
See what makeup mistakes will spoil the face, even if it is a world masterpiece. Daily Makeup Big Mistakes and How to Fix The Biggest Makeup Mistakes



Mistakes in life are common to all people. And if there are inevitable and irreparable miscalculations, then make-up mistakes are not so serious, but they still need to be corrected. For a woman, creating her own image is perhaps the most important aspiration. Therefore, they try to avoid mistakes, so as not to accidentally add 10 years of extra age to themselves, or not to spoil the style they create in such a way with one wrong stroke. Let's talk about the mistakes that women make when applying makeup, and try to avoid these annoying mistakes.

How to paint correctly: mistakes when applying makeup

tonal base.

A common makeup mistake is applying foundation incorrectly. To make the complexion and skin tone look perfect, you need to put a lot of effort, patience and time into learning this art. Among other things, in the summer, the skin changes its tone to dark, which is also taken into account when choosing masking cosmetics. There are several traditional mistakes in applying tone:

When applying a tone to the face, women forget that the neck and décolleté also have their own color, which must be evened out using the same tool. Or carefully shade the borders;
Use for working with special devices (brushes, sponges);
Do not apply to dry skin. Be sure to treat the epidermis with makeup cream;
If the product is not too delicate texture, the brush is wetted with water. Otherwise, you risk leaving streaks and stains from an unshaded cream;
A thick layer of corrector and powder that gives the face a mask effect.

Remember that the foundation is not intended to change the complexion, but to even out its tone and mask problem areas.

Concealer (corrector).

An indispensable tool for masking, lightening dark areas of the skin, and eliminating other imperfections. Today, for fashionistas, this is the number one remedy that saves from many problems with complexion. However, it is with the use of this tool that most of the problems in women are associated. The most common is the application of several layers in a row in an effort to eliminate appearance flaws.

The main thing to pay attention to when choosing a concealer is that it should be a tone lighter than the shade. skin. If you're looking for perfection, buy two or more concealers, each designed to cover a specific part of your face. They differ from each other only in shade. It is advisable to mask the places under the eyes with a concealer of cold shades (greenish, yellowish). For cheekbones, nasolabial folds, chin, products with warm, beige tones are suitable.

Means for coloring and correction of eyebrows.

Beautiful, neat eyebrows are a lady's dream. So, what to do if you don’t naturally have beautiful bird-wing eyebrows? Definitely, do not draw them from above, and do not pluck to a thin thread. Alternatively, use in a pencil (soft texture). These are devices for those who are already adept at the art of beautiful makeup.

It is especially important for eyebrow painting to distribute the color correctly, and to do it in such a way that others do not doubt for a second that this is your real beauty given by nature. Tinted eyebrows must be carefully combed and fixed with a special gel. This will help keep them correct form for a long time. Use special tools for shaping eyebrows - brushes and brushes.

Wrong eye makeup.

A similar error includes "eyes in a frame." This is when women circle the eye along the contour with a solid, continuous strip. If you have not seen such an example, you can describe it simply - even if the woman has beautiful and big eyes, circled with a black pencil along the inner contour, they become small and painful.

Today, the lower eyelid, summed up in bold black, is considered mauvais ton. However, in modern world fashion extremely popular make-up called "smoky ice". It also implies eyeliner, but it is carried out according to strict laws and rules. Incorrectly executed makeup of this type becomes untidy eyes in the same frame.

Lipstick and lip contour.

Most ladies who use lipstick outline their lips with a pencil. There are several advantages in this technique - the lipstick does not spread, it remains on the lips for a long time. With a pencil, you can even out the contour of the lips, increase, reduce, narrow or expand them. However, the contour of the lips correctly matched to the lipstick is one of the most important components of makeup. Remember the only pattern - if the lipstick is light, and the lip contour is bright, it looks vulgar.

Now many cosmetic products have been developed that can visually reduce or increase the volume of the lips without the use of bright contrasts.

Just imagine how your dark-lined lips will look when the lipstick wears off? Primitive, vulgar, sloppy. Therefore, a contour pencil can only be half a tone darker or lighter than lipstick.

Lots of blush.

Be careful not to overdo the blush. Otherwise, you risk becoming like a nesting doll. It is very easy to make a mistake at this stage of makeup. You need one wrong stroke, or a little more product on the brush than you need. similar to the fresh, natural skin color of a young girl. It is necessary to choose the correct location of the product according to the type of face, and the desired color. Be especially careful with bronzers. An extra stroke and orange fire blazes on your cheeks.

Remember during the disco dance of the 80s, it was fashionable to paint ultra-blue shadows to the very eyebrows? Today it looks funny, besides, it has not been fashionable for a long time. It is better to immediately forget about such "frills". This is not specific to any particular color.

A large amount of the same color on the eyelids makes you visually over years for five.

Pearl and glitter.

In daytime makeup, such shadows, blush, lipstick simply should not be. To give a festive look to an evening make-up can give not a large number of shine, but be careful not to overdo it.

Beware. No matter how great the makeup is, the treacherous shine will ruin everything! Therefore, carry compact powder in your purse with you.

Carcass spider legs.

Did you know that the number of layers of mascara should be two, and no more? Now you know! Follow this advice. After applying the third and subsequent layers, you will not be able to separate them with any special devices.

In addition, choose the type of mascara that you need to eliminate lash imperfections. If the eyelashes are sparse - stock up on mascara that increases the volume, if short - lengthening, etc.

Pay attention to the expiration date of the mascara, and clean its brush from time to time.

Heard advice on how to make eyelashes voluminous with powder? Do not follow it, you will not apply an even glossy layer. The mascara will cling to lumps, and you will have to redo your makeup. None of the following advice about how to separate the cilia with a needle will help you. If the mascara is sticky, the cilia will stick together again, if it dries out with a thick crust, you risk being left without them at all.

Carelessly applied cosmetics.

When applying makeup, pay attention to the fact that the borders of the flowers are carefully shaded. It looks untidy and defiant. Use . Professional cosmetologists advise applying makeup only with the help of these devices. You can easily adjust the amount of funds, gently apply on the face, and blend easily.

Pay close attention to the crease of the upper eyelid. Some time after applying makeup, an excess amount of shadows accumulates in it, and the eyes do not look presentable. Re-blend everything with a brush to remove the borders.

A woman is born to shine. Therefore, cosmetics should become her assistant, and not her worst enemy.

January 11, 2014, 17:38

It is human nature, and especially a woman, to err - such is our nature. Some mistakes change lives for the better, some never become known to others.

Unfortunately, make-up mistakes cannot be attributed to either one or the other.

They can do real harm - spoil the impression, add a dozen years, make you look funny when it is not necessary at all.
We have worked out daily makeup almost to automatism, and we often do not think about whether we are doing everything right.
Are you for unmistakable beauty? In this post, I tried to collect the most common makeup mistakes.

1. Unprepared skin

If leather about e zvozhena, poorly cleaned, no makeup will hide these imperfections. In addition, on insufficiently hydrated skin, decorative products will not adhere well.

How to fix. Cleanse the skin twice a day with special cosmetics, deep cleansing weekly with scrubs and gommages. After washing your face in the morning, apply a moisturizer and after five minutes blot the rest of it with a tissue. Only after that you can start makeup.

2. Lack of tone

Even if your skin is flawless and you proudly demonstrate nude makeup, you need to place small accents. Make a couple of strokes with a brush with peach blush - and your natural makeup can be considered completed.

Another thing is if you intentionally refuse foundation, powder and corrector in the name of prejudices that these cosmetics clog pores, preventing her from breathing, provoking premature aging. In this case, any flaw becomes overly obvious, and all your efforts in the fight for youthful skin and a healthy look will be nullified.

How to fix. AND Use weightless tonal fluids in your daily makeup, for example, Givenchy Eclat Matissime, Lancome Lancome Teint Miracle, Chanel Teint Innocence, Chanel Perfection Lumiere, Dior Hydra Life.
For an alternative solution to create the perfect tone, look for BB creams that revolutionized the beauty industry. Wonderful BB creams can be found in the assortment of MAC, Lancome, Estee Lauder, Clinique, L'Oreal, Garnier, Maybelline.

3. Too much tone

Both the absence and the overabundance of foundation give out your inability to use cosmetics. When you try to hide wrinkles or acne marks, the biggest mistake in makeup is made. When there is a dense layer of foundation on the face, on the contrary, it focuses on wrinkles and turns the face into a motionless mask.

How to fix. The solution to this problem is tinted cream makeup . It is better to choose a light fluid, a moisturizing tint or just dilute your foundation with a drop of moisturizer. Apply the product on the face in a thin layer or use it only in those places where there is redness and unevenness.

4. Too light foundation

The goal of foundation should be to create even color faces and hiding flaws. One of the most common mistakes girls make is choosing the wrong shade of foundation. Too dark or light tone sharply dissonant with the color of the neck, ears and hands.

How to fix. Choose the right shade that suits you. It is important to have two tonal products - one of a lighter natural shade for winter, the other of a darker tone for relaxation and sunny mood. Always rub the foundation to the very hairline and take it to the neck, carefully blending.

5. Dark Foundation

The color of the foundation should match the color of the skin. Many choose a tone for the face darker than the color of the skin, wanting to achieve the effect of a tan.
On the face, a dark tone looks unnatural, outwardly ages the skin, revealing all its irregularities: large pores, scars left after acne, wrinkles.

How to fix. Buy a foundation that matches your skin color. To do this, do a test in the store by applying a little of the product from the tester to the lower jaw. When testing a tool, compare it not with the color of the face, but with the color of the neck - this is a more accurate guide.

* With the help of a dark tone, you can give sculpture to the oval of the face. Darken them slightly on the cheekbones and sides of the forehead.
* You can mix dark and light shades of foundation, the main thing is that the resulting shade blends with the color of the skin.
* Apply a dark tone with a damp sponge to the skin of the face immediately after applying moisturizer.

6. Unevenly applied foundation

The selection and use of foundation for the face requires a certain amount of experience and skill. A common mistake is unevenly applied, “streaky” foundation.

And the most common mistake when applying a tonal foundation is a sharp color border between the face and other visible parts of the body (ears, neck, chest)

How to fix. As already mentioned, carefully select the shade of the foundation, do not be lazy to test it in natural and artificial lighting. The shade should be as close to your natural skin tone as possible..
Avoid using regular makeup if you are tanned (see). The purpose of the makeup base is to even out the color and relief of the face as much as possible, and not to change it radically.

If there is no time to correct makeup mistakes, the easiest way to put a good face on a bad game is to apply the same tone to other exposed parts of the body - ears, neck, chest. In other cases, you will have to wash and start over.

7. Too much powder

Powder does an excellent job of removing oily sheen on the nose and chin, but in other areas it can draw attention to wrinkles and dry out the skin. On the one hand, the powder gives the skin a matte finish, on the other hand, it hides the natural effect of skin radiance. If a thick layer of powder is applied to the face, then it looks unnatural - “pie-face”: a thick layer of powder is associated with a bun sprinkled with flour.

How to fix. Use mineral powders that contain mica and quartz. It is better to apply powder with a small brush, and avoid the area around the eyes.

It is best to apply powder only on the A-zone, outlining the middle of the forehead, wings of the nose, nasolabial triangle, lower jaw.

8. Too much blush

Blush gives the outline of the face a sculptural appearance; poorly applied blush gives the face a clown look. The truth is that it is easy to overdo it when using them - just miss a few millimeters or take a little more product on the brush, and failure is guaranteed. Makeup mistakes when applying blush are usually associated with the wrong location or insufficient shading. Ideal blush, let this tautology be forgiven, resembles a light blush: their border is elusive, and the color refreshes the complexion, and does not exist as a separate spot.

Well, the main mistake is blush stripes. Stripes go only to zebras: o). On women, a horizontal or vertical stripe across the cheekbones looks unnatural.

How to fix. Apply blush before any other color on your face. Take a closer look. If you look like you can do a quick lip tint and lashes and run out of the house, you've done a good job with the blush. If you overdo it with blush, powder it: this will smooth out the unwanted effect.

The best color for blush is not the traditional fuchsia. Try something with a soft undertone, something peach. This color will refresh a lady of any age. As a rule, light shades are used in daytime makeup: pink haze, ripe apricot, milk chocolate.

Be careful with brick-colored blush - they add age and make the complexion earthy. It's better to get rid of them.
The most insidious type of blush is bronzers. On the one hand, giving the skin a tan effect, they kind of stand guard natural makeup, on the other hand, they strive to lie down with strange, extensive orange spots. Be alert!

Another problem is this inexpressive blush . So many women choose too faded blush colors, because they are afraid of expressive colors. To give your face freshness, use pastel pink shade and creamy texture.

To avoid overdosing, lightly dip the brush into the blush, blow off the excess, and only then apply to the cheekbones. Adding blush is always easier than trying to remove excess.

* dark skin- warm shades (peach, amber, beige-pink). Cold shades of blush on dark skin acquire a bluish tint.
* Bright skin - gentle cool shades of pink and beige.
If you find it difficult to choose a shade of blush, you can give preference to a neutral beige-pink without bright shine. Absolutely matte shades will look unnatural. A small amount of Shine will give a natural glow to the skin.

Stylists say that blush should be applied from the temples down to the apples of the cheeks. But for me, for example, it is more convenient the other way around - from apples to temples. In this case, the color intensity should be reduced to a minimum.
To create a natural blush, smile and lightly powder loose blush with a large brush over the prominent area of ​​your cheekbones.
But in my opinion, only a series of experiments will show how, where and in what direction they need to be applied. Try applying blush to different areas of your cheekbones and find out what suits your face shape.

9. Wrong choice of concealer under the lower eyelid

Concealer - universal remedy, which allows you to mask darkening and shadows on the face. Modern concealers come in a variety of options, are loved by fashionistas, and, alas, often their use leads to make-up mistakes. The most common of them are the inability to stop using concealer, and, again, the wrong shade. Often dark circles under the eyes are camouflaged with too light, almost white concealer (pencil or cream tone that hides flaws). As a result, the place from which they wanted to divert attention, on the contrary, attracts it to itself, emphasizes all the wrinkles around the eyes.

How to fix. The ideal concealer should be half a tone lighter than the actual skin tone. In addition, it makes sense to acquire different means to mask circles under the eyes and smooth out the shadows on the rest of the face (wings of the nose, nasolabial folds, temples, chin).

Dark circles under the eyes will help to hide the concealer of a warmer shade (yellowish, orange) or greenish - it will be able to level the cold tone of the bluish undereyes, the usual flesh-colored concealer will not work here.
Use lightweight structures with a reflective effect. It is best to apply such correctors with your fingers or a brush with a thin transparent layer and be sure to blend the border.

10. Noticeable disguise

Concealing base is designed to lighten dark circles under the eyes and at the wings of the nose. Therefore, it is usually too light or even unnatural (for example, greenish) in color. It is believed that beige and green shades will mask redness and pimples. However, in practice, by applying it to red spots or pimples, you only make them more noticeable, drawing unnecessary attention to them. Attempts to “cover over” pronounced skin imperfections (acne, post-acne, scars) require truly jewelry skills, simple “plastering” cannot be done here.

How to fix. The best way to mask skin imperfections is to use a solid or semi-liquid tone-on-tone foundation with your skin, blend the border well, and lightly powder on top.

11. Incomplete eyeliner

Partial eyeliner of the upper eyelids - probably the most fast way visually reduce the eyes and give the makeup an unfinished look. But this mistake is very common!

How to fix. If you are already going to bring the upper eyelids, then bring them along the entire length - from the outer to the inner corner of the eye.

12. Strongly defined lower eyelid

Among makeup artists, this make-up mistake has been jokingly called the “eye in the frame.” Evenly circled on all sides close to the lash line, the eye looks small and clumsily made up.

And let down the inner eyelid under an absolute and unambiguous ban, which can be violated only in one case: if you participate in a party dedicated to the strange and idiotic customs of the 80s of the last century.

However, do not confuse "eye in a frame" and "smoky eyes": of course, the sexiest and most popular evening make-up the last decade is unthinkable without circling the eyelids, which is performed according to certain rules (see). And it is impossible not to admit that the unsuccessful “smoky eyes” are the real “framed eyes”!

How to fix. Refuse to line the lower eyelid or bring it not completely, but only half - from the outer corner of the eye to the middle of the eyelid.

* If you have already done eyeliner and realized that you made a mistake, take an applicator or just a cotton swab and blend the lines.
* You can also use a pencil to make the eyeliner line a little wider towards the edge of the eye on both the upper and lower eyelids. Be sure to loosen up a bit.
* Brown pencil on the lower lash line looks better.
* If by all means you need to emphasize the lower eyelid, use shadows of a similar shade (but not light!) And shade them well to get a haze effect. The line should fade away towards the inner corner of the eye.

By the way, many make-up artists do not advise women over 40 to tint their lower lashes with mascara, let alone let them down. Painted bottom lashes are a double-edged sword. True, for some ladies, makeup without them looks unfinished - in extreme cases, you can apply one layer of mascara and make sure that the eyelashes do not stick together in any case.

13. Abuse of mother-of-pearl on the eyelids

A thick layer of shiny shadows looks ridiculous, especially if the woman is older.

How to fix. For day makeup use matte shadows. Apply them not to the entire eyelid, but from the eyelashes to the crease on the eyelid. On the inner third of the century - the lightest shadows, in the center - the brightest, on the outer edge - the darkest tone of the shadows. Carefully blend them, this will make the makeup more natural.
If you want to use shadows with mother-of-pearl, then it is better to apply mother-of-pearl shadows to the inner corners of the eyes, to the center of the upper eyelid and under the upper edge of the eyebrow.

14. Use blue or orange eyeshadow

Blue shadows are not for everyone. Unless you're a little girl going to a dance competition, you're not a guest theme party in the style of the 70s and not a clown - do not use them. It sounds cruel, but it's true. V everyday makeup blue shadows look defiant, it is easy to overdo it with them.

As for orange shadows, at best, a girl with red or orange eyes looks like she is suffering from lack of sleep. If the shade is chosen completely unsuccessfully, the beauty turns into a vampire or into a dead man risen from a coffin with darkened and sunken eye sockets

How to fix. If you do not want to get the opposite of the desired result, it is better to immediately give preference to other colors and shades.

15. Too bright shadows

I would not even want to talk about this obvious beauty miss if it were not for the frequency of its repetitions. In the daytime make-up of a modern lady, there should not be a hint of monochromatic colorful shades of lilac, emerald, azure shades. The only chance for bright colors to appear in makeup is when used as a light shadow at the outer corner of the eye.

How to fix. Look for inspiration in muted eyeshadow palettes. The most winning option for daytime makeup is matte shades of brown and cold gray tones.

And you should not use bright and catchy shadows at all with the impending upper eyelid.

16. Eye shadow to eyebrows

Another hello from the venerable eighties, tenaciously clinging to modernity. In the environment of disco divas, it was customary to make up properly, a millimeter of eyelid skin not covered with shadows was considered almost a challenge. There are things that are better left in the past, and shadows that fade into eyebrows are one of them. It doesn't matter if you use one tone or several, such an abundance of shadows will only make you visually older.

And once again I want to warn against shades of shades of blue, they are good only on the catwalk and few people go in real life.

How to fix. Do not get carried away and ruthlessly erase the excess

17. Unblended shadows and shadows in the crease of the eyelid

Makeup errors such as uneven, “striped” or crease-like shadows can be caused by three main reasons:

low quality cosmetics;

- the wrong tool is used for applying shadows;

oily skin the eyelid requires the application of a base on which the shadows will apply and hold better.

Insufficiently shaded, sharply lying shadows look rough and cheap; the clogged crease of the eyelid is no better, it instantly gives the face an untidy look. These make-up mistakes immediately catch the eye.

How to fix. Always keep an eye on how the borders of the shadows on your eyelids are decorated, regularly check the condition of the makeup throughout the day.
Do not forget about a special shadow base or use powder instead. For complete happiness, buy a "fixer"

18. Using a lot of shadows of different colors

Don't use the entire palette just because you have it. To make a complex combination look natural, you cannot do without a lot of experience.
You should not do complex makeup when a large number of colors are used, complex transitions from color to color. All the same, it will not be possible to achieve a beautiful effect if you are not a professional.

19. Heavy eyelashes

The desire to make eyelashes thicker and longer is clear to each of us, but often it leads to real wilds. The more you run the brush over your eyelashes, the more mascara remains on them and, accordingly, the rougher the eye makeup turns out. As a result, a thick layer of mascara gradually melts, spreads and crumbles, creating ugly dark circles under the eyes.
In addition, straight and too thick cilia will cast a shadow, thereby visually reducing the eyes.
And of course, lumpy mascara or sticky eyelashes can ruin even the most beautiful face.

How to fix.“Less is better than too much” is your motto when using mascara. Before you start coloring your eyelashes, clean the applicator brush from adhering lumps and excess mascara (you do not need to remove excess mascara on the edge of the bottle, otherwise the dried lumps will get inside). To make the mascara lay evenly and evenly, apply it from the base of the eyelashes to the tips, slightly twisting them up.
Before the mascara has time to dry, separate the lashes with an old applicator brush or a thick-bristled toothbrush (or special comb) to prevent the lashes from sticking together.

So that the mascara does not stain the eyelids, you can use any of the methods shown in the pictures. If you apply mascara with your eyes closed, it is very convenient to curl your eyelashes.
It is necessary to carefully choose mascara, monitor its expiration date and the condition of the brush

20. Lipstick on chapped lips

This is especially often the case in winter, when the lips become weathered and dry. Never apply lipstick on chapped lips - this will only exacerbate the problem, because. lipstick will emphasize all the defects and make-up will look careless.

How to fix. If you have chapped, flaky lips, lipstick should be replaced with lip gloss, lip balm, or petroleum jelly. If you can’t do without lipstick, first moisturize your lips with a balm.
Massage your lips from time to time with a soft toothbrush to remove dead skin. Lip balm can help relieve dryness. Keep it with you at all times and apply as soon as your lips feel dry.
In the warmer season, it is better to use lip protectors and lipsticks and balms with UV protection.
Get a lip gloss or lipstick with a moisturizing formula.

21. Disharmony of lipstick and liner

If you are using lipstick then pay attention to the following three points:

- never neglect the contour pencil;
- pay close attention to its color;
- do not allow liberties and negligence in the lines.

A contour pencil is the key to high-quality lip makeup. It allows you to make the shape of the mouth more defined and seductive, making it easier to apply lipstick. A common makeup mistake is disharmony between liner and lipstick. It can be expressed in incorrectly chosen colors: with pale lipstick with a dark contour looks extremely vulgar, and t dark lipstick circled with a light pencil visually reduces the lips and deprives them of the pattern.

A make-up mistake can also be called the use of dark, rich lipstick without a contour at all - this makes makeup sloppy, primitive.

And, of course, you should be extremely careful about trying to expand the natural contour of the lips with a pencil. By making such an attempt, you run the risk of being left with a “mustache” drawn by the liner and worn out lipstick. In addition, you should not assume that a small “violation of boundaries” will go unnoticed by others - usually painted lips are visible to the naked eye.

How to fix. If you want to make your mouth plumper, use a plumper that increases the volume of your lips (a liquid lip gloss that increases the volume of your lips due to the active substances that make up its composition), experiment with shades of lipstick, apply gloss.

When purchasing lipstick, immediately choose a harmonizing liner for it. Especially durable gel-based pencils. The contour pencil should merge with the tone of lipstick or be one tone darker.
Before applying lipstick, contour the lips along their natural border, then lightly tint the lips with the same contour pencil over the entire surface.

And instead of dark shades of lipstick that make your lips look thin, use light shades.

If you are not satisfied with the shape and size of the lips, the pencil will only help correct, but not correct the situation.

22. Foundation on the lips or under the lips

Sometimes we apply foundation on the lips to achieve a skin tone. But if you put on foundation first and then lipstick, you might be in trouble. It will all end up with white lines around the lips, since foundation and lipstick may consist of opposite components (for example, water and fat) that are incompatible with each other. It doesn't look very pretty, trust me.

How to fix. If you want your lips to be flesh-colored, buy a lipstick in this shade.

23. Eyebrows in a line

Clearly shaped eyebrows almost always look advantageous, except when they are drawn, like cartoon characters, with a solid black or brown line. A definite mistake in eyebrow makeup is the use of a pencil line in order to make them brighter and more defined. A pencil is too rough a tool for such filigree work, even with a good color selection.

The desire to make eyebrows better than they really are often leads to the fact that after tinting they turn out to be disproportionate: wide at the beginning and sharply tapering towards the end. In fact, the narrowing should be gradual, without abrupt transitions.

How to fix. Use a brush with a pointed tip and shadows that match the color of your eyebrows. Draw the brush along the natural growth line of the eyebrows, slightly lengthening it towards the temples.
If you have very thin brows, use brow pencil and eye shadow, but the pencil strokes should be light (not a solid line).

It is better not to use black color at all: such eyebrows age brunettes, and on lighter hairs, black paint gives a strange green tint.
If you use an eyebrow pencil, do not draw your eyebrows in one line, make them in small strokes along natural growth hairs.

Ideally, the color of the eyebrows should match the color of the hair, so in drawing the eyebrows, you can use matte brown eye shadow or a shade that matches the color of your hair. Take a thin, stiff brush, cut at an angle, and apply shadow on the eyebrows with thin strokes.


* Bright blonde - eyebrows are one tone darker than hair color.
* Brunette - the shade of the eyebrows is half a tone softer than the color of the hair. Black eyebrows in tone will look unnatural. If you want to make your eyebrows darker, use ashy shades.
* Red, red hair - add a touch of copper to the natural color of the eyebrows. It is convenient to use eye shadow for this purpose.

24. Thinly plucked eyebrows

Eyebrows are a very visible and important part of the face. Wrong eyebrows capable of ruining the most sophisticated image.
Modern tendencies in make-up, they strive for maximum naturalness. Do not pluck your eyebrows into a thread - this is yesterday.

How to fix. Women with luxurious, thick brows will only need a brow tweezer for a little shaping and a special clear or tinted brow gel to shape and hold it in place for a long time. This will make expressionless eyebrows beautiful, while maintaining a natural look.

25. Using a lot of "luminescent" cosmetics

If you want to look like a brand new locomotive, no problem - use more glitter! But if the idea of ​​the unity of people and machines has not yet mastered you, try to restrain yourself and take a sober attitude towards the fashion for all kinds of radiance. Pearlescent shadows, mineral and reflective powder, blush with a tan effect, radiant lipstick - of course, all this can give a festive look, but it is completely inappropriate in everyday makeup, and in the evening it can be used strictly limited. A shiny face reveals skin imperfections and often looks stale, and too light tones in eye makeup will give you a sickly look. An abundance of shine is a definite make-up mistake.

How to fix. Do not use more than one gloss product at a time, do not cover large areas of skin with it, do not apply more than one coat.

Where you don't need shine at all is on the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin). For most people, the skin on the T-zone is already greasy enough for oily sheen to break through a layer of makeup. So no need to emphasize it with sparkles. It is better, on the contrary, to powder it properly, and during the evening also to get wet from time to time with a soft cloth.

If excessive brilliance spoils the external impression, then its complete absence is no better. A small reflection on the main points of the face (cheekbones, inner corners of the eyes, lips, temples) creates an aura of health. The whole trick is to apply gloss pointwise, and not all over the face.

26. Two accents

Now almost everyone knows about accents in makeup. All women's publications tell us common truths: you need to focus on either the lips or the eyes - there is no third way. But there are still girls on the streets with painted eyes and flashy lipsticks on their lips, who look vulgar and clearly do not know that attention should be focused on one thing.

How to fix. In this regard, a compromise is impossible: either bright shadows, feathered arrows on the eyes (separately, of course) and a natural light shade of lipstick or gloss, or a strict elegant nude eye makeup and juicy lips, for example, a red-wine shade.

Be sure to touch up your makeup throughout the day. Give freshness and radiance to the skin of the face with powder, renew the intensity of the blush, if it has already faded, slide a cotton pad under the lower eyelid and remove crumbling shadows and mascara, which usually accumulate in small creases around the eyes. If you use a pencil for lip makeup, then do not forget to reapply lipstick every two to three hours.
And the last tip: for daytime make-up, use the base for foundation, eye shadow and lipstick, which will prolong the life of makeup.

Small makeup mistakes - crumbling mascara, smeared shadows - can be easily corrected. But if all the makeup was initially applied incorrectly, there’s nothing to be done about it - you have to wash it off and apply it all over again if you don’t want to seem older than your years or just look stupid. Perfection is hard to achieve, but you can try. Listening to these tips, you can at least stop disfiguring yourself with a terrible make-up.
Based on,,,

In all ages, women remained women and wanted to emphasize their beauty. So the art of makeup can rightfully be called one of the oldest in the world. What did the beauties strive to highlight in the first place? Naturally, the expressiveness of the eyes. Popular "shooters" invented the ancient Egyptians, sensual smoky eyes- mysterious residents of the East and India, and not at all fashionable beauty bloggers today. At modern girls there are much more beauty techniques and tools in the arsenal. But they still make annoying mistakes. Which? Find out in this review.

Eye makeup is a subtle science. One wrong stroke with a pencil can cancel out half an hour of effort in front of a mirror. But we'll fix it. Look at these typical mistakes committed by girls all over the world and learn how to avoid them.

Mistake 1: not using a primer

Many girls complain that even expensive shadows or advertised eyeliner “run away” from the eyelids in a matter of hours. But it is very easy to prolong the life of makeup. It is enough to apply a primer (base under the shadow) or even a little foundation a few minutes before the main “marafet” on the eyelids, and let the base dry. A thin layer of base will help hold the pigment and make the make-up resistant.

Mistake 2: outline the eyes with black around the entire contour

And also complement this beauty with black shadows. If you are not going to a rock concert or an emo party, it is better not to try. Not only that, inept application can greatly distort the natural contour of the eyes. A black bold liner or shadow tends to smudge, making the unfortunate makeup artist look like a panda or a raccoon.

Mistake 3: draw freehand arrows

Of course, for some girls, drawing neat “arrows” is a matter of half a minute. But if you don’t succeed, don’t get upset and put an end to the “arrows”. Remember the little tricks: for example, apply to the eye area plastic card and use it as a ruler. Try it, it's really easy.

Mistake 4: curling eyelashes after applying pencil or eyeliner

In this case, the tongs turn into a real eraser and simply erase all your efforts. First the curl, then the make-up.

Mistake 5: leaving gaps between the eyeliner and the lash line

The contour, under which there is a strip of “bare” skin, simply loses all meaning. After you let the upper eyelid down, gently walk soft pencil along the lash line. This will make the look more expressive, "fox". We just do not recommend using liquid eyeliner for this technique - tears cannot be avoided. And all we need is joy and good mood.

Mistake 6: Use only black pencil or eyeliner

The versatility and indispensability of black eyeliner is one of the most popular make-up myths. If you can’t deny yourself a black outline, then at least save it only for the upper eyelid. And underline the bottom with brown or in gray. You can also use white or nude pencil along the lower lash line. This will “open” the eyes, visually make them larger and give the face a fresh, rested look.

Mistake 7: not smudge the pencil

Clear geometric lines, of course, give expressiveness to the face. But they make you think more about memes than about female beauty. Use softer pencils and after application, lightly blend the line with a cosmetic sponge, brush, or even cotton swab. The contour will not disappear, but will take on a more gentle, natural outline.

Mistake 8: use dry eyeliner

Sad news: the life of cosmetics is not eternal. Especially liquid eyeliner. If the liner has changed its shade to a lighter one or has begun to crumble during wear, it's time to go shopping in a cosmetic store. Even if the eyeliner is still "drawing". And don't try reanimate it with water: This will further reduce the durability of the product. Everything has its time.

Mistake 9: Throwing out dry pencils

Unlike liquid eyeliner, a contour pencil is very resurrected. Enough heat up the rod a couple of seconds over the fire of the lighter. But it should be borne in mind that after this procedure, the old pencil will not be the same: now the lines will become much thicker and fatter. But many people are looking for exactly this effect.

Mistake 10: to emphasize the lower eyelid with liquid eyeliner

Too dramatic. Yes, and getting liquid eyeliner on the mucous membrane can cause extremely unpleasant impressions.

Mistake 11: eyeliner or pencil that is imprinted on the upper eyelid

If you are familiar with the now popular terms “hanging eyelid” or “mono-eyeco”, then you probably know firsthand: even a base for shadows or eyeliner does not always save you from dark prints. Try to draw thicker line, curved towards the middle of the eye. This shape will reduce the likelihood that the contour will be imprinted on the upper eyelid.

Mistake 12: Do not go beyond the natural contour

Although most of us advocate naturalness, eyeliner exclusively on the natural contour of the eyes can visually reduce them. Don't be afraid to push the boundaries a bit and extend the lines. And don't forget about shading.

Mistake 13: Rough Touching

The skin around the eyes is devoid of sebaceous glands, and therefore rightfully has the title of the most fragile and delicate. Roughly pulling the eyelid in the process of applying makeup is a crooked path to "crow's feet" and other unwanted guests on your beautiful face. Be careful, use only soft brushes, do not forget about a moisturizer and a mild makeup remover. And just enjoy your reflection in the mirror.

And so that the reflection pleases even the next morning after a hard night (which is especially important during the holiday feasts), do not forget about.

0 August 14, 2013, 18:56

For many of us women, a trip to the cosmetics store is like a trip to a candy store for children without adult supervision. So many different brands, so many shades of eyeshadows, lipsticks, with and without shimmer, so many accessories.

It often happens that after a cheerful chat with consultants, we buy a huge amount of products that, supposedly, will soon disappear from the shelves, and it is precisely their absence that will not allow us to fully exist. As a result, we do not use them at all: this is the very first mistake that we make.

Each woman uses an approximately certain set of cosmetics and some products in it periodically end. You should first make a list of products that you will need to buy in the store, and then boldly rush into the abyss of concealers, bronzers, beauty blenders and highlighters.

There are a number of repetitive makeup mistakes that we may be making without realizing it, and these actions play against us and probably make us look older than our true age. Makeup is designed to do exactly the opposite: to improve, but not to spoil. But still it is a tool, and any tool must be able to use.

Today we will try to figure out what sometimes women do wrong in order to evaluate their own actions from the outside and become one step closer to the ideal.

1. Applying makeup to dry, flaky skin

There is nothing more terrible than the tone applied to the skin of the face, which lies like flakes. What beautiful pictures does your imagination draw when you read these lines?

The first and most important thing to remember is hydration, hydration and more hydration. And you can easily get rid of the "flakes" with the help of peeling, and you need to do this regularly, after which you should apply a moisturizer. Systematic self-care, which has become a habit, takes less time than correcting makeup.

2. Wrong shade of foundation

The main task of the foundation is to even out skin tone and mask imperfections, pigmentation or minor redness. If the foundation color is chosen incorrectly, the rest of the makeup will go down the drain. Too dark a shade will create a mask effect, and the head will seem alien, while a light shade will emphasize all wrinkles and irregularities.

The best way to choose the right shade is to apply at least three different shades on the chin (not on the arm) and choose the one that blends perfectly with the skin tone. About 70 percent of women wear the wrong tone just because they try it on their hands, and the skin of the hands, meanwhile, is a tone or two darker than the skin of the face.

There is a possibility that the foundation was given to you, and you really like it for its properties, but not very suitable in color. The situation can be corrected. Remember: the line of tonal products is divided into a huge number of shades - with pink, yellowish undertones, neutral beiges, for tanned and swarthy skin, and so on. You can always buy a foundation from the same company, but in a different shade, which, when mixed, will give you the perfect result, just make up the perfect mix for yourself.

Not so long ago, tonal products appeared on sale, containing light-reflecting particles that give the face a delicate glow that is imperceptible to the eye and supposedly comes from within. healthy skin should not look too matte and dry, so these products are just a godsend!

And another problem: some people apply too much foundation. Remember: better "under" than "over". Use a foundation sponge that absorbs excess instead of leaving it on your face, or use a liquid foundation brush.

Also, for summer and winter, you need to use different tonal means!

3. Wrong shade or too much concealer

There is an opinion that the concealer should be much lighter, almost white, than the skin tone. This is not true! When choosing a concealer, remember its purpose. If you only use concealer to hide minor skin imperfections, choose it exactly to match your skin tone as a foundation. If you use concealer and tone, then the concealer should be a little ... darker than the skin.

A light or too light concealer not only does not mask anything, but also creates the impression that a person has bulging eyes, and if there are bags under the eyes (everyone has sleepless nights), then all these shortcomings will only be emphasized.

The effect of illuminated eyes like or is achieved with a corrector, not a concealer.

Don't go overboard with the quantity either. A person has facial expressions: when we smile, mimic wrinkles appear under the eyes. Too much foundation will aggravate this and cracks will appear, no matter how scary it may sound.

4. Sleep without removing your makeup

Are you out of your mind?! This is the worst crime, and not so much for makeup, but for your skin. This is only forgivable if you are on the road (although who puts on makeup when going on a journey). In general, there is simply no excuse for this crime!

Regardless of what time it is and how tired you are, remove makeup with milk or just washing.

Clogged pores lead to acne, and spilling makeup into your eyes (some sleep on your face) can irritate or even lead to infections. A couple of minutes of work on yourself is not worth it.

5. Too much powder

In general, the powder was created in order to fix makeup, remove oily sheen from the face and matte those areas that shine (as a rule, this is the T-zone). Finely ground mineral powders are considered the best for this.

In no case should you apply it with the sponge that comes with the kit: a lot of product is collected on it, which leads to disastrous results. The best accessory for applying powder is the usual large brush, which can be purchased at any cosmetic store.

What to do with compact powders and how to correct makeup during the day, you ask? Everything is quite simple. After picking up the powder on the sponge, pat on it to shake off the excess, and it is best to apply with light patting movements not on the entire surface of the face, but on those areas that shine - usually the forehead, nose, chin and middle part of the cheeks. Refrain from applying powder under the eyes.

6. Eyebrows

Eyebrow correction and their shape is an ever-changing trend.

To date, there is no specific rule for what eyebrows should be in terms of thickness or shape, but in fact they should be well-groomed. Although, excessively thin eyebrows will certainly add age and make the face flat.

And yet every woman fits the form that is given to her by nature. One has only to remove those "homeless children" who stand out from the general row, comb it with a special eyebrow brush and fix it with a special eyebrow gel or wax.

Or contact a good beautician so that the specialist picks you up perfect shape, which will subsequently only have to be maintained in order, nothing complicated!

7. Mascara lumps or "spider legs"

Mascara is designed to highlight your eyes and make your eyes look dramatic, adding volume, length and color to your lashes. But there are times when the mascara dries up and lays down too thick a layer. If you apply it to the eyelashes several times, then this will lead to the fact that the cilia stick together and look like the thick legs of a tarantula.

Oddly enough, this is the most common mistake and you can see girls with such eyelashes everywhere.

Most easy way to get rid of this effect - comb your eyelashes with a special comb and apply fewer layers of mascara.

8. Shadows

The number one horror that concerns shadows is the use of blue tint. There are too few people who really suit them and there is a certain category of people who have the right to wear this color.

In general, according to the rules of color combination, blue shadows can be worn by people with brown and blue eyes(and this is not for everyone, for example, I like blue shadows only on dark-skinned women with brown eyes).

There is one category of people who can wear shadows of any color - these are models at shows. Makeup on the podium sometimes goes beyond all reasonable limits, but I consider the podium partly a stage, and bright stage makeup is also quite acceptable. This is the second type of people who can wear blue.

If the soul asks for blue - you can use a deep eyeliner of blue color and only in summer.

Another crime when it comes to shadows is using an entire palette for the entire lid. You can use up to three colors at the same time.

And the last thing about shadows. In the daytime, it is better to use matte shadows in warm shades from vanilla to brown, this will refresh the look and make your look younger. Shadows of cold shades visually age. And yes, no mother-of-pearl in the outer corner of the eye and in the daytime.

You can use pearlescent shadows in the middle of the eyelid as an accent or shimmery eyeliner, this will make the eyes shine and distract from wrinkles. Nuances are very important here, for example, light shadows in the inner corners of the eye and under the eyebrow always rejuvenate.

9. Black eyeliner on the lower eyelid

Leading the lower eyelid with a black pencil will certainly lead to the fact that it blurs and spreads even before you have time to get to your destination. During the day, it is worth abandoning any dark shades so that the eyes appear wide open.

Black eyeliner not only adds years, but also makes the eyes smaller. The exception when using a black pencil on the lower eyelid is allowed is smoky makeup eye, but even in this case, the pencil is shaded with a brush!

If you think it beautifies your eyes, try replacing the thin black line with brown shadows, gently blended along the growth line. lower lashes. They won't bleed from your skin temperature like a pencil and will make your eyes really look bigger.

Just like a black pencil and dark shadows on the lower eyelid, too much black mascara on the lower cilia makes the look tired. You can paint, but lightly touching the cilia with a brush, or use brown mascara to not focus on the area under the eyes at all. She looks velvety and will not make you a dull aunt with dirt under her eyes.

10. Bust with blush

Blush is a tricky thing. Usually they are applied to the apples of the cheeks, but it is easy to overdo it with color, and this burdens the makeup and the whole image as a whole.

If you applied too much color, apply a little loose powder to your cheeks, or the makeup in this area will have to be washed off.

The best way to prevent disaster is to use pale soft pink or peach shades, in a gentle upward stroke.

11. Blurred or too dark lip contour

Make sure your lipstick color goes well with your lip liner. There is nothing wrong with using a lip liner - it prevents lipstick from spreading: if you first apply a pencil to the entire surface of the lips, and then apply the lipstick directly, the color will last much longer.

However, many women make the same mistakes - they use too dark a contour for their lips, or they paint with it, going far beyond the natural boundaries. The dark contour creates a very untidy impression, and the woman becomes unattractive.

The older the woman, the clearer the contour of the lips should be, because with age, unfortunately, our features lose their clarity, but the tone must certainly be in the color of the lipstick.

12. Lipstick teeth

As a rule, using bright, especially red, shades of lipstick, we run the risk of “coloring” our teeth along with our lips. The fact is that bright lipsticks contain three times more pigment than pale shades, so smiling, we risk staining our teeth as well.

It is clear that bright contrasting shades are more noticeable on white teeth than pale or pink ones.

There are several tricks to prevent these troubles. First - after the first application, you should blot your lips with a napkin, thereby removing excess, then apply lipstick again and powder your lips through a napkin. This increases the durability of the lipstick, and the pigment will not stain the teeth. The second way to protect your teeth from staining is to lick your finger with already painted lips. And finally, the third way: some makeup artists recommend rubbing a cotton swab with petroleum jelly over the front teeth, this will not only prevent staining of the teeth, but also make the smile super shiny. I'm not sure about this option - I haven't tried it, but I thought it was worth mentioning this fun way.

13. Overloaded makeup and makeup at the wrong time

Different parts of your face should not compete with each other, and makeup borders should not be noticeable. Use of any cosmetic product should not leave a clear mark, but we highlight our merits, so you should devote enough time, for example, to shading the shadows so that they look like a haze, and not like a putty - and this applies to the use of any product

When choosing a certain image for yourself, remember that only one single part should be selected - either the eyes or the lips.

Whether you want to dare to go for a bold eye make-up - like smokey, use false lashes, or use bright shadows with super long lashes - give your lips a break and use pale neutrals for them. Thus, everyone will pay attention only to your bright and mysterious eyes.

If you want alluring lips - bright red or super shiny, then the eyes should be painted as simply as possible, balancing it all with combed eyebrows. All attention will be on your lips and you will know that you are applying lipstick properly.

Among other things, it must be remembered that evening makeup is heavier and brighter and doing it for work or a first date or just during the day is literally unacceptable!

14. Other

In addition to make-up mistakes, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the hair, hands, neck and décolleté. Use creams not only for hands, but also for the body. Hydration is very important!

Get enough sleep, visit beauty parlors, do massages, pamper yourself as soon as the opportunity presents itself and just enjoy life!

In theory, everything is simple. We often look at celebrity makeup that looks ridiculous and ridiculous, and wonder - how, how did people walk out on the red carpet with such a face without looking in the mirror?

But there are many mistakes that we ourselves make every day. Everything described above is a cheat sheet for every woman, by which you can check yourself and get closer to the ideal!

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