
Development of the idea of ​​teaching in the history of preschool pedagogy. The history of the development of preschool didactics. Actual tendencies of modern pedagogy of preschool age


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"The history of development preschool education in Russia"

Completed by: Pshenichnaya Lilia Yurievna

Introduction …………………………………………………………… ..2

1. The emergence of preschool education in Russia ..................... 4

2. Preschool education until 1917 …………………………… 6

3. The Soviet system of preschool education …………………… 8

4. Preschool education during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) ……………………………………………………………… 10

5. Development of preschool education in post-war years during the period of developed socialism ……………………………………………………… 13

6.Modern preschool education ……………………………………………………… 15

Conclusion ……………………………………………………… 20

References …………………………………………… ..20


The first educational systems were formed in the times of antiquity (VI-V centuries BC). Famous Roman, Athenian, sports schools, differing in methods and content of training, as well as its goals. This is how the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle spoke about the unity of physical education, personal education and social education. At the same time, he emphasized that "the education of the body contributes to the education of the spirit." Another philosopher, Democritus, argued that the process of teaching upbringing transforms human nature, forms the desire to comprehend the unknown, a sense of responsibility and duty. He emphasized that education leads to the possession of three treasures: "to think well", "to speak well", "to do well. The philosophers of ancient Rome also paid great attention to the problem of raising children. Thus, Plutarch spoke of the enormous importance of teaching and raising a child in a family. He emphasized the need for mothers education: "The mother must remain the breadwinner of her own children." Seneca assigned the role of personality formation to upbringing, emphasizing the importance of the growing generation's comprehension of moral foundations. He considered the main method of education to be a conversation with vivid examples from real life. Quintillian compared the child to a "precious vessel" that is able to contain everything good or bad. That is why he believed that the role of education is to develop the positive qualities of human nature. He emphasized the need to combine the upbringing of the child and the natural kindness of the human being.

Almost all philosophers of antiquity proposed the development of good character traits in the personality, obedience to law, respect for elders, mentors, peers, as well as the suppression of bad inclinations as the main task of education. It is these postulates of pedagogical science that have come to the test of time from the era of antiquity to the present day.

1. The emergence and development of preschool education in Russia.

In Kievan Rus, the upbringing of children of all ages was carried out mainly in the family. The purpose of upbringing was to prepare children for work, fulfillment of basic social roles. Factors of folk pedagogical culture (nursery rhymes, pestushki, tongue twisters, riddles, folk games, etc.) were the main means of influence. All these pedagogical tools were transmitted orally.

In connection with the baptism of Rus, the church took a significant place in the upbringing of the younger generation. Means such as performing rituals, memorizing prayers, etc.

The "Teaching of Vladimir Monomakh to his children" is dated to the twelfth century. Vladimir Monomakh wrote instructions for his children, but many of the teachings are of a general pedagogical nature.

In the XVIII century. Epiphany Slavnitsky compiled a pedagogical book "Citizenship of Childhood Customs". It outlined the rules of behavior in society (hygiene of the child, the meaning of facial expressions, facial expressions, postures; rules of behavior in various situations, etc.). The collection contains a chapter on games. It provides guidance on games for preschool children. Slavnitsky's advice is psychologically grounded and imbued with a loving attitude towards children.

V early XVIII v. There was a rapid development and change in Russia under the influence of the reforms carried out by Peter I. One of the areas of reform is education. Preschool education at that time did not stand out as independent, but was carried out under the influence of general pedagogical branches. Pedagogical ideas were expressed and published by the best representatives of that time. M.V. Lomonosov was engaged in active educational activities. I.I. Betskoy led the transformation of the then existing education system. N.I. Novikov published literature for children. In the field of preschool education, a significant place is occupied by his article on the upbringing of children "For the dissemination of general useful knowledge and general well-being." It lays down the rules for parents.

In the first half of the XIX century. a number of public figures and teachers appeared in Russia, each of whom contributed to the development of pedagogy in general and preschool pedagogy in particular. V.G. Belinsky attached great importance to the mental and physical development preschoolers, visibility and children's games, aesthetic education. KD Ushinsky was a supporter of family education, but he understood the need to create a system of preschool social education. He expressed thoughts about the activities of educators preschool institutions, prepared a book for children's reading "Rodnoe slovo". She has retained her purpose to this day.

2. Preschool education before 1917.

In the last third of the XIX century. new types of educational institutions appear. The first free "people's kindergarten" in Russia for the children of urban dwellers from the lower strata of the population was opened in 1866 at the charitable "Society of Cheap Apartments" in St. Petersburg.

In the same year, A.S. Simonovich opened several kindergartens. One of them existed for the children of the intelligentsia in St. Petersburg from 1866 to 1869. At the same time, the first free kindergarten for the children of female workers in St. Petersburg was opened. Unfortunately, the gardens did not last long.

In 1871, the St. Petersburg Society for the Promotion of the Initial Education of Preschool Children was created. The Society promoted the opening of courses for the training of women educators in families and kindergartens, as well as lectures on preschool education.

The children's writer E.N. Vodovozov. She was abroad and learned about the experience of family education and kindergarten organization. In 1871. Vodovozova published the book "The mental and moral education of children from the first appearance of consciousness to school age." The book was intended for kindergarten teachers and mothers.

By the end of the XX century. quite openly in Russia big number preschool institutions, both paid and free kindergartens. In 1900, the first kindergarten for deaf and dumb children appeared in Moscow. Later, similar establishments were opened in St. Petersburg and Kiev. Before the revolution, according to approximate data, there were 250 paid kindergartens and about 30 free kindergartens in Russia.

In 1913-1917. The vice-president of the St. Petersburg Society for the Promotion of Preschool Education was the famous Russian teacher Elizaveta Ivanovna Tikheeva, who studied the issues of didactics and methods of primary education. She created an original theory of early childhood education. Its main ideas are the continuity of upbringing in kindergarten, family, school; a special place in the methodology of the development of speech of a preschooler. In 1913, the first edition of her book "Native Speech and the Ways of Its Development" was published. This book has been supplemented and published several times. The last edition came out in 1937. Tikheeva was an ardent supporter of public education. In her book Modern Kindergarten, Its Significance and Equipment, she outlined recommendations for organized work in a preschool institution. Moreover, Tikheeva developed her own original system of means for organizing sensory development. She attributed greater importance to preschool education to reasonable discipline and a clear daily routine. She considered them to be a means of forming habits and will. Elizaveta Ivanovna attached great importance to the special professional training of educators.

3. The secular system of preschool education.

The beginning of the state system of preschool education in our country was laid after the adoption of the "Declaration on Preschool Education" on November 20, 1917. This document defined the principles of Soviet preschool education: free and accessible public education for preschool children. In 1918. on the basis of the Moscow Higher Courses for Women on the initiative of Professor K.N. Kornilov, the second Moscow State University was opened, where a pedagogical faculty with a preschool department was organized. In the same year, a special preschool department was organized under the People's Commissariat for Education. Kornilov was a staunch supporter of social education. He owns the works "Public education of proletarian children", "Methodology for the study of the child early age" other. These works were of great importance in the development of the problems of preschool pedagogy; they were very popular.

An important milestone in the creation of the state system for training preschool teachers was the first All-Russian Congress on Preschool Education, held in Moscow in 1919. The first "Program of work kindergarten"Was published in 1934, and in 1938 the" Kindergarten Charter "was published, which determined the tasks of the work, the structure and features of the functioning of preschool institutions, and the" Guide for kindergarten teachers ", which contained guidelines by sections and work with children. In 1937, by a special resolution of the Council of People's Commissars, departmental kindergartens were introduced, in 1939 standard staffs were established for kindergartens of all types and departments. Since 1928, a monthly scientific and methodological journal "Preschool Education" began to be published. By the 40s, the network of preschool educational institutions had reached a fairly high level, more than two million pupils were covered by public education.

War 1941-1945. interrupted activities for the development of preschool pedagogy and the formation of preschool education.

4. Preschool education during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

June 22, 1941 Nazi Germany treacherously attacked Soviet Union... Among the heavy losses our country suffered during this unprecedented war in history was the destruction of numerous institutions, culture, schools and preschool institutions.

Despite the difficult martial law, the Communes of the Soviet government continued to show concern for the normal operation of schools and educational institutions. The party and the government paid special attention to ensuring normal living conditions, upbringing and education of hundreds of thousands of children who lost their parents and moved to the eastern regions of the country. At the beginning of 1942, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a special decree on the fight against child homelessness, according to which special commissions were created under the regional executive committees, and the posts of inspectors for patronage and combating child homelessness were introduced in the district departments of public education, a network of children's homes and orphanages was created, measures for the employment of older adolescents.

During the Great Patriotic War, the work on preschool education became extremely complicated. Many preschools were destroyed. New preschool institutions were usually opened at evacuated enterprises. The time spent by children in them was increased, and groups with round-the-clock stay of children became widespread. A new type of educational institutions emerged - preschool boarding schools, in which children who temporarily lost contact with their parents were brought up. Preschool orphanages are widespread.

Of great importance for the development of preschool education was adopted in 1944. Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On measures to expand the network of children's institutions and improve medical and consumer services for women and children." The decree provided for a whole range of measures to improve the work of various types of preschool institutions, such as nurseries, kindergartens, orphanages and counseling.

As a result of a complex of measures, by the end of the war the number of pre-school institutions in the USSR and the number of places in them even exceeded the pre-war level.

Scientific and practical conferences, which began in the pre-war years, played an important role in the development of theoretical and methodological issues. In the period 1941-1945. 16 such conferences were held on various issues of theory and practice of preschool education.

In December 1944. a new "Kindergarten Charter" was adopted, which highlighted in detail the most important issues of the activities of kindergartens and played an important role in the organization of preschool education in the post-war years. Of particular importance was the development of the "Guide for kindergarten teachers", containing programmatic and methodological instructions for working in different age groups, which contributed to the improvement of practical work.

The adoption of the new "Statutes" and "Guidelines ...", the active application of which began after the end of the war, was evidence of the significant development of the theory and practice of preschool education in the USSR.

5. Development of preschool education in the postwar years and the perioddeveloped socialism.

In the first post-war years, preschool institutions destroyed by the Nazis were completely restored and the tasks of strengthening their material base, increasing the level of pedagogical work, and improving personnel training were consistently solved.

In 1949, a decree was issued by the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures to expand children's preschool institutions and maternity hospitals and improving their work ”, in which the general public was involved in the construction of orphanages. Measures were taken to strengthen the staff of managers and educators and improve pedagogical work with children.

In the "Guide for educators", published in 1953, many issues of upbringing and educational work in kindergarten were considered in a new way. It was recommended to teach children in an organized manner - in the classroom. The program material was designed for a certain number of lessons for each age group of the kindergarten.

A valuable contribution to the theory and practice of Soviet preschool education was the research of A.P. Usova, who were devoted to the development of issues of content and methods of preschool education. And also its influence on the mental development of the child. Usova made an important step forward in the development of the main provisions of preschool didactics. Under her leadership, employees of the preschool education sector of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR for the first time in a new way developed theoretical basis teaching in kindergarten; a program of what was to be learned by children during their stay in kindergarten was determined. Usova came to the conclusion that in order for a child to develop mentally successfully, it is necessary to organize his sensory experience, develop his sensory abilities. Research in the field of sensory education, which took place under her leadership, enriched the theory of preschool education, they are important in their practice to this day.

The adoption on May 21, 1959 was of great importance for the development of preschool education in the USSR. resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures for the further development of preschool institutions, improving the education and medical care of preschool children." The decree provided for a whole system of material and pedagogical measures. In pursuance of this resolution, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR approved in 1960. "Temporary about a preschool kindergarten nursery school." The regulation stated that day nurseries were created with the aim of "implementing a unified system of communist upbringing of preschool children." Control over the selection of leaders and teaching staff is carried out by the bodies of public education.

The importance of developing institutions for preschool education was emphasized in the Program of the CPSU, which stated: “The communist system of public education is based on the social upbringing of children. The educational influence of the family on children should be more and more organically combined with their social upbringing. "

The development of preschool education in the USSR at the present stage is determined by the "Fundamentals of the legislation of the USSR and the union republics on public education", adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1973. They formulated the tasks of preschool education, the principles of organization and management of preschool institutions. Corresponding laws have been adopted in all union republics.

6. Modern preschool education.

It will not be an exaggeration to say that today the stage of preschool childhood is regarded as one of the main educational reserves.

In the modern scientific and psychological understanding, childhood acts as a natural sequence of the necessary stages of personality development.

In 1990, the coverage of children by preschool institutions in Russian Federation amounted to approximately 70%. In 1989, the "Concept of Preschool Education" was created, which determined the key positions of the renovation of the kindergarten. The implementation of this concept required the creation of a legal framework. In 1991, the "Temporary Regulation on Preschool Institutions" was adopted, which defined as the main functions of preschool educational institutions the protection and strengthening of the physical health of children, ensuring their intellectual and personal development, taking care of the emotional well-being of each child. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" adopted in 1992 determined the legal status of preschool educational institutions, their functions and responsibilities.

The changes that have taken place in the field of preschool education over the past 15 years have become extensive. They require the solution of particular problems laid down in the framework of the Federal Program for the Development of Education.

April 10, 2010 V.V. Putin signed the Federal Law "On the Approval of the Federal Program for the Development of Education." Standard).

Prior to the introduction of the Standard, the regulatory framework for the implementation of educational process was the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 23.11.2009, No. 655 "On the approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education." According to the aforementioned order, significant adjustments were made to development programs, annual plans for preschool education and work plans of teachers. The recognition of this order as invalid and the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education also presupposes the correction of all previously drawn up documents and bringing them into line with the requirements of the Standard. The changes made should not be formal, but accompanied by specific transformations of the entire educational process. But it should be borne in mind that the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education is a long process, and it is necessary to start work with an analysis of the starting conditions and the level of readiness of the teaching staff of preschool education to implement the requirements of the Standard.

The standard is not just a document that is new in the history of preschool education that regulates relations in the field of education that arise during the implementation of the educational program of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the Program). Its novelty also lies in the fact that with the approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education, according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013, preschool education is recognized as a stage of general education, and earlier activities carried out in this area were only preparatory stage of the general education system. Clause 1.4 of the Standard lists the basic principles of preschool education, which emphasizes that the construction of educational activities will be carried out on the basis of the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, thus, gradual individualization of preschool education will take place, where the child will be recognized as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

The basic principles of the standard are based on the concepts of Russian psychologists. The standard provides the basic requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education, which include: requirements for the psychological, pedagogical, personnel, material, technical and financial conditions for the implementation of the program, as well as for the developing subject-spatial environment that contribute to the creation of social situation development for participants in educational relations. And one of the conditions necessary for creating a social situation for the development of children is (paragraph 3.2.5.) The construction of a variable developmental education focused on the level of development that is manifested in a child in joint activities with adults and more experienced peers, but not actualized in his individual activities (hereinafter referred to as the zone of proximal development of the child).

Thus, the great importance of the statement of the Standard is that preschool education is recognized as a compulsory stage of general education and the importance and uniqueness of the period of preschool childhood is recognized. For the phased implementation of the Standard in educational institutions, it is necessary to draw up a roadmap for the introduction of the federal state educational standard for preschool education. In the letter of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) No. 01-52-22 / 05-382 dated 07.02.2014. Attention is also drawn to the inadmissibility of requirements from organizations carrying out educational activities under preschool education programs, the immediate adjustment of their statutory documents and educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for DO in the conditions of an unfinished cycle of examination and the formation of a register of approximate basic educational programs, which are designed to create a methodological basis for a full-fledged introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in the preschool education system.


A kindergarten is an educational institution for preschool children (usually from 3 to 7 years old), in the Russian Federation it is one of the types of a preschool institution.

The kindergarten system is designed for the initial organization of children, teaching them the skills of communicating with peers, and for a massive, public solution to the problem of employment of their parents. The kindergarten system also provides minimal preparation of children for school - at the level of primary reading, writing and numeracy skills.

Preschool education in Russia is to ensure the intellectual, personal and physical development of a preschool child from 2 to 7 years old.

Preschool education is carried out, as a rule, in preschool educational institutions, institutions of additional education for children, but it can also be carried out at home in a family.

List of used literature

1. Belaya K.Yu. Organization of methodological work with teachers at the stage of introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO // Handbook of the senior educator. -2014.-№4.-p. 4-8.

2. N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Miklyaeva Uncertainties and contradictions in the standard of preschool education: on the way to the development of guidelines for its implementation // Modern kindergarten.- 2013.- №8. - With. 4-10.

3.Preschool pedagogy / ed. V. I. Yadeshko, F. A. Sokhina. –M. :

Enlightenment, 1978.

4. History of preschool pedagogy / M.F. Shabaeva, V.A. Rotenberg, I.V. Chuvashev / ed. L.N. Litvin.-M.: Education, 1989.

5. L.V. Pozdnyak The Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow Pedagogical State University is 80 years old / L.V. Pozdnyak // Strategy of preschool education in the 19th century: mater. Scientific and practical Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology at Moscow State Pedagogical University (1921-2001) - M. : Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2001.-С.3.

6. Krulekht, M.V. Expert assessments in education: textbook. A guide for students. fac. preschool education ped. study. institutions / M.V. Krukhlet, I.V. Telnyuk.-M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.

7. Newspaper "Preschool education" of the publishing house "First September" No. 11/2005.

8. In the work used materials from the site

The first educational systems were formed back in antiquity (VI-V centuries BC). There are known Roman, Athenian, Spartan schools, which differed among themselves in the methods and content of teaching, as well as its goals. Almost all philosophers of antiquity believed that the main task of education was the development of good, positive character traits, obedience to the law, respect for elders, mentors, as well as the suppression of bad inclinations in a developing personality. It is these postulates of pedagogical science that have passed the test of time from the era of antiquity to the present day.

The emergence of preschool pedagogy as a science dates back to the century when the Czech teacher JAN AMOS KOMENSKY (1592-1670) created the first system of preschool education. He outlined progressive ideas about the development and upbringing of a child:

He pointed out the need to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children;

Developed age periodization, which includes four age periods: childhood, adolescence, adolescence, maturity. Each period spanning six years has a specific scale. For children from birth to 6 years of age, there is a "mother school";

He put forward the idea of ​​naturedifferent upbringing;

The manual "The Visible World in Pictures" created by him laid the foundation for the visual acquaintance of children with the objects and phenomena of the surrounding life;

He substantiated the need for widespread use of visual methods in upbringing and educational work with children;

He considered the development of the sense organs, speech and ideas about the environment to be an important task in the upbringing of children under 6 years of age;

He proposed a knowledge program that prepares the child for systematic education in school, which contained the beginnings of knowledge from all fields of science. Knowledge and skills were arranged according to the principle of a sequential transition from simple to complex, from easy to difficult;

The Swiss teacher HEINRICH PESTALOZZI (1746-1827) attached great importance to preschool education:

He considered the main task of upbringing to be the formation of the moral character of the child, rejecting moral teachings as a means moral education, sought to develop in children love first of all for the mother, then for peers and adults, to foster a sense of duty, justice through exercise and moral deeds;

He put forward the idea of ​​combining productive labor with training;

He developed the idea of ​​elementary education, according to which all knowledge is based on the basic elements: form, number and counting. Initial training should build on these elements;

Paid great attention to the development of tasks, content and methods of preschool education of a child in a family;

In mental education, he put forward the development of thinking, mental abilities, the ordering of ideas in the first place;

He created the "Book of Mothers", where he wrote that the mother, as the main educator, should develop the physical strength of the child from an early age, instill in him labor skills, lead him to knowledge of the world around him, and foster love for people.

In the second half of the 19th century, the German educator FRIEDRICH FREBEL (1782-1852) created a system for educating young children, which was of great importance for the development of the theory and practice of preschool education all over the world. In his opinion, everything that exists is based on God, a single divine principle, and man is a small creature carrying a particle of deity. The purpose of a person is to reveal the divine principle inherent in him. Education should contribute to the creative self-disclosure of the personality and instincts and abilities inherent in the child, and not determine them. Froebel considered play as the basis for raising a child in kindergarten, through which the divine principle inherent in the child is revealed, he considered play as one of the means of moral education, believing that in collective and individual games, imitating adults, the child is affirmed in the rules and norms of moral behavior. For the development of a child at an early age, he offered six "gifts." The use of this manual helps the development of building skills in children and at the same time creates in them ideas about form, size, spatial relationships, numbers. The disadvantage of these gifts is contrived symbolic justification, dryness, abstractness. The great merit of the German teacher was the variety of types of children's activities and occupations introduced by him: this is work with gifts-building materials, outdoor games, modeling, weaving from paper, etc.

ROBERT OWEN (1771-1858) - English philosopher and teacher, created a school for young children - from one to six years old, which included a nursery, a kindergarten and a playground. Here children learned to sing and dance, spent a lot of time on fresh air... Particular attention was paid to physical education, gymnastics, games. Great importance was attached to the upbringing of children in the spirit of collectivism. The children were explained in detail the rules of collective communication, indicated that they should not offend their comrades, but respect them and provide them with assistance when necessary. In this school, there was no systematic teaching of writing and reading, children were taught to read and write in the process of conversations about nature, about the surrounding objects and phenomena. Much attention was paid to aesthetic education, musical and rhythmic studies.

Owen was the first to substantiate and implement the idea of ​​social education of children from the first years of their life and created the world's first preschool institution for children of the proletariat. In his educational institutions, mental and physical education was given, children were brought up in the spirit of collectivism, they were taught labor skills, taking into account their interests and using games and entertainment in working with them as the most important educational factor.

MARIA MONTESSORI (1870-1952) - Italian teacher, theorist of preschool education, in the book "Children's Home. Method of Scientific Pedagogy" outlined her system of preschool education. Her progressive ideas:

Introduced monthly anthropometric measurements for the first time;

To provide children with conditions for free independent activity, she made a reform in the usual equipment of the building and kindergarten rooms: school desks were replaced with light furniture for the growth of children, hygienic and labor equipment was introduced;

Having defined a passive role for the educator and assigning the function of activity to her teaching material, Montessori, at the same time, demanded that educators be armed with the method of observation, the development of their interest in the manifestations of children;

Along with the main form of upbringing and teaching children - independent studies - she suggested using the developed form - an individual lesson, building it on pedagogically rational principles (concise, simplicity, objectivity

Created didactic material aimed at exercising the tactile-muscular sense.

There are also negative aspects in Montessori theory:

Strictly differentiated between work and play and did not use play in the learning process;

She did not attach positive significance to children's creative play, which makes her theory one-sided, and the pedagogical process does not satisfy the natural needs of young children;

She excluded from her theory the consideration of the development of coherent children's speech, the introduction of children to artistic creation people, literary works;

She believed that from 3 to 6 years old is not the age of acquiring knowledge, but the period of formal exercise of all aspects of mental activity, which are stimulated by the sensory sphere.

The contribution of Russian teachers to the development of preschool pedagogy.

In Kievan Rus, the upbringing of children of all ages was carried out mainly in the family. The purpose of upbringing was to prepare children for work, fulfillment of basic social roles. Religious education was of great importance. Factors of folk pedagogical culture (nursery rhymes, pestushki, tongue twisters, riddles, fairy tales, folk games, etc.) were the main means of influence. All these pedagogical tools were transmitted orally. In connection with the baptism of Rus, the church took a significant place in the upbringing of the younger generation. There were such means as performing rituals, memorizing prayers, etc. In the XI century. in Russia, the first popular schools were opened, which trained children from the upper classes. The "Teaching of Vladimir Monomakh to his children" is dated to the twelfth century. Vladimir Monomakh wrote instructions for his children, but many of the teachings are of a general pedagogical nature. In 1572 the first Russian textbook "ABC" by Ivan Fedorov was published. Around the same time, the collection "Domostroy" was published. It outlined the main directions of family education and behavior in family life.

At the beginning of the 18th century. there was a rapid development and change in Russia under the influence of the reforms carried out by Peter I. One of the areas of reform is education. Preschool education at this time did not stand out as independent, but was carried out under the influence of general pedagogical branches. Pedagogical ideas were expressed and published by the best representatives of that time. In 1832, a small experimental school for young children was opened at the Gatchina orphanage. They were there all day - eating, drinking, the little ones playing, mostly outdoors; the elders were taught to read, write, count and sing. A significant place in the daily routine was given to stories and conversations. The school did not last long, but it showed the success of such activities with preschoolers.

KD USHINSKY (1824 - 1870) - the founder of Russian, in particular, preschool pedagogy. His thought about the nationality of upbringing is the most important in pedagogical theory. He believed that it was necessary to create a system of public education that would meet the needs and interests of the people (education of patriotism, national pride, love of work; knowledge of folk culture, native language, works of oral folk art). He created an original theory of children's play, confirming it with scientific and psychological data ( game-activity free, independent; its content is influenced by the environment; the educator should not interfere; toys are of great importance; it is important to use folk games). He recognized the closest connection between the aesthetic and moral education of preschoolers. Native Word presents stories, poems, and articles that are simple in presentation, understandable, and are a valuable means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children. His thoughts on improving the educational work of kindergartens are interesting:

There is no need to overwork children with "sedentary activities", give more free time for independent activities;

Premature learning tires the child's brain, instills self-doubt;

Learning delays cause developmental delays in children;

He considered it necessary to develop: educational activities for children "preceding book education"; non-educational activities that are adjacent to children's play.

These provisions helped to more accurately determine the content and methodology of the educational work of the kindergarten, establish lines of communication and continuity of the work of the kindergarten and school. KD Ushinsky identified the requirements for the personality of a child "gardener". He attached great importance to the family, noted the enormous role of parents in the development and upbringing of the child's personality.

A.S. SIMONOVICH (1840 - 1933) considered kindergarten as a preparatory stage for school education. She put forward the idea of ​​creating an elementary class in kindergarten for children from 6 to 7 years old. Determined the purpose and purpose of the kindergarten, sought to establish the general and special tasks of the kindergarten and primary school, based psychological characteristics children of preschool and primary school age. She noted that the relationship between the teacher and the children in the kindergarten should be based on the model of family relationships.

EN VODOVOZOVA (1844 - 1923) was the first in preschool pedagogy to fully disclose the problems of mental and moral education of preschool children, starting from an early age. She based her system of family and social education of preschool children on the idea of ​​the nationality of upbringing. She attached great importance to the physical education of children and labor education as one of the moral aspects, etc.

P.F. LESGAFT (1837 - 1909) - scientist and teacher - proved that the environment and exercises influence the development of the body, considered it necessary for educators, parents to study children in the process of everyday life and educational work. In his book "Family upbringing of a child and its meaning" he outlined the scientific foundations of family upbringing of children; put forward the main requirements for the organization of upbringing in the family, wrote about the inadmissibility of corporal punishment of children, about the importance of the role of play and toys in raising children. He created an original theory of physical education, according to which he put motor exercises, the ability to consciously control individual movements, to overcome obstacles with the greatest dexterity and the least expenditure of energy, in the first place in the anatomical and physiological improvement of the body of children. He considered physical education to be an important means of all-round personality development, closely related to mental, moral and aesthetic education.

L.N. TOLSTOY (1828 - 1910) - the idea of ​​free upbringing occupied the most important place in his pedagogical theory. He believed that a person has the right to freely form his beliefs and views, without any violence and coercion from society, and that children are inherent in natural perfection and high moral qualities - for the first time in the history of pedagogy, he paid special attention to the problems of raising preschool children. It is pointless to bring up a child, since the consciousness of the moral ideal is stronger in children than in adults. Adults should only give material so that they can develop. He idealized the nature of children. In his teaching, he denied the purposeful educational impact on children. He was a supporter of family upbringing, the main condition is a healthy family structure (parental consistency, mutual respect, a unified approach), the need to foster love and habits for work. The upbringing of children should be aimed at the harmonious development of strength and abilities, opposed corporal punishment in family education. Is the creator of educational books "ABC", "Book for reading"

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….… .3

Chapter 1. Formation and development of preschool pedagogy ………………. 5

1.1. A bit of history. ………………………………………………………...….5

Chapter 2. Preschool pedagogy as a science ……………………………… ... 9

2.1. Object, subject and functions of preschool pedagogy ……………… .. …… 9

2.2. Goals and objectives of preschool education at the present stage of development of society ………………………………………………………………… .. …… ... 12

2.3. The relationship of preschool pedagogy with other sciences ……………………… 15

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… ... 17

References ………………………………………………………… .19


Today, the importance of upbringing is actualized from an early age, the need for which is due to the fact that all people are included in the system of relationships.

Comprehensive upbringing of a child should begin from the earliest years of life, and the leading role in this belongs to preschool institutions - the first link in the public education system.

Preschool childhood is a special period of development, when the entire mental life of the child and his relationship to the world around him are rebuilt. The essence of this restructuring is that in the preschool age, internal mental life and internal regulation of behavior are formed. This is the time for active knowledge of the surrounding world. Getting to his feet, the baby begins to make discoveries. He gets acquainted with the objects in the room, in the house, in the kindergarten, on the street. Acting with various objects, examining them, listening to the sounds they make, the baby learns their properties and qualities; he develops visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking.

Preschool pedagogy- a branch of pedagogy that studies the patterns of upbringing of preschool children, including those of early age.

In the modern education system, the teacher occupies a key position, therefore, the priority direction in the structure of his pedagogical training is occupied by the problem of professional development and competence. Society makes increased demands on the quality of training specialists in preschool education: they must not only deeply master the system of sciences about man, the laws of his physical, moral, mental, mental development, but also learn to apply this knowledge in practice.

Objective: the study of the theoretical foundations of the upbringing of preschool children.

The objectives are to:

To identify the prerequisites that led to the formation of preschool pedagogy as a special branch of scientific knowledge.

Determine the place of preschool pedagogy in the system of scientific and pedagogical knowledge, its subject, methods, categories and links with related sciences.

Chapter 1. Formation and development of preschool pedagogy

1.1. A bit of history

Pedagogy as a science of upbringing and teaching a person is leaving

rooted in a deep history. Pedagogy got its name from the combination

the words "paidos" (paidos) "child" and (ago) "lead", which have the Greek

origin. Literally translated, pedagogy means "childhood"

or "childishness".

It is known that an educator is a person who implements

educational activities and taking responsibility for

living conditions of another person. In the Old Russian language, the word

"To educate" had several interpretations that were close in meaning:

educate, i.e. takes care of material and moral needs

a minor, "until his age"; to educate is to feed, to feed

and dress “up to age”; educate - teach, instruct, teach everything,

what "is needed for life." In the history of Russian pedagogy in individual

educational institutions, such as a gymnasium, an institute

noble maidens, cadet corps, educational functions were performed

special officials - class ladies, class overseer,

mentor. Home educators were invited to noble families -

tutors, governesses, bonnets.

In the modern education system, special

positions that implement educational functions. This is the educator

orphanage, boarding school, preschool educational institution.

The preschool educator is one of the

responsible professions, with the goal of forming a system

values ​​for preschoolers, helping parents and other people,

interested in education, it is expedient and positive to organize

it is a process. The profession of an educator emerged in the 17th - 18th centuries, when

the first preschool institutions appeared.

The first educational systems were formed in antiquity (VI-V centuries BC). There are known Roman, Athenian, Spartan schools, which differed among themselves in the methods and content of teaching, as well as its goals. Almost all philosophers of antiquity believed that the main task of education was the development of good, positive character traits, obedience to the law, respect for elders, mentors, as well as the suppression of bad inclinations in a developing personality. It is these postulates of pedagogical science that have passed the test of time from the era of antiquity to the present day.

For the first time he substantiated the idea of ​​social education of children from the first years of their life and created the first preschool institution for proletarian children by the English utopian socialist R. Owen. Preschool pedagogy emerged as a separate branch from general pedagogy in the second half of the 19th century.

At the beginning of the XX century. the system of preschool education created by Maria Montessori (1870-1952) has also become widespread. The main value of upbringing in the Montessori system is that the upbringing strategy should be aimed at developing the child's individual nature. Freedom is a vital condition for any upbringing. You can not impose anything on the child, force or coerce him. Only in the presence of complete freedom and independence can the individual character of the child, his innate curiosity and cognitive activity be manifested.

An extremely interesting and original direction in pedagogical theory and practice that has existed for more than 80 years is Waldorf pedagogy. The founder of this trend was the outstanding philosopher and teacher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). It was he who, in 1919, founded the first kindergarten in Stuttgart at the Waldorf-Astoria factory. Waldorf pedagogy contains a lot of original and fruitful pedagogical ideas that formed the basis of the practical activities of many kindergartens, it is necessary to note its pronounced humanistic orientation, focus on development creative imagination and the child's fantasies, on the formation of productive activity, familiarization with universal human values ​​and folk culture.

In Russia, the first preschool institutions appeared in educational

homes and care homes of poor children. E. Gugel and P. Guryev on their

funds established an experimental school for young children,

who studied and played in the fresh air, older children studied

literacy. A significant place was devoted to conversation and storytelling. In 1837

year was published "The project on the institution at the Gatchina educational

a boarding house for the maintenance of young pets and a school for

initial education of children ”.

The creation of orphanages in Russia is associated with the name

VF Odoevsky, who developed the "Regulations on orphanages" and

"Order to persons directly in charge of orphanages" (1839).

According to these acts, children's shelters were supposed to: 1) deliver

shelter for poor children left without supervision during daytime work

their parents, a refuge that would, to some extent, replace them

family; 2) instill a "sense of good morality" and to this goal

to guide children's activities and games; 3) teach children to order and

neatness, develop their mental abilities through visual

studying simple subjects that surround them; 4) give kids basic

knowledge about the environment, skills and handicrafts. Children were supposed to be

in shelters from morning to late evening.

The first kindergartens proper appeared in Russia in the 60s of the nineteenth

centuries. They were of a private nature and, accordingly, were paid.

Preschool institutions appeared in St. Petersburg (1863), Voronezh,

Irkutsk, Smolensk, Moscow, Tbilisi (1866 - 1870). The basis

the educational process in these institutions was the system of F. Frebel.

In 1866, the first free kindergarten was opened. It was

charitable institution under the "Society of Cheap Apartments" for children

workers of St. Petersburg.

Currently, preschool institutions have a large

distribution in the world. Development of the preschool education system

due to a number of circumstances: the expansion of the world educational

space; variety of social development programs of many

states; the significance of the period of the first years of human life for

the formation of his personality in subsequent years; growth in

professional educators.


Preschool pedagogy is a branch of pedagogy that studies the laws governing the upbringing of preschool children, including those of early age. Preschool pedagogy has its own subject, methods and categories; is closely related to child psychology, developmental anatomy and physiology, pediatrics, hygiene, as well as a number of other sciences (linguistics, aesthetics, ethics, etc.).

The formation and development of preschool pedagogy, the actualization of its theoretical and practical problems were determined by socio-historical conditions. R. Owen was the first to substantiate the idea of ​​social education of children from the first years of their life and created the first preschool institution for proletarian children. Its separation into a special branch of general pedagogy in the second half of the 19th century. contributed to the pedagogical system and practical activities of the German teacher F. Frebel. The formation of preschool pedagogy was accompanied by the clarification of its subject, the emergence of new and rethinking of its traditional concepts, the emergence of a large amount of new pedagogical literature on the upbringing and teaching of children of early and preschool age. At the same time, preschool pedagogy was clearly delimited from general pedagogy, on the one hand, and hygiene and upbringing methods, on the other, while maintaining a constant connection with them. The formation of preschool pedagogy found expression in the emergence of a large amount of new literature on the upbringing and teaching of children of early and preschool age.

In Russia, there is also a persistent interest in the issues of education and training of children of early and preschool age, which cannot be imagined outside the context of the world pedagogical process. Forming as an independent, original, meeting national needs, Russian pedagogical thought has never been closed, fenced off from the culture of other peoples. The history of the formation and development of preschool education in Russia goes back to Kievan Rus. In the last third of the 19th century, following the countries of Western Europe, new types of educational institutions appeared in Russia. The first free, "people's kindergarten" in Russia for the children of townspeople from the lower strata of the population was opened in 1866, in the same year A.S. Simonovich opened a paid private kindergarten for children of the intelligentsia. In the 60s. 19th century a huge influence on the development of preschool pedagogy was exerted by K.D. Ushinsky. The beginning of the state system of preschool education in our country was laid after the adoption of the "Declaration on Preschool Education" on December 20, 1917. Work on the creation of methodological programs is being carried out now.

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4. The history of the development of preschool pedagogy as a science abroad (Ya.A. Komensky, I. G. Pestalozzi, R. Owen, J.-J. Rousseau, F. Frebel, M. Montessori).

The emergence of preschool pedagogy as a science dates back to the century when the Czech teacher JAN AMOS KOMENSKY (1592-1670) created the first system of preschool education. In his writings, Ya.A. Komensky outlined progressive ideas about the development and upbringing of a child:

He pointed out the need to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children;

Developed age periodization, which includes four age periods: childhood, adolescence, adolescence, maturity. Each period spanning six years is associated with a specific school.

For children from birth to 6 years old, there is a "mother school"

He put forward the idea of ​​naturedifferent upbringing;

The manual "The Visible World in Pictures" created by him laid the foundation for the visual acquaintance of children with the objects and phenomena of the surrounding life; ,

He substantiated the need for widespread use of visual methods in upbringing and educational work with children;

He considered the development of the sense organs, speech and ideas about the environment to be an important task in the upbringing of children under 6 years of age;

He proposed a knowledge program that prepares the child for systematic education in school, which contained the beginnings of knowledge from all fields of science. Knowledge and skills were arranged according to the principle of a sequential transition from simple to complex, from easy to difficult;

Swiss teacher HEINRICH PESTALOZZI (1746-1827) attached great importance to preschool education,

He considered the main task of upbringing to be the formation of the moral character of the child, rejecting moral teachings as a means of moral upbringing, sought to develop in children love, first of all, for the mother, then for peers and adults, to foster a sense of duty, justice through exercise and moral deeds;

He put forward the idea of ​​combining productive labor with training;

He developed the idea of ​​elementary education, according to which all knowledge is based on the basic elements: form, number and counting. Initial training should build on these elements;

Paid great attention to the development of tasks, content and methods of preschool education of a child in a family;

In mental education, he put forward the development of thinking, mental abilities, the ordering of ideas in the first place;

He created the "Book of Mothers", where he wrote that the mother, as the main educator, should develop the physical strength of the child from an early age, instill in him labor skills, lead him to knowledge of the world around him, and foster love for people.

In the second half of the 19th century, the German educator FRIEDRICH FREBEL (1782-1852) created a system for educating young children, which was of great importance for the development of the theory and practice of preschool education all over the world. In his opinion, everything that exists is based on God, a single divine principle, and man is a small creature carrying a particle of deity. The purpose of a person is to reveal the divine principle inherent in him. Education should contribute to the creative self-disclosure of the personality and instincts and abilities inherent in the child, and not determine them. Froebel considered play as the basis for raising a child in kindergarten, through which the divine principle inherent in the child is revealed, he considered play as one of the means of moral education, believing that in collective and individual games, imitating adults, the child is affirmed in the rules and norms of moral behavior. For the development of a child at an early age, he offered six "gifts." The use of this manual helps the development of building skills in children and at the same time creates in them ideas about form, size, spatial relationships, numbers. The disadvantage of these gifts is the contrived symbolic justification, dryness,

abstractness. The great merit of the German teacher was the variety of types of children's activities and activities introduced by him: this is work with gifts - building materials, outdoor games, modeling, weaving from paper, etc.

MARIA MONTESSORI (1870-1952) - Italian teacher, theorist of preschool education, in the book "Children's Home. Method of Scientific Pedagogy" outlined her system of preschool education.

Her progressive ideas:

Introduced monthly anthropometric measurements for the first time;

To provide children with conditions for free independent activity, she made a reform in the usual equipment of the building and kindergarten rooms: school desks were replaced with light furniture for the growth of children, hygienic and labor equipment was introduced;

Having defined a passive role for the educator and assigning the function of activity to her teaching material, Montessori, at the same time, demanded that educators be armed with the method of observation, the development of their interest in the manifestations of children;

Along with the main form of upbringing and teaching children - independent studies - she suggested using the developed form - an individual lesson, building it on pedagogically rational principles (concise, simplicity, objectivity

Created didactic material aimed at exercises of the tactile-muscular sense.

There are also negative aspects in Montessori theory:

Strictly differentiated between work and play and did not use play in the learning process;

She did not attach positive significance to children's creative play, which makes her theory one-sided, and the pedagogical process does not satisfy the natural needs of young children;

She excluded from her theory the consideration of the development of coherent children's speech, the introduction of children to the artistic creativity of the people, literary works;

She believed that from 3 to 6 years old is not the age of acquiring knowledge, but the period of formal exercise of all aspects of mental activity, which are stimulated by the sensory sphere.

Robert Owen organized the first preschool institutions for the children of workers, where he raised them in the spirit of teamwork, instilled in them work skills, taking into account their interests and using games and entertainment in working with them as the most important educational factor.

We examined the most progressive and world-famous pedagogical theories that form the basis of preschool pedagogy.

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Non-state educational institution of higher professional education

Institute of Business, Psychology and Management

Social and Humanitarian Faculty

Department of "Psychology and Pedagogy of Preschool Education"

Course work

By discipline: "Preschool pedagogy and early childhood pedagogy"

On the topic: "The main stages of the formation and development of preschool pedagogy"


1. Stages of formation and main directions

2. Philosophical foundations of education

3. Development of pedagogical views and ideas during the Renaissance

4. The emergence and development of preschool education in Russia

5. Development of education in the early 18th - late 18th centuries

6. The first education system

7. Soviet preschool education

8. Modern preschool pedagogy




Comprehensive upbringing of a child should begin from the earliest years of life, and the leading role in this belongs to preschool institutions - the first link in the public education system.

Preschool childhood is a special period of development, when the entire mental life of the child and his relationship to the world around him are rebuilt. The essence of this restructuring is that in the preschool age, internal mental life and internal regulation of behavior are formed. This is the time for active knowledge of the surrounding world. Getting to his feet, the baby begins to make discoveries. He gets acquainted with the objects in the room, in the house, in the kindergarten, on the street. Acting with various objects, examining them, listening to the sounds they make, the baby learns their properties and qualities; he develops visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking.

Preschool pedagogy is a branch of pedagogy that studies the laws governing the upbringing of preschool children, including those of early age.

In the modern education system, the teacher occupies a key position, therefore, the priority direction in the structure of his pedagogical training is occupied by the problem of professional development and competence. Society makes increased demands on the quality of training specialists in preschool education: they must not only deeply master the system of sciences about man, the laws of his physical, moral, mental, mental development, but also learn to apply this knowledge in practice.

1. Formation stages and main directions

The formation and development of preschool pedagogy as a science has certain stages. They can be conditionally divided as follows.

An empirical stage in the development of pedagogy

Stage 1 - the emergence of the first pedagogical views, thoughts and ideas regarding the upbringing and education of children, in the teachings of the ancient Greek philosophers - Democritus, Socrates, etc. (IV-III centuries BC)

Stage 2 - pedagogical thought developed under the conditions of the era of the slave system and feudalism. In the West, it was formed mainly through the generalization of the experience of Athenian and Spartan education, schools of Greek culture, and later - the system of Jesuit and Christian Catholic education.

The stage of formation of pedagogy as a science

Stage 1 - the development of pedagogical views and ideas in the Renaissance - they were based on the idea of ​​raising a harmoniously developed personality who has physical and spiritual perfection, knows how to value life

Stage 2 - the formation of the public system of preschool upbringing and education under the influence of the ideas of enlightenment.

Social pedagogical thought in Russia also developed under the influence of the ideas of the New Age and the European Enlightenment.

The first stage dates back to the 17th - 18th centuries. The formation of preschool pedagogy as a science is associated with the name of Ya.A. Comensky, the great Czech pedagogue of the 17th century.

The second stage in the development of preschool pedagogy is associated with the names of F. Frebel, K. Ushinsky, A. Simonovich, L. Schleger, M. Montessori (XIX-early XX centuries).

The third stage in the development of preschool pedagogy began in the 20th century, in Soviet Russia. An important role in the creation of preschool pedagogy was played by N.K. Krupskaya

2. Philosophicalfundamentals of education

The first educational systems were formed back in antiquity (VI-V centuries BC). There are known Roman, Athenian, Spartan schools, which differed among themselves in the methods and content of teaching, as well as its goals. So, the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle spoke about the unity of physical education, personal education and social education. At the same time, he emphasized that "the education of the body contributes to the education of the spirit."

Another philosopher, Democritus, argued that the process of education and upbringing transforms human nature, forms the desire to comprehend the unknown, a sense of responsibility and duty. He emphasized that education leads to the possession of three treasures: "to think well", "to speak well", "to do well." The philosophers of ancient Rome also paid great attention to the problem of raising children. Thus, Plutarch spoke of the enormous importance of teaching and raising a child in a family. He was opposed to harsh upbringing (he believed that violence should be avoided, cruel punishments in relation to children) and a supporter of the promotion of obedience. At the same time, he emphasized the need for maternal education: "A mother should remain the breadwinner for her own children." Seneca assigned education to the role of forming an independent personality, emphasizing the importance of the growing generation's comprehension of moral foundations. He considered the main method of education to be a conversation with vivid examples from real life.

The ancient Roman philosopher Quintillian compared a child to a “precious vessel” that can contain everything good or bad. That is why he believed that the role of education is to develop the positive qualities of human nature. He emphasized the need to combine the upbringing of the child and the natural kindness of the human being. Almost all philosophers of antiquity believed that the main task of education was the development of good, positive character traits, obedience to the law, respect for elders, mentors, as well as the suppression of bad inclinations in a developing personality. Almost all philosophers of antiquity believed that the main task of education was the development of good, positive character traits, obedience to the law, respect for elders, mentors, as well as the suppression of bad inclinations in a developing personality. It is these postulates of pedagogical science that have passed the test of time from the era of antiquity to the present day.

3. RDevelopment of pedagogical views and ideas in the Renaissance

Pedagogy as an independent branch of theoretical knowledge began to take shape in the 17th century. By this time, there was an acute need for a science designed to improve the existing pedagogical practice, expand the boundaries and possibilities of upbringing and education.

For the first time he substantiated the idea of ​​social education of children from the first years of their life and created the first preschool institution for proletarian children by the English utopian socialist R. Owen. Preschool pedagogy emerged as a separate branch from general pedagogy in the second half of the 19th century.

The idea of ​​separating preschool pedagogy into a separate branch of pedagogical science belongs to the German teacher Friedrich Frebel (1782-1852), who is the creator of the first system of preschool education and the founder of kindergartens. Before him, there were orphanages whose tasks were limited to looking after and caring for young children, but did not include their education. Froebel was one of the first to draw public attention to the need for pedagogical work with children under seven years of age. He also owns the very term "kindergarten" which has become generally accepted throughout the world. Froebel was in many ways a pioneer in pedagogy. The main provisions of his pedagogical system retain their relevance today. Before the advent of the Froebel system, the tasks of education were limited to developing the mind, expanding knowledge and developing useful skills. Frobel began to talk about the holistic, harmonious upbringing of a person, for the first time he introduced the principle of activity into pedagogy. The Froebel system had a tremendous impact on the development of preschool pedagogy and on for a long time conquered all of Europe. Frebel was especially popular in Russia, where he had many followers.

At the beginning of the XX century. the system of preschool education created by Maria Montessori (1870-1952) has also become widespread. The main value of upbringing in the Montessori system is that the upbringing strategy should be aimed at developing the child's individual nature. Freedom is a vital condition for any upbringing. You can not impose anything on the child, force or coerce him. Only in the presence of complete freedom and independence can the individual character of the child, his innate curiosity and cognitive activity be manifested.

An extremely interesting and original direction in pedagogical theory and practice that has existed for more than 80 years is Waldorf pedagogy. The founder of this trend was the outstanding philosopher and teacher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). It was he who, in 1919, founded the first kindergarten in Stuttgart at the Waldorf-Astoria factory. Waldorf pedagogy contains a lot of original and fruitful pedagogical ideas that formed the basis of the practical activities of many kindergartens, it is necessary to note its pronounced humanistic orientation, focus on the development of the child's creative imagination and imagination, on the formation of productive activity, introduction to universal human values ​​and folk culture.

The emergence of preschool pedagogy is associated with the name of the Czech teacher and philosopher of the 17th century. Ya.A. Komensky. The fundamental idea of ​​Ya.A. Komensky's pedagogy is pansophism, that is, the generalization of all knowledge gained by civilization and the delivery of this generalized knowledge from school in their native language to all people, regardless of social, racial, religious affiliation. Ya. A. Komensky, the great humanist, possesses the optimistic assertion that every child, with the appropriate organization of the educational process, can ascend to the "highest" level of the "ladder" of education. Believing that knowledge should be useful in practical life, Ya. A. Komensky proclaimed the obligation of real, socially useful education. Based on what was obtained by previous generations, having analyzed the practice of preparing children for life, Ya. A. Komensky came to the conclusion that there are objective regularities in the educational process, formulated laws, rules of upbringing and education that have not momentary, but long-term promising significance ... In the main book of his entire life, "Great Didactics" (1654), Ya. A. Komensky outlined the theoretical foundations of the educational process, in the image of which education is built in a modern school, a preschool institution. In his work "Mother's School", he emphasizes that the education of preschoolers should be aimed at familiarizing themselves with the world around them, the moral development of the child and preparation for school.

A stormy period in the development of classical pedagogical theory begins with the scientific works of Ya. A. Komensky. A brilliant galaxy of subsequent classics teachers (J. Locke, J. J. Rousseau, I. G. Pestalozzi, etc.) significantly advanced the development of theoretical problems of education and training.

4. The emergence and development of preschool education in Russia

The history of the formation and development of preschool education in Russia will begin with Kievan Rus, where the upbringing of children of all ages was carried out mainly in the family. The purpose of upbringing was to prepare children for work, fulfillment of basic social roles. Factors of folk pedagogical culture (nursery rhymes, pestushki, tongue twisters, riddles, fairy tales, folk games, etc.) were the main means of influence. All these pedagogical tools were transmitted orally. In connection with the baptism of Rus, the church took a significant place in the upbringing of the younger generation. Means such as performing rituals, memorizing prayers, etc. have appeared. In the XI century. In Russia, the first popular schools were opened, which trained children from the upper classes. The "Teaching of Vladimir Monomakh to his children" is dated to the twelfth century. Vladimir Monomakh wrote instructions for his children, but many of the teachings are of a general pedagogical nature. Even then in Russia there were literacy masters who taught the children of wealthy parents at home. The basis of such training was religious books. In the XVI century. typography appeared - in 1572 the first Russian textbook "ABC" by Ivan Fedorov was published, at about the same time the collection "Domostroy" was published. It outlined the main directions of family education and behavior in family life.

"Domostroy" isolated the comfort of home from the surrounding world, recommended cruel forms of treatment of household members (husband and wife, father with children). The children were brought up love for God, fear of him, unquestioning obedience to elders. However, there were some positive provisions in Domostroy. It gave advice on educating politeness, teaching housework and crafts. In Southwestern and Western Russia, which later went to the Polish-Lithuanian state, education developed more successfully and much more democratic. On the basis of religious brotherhoods, schools operated where children of different classes studied. The school charter stated that the teacher has no right to make a distinction between the poor and the rich; he should punish them not with tyranny, but with instructions: “Not beyond measure, but according to strength; not by excitement, but meekly and quietly. " These schools were distinguished by a fairly high level of organization, a teaching schedule, a well-thought-out methodology, in other words, a classroom-lesson system was born. In the second half of the 17th century. Greek - Latin and grammar schools appeared in Moscow. In 1686 the Moscow Slavic - Greek - Latin Academy was opened. This academy was considered a significant educational institution; Lomonosov, Magnitsky (the creator of the first mathematical textbook) and other prominent figures studied there. In Russia, more books began to be published - educational and home education. So, for study and home reading, "Funny maps" were published (texts on geography, history, images of natural conditions, stories about the occupations of residents different countries). Around the same time, Epiphany Slavnitsky compiled the pedagogical book Citizenship of Childhood Customs. It outlined the rules for the behavior of children in society (child hygiene, the meaning of facial expressions, facial expressions, postures; rules of behavior in various situations, etc.). The collection contains a chapter on games. It provides guidance on games for preschool children. Slavnitsky's advice is psychologically grounded and imbued with a loving attitude towards children.

5. Development of educationat the beginning of the 18th - the end of the 18th century

At the beginning of the 18th century. there was a rapid development and change in Russia under the influence of the reforms carried out by Peter I. One of the areas of reform is education. Pedagogical ideas were expressed and published by the best representatives of that time. At this time in Russia opens a large number of educational institutions, a lot of scientific and educational literature (translated) is published. A new civil alphabet was introduced. Books and the first newspapers were printed on it. In 1701, a school of mathematical and navigational sciences for the lower strata was created in Moscow (Leonty Magnitsky). In 1715, the Maritime Academy was created in St. Petersburg. In 1725 the Academy of Sciences with a university and gymnasiums was founded. Preschool education at this time did not stand out as independent, but was carried out under the influence of general pedagogical branches. Pedagogical ideas were expressed and published by the best representatives of that time. MV Lomonosov (1711-1765) was a scientist - an encyclopedist, was active in scientific and educational activities. Lomonosov wrote many books and scientific works, compiled textbooks of grammar, rhetoric, physics, wonderful for his time. Ivan Ivanovich Betskoy (1704-1795) - one of the most enlightened people of his time. He received his education abroad, mainly in France. From Catherine II he received the task to transform the existing education system in Russia. He was the founder of the Smolny Institute. Other educational institutions were created following the example of Smolny. His main pedagogical ideas are as follows.

1. For the successful upbringing of children, you should isolate them from the "depraved" influence of the environment. For this, closed educational institutions should be created, children from 5-6 years old should be placed there and 10-15 years old should be supported.

2. The main tasks of upbringing are "upbringing of the heart", hygienic upbringing, upbringing of industriousness.

3. Rejection of physical punishment: "Once and for all, introduce the law and strictly approve it - never and never beat children."

Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov (1744-1818) was an educator who, among other things, was engaged in the publication of literature for children. He was the founder of the first Russian magazine, Children's Reading for Mind and Heart. Novikov contributed to the development of pedagogical science. In the field of preschool education, a significant place is occupied by his article on the upbringing of children "For the dissemination of general useful knowledge and general well-being." This article formulates the rules for parents: “Do not extinguish the curiosity of your children, exercise your children in the use of feelings (joy, emotions); beware of giving children false knowledge, it is much better not to know than to know wrong; do not teach children what they cannot understand because of their age ”. In 1763, the first educational home was opened. It accommodated children from 2 to 14 years old. They were divided into groups: from 2 to 7; from 7 to 11; from 11 to 14 years old. Until the age of 2, children were brought up by nurses. Children of the first group were brought up in games and labor affairs: boys were taught gardening and gardening; girls - to household chores and home economics. From the age of 7 to 11, in addition to labor matters, one hour a day was introduced to teach literacy and numeracy. Children from 11 to 14 years old studied more serious business. The number of such houses grew rapidly, as there were many orphans. But the state released scanty funds for their maintenance, and there was a high mortality rate in the houses.

6. The first education system

The 19th century, marked by outstanding achievements, primarily in the field of natural science, physics, mathematics, was also favorable for the development of pedagogical science. During this period, it intensively develops as an independent scientific discipline, rising from the description of facts and phenomena to comprehending the laws of the process of education and training. Within pedagogy, there is a differentiation of knowledge, its individual parts are singled out and isolated, such as, for example, preschool pedagogy.

In 1802, the Ministry of Public Education was created for the first time in Russia, and the education system began to take shape. In 1832, a small experimental school for young children was opened at the Gatchina orphanage. They were there all day - eating, drinking, the little ones playing, mostly outdoors; the elders were taught to read, write, count and sing. A significant place in the daily routine was given to stories and conversations. Although the school did not last long, it showed the success of such activities with preschool children.

In 1804, all of Russia was divided into 6 educational districts in accordance with universities: Moscow, Kazan, Petersburg, Kharkov, Vilensky, Derpt. A system of subjects was created, public preschool pedagogy, education, revival

educational institutions:

1) parish schools (1 year);.

2) county schools (2 years);

3) provincial gymnasiums (4 years);

4) universities (3 years).

In 1832, a small experimental school for young children was opened at the Gatchina orphanage. They were there all day - eating, drinking, the little ones playing, mostly outdoors; the elders were taught to read, write, count and sing. A significant place in the daily routine was given to stories and conversations. The school did not last long, but it showed the success of such activities with preschoolers. Ushinsky and Odoevsky spoke positively about the school's activities. Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky (1803-1863) - a prominent figure in Russian culture, teacher and talented writer. He owns many works for children, including the famous "Tales of Grandfather Irenaeus". VG Belinsky highly appreciated this work. Odoevsky's fairy tales introduced real phenomena and objects, expanded the circle of knowledge, developed imagination, thinking, and brought up moral qualities. Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky was the organizer and head of the first orphanages for children from poor families with parents. He developed a regulation on shelters and an "Order to persons directly in charge of the shelter", some methods regulating the activities of shelters. Odoevsky singled out the following

tasks of shelters:

1. Provide shelter to poor children left without supervision during their parent's daytime work.

2. To instill a sense of good morality through games.

3. To teach to order and neatness.

4. Develop mental abilities.

5. Provide children with basic knowledge of craft and handicraft skills.

6. The residence time is from 7 to 20 hours.

A worthy contribution to the creation of classical pedagogy was made by our compatriots Belinsky, Herzen, Chernyshevsky, Tolstoy. KD Ushinsky brought world fame to Russian pedagogy.

In the first half of the XIX century. a number of public figures, representatives of culture and teachers appeared, each of whom contributed to the development of pedagogy in general and preschool pedagogy in particular. V.G. Belinsky (1811-1848) - outlined the age periodization (from birth to 3 years - infancy; from 3 to 7 years - childhood; from 7 to 14 - adolescence). He attached great importance to the mental and physical development of preschoolers, visualization and children's games, aesthetic education. He was a supporter of family education and assigned a large role in the upbringing of a preschooler to his mother. A.I. Herzen (1812-1870) - was also a supporter of family education. He wrote the pedagogical work "Conversation with Children". N.I. Pirogov (1810-1881) gave great value the role of the mother in the upbringing of preschool children. He spoke about the need for the pedagogical training of mothers. He believed that play takes an important place in the development of preschoolers. LN Tolstoy (1828-1910) - a supporter of family education, promoted the idea of ​​free education, promoted the ideas of J.J. Rousseau about free education. Tolstoy criticized the Frebel system, he himself tried to engage in pedagogical activity, organizing the Yasnaya Polyana school.

A huge influence on the development of preschool pedagogy of this period was exerted by K. Ushinsky (1824-1870). He was a supporter of family education, but he understood the need to create a system of preschool public education. He expressed views on the activities of preschool educators. Ushinsky believed that "pedagogy is an art." He created a psychological and pedagogical concept of personality development and, on its basis, the theory of education and training. I saw the goal of teaching preschoolers in mental development and speech development.

Prepared a book for children's reading and learning "Rodnoe slovo". This book has retained its significance to this day.

In the last third of the 19th century, following the countries of Western Europe, new types of educational institutions appeared in Russia. The first free, "people's kindergarten" in Russia for children of urban residents from the lower strata of the population was opened in 1866 at the charitable "Society of Cheap Apartments" in St. Petersburg. In the same year, A.S. Simonovich opened a paid private kindergarten for children of the intelligentsia.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, a fairly large number of preschool institutions were opened in Russia, both paid for the intelligentsia and the emerging bourgeoisie, and free kindergartens, playgrounds, shelters, centers for children of the lower strata of the population, as well as for orphans.

In the same years, the methodology of preschool education arose, the first journal where systematic notes on the forms and methods of teaching children of preschool age were published was "Kindergarten" in 1866-1869, edited by A.S. Simonovich and L. M. Simonovich, the authority of the publication was quite high, as evidenced by the participation of KD Ushinsky in its work and publication.

AS Simonovich opened several kindergartens. One of them existed in St. Petersburg from 1866 to 1869. At the same time, the first free kindergarten for the children of female workers in St. Petersburg was opened. Unfortunately, despite the positive experience, the gardens did not last long. Shelters and educational gardens... In a word, the practice of preschool education in Russia developed slowly, while the theory and methodology were much more intensive. AS Simonovich (1840-1933), on the basis of her pedagogical activity, developed some pedagogical and methodological approaches to the organization of preschool education. She believed that up to 3 years old a child should be brought up in a family, but further education should go outside the family, as he needs comrades, peers for games and classes. Children must be in kindergarten from 3 to 7 years old. The purpose of kindergartens is the physical, mental, moral education of preschoolers, their preparation for school. Simonovich also believed that the work of educators in kindergartens and in individual education should be carried out methodically and consistently. She attached great importance to the personality of educators: "An energetic, tireless, inventive teacher gives the kindergarten a fresh flavor and supports the inexhaustible, cheerful activities of children in it."

The children's writer E.N.Vodovozova (1844-1923) made a significant contribution to the development of problems in the upbringing of preschoolers. She created essays and stories, remarkable for her time, about nature, about the life of the peoples of Russia and Western European states. The formation of her pedagogical views was greatly influenced by KD Ushinsky and VI Vodovozov, her future husband. She became a teacher and helped her husband in everything, a talented methodologist of the Russian language and literature. In the late 60s. Vodovozova was abroad and studied the experience of family education and the organization of kindergartens. In 1871, E. N. Vodovozova published the book "The mental and moral education of children from the first appearance of consciousness to school age." The book was intended for kindergarten teachers and mothers. The following parts were highlighted in it:

Mental and moral education of preschoolers;

The significance of F. Frebel's system, his games and activities;

Survey of developing children's toys.

The book had appendices: tables for organizing manual lessons; songs and notes. It was reprinted many times, with additions and changes. Thus, the 1913 edition included sections in which Vodovozova gave a critical analysis of the theory of "free education" and the system of M. Montessori. E.N. Vodovozova saw the main goal of education in the formation of a future public figure and citizen of her homeland, imbued with the idea of ​​humanity, and therefore demanded from teachers and parents a humane attitude towards children, their professional knowledge and creativity. Education, in her opinion, should begin from the cradle and be built on the basis of the ideas of the nationality. EN Vodovozova herself was involved in the implementation of this idea in preschool education; selected from Russian folklore the appropriate material, riddles, proverbs, folk songs, fairy tales. EN Vodovozova was the first in preschool pedagogy to reveal the problems of mental and moral upbringing from early childhood, and pointed to the close connection between moral and mental upbringing: "A child's actions are often a true mirror of his mental outlook." The best method education was considered an example, not lecture and edification. A large place in the works of E.N. Vodovozova is given to labor education, teaching children to work as they can. She has developed a methodology for preschool education. In physical education, she devoted a large place to outdoor games. She has developed separate recommendations for musical education and introducing children to drawing. Not in all agreeing with F. Frebel, she gave a positive assessment of his methodological developments and didactic material.

In 1871, the St. Petersburg Society for the Promotion of the Initial Education of Preschool Children was created. The Society promoted the opening of courses for the training of women educators in families and kindergartens, as well as lectures on preschool education.

In the late XIX - early XX centuries. the number of preschool institutions intended for children from poor families began to grow gradually: factory nurseries; folk kindergartens. They appeared mainly in cities with developed industry, where parents were employed in production. In folk kindergartens, there were up to 50 children per teacher, and the groups were of different ages. Children were in kindergartens from 6 to 8 hours. Despite poor funding, organizational and methodological difficulties, some teachers were looking for and testing effective programs - methods, materials, better forms organization of work with children. So gradually accumulated practical experience on public education of preschool children. Paid kindergartens for children of wealthy parents continued to appear. The paid was a higher level of organization of the upbringing of children. In 1900, the first kindergarten for deaf and dumb children appeared in Moscow. Later, in 1902-1904, similar establishments were opened in St. Petersburg and Kiev.

Before the revolution, according to approximate data, there were 250 paid kindergartens and about 30 free kindergartens in Russia. Although public preschool education developed slowly, it nevertheless stimulated domestic pedagogy. A certain contribution to this section of pedagogical science was made by Petr Frankovich Lesgaft, Petr Fedorovich Kapterov, Karl Nikolaevich Ventzel. PF Lesgaft (1837-1909) was a prominent anatomist, biologist, and teacher. In his book "Family Education and Its Significance," he outlined his views on the development of the preschooler. Lesgaft attached great importance to influence environment... Therefore, I saw the main task of parents in creating conditions for upbringing. He considered these conditions: purity, recognition of the child as a person, creation of opportunities for the manifestation of his initiative, consistent educational impact. Denied physical punishment, considered the problem play activities and toys as a necessary factor in mental development. He was a supporter of family education, and took the public as a forced measure. In this regard, he believed that "a kindergarten should be like a family." PP Kapterov (1849-1922) - teacher of pedagogy and psychology in secondary and higher educational institutions. Studied the problem of school pedagogy. He wrote several works on preschool education: "The tasks and foundations of family education"; "On children's games and entertainment"; "On the nature of children."

The main merit of P.P. Kapterov was that he first attempted to determine how pedagogical activity changes and becomes more complicated as children grow up. KN Wentzel (1857-1947) - a supporter of the theory of family education. In his work "Liberation of the Child" and a number of others, the activities of the houses were substantiated. free child... Children from 3 to 13 years old could visit these houses. There they could play, unite in interest groups, engage in industrial work, talk with adults and thus acquire some knowledge and skills. Systematic training was not intended. Parents were encouraged to study with their children. Despite the "utopianism" of ideas, there were positive moments in the works of K.N. creativity children. EI Tikheeva (1866-1944) was a prominent scientist and practitioner who devoted her whole life to preschool education. She created an original theory of early childhood education. The main ideas of this theory: continuity of upbringing in kindergarten, family, school; a special place in the methodology for the development of speech of a preschooler. In 1913, the first edition of her book "Native Speech and the Ways of Its Development" was published. This book has been supplemented and republished several times. The last edition came out in 1937. Some of the provisions of this book have retained their significance to this day. Tikheeva was an ardent supporter of public education. In her book "Modern kindergarten, its importance and equipment" she outlined recommendations for organizational work in a preschool institution. Tikheeva studied the activities and pedagogical views M. Montessori. Disagreeing on the whole with her approaches, she positively assessed the didactic tools for organizing sensory education. Moreover, EI Tikheeva developed her own original system of means for organizing sensory education. She attributed great importance in preschool education to reasonable discipline and a clear daily routine. She considered them to be a means of forming habits and will. EI Tikheeva attached great importance to the special professional pedagogical training of educators. Luiza Yarkovna Shlyager (1863-1942) - theorist and practitioner of preschool pedagogy - also wrote works on preschool education: "Materials for conversations with young children", " Practical work in kindergarten ". Julia Ivanovna Bauzel, a follower of the ideas of M. Montessori, was engaged in the practical implementation of these ideas in the activities of kindergartens in Russia.

7. Soviet preschool education

XX century with its rapid socio-political changes in many countries, he posed the problem of educating a person in a new society before pedagogy. It was investigated by S.T. Shatsky, P.P. Blonsky. The theoretical works of N.K. Krupskaya (1869-1939) cover a wide range of pedagogical problems, including those directly related to the upbringing of preschool children. The core of the teachings of A.S. Makarenko (1888-1939) is the theory of the educational collective. Makarenko also developed the most important issues of family education. The humane nature of education and training, respect for the individual - this is the leitmotif of the pedagogical teaching of V.A. Sukhomlinsky (1918-1970).

E.A. Fleurin, (1889-1952) - an outstanding theorist and teacher, laid the foundation for several areas of research in the field of preschool childhood, among which the problems of aesthetic education of children by means of art occupy a central place. visual activity, wordart, games and toys. The merit of E.A. Fleurina - managed to develop the general foundations of the aesthetic education of children. Aesthetic education children were considered as the formation in children of the ability to perceive, feel the beauty in life and art, as the upbringing of the desire to participate in the creation of beauty; as an introduction to artistic activities and the development of artistic abilities.

By 1914, several dozen kindergartens were operating in the country. In 1913-1917, the famous Russian teacher Elizaveta Ivanovna Tikheeva, who studied the issues of didactics and methods of primary education, was the Vice-President of the St. Petersburg Society for the Promotion of Preschool Education. From 1913, she directed a kindergarten created under the Society for the Promotion of Preschool Education, which she directed after 1917 until 1928.

The beginning of the state system of preschool education in our country was laid after the adoption of the "Declaration on Preschool Education" on November 20, 1917. This document defined the principles of Soviet preschool education: free and accessible public education for preschool children. In 1918, on the basis of the Moscow Higher Courses for Women, on the initiative of Professor K.N.Kornilov, the second Moscow State University was opened, where a pedagogical faculty with a preschool department was organized. An important milestone in the creation of the state system for training preschool teachers was the first All-Russian Congress on Preschool Education, held in Moscow in 1919.

In 1918, a special preschool department was organized under the People's Commissariat for Education. At the same time, departments in professional pedagogical schools for the preparation of kindergarten teachers were opened. The preschool institute (research) began its work under the direction of Konstantin Ivanovich Kornilov. KI Kornilov (1879-1957) was a staunch supporter of social education. He owns the works: "Public education of proletarian children", "Essay on the psychology of a child of preschool age", "Methodology for the study of a child of early age." These works were of great importance in the development of the problems of preschool pedagogy; they were very popular. At this time, a museum for preschool education was created. The initiator was Evgeny Abramovich Arkin (1873-1948). EA Arkin did a great deal of work on the study of the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the preschooler. His fundamental work "Preschool age, its features and hygiene" (1921) became an excellent guide for children's doctors and educators. EA Arkin advocated a close connection between physiology and psychology: "He who does not know physiology will not know psychology, and vice versa." The pedagogical department of the museum was headed by Evgenia Aleksandrovna Flerina, an artist by training. She began her teaching career in 1915 and did a lot to train personnel for kindergartens, methodically organized activities in them. Her work on the role of toys in the development of preschoolers is well known. At this time, the main type of preschool institution (hereinafter referred to as DU) was determined - a 6-hour kindergarten (hereinafter referred to as DS). Requirements for the organization, content and methods of work were set out in the "Instructions for the management of the outbreak and DS". In accordance with this instruction, methodological manuals were developed. In 1921-1940. there is a significant increase in the number of remote controls. Gardens and hearths began to switch to an 11-12-hour working day. At the house administrations, children's rooms were organized, where mothers could bring their children in the evening. Summer playgrounds were opened in the villages. A significant number of DCs became departmental. They were opened on the basis of large enterprises and industries. Purposeful training of personnel has intensified.

The weak point in the activity of preschool education remained the definition of the content of the education of preschoolers (development of educational programs). The first "Kindergarten Work Program" was published in 1934. In 1937, the first attempt was made to develop a draft program at the DU. In the first part, the main types of activity were determined (social and political, labor and physical education, musical and visual studies, mathematics, literacy). In the second part, recommendations were given on the basics of planning activities through "Organizing moments".

In 1938, the charter of the educational institution and program and methodological instructions were developed under the title "Guide for kindergarten teachers", which contained guidelines for sections of work with children ..

It included 7 sections.

1. Physical education.

3. Development of speech.

4. Drawing.

5. Modeling and classes with other materials.

6. Music lessons.

7. Acquaintance with nature and development of initial mathematical knowledge.

In 1937, by a special resolution of the Council of People's Commissars, departmental kindergartens were introduced, in 1939 standard staffs were established for kindergartens of all types and departments.

Since 1928, the monthly scientific and methodological journal "Preschool Education" began to be published. By the 40s of the twentieth century, the network of preschool educational institutions reached a fairly high level, more than two million pupils were covered by public education.

The war interrupted the activities for the development of preschool pedagogy and the formation of preschool education. However, in 1944, a new charter and new guidelines for educators were adopted. A significant improvement to this guide was that the activities of the children were specified according to age groups. After the war, the development of the system of public preschool education continued, which, according to the thoughts of communist ideologists, was supposed to replace family education. In 1954, the manual for educators was republished, intensive work continued on the creation of a programmatic and methodological approach to education. Much credit for this belongs to A.P. Usova. Particularly famous were her methodological works "Classes in a kindergarten", "Teaching in a kindergarten". In 1959, a new type of preschool educational institution appeared - a nursery-kindergarten, where, at the request of parents, children could be brought up from two months to seven years. This was due to the need to improve the organization of the work of preschool institutions and, in particular, to establish continuity in the upbringing of children of early and preschool age. In 1963-1964. the first comprehensive program "Education in DS" was developed and tested. As a result of the improvement of this program, the program "Education and Training in DS" was created. ... The leading research institutes of preschool education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences and the leading departments of preschool pedagogy worked on the program. And in 1978, after making further changes, the program was named Typical. It lasted until 1984, when it was superseded by the Model Kindergarten Education and Training Program. Since the mid-1980s. in our country, radical changes have taken place in all aspects of society, including in the education system. These changes are both positive and negative. In connection with the reform of the education system on the threshold of the 1980s and 1990s, the Concept of Preschool Education emerged (authors Vasily Davydov, V.A. Petrovsky). It identifies four basic principles that are fundamental for expert assessments of preschool education in Russia: humanization - the upbringing of a humanistic orientation of the preschooler's personality, the foundations of civicism, industriousness, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the family, homeland, nature; the developmental nature of education - an orientation towards the personality of the child, the preservation and strengthening of his health, the orientation towards mastering the ways of thinking and activity, the development of speech; differentiation and individualization of education and training - the development of a child in accordance with his inclinations, interests, abilities and capabilities; de-ideologization of preschool education - the priority of universal human values, rejection of the ideological orientation of the content of the educational programs of the kindergarten. In 1983, the Education Act was passed. It formulates new principles of state policy in the field of education, enshrines the rights of teachers, parents, students and preschoolers in this area. The law approved the right of teachers to freely choose the content of education and its methodological research. He formulated the principles of diversity of types of childcare (DS with priority implementation, DS of compensated type, DS-school, etc.). The law enshrines the right of parents to choose an educational institution. Since the 1980s, many complex and partial educational programs have been created and tested. Intensive work on the creation of methodological programs is being carried out now.

8. Modern preschool pedagogy

Modern trends in the development of preschool pedagogy can be identified as follows.

1. Preschool pedagogy - developmental pedagogy. The author of this trend, V. Kudryavtsev, proclaimed the thesis "Transition from everyday pedagogy to pedagogy of development." Under his leadership, a project for developing preschool education was developed. The project is based on the idea of ​​developmental education, the distinguishing feature of which is that the child

assimilates culture and at the same time generates new forms of it. The project is based on the principle of an interdisciplinary approach, the complementarity of ensuring the development of the child. The project takes into account that the preschool level is the initial link in the continuous education system. The essence of the project: to initiate psychological and pedagogical support, creative development of culture by children in various types of activities. The project is based on a developmental program aimed at developing a culture of communication, a culture of knowledge, aesthetic culture, and a culture of movements.

2. The pedagogy of personality-oriented interaction with children was developed by S.А. Kozlova, T.S. Komarova, R.N. Chumicheva. The authors suggest through different types activities

to implement a personality-oriented model of communication with children, based on the individual, age characteristics of children, respect for their personality, creating a situation of success, the ability to make the child the subject of their development, the prevalence of partnership.

3. The humanitarian approach to the study of a preschool child is illuminated by specialists from the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen (A.G. Gogoberidze), which is based on the recognition of the intrinsic value of preschool childhood as a stage in the child's entry into the world of culture. The problem of the development of the child's activity, independence, and self-activity comes to one of the first places and is an expression of the subject-subjective approach. The unity of the humanitarian, culturological and subject-subject approach reveals the mechanisms of mastering cultural experience by preschoolers.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved on November 23, 2009 Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education. This document is intended to significantly rebuild the preschool education system in the country.

At the same time, a negative trend is observed in the preschool education system: a decrease in the number of childcare facilities and the number of children in them. In January 2000, an All-Russian meeting of people's educational institutions was held.

Not only the number of kindergartens has significantly decreased, but also their occupancy rate. In general, according to the indicators of 2000-2001. the preschool education system covers about 60% of children. The number of departmental gardens transferred to municipal bodies has sharply decreased. The payment for the maintenance of children has increased significantly. Preschool institutions are insufficiently funded by the state and authorities. Low level wages educators.


The growth of public preschool education and its improvement, achievements in the study of the problems of early and preschool childhood served as the basis for the division of pedagogy into a number of more private areas. Some of them act independently, for example, methods (methods of physical education of preschool children, methods of speech development, methods of guiding visual activity, etc.), organization and leadership of preschool education. The emergence of others is caused by the need for a deeper reflection of the specifics of pedagogical work and the patterns of upbringing and teaching children different ages for example, early childhood education. Still others are still at the stage of defining the subject of their scientific field, for example, the organization and methods of guiding the pedagogical process in a preschool institution. Thus, a system of pedagogical sciences is formed about the laws of raising a child from early childhood and preparing him for school.

The subject of preschool pedagogy is the study of the laws governing the upbringing of children from birth to going to school. It develops the tasks, principles, content, methods, forms, and organization of educational work in the context of public preschool education, ensuring the unity of the educational impact of preschool institutions and families, continuity in the work of kindergarten and school, preparing children for school.

Thus, preschool pedagogy, while remaining a relatively young science, has its own history. Preschool pedagogy is currently going through the third stage of development, characterized by emphasis on personality-oriented interaction with children, contributing to the full development of children. At the same time, modern preschool pedagogy is based on the pedagogical heritage of the past, both foreign and domestic pedagogy.

So, the emergence and development of pedagogy as a science is associated with the practical need of society to study and generalize the historical experience of preparing new generations to participate in the production of material and spiritual values.


1. Aidasheva G.A. Preschool pedagogy / G.A. Aydasheva, N.O. Pichugina, S.V. Assaulova. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2004.

2. Preschool pedagogy. Textbook / Ed. IN AND. Loginova, P.G. Samorukova. - M .: Publishing house "Education", 1983.

3. Lobanova E.A. Preschool pedagogy: teaching aid/ E.A. Lobanova - Balashov: Nikolaev, 2005.

4. Miklyaeva N. Preschool pedagogy. Theoretical and methodological foundations of correctional pedagogy: textbook / N. Miklyaeva, Yu. Miklyaeva. - M .: Vlados, 2008.

5. The teacher about modern approaches and parenting concepts. E. N. Stepanov, L. M. Luzina.

6. Pedagogical technologies / ed. V. S. Kukushina - Rostov n \ D: Phoenix, 2010

7. N.O. Pichugin and others. Preschool pedagogy. - Rostov on Don, Phoenix Publishing House, 2004.

8. Smirnova E.O. Pedagogical systems and programs of preschool education: textbook. manual for students of pedagogical schools and colleges / E.O. Smirnov. - M .: Humanities. ed. center VLADOS, 2005.

9.L.D. Starikov. History of pedagogy and philosophy of education. - Rostov on Don, Phoenix publishing house, 2008.

10. Chmeleva E.V. Pedagogy of preschool childhood in Russia at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries: a historical and pedagogical sketch: monograph / E.V. Chmelev. Smolensk: Publishing house of SmolSU, 2008.

additional literature

1. Bolotina L.R. Komarova T.S. Baranov S.P. Preschool Pedagogy: Textbook for Students of Secondary Pedagogical Educational Institutions 2nd ed. - M: Publishing Center "Academy," 1997. - 240 p. - ISBN 5 - 7695-01 37-5

2. Preschool pedagogy. Textbook. manual for students ped. uch-sch on special 2002 "Preschool education" and 2010 "Education in preschool. institutions "/ V.I. Yadeshko, F.A. Sokhin, T.A. Ilyin and others; Ed. V.I. Yadeshko, F.A. Sokhin - 2nd ed. Rev. and add. - M: Education, 1986. - 415 p.

3. Life and scientific and pedagogical activity of E.A. Fleurina // Aesthetic education of a preschooler / E.A. Fleurin. - M .; Publishing house of the APN RSFSR, 1961, p. 5-40.


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    Formation and development of preschool pedagogy as a science, its subject and research methods, assessment of the role and significance at the present stage. The main categories of preschool pedagogy, directions of study, trends and prospects, connection with other sciences.

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    Functions of preschool pedagogy. The essence of the theory of developmental learning. Features of the principle of integration. Age stages of the preschool period. The structure of teaching activities. The fundamental personal qualities of a teacher. The concept of "dialogue of cultures".

    test, added 04/30/2014

    Pedagogy as a science of the upbringing of children and youth, its role in the life of society and personal development. Stages of development and formation of pedagogy in the Renaissance, in the heyday of science, literature, art. Age periodization in education.

    abstract, added 02/22/2013

    General tendencies of modern Western pedagogy. The essence of Waldorf education in Germany. J. Piaget's theory as the leading theory of preschool pedagogy in France. Features of preschool education in Great Britain, USA. Application of M. Montessori methods.

    abstract, added 03/29/2010

    Pedagogy as a science and practice. Stages of development of scientific and pedagogical knowledge. Branches of pedagogy. Functions and purposes modern education in Russia. Theoretical and methodological foundations of pedagogy, the role of education. Theory and content of the training system.

    presentation added on 11/04/2012

    Ideas of developmental pedagogy in the history of education. Development pedagogy as a science. Problems of educational content and teaching methods in developmental pedagogy. The relationship of developmental pedagogy with other sciences. Development pedagogy in the light of education modernization.

    thesis, added 08/23/2011

    Theories of the emergence of education. General and distinctive features of education in Athens and Sparta. The role of universities as centers of medieval culture and education. Pedagogy of the Renaissance, modern times and modern times, outstanding figures and their views.

    cheat sheet, added 07/11/2012

    Foundations of the pedagogical system of St. John Chrysostom, his philosophical and pedagogical views. Ideas of personality development in the works of Comenius, Montaigne. The theory of the correspondence of education to the individual inclinations and age characteristics of the child according to Rousseau.