
Teenager Dostoevsky description. Novel-education "Teenager" F.M. Dostoevsky. Literary direction and genre


One of the novels that Dostoevsky F.M. wrote - "Teenager", a summary will help you get a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe work of the classic. The novel is divided into three parts, and they are divided into chapters. The essence of each is very briefly given below.

F.M. Dostoevsky, "Teenager": a summary of the chapters

Part one:

Chapter 1. It tells about the parents of the main character Arkady Dolgoruky (aka Teenager), a 19-year-old graduate of the gymnasium and the history of his birth. The young man is the illegitimate son of the nobleman Versilov. His mother, the yard worker Sofya Andreeva, being married to her equal Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky, sinned with the master, with whom the relationship continued all her life. Arkady was not brought up at home and hardly knew his mother.

Chapter 2. Service of Arkady with Prince Sokolsky in St. Petersburg. Getting your first paycheck. Acquaintance with his half-sister, as well as with the daughter of the prince.

Chapter 3 Meeting with comrades, discussion of the Russian people and their role.

Chapter 4. Arkady learns from Kraft a story from a year and a half ago, in which his father does not appear in the best light.

Chapter 5 He denies himself everything, proud of his willpower. He wants to distribute the accumulated wealth to the poor.

Chapter 6. Arkady has a conflict with his father. A teenager recalls his humiliation in a boarding school, where he was insulted because of his illegitimate birth.

Chapter 7 The young man has it, but he does not recognize it.

Chapter 8. Arkady wants to shoot with his father's offender, but the duel did not take place. He also learns that Kraft shot himself by overhearing the conversation between Tatyana Pavlovna and Akhmakova, who allegedly gave birth to Versilov.

Chapter 9. Arkady's acquaintance with Olya, who came to Versilov to return his money. He gave them to her, having learned about the plight, but the girl realized that the donor's intentions were not pure, and did not take them. Olya commits suicide in the same chapter. Arkady gives his father a letter by inheritance.

Chapter 10. Arkady learns that his father has refused the inheritance, and is proud of him. Acquaintance with Sergei Sokolsky.

Part two

Chapter 1. Sergei Sokolsky becomes a friend of Arkady and gives him money. Arkady has forgotten his idea, bathes in luxury, experiencing pangs of conscience. He reconciled with his father.

Chapter 2. Arkady takes 300 rubles from Sergei on account of Versilov's inheritance.

Chapter 3. Arkady is offered 2 thousand for not interfering with the marriage of Sergei Sokolsky and Versilov's daughter (the protagonist's half-sister) Anna Andreevna. Arkady's maternal sister Liza warns that Anna Andreevna has unclean intentions.

Chapter 4. Arkady tells Akhmakova that the letter compromising her no longer exists and decides to actually destroy it.

Chapter 5. Arkady's visit to his mother. An attempt to return 300 rubles taken from Sokolsky. Meeting with his father and confessing to him in his immaturity, inability to distinguish good from evil.

Chapter 6. Arkady plays roulette. A thief steals part of the money won from him. The protagonist learns that his sister Liza is pregnant by Prince Sokolsky.

Chapter 7. Lisa looks happy. Sergei Sokolsky proposed to her. Anna Andreevna, whom he was going to marry earlier, refused him. She plans to marry old Sokolsky.

Chapter 8. Arkady plays roulette with Sokolsky and wins. He is accused of theft. The prince renounces him.

Chapter 9. Arkady was injured and fell into unconsciousness. They save him, but he is sick. My secrets main character blurts out to comrade Lambert, who found him after falling on the street.

Part Three

Chapter 1. Acquaintance of Arkady with his formal father - the wanderer Makar Ivanovich. The illness continues. There is a desire to also wander along with the old man.

Chapter 2. Lisa is proud of Sokolsky's deed, which ended up in prison. Arkady's meeting with the mother of the deceased Olya. Arkady is more and more glad to get acquainted with Makar Ivanovich. Their ideals are similar.

Chapter 3. Recovery of Arkady. His conversations about religion and other lofty things with Makar Ivanovich.

Chapter 4. Vasin, who was denounced by the prince, wants to marry Lisa, but she does not agree. Makar Ivanovich feels the imminent death and asks Versilov to marry his official wife when she becomes a widow.

Chapter 5. Anna Andreevna decides to independently obtain the document that Arkady is hiding.

Chapter 6. Makar Ivanovich died.

Chapter 7 Arkady visits his father's house and finds a portrait of his mother there. From this he concludes that Versilov truly loves his mother.

In his notes, Arkady Makarovich Dolgoruky (teenager) talks about himself, as well as about his life, and those people who were in his life.

In the first entries, he wrote that he was twenty years old, and that he was a high school student who graduated from an institution in Moscow. But he decided to postpone entering the university, as he had many plans for a long time that he wanted to implement. And this took time. One of his ideas, which has been in his mind for many years, is to acquire lots and lots of money, so that he becomes a Rothschild, a fabulously rich man. Since he really wanted to become more powerful and be independent. But he was not very good at communicating with people, and therefore it always seemed to him that they were laughing at him. Because he was illegitimate, because of this he endured so much he endured. He came to St. Petersburg at the invitation of his father, and there he entered the service. When he saw his own father, he changed his mind about him and began to admire him.

After all, as it turned out, his father had everything that his son would always like to have - money, power, wealth and position, and in addition - the father had the character that his son would like to have.

All these moments in the life of his father and Arkady - changed the teenager himself, because in that part of his life when he lived with his own father, he learned a lot - he saw real life, all real problems. I began to truly understand the nature of people in real life, and their motives, more hidden.

Picture or drawing

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I mentally divide all books into blockbusters and outlets. I attribute almost all modern literature to blockbusters - well, there is no depth and beauty in it. This is action that is forgotten after reading. And vents are works that you read, experiencing aesthetic pleasure, after which you think about the main characters and try to understand what exactly the author wanted to say. And when it turns out that the book does not contradict your moral convictions, then you feel that you become a little richer spiritually, as if before you blurred pieces of the map of the game world are opening up before you.

Dostoevsky's "teenager" is exactly that case. In general, I love and respect Fyodor Mikhailovich, for some reason, according to his works, it seems to me that he was a highly moral person, very educated, thoughtful, not indifferent. He puts part of his views into the monologues of the main characters of the book.

So, in order.

What is F. M. Dostoevsky's book "Teenager" about?

These are notes young man, Arkady Makarovich Dolgoruky, who, by the will of fate, was involved in secular intrigue. Arkady is officially the son of a courtyard man - Makar Dolgoruky, but in fact he is the illegitimate son of a master, nobleman Andrei Petrovich Versilov. Versilov, in his youth, seduced Makar's wife, and then asked his forgiveness, giving him freedom and at the same time taking his wife from him, who later lived with him as a common-law wife, well, or a mistress. Makar, having received freedom, went on a wandering, pilgrimage .

Arkady was educated with Versilov's money, and after graduating from the Lyceum he travels from Moscow to St. Petersburg to his mother and father. During the training, Arkady suffered a lot. Because of his origin, he was humiliated, beaten, offended. But this did not break his spirit. On the contrary, we see that he is clearly a guy with an inner core. He survived only thanks to his "idea", which, in his opinion, was able to give him independence. It consisted in the fact that by infringing on oneself in earthly goods and accumulating funds to become rich, like Rodschild. But it is not for the sake of wealth, but for the sake of freedom.

He is traveling from Moscow with an important document on which the fate of one young lady depends. And this document, sewn into his jacket, gives him a feeling of unlimited power over her.

How Arkady's relationship with his family will develop, whether he will be able to break the life of this person, what secrets his father keeps - all this is told in the book.

In addition, F.M. Dostoevsky very vitally showed the state of mind of a teenager.

Agree, we all used to young age Is it premature to judge people, make quick decisions, change opinions often, look for ideals and idols among adults?

Here is Arkady there too. Here's what the book is about.

The main characters of the novel "The Teenager" by Dostoevsky

1. Arkady Dolgoruky, "not a prince, but simply." This is the author of notes and a teenager around whom a scandalous secular story spun. I liked this guy in some places, not very much in some places, but I can’t help but note that his soul is pure - he intuitively understands where it’s bad and where it’s good, where he did the right thing, and where he’s ashamed, where people are ugly, and where are “decent” . However, this does not prevent him from communicating with bad people, which is due to gullibility or curiosity. Arkady is an amplifying antenna that understands people by intonations, facial expressions, and movements. Sometimes he does not want to notice the bad in people, and stubbornly believes in the best traits of a person's character. Sometimes he tries to prove to himself and everyone that he is capable of more. Despite being illegitimate, he has more nobility and principles than some pureblood nobles. And he is also capable of disinterested and hot love, although all childhood he experienced its deficiency. Of the negative traits - suspiciousness, arrogance, pride. But who is without sin?

2. Andrei Petrovich Versilov. This is the blood father of Arkady and a tradesman who squandered three inheritances. A rogue with a worthy surname and the manners of a rich man. This figure causes only hostility in me, although it has both a sharp mind and a caring heart, but still it is a rag, not a man. My attitude towards him changed throughout the book, but even his good deeds always aroused doubt in me: does he act and speak sincerely?

3. Makar Dolgoruky, the official father of Arkady. He appears only at the end of the work, and he personifies the Russian people of that time in its best features - sincerity, kindness, fear of God, forgiveness and pity. This is a treasury of wisdom, as evidenced by his many stories heard by him in his travels. Looking at him, Arkady understands that here it is - goodness, and at the call of his heart he is ready to go with him even to the ends of the world. But going beyond the threshold, he realizes that such a lifestyle is not for him.

4. Arcadia's mother is another positive image of the novel. Despite the fact that she lives with Versilov in an illegal, unmarried marriage, one cannot in any way call her a vulgar or reveling woman. On the contrary, she is modest, tactful, merciful, caring and sweet. An example of femininity. However, she failed to raise her children, did not protect them from shame, did not explain what is bad and what is good. As a result, the son grew up with strangers, the daughter's life is broken.

I won't talk about other characters, otherwise I'll have to retell the whole book.

The main ideas of the work

The 19th century was accompanied by the destruction of the moral foundations of the nobility.

There was chaos all around. Arkady, as a child of this mess, is trying to find a role model for himself, what his father should have been. But his father was not around, so after finding his father, he wants to understand - is Versilov worthy of being his ideal?

As Dostoevsky himself wrote, (in his own words) there used to be a backbone of worthy and intelligent people - the nobility, and ordinary people stuck to this backbone, trying to become more educated and better. Now (at the time of writing the book), on the contrary, worthy people, noble families break away from this backbone and interfere with rubbish. They are not interested in the unity of the people, not in maintaining traditions and not in appearance, but in new trends - communism, atheism, liberalism. Permissiveness, disorder, sin are supported. The result is a generation that grows up bewildered. It looks at its fathers and sees that something is wrong. That parents, instead of showing their children how to live by their example, rush about in search of themselves. What is left for the children?

For my part, I can only draw a parallel with modern world. People don't have a single system of values ​​now. Some think only about money, the second are passionate about the otherworldly, the third - oriental practices, the fourth - power, the fifth - narcissism, and the tenths play Word of Tanks like little kids. What is left for the youth?

Will our next generation be moral if parents, instead of teaching the child to negotiate with words, advise giving the offender SO much at school that he would be afraid to come up later? If it is easier for them to give a child a phone in their hands than to devote time. If they drag children to fortune-tellers and grandmothers, instead of going to the doctor. In general, the question of morality was as acute then as it is now.

Quotes from the novel "Teenager" by F. Dostoevsky

That's what immoral kindred love is, that it is not deserved. Love must be earned.

  • There are three kinds of scoundrels in the world: naive scoundrels, that is, convinced that their meanness is the highest nobility, ashamed scoundrels, that is, ashamed of their own meanness, but with the indispensable intention to finish it all the same, and, finally, simply scoundrels, pure-blooded scoundrels.

The words of the desperate fly to the wind.

  • The present time is the time of the golden mean and insensitivity, passion for ignorance, laziness, inability to work and the need for everything ready.

Today they are deforesting Russia, depleting the soil in it, turning it into a steppe and preparing it for the Kalmyks. If a person appears with hope and plant a tree, everyone will laugh: “Will you live to see him?” On the other hand, those who wish well talk about what will happen in a thousand years. The binding idea was completely gone. Everyone is definitely at the inn and tomorrow they are going out of Russia; everyone lives only to get enough of them.

I recommend reading the book by F. M. Dostoevsky "Teenager" in my review. This is a great novel. Although it is not easy to read, especially at the very end. I read it 2 times to understand what Dostoevsky wanted to say, but still mastered it. It was as if I got into a time machine and returned to Tsarist Russia. It was very interesting.

The composition of the novel "The Teenager" is based on the same laws of "expressive art", according to which all "tragedy novels" of Dostoevsky are built. We find in it the concentration of action around the protagonist, the dramatic development of the plot and the methods of entertainment. But the writer does not repeat himself: the compositional scheme developed in The Possessed is rethought and acquires a new artistic meaning. The epigraph to the novel could be put the words of Hamlet: "The connection of times has broken up." Mankind has left God and remained alone on earth. Along with the idea of ​​God, the idea of unity of the world . Mankind no longer constitutes a single family, everyone has become isolated, fraternal communication has been replaced by enmity, harmony has been replaced by “disorder”.

Dostoevsky. Teenager. Audiobook. Part 1

In previous novels, the author depicted the fate of a man of the "Time of Troubles" (Raskolnikov, Prince Myshkin, Stavrogin), he was occupied with the problem of a strong personality who had lost God and dropped out of the old Christian world order. In brilliant symbols he showed his terrible freedom and tragic loneliness. In The Adolescent, he raises the question not of the individual, but of human society. Can mankind settle down on earth without God? This religious-social idea predetermines the construction of the novel. The crisis of communication is shown in the organic cell from which society grows - in the family. The novel is conceived in the form of a "family chronicle". Just like in Possessed, the action is centered around the hero, but Versilov's personality is revealed differently from Stavrogin's. The hero of "Demons" is connected with other actors only ideologically; Versilov's personality includes the entire history of his family; she is conciliar . Stavrogin - thought center novel; Versilov - life center . He is the ancestor, father and husband. His tragic fate determines the fate of his double family, his split turns into a split of children. The principle of concentration of action around the hero receives a new, deeper justification. The characters are connected with Versilov by natural blood ties: they are his children or relatives. Shatov, Kirillov, Pyotr Verkhovensky - the embodied ideas of Stavrogin; Arkady, Lisa, Anna Andreevna are parts of Versilov's soul, flesh of his flesh. The conflicts of "Demons" are expressed in the struggle of students with the teacher; the conflicts of the “Teenager” are in discord between the father and the children. The ideological drama turns into a family tragedy.

In the complex counterpoint of the novel, several plots can be distinguished, arranged in steps of decreasing significance. The main plot, Versilov's love life, falls into two motifs: love for his wife and passion for Akhmakova; the second plot, the biography of a teenager, is inextricably intertwined with the first. The son's life functionally depends on the father's life and is conditioned by love-hate, attraction and repulsion. Then there are two secondary plots: the connection of Versilov's daughter, Liza, with the young prince Sokolsky and the intrigue of his other daughter, Anna Andreevna, with the old prince Sokolsky. The split feelings of the father are reflected in love life daughters: the novels of Lisa and Anna Andreevna enter into the fate of Versilov, revealing its cathedral nature. In the background are episodic faces captured by the centripetal force of the Versilov family. All of them help the development of the action and by their participation lead it to a catastrophe. Such tools of intrigue are Aunt Tatyana Pavlovna, Zverev, Kraft, Vasin, Lambert and his entourage, Dergachev and his circle, Olya with her mother. Thus, the family principle organizes a huge human world novel. The split in Versilov's soul is a spark from which a flame flares up in his family: it spreads to society and engulfs it in a fire.

The art of the novelist is manifested in the combination and interweaving of four plots and several episodes. The novel consists of three parts: the first is devoted to the exposition and the first stage of the struggle between father and son. It ends with the complete victory of Versilov. The second shows us his spiritual appearance and leads to the secret of his passion for Akhmakova. In parallel, the love stories of his two daughters develop. In the third, on the eve of the catastrophe, the figure of the wanderer Makar Dolgoruky is introduced. This image of spiritual beauty is opposed to the chaos of the disintegrated world.

The principle of dramatic construction also acquires new strength in the novel. The unity of time is carried out with amazing consistency and emphasized by chronological definitions. All the various events of the first part fit into three days, "September 19, 20 and 21 last year." The events of the second part take place over three days: November 15, 16 and 17. Finally, the catastrophe in the third part also takes "three fateful days." Not a single novel by Dostoevsky shows time limits so clearly: the chaotic world of passions and events is introduced into strictly defined frames; not only days are calculated, but sometimes even minutes. The reader has a clock in front of his eyes, and in comparison with mathematical time, he can judge the rapid rhythm of the action.

The unity of the novel is dynamic: the main plot, Versilov's passion for Akhmakova, creates the prevailing tension: other plots accompany it, like smaller waves following larger ones. The writer knows that the strength of the catastrophe is proportional to the duration of the tension and tries to move the plot as far as possible from the denouement. Thus, the beginning of the Versilov-Akhmakov motif is given in the mysterious allusions of the second chapter of the first part, and its end is given at the very end of the novel. This love-hate runs like a hidden tension through the entire novel, either completely disappearing from our field of vision, or declaring itself with mysterious allusions, strange actions and ambiguous words. Akhmakova always stands in the distance, as if covered by a thick fog. Lovers meet before the disaster just once. But Versilov's passion all the time occupies and disturbs our imagination: we feel it as a terrible mysterious force, which manifests itself in deaf underground tremors. Tie and tie - two bow tips, between which the bowstring is stretched: the farther they are apart from each other, the longer and more intense the bowstring and the farther the arrow will fly. In other plots, the bowstring is shorter and the shot is weaker: we begin to guess about Lisa's romance with the young prince Sokolsky at the end of the first part; it ends long before the final catastrophe. Even weaker is the tension of the intrigue between the old prince and Anna Andreevna: it begins only in the second part and ends before the denouement of the main plot. The dynamic composition of Dostoevsky can be compared to a series of waves running towards the shore. The most powerful wave begins to rise earlier than others, breaks later and with greater force: smaller waves precede the roar of its fall with their explosions. Thus, partial catastrophes prepare the main catastrophe and are connected with it in a dynamic unity.

This unity subjugates the entire complex diversity of external action. Versilov's passion for Akhmakova hangs like a rock, not only over his beloved, but over all the actors. The feeling of fear for the hero and for his whole world intensifies with each chapter of the novel. The more we get to know him, the deeper we penetrate into his divided consciousness, the more clearly we understand that he is capable of madness and crime. The author is not satisfied with our psychological confidence in the inevitability of a catastrophe: he resorts to the hackneyed method of a criminal novel: a teenager keeps a “document” compromising Akhmakova. If Versilov manages to get hold of it, he can destroy her: the external interest of the intrigue supports our anxiety for the fate of the heroes. The history of this fatal letter, its ordeal, the struggle for it, its abduction by Lambert, Versilov's participation in this intrigue and the catastrophe caused by him create the second, adventurous novel outline. Spiritual strife, father and son is reduced to base struggle for the document; Versilov's passion for Akhmakova is associated with an attempt at blackmail. Dostoevsky is not afraid to sometimes sacrifice artistry for the sake of "entertainment" and he achieves his goal. In terms of the variety of incidents, the diversity of characters, the tension of passions and the effect of collisions, The Teenager is the most fascinating of all Dostoevsky's novels.

The protagonist is mysterious and his past is immersed in twilight. At the beginning of his autobiography, the teenager says about Versilov: “This man, who so struck me from childhood, who had such a capital influence on the warehouse of my whole soul, and even, perhaps, infected my whole future with himself for a long time to come, this man is even now extremely much remains for me completely a mystery ". The son knows that his father was expelled from society for some "scandalous act", that a year ago, in Germany, the young Prince Sokolsky slapped him in the face. A teenager takes on the solution of Versilov's riddle. “I must certainly find out the whole truth as soon as possible, he says, for I have come to judge this man.” The exposition of "The Teenager" is parallel to the exposition of "Demons": both here and here the riddle of the hero is posed; but the difference, which changes the whole ideological meaning of the novel, lies in the fact that Stavrogin is unraveled by strangers, while Versilov is studied and judged by his own son. The first is guided by an ideological interest, the second by blood ties and a common destiny.

The incidents in The Teenager are even more unexpected and strange than the events in Possessed. The whole catastrophe is built on sudden and surprising chains of circumstances: Versilov shatters the image, the teenager decides to return the document and discovers it is missing; Lambert blackmails Akhmakova, Versilov defends her and wants to shoot her; Anna Andreevna kidnaps the prince and brings him to the teenager's apartment, etc. In no Dostoevsky novel does the "vortex of events" rage so furiously as in "The Teenager".