
Crafts from stones for the garden. DIY application of stones for children: we keep memories from the sea. Pendants from sea stones


Many of you, dear adults, have probably noticed how children enthusiastically collect various pebbles on the sea, on the river and just in the yard of their house. As a rule, they are then put in boxes, and as a result, they gather dust idle, and mothers who do the cleaning persuade the kids to throw out unnecessary stones. The guys stubbornly defend their treasures to tears. Let's try to find a compromise.

Why not turn stones into toys?

This does not require a lot of costs, forces or special skills. Do a few crafts with your baby, and the stones will become best friends children for every day.


Crafts made from stones can be very diverse. For example, toys in the form of animals.

For crafts we need:

  1. pebbles that fit in a matchbox;
  2. thick cloth or pieces of flat kitchen scrubber,
  3. PVA glue,
  4. scissors.

For testing, we will make figures of a mouse and a bird. For a mouse, cut out the ears and tail from a piece of fabric and glue it onto an oblong flat pebble in the appropriate places. Eyes can be bought on purpose, but two circles of white and black paper (white more, black less) glued on top of each other are quite enough. So, the mouse is ready - let's get down to the bird. Cut out a beak from yellow or red fabric - an oval with pointed edges. Fold the cut out piece in half and glue the middle to the stone. Select the shape of the pebble so that it looks like the body of a bird. We attach eyes near the beak - and the bird is ready.

It is easy to put such animals in a matchbox for storage, decorate it or wrap it in a cloth of the desired color.

Funny men

Crafts made from stones can amaze at times in their simplicity and talk about how often we do not notice what nature gives for people's creativity. If your baby's collection contains many small sea ​​pebbles, turn them into funny, smiling faces. To complete the craft, you will not need anything more than paints. Take oil or gouache - they do not wear off so quickly and are more durable than watercolor. Paint the pebbles in a variety of colors:

  1. green,
  2. Red,
  3. blue.

Paint the nose, eyes, mouth with paints of darker shades - and the craft is ready. An older child will successfully make such faces on his own, showing his own imagination. Our new guests will look something like this:

Small fish

If there is an aquarium in the house or a child has long dreamed of having fish, and you forbid, because you do not want extra hassle around the house, make fish out of stones and run it into a homemade aquarium.

We take a stone oval one end of which is wider. On the surface of the stone, we outline the contours of the fish's head, eyes, fins, and tail with a simple pencil. With the help of acrylic paints we paint the fish in different colors according to your wishes, for example, yellow and blue. The tail and eyes are also quite simply made from other materials, say, fabric, and glued to the stone using PVA. Make as many fish as your little one wants. Make an aquarium for them from plastic, fixing the ends with tape, put on the bottom colored paper, place fish, shells, paper algae or artificial plants in the aquarium.

Figures of people and animals

Stones are durable material and allow you to lay out whole pictures or plots. For themed plot crafts, use the same:

  1. paints,
  2. and a little fantasy.

Options for crafts from stones

  • If your daughter is very fond of dolls, give her small figurines rag dolls perched on a pebble. To do this, cut out the face and the contours of the doll's dress from the fabric, glue them to the surface round stone- and the craft is ready.
  • Beautiful insects are made from stones - bugs, ladybugs. Paint the stones red, draw a muzzle and dots on the body with black paint on top, put them on a sheet torn from a tree.
  • For a convincing plot, place a crow figurine made of stone next to it. To make it, it is enough to paint half of an oval stone with a pointed end in yellow, the other half - in black, glue the eyes, a tail from a piece of fabric or a feather - and you're done!

Stones can become material for making domino bones: just draw the required number of dots on them with a white corrector. If your toddler is learning letters, stick paper letters on the pebbles, or draw them on the surface of the stone and fold the words.

When making crafts, it is very important to observe the shape of the stones and imagine what the stone looks like in shape or color. Use the natural properties of stones.

  • Maybe they look like sharks, birds, beetles or fish?
  • Ask yourself the question, what kind of animal can be made from this or that pebble?

Children are great dreamers, and they will be the first to tell you what they see in the stone.


For example, a round stone with a slightly flat base would be perfect for a "Ladybug in a Meadow" storyline. To do this, paint over the surface of the stone in red with acrylic paints, on the resulting background we draw dots, a muzzle, eyes, nose, and mouth. We place the ladybug on a meadow made from a piece of green carpet or a sheet of green paper glued to cardboard. Place some artificial flowers and leaves next to the bug.


In the same way, you can make figurines of ducks swimming on the lake. For one duck, two pebbles are needed: one of them is large, with an expanded one end, and the other is small, oval. Glue the small stone to the wide end of the large stone. We make the beak from pieces of yellow cloth, or simply paint the pointed end of a small stone yellow. Draw the tail and fins or make them out of fabric and glue them. The eyes are marked with a corrector in the form of dots. Ducks can be planted on a lake, cut out of blue colored paper.


The stone provides unlimited possibilities for creativity, you just need to carefully peer into its shape. From elongated sharpened pebbles, figures of walruses in a circus will turn out, from a round pebble - a turtle, from two small stones fixed on top of each other - panda bears. An interesting figure in this respect is a turtle figurine. We make the shell from a large round flattened stone, the legs - from small flat oblong stones, the muzzle - from a small round stone. Glue the paws on the lower side of the body, the muzzle in front. We paint the turtle with acrylic paints in various colors of our choice.


Adorable pandas are made of small stones stacked on top of each other and painted in white and black.

And remember: stone crafts require, above all, your imagination. Let the child's imagination become the main tool in the manufacture of crafts.

Who, if not children, will better suggest a plot for a picture or just a figurine of an animal, a bird? Listen to the advice of your son or daughter, make the craft together. See how your life will sparkle with new, amazing colors and feelings!

Many of us have an interesting hobby to which we are happy to give ourselves up. It allows you to escape from the gray everyday life and cheer you up. Someone is fond of collecting various items, others prefer some kind of sport, but still others like to make different crafts... Often, at the same time, everything that nature itself gave us is used. What can be made of stone? The answer is very simple - you need to look inside yourself and listen to your own intuition.

Many have their own summer cottage area outside the city, where some rivulet is sure to run nearby. And if so, then problems with the search necessary materials simply does not arise! With the help of the found ones, you can create whole masterpieces, and there are a great many options for crafts, you just have to let your imagination run wild.

Craft options

With the help of stones, you can decorate a fountain in an original way, beautifully arrange paths in the garden, or even build good furniture. But most of all pebbles find their use in the field of creation various crafts... Moreover, some of them can be a wonderful decoration for a garden plot.

Depending on the size, any animals can be realized. The largest of them can be placed near the entrance - a kind of guards, and the smaller ones will find a place in the house in order to decorate the interior of some room.

Many are not only interested in what can be made of stones with their own hands, but also what exactly to use. In this regard, preference is given to natural materials due to their special beauty. It is no coincidence that many professional designers prefer to create original interiors. natural stones.

Figurines for the garden

If you have imagination, your own garden can be populated by many representatives:

  • caterpillars;
  • snails;
  • frogs;
  • cats.

You can also "plant" some mushrooms or daisies.

The pots will look no less impressive. different sizes or buckets with "berries".

Original rugs

Pebbles are ideal for creating rugs. They can decorate the interior of any room, or it will act as good massager... In this case, the craft will have a healing effect on a person - foot massage is very useful.

When choosing such a material, the question of what patterns can be made from stones disappears by itself. To make these rugs, you need a rubber base or carpet backing. To create an original drawing or ornament, the material must be selected in different sizes and colors. It is better to first draw the image on paper, at least schematically for clarity. Or choose any photo you like or a finished drawing. It is also necessary to prepare the base: clean it well and give it the desired shape.

To make the work easier, you can first place all the stones on the substrate according to the selected pattern. Then go on to fixing each pebble separately. Usually, a transparent waterproof glue is used for these purposes. In this case, all stones must be positioned in such a way that they completely cover the base with themselves. You also need to make sure that there are no large gaps. What can be made of stones? The photo below gives a more accurate answer.

If the rug will be located in a bathroom with a tiled floor, then you should choose a rubber backing so that it does not slip on the tiles. And for an orthopedic mat, it is better to find stones with a greater convexity.

Stone plants

The flower kingdom looks no less original, for which they can be suitable decorative stones... Such flowers do not need care and perfectly decorate any room with their appearance.

For example, you can take large or medium-sized pebbles and paint them "like cacti". Then it remains to stuff them into flower pots, into which then pour small crumbs or even real earth for greater naturalness.

In the same way, you can create any other plants, without forgetting to connect your imagination. The idea of ​​creating a topiary - a "tree of happiness" is very interesting.

To implement it, you will need to take a tube or branch. middle length and diameters of about a centimeter. Then you need a foam ball, to which a tube or branch is attached with glue. Only beforehand it will be necessary to make a hole in the ball. It is worth noting that such an activity will allow you not only to solve the problem of what can be made from stones in the country, but also to brighten up your free time.

The ball will serve as the crown of the tree, so you should choose small pebbles to create it. At the same time, pay attention colors, shaped like pebbles. They are also glued to the ball. If "dummies" have formed between the stones, they can be closed with various small elements. For this, shells, multi-colored glass pebbles and other trinkets that can only be found are suitable. This will give the craft a special originality.

Then all this is fixed on a cut bottle or some container with sand, which must be well dried before that.

Garden paths

Whoever has a summer cottage can lay out beautiful paths from stones. They will not only serve as a decoration, but also perform a practical function for quite a long time. You can use both natural stones and artificial ones.

Simple instructions on what can be made of stone:

  • First you need to prepare a drawing of the tracks on paper.
  • For convenience, sort the selected stones according to size, color and shape.
  • After preparing the foundation, cement is poured onto the marked path, on which the stones are fixed.
  • The pebbles are laid flat or on the ribs, making sure that the stones are as close to each other as possible.
  • If the material is of different sizes, then large specimens are first put, and then small elements complete the composition.
  • Care should be taken to create a decorative border.
  • After laying the stones, you need to let the cement dry for 24 hours, after which the entire path is again filled with liquid cement mortar to smooth out all the cracks.

At the end, the entire canvas is covered with a film, and until the concrete is completely dry, do not walk along the path. It usually takes 10-15 days.


What else can be made of stone? If the family has children, then the lesson manual labor will only benefit them, as it will be able to develop certain skills in them. To create good decorations, small sea pebbles are suitable due to their streamlined shape.

Using a drill, holes are made in the stones to assemble the original necklace or bracelet. Also, the material is ideal for making earrings, for which you need to purchase a base, glue and paint in a specialized store. Among all the stones, two identical copies are selected, which are attached to the base. Only preliminary the joints are degreased with alcohol.

If there is a desire, then the sea pebbles can be painted with a kind of "gilding". For these purposes, it is better to take a spray can. The stones need to be painted before they are fixed to the substrate. Using the same technique, you can make a ring for earrings. You just need to choose an even base to facilitate the process of choosing a pebble.

If you want to solve the question of what kind of craft can be made from stones, you can connect children who can quickly find many ideas.

Artificial stone is a good alternative

In fact, artificial stone is a special material that imitates the texture of a natural material. It is widely used in the construction industry. With its help, wall cladding is made, both outside and inside. Typical advantages include:

  • the beauty of the material is in no way inferior to its natural counterpart;
  • a light weight;
  • the material is easy to handle if necessary;
  • high efficiency.

Nevertheless, there are disadvantages, including a high degree of surface abrasion.

This is only critical when the material is used to create tracks. In addition, over time, the coating on the stones fade under the influence of solar radiation. However, they are not that significant.

Original compositions

And what can be done from artificial stone? Such material is ideal for creating entire compositions on your summer cottage... Only in this case it is worth adhering to simple, but important principles:

  • The structure should be located relative to only one point of contemplation.
  • It is necessary to observe the contrast between emptiness and fullness.
  • The concept of the garden should clearly show asymmetry. At the same time, Japanese masters take into account the reflection of objects in the water and the shadows cast by them.
  • The number of elements of the structure must be odd. Traditionally, a regular heptagon should be used as the basis.
  • It is also important to balance the horizontal and vertical lines of the structure. At the same time, there should be more stones with a horizontal orientation, since there are already a lot of vertical objects on the site (trees, a fence, buildings, and so on).

Using these principles, you can start up a dry stream in your garden, or you can equip a small pond with real water. Small waterfalls or fountains look good. By constructing retaining walls, you can not only decorate your garden yard, this solution is relevant for areas with a slope.

If you show a little creativity in solving the problem "What can be made of stone", the right decision will come to mind - to make flower beds or flowerpots for flowers and other cultivated plants. You can also lay curbs from stones around the area with vegetation, placing them in an even or chaotic order and in several tiers at a certain height.

Crafts from stones are a simple, but exciting activity that can interest children, developing their ingenuity and future design skills in them. In the process, time will pass with benefit, and the surrounding neighbors will be pleasantly surprised.

Thinking of decorating your garden plot with spectacular crafts? Although in stores today you can find many different figurines and ornaments for the garden, modern summer residents prefer to make them with their own hands from scrap materials.

Crafts from stones with their own hands, photo

In this article we will tell you, how to make inexpensive stone crafts... This natural material can be found on everyone's site or near a reservoir. If you show your imagination, you get quite creative and durable crafts.

If you combine stones of different sizes, then they can easily turn into funny animals, for example, a funny cat, birds or frogs. Crafts made of stone and metal look original, which either creates a kind of frame or serves as an additional decorative element.

Crafts made of stone and metal look original, which either creates a kind of frame or serves as an additional decorative element

To give the area a touch of brightness and revitalize it, we suggest painting ordinary cobblestones. Using red and black paint, you can easily make ladybirds that will look beautiful against the background of green grass.

Before you start coloring, cut out the templates from paper and apply them to the stone. To prevent the paint from washing off over time, we recommend covering it on top colorless varnish.

It is very interesting to decorate the stones, because they seem to come to life in front of the eyes of the person driving with a brush. In fact, it is very simple to turn a stone into a craft, so parents can, together with their children, do such an accomplishment of the dacha.

Frogs made of stone

Decoupage stones, photo

Houses for dacha decor, photo

If you are familiar with, you can turn stones into real works of art. We offer you to make beautiful mini-houses from stones, while the source material can be of any shape, the main thing is to be creative in its design.

Before you start painting the stones, wash the material well. After that, the stone must be thoroughly dried, and then apply the contours of the drawing with a felt-tip pen. Paint the product with a brush and acrylic paints and cover with varnish on top.

Beautiful decorative stone houses

Watch a useful video: Crafts from stones

Natural stone is a fairly common material that can short time turn into an original figurine.

Stone will give your landscape design a touch of originality and cheerfulness.

What can be done from pebbles with your own hands? Take advantage of these ideas and you will see that stone is the perfect decoration material.

It is not necessary to bring sea stones from vacation - today pebbles can be bought in shops for construction, decor and handicrafts. Go through those that are nearby, most likely, the problem will not arise. Of course, you can also use natural seafood for making sea stones, but keep in mind that sea pebbles tend to become covered with a white coating, so you cannot choose for some types of work. Better to find river pebbles or give preference to artificially created dumplings.

And now, it's time to move from theory to practice - how can you use dumplings in your art and what can you do out of pebbles with your own hands?

If you want to create something useful, then start with rugs for the bathroom or hallway. In addition to the spectacular appearance, these mats have a healthy massage effect, affecting the points of the foot.

The easiest way to make a stone massager is to take any rubber mat as a basis. You need to glue the pebbles with transparent waterproof glue, selecting the elements so that unattractive rubber is not visible.

Similarly, you can make a hot stand.

Other useful application-. For indoor plants, choose the smallest pebbles, and for large flowerpots, look for large stones. It is convenient to stick small pebbles on a transparent "Moment" or with a glue gun, and large pebbles can be attached to concrete mortar or tile glue. For smooth products, it is important to use a mesh reinforcement.

By the way, wonderful cacti are made from pebbles if you paint them beautifully and pick them up correct shape... Do not be afraid to make a mistake - the stones will endure everything!

If you know how or are just learning to paint, try to paint the stones, based on the proposed photos. The most simple decorations- eyes, even a child can make it a reality.

With the help of small pebbles, it is easy to build stylish candlesticks and. Even glue is not required for such work.

A little imagination and from the ore of stones magnificent frames for photos, boxes, decorations and much more are obtained. The only downside is that now you will be bringing even more stones from your vacation. But DIY pebbles can also be purchased at home improvement stores.

Do not dwell on one thing, they are waiting for you, try yourself in different types creativity.

DIY crafts are today one of the most common hobbies, otherwise called handmade. Most often, those are used for crafts. natural materials that come across to hand. These works include DIY stone crafts. This hobby is perfect for both children and adults.Beautiful material literally lies under our feet, it just needs to be picked up and well examined.The main thing is to give free rein to your imagination.

Almost any pebbles collected on the seashore, streams, rivers, or even raised on a country road are suitable for souvenirs. Sea pebbles are the most popular craft material. It can be small, medium and large, slightly rough or glossy smooth, with small veins, interspersed or monochromatic, transparent and translucent.
Small pebbles are perfect for creating decorative panels, decorating photo frames or mirrors. Small pebbles are an amazing material for decorating bottles and flower pots, and a wide variety of containers.

Since stones from the sea have already been treated with water, they are most often used in their original form, that is, they do not need additional painting or varnishing. The stones brought from the sea will be an excellent decoration for any home. Having occupied children with such an unusual pastime as painting stones or covering them with patterns, you can see the amazing beauty of handicrafts that will either decorate your home or become a wonderful souvenir for friends.

River stone is also widely used for making handicrafts. By nature, such material is quite peculiar. Sometimes you can find stones that make you wonder. This fact plays into the hands of those who create unusual crafts from river stones.

For crafts from stones, even a novice craftsman will need some materials and tools. But for a simple souvenir or gift, everything you need can be found in every home.
To glue the elements of the craft, you will need adhesives, the most popular of which is PVA glue, and various universal adhesives for bonding hard surfaces are also suitable.
A variety of paints are used for creativity. For example, gouache is perfect for this, since it has a fairly thick consistency and fits perfectly on the surface. But after drying, gouache paints should be fixed with 1-2 layers of varnish. It is much more convenient to use acrylic paints, which dry much faster and do not require additional varnish.
Cover finished goods from shells and stone, varnish is required, which will not only fix the paint, but also make the craft more resistant to external influences. In addition, a layer of varnish will give the shells and pebbles extra shine and smoothness. For work, you can use oil or acrylic lacquer choosing the most convenient for their products.
Small crafts can be coated with colorless nail polish. Colored varnish and varnish with sparkles will give special decorativeness to seashells and stones.