
A conspiracy to remove the boss from work. Conspiracy to remove a person from work. Rituals for the dismissal of a specific person


  • Conspiracy on the boss
  • Conspiracy for the favor of the boss and superiors
  • Magic - Low Moon
  • How can you frame your boss?
  • Five conspiracies that help from the boss's nit-picking
  • What to do if the boss finds fault?

What to do so that the boss resigns upon the occurrence of which any employee can be dismissed from the enterprise or organization, regardless of his position and length of service: reduction of an employee during reorganizational staff changes, such as a reduction in position or liquidation of an organization; inconsistency of the employee with the position he occupies; non-fulfillment of duties by the employee, built into the system; absenteeism; reinstatement on legal grounds of the employee who performed this work earlier; committing theft at the place of service; appearing at work under the influence of alcohol.

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Powerful Ritual strong ritual on the dismissal of the chief, provides for preliminary training. It consists in carrying out the following actions:

  • You need to find an intersection where the paths intersect (for example, in a park or square);
  • Three handfuls of earth should be collected from the center of the intersection.

After that, say the following magic words: “Holy Mother Earth, I’m not collecting land for myself, but for justice.”

Arriving home after sunset on the windowsill, you need to lay a piece of black fabric and pour earth on it. On it, using a ritual knife or just with your finger, draw three inverted crosses.

If you need a person to be fired from work - strong conspiracies from our ancestors

How to fire your boss

Torment him, frighten him, force me to make a decision that is beneficial to me. Live from this world and from this world. Days and nights do not feel sorry for him until he goes to write a statement.


My word is strong." Poppy and salt There is a solution on how to make a person quit his job - a conspiracy for salt. Take a package of salt and poppy seeds, select three handfuls of each substance, place in a bowl.

Mix everything with a knife, orienting counterclockwise. After that, you need to bend over the container and say the spell seven times.

The rite is going on with a flawed moon - this is important point. The charmed mixture must be dragged into your opponent's office and scattered in four corners. Throw grains on the threshold, in the drawers of the desk, on the bookshelves. The rest of the mixture is scattered on the opposite side of the office.

How to remove a boss

Remember that black magic is fraught with various bad consequences. Visit temples, periodically atone for sins. How I got rid of herpes with lipstick Hello everyone! Previously, for 6 years I suffered from herpes.

Rashes were every month. Based on my experience with the disease, I can say the following. Acyclovir-containing drugs help well at first, and then the effect of the treatment disappears.
She was observed in a herpetic treatment center, but the treatment was ineffective. A lot of money spent and all to no avail. Having learned about lipstick from herpes, I was skeptical, but still ordered it.
Used for a week. I felt the first result after 4 days.

Conspiracy on the boss

Don't let the manager cross the boundaries of the majority of employees, so that the authorities love them. At the same time, keeping in mind a good attitude and material incentives.


However, the proportion of female employees, such a wording can often mean a non-ambiguous interest on the part of the manager. Of course, there is nothing to worry about if the feelings and desire to be together are mutual.

But what do you do when a potential relationship with your boss isn't exciting? Quit or step over your "I"? You can stop harassment with the help of a special ritual. For its implementation, you need to purchase a lock. The plot is made at dawn, turning to face the sunrise.

The castle should be open, and the following words are read on it: “As the red sun rises in the vault of heaven, so I, a slave (name), run away from the lover (name) and hide in the vault of heaven. Amen".

Rites and conspiracies to fire a person from work

Method number 5, magic and conspiracies There are other ways to get rid of the authorities. Some resourceful employees turn to fortune-tellers, make conspiracies for the bad work of their superiors, ask magical powers to remove him from a leadership position.

Indeed, many magicians in the tenth generation are ready to take a considerable amount for performing rituals, but they cannot guarantee the unhindered departure of the boss. It is better to act on your own and not rely on someone else.



  1. Write the name of the enemy collaborator seven times on a piece of paper.
  2. Draw crosswise (also 7 times) the phrase "go away."
  3. Sprinkle a handful of dried nettle on a leaf.
  4. Make a bundle and fasten it with woolen thread.
  5. Place the bundle in a jar, fill with vinegar.
  6. Screw the jar with a lid, place a black candle on top.
  7. Say the plot many times (the candle must burn out completely).

Spell text: “Blaze, my candle, drive away evil people from me, drive my enemy away. Let him bypass my life. Let him leave this place forever and never return. Amen". Dismissing by photo This rite, like the previous ones, belongs to the sphere of black magic. Therefore, get down to business when the usual means of struggle have been exhausted.

Advice! If you hit a “hard nut”, you can’t retreat, you just need to distribute minor misconduct among the employees of the department so that each employee has only one disciplinary sanction, otherwise they will be fired even before the victory over the authorities. Method number 2, espionage and blackmail The second method requires maximum patience.

You must first ingratiate yourself with the new head of the department or director of the company. During this period, compromising evidence can be collected, for example, impartial statements about the work of the employer, minor violations conducting business or proving the involvement of superiors in embezzlement in the organization.

Should be collected as soon as possible. more information about misconduct, prepare their evidence, and then show the materials to the employer. You can act anonymously. Then, upon further verification, a person will be fired under an article, for example, for disclosing a trade secret.

Relations with superiors develop positively only in two cases: either you are direct relatives, or you are completely subordinate. It is not always possible for a person to share the opinion of the leadership and follow it, especially when a person placed above abuses his trust or is simply a petty tyrant. In this case, you can use a conspiracy on the boss. Magic rituals will help to have an impact without conflicts and violations of subordination.

A conspiracy so that the boss respects and does not find fault

Carrying out a conspiracy against an evil boss is not a very simple matter, since usually leaders become strong people. For this ritual, you should take the bones from the chicken. On the night of the full moon, read over them the words for the love of the boss:

“The bones are white, the bones are smooth, they will bring me great luck in my relationship with my boss, who will appear as kind and complaisant as the surface of the bones. My word is strong, may mercy be on me!

In the morning, bury the seeds in a flower in his office with the words:

"Influence on the servant of God (name) is behind me."

Ritual for the dismissal of an evil boss

A conspiracy to get rid of the boss can be read in different ways. For example, sometimes you really want to fire an unloved boss, trample on it and make it weak, but is it possible to build your happiness on the fall of another person? If you do not want to torture yourself with a dilemma, you can approach the issue from the other side.

In order to remove the boss from work before the ritual, you will need to wish him only the best from the bottom of your heart: a promising move, private business, promotion. You can use a conspiracy for sugar:

You will need:

  • Candle.
  • Yellow coins.
  • A bowl of water.
  • Sugar.

If you do not know which moon to read conspiracies on, then it is best for them to choose the full moon. With a full moon, you should visit the cemetery, if it's scary, call someone to fight. The place must be chosen so that the entire cemetery can be seen. Light a church candle, take a bowl of sweet water in one hand, coins in the other, say:

“The forces of the people who have left us, help me remove the chief from his place of habit to where he will be even richer, and his life will be even sweeter, like water in my hands, and even richer, like coins in my hands.”

With these words, throw away coins in bulk and pour all the water around you:

“Let him be invited to a sweeter and richer place, and we will be given another good leader.”

If you still want to just fire the boss, use such a plot. Around door handle chief in the evening on the full moon, wind a long thread and say:

“I’m confusing, I’m confusing, I’ll confuse the road, you won’t be able to walk here anymore and lead me.”

Prayer for protection from the wrath of the leader

Often leaders cross the line with their subordinates and allow themselves too much. How to protect yourself from such people and at the same time not lose your job? How to make him respect you? Prayers supported by rituals should be used. The most evil boss will stop taking out his anger on you and show mercy.

This prayer must be prepared through light fasting and abstinence for 3 days, for example, from Wednesday to the weekend. In the church you need to drink holy water with the words:

"God, I'm getting clean."

Then put a candle to the patroness of the weak, Saint Matrona:

“Holy Matrona, I came (ol) cleansed (th) to you for help, help me a sinner (th), make the boss love me and stop showing his anger towards me, and his name (...). Amen!".

Read before work in the morning:

“Holy Matrona, patroness of the weak, protect me from an evil person, a servant of God (name), so that he would never be angry with a servant of God (name), but would treat her like a person close to him.”

Prayer can be repeated several times a day, after a week, the leader should change his attitude towards you.

Strong prayer before talking with superiors

In the church, be sure to order a prayer service for the health of the boss, so that he loves you, you must also love him. Buy a “Living Help” belt in a church shop, put a candle to your saint in the church and ask for his protection before talking with the boss. Put on a belt for work (you can under clothes), wash yourself with holy water in the morning with the words:

“I go to work cleansed of sins and protected (protected) from attacks. Amen".

In front of the leadership door, turn three times around its axis, saying:

“Four rings on me for protection: one on my belt, three around me, no one can break through this force. Amen".

In the office, look not into the person’s eyes, but to where his “third eye” is located (the place between the eyebrows), mentally repeating:

“The Lord Almighty, in agreement with my guardian angel, took me under their protection. My defense is strong and strong, the servant of God (name) will not be able to break through it and you know it. Therefore, he is so kind and merciful to me, the servant (servant) of God (God) (your name), therefore he shows respect.

When reading any prayer, you need to completely trust the words. Even physical sensations affect the quality of the fulfillment of a prayer request. A person should feel a certain “pillar” of emotions rising from the lower abdomen to the brain. A kind of emotional wave going from the bottom up.

Conspiracy to pacify colleagues

In order for the team to treat you well, colleagues have finished their nit-picking, you need to work with the level of the subconscious, both your own and theirs. This will be a step-by-step ritual of your “rebirth” in the eyes of people working nearby. This ritual refers to women's practices.

You'll need:

  • Bath salt.
  • Flavored water with a gentle, light scent.
  • Candles, red and Brown color. The first symbolizes love, the second inner "I" and personal desires.
  • Rose petals.

1st day. Take a bath with salt, relax and mentally repeat to yourself:

“I am worthy of love and respect, I am a person whom everyone loves and respects. In my life, only love and respect.

2nd day. Take a bath with rose petals, relax and imagine yourself as a small child who is loved by mom and dad. Draw pictures of life for yourself, where your father kisses and hugs you, where your mother gives her tenderness. Show yourself how important and important you are to them. You can hug yourself at the same time with your hands on your shoulders to literally imagine how good it is under the loving care of your parents.

3rd day. Arrange candles around you, alternating colors and light them. You must find yourself in a burning ring. Having taken a comfortable position, it will be necessary to read the following words:

“I love myself and everyone loves me, I respect myself and everyone respects me! I am the best employee and everyone can see it! I am a wonderful person and everyone appreciates it! My words are strong!

A day after a shower, saturate the body with a delicate aroma, saying:

“The fragrance is magical, attracts people to me, people are drawn to me, people love and respect me! I deserve everyone's love and respect! Amen".

The procedure can be repeated several times, but always with faith in the soul and love for yourself. Before entering work, repeat the same words.

In relationships with people, the "reading" factor works, if you love and appreciate yourself, then others will do it. Working with your personal subconscious, influencing it with words and ritual will help you not only get rid of a colleague, but gain his love, respect and friendship.

There is a type of managers who create unbearable working conditions for employees of the enterprise or are initially biased towards a particular employee, trying to punish him if necessary, or even dismiss him. It is natural that the personnel of the enterprise have a desire to change their management.

Some workers, in their desire to remove a leader from office, resort to such exotic and dubious methods as conspiracies and rituals. So, let's look at real ways to fire your boss from work.

Become a company owner

The easiest way, but at the same time the most fantastic and difficult to implement, is to become the owner of the enterprise where you work. Indeed, the change of the owner of the enterprise is a sufficient reason for removing the director from the post, even if there are no other weighty reasons.

True, the new owner of the company is obliged to immediately offer any other post to the former head of the company, and only if he refuses, dismissal should follow.

It should be noted that it is much easier to dismiss the head of an enterprise at the request of the owner than an ordinary employee, since the director is less protected from job loss by law. There have already been precedents in Russian court proceedings when the groundless dismissal of company managers by their owners was not regarded as a violation of the rights of company directors.

The lower legislative protection of heads of organizations from dismissal is associated with the specifics of the functions they perform.

However, it should be noted that it is unlikely that an ordinary employee of the company will have the finances to buy it from the owner, but even if they do, it is unlikely that he will do it on purpose to fire his boss from work.

But there is such an option as the redemption by several employees of the enterprise from its owner. If you mean a small company, this is quite a feasible task.

Collect dirt

But still, the boss is not necessarily the director of the company, he can be relative to his subordinates and the head of the department. In this regard, not only the owner of the company, but the director of the enterprise (naturally, if he himself is not one) can dismiss the boss from his job.

The following method is probably the most common option for dismissing your manager. It consists in collecting compromising evidence on him, and compromising evidence can be either directly related to professional activity boss, and personal life.

You can dispose of the collected compromising evidence in a different way, depending on its content and your goals. The main ways to use compromising evidence in order to dismiss the boss from work are as follows:

  • go to the boss and declare that if he does not write a letter of resignation of his own free will, then the compromising evidence will be transferred to the top management, law enforcement agencies, or simply indulge in disclosure;
  • transfer the available information to the prosecutor's office, police authorities or other state structures;
  • immediately transfer the existing compromising evidence to a higher manager or owner of the company;

The first option is the simplest, since if successful, the desired result will follow almost instantly, but also the most dangerous, since your actions can be perceived as blackmail, and this is already a criminal article against the employee himself, who wants to remove the boss.

It is especially likely that your plan will fail if the collected material is not of critical importance to the leader. In this case, it is quite likely that your actions will turn against you.

The second variant of applying to law enforcement and regulatory authorities seems quite correct and legal. But only he can harm not only your immediate boss, but the company as a whole. And for this leadership, of course, no one will be patted on the head.

The boss is likely to be fired, but with a high degree of probability we can say that the next in line for dismissal will be the employee who transferred important information to government agencies.

The third option with the transfer of information to the top management of the company seems to be the safest and most correct. Whatever happens in the future, in the eyes of the director or owner of the company, you will earn an additional bonus, and if your information reveals the fraudulent schemes of the boss, then the goal of firing him will probably be achieved.

But here it is worth considering one more scenario, that the owner of the company and your boss can be linked in fraud. In this case, an attempt to denigrate the leader in the eyes of the owner will again hit you.


If not only you, but also other employees of the company or department are dissatisfied with the actions of the boss, then there is a real opportunity to use such an effective tool as sabotage against him. Sabotage can be carried out in both covert and open forms.

In the first case, this will be expressed in regular disregard for the orders of the chief while creating the appearance of their execution and in the disruption of the tasks assigned to him.

In general, the main goal is to create an environment in which either the boss himself will write a letter of resignation of his own free will, realizing the impossibility of managing a team hostile to him, or he will be removed from his post by senior management, seeing that as a leader he cannot cope with his immediate responsibilities.

This form of sabotage is called the Italian strike.

It is also possible to carry out sabotage in an open form in the form of a boycott and outright disobedience to the orders of the boss. With this form of protest, the top management of the enterprise in the form of an ultimatum is given a condition to dismiss the manager who did not get along with his subordinates.

Of course, sabotage is a strong enough remedy against a picky boss, but during the boycott, the main thing is to show the cohesion and unity of the team on the way to the goal, otherwise not the leader will be fired, but those few employees who dared to oppose him.

So carrying out sabotage or an open boycott requires a long preliminary preparation, and in the strictest secrecy, so that all your undertakings do not turn against you and you are not left without work before your boss.

We started with the least likely option for dismissing the boss and will end up the same way. You can fire the boss by rising up the ranks above him.

Of course, this is a rather long way, and also difficult to implement, since rarely do subordinates rise above their recent boss. The more likely option is that the boss will be fired or promoted, and you will begin to lead instead of him.

But even if you manage to jump over the head of your immediate supervisor, then in this case the meaning of his dismissal may disappear by itself. His dismissal may simply be of no interest to you, since now he will not decide what to do and determine your future professional destiny.

If, during his leadership, the boss has annoyed his former subordinate so much that the thirst for revenge has not quenched, then it will be much more pleasant to see this person in his former role, forcing him to experience everything you have experienced before, than just dismiss him.

But in any case, when implementing this plan, you will kill two birds with one stone: get rid of the nitpicking and demands of an annoying boss and significantly increase your professional status.

What do we have

Of course, there are a lot of ways to fire a boss who treats you badly, both completely legal and not very. Only some of them have been listed here. But before putting your plan into action, think carefully about whether it will turn against you? Maybe you can still find with the boss mutual language by making mutual concessions?

Or is it possible that what seems like unnecessary nit-picking on the part of management is actually quite legitimate demands on subordinates? You should also think about the option of changing jobs yourself, and not looking for an opportunity to fire your boss.

Work is a very important part for any of us who want to feel financially independent. But sometimes even having found a good job, and there is that same fly in the ointment that spoils everything, in the person of an eternally dissatisfied boss or an unbearable employee.

The easiest option is to quit yourself and try yourself in another business or at another job. But too often it is better not to change the place of work, so as not to spoil your work history. And besides, if the work is really worthwhile, isn't it better to fight for your place in the sun? And magic is a reliable assistant in this.

Conspiracy to fire a boss or employee

It happens that it is unbearable to stay at work and everything would be fine if it were not for the nit-picking of one particular person. But on the other hand, why exactly should you leave your job, and is it not better to get your abuser fired? On the one hand, yes, but on the other hand, it is better not to get carried away with such magical rites from black magic, you can not indulge in the most.

But if you decide, prepare for the ceremony:

Scissors and black thread.

Spring water.

One thick candle of light shades.

A photograph of a manager or employee.

Carrying out a conspiracy against a boss or employee:

1. Put the photograph on the table or on the floor and put a small bowl of spring water on it and pass a lit candle three times over the photograph and water counterclockwise.

2. Then cut two pieces of thread and fold them crosswise on the photo.

3. Then take the needle and, circling it around the photo counterclockwise, say three times:

“According to your photograph, I’m leading, I’ll slander. Servant of God (name), leave forever, here we will never get along with you, you leave, and I will stay. And if you want to stay, you won’t return peace, it will leave you forever until your soul perishes into the abyss. Amen"

4. Then stick the needle into the head in the photograph.

5. Remove the photograph and store without removing the needle until the result satisfies you.

6. Come to work early in the morning and take spring water with you, sprinkle it lightly on the threshold of the office, the threshold of the entrance to the organization, the corners of the boss's office.

And if possible, add some charmed water to tea or coffee for the boss. To do this, you can drop a few drops into a common teapot or the one from which the boss drinks, there will be no harm to other people. Usually office workers come in the morning and change the water in the kettle or change it by about 10 am, you can do this in advance.

The rite is black and guarantees your offender health problems in particular headaches, possibly toothaches, general depression and poor health in general. He simply will not be able to be at work, especially next to you. On an instinctive level, your bully will avoid you and pick on you less until he quits his job altogether.

Conspiracy to fire your abuser

There are special rituals in magic that allow you to remove a person even holding a high position from your path or even achieve his dismissal. In order to get out of the way or fire your offender, you will need:

White sheet of paper, naturally clean.

Pen with black ink.

Some vinegar and a black candle.

Small jar or vial.

Black wool thread.


Conducting a conspiracy to leave a boss or employee:

1. Write with a pen on a piece of paper the name of your abuser exactly seven times.

2. Then also write the words crosswise seven times:

"Get away from me"

3. Then sprinkle a pinch of nettle grass on a sheet of paper with your inscriptions.

4. Then fold the sheet of paper away from you, turn the sheet to the other side and fold it in half again. You should get a small bundle that needs to be tied with a black thread.

5. Then put the sheet in a jar, fill it with vinegar and close it tightly with a lid. And put a candle on this lid.

6. Light a candle and say:

“Burn my candle, take away all evil from me, drive bad people away from me. Let no one touch me at work, don’t offend me with a word, don’t see me as an enemy. Let the servant of God (his name) bypass all the bad and dashing me, and the servant of God (the name of your offender) leave work sooner, find another job for himself, start a new life. Amen"

7. Repeat the plot slowly while the candle is burning.

Even if your offender is in good standing with the management, one way or another, you can get rid of him anyway. For example, in my practice I met when a woman was offered a promotion in another organization. Or when another woman's own brother found a job in another city.

There was even a case when a very demanding and picky boss just got everyone, so many people could not stand it and quit because of her. But it so happened that the superior boss was called for a promotion to another position, and the new head of the organization, who came instead of her, simply fired this picky lady, or rather asked her, and instead called his man.

One way or another, a conspiracy to fire a boss or any other employee will help you even when it would seem that this person will never be removed. It so happens that a person with a very bad and complex character and everyone knows this, but the supreme leadership appreciates him (her). Because he does a very important job that no one can do or in fact he can be very hardworking and work hard, but such a picky character. Even in this case, magic will still find a way and the right approach and save you from such a person.

How to turn the anger of the authorities into favor

Even if it is your boss who often breaks down screaming and it is at you. You should not panic and get very upset about this. For such people, as a rule, this is not something that becomes a habit, but they can often break loose, but meanwhile they move away faster than ordinary people. That is, if the boss yelled at you in the morning, then by the evening he “forgave” and forgot for a long time, and even somewhere in the depths of his soul he feels, if not remorse, then he understands that he is not doing very well.

By using magic conspiracies you can even turn his anger on the boss in your favor, and you may even be able to become his (her) favorite (favorite), while you won’t have to sleep with the boss at all.

Since the conspiracy is supposed to evoke feelings close to love in the boss, it must be carried out on the growing moon. In front of the chief's door, before entering, say:

“Lord, in a difficult moment I trust in you and cry out for your help. Remember the meekness and generosity of King David. How kind and merciful he was to the people who served him. So let my boss, the servant of God (name), be kind and merciful to me, and let his anger turn into favor for me. May he be merciful, meek and just with me. Amen"

Soon you will no longer suffer from the anger and attacks of the boss. And his rage will turn into mercy and favor towards you. Even hot-tempered and evil people not alien to acts of kindness and good relationship, it’s just that sometimes people need to help people reveal these feelings in themselves, at least with the help of the same conspiracy from an evil boss.

The boss conspiracy is popular magical ritual, which will allow you to achieve the location of even a very angry and always nagging boss. There are also improvements in relationships with colleagues. In this article, you will learn how to appease a strict boss and go to work every time like a holiday.

Rites of white magic have a positive influence. If the boss unfairly finds fault with you, you have the opportunity to change his attitude towards you. Thanks to conspiracies, the veil will surely fall from the eyes of the boss, and instead of anger or resentment, he will be filled with respect, solidarity and other positive emotions for you.

In order for the rite to have the desired effect, it is important to properly prepare for it:

  • Clear visualization required. Every time you leave for work, imagine that you are getting rid of all the negative energy, visualize shaking hands with your boss, and you begin to new stage cooperation. Can you imagine a raise wages, receiving praise for the successful implementation of the project.
  • Rid yourself of the feeling of fear of the boss. Think about what caused his negative attitude towards you? It is also recommended to light candles in your home. of blue color- they will have a beneficial effect on the situation, will contribute to the release of friendly energy.
  • You need to achieve a state of complete calm, carefully analyze the situation, and only after that begin to perform the rite itself. It is important that you have enough energy for this magical action.
  • It is necessary to call on the help of the Saints, ask them for help.

Conspiracies for successful work

Conspiracy from the boss-energy vampire

If after every meeting you feel bad, have a headache, your mood deteriorates, your heart rate increases, or you encounter other uncomfortable phenomena - of course, a couple of times this can be attributed to a physical ailment. But when you regularly encounter such phenomena, it is worth considering that your boss is probably the real one. energy vampire and it is worth taking steps to protect yourself from it.

The total number of repetitions should be seven. It is important to pronounce the slander clearly, without getting lost in the process of reading.

A conspiracy for the boss, which must be read before leaving for work

In the morning, when you are going to go to work, you need to wash yourself using specially charmed milk. You need to say the following words to it:

The time of the ceremony is twelve o'clock at night. You will need to take one large spoonful of sugar and speak it with the following text:

Then you quietly pour sugar under your boss's office. Very soon, his attitude towards you will change in the most dramatic way.

An important point - when you speak a conspiracy, it is important that your breath touches the sugar.

This conspiracy should be used if your boss treats you unfairly.

Take a handful of poppy, speak it and then a small amount of sprinkle on the desktop or under the evil boss's door.

Poppy speaks like this:

A very common situation is when a person makes significant efforts at work, tries and everything turns out quite well for him. But the boss does not appreciate his work, constantly looking for various flaws in it, forcing him to redo it many times. There may even be threats regarding deprivation of bonuses, pay cuts or dismissal.

If you, too, find yourself in a similar unenviable position, do not rush to get upset. Just turn to the next magical ritual for help.

To fulfill it, you will need to prepare a saucer and salt collected on Maundy Thursday.

Wait until evening, take 7 pinches of salt, pour it into a saucer and say a slander:

The next morning, take salt with you to work and discreetly pour a small amount of it next to the office of your formidable boss. Also, some salt should be sprinkled under your office and front door. Very soon you will be pleasantly surprised by the positive changes in your work.

A conspiracy to change the attitude of the boss

This is a stronger version of the conspiracy, it should be used in especially difficult cases. But it is allowed to resort to it only once a month.

For its execution, you will need to stock up on such an arsenal of items:

  • three blue candles;
  • a coin taken from your purse;
  • a ball of white thread;
  • holy water.

Wednesday is considered a suitable day of the week for a conspiracy.

The ceremony is performed in the following stages:

  1. You stay at home on your own. You can close yourself in your room, but it is very important that no one disturbs you during the ritual.
  2. On a piece of plain paper, write the name of your boss.
  3. Then put a candle on a piece of paper with a name and light it.
  4. Now imagine your formidable boss in detail: remember the features of his behavior, voice, words with which he offends you. Gaze into the flame of a candle and burn all the negative energy in your thoughts. Fill your heart with love as much as possible.
  5. When your mind is completely cleared of negative emotions, you will need to drink holy water poured into a glass and pronounce a conspiracy:
  6. Repeat the slander until you completely wind the ball. Keep it in your home in a secret place. And the coin should be taken and furtively placed in the boss's office. Very soon you will be able to enjoy the result.

    With the help of the described slander, you can improve your relationship with your boss, as well as improve the atmosphere in the team.