
Seating ideas for wedding guests. How to make your own wedding seating plan. How to make do-it-yourself banquet cards


A wedding banquet is an event attended by a large number of human. That is why the bride and groom should make sure that all the invitees feel comfortable and convenient in advance. When preparing for a wedding, it is important to pay special attention to such a moment as drawing up a seating plan for guests. It is necessary so that all people present at the wedding feel at ease. They should be able to clearly see everything that happens, in addition, the newlyweds should give the same amount of attention to all guests so that they do not feel alienated.

What newlyweds should know and consider when drawing up a seating plan on their own

Before making a do-it-yourself wedding seating plan, you should make a list of them. In it, of course, at the initial stages there will not be an exact number of people, since circumstances may develop in such a way that some of them will not be able to attend your holiday.

Thereafter be sure to choose a room in which you decide to celebrate it a grand affair. When choosing it, it is necessary to be guided by such factors as financial capabilities. By the way, they should be taken into account in the first place. You also need to pay attention to the number of people and the style in which your wedding will be held.. The administration of a restaurant or cafe, most likely, will offer you a choice of two options for planning the hall you rented: three tables with the letter "P"(the table of relatives and friends of the groom, the table of the guests of the bride, the table of the newlyweds) or seat everyone at separate tables of four to six people. By making such a choice, should take into account the size of the room, the scenario of the wedding, as well as how convenient this or that option will be for you and for those invited. Do not forget that in the first case, when three large tables are set in the banquet hall, there should be enough space between them for competitions and wedding ceremonies. Besides, guests should be able to leave the table freely without disturbing other people. When drawing up a seating plan for people at a wedding, it is imperative to take into account such factors as:

  • degree and proximity of relationship. Surely my own aunt and her family will be somewhat offended by the young if they get places at a sufficient distance from the young, next to whom work colleagues and not too close friends will sit. It is better to seat relatives and good friends as close as possible to the newlyweds;
  • marital status. If you are seating people at separate tables, make sure couples sit together;
  • age. Elderly people should not be seated at separate tables along with young people. Surely both of them will not feel too comfortable;
  • community of interest. This, of course, may seem strange to you, but this factor should also be taken into account when drawing up a seating plan for people at this kind of event. After all, in between toasts, competitions and dances, people will talk to each other, which means they should have common topics for conversation.

Seating plans for guests according to etiquette

Making a seating plan for wedding guests basic rules of etiquette should also be taken into account. So, for example, according to the rules, men should take places on the left side of women. By the way, this also applies to newlyweds. The groom must sit on the left side of the bride. What other rules of etiquette should be observed when drawing up a seating plan for people invited to a wedding?

Unusual template seating plans used in various countries

Until recently, weddings in Russia were celebrated, as a rule, at several tables arranged in the shape of the letter “P”. Today, such accommodation of guests is considered not very convenient.

However, if the wedding is held in a small room, but there are just the opposite - a lot of guests, this method will probably be the most profitable in terms of accommodating people. What methods of seating guests at a wedding exist in other countries and can be used at your celebration as well?


In America, the wedding, as well as most other holidays where a large number of people gather, is celebrated in the form of a buffet table. Two large tables are laid, which are parallel to each other. They should be placed in such a way that guests can move freely around the hall and have the opportunity to communicate with each other. The table for newlyweds and witnesses should be placed separately.


At Italian wedding celebrations, the bride and groom sit at a table that is set on the podium. The rest of the people present at the celebration sit around them at round tables. This seating plan at a wedding is extremely convenient, since guests can perfectly see everything that happens at the table of the newlyweds, they can safely take a photo of the bride and groom as a keepsake. In addition, they have the opportunity to calmly move around the room and communicate with each other.

Great Britain

In Great Britain the table of the newlyweds is located separately. The rest of the guests sit eight people at each table.. The British consider this method of seating the most convenient, since eight people sitting together will have the opportunity to perfectly see everything that happens at the wedding, and will also be able to communicate with each other.

The main thing here is to pay attention to factors such as the age of the guests sitting together, the degree of their relationship and common interests. So, the bride's relatives should not be seated at the same table with the groom's work colleagues, as they may have problems in communication.

You can also place tables for guests and newlyweds in the shape of the letter "T". For a smaller part, of course, there will be newlyweds and witnesses. The parents of the bride and groom can also be accommodated here. This method of seating is convenient because guests can leave their seats and come back without disturbing other participants of the event. In addition, all the guests sitting at the table in the shape of the letter “T” will have an excellent view of the table of the newlyweds. This method can be used if the wedding is celebrated in a small room, and many people will be present at it.

How to make your own wedding seating plan

If you are going to make a seating plan for guests yourself, and not order from professionals, it is not necessary to use one of the above templates. Let's say you liked the Italian seating arrangement the most. However, the restaurant you have chosen for your wedding celebration does not have a podium that is prerequisite Italian wedding. There is nothing wrong with this - you can easily do without it. Make a list of guests in advance and before going to the banquet hall of your choice to conclude a lease agreement with the management of the restaurant or cafe, ask as many people from the list as possible if they can decorate your holiday with their presence. When you negotiate with the restaurant administration about holding a celebration, be sure to say that you want to seat guests at separate tables. Experienced catering staff will advise you on how best to place them in such a way that all guests can watch the holiday from comfortable positions.

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After an agreement with the restaurant administration is reached, you can go home and start thinking about which of the guests to sit at which tables. Naturally, next to the newlyweds there should be places for the closest friends and relatives.. Since the groom, according to the rules of etiquette, should sit on the left side of the bride, on this side, according to the same unspoken rules, the places of his friends and relatives should be located. Accordingly, guests from the bride's side should be placed on the right side. For each person invited to the wedding, the newlyweds need to make a seating card with a table number. It should be handed over along with an invitation in person or sent by mail. If you don’t have the time and desire to make such tickets, write the table numbers directly in invitation cards, which each guest in any case will take with him to the celebration. In this way, you will save your time and notify the people invited to the celebration about where the place is intended for them at the wedding. Well, how you can create an original seating card yourself, you will learn from the following video:

In order for the wedding to be peaceful and fun, you should worry about the seating plan for the guests in advance. In the Russian tradition, when preparing for an event, it is customary to pay more attention to the choice of dishes and drinks on the table. Practice shows that this approach is not bad, but far from perfect. The event will be much more fun if you take advantage of new trends and foreign experience in organizing holidays.

Why you need a seating plan

Very often, the imaginary picture of the newlyweds' festive feast is much brighter and more interesting than reality. Most often, the problem is not a poor table, not a lack of good alcohol, and not festive decoration. Banal silence and boredom at the table can turn a chicly decorated banquet hall into a dull sight. To avoid such a situation, it is worth considering in advance and drawing up a plan-template for seating guests at a wedding.

How to seat guests at a wedding

A wedding is a celebration in which two families, in fact, become one. This is not about the newlyweds, but about their relatives and close friends. So that the guests do not "clump" with the usual companies and do not sit in silence, it is worth planting representatives of both sides interspersed. So friends of the bride and groom can get to know each other. Break your family into small groups, perhaps married couples or adult siblings, and bring similar couples from both sides around the same table.

When planning, keep in mind the age and personal preferences of the guests. It is a very bad idea to put an avid hunter and a lover of our smaller brothers with an active lifestyle at the same table. But to place an artist and a musician close to each other is a good move. Also, do not raise the problems of fathers and children at the holiday, try to take into account the age of the guests when determining places. Proper seating of guests is a guarantee of a lively conversation at the table.

Examples and templates for the design of the seating plan for guests at a wedding

It is not enough just to draw up a seating plan on a piece of paper. Guests must be familiarized with the arrangement of tables and their place. Otherwise, the crowd of invitees will simply rush around the hall in search of cards with their names.

To solve the problem, it is worth drawing up a large-format seating plan for guests at the entrance to the entrance. The design of the stand should be consistent with the general style of the wedding.

The wedding seating template is very simple. Sheets of paper on the stand are arranged according to the arrangement of tables in the celebration hall. In the title of each sheet, you must indicate the number of the table, then list the names and surnames of the guests located behind it. You can order such a plan in any baguette shop.

DIY wedding seating templates

It's no secret that sometimes even the bride and groom are not able to name all the guests at the wedding. Relatives on both sides sometimes have no idea who they are talking to, as a result, unpleasant situations and incidents may arise.

Abroad, at celebrations, a fun game called Find your face, find your place is very popular. Literally, this phrase can be translated as "I found my face - I found my place." The essence of the idea is to hang small photographs along with the names in the seating plan of the guests. This will give guests the opportunity to know in advance with whom they will sit at the same table, and avoid embarrassing moments.

You can entrust the implementation of such a stand to professionals, but in order to avoid mistakes, make it better with your own hands. In fact, it is no more difficult than drawing a poster for a school wall newspaper - it does not require special talents.

Why do we need guest name cards

A beautiful seating plan for guests is great, but again not enough. Duplicate the seating with name cards on the tables.

Cards will help the host of the event to determine the location of the main characters entertainment program holiday, and waiters will be able to quickly find guests and fulfill their requests. And again, nameplates will help guests get to know each other and remember each other's names. Wedding seating templates and cards should be made in the same style.

Name Card Design Options

For seating depends on the overall theme of the wedding design. For example, if the main motive is autumn, then the cards can be made on gold or orange paper, and the table numbers can be indicated in the form of falling leaves. Cards carry important information, so do not overload them with excessive design.

It is better to make signs in a minimalist style: a small neat pattern and a name. This is a win-win option that always looks elegant. Sometimes you can deviate from the golden rule. If the program of the event is full of events and personal instructions and explanations are required for the guests, then it is possible to make not name cards, but signs.

Such signs can contain all the information necessary for guests and be used as props during competitions. This design option can be implemented only if it is really necessary. Signs take up a lot of space and will interfere with guests more than clarify what is happening.

Ready-made design templates

Cards do not have to be ordered from a professional designer in the printing industry. You can use ready-made free templates for seating arrangements for guests at a wedding. All you need is a computer, printer, paper and scissors.

You need to print the required number of sheets. Then cut out the cards along the lines, enter the name by hand and bend in the center. If you have a color printer at your disposal, then the task is greatly simplified. It may not be limited black and white design, and boldly choose bright prints and patterns.

The above templates have a common style of performance, so even different cards will look harmonious on the same table. Instead of multi-colored patterns, you can get by with colored paper. One way to emphasize that guests belong to the side of the bride or groom is to print cards in two colors, for example, yellow for the guests of the bride, and brown for the guests of the groom.

DIY name cards

Even in the absence of a printer and a computer, you can make exclusive pointers with your own hands, and quickly. This will require a lot of cardboard, glue, glitter and a fountain pen. An example of execution can be seen in the photo below.

First you need to decide on the shape of the cards, in the example in the image the bottom edge is cut out in the form of waves. You can buy a special hole punch in the needlework store and greatly simplify your task. Curly knives of the device will help you quickly and easily make stars, hearts, leaves and other shapes around the edges.

Next, you need to apply glue to the edge of the paper and dip it in sparkles. Then, excess dusting is carefully removed from the card. beautifully enter the name of the guest. Writing in ink is not easy, you need to either practice on a separate sheet or use more familiar and convenient writing tools. The highlight will be a short personal wish for guests on each card.

Figured hole punchers can cut not only waves, but also various animals and patterns. The device can be used to make another design option for name cards for guests.

These cards are made from simple craft cardboard and round napkins made with a figured hole punch. In the center of the napkins, you need to write the name by hand and stick it to the support cardboard.

It is not difficult to make when their number does not exceed 50 pieces. For large celebrations with a long list of guests, it is better to seek help from professionals in their field. The organization of celebrations is rarely complete without the services of interior designers. The cost of cards and a seating stand will simply be lost in the total costs. Personal participation is required at the stage of compiling the list of guests and their seating plan in the hall.

In order for everything to go as well as possible at the wedding, it is necessary to first draw up a plan for the arrangement of tables and the seating of the participants of the celebration at them, prepare the required accessories, then each guest will easily find his place in the banquet hall.

A seating plan drawn up according to the rules contributes to a cheerful celebration of the wedding, acquaintance of relatives, friends of the bride and groom. Quite often, at the same time, new relationships arise at wedding events.

Drawing up a seating plan begins with drawing up a table layout. They are arranged different ways. How to properly seat guests - the most common options are presented in the table:

Location optionPlacement Recommendations
Shared tableTraditional seating arrangement at tables arranged in a row, suitable for events with a small amount guests. a traditional seating arrangement at tables arranged in a row, suitable for events with a small number of guests. a traditional seating arrangement at tables arranged in a row, suitable for events with a small number of guests. Men and women are seated, alternating between them, and witnesses and parents are seated near the newlyweds.
"T" shapedSuitable for up to 30 guests. The newlyweds are placed at the head, and then the rest, arranging them by age, gender or other attribute.
European styleSmall tables are placed in a checkerboard pattern around the hall, seating several people at them according to family ties, interests and other criteria. At the tables square shape 4 invited guests are seated, for round ones - 8 each.
In the form of the letters "P" and "Sh"From 30 to 50 people are seated for the "letter P", and a larger number - for the "Sh". Young people are placed in the center, and then relatives, friends and acquaintances.
"Buffet"The method is based on the self-service of the invited, sitting at long tables, while the bride and groom are allotted a separate one.
"Herringbone"The husband and wife are seated at a separate table, and the rest of the guests are seated at tables diagonally parallel to each other.

The following factors influence the choice of table layout:

  • their appearance: square, oval, round;
  • dimensions, shape of the banquet hall;
  • the number of invited guests;
  • the presence of columns, partitions, various projections of the interior;
  • floor device: the presence of several levels of different heights in the hall, or steps.

The layout scheme is selected according to the following rules:

  • there must be space left for wedding contests, dancing;
  • it is necessary that all guests see the newlyweds and the stage;
  • banquet participants should have freedom, ease of movement, without causing inconvenience to their neighbors;
  • musical equipment should not be placed too close to the tables so that the music does not become an obstacle to communication.

A practical option for arranging tables for the selected hall can be suggested by the administrator.

The European seating arrangement is becoming more and more fashionable. Giving banquet cards original look brings uniqueness to the wedding process. Also, near the counter with a seating plan, you can distribute to guests.

What to consider when drawing up a seating chart for guests at a wedding?

It is necessary to seat invited guests not just “at will”. There are certain rules for this. Following them, everyone can correctly place participants at the tables wedding celebration.

Invited guests should be seated so that everyone has:

  1. comfortable;
  2. interesting;
  3. without confusion when moving.

The correct organization of this process is facilitated by the observance of such simple rules:

  • it is necessary to alternate women with men so that the latter sit to the left of the former;
  • the newlyweds are seated at a separate table along with witnesses: the wife to the right of the husband;
  • dignitaries are also seated near the young, but not together with their parents;
  • from their seats, all invitees should have a good view of the toastmaster and the bride and groom;
  • the next of kin are placed next to the newlyweds;
  • when placing, age, family relationships must be taken into account;
  • children are allowed to sit at a separate table;
  • the characters of the audience should also be taken into account: it is advisable to plant calm people together with merry fellows;
  • married persons sit next to each other and other married couples for greater comfort in communication;
  • those who come alone and bachelors are placed separately;
  • "Feuding" guests are seated away from each other;
  • friends can be planted next to colleagues so that they get to know each other better;
  • if foreigners are present at the celebration, then they should be seated with persons who can keep up a conversation with them.

To prevent confusion and confusion during a banquet in the hall, guests are notified in advance about their place, seating plan. In doing so, you must follow these tips:

  1. cards and a plan are recommended to be made in the same style as invitations;
  2. in order to avoid confusion between namesakes, the names of the guests should be indicated;
  3. if there are many invitees, then several plans should be prepared;
  4. table number, place can be indicated in the invitation card.

On the tables, they must place the designations assigned to them according to the scheme, for example, numbers, names of any heroes. Compliance with the simplest rules allows you to seat guests comfortably.

Seating plan for guests: classic and original ideas with photos

The plan for accommodating guests should be beautifully designed and made in 3-4 copies, depending on the number of participants in the celebration. This can be based on classic ways design, or invent original idea and implement it.

The simplest version of the seating plan is the layout of banquet cards containing the names of guests and their seat numbers on a separate table. It is done taking into account the scheme of the hall.

It's also quite simple attach cards to big sheet paper or cardboard and place on a stand, or hang on the wall in a convenient place. Such a seating list is placed, as a rule, at the entrance to the celebration hall.

It does not differ in originality, but the seating plan will simplify the process of finding places for participants, in which a simple arrangement of tables in the hall with their numbers and names of guests is drawn. Accordingly, you need to prepare in advance.

Ordinary alphabetical lists on paper– will easily lead invited guests to the desired table.

Looks elegant small live or carved plywood tree with leaves-cards hung on branches, arranged according to the chosen scheme.

Imprinted on glass, or in a mirror and placed in a frame (colored or classic bronze), the seating plan looks elegant.

hand drawn with marker on them, the layout diagram with the appropriate signatures is suitable for any style of organizing a wedding.

Large glass with printed plan, installed and fixed with special fasteners directly on the floor or table without a frame, looks great.

Chalked guest list on the blackboard- a fairly bright way to easily add new guests or remove those who did not appear.

Plan placement on a geographical map or the globe is great option for travel lovers. Cards are hung on them in a certain order, or, if only the contours of objects are shown, they draw a diagram. In this case, the tables can be assigned not numbers, but the names of cities, continents, seas, islands - in general, any objects of their own free will.

Fulfilled in the form of a key the plan of landing of guests will allow everyone to plunge into the festive atmosphere. It is installed in such a place to avoid crowds.

Instead of banal cards with names, you can use pre-taken photos of guests. They are pasted on canvas or paper around the numbers of the tables for which they must proceed.

Perfect for a vintage wedding frame from an old window, inside which banquet cards are placed on clothespins and strings.

The background for the plan can be wallpaper, landscapes, paintings, and so on. There are no restrictions here.

You can entrust the preparation of the landing plan, both to the decorator of the hall, and do all the work yourself. You should not limit your imagination. This will lead to an original, unique result. Add creativity placed on the territory of the holiday.

How to make a seating board for a wedding yourself: 3 examples, templates

To do the job yourself, you need the simplest tools. Also used for this improvised materials.

It is easy to make a board in the form of a key holder, an easel with a stand or a stand. All that is needed for this is contained in the table below.

Guest accommodation plan in the form of a "housekeeper"

The manufacturing process of the "key holder" is as follows:

  • take a finished frame or make it from wooden blocks;
  • cardboard and foam rubber (batting) are cut out under it, which are glued on top of each other;
  • cut the selected fabric to the size of the base, leaving 2 cm from the edges;
  • wrap cardboard with foam rubber with it, fix it on the back with tape;
  • inserted into the frame;
  • stick decorative needles;
  • The "housekeeper" is ready - they hang seating cards, prepared on their own, or bought in advance.

You can also put photos, appeals to guests, any things and other paraphernalia. The "key keeper" is hung on the wall or placed on a stand, or placed on a table.

Creating an "easel"

"Easel" is made according to the following algorithm:

  • a frame and a stand with a shelf for a picture are made of wood;
  • paint them, for example, with spray enamel;
  • cut plywood under the frame;
  • cover it with guipure;
  • then fix the plywood with screws to the frame;
  • The "picture" is placed on a stand;
  • insert cards into various options design.

"Easel" is installed on its own stand in a convenient place for guests to familiarize themselves with the seating plan.

The easiest way

Making a plan in the form of a stand is even easier and faster than making a “key holder” or “easel”. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • print guest lists on white paper, indicating the corresponding table numbers;
  • cut out squares with a list of guests for each table;
  • cut colored cardboard into squares, large by half a centimeter;
  • glue fragments on top of each other;
  • stick “tables” on a large cardboard sheet according to their location in the hall;
  • decorate the stand with a ribbon bow glued under the newlyweds;
  • the plan is placed in the right place.

Video: do-it-yourself seating chart

Watch the video master class on drawing up a seating chart:

Ready templates

To create a seating plan, you can use the ready-made templates below. They are simple enough copy, print in the desired format. Then the names of the guests are written on them and placed on a sheet, map, board, or another version of the base.

Ready template seating plan for 4 tables
Ready-made seating plan template for 5 tables

Below are the card templates. They are printed and cut out. Table numbers, guest names are entered or typed on a computer. Such cards are placed on the branches of a small tree, hung on a "key holder", glued to cardboard or a thick sheet.

Card set

The implementation of the considered options takes from 1 to 2 hours. Special skills are not required. Your own imagination will lead to a beautiful result.

Make a seating plan on your own, or use the services of the organizers - it's up to the newlyweds. Do-it-yourself work will require some, little time, but you can get satisfaction from the process. There are many options for making cards. The choice is determined by personal desires and the style of the celebration. contributes to the success of the banquet for all participants.

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In organizing a wedding celebration, every little thing is of great importance, as future spouses strive to make this day perfect and memorable. The seating plan of the guests plays an important role at the wedding, as it allows you to avoid the fuss in the banquet hall: each guest can easily find his name in the list and go to the specified table. The very same seating of guests at the wedding is carried out by the newlyweds according to the common interests of the invitees: most often, relatives from the husband's side sit at one table, relatives from the bride's side - at the other, friends - at the third. It all depends on the number of tables and guests: sometimes young people can sit at the same table even guests who are unfamiliar with each other, who, during the holiday, will definitely find mutual language and will have fun together. A well-thought-out plan helps to avoid crowds of guests in the hall: everyone very quickly finds their place and is waiting for the start of the solemn celebration!

On the site portal, we will tell you how to correctly seat guests at a wedding and create an original design for a seating plan so that guests can not only easily find their name, but also appreciate your creativity.

How to properly seat guests at a wedding: three simple rules

The general mood in the banquet hall, the level of positive mood and positive emotions depends on how you organize the seating of your dear guests at the tables. How to seat guests at a wedding so that they feel comfortable and have fun together? How to create comfortable conditions for your loved ones so that they do not feel constrained during the holiday? Just use the following wedding seating tips.

3 rules for the distribution of guests at the tables:

  • kinship rule. Of course, the best company for each other will be relatives who have known each other for a long time and often communicate at joint holidays. Relatives from the side of the bride and groom most often sit at different tables or on different sides of one large table. If you have a lot of round tables that can accommodate 5-8 people, relatives can be seated by families or by age: your nephews will hardly be interested at the same table with grandparents. Friends can also be planted together, even if some of them are not yet known, as young people quickly find a common language with each other. Also, according to the rules of etiquette, competent seating involves the alternation of men and women.
  • space rule. There are a huge number of options for arranging wedding tables: herringbone, letter T, letter W, letter P, English and Italian options and many others. Whichever one you choose for your holiday, be sure to consider the space in the hall so that guests feel comfortable. If you have a lot of guests, take care of a large and spacious banquet hall or rent a tent for fresh air. For a small wedding, on the contrary, a large hall will look out of place and uncomfortable. Try to also take into account the number of guests at the tables: there should be sufficient distance between them and personal space.
  • Taste rule. Follow the rules for seating guests according to their taste preferences so that each of them feels comfortable at your wedding. If there are many vegetarians in your family, they should be put at the same table. Also, not all guests consume alcoholic beverages. You should not sit modest non-drinking guests next to merry fellows and drinkers.

Wedding seating plan: three popular ideas

The seating plan for a wedding is part of the decor of your banquet hall, so it should beautifully harmonize with the general style of the holiday and be distinguished by its originality. What kind of seating plans can be used for a celebration?

3 best seating plan ideas:

  1. Plan-picture. The most popular seating chart for wedding guests is in the form of a large picture in a frame. Such a plan is very convenient and does not take up much space, because it can be hung on any wall in the banquet hall. You can easily make seating cards and numbers with your own hands. The wedding seating plan should also have beautiful decoration: choose a background for the picture, and stick list cards on it. Each card must be numbered so that guests can see their table number. Choose a frame that will be in harmony with the background of your plan-picture and with the overall style of the holiday. It is best to hang a picture near the entrance to the hall, so that guests can immediately go to the right place.

  2. Another beautiful option the design of the plan will be the use of a special stand or easel, which can be placed in any convenient place in the banquet hall. You can do such a seating plan for guests with your own hands. The seating list of wedding guests is placed on a beautiful stand made of plastic or wood. Such an easel plan will be the highlight of your decor and will perfectly fit into a rustic or Provence wedding. Also, such an idea for decorating a seating plan would be ideal for a wedding of creative people: artists or musicians.

A young couple before their wedding thinks not only about who to invite to their holiday, but also how to seat the guests. How to correctly distribute the guests at the banquet? Usually people for festive table group, taking into account their interests, preferences, age, marital status, way of thinking. So you will help guests feel comfortable and cozy at the celebration, which will positively affect the overall atmosphere of the wedding. To accommodate those invited to the banquet, guest seating cards are used.

Seating cards are used as seat indicators for each guest at the table. Qualitatively, interestingly executed, these details of the wedding will emphasize the special importance of the event and the excellent organization of the holiday. If the celebration is not crowded, the newlyweds can make original ones. But most couples trust this business to professionals. It is advisable to order them at a printing house if a banquet is planned with a large number of guests. When choosing banquet cards, consider the following tips:

  • For a celebration, choose signs for guests in a beautiful design.
  • They should have the same design with other wedding accessories.
  • For themed celebrations, place markers can be designed using items related to the style of the wedding.
  • Print the names of the guests on the cards large.
  • Choose the size of the pointers so that they are noticeable and harmoniously fit into the overall design of the table.
  • The font of the inscription on the seating cards should be legible and noticeable from afar.
  • The color of the card must match the general color scheme weddings.

The seating card with the name of the guest indicated on it is placed on a napkin or next to a plate on the table in a certain place, which is intended for the person invited to the celebration. There are many options for making seat maps. The classic form of the card is a thick sheet of paper folded in half and placed by the house with the name of the guest on it.

In this case, everything depends on the imagination, the taste of the newlyweds. Pebbles, shells, fruits, badges, bottle caps are used to design maps of places for invitees. Unusually, seating signs in the form of small jars or chocolates with the names of guests written on them look original. Guest cards can be combined with additional elements that emphasize the sophistication of the celebration. For example, one apple is placed next to them or they are placed on a pot with a flower.

Ideas for seating cards for guests

To make the holiday fun, the bride and groom need to think through all the details of the celebration in advance. The choice of the form of seating cards will help emphasize the originality of the newlyweds and their taste. The exquisite, beautiful design of this accessory will encourage the guest to keep it as a memento of the wedding. Let's take a closer look at three popular forms of seating cards.

In the form of postcards

Postcards are often used as a place indicator at the banquet table. Such seating cards can be made in the form of animals, flowers or any other appropriate and original form. If you write on the inside of postcards good words, wishes personally to each guest, then friends and relatives will definitely keep it as a keepsake of your wedding. This type of cards is convenient to put on the table in the form of a house. Beautifully designed seating cards will create a special festive mood along with other decorations of the banquet hall.

On a stand

If each banquet card will be installed on a stand, special attention is paid to its design of this base. As a holder, fruits can be used, which in color or some of their properties are combined with the theme, style of the celebration. Such an edible stand is slightly incised, and then a pointer with the name of the invitee is fixed in it. A seating card will look beautiful on a stand in the form of a bouquet, a pot with a flower, and plant figurines.

The role of the signpost holder with the inscription of the guest's name can be performed by any items that are appropriate for the wedding design. You can attach a banquet card by a ribbon to a glass or candle. Unexpectedly, but interestingly look in the form of a cone holder. Nice, beautiful way designing a seating card - fixing it on a bonbonniere, which is a small box with a surprise for the guest.

in the form of figurines

Place cards for a banquet in the form of figures are the most difficult to make with your own hands, so it is better to order them from professionals. But such original accessories perfectly decorate wedding table and your guests are sure to love it. Flowers, sweets can be used as images for figurines. And guest cards look especially fashionable and stylish, looking like a bride's outfit and a groom's suit.

How to make banquet cards with your own hands?

Some couples want to make their own guest cards. This is a fascinating, creative process that will bring joy to the newlyweds. Do-it-yourself seating cards can be in the form of origami. They are perfect for decorating a celebration in Japanese or Chinese themes. Seating cards can be made in the shape of a butterfly. Such details of table decoration are well suited for a wedding in the summer.

Simply, quickly seating cards are made from a wide satin ribbon. This option is suitable for brides who do not have the opportunity to create banquet accessories for a long time. To make a guest card, take a ribbon and tie it into a pretty bow. And on its edges write the name, surname of the guest. Lay out these pointers-bows near each place on the table.

A heart-shaped banquet card will look romantic and beautiful. For its manufacture you need: heart-stencil, red thick paper, glue, pencil, scissors, pen. Work on creating a card begins with tracing a stencil on a colored sheet and cutting out hearts. Further, in the upper right of the card, write the name, surname of the guest and cut it with scissors from the bottom to the center. Glue the left side of the figure to the right overlap to make a voluminous heart. Remove any excess paper.

Fresh or dried flowers can be used to create a banquet accessory. This will decorate the table, will cause pleasant emotions in the guests. To make such a seedling card, take a box with the guest's data written on it and put a live flower in it in a small container of water. Or create an arrangement of dry flowers and a pointer card.

Template and cutting pattern

Making a postcard for seating guests is as easy as shelling pears. The preparation of such cards should begin long before the wedding day. To make them, you will need: cardboard, scissors, tape, a hole punch, a marker. Choose the size of the postcard of your choice. To make a seating card, follow these instructions:

  1. Cut out a 10x10 cm square from paper, fold it across in the center. You should get the shape of a sheet in the form of a book.
  2. Make a hole at the top near the fold line with a hole punch. Pull the ribbon through it, make a bow.
  3. Write the guest's name on the card.
  4. Decorate with bright stones or beads.

You can use another interesting and simple master class for the production of seating cards. To make a postcard you will need:

  • colored cardboard or colored paper and white cardboard;
  • glue stick;
  • lace paper napkins;
  • rubber stamps in the form of letters;
  • stamp pad.

Step-by-step instruction:

Seating plan and table numbers

Quickly find your seat at the table on celebratory banquet seating plan will help guests. Such visual navigation is especially important at weddings with a large number of people. On it, those invited will easily find their place. The diagram shows lists of people who will sit at a particular table. This helps to quickly orient the invitees and avoid confusion. The guest finds himself on the list on the plan, finds out the number of his table and goes to him.

The design of the seating plan should be consistent with the overall style of the decor of the room. Traditionally, wedding table plates are made in the form of a frame, but for original schemes, designers suggest using decorations like windows, doors, stepladders, garlands. Signs like this help guests find their seat easily. Plates with numbers are made so that they are the decoration of the wedding. Some newlyweds do not use numbers to designate tables, but come up with beautiful, original names for them. For example, instead of "table number 5" they write "flower bed".

Photo of original seating cards for guests