, the most beloved and dear people are his parents. We carry love for our parents, for our family through our whole life.
Mom ... - the children repeat
Many thousand times!
This word is dearer to each of us!
There is no person closer than mother in this world,
And everyone on the big planet knows about it!

The song "It's good that there is a mother in the world" (2 soloists of the group "Why")

Poems about mother.

Leading 2.
Every morning, together, we are going to the whole family - children to kindergarten, school, moms, dads to work!

The song "Hello morning" (gr. "Pearls")

Leading 1.
The house we live in
This is a very noisy house.
After various things in the morning
There is always a game in it!
And on holiday, friends,
We can't live without games
More passion, more laughter
Let all the fun go!!!
Every morning starts with exercises, so show your fingers.
be held finger game"Our family"
(Unbend your fingers one by one, starting with the big one)
This thumb is big
This is papa dear.
Next to dad is our mom.
Next to my mother is my older brother.
Following him sister -
Sweet girl.
And the smallest strong man -
This is our beautiful baby!
Leading 2.
Well done, warmed up, and now, fun exercises!

Charging "The radiant sun loves to jump"

Leading 1.
Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is summer trips to the country.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Leading 2.
The family is a holiday round the table.
Family is happiness, family is home.
Where they love and wait and do not remember evil.

"Spanish dance" (2 girls group "Romashka")

Leading 1.
And now Chamomile and I will make riddles for you, and you guess them. Viewers, help us too!
Who is not joking, but seriously
Will a nail teach us how to hammer?
Who will teach you to be brave?
Having fallen from a great, do not whine,
And scratched my knee
Don't cry? Of course ... (dad)
Who loves you children more
Who loves you so tenderly
And takes care of you
Without closing your eyes at night? (Mum)
fragrant jam,
pies for treats,
delicious pancakes
At the beloved ... (grandmother)
He did not work out of boredom,
He has callused hands
And now he is old and gray
My dear, beloved ... (grandfather)
I'm not alone with my mother
She also has a son
I'm small next to him
For me, he is the eldest ... (brother)
Here's what's the deal...
We are not seven, but three:
Dad, Mommy and me
But all together we are ... (family)
Leading 2.
Well done boys
All riddles solved.

Leading 1.
My family is my wealth
Love, protection, tenderness, brotherhood.
Tenderness and comfort are valued here.
Here they never give.
Leading 2.
Everyone celebrates the holidays together
Yes, and on weekdays do not get bored.
And we know for sure, friends,
The most important thing in life is family!

Dance "And clap hands ..." (children of the group "Why")

Leading 1.
And now, it's time for us to play kids!
Leading 2.
Hurry up, get into the wagons,
The time is coming, the train is leaving!

Music game"Steam locomotive Bukashka"

Presenter 1:
On this bright Family Day,
Congratulations to you!
With a strong union, and in love
We wish you to live long!
Leading 2.
Let dad and mom kids
Surrounded by care.
And the older children never
Nothing upset!

Dance "I love Boogie-Woogie" (2 children of the group "Why")

Leading 1.
And now, we meet the main characters of our holiday!
Leading 2.
Peter and Fevronia of Murom!

The music "Hymn to the family" sounds.
Peter and Fevronia come out with their children.

There is nothing more important in the world than love and friendship. Excluding them from life is like depriving the world of sunlight!
Let's smile at each other, no matter what, because friendship and love begins with a smile!
And let, today, the anthem of our holiday - the anthem of the family - become a symbol of our unity, the unity of our families!

The song "Anthem of the Family" (gr. "Bees" enters the stage with daisies on the palms)

Leading 1.
Let everyone on the planet be happy:
And dads, and moms, - and most importantly - children!
Leading 2.
We are now convinced again
Everyone has a great family!
Thanks for coming to the party
Everyone is friends today!
Leading 1.
We invite you to play the Russian folk game "Brook"!

The game "Brook" (Russian scarves)
(adults (6-8 people) stand up two by two with scarves - “collars”, and children in a group one after another, in a chain pass through the “collars”)

Leading 1. And, our holiday continues, and we invite children to the competition "Drawings on Asphalt". Go to your plots, have each of you draw your family with crayons.
Leading 1.2. See you soon!

[Groups disperse to the music for the competition "Drawings on Asphalt".


  • Brownie Kuzka, Sunshine - the roles are played by adults.
  • Hedgehog, Hedgehog, Hedgehog, Bear, Bear, bear cub - the roles are played by children.


  • 2 houses, decoration of a forest clearing; "carpets",
  • puzzles, riddles - for the game; caps, flowers and dance balls.

The central wall is decorated in the form of a heart made of balloons, inside the “heart” are painted portraits of mom, dad and child (photo 1).


Happy International Day of the Family, I congratulate you,
And on this wonderful “Family Day”, I sincerely wish:
For the heart - a holiday of warmth and joy in communication.
I wish you to always be in the best relationship with your loved ones.

1st child:

How many in this room -
Both parents and guests.
The boys have been waiting for a very long time.
Such important, honored guests!

2nd child:

Nobody is in a hurry today
No one runs to work in the morning,
Gathered all together, today, now -
What a wonderful holiday we have.

3rd child:

Today is a holiday - "Family Day",
We congratulate you together.
You smile from the bottom of your heart
Now we are performing!

“Today we gathered”music and sl. Bondarenko N.L.(lyrics - Appendix)

4th child:

Adults and children know
What is most important in the world -
Mom, dad, you and me
Together Friendly family.

5th child:

Family is joy, warmth and comfort,
Family is a house where you are always welcome.
If peace and friendship in the family,
Everyone will be proud of you.

6th child:

What could be more beautiful than a family
In this fabulous land?
I am very happy, now there is a holiday,
And this holiday is dear to me.

7th child:

Mom and dad, I want to say
It's great that I have a family.
And I want no doubt
See you in a good mood.

Children sing the song "What is family" Muses. E.A. Gomonova.

Brownie Kuzka comes out to the music.

Brownie Kuzka:

Hello guys - girls and boys!
I am a cheerful Brownie. I keep peace here.
Make friends with me, well, call me - Kuzma.
And I came today - to congratulate you, friends.
I congratulate everyone on the “Day of the Family” and wish you much joy.
Hold hands together and stand in a circle.
Put the handles - on the side, expose the heel.

"Heel" - dance.

Brownie Kuzka:

Now hurry up and sit on the chairs
On a holiday, you can’t do without poetry, read them, friends.

Individual poems on the theme "Family".

Brownie Kuzka:

That's so miracle kids, but what good!
Now look at the envelope
Yes, show your ingenuity.
Prepared riddles for you
And moms and dads listen to them carefully,
And whoever answers first gets the envelope. (Makes riddles about the ship and the locomotive.)

Brownie Kuzka: I ask the owners of two envelopes to loud applause to leave with the whole family ...

The surprises don't end there. The envelope contains all the details so that you can assemble a guess on the carpet recorders (a ship and a steam locomotive), on command, start working ... (photo 2, 3.)

Brownie Kuzka: While the pictures are being prepared for the first time, mother Gulnara and daughter Alina are invited to the stage, they will perform for all of us a wonderful song by V. Shainsky - "In the grass Grasshopper sat".

Presenter: Well, now let's look at the pictures that made up the family .... and family……

What a joy it is to take part in the game with the whole family.

(Kuzka starts crying)

Presenter: Oh, guys, which one of you is crying? ... Oh, this is Kuzka, a brownie. Why are you, Kuzma, sad?

Brownie Kuzka: Today is a holiday - Family Day. So I listened to poetry, listened, and then I thought that I live alone, I don’t know where my family is. On a holiday without a family is impossible, help me, friends. Ah-ah-ah.


The holiday needs to be saved. For a brownie - to look for a family.
Come on, get on the bus with us, and take a ride with a friendly song.

"Bus" - game exercise

Muses. S. and E. Zheleznov a / k “Limpopo - outdoor games for children 2–6 years old” LLC “Yurfort 2006

Brownie Kuzka:

Everyone has arrived! Where am I to go?
I'll go across the river, I'll go through the meadow,
I'll go across the field, I'll suddenly meet my family.
I only see flowers - of unprecedented beauty ...
Beautiful girls - do you like flowers?
You, Kuzma, amuse,
You dance with flowers. (The host and Kuzma distribute flowers.)


Let it be like flowers in the native land
Our boys are growing.
May it be better every day
And every year more beautiful!

"Magic Flower" - dance

Muses. Yu.Chichkova a/c “Rhythmic Mosaic” 2 A.I. Burenina

Brownie Kuzka:

And here is a nice kind forest - full of fairy tales and miracles.
I will go along the path, I will find a beautiful house.
Maybe in that wonderful house, and my family lives? ...
I'll knock on the window, I'll shout at the gate:

Hedgehogs run out: Hedgehog mom, Hedgehog dad and Hedgehog.

Papa hedgehog:

I am a forest prickly hedgehog, there is no head, no legs.
In this house under the mountain I live with my family -
Meet - son, hedgehog - a very fashionable dressmaker.

Hedgehog Mom:

I sew and wash all day, I don’t waste time in vain.
Here is a thread, here is a needle, I sew caps quickly, deftly.
Will festive outfit Kuzma and the guys.

Hedgehog: Hurry out, dance with caps.

"Merry Gnomes" - dance

Music at the choice of the music director.

Brownie Kuzka:

What a hardworking and cheerful family to live with you, I agree.
I will live in your house, keep order in it.
I will be your son, I will have a family.

Papa hedgehog:

And where are your needles? .. After all, hedgehogs cannot live without them.
Do not be angry with me ... we are a family, but not yours
Knock on the neighbor's house, look for your family there.

Brownie Kuzka:

I see a huge house - maybe my family lives there?
I'll knock on the window, I'll shout out the window:
“Come out as soon as possible and hug your son!”

A bear family comes out: mom, dad and a bear cub.

papa bear:

We are a family of bears
Teddy bear, mom, me.
We love to sing autumn
Roar like a bear.

Mother bear:

We are glad to see guests
Come visit us soon.
There are raspberries, fragrant honey,
Very fresh and radiant.

Bear cub:

Better take the balls
Yes, dance with a bear.

"Funny ball" - dance

Muses. M.Minkova a/c “Rhythmic Mosaic” 1 A.I. Burenina

Brownie Kuzka:

What a wonderful, fun loving family.
I agree to live with you.
I will live in your house
Keep order in it.
I will be your son
I will have a family.

papa bear:

Can you sing loudly?
Roar like a bear?

Kuzka: No.

Mother bear:

Don't be angry with me
We are a family, but not yours
Knock on the neighbor's house -
Find your family there.

Brownie Kuzka(goes on the road):

I went all around - but I didn’t find my family ...
What should I do, how should I be, who should I ask for advice?


Let's ask the Sun.
It shines on us all day
It knows a lot.

Brownie Kuzka:

Sunshine, Sunshine, come
Sunshine, Sunshine - help ...
Guys help me to call the sun. (Children repeat the words after Kuzma.)

The sun comes out.


Hello my friends,
The radiant sun is me.


Hello radiant sun.
We wanted to ask you
Do you know where Brownie's family is?
After all, you shine all day,
You know a lot.


Come on, Kuzya, smile, look around
Here girls and boys
Mischiefs and rascals.
Very strong dads and caring moms.
Always in a hurry to help you
Dispel boredom, grief away.
They understand you, they hug you,
They even read fairy tales to you in the group.
And the group is your home,
You keep her calm.
And in this small group
You live as a friendly family.

Brownie Kuzka:

I got it! Thank you Sunshine.
Naughty and funny, small and big,
Moms, dads, children, me - we are one, one family!
How glad I am today, I also have a family!
Hold hands together
And stand in a circle
And on a holiday on ours -
As one family, we dance together.

“Everyone is trying hard” - dance with parents and children

Muses. V. Viktorov, E. Tumayan, a / c "Mobile games and entertainment" Vest-TDA, Moscow, 2002

Brownie Kuzka:

May the family bring only happiness
Not a drop of sadness, not a single tear.


Mental wealth and health
We wish with all our hearts.


  • G.A. Lapshina. Collection “Holidays in kindergarten” Publishing house “Teacher”, Volgograd, 2004
  • “Funny songs for kids”, Yaroslavl, Academy Holding, 2000

Decoration: balloons, exhibition of family photos “My home! My family!”, posters.

  • "It's great that we're all here today."
  • “When the family is together, the soul is in place.”
  • “The child learns
    What he sees in his house.
    Parents are an example of this.”

Musical accompaniment: songs “Parental House”, “Bend of the Yellow Guitar”.

The course of the holiday

Time is like vicious circle:
The year flashed by like a month, a day like an hour.
Somehow listen to each other
We don't have enough time.
Maybe we should stop
Among this eternal turmoil?
Maybe take a closer look at the faces
Will we still have time for each other?

So we invited you today so that you can get a little distracted from everyday affairs, see how wonderful, talented your children are; so that your children can see how interesting it is for moms and dads to be around them, so that you feel like a family. For the first time, children discover the world for themselves in the family.


When did the word "family" appear?
Once upon a time, the Earth had not heard of him.
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
- Now I will ask you seven questions -
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
And Eve answered softly, "I am."
- Who will bring them up, my queen?
And Eve dutifully answered: "I am."
- Who will cook the food, my joy?
And Eve still answered: "I am."
- Who will sew the dress, wash the linen,
Caress me, decorate the house?
“I, I,” Eve said softly. - "I, I" ...
She said the famous seven "I".
This is how a family appeared on Earth!

1st presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you at the family holiday.

2nd presenter: Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. The family is close and dear people, those whom we love, whom we take an example from, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect.

1st host:

In the family circle, we are growing,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.
In the family circle, all your roots,
And you came into life from the family.

2nd host: Since ancient times, home and family have been spoken of with great respect. Probably because the families in Russia were large and friendly. I found a lot of evidence for this. Let's at least remember folk tales, proverbs, sayings ... They talk about the family. Now I will start the proverb, and you try to remember and finish it to the end ...

  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).
  • The hut is not red with corners ... (but red with pies).
  • The hostess in the house ... (like pancakes in honey).
  • Lead the house ... (do not shake your beard).
  • Treasure is not needed ... (when there is discord in the family).
  • A guest on the threshold - happiness in ... (at home).
  • A house without an owner... (orphan).
  • An apple from an apple tree... (does not fall far).
  • How rich are... (that's what we're happy about).
  • Away well… (and home is better).

3rd leader: A hundred years ago, Russia's population was growing rapidly, economic well-being was also growing by leaps and bounds, and at a faster pace than in other countries. At that time in our country they lived in such families, which could have 10, 20 or more people ... Imagine a house in the village of the early twentieth century: grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - all together and everyone helps each other. One keeps up with the housework, the other in the field, the third teaches lessons ... Such a house was a real fortress and stronghold. The sisters looked after the kids, and the older brothers protected the younger ones from the neighbor's bullies ... They lived happily. Old age was respected, youth was pitied and protected. And they worked in such a way that they fed the whole of Europe with bread, butter, lard, eggs.

4th leader: And now a mystery about one family. Try to count how many people there are.

I'll give you a task.
Listen, here's my family:
Grandpa, grandma and brother.
We have order in the house, okay
And purity, why?
We have two mothers in our house.
Two dads, two sons,
Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter,
And the youngest is me
What kind of family do we have?

Teacher: There are many relatives around each of us, we are connected with them by invisible threads - by blood: grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles and aunts ... There are relatives who are younger, there are also much older than us. And that kind is strong, which remembers and honors its ancestors. This genus can be compared to a large and strong tree that has deep and strong roots.

May I ask you guys something? Try to answer not to me, but to yourself, only honestly, frankly.

  • Some of your relatives live far, far away. Do you write letters to them, do you send them Greeting Cards?
  • Traditionally new family takes her husband's surname. Whose last name do you bear: mother's or father's? If your father's, what was your mother's maiden name?
  • Do you know where your parents are from? What about grandma and grandpa?
  • Who suggested that you give the name that you have? Who were you named after?
  • Recall a time when you managed to help someone close to you and thereby brought him and yourself joy.

... Mom, mom. How warm is this word! Mother's love is able to warm us always, because children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom is the first teacher and friend, she will always understand, console, help.

For some reason, I’m sure that it’s rare that you completed any homework without the help of your mothers. Or I'm wrong? (The Isakov family plays a scene.)

A storm covers the sky with darkness, twisting snow whirlwinds,
A storm covers with darkness, twist the snow twirls ...
Dark storm...
A storm covers the sky, it is dark...

Something wrong! ( Thinking.) Mgloet? What it is? Gloomy - there is no such word ... ( Looks at the book.) Well, it is… closes the book.)

Morning howls the sky with mist ...

Something is wrong again! But what's the point, after all?

Mom: It's simple, the storm covers the sky with its haze and at the same time spins a snow whirlwind with all its might.

Student: Hurrah! A storm covers the sky with darkness, twisting snow whirlwinds!

Teacher: And it also happens that one of the guys seems to decide to do a good deed - to take care of the house, for example, but no one knows what comes of it. (The scene “Home composition” is played by children.)

Vitek leaned over the table
And squeezed the temples with his hands.
He writes an essay:
How do I help my mom?

Then Vitek will gnaw the pen,
Then the gloomy one will fall asleep.
There is a name. And then what?
Try it, come up with it!

But then from the kitchen mom suddenly
Silently calls his son:
- Vityunchik, run to the store.
We would have salt and matches ...

- Idea! Vitek jumped up.
And I shouted to my mother: - What are you!
After all, I'm struggling with the essay!
Still a lot of work!

Mom shut up.
And the son in a notebook brought out the phrase:
buy something for mom
I'm always ready!

Mom opened the door:
- Vityunya! I need you. I'm going to the shop.
Clean for now
Potatoes for dinner.

- What more? Vitek exclaimed.
"I'm sick of even listening to it!"
Here is an essay, and you
With some potatoes.

Mom is gone
I summed up my son in a notebook:
I cook my own breakfast at home
Lunch and dinner too...

- Five plus! - He rejoices. -
I can't wait for others!
What about you guys?
Bet for it?

Teacher: Again mother helped Vityuna. The essay is ready. Five with a plus is provided. But after all, not all children “help” their mothers, like our Vityunchik?

(They act out a scene.)

The son is sweeping the floor, singing a song. Mom enters the door, a bag in her hands, a bunch of keys in her teeth. He looks at his son with round eyes, the keys fall to the floor ...

Mum: Roma, what happened?

Roma: Nothing!

Mum: Like nothing! But you're sweeping the floor!!

Roma: And he's dirty!

Mum: Roma, I beg you, tell me what happened? The last time you swept was when you got a D for behavior...

Mum: (looks around the room and gets even more frightened). Have you wiped the dust?

Roma:(happily). Wiped!

Mum: Myself?

Roma: Myself!

Mum: What have you done!? Did they leave you for a second year?

Roma: (helping mom take off her hat and coat). Yes, I say nothing. It was dirty, so I removed it.

Mum: (suspicious). And did you make the bed?

Roma: Just like that, removed everything!

Mum: (wraps his head in a towel and sits on a chair). I'm being called to the principal of the school?!

Roma: Don't be afraid, mom! Things are good. I did my homework, had lunch and brushed my teeth.

Mum: Myself!?

Roma: Myself! ( Mom faints.)

Roma: Mommy! What's the matter? Now I will bring water. ( Pouring into a glass of water. But then a classmate appears at the door.)

Dasha: Well, Kovalev, how is the day of helping parents? Removed the apartment?

Roma: Help Day, Help Day!!! Here, enjoy...

Dasha: (taking out the first aid kit). How nervous we have become! ( Dripping mom valerian.) Shame on you, Kovalev! What did the mother bring! Couldn't tell her right away that the whole idea was for one day!?

Mum: (raises his head). So tomorrow everything will be the same?

Dasha and Roma: Yes! Old way, old way! ( Mom faints again.)

Teacher: This is, of course, a joke. But how great it is when next to you is kind, smart, loving mother. And next to her is a son or daughter worthy of her love.

Now let's play a little.

1. "We rhyme names."

(This game is a creative task. It can be played as a competition or just for fun.)

Condition of the game: you need to compose a couplet in your name, which begins with the words: “My name is ...”

For instance:

* My name is Tatyana -
I play the piano!

  • My name is Stesha -
    I love entertaining children.

* My name is Oksana -
I get up very early.

  • My name is Luba
    In winter I wear a fur coat.

* My name is Elena -
My dream is to go to Vienna.

  • My name is Galina -
    I love eating raspberries.

* My name is Katyusha -
I love listening to songs.

  • My name is Sveta -
    I love eating candy.

* My name is Anya -
I love taking a bath.

2. Train ( parent team and children team of 5).

- Stand tall;
– Stand according to the size of the shoes (from small to large);
- Stand along the length of the hair (long - short);
- Stand up according to the color of your hair (light - dark);
- Along the length of the shirt sleeve (from short to long);
- According to the length of the legs (from short to long);
– By completeness (from full to thin);
Who has the thinnest waist?

Let's get some rest. Calm competition. Family couples are invited: a child and a parent.

3. You need to solve a simple crossword puzzle on the topic of family relationships.

1. Son of my mother.
2. My parent.
3. Brother of the father or mother.
4. A girl who has parents like mine.
5. The one that gave us life.
6. "Holy blood" - the mother of the husband.
7. Mom's or dad's sister.
8. The son of my child.
9. My heir.
10. The son of my sister or brother.
11. Husband's father.

4. Collect grades for your child.

Children receive marks every day and sometimes parents are not always satisfied with the result. Let's see how they cope with this task. Family couples are invited: a child and a parent.

The parents are blindfolded, unwound and taken to the other side of the room. At this time, the children stand at the table on which each has a box. Parents must take a mark from the opposite table, go to the child and put their child in the box. Children help their parents by calling them and guiding them only with their voice. The team with the most points wins.

5. Joint staging of a fairy tale - impromptu (participants are parents and children).

An old fairy tale in a new way.

To participate in the fairy tale, heroes are determined who themselves choose assistants: Puzanchik-Grandfather chooses big spoon,

Hostess-Grandma - Slippery Window,

Bunny-Kid - Carrot-Neskladukha,

Volchok Bandyuga - False Jaw,

Little Medvedik - Little Komarika.

The naughty Chanterelle will help Golden Money,

a Cheerful KolobokAutomatic Bespredelschik.

In a certain kingdom, in an overseas state, there is a painted tower, in the tower Grandfather Puzanchik lives business. Once he sits on a mound, mosquitoes and flies drive away. And next to him Big Spoon strumming, swaggering, tapping with his heels, in a word, vykabluchivaetsya. Took Puzanchik-Grandfather my big spoon and on the table break-break! Ran into the noise Hostess-Grandma. She herself walks from fatigue, staggers, but clings tightly to Slippery Window. looks Puzanchik-Grandfather on the Mistress-Grandmother licks, climbs to hug, but for what? Kolobok asks to bake. And they set to work together: they began to cook Kolobok. Went to fame Kolobok: he is appetizing and ruddy, with a sparkling smile and a golden crust. shouldered Puzanchik-Grandfather Kolobok on the shoulders yes and put it on Slippery Window let it cool down! I took my hand Hostess Bubusya and went to rest.

A Slippery Window does not sleep: butts, bites, angrily tosses Kolobok- about to drop! Oh oh oh! Didn't hold back! flew Merry Gingerbread Man down slippery window! A Slippery Window- crack! It is broken in half and quietly swears, with a fist Kolobok threatens. Pays no attention to it Merry Gingerbread Man, he himself knows how to swear no worse! Yes, but he has no time! Work awaits him in the forest! Rolls to have fun Kolobok! Sniff-sniff-sniff!

Look ahead jumping Bunny Kid, jump yes lope! He spread his paws, spread his legs, he is overgrown! And what jumps - he does not understand! Rolled up Happy Kolobok To Bunny Kid. Sniff-sniff-sniff! Bunny Kid paws spread, wants to eat Kolobok. But not confused Merry Gingerbread Man, took out Carrot-Neskladukha and treated Bunny Kid. Bunny shaking with greed, half at once Carrots-Unskladukhi swallows, and hides half under the arm. But here's the problem: overeat Bunny Kid! He had indigestion from greed. You need to run faster and straight into the woods! grabbed Bunny-Kid Carrot-Clumsy and jumped - only they saw him!

Rolling - have fun Kolobok, and towards him Bandyuga-Volchok! He himself is small, he scoops up his paws, his nose is like a hatchet! saw Bandyuga-Volchok Kolobok how to rush at him! A Merry Gingerbread Man does not sleep: he has for such cases Automatic Bespredelschik tucked away! On the Bandyugu-Vochka instructs so that Bandyugi-Vochka and beloved False Jaw Down with! surprised Bandyuga-Volchok, paws rakes, False Jaw picks up the bushes! Finds! Inserts into place: still come in handy! Runs Bandyuga Volchok into the woods: he himself is small, he scoops up his paws, his nose is like an axe, and False Jaw with him again! Rolling - have fun Kolobok! Sniff-sniff-sniff! I did not have time to look back, how to meet him Baby-Medvedik runs out of the forest. The belly strokes, sniffs, rumbles loudly! Why is he going to Cheerful Kolobok getting closer and licking at the same time? Suddenly, straight out of the swamp flies Little Komarik! He waves his wings, pulls his antennae: “And I would like to drink blood! Is it really poured in the forest in the morning!” But Little Komarik not confused: to Little Medvedik flies up and the tsap-scratch in his paw! Bitten! Got upset Baby-Medvedik, sniffs his nose, but no longer rumbles. And come on away Little Komarik run into the woods! AND Komarik flies after him.

Rolling - have fun Kolobok! And towards him Naughty Chanterelle. Gait cast, hips wags! But to buy Merry Gingerbread Man on this? Much more interesting Kolobok that u Naughty Chanterelles hidden under a coat. Golden Money under her coat! Ringing - strumming! Golden Money, To naughty fox squeeze harder! Apparently robbed. Naughty Chanterelle bank. But here Merry Gingerbread Man takes out his cherished Automatic Bespredelschik and well, let's shoot salt on a fox fur coat. A Automatic Bespredelschik know saying: “Ta-ta-ta-ta!” scared Naughty Chanterelle, golden money drops on the grass, covers his fur coat! A Merry Gingerbread Man picks up. All the heroes of the fairy tale came running to the noise. hobbling Puzanchik-Grandfather hand in hand with hostess-grandmother. In hand Grandpa's Big Spoon. Bryak! Bryak! In hand Granny - Slippery Window. Wow! Wow! galloped Bunny Kid. Jump and jump! Under his arm Carrot-Crazy perched: hrum-khrum-khrum! limp and Volchok Bandyuga. False Jaw with him grist-grit! came running Baby-Medvedik, followed by Little Komarik: “I want to drink blood! Is it really poured in the forest in the morning!”

Animals gathered in a circle, in the middle Merry Gingerbread Man With Bespredelschik automaton. Are going to share golden money: "This is for you! That's for me! This is for you! That's for me!" even naughty fox something has slipped. Divided by the beasts golden money, and then put it back together and bought a car. Now Merry Gingerbread Man sits behind the wheel and neatly in the evening carries all the inhabitants of the fairy tale.

5th leader: What is a family? A family is not just relatives who live together, they are people who are united by feelings, interests, attitude to life. There is nothing more precious than a family.

Family is what we share for everyone,
A little bit of everything: both tears and laughter,
Rise and fall, joy, sadness,
Friendship and quarrels, silence seal.
Family is what is always with you.
Let seconds rush, weeks, years,
But the walls are dear, your father's house -
The heart will forever remain in it!

6th presenter: And now, dear children and their parents, ending this evening, I would like to say a big thank you to everyone and express the hope that the family holiday helped us get to know each other better, unite, take one more step towards mutual understanding and unity. Let's join hands and all together sing a song, the words of which are the motto of our holiday “The bend of the yellow guitar…”

The bend of the yellow guitar you hug gently,
A string with a fragment of echo will pierce the tight heights,
The dome of the sky will sway - large and starry-snowy ...

Like a reflection from the sunset, a fire dances between the pines.
Are you sad, tramp, but smile!
And someone very close to you will quietly say:
It's great that we are all here today!

Holiday scenario: Family holiday "Family is the main thing in life"

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: The scenario will be of interest to music directors, educators and teachers of additional education, for older preschoolers and younger students.
Target: cultivate a sense of respect for family and friends.
- To form an idea of ​​the family as people who live together and take care of each other.
- To develop coherent speech of children, develop the ability to tell and answer questions, develop thinking and memory.
- To promote the development of goodwill, understanding.
- Develop a sense of pride in your family, cultivate a desire to take care of loved ones.
Preliminary work: reading fiction on the topic, learning poems and songs, reading proverbs and sayings, talking about your family.

Educator: Good evening guys and dear guests! We are very glad to see you in our festive hall We hope you brought a wonderful mood with you.
I would like to congratulate you all on such a lovely holiday, but this is what our guys will say.
Children in chorus:
Happy family day, congratulations to everyone,
And we wish everyone good health.
Educator: But what is a family?

Child: What is family? I'll tell you a secret -
This is dad and mom are the most precious thing in the world!
These are walks with them, trips to the sea,
This is a brother and sister, the one with whom I am in a quarrel.
This is grandma and grandpa, pies and sweets,
But of course I love them not at all for this!
What is family? Here it is my happiness!
Where I am always needed, where goodness and participation,
Where they understand me, they are waiting for me in any weather.
I love you more every day, year after year.
Child: Family is home
Where is warmth and comfort
Where they love you
And, of course, they are waiting.
The family is those
Who we can't live without
They are closer to us
Native and more expensive.
Family is joy
smiles and meetings
Which are needed
Appreciate and protect.
Family is the heart
Warmed by happiness
She was created
The highest authority.
Educator: Guys, can you tell me who lives in your families?
Children list all relatives.
Educator: I know that many of your relatives and friends came to visit us today, and I also know that you have prepared wonderful lines for them, which I am sure they will listen with great pleasure.
Child: I have a wonderful tree.
It is my family
And it is my family.
On this tree
Until old age
My great-grandfather nested
And also my grandfather.
My dad,
Learned to fly on it
And I could become a real bird!
And, as in the cradle,
With me,
Until morning.
On this tree
The winds blew.
And the leaves were chirping
like bells,
When I have
The chicks have arrived...
Child: Grandma will tell me a story
And make a sweet cake
And give me some yarn
So that I can run with a cat!
And grandfather will give me a planer,
Will bring nails, a hammer,
And it will be ready early
We have a birdhouse and a scoop!
Child: And dad will take you fishing
Tell about the herbs of the forest ...
We are close, a little waddle
let's go past the mushroom firs.
We'll pick mushrooms at the edge,
Let's find an intricate root,
In a forgotten forester's hut
We will drink tea with raspberries ...
Child: And mom, bending over the bed,
Sing a calm song
Tiptoe out stealthily
And good dreams will call!
And the wind blows through the windows
I think I don't sleep for a long time:
Well, how can I answer this?
I just love them so much!
Educator: I want to invite you to the contest
Build your family.
2 - 3 families collect their family tree. (Pictures from magazines, newspapers, the Internet). Who is prettier and better decorated.

Educator: I want to ask your parents, which bird is the symbol of our families?
Answers parents.
Educator: And let's find out if our parents know proverbs and sayings about the family?
Parents read proverbs.

Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
Where there is peace and harmony, no treasure is needed.
The best treasure when the family is in harmony.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
In your home, the walls help.
There is discord in the family, and the house is not happy.
Good brotherhood is better than wealth.
The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
Educator: Well done parents, they remembered proverbs. And now the parents will have a little rest and listen to the wonderful song that the guys have prepared for them.
"My friendly family"
(Written by Tatyana Ryadchikova, music by Alexander Komarov)
We always walk together
Dad, mom, brother and me!
And we all sing a song together -
Dad, mom, brother and me!

We're going on the road
In the summer we go hiking
And, walking together in step,
Let's sing a ringing song:

Dad, mom, brother and me -
Very friendly family!

And in winter we get up on skis,
And we cut the ice with our skates.
Let the winter breathe frost -
The cold does not take us.

Living in the world is more interesting
More fun every day
Because this song
Helps us in everything:

Dad, mom, brother and me -
Very friendly family!
Educator: I invite 2-3 families to come out. Let's find out which of you knows your family better? I will ask questions, and you will have to give me the answer one by one. In advance, I asked the children and parents for answers.

Who cooks most in the family?
- What does your child like to do?
What is your son's or daughter's favorite food?
- What sweets does mom and dad like?
- Does mom or dad watch TV more often in the family?
- Mom likes fruits or sweets more?
- Does dad often give mom flowers?
- Who walks with you more often?
- Mom watching football with dad? Etc.
Educator: Let's sum up and award the winners.
Next contest for kids: "Call me affectionately..."
For example: mother (what) - affectionate mother, dear mother, gentle, kind, beautiful, friendly ...
Educator: Today we have both girls and boys in the hall, and I propose to divide into two teams. Girls will be on one team and boys on the other team. In front of you are two easels and crayons. You need to take turns, run to the easel, draw one detail (or rather, one child draws a face, second eyes, third nose, etc.) and go back and pass the move to another. And we will draw portraits of our families, or rather, mom, dad, sister and brother.
"One, two, three - start painting a portrait."
Children draw a portrait, then summarize.

Educator: And I really want to hear how you spend your weekends and holidays in your families. Several children tell their stories.
Educator: The children told us their stories, now it's the turn of the parents. I want to invite parents to remember the songs that talk about the family, about parents, about children.
Answers parents.
- It will be a happy and wonderful day,
If mom and dad are around.
I'll be happy, I'll be very happy
If there are sister and brother nearby.
Thanks for the day, thanks for the night
Thank you for your son and daughter.
Thank you for being in the midst of pain and evil,
You saved our little world.
- We are all in a hurry for miracles,
But there is nothing more wonderful
Than that earth under heaven
Where is the roof of your house?
- Parental home, the beginning began, ...
- Grandmother next to grandfather ...
Educator: And I invite mothers, you need to recognize your portrait, which your children painted.
Parents are looking for, we reward the winner.
Educator: They found their portraits
And ready to listen to poetry.
Child: For kids, she is like a shield.
How strong is the armor
From cold and from fire.
There was a problem with the baby
The family will always understand him;
Sometimes scolded for a prank
But he'll forgive you anyway.
Family is a magical land of love,
She's like a precious paradise
In which faith and dream
Never runs out.
All children on earth need
Families are a magical land,
To love and regret
So that they can fly.
Child: Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand
Why are there seven?
No need to think and guess
And you just need to count:
two grandfathers,
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people.
- What if you have a dog?
Eight "I" come out?
- No, if there is a dog,
Comes out! - family.
Educator: Come out to me 4 families, the competition is next. Mom came home from work, tired, how will you meet her at home? Parents improvise here.
For example: Dad and son bring mom a chair, offer to rest, help take off shoes, offer to lie down on a makeshift sofa, and they both go to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
Educator: And at parting, I propose to sing a song, both children and parents sing. We distribute leaflets with the words of the song to parents.
Song about our family
(To the tune of "Songs about Bears")
Somewhere in the world our family lives,
He does not know grief and troubles, he is reputed to be friendly.
We read books together, we go to the movies together,
On a holiday we sing and dance, on weekdays we will find things!

Mom washes clothes, son sweeps the floor,
Dad cooks dinner while listening to football.
Work argues instantly, everyone is used to work.
And we know how to relax, fry barbecue in the forest!
La-la-la... We have a friendly family!
Educator: Happy family day, congratulations to everyone,
We wish you good health.
For your families to flourish
And friends surrounded you.
Children give gifts made with their own hands.

Developed and implemented:

Karpova Anna Alexandrovna,

Educator of the 1st qualification category


Leading: Hello dear moms and dads!

Nobody is in a hurry today.

no one goes to work in the morning.

Gathered all together now

What a wonderful holiday we have - Family Day.

Family is happiness, love and luck.

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement, awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want my friends to talk about you

What a nice family!


Family is us! Family is me!

The family is my father and mother!

Dasha B.:

Two grandmothers, two grandfathers, parents and me -

This is how a normal family works.

Egor C.

I love my mother very much.

I love dad too.

Mom bakes cakes for me

My dad reads books to me.

Dad, mom and me -

Our friendly family!

Kirill S.:

Family is mom, dad, grandfather,

Grandma cooks a delicious dinner for us.

There are also brothers and sisters in the family.

Family is me, and they call me:

A kitten and a sweetheart, a hare, a bird ...

Someone is my brother, and someone is my sister.

Family - where everyone loves and caresses me,

AND better family nothing happens!!!

Dasha L.:

What happiness to live in the world,

When I'm not alone in the world

When the soul is warmed

And behind the back is the family!

We are not able to understand immediately

This takes many years.

Family is given only once.

More expensive, closer, better not!

Leading: And now we have a riddle for you (shows a broom). Who will answer what it means? This riddle is the first family secret and treasure. The broom is not easy to break when all the rods are together. And separately easily. Now we will check how you are able to cope with riddles together.

Attraction "drink juice".

For each family, juice in a glass with a straw according to the number of people. On command, drink juice, who is faster. family members drink juice from the same glass at the same time.

Leading: Guys, do you know that birds and animals also have a family?

Do you know who the mother of the puppy is? (Dog)

Who is the mother of the chickens? (Hen)

Who is the mother of the kittens? (Cat)

Presentation of the family (slogan and team name).

1 Competition:

Who will sing whom?

Teams are invited to take turns singing a line from songs about flowers. Whoever sings better gets a point.

2 Competition:


Our mothers are wonderful housewives. They are always ready to receive guests. So, the task for moms is to fold the napkins. original way. But both dad and grandmother participate in our competition. When mom is not at home, and guests are on the doorstep, dads can also set the table.

girls are future housewives. They should also be able to make the house cozy. The task for them is to decorate the cake. 1 point for this competition.

3 Competition:

"Understand me"

The team must explain in such a way that the other team understands and names the word. It is not possible to name single-root words. Whoever copes in less time and guesses all the words gets 1 point.

    heels, New Year, soup, bear

    monkey, ears, cutlet, sun

    giraffe, seeds, bird cherry, cupboard

    dress, stool, pants, book

    candle, mop, hippopotamus, pencil

    horse, easter, chandelier, asphalt

4 Competition:

"Folk Wisdom"

Leading: There are many proverbs and sayings about the family. Let's remember them. Now a little workout. You need to correct what is wrong.

    Do not be born beautiful, but be born rich (happy);

    Seven nannies have a child in sight (without an eye);

    Lovely scold only on Fridays (amuse);

Now continue the proverb.

    A guest on the threshold - happiness in ... (house);

    House without a mistress ... (orphan);

    The apple never falls far from the tree);

    What are rich, ... (so glad);

    Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

5 Competition:

« Homework»

Leading: The working day is over, but family chores have not ended. The children sat down for lessons. Parents help.

Russian lesson: you need to solve a simple crossword puzzle on the topic of family relationships.

    My mother's daughter to me ... (sister)

    My dad's dad to me ... (grandfather)

    The woman who gave birth to me. (Mother)

    Mom of my daughter's husband to me ... (matchmaker)

    My mother's sister to me ... (aunt)

    I am always for my mother ... (child)

    ... falls far from the apple tree (apple)

    My granddaughter for my daughter... (daughter)

    The eldest daughter for the youngest ... (sister)

    Mom, dad, I'm friendly ... (family)

6 Competition:


The host gives the teams leaflets with tasks, and the jury - a form with answers, and observes the course of the competition.

    Emphasize an extra drink: Coca-Cola, fruit drink, Borjomi, Fanta, lemonade. (Morse is a non-carbonated drink).

    Make up the names of the dishes from the letters and underline the superfluous: AYATSINCHI, MEOTL, YAZGNALLU, NSRYIK. (Cheesecake - eggs are not used for cooking).

    Insert the word that ends the first and begins the second word: TVO (...) ALIK. (Horn)

    Write the name of the product needed to prepare the dish: RAS (...) NICK. (Salt).

    Pick up the words in brackets: (male name) + (pronoun) + s = flour product. (pasta).

7 Competition:

"My dream house"

Leading: Friends, have you ever wondered why they say: “My house is my fortress”?

Teams respond:

Undoubtedly, a person must have a home, and not just a roof over his head, but a place where he is loved and expected, understood, accepted as he is, a place where a person is warm and comfortable. Today at the holiday every family can build the house of their dreams. Let your family turn into a construction crew. I offer each team a set of bricks. Distributes envelopes with "bricks". Be able to agree on what kind of bricks you will build a house from. On four bricks you have already written the words "health", "love", "smile". the rest must be signed. Think about what bricks you will take to build your wonderful house. The roof can be given its own name. So, get ready to protect your project.

Leading: Thanks to all builders. Everyone's home was great. While the jury is summing up the results of the competitions, we will play with the fans.

Leading: Last riddle:

The whole family go for a walk

Let's have fun and eat.

What a wonderful day this is.

After all, today ... (DAY OFF).

Dear moms and dads, do you like the day off? Your kids love the day off too. Now let's find out why:

Andrey K.:

These days are one lucky day!

Sundays are needed.

Because Sunday

Mom makes pancakes.

Kirill S.:

Dad washes tea cups

We both wipe.

And then we the whole family,

We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.

Nikita B.:

And a song flows through the window,

I'm ready to sing myself.

It's good when we're together

Even if there are no pancakes!

Leading: And now our guys will dance for you.

Leading: The main value is mutual love and respect in your family. Chamomile is the most famous and beloved flower in Russia. She became a symbol of love and fidelity. Why do you think? On a camomile we guess "loves", "does not love".

But in order to truly become happy

You should not, believe me, pluck daisies.

Leading: And now I would like to show you an excerpt from the life of a kindergarten. (Slide show).

And now I would like to give Thanksgiving letters parents who have been actively involved in the life of our group for 2 years! (Presenting letters).

With this, our holiday came to an end.

Take care of each other!

Kindness warm!

Take care of each other!

Let's not offend!

Be healthy and happy!!!

And now, Dear Parents and children, we invite you to tea!