
How to sew jewelry on a car. DIY wedding decorations on the car. How to decorate a car for a wedding with ribbons, flowers, balloons, bows, tulle, hearts, rings: photo. Options for decorating wedding cars with flowers with examples


A wedding is a pleasant but expensive business. Especially often, all sorts of little things do not fit into the budget. These details include the design of the wedding cortege. If you do not want to spend significant amounts on decor, then you can always make a car decoration for a wedding with your own hands.

Decor materials

A tuple can be decorated with:

  • satin ribbons;
  • organza cloth;
  • tulle fabric;
  • artificial and natural flowers;
  • various figures or dolls;
  • decorative wedding rings;
  • paper applications;
  • balloons.

These are basic materials, but the bride and groom can always add something of their own to this list.

Minimalist style

Sometimes a small part on the hood can replace the rest of the delights. This style is called “simple and tasteful”. You can prepare the car in this way with satin or ordinary ribbons.

Alternatively, the bonnet comes in three stripes: red, white and of blue color, and the Russian flag is obtained. You can also choose a dominant tone and make a decoration from several ribbons, for example, red. The size should correspond to the doubled length of the bonnet.

It is easy to weave roses from ribbons. You need to wind a meter of length in the palm of your hand, leaving the edges free, then thread them into the resulting circle and tie. If the roses are made from red ribbons, then they will look perfect with black balloons. The wedding car, decorated with woven ribbons and balls, looks stylish and tasteful.

Bright ideas

If the wedding is far from the traditional genre, then you can decorate the car with brighter materials. For example, make a piece of artificial flowers. To do this, you need to take plastic daisies, disconnect them from the stems and fasten them to the machine. This is not difficult to do, the buds are easily attached to tape or tapes. If on your wedding day you invite guests to help decorate the car beautifully, then you can use real flowers instead of synthetic flowers. The car, decorated not only with daisies, but also with toy butterflies, will look harmoniously. It will turn out to be a whole field meadow.

More colors

If you liked the idea of ​​flower decoration, then you can decorate the car with floral arrangements. You just need to know how to decorate a wedding car with flowers.

To make jewelry yourself, you need to purchase:

  1. Artificial flowers.
  2. Ears of corn.
  3. Leaves.
  4. Decorative mesh.
  5. Tulle material.

It is necessary to make a frame for the main composition. The base can be a cardboard circle or a plastic ring. Next, we decorate these items with flowers and other decor items. The wedding craft can be round or linear.

If your decoration is in the form of a hemisphere, then tulle in the form of a bride's skirt will look original. You can also make the skirt element yourself.

To keep the car without scratches, it is better to soften the stems with tape. Finished decoration fixed with tape or one tape stretched around the hood. All this can be made with your own hands and at home.

Artificial flowers will replace real ones if the wedding is taking place in winter. Synthetic compositions are also suitable if the transport is not too elegant inside and you want to decorate the cabin. Among other things, this is a more budget option than fresh flowers.

Master class: large wedding rings

A rare wedding is complete without large wedding rings... This decor item is also easy to make yourself. If you do not know how to make a car decoration for a wedding with your own hands, then here is for you step-by-step instruction... First you need to purchase materials:

  • flexible hoses - about two meters;
  • batteries standard size- three jokes;
  • gold-colored ribbon;
  • wooden rulers - two pieces;
  • plastic flowers;
  • Scotch;
  • scissors;
  • powerful glue.

The listed funds are inexpensive, wedding ring paraphernalia of its own production is much inferior in price to the store one.

Follow the instructions step by step:

  1. Divide the hose into three different sized pieces. The second and third parts are the future model of wedding rings, and a large one for the base.
  2. Stick into each of the pieces, from one end, on the battery, so that half of it is visible, and connect to the free hole. For reliability, reinforce the connection with adhesive tape or glue.
  3. Wrap the rings and rulers with tape.
  4. Attach the rings to the rulers and join them on the remaining piece.
  5. You can add artificial flowers to the rings to your liking. Usually beige shades are chosen, but you can experiment and opt for purple décor, for example. It will turn out unusual.

That's all, the decoration is ready! It remains only to attach the rings to the roof and you can go to the registry office.

Fashionable finish

If from all of the above, you have not found an answer to the question of how to decorate a car for a wedding with your own hands, then for dessert there are still several ways that do not require skill and are suitable when the wedding has already begun.

Tulle decor

Tulle decoration is a new fashion trend in car decoration. There are a lot of options on how to transform a car using material. For example, slightly raise the edge of the material, making it look like a veil, or drape the entire hood with tulle. A huge bow tied from fabric looks spectacular. You can make a bow-shaped decoration on the same day that the wedding ceremony is scheduled, since this is the easiest way to decorate. In any form, tulle as a wedding fabric looks great.

A wedding is a celebration of two hearts in love, which will be remembered for the rest of your life. On such a day, everything should embody a fairy tale: the atmosphere, the bride's dress, the groom's suit, and, of course, the newlyweds' car. Here the question arises: how to decorate a car for a wedding ?! Below are basic examples of decorating a wedding car and tips for choosing the main elements of the decor.

Wedding car decoration ideas

Today, many agencies are engaged in providing services for an off-site wedding ceremony, accompanying the evening with a cheerful host, decorating and preparing a festive car.

Each themed wedding has its own special style, which can be adhered to in order to save money without the help of specialists.

Decorating a car for a wedding is not difficult, it is enough to think over the image to the details, arm yourself with an idea, patience, good mood, a lot of balloons, ribbons and other festive accessories.

How to decorate a wedding car with your own hands?

Before starting work, it is worth presenting the final design of the car, or simply outline the framework for future actions. For example, if the choice fell on decoration with fresh flowers, you should not be zealous with a variety of shades. In order for the wedding car from the side to seem sustained in the same style, you should choose color range no more than two or three colors. You also don't need to get carried away with decor in order to get a good aesthetic result. As an object of fastening all elements, you can use scotch tape, both regular and double-sided, and glue for decoration.

In order for the work performed to be crowned with success and have an irresistible appearance, it is worth sticking to the following:

  • determine the color and size of the main vehicle;
  • choose festive accessories to be used for decoration;
  • for greater harmony of color, it is necessary to know the tone of the outfits of the bride and groom.

There are many options for decorating a car for a wedding. Some of them are shown below.

A simple option is glitter and colored paper

The most original and unique decoration for a wedding car can be hand-made garlands made of colored paper.

Using inexpensive material, you can get wonderful and original jewelry... For a greater festive effect in your work, you can use rhinestones, miniature butterflies, ribbons, flowers, bows and sparkles - both large and small. The most important task at the beginning of work is to fully think over the image of the future jewelry. This could be:

  • multi-colored garland in the form of angels, butterflies or hearts;
  • a large poster for the car of the bride and groom with the festive inscription "Wedding" or "Newlyweds";
  • posters for the rest of the cars "Guests" and so on.

Decorating a car for a wedding with your own hands is an art that must be supported by a creative vision of the process and basic hand-made skills.

Standard multi-colored gel balloon decoration

Various compositions of air and gel balloons look beautiful on a festive car. In order to create one of them with your own hands, you should look at the decoration of cars for a wedding, photos of which remained after the weddings of your friends and acquaintances, in various wedding catalogs, or maybe find a simple master class on making flowers-fours and eights. It is also worth choosing the color of the balls correctly and adjusting their size in each shape.

Let's say that to create an ordinary flower-four, you need four medium-sized solid-colored balls and one contrasting small one for the middle. We tie all the balls together with tails, fix and connect to the middle. Such creations can be a wonderful decoration for the bonnet of a wedding car, thin ribbons and bows can also be used, and smaller figures can be attached to guests' cars.

Car decoration with colorful ribbons

The most common and unpretentious way of decorating a car for a wedding is known to our parents. After all, they also tried to hold their celebrations at the highest level. The main attribute on the roof of the wedding car was rings, and on the hood - multi-colored ribbons. The guests' cars were also decorated with ribbons, but less actively. For a more festive effect, you can experiment with ribbons and fold roses or bows from them.

Decorating a car for a wedding with ribbons is easier to perform, since the ribbons are easily attached to the car. Based on this, you do not have to worry that they will be lost along the way.

Today it is fashionable to decorate the entire hood with ribbons of different widths, attach flowers to them or combine with tulle.

Wedding car image with tulle

With tulle, you can create a festive and airy look on the hood of a car that is easy to experiment with. Several options for using this material are proposed below.

Bridal rings

Place tulle in the center of the hood or roof of the car, to which we attach the rings. We decorate with fresh flowers and, if desired, decorate with a ribbon. The resulting decoration of a wedding car with tulle will look more advantageous on a dark car, and the rings can be replaced with a statuette of newlyweds, bears, swans or doves.

The crown of the newlyweds

A wide tulle tape is attached to the hood of the car, a circle is formed from it. Further, on the tulle, the necessary decorative elements are alternately placed and firmly attached to the hood. If you wish, you can place your favorite figurine or wedding doll in the center of the newlyweds' crown.

Bridal veil

A long wide tulle tape is taken and attached to the hood, car roof and trunk. Each place where the material is fastened to the car is decorated individually according to preferences. If there is a ribbon on the back of the trunk, then you can not cut it, but leave the end of the tulle fluttering in the wind like a bride's veil when a wedding car is moving.

Composing compositions of fresh flowers for every taste and color

Elegant wedding car decorations are easy to make with natural flowers. Having decided on the color palette and variety required colors, you can safely proceed to the design of the car.

The main location of the future accessory will be the hood, and the handles and car mirrors are also often decorated with buds with ribbons. Flowers are collected in small bouquets and fixed on a wedding car. Together with them, they use multi-colored ribbons, a bouquet based on tulle or any other fabric looks bright. The main task of the florist is not to overdo it with the number of buds, since you can get carried away with the process and end up with a whole flower bed on the hood of the car.

Doves and butterflies will add romantic style

Bright large butterflies and doves look original on the back of a wedding car. You can purchase and choose the appropriate decor options in any gift shop. Also, anyone can make such jewelry themselves.

If desired, multi-colored butterflies can be cut out of colored paper, painted with paints, decorated with sparkles or embroidered with bright ribbons. It will be more difficult with pigeons, and it is advisable to buy them in a specialized store. Decoration wedding cars do it yourself adds originality to the celebration, makes it possible to completely create the desired image, as well as adhere to it in all the details and trifles.

"For good luck!" Miniature dolls of the bride and groom

Today, dolls and figurines of newlyweds, which are attached to the car, are gaining great popularity. They touch, convey the whole spirit of celebration and just look great against the background of the bride and groom.

Basically, the location, colors and additional decor are determined at will. Below are some ways to decorate your wedding car with stuffed toys.

  • Many lovers choose toys (bears) as such dolls and attach them to the trunk with the inscription "Newlyweds". Tone tapes can be attached to the bottom of the plate, which will flutter in the wind when the car is moving.
  • In some cases, the figures are placed on the hood of a wedding car, surrounded by tulle, hearts, flowers or balls.

Now you should arm yourself with an idea, decide on the choice of decor elements and start training.

It should be remembered that decorating a car for a wedding is not difficult, the main thing is not to overdo it and not use all types of decor at the same time. It is better to dwell on a combination of two types, for example, tulle plus fresh flowers - and get a good result than to form balls, ribbons and other accessories into one awkward bouquet. It is also worth paying attention to the colors of the elements. Don't try to get a rainbow, but focus on one bright and two complementary colors.

Observing all the basic rules for decorating a wedding car, you can get a decent result without unnecessary costs for the services of specialists.

Success in creative work! May you live happily ever after!

Among the entire list of car costs, car decoration is far from the first place. Whether it is worth spending money on it is a big question.

Do you need car decoration for a wedding?

We are of the opinion that a good car needs no decoration. Well, if you really want to decorate it, you should do it as interestingly as possible.

That is why, we will not tell you how to make swans or dolls for a car. There are a huge number of ways how to decorate a wedding procession without disfiguring cars.

In this article, we have collected beautiful ideas DIY car decorations. Choose which one suits you and use it to your health!


Flowers are an integral part of a wedding, they are used in huge quantities and are suitable for absolutely everything, including decorating cars.

To decorate the wedding procession, any flowers are suitable. It is important to match them to the color and style of the wedding. It's even more important to ensure that the flowers stay beautiful and fresh throughout the day, regardless of the weather.

Flower garlands of roses, carnations, chrysanthemums look very beautiful. You can make small bouquets of the same flowers and attach them to mirrors or doorknobs.

If you are worried about the weather or want to save money, you can replace fresh flowers with artificial ones.


Maximum easy way decorate a car for a wedding with your own hands - use ribbons.

It is better to decorate dark cars with ribbons of light shades, light ones - with bright ones.

Ribbons can be used in combination with other types of decorations - flowers, balls, paper garlands.

Paper garlands

Paper garlands can be bought or made by hand. These are beautiful and inexpensive jewelry that can be attached anywhere.

Very convenient, easy and beautiful!


Also pretty simple and interesting way wedding car decoration.

Remember not to completely inflate the balloons, otherwise they will burst when the vehicle is moving.


Quite a popular way to decorate a wedding car, which came to us from the West. Tin cans are tied to the back of the car different forms and flowers.

Making jewelry out of cans with your own hands is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to take the right amount of cans, peel off the labels and wash well. Paste them with color / wrapping paper or paint with a spray can. Punch holes in the cans, stretch ribbons or ropes, and tie to the machine.

Things to remember when decorating cars for a wedding
  1. Choose jewelry based on the color and style of your wedding.
  2. It is not necessary to hang the car completely or use many types of jewelry at once. Except, perhaps, ribbons - they can be combined with everything.
  3. Avoid large volumetric compositions, an excessive amount of decorations. Not only for aesthetic reasons, but also in order not to interfere with the driver to follow the road.

Enjoy your preparation and a great wedding!

Wedding is the most bright event in the life of the newlyweds. Everything should be perfect on this day. A bride in a stunning dress and a groom dressed with a needle, delight the eyes of those around them, as if descended from the cover of a glossy magazine, look.

The flip side of a wedding is huge costs. Renting a room, music, outfits and treats are expensive. Therefore, if you have good taste and sense of style, you can try to save some points. It is unlikely that you will be able to assemble a limousine on your own, but you can decorate it beautifully and betray your individuality. Try DIY car decorations. You will gain invaluable experience, and your wedding will be remembered for a long time by all guests.

To decorate a car with your own hands, you will need:

  • various ribbons (plastic, satin);
  • tulle or organza;
  • decorative mesh from a flower shop;
  • flowers (natural and artificial);
  • air balloons;
  • dolls and figurines;
  • wedding rings and pigeons;
  • original numbers.

First of all, you need to remember that the wedding procession must be in harmony with the clothes of the bride and groom. Floral arrangements should not merge with the cortege, but contrast. White lilies, chamomiles or roses are not used in the light colors of the car. It is better to choose a composition of pink or red flowers here. Conversely, if you have a dark car, white flowers will look good against its background.

Decorating the hood of a wedding car yourself

If you are not adherents of a classic wedding with traditional rings and a doll on the hood, then decorating it can be an interesting experiment for you. Chamomile flowers, glued on double-sided tape, or fastened with thin satin ribbons - great option in this situation. Fresh flowers will look more interesting and spectacular, but artificial ones will also make a stunning impression.

You can use artificial butterflies instead of daisies. Stretch them all over the hood and admiration looks are guaranteed to you!

The main thing to pay attention to when decorating wedding cars with your own hands is the moderate use of accessories. No matter how wonderful the boutonnieres or ribbons may seem to you, it is important not to overdo it! To create an elegant look, just a few, matching the main color scheme, floral arrangements and ribbons on the hood or on the roof are enough.

Making a flower arrangement for a wedding car with our own hands

Since you have decided on such a troublesome, but pleasant and responsible business, then first of all you need to visit a flower shop. You will need ribbons, leaves, decorative ears, artificial flowers and a couple of meters of mesh.

Any composition should be based on a framework. Cut a circle out of whatman paper or cardboard. You can also use a plastic ring. Flowers are attached to this structure in a circle or linear fashion. It is not necessary to use flowers of the same length, plants with different lengths will look original and stylish.

The bouquet holder can be sewn from any fabric you like. If you use tulle, a bouquet in the form will look good fluffy skirt... This draws a parallel with the bride's dress. Try sticking twisted flower foil tubes and ornamental greenery between the flower stalks. Thus, your composition will become fuller and more voluminous. Tape all structural elements with tape so as not to accidentally damage the car.

We make wedding rings for a car

For the manufacture of rings, plastic hoses are used. They are usually connected in a ring using finger or little finger batteries. When the rings are ready, they must be wrapped with yellow or gold floral ribbon. It is best to secure the tape with tape. If desired, you can use glue. Usually three rings are used: one is located horizontally, and the other two are vertical and perpendicular to the first. The resulting structure is attached to the car with a magnet, which is used for taxi checkers.

Decorating door handles on a wedding car

For registration door handles often use ribbons or boutonnieres. Tulle or satin ribbon is suitable for making a boutonniere. Cut a rectangle out of the fabric you like. Sew a few stitches around the edge to create a bouquet. Insert the flower with the tape inside, and use it to fix it on the car door handle.

We make a bouquet of sweets for the car

If you want to surprise your guests, try making a candy bouquet. You will need wooden skewers to attach the candy to. Each delicacy is wrapped in floristic paper of any color you like. The finished skewers are stuck into the foam. Use foliage, stems, and decorative ornaments to fill in the spaces between the candies. An original and stylish bouquet is ready!

The wedding car can be decorated with foliage

Buy small wooden or plastic sticks. You need to glue green envelopes made of paper to them. Place them in a wicker basket and decorate with satin, tulle or organza ribbons. In such a basket, for example, a bottle of champagne will look very organic.

If you are a romantic person, then you will love the idea of ​​placing a couple of white swans in the car for the newlyweds. One of them will symbolize the groom and the other the bride. Use white tulle to imitate the bride's veil. To simulate a groom's suit, cover the papier-mâché top hat with fabric to match the suit. Two adorable swans symbolizing eternal love are ready!

There are many ways to decorate a wedding cortege. The main thing is to follow modern trends and do not overdo it with the design. Even if you end up with stunning hand-made jewelry, you don't need to attach everything to the machine at once. Then your wedding will seem special, and the car will reflect your impeccable taste!

The wedding cortege is an important element of the wedding ceremony. Traditionally, the cars of the newlyweds and guests are distinguished by a magnificent decor, because it is so important to tell everyone around about such a happy event. Wedding cars are designed by professional decorators or specialists from a rental agency, but paying for such services can significantly undermine the budget of a young couple. There is nothing difficult in decorating a car for a wedding with your own hands. So you can kill two birds with one stone: save money and effectively highlight the motorcade in the traffic flow or among other cars standing near the registry office.

The make and type of car play an important role in the design of wedding cars:

Often, the wedding procession is quite motley, because in addition to the car of the future spouses, it includes the vehicles of all guests invited to the celebration. Both car models and colors vary. It is important to take into account a number of points so that the cortege looks not only spectacular, but also harmonious:

Color solution

The style and color scheme of car decor should match the outfits of the newlyweds as much as possible, so that all this does not look too contrasting in the photographs.

Excessively colorful design can spoil the impression. The ideal solution is to limit yourself to 2-3 colors.

Decoration of wedding cars dark colors it is better to perform in light colors and restrained shades. White, beige, silver cars require decor in bright and rich colors, light flower arrangements can be complemented by contrasting details.

DIY decoration

When decorating a car for a wedding with your own hands, remember: the decor must be securely fastened so that it does not disintegrate on the road. The design should not interfere with the driver's view; bulky structures can cause an accident. For example, you should not hang garlands or place flower arrangements on the windshield, rear-view mirrors.

For self-registration of a car for a wedding, you can use:

Before decorating your car, consider the general style of the event. In particular, in Lately it has become fashionable to hold themed weddings, in this case, the design of cars should correspond to the nature of the holiday.

For example, for a boho-style wedding, it is recommended to decorate the car with asymmetric compositions with wildflowers, white textiles of varying degrees of density, butterflies, slight negligence is encouraged. For lovers of sea romance, cars can be decorated with shells, rope knots, striped ribbons, anchors, etc. There are many ideas for such a design, the main thing is to connect imagination.

Flowers and textiles

Bulky bouquets decorating a wedding car can look too vulgar, so it is important to strike a balance. Even a small bouquet will look spectacular and elegant if it is made up of fresh flowers of matching shades and types. Such flower arrangements can adorn car handles, radiator grilles, part of the roof or hood.

Compositions in the form of a heart lined with flowers of the same color or two different ones - along the edges, in the form of blotches - look interesting.

Combined flower and fabric decorations look very impressive. The latter can be either transparent tulle or organza, or dense silk, complemented by lace inserts. For example, the hood of a car can be decorated like this:

The car looks interesting if a wide tulle gathered in folds is stretched on the hood with a triangle. In this case, flowers can be grouped in the area of ​​a narrow or wide part of the fabric, sewn evenly over the entire surface or only along the edges. Small roses or their combination with greenery are ideal.

The fabric can be hung along each of the doors, the ends are attached in the area of ​​the glass, and the middle sags freely in the center. It is better to fix flowers in the form of bouquets at both ends.

The simplest textile decoration is bows. They can be voluminous, flat, large, small, from one or more types of fabric. With their help, you can dilute flower arrangements, but single decorations also look impressive. For example, you can sew one large bow or several small ones and attach them to the car doors. When creating a bow, you can leave several freely falling ribbons so that they flutter effectively during movement. It is worth decorating all cars in the motorcade with such bows at once, this will set a single style, will not take a lot of effort and money.

Butterflies in car decor

They add lightness, romance, touchingness. These elements are used in conjunction with other design elements, such as ribbons or floral arrangements. Butterflies can be bought in different sizes and suitable color... Such jewelry usually has a silicone suction cup, magnetic mount or clothespin, with which it can be easily fixed on the metal elements of the machine itself or attached to ribbons, flowers, rings, etc.

Butterflies are easy to make yourself from thick cardboard, papier-mâché or polymer clay by studying the appropriate master class and printing several templates. These self-made butterflies need to be painted in colors that match the style of the event. The following decoration for a wedding car looks very impressive, which is easy to make with your own hands:

The design of the door handles should not be too pompous, it may interfere with their use. Optimal solution:

Wedding rings

The use of decorative wedding rings has become traditional for a long time, because this element is a symbol of the newlyweds. You can fix it:

Instead of the classic round rings, you can make two intertwined hearts of different sizes. Hearts can be lined with flowers over the entire surface, and it is necessary to use two contrasting shades, for example, pink and white.

Making rings with your own hands

Decorative rings and a composition with them are easy to make yourself, for this you will need:

The process itself is extremely simple:

If you do not use a base, then a couple of rings can be twisted with a flower garland and fixed to the hood or radiator. And if you make two small compositions, then they can effectively decorate the front doors.