
Wedding seating decor. Seating arrangements for wedding guests: schemes and plans. Little tricks to help


Guess what you left out while preparing? I am sure that most couples have not even thought about such a question as a plan for hosting invited friends and loved ones. Nevertheless, an interesting seating arrangement for guests at a wedding, the design of seats will add originality and creativity to your celebration. When seeing off your loved ones, you will often hear “It was unforgettable!”. How to achieve this and other secrets, we will talk in this article.

Wedding Seating Plan: Should You Do It?

To begin with, I will explain (maybe someone does not know) what the seating of guests at a wedding is, this is how and where the places of people who attended the festival will be located. Believe me, this is a very important step in preparing for the ceremony.

The atmosphere at the celebration and the mood of those who came to congratulate you depend on who you sit next to during the celebration.

Of course, you can get by with a standard traditional seating arrangement without bothering with it. But think about what the situation can result in when you put people next to you who do not get along. No matter how hard they try, they will not miss the moment to prick each other. And what it will grow into, I think you guessed it - the holiday will be spoiled by showdowns. Or another option: unmarried bridesmaids sit at one end, and single groomsmen occupy the other ... boring, isn't it?

Proper seating at the wedding performs another very important mission - it is the acquaintance of relatives and friends. After all, it is not always possible to gather your loved ones together, and the marriage ceremony is the best occasion to unite everyone.

Therefore, you must agree, the design of the wedding seating should be approached with all seriousness, so that later the memories of the celebration would be pleasant and exciting. With the help of the seating plan, you will distribute the participants into groups with common interests - create a pleasant atmosphere at the holiday.

Guest lists, how not to ignore anyone

Marriage organization is the first test in family life couples, to pass it you need to be patient and make every effort. Before you arrange the seating of guests at a wedding, it is better to make guest lists, which also falls on the shoulders of the newlyweds.

Doesn't the wedding change from rearranging the places of the tables?

The lists have been drawn up, now you need to choose the correct composition of the tables, in which your the wedding will take place on URA.

Popular P arrangement

This method, in which there are 3 tables, is the most commonly used nowadays. Top
parts are the heroes of the occasion, as well as their main guests, the rest are seated on different sides. Thus, you can save space - invite more friends and relatives.

T-shaped arrangement

If the venue for the ceremonial
For events, a narrow and long hall is chosen, then it is preferable to arrange tables in the shape of the letter T. This type of seating allows you to accommodate no more than 40 people, i.e. not intended for large events.

W-shaped arrangement

For larger gatherings, you can use an organization that will accommodate from 100 people. Moreover, the more banquet participants, the more intermediate tables are used. The disadvantage in this arrangement is that the communication of guests will be limited only by the neighbors on the table. But otherwise, with so many invitees, there is simply no way.

European style

In this form, there is no single table, people are seated in groups at small separate tables up to 8 people at each. Very beautiful planting. However, the disadvantage in this case is that, by dividing the invitees into groups, they were limited in communication and the opportunity to get to know each other better. The European seating arrangement for guests at a wedding has several options, these are:

  • English, in which rectangular tables are most often used;
  • Italian seating, unlike the previous one, consists of round tables, at which seating takes place for 4 people at each. Suitable for weddings for 20-35 people;
  • "Cabaret" also consists of round tables. The difference from the Italian one is that no one is placed at the tables from the side of the main table, so all attention is focused on the young ones. This organization uses up to 5 tables for 25 people

Arrangement of tables Herringbone

This option is a cross between the traditional arrangement of guests at the same table and the European scheme. It allows you to accommodate a fairly large number of people, while dividing them into groups based on the interests of each, and can also be distributed by age category. The disadvantage of this view is that many of the visitors will sit half-turned or completely with their backs to
the heroes of the occasion.

As you can see, the arrangement of tables at a wedding plays a significant role in organizing a wedding, choosing the right location, you will provide your loved ones with not only comfort, but also pleasant communication with old + new friends. From all the variety that is presented here, have you picked up something for yourself? Leave your feedback if the information was useful or you want to add some details.

Rules are not only in textbooks

The truth is, even in a matter like ours, there are certain rules. No matter how dear each of our friends is to us, you can’t put everyone next to you, so there are subtleties that must be observed so that they and you have positive emotions, and there is no confusion and embarrassment.

  1. The central table should be the table of the newlyweds or they should sit at the head if the seating will be held at the same table
  2. The young woman certainly sits on the right hand of the groom
  3. Witnesses are now most often sitting next to the newlyweds, and then parents (but this order is already at the discretion of the spouses themselves)
  4. Before the invitation to the table, it is necessary that the guests get to know each other
  5. Men sit opposite their partners, not next to each other (currently this point is constantly violated)
  6. Be sure to alternate male and female faces
  7. Singles are not planted next to couples
  8. Also, when planning the distribution of participants, it is necessary to discuss their characters, since people who love attention will compete with those who are similar to them, so it is better to seat them at different ends. Shy and reserved people should also not be seated next to each other, it is better to seat them with cheerful and sociable people who are able to stir them up.
  9. Children are a separate item. It is better to place them at a separate table, so it will be more comfortable for them and their parents.

The rules of seating at a wedding are very simple, following them guarantees success for your holiday. To facilitate your work in this matter can online seating, a special service that will visually show you the accommodation of the invitees.

“Oh-oh-oh, where should I sit?”

So that such questions do not arise, as well as there is no confusion and confusion, wedding organizers recommend taking care of this in advance by developing a seating plan for guests at the wedding, the design of which will be in the same style as the whole ceremony takes place.

The plan is a visual layout of the seating arrangement, which will display all
places in general. This will help them know in advance what place is reserved for everyone and no one will run around the hall for a free chair.

How can it be issued? Very easy: there are many options for solving this problem. You can, of course, simply order a seating program for guests, where they will simply come up with a design for you and do all the work. Buy already wedding seating arrangements, which includes a plan, cards and the rest of the decor associated with them, you can use special portals designed to pick up everything for a wedding to your liking. It depends on the asking price. You need to decide for yourself whether you want to save on this and do everything yourself or trust professionals.

Wedding organizers can now offer a lot of options for decorating wedding seating arrangements for guests and all the attributes. This is how, for example, they can decorate in Kyiv

and this is for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg

The seating chart may take the form of a seating board, which should be located at the entrance to the hall. It can be a stand, an easel, a poster for a wedding for the seating of guests, on which all seating areas will be indicated. Even the simplest seating frame can lead to admiration,
if it is originally decorated. The plan itself can be made in the form of a seating table with table numbers, names of friends, who will be seated at which table, or an original seating chart. If you want to make a unique seating arrangement for guests at the wedding and take care of the decoration, many sites will allow you to download templates in psd, which will give you the opportunity to show your imagination and create special holiday accessories.

In addition to the plan, you can (if those participating in your holiday still lose sight of it), arrange seating tables at each seat and table numbers in the same style as your plan.

For example, if you completed a plan in the form of a world map on which the tables were indicated where the invitees would sit, then guest seating cards, should not deviate from the subject and be performed in nautical style, can be in the form of stars or sea ​​stones(as in the photo), on which the names will be written participants.

Also an interesting plan can be, so to speak, in a peach style. This color, as a rule, is chosen by sophisticated, sensitive, gentle couples. The whole ceremony is filled with light peach color, barely diluted with white (where would we be without it).

Weddings are becoming more and more popular blue color. Very nice combination of blue, blue and white flowers present in literally everything. A blank with names can be made using ribbons, brooches, or you can use butterfly decoration, as in the photo.

It is not difficult to make cards of the same peach style: you just need to buy fruits according to the number of your invitees, and on small cards, stencils that can be found on World Wide Web sites, write their names. These cards can be made in the form of a leaf to a peach; or simply in the form of a flag attached to a fruit, which will then take its place before the celebration, according to your wedding seating plan, the design of the latter can also be done independently using free templates.

The examples that I gave you are quite simple to implement. You just need to pick up templates, and you can download them for free. Samples are presented in psd format.

Seating cards are a very convenient attribute that helps guests find their place at the table and get to know each other if they have never seen each other before that day.

You can order seating cards for a wedding or an anniversary at a company that deals with festive decoration, or purchase them on the popular Aliexpress Internet site in the “Everything for the Holidays” section. On Aliexpress you can find very original wedding trivia at very low prices, but you will not receive the goods immediately, because delivery sometimes lasts from 3 to 6 weeks.

It is better to make wedding cards for seating guests with your own hands. To do this, you need to download and print the original template, layout or come up with a more creative version from any available materials.

Seat Card Ideas

  • There are a lot of ideas for nameplates on the table - boxes with sweets and berries, bottles with colored drinks, decorated cones, fruits with paper leaves, small pots with plants, jars of honey, butterfly-shaped sweets and much more. We have prepared a lot of interesting ideas for you.
  • OK, when banquet cards attached to useful little gifts - . Thus, you will express gratitude to the guests for paying attention to you on this day.
  • You can use any fruit - pears, peaches, lemons and berries.
  • For a green or apple style wedding, use green apples.
  • Small gifts will be a pleasant surprise for guests and will remind them of this holiday for a very long time.
  • A pot of plants is appropriate for a rustic wedding. Cards for guests on the table can be made in the same style with wedding invitations or in combination with the general theme of the wedding.

How to make banquet tables for seating guests with your own hands?

Cardboard wedding cards

For a wedding in a classic style, it is better to make cards from thick cardboard. Necessary materials can be purchased from scrapbooking departments.

For work you will need:

  • Scrapbooking cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler;
  • Awl;
  • Sharp wand or non-writing pen;
  • PVA glue;
  • Hole puncher;
  • Decor items to choose from (beads, rhinestones, ribbons, etc.)

Now is the time for creativity. First, you need to print the layout of the plate or draw it yourself, then cut out the blank of the shape you need from cardboard. It is very convenient if the card is made in the form of a house or has a stand. So it can be put on the table. To do this, you need to make an even fold. FROM reverse side Use a ruler and a sharp stick to draw a line. Now the card can be folded along the contour and decorated. You can use any decoration. Make a hole with a hole punch and pull a ribbon into it, tie a bow, glue beads, flowers or rhinestones.

Do not "sculpt" a lot of details. Better less decor, but tasteful.

Now sign the sign. You can do it yourself or use the service beautiful inscriptions in a photo studio.

Fabric wedding seating card.

If you have chosen to wedding decoration style, or "Country", then a card made of fabric is the most suitable option.

What is needed for creativity?

  • Fabric - chintz, linen;
  • Ribbons, braid, lace for decoration;
  • Buttons, beautiful antique pins;
  • Needle, scissors, thread, knitting yarn;
  • Fabric dyes;
  • Sewing machine.

It is better to choose natural fabrics. You can also use several fabrics in texture and texture, for example, linen is ideal for the base, and chintz or felt for finishing. Felt can also be taken as a basis, especially if your wedding is in the winter. To make seating cards for guests more rigid, thick cardboard can be inserted inside. It is better to embroider the inscriptions of guests or, in order not to waste time, write with acrylic paint.

Banquet cards for a wedding with photos of guests.

Photo plates will also become original version seating arrangements for guests. Print the photos and arrange them in the form of small postcards. The inscription can be applied in advance and printed along with the photo on a printer or in a photo salon.

  1. Do not seat elderly relatives close to the stage so that they do not complain about excessive noise;
  2. Seat the men and women in turn;
  3. Don't split groups of people at different tables. Place relatives, work colleagues, friends together;
  4. Do not seat couples separately from each other. The only exception is if one of them is a witness.
  5. Make a separate table for older children. Place the kids with the adults.
  6. No more than 10 people should be seated at a separate round table, otherwise it will be difficult for them to communicate.
  7. In addition to seating cards, make a large seating plan for guests. So the invitees will be able to immediately understand where they are sitting.
  8. Label tables with numbers.
  9. All guests at the same table must know at least one person;
  10. Do not sit at the same table those who like to argue with each other;
  11. If there are former spouses at the wedding, then seat them at different tables and as far apart as possible;
  12. And remember! This is your wedding and it is up to you to decide how best to seat the guests, but you still need to listen to opinions.

In order for the wedding to be peaceful and fun, you should worry about the seating plan for the guests in advance. In the Russian tradition, when preparing for an event, it is customary to pay more attention to the choice of dishes and drinks on the table. Practice shows that this approach is not bad, but far from perfect. The event will be much more fun if you take advantage of new trends and foreign experience in organizing holidays.

Why you need a seating plan

Very often, the imaginary picture of the newlyweds' festive feast is much brighter and more interesting than reality. Most often, the problem is not a poor table, not a lack of good alcohol, and not festive decoration. Banal silence and boredom at the table can turn a chicly decorated banquet hall into a dull sight. To avoid such a situation, it is worth considering in advance and drawing up a plan-template for seating guests at a wedding.

How to seat guests at a wedding

A wedding is a celebration in which two families, in fact, become one. This is not about the newlyweds, but about their relatives and close friends. So that the guests do not "clump" with the usual companies and do not sit in silence, it is worth planting representatives of both sides interspersed. So friends of the bride and groom can get to know each other. Break your family into small groups, perhaps married couples or adult siblings, and bring similar couples from both sides around the same table.

When planning, keep in mind the age and personal preferences of the guests. It is a very bad idea to put an avid hunter and a lover of our smaller brothers with an active lifestyle at the same table. But to place an artist and a musician close to each other is a good move. Also, do not raise the problems of fathers and children at the holiday, try to take into account the age of the guests when determining places. Proper seating of guests is a guarantee of a lively conversation at the table.

Examples and templates for the design of the seating plan for guests at a wedding

It is not enough just to draw up a seating plan on a piece of paper. Guests must be familiarized with the arrangement of tables and their place. Otherwise, the crowd of invitees will simply rush around the hall in search of cards with their names.

To solve the problem, it is worth drawing up a large-format seating plan for guests at the entrance to the entrance. The design of the stand should be consistent with the general style of the wedding.

The wedding seating template is very simple. Sheets of paper on the stand are arranged according to the arrangement of tables in the celebration hall. In the title of each sheet, you must indicate the number of the table, then list the names and surnames of the guests located behind it. You can order such a plan in any baguette shop.

DIY wedding seating templates

It's no secret that sometimes even the bride and groom are not able to name all the guests at the wedding. Relatives on both sides sometimes have no idea who they are talking to, as a result, unpleasant situations and incidents may arise.

Abroad, at celebrations, a fun game called Find your face, find your place is very popular. Literally, this phrase can be translated as "I found my face - I found my place." The essence of the idea is to hang small photographs along with the names in the seating plan of the guests. This will give guests the opportunity to know in advance with whom they will sit at the same table, and avoid embarrassing moments.

You can entrust the implementation of such a stand to professionals, but in order to avoid mistakes, make it better with your own hands. In fact, it is no more difficult than drawing a poster for a school wall newspaper - it does not require special talents.

Why do we need guest name cards

A beautiful seating plan for guests is great, but again not enough. Duplicate the seating with name cards on the tables.

Cards will help the host of the event to determine the location of the main characters entertainment program holiday, and waiters will be able to quickly find guests and fulfill their requests. And again, nameplates will help guests get to know each other and remember each other's names. Wedding seating templates and cards should be made in the same style.

Name Card Design Options

For seating depends on the overall theme of the wedding design. For example, if the main motive is autumn, then the cards can be made on gold or orange paper, and the table numbers can be indicated in the form of falling leaves. Cards carry important information, so do not overload them with excessive design.

It is better to make signs in a minimalist style: a small neat pattern and a name. This is a win-win option that always looks elegant. Sometimes you can deviate from the golden rule. If the program of the event is full of events and personal instructions and explanations are required for the guests, then it is possible to make plates instead of name cards.

Such signs can contain all the information necessary for guests and be used as props during competitions. This design option can be implemented only if it is really necessary. Signs take up a lot of space and will interfere with guests more than clarify what is happening.

Ready-made design templates

Cards do not have to be ordered from a professional designer in the printing industry. You can use ready-made free templates for seating arrangements for guests at a wedding. All you need is a computer, printer, paper and scissors.

You need to print the required number of sheets. Then cut out the cards along the lines, enter the name by hand and bend in the center. If you have a color printer at your disposal, then the task is greatly simplified. It may not be limited black and white design, and boldly choose bright prints and patterns.

The above templates have a common style of performance, so even different cards will look harmonious on the same table. Instead of multi-colored patterns, you can get by with colored paper. One way to emphasize that guests belong to the side of the bride or groom is to print cards in two colors, for example, yellow for the guests of the bride, and brown for the guests of the groom.

DIY name cards

Even in the absence of a printer and a computer, you can make exclusive pointers with your own hands, and quickly. This will require a lot of cardboard, glue, glitter and a fountain pen. An example of execution can be seen in the photo below.

First you need to decide on the shape of the cards, in the example in the image the bottom edge is cut out in the form of waves. You can buy a special hole punch in the needlework store and greatly simplify your task. Curly knives of the device will help you quickly and easily make stars, hearts, leaves and other shapes around the edges.

Next, you need to apply glue to the edge of the paper and dip it in sparkles. Then, excess dusting is carefully removed from the card. beautifully enter the name of the guest. Writing with ink is not easy, you either need to practice on separate sheet, or use more familiar and convenient writing tools. The highlight will be a short personal wish for guests on each card.

Figured hole punchers can cut not only waves, but also various animals and patterns. The device can be used to make another design option for name cards for guests.

These cards are made from simple craft cardboard and round napkins made with a figured hole punch. In the center of the napkins, you need to write the name by hand and stick it to the support cardboard.

It is not difficult to make when their number does not exceed 50 pieces. For large celebrations with a long list of guests, it is better to seek help from professionals in their field. The organization of celebrations is rarely complete without the services of interior designers. The cost of cards and a seating stand will simply be lost in the total costs. Personal participation is required at the stage of compiling the list of guests and their seating plan in the hall.

In order for everything to go “without a hitch, without a hitch” on the most important day for you, you need to take care of everything in advance! Even about such a simple thing as a seating plan for guests at a banquet. After all, if it is not thought out, one of your guests may accidentally take someone else's place or not find it at all. But we don't want that, do we? So let's quickly figure out how to organize everything so that misunderstandings do not become your guests at the wedding!

Guest cards.

To make it easier for your family and friends to find their seats, prepare seating cards for guests. Do not forget that they, as a decorative element, must match the style and color scheme the whole celebration. So what can we offer? It's summer, which means it's time for fruit. And here is an original and juicy idea for you - “tasty” cards for guests. Decorate the fruits with the names of your loved ones and place the "tablets" in their places. This idea will bring freshness and summer mood to your celebration. Moreover, no matter what color scheme is chosen for the wedding, you can easily pick up the fruit that you like more.

And at the end of the wedding, it will be possible to arrange a contest for eating “banquet cards”.

If you are organizing an eco-wedding, or the choice fell on the boho style, or just your celebration unfolded in nature, then cards made in the form of butterflies or birds will come in handy.

Speaking of nature. Floral "tablets" will look no less original. In the summer season, finding the right plant will be very easy. You can’t eat such a “card” like a fruit one, but you can put it on the windowsill. And a decorative element at the wedding, and a small memorable gift for guests!

By the way, seating cards with succulents are incredibly popular with brides! Neat, inexpensive and the “stone rose” (as the plant is called) will not fade during the evening, because it is in a tiny pot. Use the idea as a gift for guests - everyone can take a touching present with their name home, as a keepsake.

The theme of nature has long won our hearts. Therefore, from miniature plants to wooden saw cuts is literally one step. Using them or boards as seating cards or table numbers has become very fashionable!

Do not think that when designing seating cards, you need to follow some rules. Not! Let your imagination run wild and maybe your guests will get a Lego man with their name or even a miniature easel. What about a spool of thread or an acorn? In a word, let the most inappropriate, it would seem, objects go into action.

The main thing is that everything is in style! And do not forget about traditions - they are the easiest to start with. We all remember the keys to family happiness, don't we?

How to seat guests.

Those invited will find their place faster if their tables are somehow marked. How to seat guests correctly? Table numbering will become a classic of the genre here. Or you can look at European seating plans and give each table its own name: cities, names of cartoon characters, everything will be in place. But you can go further and decorate each table in a certain color or place a remarkable decoration on them that will “tell” the guest “this is your table!”.

How to make a seating plan for guests?

Choose according to your taste. A simple option is hanging cards. In fact, the surface is not important to you, because everything you need will be at hand. Rope, clothespins and the cards themselves. Add greens for freshness, choose the paper they will be printed on, and the seating plan is ready.

We draw up a seating plan for guests.

When gifting your guests with a personalized card, don't forget a seating plan that will help your guests find their seat faster. When the deadlines do not allow you to think about the design or this is not important, you can lay out the cards on a separate table. Well, if it is possible to roam, then here are some interesting ideas for you.
We really liked the tree plan with the cards hanging on it. This performance looks very original and elegant. Your guests will definitely be surprised.

The frame is an exquisite decorative element. She can also draw up a seating plan, see for yourself how he benefits from this.

Ordinary glass or a mirror, a special marker and a firm hand (of the bride or decorator). you will succeed great option for any style of wedding. Glass can be replaced with acrylic, but be prepared that the background will not be as transparent ...

Chalk accessories are a hit! Making a seating plan in a similar style is another idea for decorators. It looks bright, mature and very modern.

The theme of the wedding always plays a big role. Anything you like can become an element of celebration decoration, a feature that is close only to you. And you will be happy to share it with your guests.

Do you love to travel and reflect this in your holiday concept? Then a travel-style seating plan will come in handy. The main thing is that the guests do not get confused. To do this, carefully consider the details and the order of seating.

Or, on the contrary, create a game element before the banquet even starts!

Take a snapshot of your guests in advance, and then design a booth with the resulting pictures and table numbers. The plan is ready. And at the end of the celebration, these photographs can be presented as a memorable gift.

Summer options can be made in the form of racks, decorated with seasonal flowers and plants. Modest or magnificent, you decide, do not forget that it depends on the style of the wedding. After all, the seating plan serves not only to ensure that guests can accurately determine with whom to coexist, but also as one of the brightest elements of the design of a banquet (or ceremony).

Do not forget about your little guests - they also need their own "big" banquet.

On this summer note, we will end our journey. We hope that each of your guests will find their place at the "celebration of life".

Victoria Yurkovskaya.

Photography: source - Pinterest

When preparing for the holiday, you should be careful when drawing up a seating plan for guests at the wedding. As a rule, it is created shortly before the celebration, when it is known exactly how many invitees will come and whether they will be alone. In order not to make planning a problem, you need to answer a few simple questions.

Is it necessary?

If your wedding has 25 guests or less, you can cancel the plan, but with more people, you need to make sure that everyone can quickly find their place. There are several reasons for this:

  • seating will take much less time;
  • there will be no unpleasant situations when guests start to quarrel over one place;
  • people who sit down at the table last will not have to look for an empty seat;
  • there will be no situations when couples have to sit separately;
  • guests who for some reason are unpleasant to each other will not be sitting next to each other;
  • you can discuss in advance with the organizers the arrangement of dishes, taking into account tastes and wishes.

The seating plan for the wedding guests in the photo below is simply chic.

Which option to choose?

The bride and groom usually sit at a separate table along with the main bridesmaids and friends. Traditionally, the groom sits to the right of the bride, the groom's friend sits to the left of the bride, and the bridesmaid sits to the right of the groom. Sometimes, if the table is large enough, parents are also seated with them. Some couples decide to sit at a table just the two of them. Anyway the main thing is that the newlyweds can see (and be seen by) as many invited people as possible. One of current trends is the location of the table of the bride and groom in the center, which avoids the impression that one of the invitees was put away.

Traditionally, they are seated according to the principle "guests from the groom's side - guests from the bride's side." But in Lately more and more often such a division is abandoned, allowing people to get to know each other. Regardless of the option chosen, you need to try to have at least one acquaintance next to each person.

It is best to distribute people according to their ages and interests: this will allow them to feel comfortable and not be silent for most of the evening. It is desirable that at each table, if the guests will sit at different tables, there should be several men and women. Small children should sit next to their parents, older children can be seated separately. Even if adults sit at the same table, a separate table is often made for children., which contains less spicy dishes and no alcoholic beverages.

Guests with small children, pregnant women and the elderly are best seated so that it is easy for them to find a restroom without disturbing other guests. This is especially important when all the guests are sitting at the same table. Elderly guests should be positioned away from the speakers so that they are not disturbed by too loud music, and closer to the place from which most of the speeches will be made.

The bride and groom, their parents, as well as close friends will have to constantly get up from their seats during the holiday, so it is important that they do not need to disturb those who are sitting nearby every time.

Ways to specify places

To prevent guests from spending a lot of time looking for their place, you need to think in advance how to tell them exactly where they should be located. There are several traditional options.

Place name cards

If there are not very many guests, then you can limit yourself, which are located in the place where the guest should sit.

Location cards (escort card)

Cards are placed on a table near the entrance, placing them in alphabetical order. As a rule, such cards indicate the name of the guest and the number of his table. The guest can decide for himself what specific place at the table he will take.

However, a specific place can also be indicated on the cards - first of all, this is relevant if all the guests are sitting at the same table.

General landing plan

You can create a seating plan for guests at a wedding and place it in front of the entrance to the hall. It indicates the names of guests and table numbers or specific places. If only the numbers of tables or seats are indicated on the plan, then in addition to the general plan, individual cards for guests are also made. Such options are necessary when in large numbers guests.

When making a general seating plan for guests, do not enter names directly into the table, but attach them to stickers, which, if necessary, can be removed and replaced with new ones. This way you don't have to redo the whole plan if the guests refuse to come or if a mistake is made.

Which design option to choose

How to draw up a seating plan for guests at a wedding and how to arrange it? When making cards with names or table numbers, it is important to make sure that the text is clearly visible and easy to read. It’s best to avoid fonts that are stylized as handwriting – with lots of swirls and stripes. Letters should be large enough and legible.

If you plan to prepare escort cards for guests, then it is best to choose interesting options that can be kept as a souvenir. original idea can become escort cards in the form of hearts, tree leaves or flowers. You will get a rather unusual seating plan for guests at a wedding if you attach cards to some object: fruits, key rings, miniature bouquets or glasses of champagne. You can also style it. For example, if your wedding is in a marine style, then the plan can be made in a similar theme. .

Names and titles

On cards with the names of guests, the first and last names are usually indicated, however, if there are many namesakes among the guests, you can additionally sign patronymics. On the cards of the parents, they often write “mother of the groom”, “father of the bride”, etc., but if the guests do not know the families of the newlyweds very well, it is better to refuse this option.

If guests sit at different tables, you can show your imagination and replace table numbers with names. With this option, the guests will definitely not be offended that they were not seated at the first table.

Possible table names:

  • flower varieties;
  • colors;
  • gems;
  • dancing;
  • names of fairy tales;
  • geographical names (countries or cities in Europe, seas, mountains, etc.).


Cards with guest names can be placed directly on the table or attached to the back of a chair, decorated with ribbons, flowers and balls. This design is often used when conducting.

Tables can be signed by placing a card with a number in the center of the table, hanging a lamp or decoration with a number above the table, and using a different design if the tables are named not by numbers, but by names (for example, use multi-colored tablecloths).

If possible, on escort cards and the general seating plan of guests, you can accompany the names of the guests with their photographs - this will help people find themselves faster.

Attention! It is best if the background of the name cards is white and the letters on them are black. This option looks quite contrasting, and it will be easier for guests to read the text even in poor lighting.

Do not trust event organizers to draw up a plan: they are not familiar with your guests and the nuances of relationships, and therefore cannot know how to make a wedding seating plan correctly.


Not only the mood of each individual visitor, but also the atmosphere of the entire wedding as a whole will depend on how you arrange the guests at the wedding. The more comfortable the guests, the more cheerful and liberated they will be, and this is important for the holiday to turn out to be noisy and positive. Make a seating plan for guests at the wedding with your own hands - do not contact strangers.