
Egregors of the human world: thematic literature for those who want to know more about the global information community. Dmitry Sergeyevich Verishchagin, Kirill Valentinovich Titov Egregors of the human world. Logic and interaction skills Mankind and egregors: p


Egregors of the human world [Logic and interaction skills] Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 5

Purposeful establishment of contact of egregor with people

Indeed, the effect of egregorial presence (remember, we talked about it, described a situation when you are going to talk about something important, well, then phones start ringing, people run in ...) is able to have and good side- after all, all this, with the correct use of egregor, will turn in our favor!

A person is weakly aware of contact with egregore, but in the condition of constant egregorial presence, nevertheless, he is guided by him, as he is unconsciously guided by the shape of the back of the chair in search of a comfortable posture.

Accordingly, when planning the initiation of contact between a person and an egregor, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the current egregorial situation of a person. The tighter the contact and the more effective the “connection”, the less effective the additional egregorial effect.

People protected from egregorial influence succumb to it only to the extent of openness (if for some reason they themselves remove protection for a while), and never with a long-term effect.

Of the unprotected people, egregorial puppets are the most difficult to influence. In those extremely rare cases when the involved egregorial layer coincides with the puppet's painful points, its new behavior may turn out to be unpredictable.

Less difficult - egregorial leaders. They are very stable in areas that affect their current personal energy position (already considered by us), but they react vividly to shades of ideas that form the basis of the egregorial cycle they lead.

Easy - egregorial mass. However, the strength and duration of their reaction is relatively small, although in most cases it is sufficient to achieve the desired effect.

Egregorial "rods" - great! Their very position suggests just a quick and energetic reaction.

And secondly, you can’t do without taking into account the energy parameter - the higher the level of energy exchange between your target and the “native” egregore, the higher energy levels we will have to use to activate “ours”. The opposite is also true: both puppets and leaders can be temporarily "cut off" from their egregor, but the effect of connecting them is also short-lived.

Given these circumstances, a person’s contact with an egregore is capable of a lot.

Check it out yourself.

Choose who you will work with with the above in mind.

Strengthen the updraft, create a cloud around you and tune it to your egregorial idea - as we have already done. Wait for the end of the energy restructuring around you.

Then once again strengthen the ascending flow and, using the “arrow” in the Ajna Chakra, merge with the help of the beam of the ascending flow the cloud created by yourself with the ethereal body of the interlocutor (like mixing two clouds of smoke with your finger). Energy restructuring will begin again. Wait for it to finish.

Talk again - and you will be amazed to see that his thoughts have taken on a much more benevolent character towards the egregorial aspect!

Well, congratulations again!

Having tried this technique with different categories of people, with different egregors, you will quickly learn how to use the most harmonious words, energy levels, the best way suitable egregorial layers - and, of course, with the best result.

I would like to note that the schemes for “connecting” a person to one or another egregor that we have said are not exhausted. You can use an already existing egregorial cloud - for example, quickly emerging at a meeting place for carriers of an egregorial idea. You can establish his contact with an egregorial leader (with one logically understandable effect) or with a puppet (with another). You can use an egregorial symbol or an egregorial focus (we will talk about this later). As well as additional entities to maintain contact.

Rice. 75.

Just combine the energy egregorial presence and the etheric body of a person.

But in principle, the essence of establishing contact is the same - the creation of an energy jumper between the etheric body of a person and an egregor.

However, of much greater interest are the goals and effects that can be achieved in this case. After all, it is not at all necessary that you will generally need additional people cooperating with the egregor to perform some of your own tasks!

It is easy to see that the technique will be extremely useful in helping an unprotected person adapt to a new situation for him or to a new egregore.

So that he learns better or advances faster. To effectively deliver a speech or speak from the stage. To be perceived as a leader or, conversely (and this is also sometimes necessary), as a hopelessly subordinate. To quickly understand this or that idea, to feel it. Found a job. I felt confident in myself. He was a successful professional. Quickly joined in the rest. adapted abroad. Changed my lifestyle. Settled family life. Became popular.

The possibilities of using the method of establishing contact between a person and an egregore are truly endless. But still, before using it, gain some experience - after all, if the egregorial cycle is incorrectly formulated or in general an error occurs with the connected egregor, an egregorial conflict will occur, and the result may turn out to be completely opposite.

But, by the way, more than once on the pages of our manual we will consider certain aspects of the applicability of egregors.

In the meantime, let's recall some test idea, but at least the same one that we worked with, and evaluate our attitude towards it. And now let's activate the destroyer of influence and evaluate how dramatically it actually changed under the influence of egregor - although we worked with the egregor of nothing at all, opening up only for short periods of time.

However, you and I, having learned so much about egregores, did not expect anything else.

Therefore, after working with egregors as diffuse structures, do not forget to close the shell, interrupting the contact, cleanse yourself of its influence and finally harmonize through the reference state. Develop in yourself the habit of always feeling whether you are in a closed or open egregorial state.

Techniques for influencing the contact of egregore and a person allow you to flexibly direct the interaction of a person and egregorial-conditioned events.

Well, you and I got acquainted with the methods of interaction with egregors as diffuse formations, permeated with the idea of ​​energy clouds surrounding us. They themselves provide the broadest opportunities, but at the same time they have certain disadvantages.

First of all, this, of course, is the need to slightly open the protection when working with egregor.

No, no, in most cases it is as safe for health as a glass of clean water. But still, in some cases, especially those related to such matters that are difficult for the mind to grasp, such as religious, philosophical, issues of distant forecasts and outlines of a long-term complex interaction with egregors of higher archetypes...

Here, even such a fleeting opening already allows the egregor to have a completely destructive effect on the mind and bring down the most difficult and most necessary feeling for consistent work and reflection, which is sometimes nurtured for several tense days.

And also cases of frequent work with egregors, especially similar ones, with such periodic opening can lead to the formation of a stable and continuous contact with one or another egregor, almost imperceptible to an inexperienced person, but nevertheless with all the ensuing consequences.

For the same reason, with this form of work, it is extremely difficult to obtain correct information from an egregor that is not colored by egregorial assessments.

Then, of course, this is the need to either work for the best result in specific places where there is a maximum presence of egregor, or to look for egregorial leaders. Of course, for most egregors with common archetypes, this is not difficult. But, again, this is not always suitable for complex work - for example, if you are already familiar with egregorial places of power, then you know how difficult it is to find what is necessary for purposeful work, even just to increase the efficiency of thinking in a particular direction.

And finally, not the last difficulty is the energy aspect of the work. Techniques for working with a diffuse form of egregorial presence require too much energy. And although a person has a rather large amount of it, sometimes the power is still not enough - not to mention the fact that stress affects the purity of perception.

Each recipe is good for its case. Working with egregors as diffuse formations, for all its effectiveness, is very good for checking your interaction with the egregor, and it is best when the egregor is around at a good energy level, and other techniques require this at first.

But there are ways to avoid these shortcomings. This is work with egregorial and archetypal focuses.

Techniques of interaction with diffuse egregorial presence make it possible to successfully predict and correct human interaction with egregorial-caused events and are most effective in conditions of its maximum energy manifestation.

From the book Egregors of the Human World [Logic and Interaction Skills] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 1 Creating an Influence Destroyer Creating energy-informational mechanisms, or, in common parlance, "entities", is a relatively simple task. It is much more important to solve the tasks of setting it up. So, we need emotional figures that

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 3 Evaluation of the forthcoming interaction with the egregor In order to check the relationship with the egregor, we need, in fact, to control the interaction of two variables: the egregor in the form in which we understand it, that is

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 4 Programming interaction with an egregor So, we have an area of ​​\u200b\u200begregorial interaction that requires correction. It makes no sense to assume that we are “guilty” of this or the egregor is “guilty”. This, of course, is not so - the egregor has his own

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 5 Purposeful establishment of egregor contact with people Indeed, the effect of egregorial presence (remember, we talked about it, described a situation when you are going to talk about something important, well, then the phones start ringing,

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 6 Formation of EHF and AF To make it easier for us, let's try to use such an energetically powerful egregorial layer as people's love. Any people of any state definitely needs some kind of figure at the top, attitudes towards

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 9 Programming the nuances of the impact of egregorial and archetypal focuses As you and I already know, EHF and AF are able to direct the behavior of a person and his environment in the right egregorial channel. But the interaction between man and

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 10 Using egregorial symbols You can talk endlessly about symbols and their use. And at the same time, this is a very small chapter, because the essence of egregorial work with symbols in the light of what we already know is completely

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 11 Finding traces of an egregorial locus in virtual space Let's try to find a trace of some simple and relevant egregorial locus for you. The easiest way to do this is to use the egregorial idea, which

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 12 Activation and deactivation of the egregorial locus Of course, not all images stored in the virtual space can “wake up to life” in this way, not all of them are canned egregorial loci.

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 13 Protecting the locus of virtual space from egregorial influence In connection with the above, in a number of cases, primarily when working closely with any particular egregor, especially with a religious or mystical egregor,

From the author's book

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 15 Modifying the settings of the egregorial locus The content of the locus is highly amenable to arbitrary modification. We can introduce new figures into it, transform old ones, set the desired sequence of reactions,

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 16 Activation of the egregorial locus of another person In a number of cases, when our colleague, interlocutor, acquaintance, cannot catch the egregorial wave that is useful to him and is not diligent enough to independently create an egregorial

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 18 Preparation of the egregorial cycle We already know how to create an integral sense of purpose. Actually, the creation of the cycle itself is not too different from the creation of an integral sensation. The difficulty lies in keeping to

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 19 Integration of the egregorial cycle into the collective consciousness and activation of the mini-egregorNow we need to make sure that the egregorial cycle we created settles in the psyche of other people, in the collective consciousness

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 20 Creating a small useful egregor Indeed, let's start with a small one. One of the most common mistakes many people make is that they aim for the big without becoming masters at the small, and at some (let's not

Egregors of the human world.
Volume 1. Logic and Interaction Skills

The first manual in Russia on practical work with egregores!!! The new long-awaited work of Dmitry Verishchagin - a professional researcher of the energy-information world.

Egregors are energy-information organisms, involuntarily created by human thought, ubiquitous structures of colossal complexity and strength, invisibly controlling all movements of human society and feeding on them.

They are dangerous to the ignorant person, because they suppress the free movements of the natural personality, replacing them with the herd aspirations of the crowd.

For a person who knows how to handle them, they are a colossal resource that allows them to receive energy and information, influence all aspects of human life, look into the depths of the united mind of mankind, and discover the endless horizons of conscious being.

You are holding a book in your hands that reveals the practical secrets of the technologies of a supra-gregorial class player.

excerpt from the book

Egregors as an aggressive atmosphere. Security tools.

So, we got acquainted with the nature of egregors, and with the relationship of egregors with people, and mastered the basic methods of interacting with them. Now it's up to practice.

And our first task will be to investigate egregors in the form in which they appear to a person who is unprotected, not trained and inexperienced in registering energy-information influence, as diffuse formations that disperse their influence in the space around us.

For an unprotected person, the effect of egregors is imperceptible in itself. And only in the most acute situations does it come to the surface as some kind of characteristic atmosphere of what is happening, dictating its emotions. But in everyday life, egregorial influence gently, imperceptibly corrects a person’s thoughts - so that it seems that they arise on their own.

However, if you carefully register the energy exchange, it turns out that in fact the effect of the egregore is obvious to the trained gaze. It is noticeable both in the energy influence and in the distortion that the egregor imposes on the shades of thinking. For an experienced person, the influence of egregor is as obvious as a loud cry.

To begin with, we have to learn how to clearly feel the moment of contact with the egregor and monitor in detail what happens in this case. This is absolutely necessary if we want to control the egregorial influence, without fear that our thought will subtly transform under its influence and smear our order, and receive undistorted information from the egregor.

And let's, while we check certain aspects of egregorial influence, each time pay special attention to the moments of the emergence and interruption of contact. Let us be aware of whether we are in interaction or not.

Let this be the most basic skill, let it be the basics of energy work that our shell performs in a normal situation - but we will need it, because in the process of working with egregors, as diffuse, unfocused structures, we will have to open up.

Egregorial energy exchange

We have already discussed in detail that the purpose and mode of existence of egregors is to obtain energy and use it to acquire even more of it.

And although this process for the egregors themselves is, in general, balanced, that is, as much as he received, he gave as much, from the point of view of a person, the equilibrium of the process raises great doubts: after all, he receives energy already transformed by the egregor.

Let's, before checking this side of interaction with an egregore in practice, let's try to imagine what happens when a person and an egregor interact.

Let's start with a person. On the human side, everything is simple: he thinks in a certain direction. At the same time, he, willy-nilly, at the same time tunes in to a certain wave, and radiates his thought outward, looking for a response in the environment. If there is no response at all, then the thought itself will turn out to be weaker than others, and less likely to develop than those who received additional support.

Since any human thought is complex, it is difficult to expect that a person will receive a completely adequate response from the environment. Accordingly, the response will also be colored in the tones that the environment emits - and the thought is slightly repainted. Nothing unusual.

What is happening on the part of the egregor?

There are no miracles either: the egregor receives an initial impulse of energy and tries to respond to it. But, since the energy he received does not fully correspond to himself, a little different, and he needs to get what he needs in return, he tries to move a little, to tune the person to a “clean”, from his biased point of view, note. No, really, miracles!

We have already paid attention to the issue that this interaction is dangerous for a person, first of all, because it is carried out in addition to his awareness and directly violates his free will. So, with the exception of this “harmless trifle”, the interaction of a person and an egregore is as prosaic as the interaction of fax machines - they whistle on the telephone, trying to get in tempo, tone, beat to transmit an information package, one sets up the other, so that after the alignment to give that a signal to action ... Almost the same.

And, just like with faxes, in the interaction of a person and egregors, two factors play a decisive role in attunement: the quality of a person and the quality of an egregor. And, again, just like in the case of devices, three phases can be distinguished in this interaction: the phase of the beginning of interaction, going from a person to an egregor or from an egregor to a person, depending on who first started the process, the phase itself interaction, when energy is transferred to the asker, and the compensation phase, when the asker gives feedback to the responder.

Everything is as if in an equilibrium exchange - but only the parties have a grandiose difference in their energy potential, they interact at different levels, and one of them does not play its own game at all.

And, as you perfectly understand, this is by no means an egregore.

Let's test this in an experiment.

School of skills DEIR. Egregors. Experiment 1. Diffuse energy interaction with egregors

To begin with, let's check the general nature of the interaction between a person and an egregor. Let's just evaluate what is happening between you and the energy of a group of people, and how the integration of the group affects this energy exchange.

It is important for us that one group be more integrated, the other - less.

Now we will need to tune in to the sensation of our own etheric body and central flows. I remind you for those who already have protection - with the shell you will not feel anything, except for a slight energy tension - in order to track the effect, you will have to consciously open energetically to your experimental group.

What remains to be done now? Well, firstly, carefully monitor your own feelings. And then - just to get the attention of the group. Cough, sneeze loudly, exclaim something ... and follow the sensations.

Just try not to rush, to pause, so that at least half a minute, or even a minute (sneeze again, if that) keep contact.

So what happened?

Immediately, at the same time as your attention shifts, you feel a slight energetic push. This is the first phase, initiation, the establishment of egregorial contact. It is usually not possible to notice it in its pure form, in a situation outside the experiment - but this is not surprising, because the egregor often establishes contact gradually.

Then comes phase number two - the egregor takes energy. Pay special attention to pumping power.

And, finally, phase three - egregor returns energy, at least partially. Remember the feelings.

Well, dear readers - so you got acquainted with the egregorial exchange, as it is - and in a rather pronounced form. I hope you didn’t forget to restore protection at the end of it and remember the very feeling of being closed off from extraneous energy influence.

Be sure to perform this experiment, at least on two groups, do not be satisfied with what you read, because we need experience in sensation. You can check on more groups, there will be no harm.

Now let's discuss the results: first, let's compare the strength of the energy outflow and return. Please note that the egregor, even such a modest and not too united by a common idea, on which we experimented, draws quite powerfully. And to resist, he has to make some efforts. Moreover, the retraction occurs, according to sensations, not only powerfully, but also, as it were, together, as if the egregore takes away fairly pure radiation - and this is how it really is.

Against this background, the return looks more liquefied, weaker, as if more "polluted". This is not surprising - after all, as we said, the egregor, by its influence, tries to move a person a little, to set him up for himself, and his influence is alien to us.

Then, if we compare the strength of the work of less and more integrated groups, it is noticeable that the more integrated the group, the more powerful its impact. But this is still a rather small group that does not have archetypal integration and is not particularly attuned to you!

What can we say about a full-fledged egregore and its ability, if necessary, to organize an energy exchange that is beneficial for itself. In some cases, it happens that the egregor literally de-energizes his victim, by the way, this often happens with religious fanatics from the flock. But, by the way, you yourself will feel the strength of hardened egregors in further experiments.

So far, one question has remained unclear to us: what happens if a person tries to get something from an egregore? Well, let's check.

We slightly modify our experiment - and this time we will attract the attention of the group by asking it for something, for example, we will ask for time or some other information, and in the same way we will track the phases of interaction.

Since you already know the feeling of egregorial energy exchange, it will not be difficult for you to find that the last two phases have changed places - that is, our experimental egregor first gives energy, and then takes it away.

In essence, there is no difference in what order the interaction begins - the egregor always and at any level gives less than he receives, and receives better quality than he gives. There must be an excess of energy on the archetype, otherwise the inevitable losses will not allow it to survive.

However, nothing has changed in the essence of the interaction - again, the egregor gives off rather sluggishly and feels disharmonious, but again it takes something more pure, powerful, as if it takes by force.

Let's make an intermediate conclusion: due to the power of group influence, an unprotected person practically cannot resist being involved in the group's energy turnover. He is in a situation of coercion, and at the same time he does not receive sufficient compensation either in the quantity or quality of the return.

But we have not yet considered another side of the issue, which is undoubtedly of great interest to us - after all, egregors are different, with higher and lower archetypes. Maybe they will somehow differ in their “friendliness” towards a person and other “spirituality” and “divinity”?

Schools of skills DEIR. Egregors. Experiment 2. Evaluation of the nature of energy interaction depending on the level of the egregorial archetype

This experiment will be a little more difficult for us. You and I will have to evaluate how and how much the quality of the egregor affects the energy exchange. However, we have already said that the level of the archetype is only an approximate indicator. Therefore, in order to get clear results, we will have to take bright, contrasting examples.

As such, we will be served, firstly, by the fans at the stadium or even better somewhere in a bar in front of the TV, already, so to speak, additionally inspired - and, secondly, people in the course of performing a religious ritual (if you are a believer, then for impartiality, for obvious reasons, it is better at first to take a different denomination).

Have you checked? Well, let's discuss. Just do not forget to restore protection after each contact in order to gradually develop in yourself a reflex sensation of a state of closeness / openness in relation to egregor.

You could not help but notice that in a situation with such egregors, the return and receipt of energy occur at different levels.

In the case of “sport”, the egregor takes mainly the energy of the downward flow (lower chakras), and he himself gives up the upward flow (again, the lower chakras).

In the case of "religion" the situation is exactly the opposite.

However, despite the difference in levels, the regularity we noticed is still preserved: the outflow of energy into the egregor is felt stronger and more “fused”, harmonious - while the egregorial return, compared to the outflow, is somehow disharmonious, “contaminated”, “stuffed” . We have already discussed the reasons for this.

If the groups were numerous and passionate about their activities, and the contact was tight, then there may even be a feeling that they “take away” from some chakras, and “return” to the level of others. In fact, such an effect really takes place, since the more powerful the energy outflow is, the closer to its source it is taken - accordingly, the area of ​​the outflow of the energy of the downward flow moves up, and the upward flow moves down.

Therefore, an open person, when interacting with a powerful egregore, often feels, for example, in a cult presence, the supply of a downward flow (upper chakras) and an outflow of an ascending one (middle or even lower chakras). We must not forget about this - we will need to register the inflow-outflow levels later to test the egergors.

What is the level of the archetype in the egregore, such is the energy shade of its active influence, but it stimulates the production and takes away something better and more, which it does not have enough of.

In fact, of course, energy exchange with any egregor occurs both in the region of the upper and in the region of the lower chakras. That is, a person and an egregor mutually exchange both an ascending and a descending flow. It's just that the quantitative contribution of the exchanging parties is asymmetric, and this provides one very curious effect, which explains why the most powerful energy impact of the egregore goes unnoticed by his puppets, and why other egregors become unpleasant for them.

To observe this effect, let us complicate the experiment. Use both of these groups again, and with each such check, change your state twice. Use the state of "fan" (just identify as deeply as possible with any fan or commentator) and "ascetic" (again, identify as much as possible with a cult puppet or legendary cult figure).

Indeed, an interesting result? When the egregore and the state do not match, there is literally a physically felt rejection, tension at one chakra level, and at the same time discomfort at another level. For example, the "ascetic" in contact with the egregor of the "fans" feels tension in the upper chakras, and discomfort, intrusion in the lower ones. An “athlete” with an egregor of “ascetics” has the opposite sensations - literally tension, rejection in the lower chakras and unpleasant penetration into the upper ones.

But in coincidence! Just a blessing! Saturated, comfortable contact in the lower ("sport") or upper ("cult") chakras. It is not surprising that a person who is tightly addicted to one or another egregor does not notice anything unnatural in his behavior or in his contact with the egregor, and he needs the help of other people to realize his dependence!

In general, proverbs are once again confirmed (and folk wisdom perfectly comments on the patterns of complex subconscious processes): “live with wolves, howl like wolves” and “with whom you behave, you will gain from that.”

If we recall the pattern of the energy distribution of flows along the pyramid of values, it will become obvious that it is extremely difficult to establish a reverse exchange with an egregor shown earlier, because it reduces the potential difference around its archetype, threatening its existence

However, we digress a bit.

Let's go back to the exchange phases. The pattern we have already noticed is preserved, and due to the contrast it becomes even more noticeable - the outflow to the egregor is more powerful and with it something more harmonious is lost than what is returned by the egregor.

In addition, another interesting pattern was discovered: the exchange with egregor depends on the state of the person himself. The closer it is to the egregor, the less uncomfortable the interaction, the easier the return is made and the more fully the radiation of the egregor is assimilated. Two conclusions can be drawn from it at once: firstly, what you yourself are, then you will receive from the egregore as much as he can give. Animal lizard animal lizard. And, secondly, after all, the egregorial return comes from people, and accordingly, what kind of people make up the egregor, then it will carry further, there it will shift those who connect to it. Accordingly, who will you lead ...

This pattern immediately dispels several myths about egregorial interaction: as if under a “good” egregor there can be “bad” people, as if a “good” egregor can give something to a “bad” person, and as if an egregor has many layers for which you can to get through, and behind the ranks of the "bad believers" to find some kind of "real well-being" among the "true believers".

Alas, for an unprotected person, the comfort of an egregor for a real self can only be determined immediately, at the time of the first contact - because in practice, a deeper entry for him will only mean a deeper restructuring of himself for egregorial needs. And this restructuring will later cause a false, relative to the true self, feeling of “correctness” and comfort.

To summarize: regardless of the level of the egregorial archetype, the outflow of energy into the egregor is always more powerful than the “egregorial return” and begins to feel comfortable only with a deep, according to the degree of coincidence, formatting the human psyche under the corresponding egregorial idea.

It remains for us, perhaps, to dispel only one modern myth regarding egregorial energy exchange.

The myth that it is allegedly possible to enter into a relationship with an egregor based on the principle "you are for me, I am for you." That is, you, for example, give him energy, and he gives you the action you need or the energy supply you need. And also about the fact that even without any protection, if you don’t want to, then the egregor will not interact with you, and will not influence you in any way. That is, the myth that "you can negotiate" with an egregor.

School of skills DEIR. Egregors. Experiment 3

Let's continue our research. Let's first try to check that part of the myth, according to which you can enter into an equal exchange with an egregor, "bribe" him with energy, attention, desire.

We will use the egregores already familiar to us - the cult and the egregor of the fans. Actually, one is enough for us, but in contrast, it is more convenient to use two.

Only this time we will try to change the stereotype of interaction - for starters, we will supply a significant amount of energy from the ascending or descending flows to the egregor. And somewhere in the middle of the transfer, we will already attract attention to ourselves. We will not forget, of course, to be open to egregorial influence and we will carefully record the quality and quantity of energy interchange in both phases of interaction.

If you are already experienced in energy work, then try for a test in some way to color the supplied energy “bribe” into some kind of request, for example, ask the egregor to give you more energy or energy of a certain property. This will make it even more interesting.

Have you checked? Let's discuss!

How has the energy exchange changed in this case? First of all, let's pay attention to the experiments when we gave the "fans" the upward stream (without entering into an exchange, not accepting anything, but simply giving it away), and the "cultists" - the downward one.

It is paradoxical, but at the same time, it is rather not even interaction that is observed, but a counterattack from the side of the egregore, he does not take and does not want to take your energy - which, if you think about it, is not at all surprising. Indeed, with the help of the supplied flow, the egregor sets up a person, creates an energy station out of him for himself. When you yourself are trying to give the same energy, then the adjustment does not occur, and the egregor ingenuously tries to “squeeze” you.

From this we can draw an obvious conclusion, echoing what we have already done earlier - that not in every state a person can generally enter into the interaction he desires with an egergor, and that an egregor will do everything in his power to set up with a corresponding violent change in the inner world all - did happen.

What happened when the flows coincided with egregorial aspirations? descending - to athletes, ascending - to cultists? This energy was absorbed by the egregor with pleasure. And then?

Everything is the same - a tuning feed from an egregor and a powerful outflow to it. Perhaps even more powerful than without a "bribe".

Those of you who have tried to accompany the energy supply with a request and already have experience in tracking effects could note that the further actions of the egregore regarding the request itself had nothing to do with the “ordered”. That is, the egregor - yes, he did touch the object indicated to him ... - but again, he only tuned his perception by you not as requested, but in the way that is characteristic and desirable for him. He calmly did his job. As they say, no matter how much you show a sheep to a wolf, he will not graze it.

So, we can draw a preliminary conclusion - energy bribery when interacting with an egregor is ineffective, because regardless of the “bribe”, the egregor does what it always does - it tries to set the person on his wave and get from him a useful modulated recharge.

And let's check the last myth, which is absolutely ridiculous and naive, but is actively used for its own purposes by not particularly clean "teachers" in direct and veiled forms. The myth that an egregor allegedly interacts with an unprotected person at his will: if you don’t want, they say, there will be no interaction, but if you want, and then a good egregor (character, spirit, doctrine) will come into contact and do everything the kindest and best (a list of "good" egregors with the personal signature of such a manipulator-myth-maker is usually attached).

Well, practice is the criterion of truth. We open up and attract the attention of any egregore, monitoring the energy exchange, while filling our consciousness with the idea that we are not going to give and take anything, that we do not want to contact ... So what?

No matter how much you give energy to the egregore, no matter how you flirt with him - he still does only what he can, and exactly as much as he can: he sets his thinking on himself and stimulates his energy exchange.

No matter how! Everything goes as usual, the egregore connects and eats, not paying any attention to your requests. Strengthen them, fill your entire head, all consciousness and space around you with a silent cry of unwillingness - nothing happens, except that you are distracted by a cry. And Vaska, clinging to the egregorial concept used by thinking, listens and eats!

Accordingly, no agreements with the egregore regarding reasonable interaction can exist in reality. And how many times have you yourself noticed undisguised hostility, malicious bitterness and hatred for others in the eyes of people who are tightly associated with various egregors, who seem to be preaching universal love. They can think anything - but the egregor uses them in accordance with their properties and in the way that is useful to him.

This is not surprising: although the egregor is generated by a person, it is more powerful and more dangerous than him, like a rushing train, under which you should not climb. And he treats a person in the same way as a person himself treats his constituent cells, which die in millions during physical exertion or alcohol consumption.

Let the egregore and the “higher” reality in relation to a person, but the reality is cruel, inclined to destroy a person for its own benefit, and surrendering to its will means losing yourself.

But what are we all about sad. The myth was debunked, but - the energy impact of egergors in general does not seem to be any big problem. In the waves of the egregorial world, we can choose what we need. Why do we have a shell?

Get in touch with egregore. Wait for any phase, and restore the shell. The slightest tension - and the contact disappears. Only and everything.

And, therefore, for permanent protection, the shell must be installed on a permanent basis. As a temporary remedy, it does not bring benefits.

Our conclusions: an unprotected person, regardless of the level of the egregorial archetype and his actions during the energy exchange with the egregor, is in a subordinate position, not receiving sufficient energy compensation. And this can be stopped only by putting a barrier acting automatically, regardless of consciousness, on the way of induced energy exchange.

But, in fact, energy metabolism is, as you might guess, still flowers. In the end, you and I are not children in the energetic sense, and we will not suffer from a slight outflow. It wouldn't be permanent. And so - it is quite tolerable ... if not for one "BUT".

And the “but”, as you yourself understand, lies in the fact that not only energy is involved in the process of mutual influence. And also the information that spreads with it, like a physiologically acting Morse code on the radio wave of human communication.

And this influence is much more subtle and imperceptible than the energy one - but it has a much more pronounced effect on a person. After all, on the basis of information, we carry out our thinking and choose our actions.

Egregorial information environment

It is obvious that egregors are carriers of information. Moreover, we can safely say that in terms of volume this information, even contained in one egregore, is much larger than that contained in any individual person.

True, it belongs to a narrower area than the entire information sphere of a person, but it has an independent energy reinforcement.

From this it is obvious that when a person-egregor contacts, the following event occurs: they form a common subjective space. That is, what a person thinks about, what he imagines, by definition, is in the subjective space, whether it is outside or inside. With the subjective space of a person, through the common objective space for them, egregors contact.

Therefore, firstly, egregors directly affect a person's perception of his object of attention, especially if it corresponds to egregorial interests.

For example, an object becomes more desirable, or brighter, or more terrible than it would be without an egregor.

Secondly, which is much more dangerous, the egregore adds its own shades to the rest of the elements of the subjective space of a person, which he does not directly pay attention to, and which, as a result, have a much more voluminous effect on perception and thinking.

And fear, or disgust, or neglect, which would not exist without egregorial influence, can be mixed with a beautiful state. But a person, depending on his condition, thinks and acts.

Thirdly, such changes are remembered by a person. Without our desire, we remember everything we have experienced, even if we are not aware of it.

These egregorial influences accumulate in an unprotected person, and when remembering this or that object, when thinking about it, the person begins to think on his own as if the egregor influenced him at that very moment. And this egregor is reborn and spreads to other minds.

Let's check these egregorial factors in the experiment.

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Experiment 4. Information influence of egregors on a person

Again, let's return to our experimental egregores - "fans" and "cult". The technique of the experiment is simple: we open up, draw egregorial attention to ourselves, register sensations.

However, now we need some kind of object of thinking in order to check the influence of egregorial influence on its perception.

Let's choose for this purpose the most favorite egregorial target - guilt. So, remember some event that still causes you a feeling of guilt, for which there is a lack of agreement and, alas, it can no longer be corrected.

Remembered? Now, dear readers, completely focus on this memory, remember the smallest details of your feelings, impressions, desires.

Well, after you remember, just leave this memory somewhere on the periphery of your consciousness, and interact with the egregor. And then - immediately check your feelings in relation to the "retracted" memory. Break contact with the egregor and check again.

Did you fix the difference?

I dare to suggest that, as in thousands of other experiments, upon contact with the egregor of the cult, the feeling of guilt became more acute, distinct, aching, as if revived and became sharper, thus giving rise to some kind of “spiritual urge” towards egregorial thinking (thinking like “ cherub").

When compared with the influence of the “fans” egregore, the difference is obvious - the “fan” makes the feeling of guilt somehow more vital, hot, energetic, provoking some actions, from attentively corrective to aggressively rejecting (thinking like “shaitan”).

Wow difference? Wow, does it further affect the behavior and actions of a person? So, in fact, egregors influence an unprotected personality - implicitly, day by day setting it up for a certain way of thinking. They do it in addition to his consciousness, on the sly. This is the informational content of the very dissonant phase when the egregor gives energy to a person. But this undisguised zombification is still flowers.

Try to complete the experiment. First restore the protection and harmonize through the reference state. Now, before choosing your primary target, first think about your family, about all of its members. Then choose some completely different memory, the change in attitude towards which you will track. And now open up and enter into egregorial interaction with even a cult, even with a sports egregor.

Tracked the change in attitude? Sure, they tracked it down. It is quite predictable.

Now take it and remember your mother. And evaluate, remember the sensations.

And immediately - restore protection and harmonize through the reference state, and now think about your mother again and compare the sensations with the previous ones!

How do you like it?

Although we did not actively think about it, the image itself remained as an unconscious element of the subjective space and was subjected to an egregorial attack that left the imprint of an egregor on it. And therefore, the feeling from the memory turned out to be completely different, the true one that was discovered after passing through the reference state and which, by the way, was such a gift before the egregorial impact that we did not remember it!

Check the same without prior recall. That is, first get in touch with the egregor, and then remember anything. Remember the sensations, and then close and harmonize through the reference state. Evaluate the difference, check it on the attitude towards loved ones, on the image of oneself, on the desire for a summer vacation, on the desire to get a better salary, on the attitude towards animals, on the desire for sausage, on anything ... and you will find that the target of any egregor in an energy the openness of a person can become everything.

Any egregore, upon contact with the mind of the target, endows everything that is in the subjective space with its own shades. Cherub? Satan? Where was the man's own thought?

For further work, choose for yourself several test images, your personal attitude to which you know very well, they will be very useful to us when checking the presence or absence of egregorial contact.

Egregore becomes an unconscious condition, another hidden argument in the equation of thinking, it influences the way it needs.

Let us conclude: in the absence of protection, an egregor is capable of leaving its informational imprint not only on the objects of thought directly present in the subjective space, fixed by conscious attention, but also on those unconsciously present in it.

You undoubtedly understand that everything that we see evokes in us certain associations, memories, thoughts ... and all this in an unprotected person is subject to egregorial influence. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Alone, through others, through TV, texts and symbols. You do not need to have a wild imagination to realize the full depth of the hidden egregorial power.

And the subjective space of a person is so complicated that it is almost impossible to track even the direct impact of egregor. But, as if direct influence, when a person was alone in a group of people, is not enough for us, egregor has the ability to influence indirectly, through one person, many at once.

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Experiment 5. Egregors as a factor of cross influence

Check it out yourself: for example, open up, establish contact with the egregor of the cult according to any cult memory, keep this contact and, without interrupting it, establish contact with a group of fans. And observe - track both your feelings and the reactions of the experimental group.

You will immediately notice a powerful energy exchange through yourself, this is completely understandable. But the most important thing is that for some reason the group became less happy, the tension somehow decreased, attention began to be distracted from the TVs ... and the effect is intensifying. It will be like this for some time, until egregorial balance is established, and people turn to screens, but somehow more sluggishly. The same thing happened in their minds as in yours, but a little later.

When egregor-egregor contacts, their energy influence levels off, and the strongest will win under these conditions ... but is it good for a person whose mind is being pulled like a rope?

With a good combination of circumstances, if you find a representative of some egregor in one place together with a group of egregor of the opposite, then a more direct effect can be observed. First, take some test memory, remember the feeling in relation to it, then open up into a group and track the change in sensations. And then initiate the energy contact of the representative of the opposite egregore with the group (this is simple - either attract his attention, or strengthen the upward flow, release him from the Ajna chakra and simply connect the group and that person with your feelings) - and you will notice that the attitude to the test memory started to change.

This is approximately how the process of the battle between egregors looks like, where the psychoenergetic influence enters the world through perception and behavior. All of them take place in the minds of people, and their influence affects large groups of people everywhere. Warships of egregors, like galleys of slave-owning times, are driven by shackled human hands. This game can be seen very clearly in the example of politics and political movements.

The enormous work of translating the idea to the masses, the titanic efforts to maintain a correct understanding of this idea and the incredible tricks to consolidate the political position are destroyed by egregorial waves, and complete stability is never obtained. In society, different moods will still walk, some beliefs will be replaced by others, and any egregorial system will sooner or later face the sabotage of citizens over whom the primordial rulers of the egregorial world in this country have restored their rights.

It was not for nothing that Marxism-Leninism mentioned the role of the individual in history ... that the role of the individual is small, because it is not the individual who makes history, but history allows the individual to express himself. Do you think that the GKChP coup or the "beer putsch" in Germany would not have taken place if it were not for their organizers? They would simply be called something different, and would be at a slightly different time. Direct performers are only manifestations of an egregorial tendency. This pattern has been known for a long time, in the most different forms, marked by various sayings. For example, that “a black sheep spoils the whole herd” or “a fish rots from the head.” It's all about them, about egregores.

Try to feel how much a person opens up when immersed in this egregorial ocean.

Find some test memory and, holding the shell, check how a couple of any egregores, their archetypal instruments (for example, a specific football team or a cult figure) influence its perception.

There is a weak influence, this is not surprising, because the archetypal concepts themselves were carried by us under the influence of egregors.

Now open and repeat the experiment. The influence is already familiar to you, and it is noticeably stronger.

And now do not close and turn on the flow of all egregors, it is also the "flow of the universe", "cosmic radiation" or whatever it is called. It is, by and large, the same downstream, but with fundamental difference from self-amplified in the form of continuous egregorial modulation.

We usually activate the downdraft by ourselves and intentionally increasing it in our body. It is ourselves, it depends on us and carries information about us.

But it can be done in another way, by force. You can technically take the “I am” point or just attention, focus in the center of the head, then bring it forward, then move it to the occipital region, keeping this path in your attention, lower it inside the body to the feet, and then bring it up, about a palm above your head or even higher. Allow the flow, which will arise "as if by itself", to go through your body.

There are dozens of variations of this technique. It can be even simpler - open to one egregor, keep the downward flow that it gives, to the other, keep the flow, the third ... and so on, the more the better - and then keep the feeling of openness and allow the flow to intensify and intensify ... it will really become very strong .

Naturally, this stream intensified as if by itself, because more and more egregors poured into it. Now let's evaluate the impact of such a "connection".

Go back to your test idea. And again check our two experimental egregors. And you will be surprised how much stronger their influence has become this time!

Restore the shell and harmonize through the reference state. Enough.

Enough for us to rape ourselves and experiment on ourselves. You need to love yourself.

I think that you now understand the behavior of many egregorially involved, unprotected people and what an egregor can do to a person.

And the sharp increase in egregorial influence in the last experiment was due to the fact that many related, similar and those for which your memory was akin to their secondary archetypes joined the main egergors. This is also understandable.

You can logically repeat the experiments of the previous chapter, check the information side of egregorial influence with egregors of different levels of archetypes. And to make sure that from an informational point of view, all the conclusions made there are correct: any egregor affects an unprotected person, whether he wants it or not. There are no “good” and “bad” among them, they still subjugate a person, the egregor takes energy and information “bribes” without reciprocity ... and so on. Man for egregor - biomass.

However, it is time for us to come to a conclusion.

The information impact of egregors on an unprotected person directly affects not only the subject of his thinking, but also other elements of the subjective space, and can be transmitted from one person to many, forming a chain reaction.

And if we take into account the information impact of egregors, which has such a wide influence on human thinking, it will become clear that we lack something for directed work with them.

In the course of this work, you will inevitably have to open slightly for contact with egregors.

And then what kind of directed interaction can we talk about if the basics of such work are the transfer of precisely verified sensations and ideas, and they are the first target of the influence of egregor, which is carried out in addition to our consciousness?

We need additional tools.

Contents (pages are exposed according to the manuscript):

Preface. one

Introduction. Further energy-informational development of mankind and egregors. one

Egregors of our world, or factor "X" in the development of civilization.10

Energy matrix of humanity.11

Information web of civilization.16

Spiders on the web. 19

Egregors and their diet.22

Egregors and their anatomy. 24

Egregors - kingdom and customs.. 29

Man and egregors... 35

Egregorial person, mass.. 37

Egregorial man, puppet.. 40

Egregorial person, leader. 44

Egregorial man, connecting rod.. 48

A non-egregorial person, a researcher. fifty

A supra-gregorial person, a player, as a path to free power. 54

Basic energy information methods.57

Egregors as an aggressive atmosphere. Safety equipment.76

Egregorial energy exchange.76

School of skills DEIR. Egregors. Experiment 1. Diffuse energy interaction with egregors. 77

School of skills DEIR. Egregors. Experiment 2. Evaluation of the nature of energy interaction depending on the level of the egregorial archetype.78

School of skills DEIR. Egregors. Experiment 3

Egregorial information environment.82

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Experiment 4. Information influence of egregors on a person. 82

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Experiment 5. Egregors as a factor of cross influence. 84

Player's Working Tools: Destroyer of Influence and Avatar.85

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 1: Create an Influence Breaker.88

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 2. Create an avatar.91

Access channels to egregors... 93

Interaction with the diffuse presence of egregors. 94

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 3. Assessment of the upcoming interaction with the egregor. 95

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 4. Programming the interaction with the egregore. 98

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 5. Purposeful establishment of contact of egregor with people. one hundred

Interaction with archetypal and egregorial focuses, as well as with egregorial symbols. 102

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 6. Formation of EHF and AF.104

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 7. Inclusion of a person in egregorial interaction with the help of EHF and AF 105

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 8. Creation of a stable and coordinated channel of interaction between a person and an egregor through EHF and AF.108

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 9. Programming the nuances of the impact of egregorial and archetypal tricks.109

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 10. Using egregorial characters. 110

Egregorial loci in the virtual space of a person.115

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 11. Detection of traces of the egregorial locus in the virtual space. 115

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 12. Activation and deactivation of the egregorial locus. 116

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 13. Protecting the locus of virtual space from egregorial influence.118

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 14 Extract useful information from egregorial loci of virtual space.119

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 15. Modification of egregorial locus settings. 121

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 16. Activation of the egregorial locus of another person. 122

Independent creation of egregor.. 124

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 18. Preparation of the egregorial cycle. 125

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 19. Integration of the egregorial cycle into the collective consciousness and activation of the mini-egregor.127

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 20. Creating a small useful egregor. 128

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 21. Creating a personal egregore. 132

Not an afterword and not a conclusion... 134

Current page: 1 (the book has a total of 19 pages) [available reading excerpt: 11 pages]


Egregors are energy-informational structures of incredible complexity and strength that can influence an unprotected person, suppressing the natural personality. Invisible rulers of the human masses, and at the same time a wonderful and powerful tool for an experienced person.

The skills offered to the reader's attention give the necessary experience and the opportunity to influence egregors - deeper and more effectively than they do to us. An opportunity opens up to use them to achieve personal goals, for the benefit of people and the entire human community.

Skills of working with egregors allow:

- extract information from them, and receive energy support;

– involve them in solving problems and secure the future;

- to achieve both health, success, and accomplishments;

– use them as an extension of oneself;

– benefit yourself, your loved ones and your country.

Dmitry Sergeevich Verishchagin, Kirill Valentinovich Titov

World of mind and spirit

Dmitry Sergeevich Verishchagin, Kirill Valentinovich Titov

Egregors of the human world. Logic and interaction skills

World of mind and spirit

Whoever sees will read

Whoever reads will not miss

Who does not miss, he will discover for himself and in himself the unknown

These are the books of the World of Mind and Spirit series. They saturate the hungry intellect and quench the thirst of the soul, illuminate the hidden and turn the ideas of the banal upside down. Each text is a code to a secret, each page is a journey full of unforgettable impressions. The place of man in the universe and the universe of man - have you never tried to unravel the mysteries of life and destiny? In our books there are keys to the doors of worldviews and maps of the universe. Read. Take off on the wings of the spirit and find support in the practical arguments of reason.

This is how truth comes to life.

General parting words of D. S. Verishchagin

By opening this book, you get a chance to change your life forever, entering a new stage of evolution. You will open real reasons health, illness, deeds and human destiny.

Things that are unthinkable for ordinary people will be available to you. Do not waste your strength in vain pursuit of vain achievements. You have a great goal - the discovery of a new world and the search for your place in it.

You will gain the ability to heal, and this gift will come to everyone in their own way. Use it for good. Help selflessly.

Your soul will go through a process of strengthening, and you will be able to lead other people. Bring them light and joy, not darkness and pain.

You will no longer depend on karma and karmic illnesses. Help others achieve the same.

You will own the true tool for changing the world - faith. May your faith bring good not only to you.

You may need help to make it all the way to the end. Find it in travelers like you. Get to know each other in the crowd. Learn from each other. Remember each other.

Having ascended to a new stage of development, you will be a part of a new energy unity, a unity of free people. Give each other support. Remember each other and share energy with each other, because the price of freedom is high and sometimes beyond the power of one.

Remember us who were the first to enter new world. We are focusing a new energetic unity for you. Contact us in difficult times, and we will come to the rescue. Contact us in a moment of prosperity, and we will be able to come to the aid of millions of others. There is no death. We will respond from beyond.

Add your rays to the light of the new energy unity.

Create a new free humanity. You deserve it.


Hello dear readers. Finally, after a long parting, we met again on the pages of a new practical guide. I am glad of this meeting and I hope that you share my feelings. I am proud of you, who are following the path of further energy-informational development and achieving more and more impressive results.

Thank you for your letters and interesting communication on the Internet. I thank all those who share their results and observations, conduct research on our topics and analyze them in scientific publications, thank the staff of the DEIR School for their invaluable experience, and the Head of the School, K. Titov, for their help in creating this detailed manual..

It would seem that the nature and properties of the egregorial phenomenon have already been studied by us enough.

We, in general, know that egregors are energy-information formations that were involuntarily created by the coordinated thinking of groups of people and over time began to exert an increasing influence on the thinking of humanity as a whole, penetrating into all aspects of our life, governing the entire human society. We know that these energy-informational structures, incredible in size and complexity, are capable of influencing an unprotected person, adjusting him according to himself, suppressing his natural personality and depriving him of the guidelines laid down from birth in life.

We know that no games with a strong-willed “transformation” of reality have power over egregors, because they are the product of a colossal number of individual wills like ours. We understand that in comparison with a person, these are formations of the next informational level, using a person in the same way and with the same “gratitude” as consciousness uses individual cells of the body, thousands of which die for our needs and whims. But we, unlike cells, are able to defend ourselves. And for a long time we have been implementing free, created without the insinuating influence of egregors, the plans of our lives. It would seem, what more?

More here. If we could use egregors, all their potential and omnipresence in such a way that a person influences them more than they influence a person, we could use their capabilities to achieve personal goals, for the benefit of people and the human community.

After all, any phenomenon, especially such an extensive and powerful one as egregors, has two sides. On the one hand, they are dangerous, dangerous because they live by their own rules, have their own aspirations, are able to subjugate the psyche and energy of people and can initiate processes of gigantic scale and complexity. But on the other hand, the more powerful the phenomenon, the more results it can bring if you learn how to direct it. Man is surrounded by miracles that are not always to be found on other planets or in myths.

With proper handling of egregors, you can extract information from them, receive energy support, involve in solving the necessary tasks and secure your future, achieve health, success and accomplishments. You can even create your own egregors and modify existing ones. And use them to expand yourself. And all this can be done only by remaining free from their influence. You can benefit yourself, your loved ones and your country by making it stronger and more independent.

Egregors are both a threat and an advantage. This is the invisible ruler of the human masses and a wonderful tool for an experienced person. These are the mighty levers of the machine of the human world that can be grasped.

Thank you for discovering this manual, and I want to congratulate you in advance on your future accomplishments.

D. S. Verishchagin

Introduction Further energy-informational development of mankind and egregors

All practical approaches that we will discuss are based on the technologies of the skills system of Further Energy-Information Development (DEIR), aimed at the practical mastery of evolutionarily significant techniques of energy-information orientation.

Therefore, despite the fact that hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people have already met with our manuals and techniques in one way or another, for those who are just getting acquainted with energy-information development, it is absolutely useful to dwell at least a little on this system of skills, its focus and practices. I want to say right away that the question of egregors is very complex and deep, and therefore sometimes the text can become difficult, especially for an unprepared person. But, on the other hand, as far as I know, this is generally the first manual in the world on practical work with egregors, and I am very pleased that it appears in Russia. Therefore, it should contain as much material as possible.

We will present methods, including fundamental ones, as needed. At the same time, we will talk about egregors, exploring their place and role in human life.

To begin with, let us ask ourselves a banal question: what is a person? We are with you, together and separately? There are many different answers to this, almost as many as there are people on Earth. On the one hand, man is a biological creature, not too different from other inhabitants of the biosphere of our planet. But it is obvious that this is not the main thing. After all, on the other hand, man is a social being, capable of cooperating with his own kind. But isn't that what ants are capable of? We are resourceful, we can use tools. But do we appreciate it in ourselves?

Perhaps our essence is neither in one, nor in the other, nor in the third. None of the definitions of a person from the outside will satisfy us ourselves.

For each of us, first of all, the personal ability to feel, think and experience is important - all this creates our inner world.

We absorb information from the surrounding world, we feel its energy, we ourselves have energy. We transform the energy of the world into our own and give it back to the world, create new knowledge from the information of the world and transfer it to the world, comprehending it and ourselves in it.

We ourselves at the core of our being consist of energy and information that direct signals in our brain and the movement of matter in our body.

First of all, we are energy-informational beings.

However, does not the world itself, which surrounds us, have the same nature? It consists of matter, substance and fields. But what gives him movement? Energy, the cause of movement. Isn't this energy distributed unevenly in the world, creating an information pattern in its movement? Yes it is. The whole movement of the world, regardless of the elements of this movement, is basically energy and information. The world lives according to energy-informational laws.

Rice. 1. Energy is used to create information, information is used to control energy. At all levels - from the energy of nutrients and the genetic information that creates the body, from the energy of desire and its implementation controlled by the accumulated experience to atomic energy and the knowledge of its use - this is the whole of human nature. We are energy-informational beings.

Man is an energy-information being in the energy-information world.

Although we interact with the world at different levels - physical, chemical, biological, social - all this interaction, regardless of the elements involved, is primarily energy-informational in nature.

Man, as an energy-informational being, has the ability to continuously perceive the world precisely at its energy-informational level. We feel not so much the world itself - after all, it contains many things that are imperceptible to us, such as radio waves, radiation, neutrinos - but we value, first of all, its final energy-informational imprint on our consciousness (and this imprint still needs to be obtained).

We are like fish in the ocean, constantly surrounded by a single energy information field Universe and we are in a state of continuous energy exchange with it.

And so it is and has been since the beginning of time.

The continuous process of evolution of the living in general, including man, is a process of complication and deepening of the interaction between the energy-informational essence of the living and the energy-informational essence of our world. The very logic of this position is such that, with appropriate, correct interaction, the living thing achieves its goals and successfully realizes itself.

Our world is evenly filled with a living energy-informational field.

A person in the field of the Universe is like a particle of water in a boundless ocean. Rice. 2.

If the interaction is wrong, disproportionate, then there can be no result. Judge for yourself, is it possible, for example, to boil tea for yourself using electricity from a socket? Of course. And without a kettle? Harder. And without any device for warming up? Yes, nothing will work at all. Is that the current pulls. It turns out that only a few of the fundamentally correct (after all, we tried to use both energy and water) ways to achieve the planned result are suitable for achieving the goal.

Similarly, with the energy-information side of the world around us - a result that brings joy and satisfaction can be achieved only if we act taking into account its laws and conditions.

And just with this, with energy-informational harmonious interaction with the world, a person, as a thinking being, has two huge problems.

Man, thanks to his mind, has learned to ignore the energy-informational side of the world already at the stage of perception. We do not orient ourselves here in the same way as among material objects.

Rice. 3. Only by interacting with the elements of the world in accordance with their energy-informational circumstances, a person achieves an acceptable result for himself. Otherwise, it turns out only a waste of energy, devoid of the most important thing for a person - meaning.

In one of the manuals, I already gave an example of how learning (or rather, non-learning) can affect the very perception of the world around us - this was shown in a well-known experiment. Very small kittens were placed in conditions where one had only vertical objects in front of their eyes, and the other had only horizontal ones. The heads were fixed so that they could not tilt to the sides. When the kittens grew up, it turned out that none of them perceives objects oriented in an unfamiliar direction. The first stumbled on horizontal objects, the second knocked on vertical ones.

Isn't man also limited?

Animals perfectly feel the mood of a person, the state of each other. They are able to sense an approaching earthquake. If you have already studied DEIR technologies or similar ones and tried to use energy-informational techniques, for example, broadcasting or reading intentions, on animals, you also know very well that they feel the field just fine.

However, we - humanity as a whole - deviated from our own natural axis, headlong into the world of material culture, technology, scientific knowledge, illusions of virtual reality. This, of course, is not bad at all, and in no case do I call for discarding all the achievements of civilization, moving to caves and meditating there on an empty stomach. But our developed mind, which allows us to create an inner world of incredible volume and complexity, played a cruel joke with us.

We have moved away from nature and have lost our natural sensitivity, which allows us to feel the energy-information world in its entirety, as it is.

It can be said that due to the power of our imagination, its product (representation, illusion, fantasy, thought) turns out to be stronger than the weak sensations of the energy-informational side of the world. And we are like a tourist with a screaming tape recorder in his hand, who, of course, does not hear all the richness of the sounds of wildlife - and, as a result, can die of thirst a stone's throw from a softly murmuring stream.

In everyone's life there are dozens of examples when we anticipated an unpleasant development of the situation in advance, but still got into history. Why? Yes, simply, having caught an undoubted signal, we began to check it - and now, in our minds, a model of the situation has already been created, which completely scored a useful presentiment with its intensity.

I felt: “it’s not worth doing this”, checked: “there are no logical grounds, so we believe that everything is fine.” And this very “everything is fine”, indiscriminately created by our brain in the absence of new information, turned out to be much brighter and clearer than “not worth it”, dictated by real signals from the external environment. And then we tear the hair on our heads. Of course, there are unique people among people who are able to feel the field without any training - the simplest side of the energy-information world - and even, say, treat, diagnose, receive information using this channel of sensations, but this is just a drop in sea ​​of ​​potential. And most of the people are in a much more deplorable situation.

From birth, a child brought up by relatives who do not know how to pay due attention to their feelings, learns not to pay attention to their subtle feelings. He ceases to perceive them, displaces them from his consciousness. How those kittens from the experiment did not pay attention to what they were not taught to perceive, and learned to live only in gross material reality. Of course, he retains the ability to experience the subtlest sensations, but now they serve his inner world rather than tell a person about the outside. Natural all-round sensitivity is lost.

And since an adult cannot realize the energy-informational side of the world, he makes mistakes. Simply by avoiding our true nature, we walk through the real multi-faceted life among our ideas, created by the language and culture of mankind and implanted in us by training, as if from a store-bought topographic map, instead of using the natural five senses in addition to it. .

Without looking around, we stumble and fall first into a pit, then into a ditch. We are painfully knocking on the invisible corners of our own energy-information world. And, of course, they are often dissatisfied with life - here are illnesses, and personal failures, misfortunes, and career embarrassments. We begin to complain about fate, circumstances, karma, and so on and so forth. But most of the problems could have been avoided.

After all, they arose only because we do not use most of our natural sensitivity, do not look around. We act like blind people, not seeing the energy-informational side of the world and not being able to achieve our goal on this layer of reality. This is the first big problem of mankind.

However, it is solvable - and human evolution itself leads to this.

We, so to speak, when building a civilization, only took a step away from the main direction of human development as an energy-informational being. Our pristine perception will break through to the surface.

It is no coincidence that in Lately everything appears more people endowed with the ability of conscious energy-informational interaction with the outside world. And in the same way, it is no coincidence that more and more organizations and training centers teach people the techniques and technologies of full-fledged sensory interaction with the energy-information world.

There are quite understandable reasons for this, pushing humanity to rise to the next stage of evolution.

The need for the next evolutionary stage in any biological species arises, firstly, when the species fills its entire ecological niche.

Man did it - we completely filled the Earth. We are biologically pack creatures, and both the size of the pack and the size of the individual territory can be variable with us. And in order to completely fill the territory, we do not need to push our shoulders - it is enough to know that the ground on which we are standing someone. Alien.

And there's nothing left on earth nobody's. The niche is filled.

The second factor pushing the evolutionary process is the gradual depletion of the food resource of the ecological niche, causing a sharp increase in intraspecific competition.

And this is obvious - there is constant inflation, a huge number of people suffer from malnutrition, in some countries there is almost chronic hunger. In more prosperous regions, social pressure is growing every year, more and more actions need to be taken to provide themselves with what they need.

Gradually, the traditional path of the rational mind begins to exhaust itself - and at present, more than five billion civilizations maintain their existence almost exclusively on fossil fuels. In general, the niche occupied by man in the biosphere, according to many ecologists, is capable of feeding only about five hundred million.

And in this situation, a person is looking for still unexplored areas of self-realization, unoccupied areas that can provide additional benefits.

This is evolution in its purest form - as a result of it, part of the species leaves the old ecological niche and occupies a new one. It already happened when the monkey took a tool in its paws. A species that has entered a new evolutionary stage first does the same as before, but in a new way, and only then begins to create new things using this new way.

And this evolution is carried out, of course, in the most convenient, accessible direction. In our case, this is energy-informational development, based on natural human abilities and using the already existing resource of the mind.

We are standing on the threshold of another evolutionary leap.

The system of skills of Further Energy-Informational Development is a system that provides a person with the opportunity for such development. Already at the first stage of DEIR, we learn to perceive the world from its energy-informational side - to touch, see, control its manifestations in the form of the so-called etheric body. It's pretty easy and very impressive. In particular, how quickly his natural sensitivity returns to a person - after two hours of training, a person with his eyes closed can confidently find a piece of paper thrown on the table by swiping his hand in the air high above the table top.

Rice. 4. As soon as a person developed the mind, he began to develop further with the help of more and more profound use of its capabilities: the era of further energy-informational development began.

We master the control of the natural source of energy of our being - the central energy flows. We learn to diagnose energy-information disorders and manage the energy of our own body. We can reduce pain, relieve inflammation, speed up the recovery of the body. Change the activity of the body and the ability of the brain to process information. We learn about typical energy-informational problems - energy-informational defeats - and remove them from ourselves ... But still, today we are not talking about that. The practical technologies of the first stage, together with their theoretical substantiation, are described in sufficient detail in the first practical manual of the DEIR skills system "Liberation". Opportunities obtained by those who were engaged in energy information technologies in practice are well known and widely discussed in the literature, on the website of the DEIR school and many others. And we will try not to waste time on already familiar things.

But still, let's return to the second problem of harmonious interaction of a person with the energy-informational side of the world. It is much more than just the non-perception of this side.

Although man has forgotten about the energy-informational nature of our world, it has not forgotten about man.

Forgotten and uncontrolled things often become sources of big problems. Here we can recall one Japanese novel that tells how a man stubbornly grew a beard. He didn't want to shave and groom her. Even when mice appeared in his green beard and his wife left him, he did not give up. The case ended with the fact that a bear came out of the beard and pulled up this aesthete.

Approximately the same situation with humanity and the energy-informational side of the world.

Mankind has unwittingly created egregors.

Egregors gained strength and began to invisibly control humanity.

After all, egregors are no more and no less than the collective, arithmetic mean thoughts of the human masses.

It was not in vain that we recalled that a person is an energy-informational being and interacts with the world primarily at the energy-informational level.

Let us not realize the energy-information world, the fact that our actions and thoughts influence the world and add up to a holistic picture that appears in the events around us, like an image - it can be on a stone, on sand, in pieces of a mosaic, in swell on the water, - let be. But the picture is still created apart from our consciousness.

Let us not be aware of the energy-information side of the world, because of this it does not cease to influence us in addition to our consciousness, because we cannot change our own essence.

The picture we unconsciously organize influences us on an unconscious level.

The idea that has entered the consciousness of the masses is separated from humanity and begins to control it - this is how the psyche of the crowd arises, suicidal social ideas, superstitions, prejudices.

No wonder a certain Dr. Goebbels, you may remember this one - the main propagandist of fascist Germany, according to the testimony of many, used to say that any lie becomes true, it is worth repeating it several times in public. At the same time, sadly, even people who know the truth will begin to doubt their innocence, and those who were not sure will sincerely believe in this lie. And here no rational beliefs work, no evidence - only a mass of repetition, only the number of people who heard a lie - it does not matter if they believed in it initially or not.

What then happens?

And just the unconscious influence on a person of the energy-information structure created by him, broadcast by other people, is being made.

Let the consciousness still know, and clearly know that it hears a lie, but you just heard it "as if it were the truth." Willy-nilly, you may have known that this was not true, but you thought about it like the truth. We modeled this "truth" - of course, in order to compare it with the real truth that you know, with real facts, and then refute it.

It is this very phase of modeling that hides a trap. We ourselves just thought that the lie is, as it were, the truth. Now our truth seems to have become partially untrue, and conviction has weakened. This effect is all the stronger, the more strongly the propagandist of lies was convinced and more powerfully conveyed his conviction. He stays with us. We interacted with the world, we left our imprint on it and we left it in other people. But we didn't realize it ourselves. But now this imprint is in the world around us.

And we feel it - it comes to us from all sides, intensified by the influence of other people who broadcast it in the same way. And we do not realize that we have met with our own reflection. And so, although we clearly know with our mind that we are hearing a lie, all our senses say that this may turn out to be true. We begin to doubt.

The effect is intensified. And it intensifies. And it intensifies. And truth comes from lies.

The idea is separated from the rational consciousness of mankind, in which it began its existence, and continues to live in the energy-information reality, directing people's thinking with its irrational influence.

Of course, the Goebbels example is hyperbolic. But people, without feeling it themselves, all the time influence the world and each other. Even having traveled by public transport, it is almost impossible to stay in the same mood in which we went there. And that's the way it is with any idea.

The picture is creepy: ideas are born in the minds of one person or a group of people and from that moment begin their existence in the energy-informational world, controlling their parents. First of all, of course, in those layers that most closely interact with humanity. Sometimes egregor flourishes and even develops, sometimes it remains stable, sometimes it dies over time. But the beginning is always the same - an idea that dominates a small amount ideas.

But will this freshly hatched egregore survive in the future?

And this already depends on how many people have fallen into the power of egregore and reproduce its content in the world around them. The more people, the more energy and the stronger the presence of egregor. The stronger the egregore affects people and the more accurately it repeats itself. The more people, energy and more accurate reproduction of the egregorial idea, the more likely the survival of the egregore.

If the egregor repeats himself inaccurately, mutates too much, then he will die over time, as happens with fashion trends. If he loses people, then he weakens, as was the case with the religious idea. Ancient Greece. If the people who ensure its existence are few and the egregorial idea itself is too different from the others, then the egregor languishes, this happens with the egregorial ideas of small nations and their culture. For example, shamanism, not knowing how to use egregors and not having the skills of a major egregorial game, suffered a crushing defeat under the blows of egregorial Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and communism. And if such an egregor is not too different from other, more mass egregors, then he will be swallowed up, just as the idea of ​​communism absorbed more humane socialist ideas.

But here how it affects people - that's another question. The influence of egregors on people is a direct reflection of their evolution, their race for survival.

But what is important for egregor?

Only mass character, only energy, only reliability of energy collection.

No idea can change itself, because that makes it cease to exist.

And so their evolution is similar to the evolution of dinosaurs - bigger, stronger, more powerful, more massive, more typical. After all, the more typical, the more potential sources of energy in the form of people.

Egregors of the human world [Logic and interaction skills] Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

General parting words of D. S. Verishchagin

By opening this book, you get a chance to change your life forever, entering a new stage of evolution. You will discover the true causes of health, illness, deeds and human destiny.

Things that are unthinkable for ordinary people will be available to you. Do not waste your strength in vain pursuit of vain achievements. You have a great goal - the discovery of a new world and the search for your place in it.

You will gain the ability to heal, and this gift will come to everyone in their own way. Use it for good. Help selflessly.

Your soul will go through a process of strengthening, and you will be able to lead other people. Bring them light and joy, not darkness and pain.

You will no longer depend on karma and karmic illnesses. Help others achieve the same.

You will own the true tool for changing the world - faith. May your faith bring good not only to you.

You may need help to make it all the way to the end. Find it in travelers like you. Get to know each other in the crowd. Learn from each other. Remember each other.

Having ascended to a new stage of development, you will be a part of a new energy unity, a unity of free people. Give each other support. Remember each other and share energy with each other, because the price of freedom is high and sometimes beyond the power of one.

Remember us who were the first to enter the new world. We are focusing a new energetic unity for you. Contact us in difficult times, and we will come to the rescue. Contact us in a moment of prosperity, and we will be able to come to the aid of millions of others. There is no death. We will respond from beyond.

Add your rays to the light of the new energy unity.

Create a new free humanity. You deserve it.

From the book Wisdom, part 2 author

From the book Wisdom, part 1 author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

From the book Technique for Animating Objects. Book I author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

From the book Technique for Animating Objects. Book II author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

From the book Golden moods for money and financial well-being author Levshinov Andrey

ADVICE So, you know how to deal with moods so that they attract into your life what you lack, what you strive for with all your heart. Attitudes - perhaps the easiest way I know to patch up holes in fate and send the train of fate on other rails -

From the book Gates to the Future (compilation) author Roerich Nicholas Konstantinovich

Parting words “I see and hear everything: your sufferings are great. To endure such harsh accusations with such a tender soul; to live with such sublime feelings among such rude, clumsy people, like the inhabitants of the vulgar town in which you settled, who are already insensitive,

From the book How to attract money by Blavo Ruschel

From the book Wealth and Prosperity by Blavo Ruschel

Parting words My dear readers! If you master the material of this book, it will be more than enough for you to have a "mutual love" with money. I want you to treat finance exactly as energy that flows through you, originating somewhere and

From the book Wisdom [Skill System of Further Energy-Informational Development. Stage V, second stage, parts 1 and 2] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

From the book Technique of Animating Objects [Skill System for Further Energy-Informational Development] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

From the book Parallel Worlds of Perception [DEIR School according to the methods of D. S. Verishchagin] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

From the book Egregors of the Human World [Logic and Interaction Skills] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

From the book Liberation [Skill System of Further Energy-Informational Development. Stage I] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

General advice from D. S. Verishchagin Opening this book, you get a chance to change your life forever, entering a new stage of evolution. The true causes of health, illness, deeds and human destiny will be revealed to you. You will become free from the influence of the great

From the book Becoming [Skill System of Further Energy-Informational Development. II stage] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

From the book Influence [Skill System for Further Energy-Informational Development. Stage III] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

General advice from D. S. Verishchagin Opening this book, you get a chance to change your life forever, entering a new stage of evolution. The true causes of health, illness, deeds and human destiny will be revealed to you. You will become free from the influence of the great

From the book Confidence [Skill System for Further Energy-Informational Development. V stage, first stage] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

The theme of the global collective Mind is of interest to professionals and beginners in the occult. How to distinguish truth from fiction and is it necessary to study literature on parapsychology and esotericism? Is it possible to explore the global Cosmos on your own, trusting only intuition, or arm yourself with basic skills? Let's figure it out.

In this article

"Egregors of the human world, logic and interaction skills", D. S. Verishchagin and K. V. Titov

According to scientists, a reasonable thought form has an impact on society. To cope with the pressure of the Force, it is necessary to create filters. Otherwise, the negative influence of destructive thought formations enslaves the consciousness. Penetrates into life, makes it a toy in the hands of the Dark Forces.

Egregors of the human world

The study of the phenomenon makes it possible to control Destiny. For those who read the works of Verishchagin and Titov, reality will no longer be the same. In the preface, the creators explain what the guidebook is for.

The quote fully answers the question of the need to study special literature on the topic. Without assistance, a beginner will fall victim to false truths, illusions and deceptions.

Life is not limited to everyday needs for food, drink or procreation. The majority lives on the principle of satisfying primitive instincts and does not know that they are in slavery to the information community. It zombified consciousness, threw a false idea, replacing it with a beautiful picture. According to this principle, the action of destructive sects is built. That's why it's necessary.

An example of how millions live in ignorance is given in the cult film The Matrix. Main character Neo wandered through a labyrinth of misconceptions about reality until he had an epiphany. Connecting to the right source opens up new horizons and abilities.

The authors emphasize that work with the world mental substance requires caution from the neophyte. Having received the Knowledge, it should be disposed of for the Good. Otherwise, you will become dependent on destructive energy communities: Pride, Anger, Envy.

Things that are unthinkable for ordinary people will be available to you. Do not waste your strength in vain pursuit of vain achievements. You have a great goal - the discovery of a new world and the search for your place in it.

The study of the book will tell you how to realize your ideas, to distinguish your own thoughts from those of others. With it, you will discover new worlds and spaces.

Humanity and egregors: ways of development and interaction

Opening the Cosmos inside and realizing oneself is the main idea that the authors want to convey to the reader.

Man is surrounded by miracles that are not always to be found on other planets or in myths.

Verishchagin and Titov ask questions of a philosophical nature: where does “I” end and “We” begin? Is it right to consider a living thinking being in isolation from the general concept of the development of Civilization? Yes and no, the authors say. On the one hand, which is formed throughout life. On the other hand, the thought processes of each are accumulated in the common space of the Earth and its inhabitants.

From the school bench we know the phrase "I think, therefore I exist", attributed to the famous French scientist, mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes. Back in the 17th century, before the appearance of the doctrine of world space, Descartes gave the most precise formulation. Thought is what drives everything on Earth, turns back rivers, changes borders on the political map and governs nations.

Philosophy of Descartes

We process the received information to the best of our abilities, knowledge, intellectual development. The higher the level of socialization, the more ideas translated into space. The ability to create a powerful flow of energy is the quality of charismatic leaders. They use the Force to create information flows that can attract followers. Outstanding minds became famous military leaders, politicians, leaders of parties, instigators of uprisings, without even suspecting that they drew Power from imagination. Spartak, Emelyan Pugachev, Lenin, Stalin, Zhukov - the list is endless.

The more followers, the more powerful the community. Over time, it gets out of the control of the creator and lives on its own.

Fact from recent history: in the 30s of the last century, the so-called. brown plague. Fascism was crushed, but the memory survived. There was an unclosed, active communication channel.

The mental Cosmos that surrounded the Neanderthal is poorer than the one in which humanity lives now.

The higher the level of development, the more collective knowledge will enter the Noosphere.


We have moved away from nature and have lost our natural sensitivity, which allows us to feel the energy-information world in its entirety, as it is.

Egregors of our world, or Factor X in the development of civilization

Theologians and philosophers have always been interested in questions about the presence of Supreme Beings. The first attempts of mankind to realize this gave rise to Faith. it is the One God.

higher entities

The great thinker, artist and naturalist created drawings of a flying machine and was ahead of his time. What is it, insight, or was the Genius able to connect to the world's secrets? Science has no answer. But those who study global thought processes have no doubts. It helped Leonardo to create.

Verishchagin and Titov figuratively compare the transmission of information at a distance with the telegraph. The universe gives encrypted signals. At the level of intuition or the sixth sense, the brain is able to capture them, transform signs and symbols depending on the level of development, language, culture.

According to scientists, Thought is able to overcome language and other barriers. Many concepts are already laid down at birth. A child is born endowed with more than just a set of genetic parameters.

Example: Mikhail Lomonosov. How did a boy who appeared in a poor Pomeranian family become a great scientist? Where does his talent for science come from? How did Alexander the Great grow up from a weak and sickly child? These and other facts can really be explained only by the presence of a program or the task of the Universe.

In this video, you will learn how to develop your intuition and learn to trust your inner voice:

Energy matrix of humanity

Interaction occurs not only with the help of words, but also on a non-verbal level. It is not necessary to speak out loud, best friends understand everything without words. They can be at a distance of thousands of kilometers, but feel the mood and state of each other.

Energy matrix of humanity

This is the matrix, scientists say. Connecting to the Cosmos, those tuned to the same wave unmistakably find each other and recognize the signals.

Information and energy is transmitted through the air. Watch how the mood of the company changes depending on its composition. If waves of irritation and anger come from someone, general nervousness and distrust are immediately felt. It is worth diluting emotions with positive, as society calms down.

Information web of civilization

Everyone without exception is connected to the information field of the Earth. Understanding the laws of the collective unconscious makes it possible to preserve the "I". The networks of the Global Mind are stretched everywhere and unite the inhabitants of the Earth, regardless of the type of activity, nationality or religion.

In the chapter on the information web, the authors try to tell in an accessible language how communication takes place on a non-verbal plane. How the Word gives birth to an image that acts regardless of our desire.

“The word is not a sparrow,” says a Russian proverb. It aptly and accurately characterizes the processes occurring in the collective unconscious. An idea expressed aloud acquires material outlines, changes reality.

Spiders in the web

This chapter is dedicated to how collective thinking is formed. How a person, endowed with his own will and desires, interacts with other beings.

The influence of the collective mind is not dangerous, Verishchagin and Titov believe. So how does the collective consciousness operate?

  1. The more people feed the source, the more powerful it becomes. An example is the feeling of patriotism. Participation in a common cause inspires great achievements.
  2. Egregor directs thoughts in the right direction. Suggests how to act in a given situation.
  3. From the channel it is possible to receive not only information, but also Strength, Hope, Faith.

Egregors and their diet

In this chapter, you will learn what constitutes the basis of the nutrition of the Higher Mind.

  1. What are the types of energy. And how egregors use them for their development.
  2. Why is it important not to feed low frequency forms.
  3. How to work with the subconscious and correctly prioritize life so as not to fall into slavery to fields of a lower order.
  4. How egregors get what they want.

For one, gross needs are enough to survive. Others need pure energy of Good, Light, Joy.

Everyone is free to choose which of the thematic channels to use, but must understand that the choice will determine life. It is easy to generate simple emotions, it is more difficult to raise the level of consciousness, to reach a new stage of development.

Egregors and their anatomy

Knowing what energy communities represent, you can change your life, get rid of problems and diseases. Knowledge of the anatomy of the subtle world allows you not to become a weak-willed slave. To control consciousness means to influence information.

This video describes the principles of the device of egregors and gives advice on how:

Egregors - kingdom and customs

As in earthly society, the energy space has its own laws, hierarchical ladder and system of values. The subtle world is a reflection of Reality. In a philosophical treatise, the authors explain these relationships using simple examples. The book is intended for a trained reader who has an idea about the theory of the noosphere, who knows the terms "archetype", "psychoenergetics", "thought forms". This is not an entertaining reading and not a literary work, but a scientific work.

This video tells about the levels of human consciousness in an accessible form:

You will have to return to the book again and again, and you will not be able to read it in one day. The scientific character and complexity of the terminology is compensated by the informativeness of the work and illustrative illustrations. The publication can be recommended for reading to those who have already reached a new level of Consciousness.

"Egregor of Darkness", fiction or reality of the author Anna Bodrova?

Involvement in the Dark Forces was considered one of the grave sins. Sorcerers, magicians and sorcerers actively used this source to implement their plans.

Dark egregors

But no one advertised their involvement in the Shadow camp. A suspicious birthmark on a woman's body was enough for the Holy Inquisition to consider her a sorceress and send her to the stake. In Russia, witches were not openly burned. They were afraid, bypassed, but on occasion did not miss the opportunity to destroy. Today, belonging to the Black Side of the world is not considered something shameful. Everyone who is interested in Secret knowledge knows about the existence of Egregor of Darkness.

The search for truth and the choice of one's community is described in many literary and artistic works and cinematic masterpieces. An example is the famous saga "Twilight". And also the movie "Interview with the Vampire". The theme of the struggle between Good and Evil inspired D. Rowling to create a cycle of Harry Potter novels.

Yes, this dark society exists in the Astral, says Anna Bodrova. Her book is the author's vision of the concept, clothed in the form of a work of art. The main character of the novel is trying to find answers to the eternal questions posed by the seeker of truth. This is the theme of Truth, Good, Evil. Attempts to find a world balance between opposing concepts. The book will be useful not only to fans of the fantasy genre, but also to those who are interested in the philosophy of Dark Matter.

"Egregors", training book from Anatoly Nekrasov

Nekrasov tells the reader to release emotions. There are no bad or good information communities. Anatoly suggests looking at the concept of egregor more broadly than it is interpreted in many sources. is the main task before us. Mental laziness generates negative channels.

The main reason for the emergence and development of various systems is the person himself. By building them, a person compensates for the lack of love in his relations with people and the World.


Do the average person need such information and works? For someone who lives by material interests, the problems of the subtle plane mean nothing. The thoughts given in this literature will captivate the one who thinks globally. He tries to find answers to questions about the meaning of life and the place of man in the universe. The one who knows that "The sleep of the mind gives birth to monsters", therefore strives for the Consciousness to be awake.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!