
Is Wealth Good or Evil? If wealth is not evil, then what is evil?

Pathology of the uterus

A Practical Book of White Magic. How to manage people and money Zachary

Wealth - to God, good - to good

So, the source of all good - health, prosperity, wealth, success - is only God, the Highest Power that created the world. And no one else. This you must know firmly, and not succumb to the temptation to obtain wealth in any other way, except from its true source. Indeed, there is a lot of talk about the fact that the world is ruled by the "golden calf" and that money is mainly earned in dishonest ways. But the magician cannot afford fraudulent money, because the magician thinks not only about the present passing day, but also about the future day of his descendants. And the welfare of posterity can only be ensured by righteous wealth. If you doubt this, read what King Solomon, one of the richest and wisest people in the history of mankind, wrote:

The blessing of the Lord enriches and does not bring sorrow with itself. Humility is followed by the fear of the Lord, wealth and glory and life. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and an evil way and devious lips God hates. God has advice and truth; He is intelligence, He has strength. By God, kings reign and rulers legitimize righteousness; By God rulers and nobles rule and all the judges of the earth. He loves those who love God, and those who seek Him will find Him; riches and glory are with Him, an undying treasure and righteousness; the fruits of God are better than gold, and the purest gold, and there is more benefit from God than from the finest silver. God walks the path of righteousness, the paths of justice, in order to bring essential good to those who love Him, and He fills their treasuries. He who offends the poor in order to increase his wealth, and who gives to the rich, will become poorer. The works of the righteous lead to life, the success of the wicked leads to sin.

It is believed that in order to become rich, one must gain access to a source of wealth. And this is logical. In order to get rich, people start looking for lucrative positions, lucrative businesses, and wealthy relatives. But all these sources are wrong, and at any moment they can run out. Besides, too many are striving for them. The competition in this "market" of profitable places is too great. The wisest understand: one must look for such a source, which will never be exhausted, and which is always free. The only such source is the Higher Power. She is always open to anyone who wishes to turn to Her.

But often people don't know how to do it. It’s actually very easy. You just need to put the Higher Power, or God, at the center of your life, and always focus on Him. But for this it is necessary to remove your “I” from this center, to stop being the god of your life. Despite the fact that the recipe is so simple, it is not at all easy for people to give it. This happens because a person cannot understand in any way that he has no right to dispose of not only someone else's, but even his own life. Yes, we have free will - but it was given to us only so that we could voluntarily, out of love, give every minute of our life to the Creator. And then the Creator will give us the possession of the entire Universe.

This is the foundation of all magic. People (including magicians) think that magical skill is to subdue the forces of the elements and nature spirits. But this is only the visible side of magic. Few people go further and think about why it is a person who is given such an opportunity - to rule over all other creatures. And most importantly, by whom it is given.

Magic is not based on spells and rituals. These are all just tools. Magic is a continuous interaction with a Higher Power. The magician gives himself up to the power of the Higher Power, and the Higher Power gives him power over the spirits and elements. But people do not want any power over themselves, they want to rule themselves, and they arbitrarily, without demand, take the tools of magic. Yes, you can do something with these tools. But if a person does not have permission from above to use them, then sooner or later these tools will start working against him. Especially when it comes to the magic of money and people management.

Opening yourself to the Higher Power, you should not expect that wealth will fall on you from the sky. It will come gradually. The more you open up to God, the more grace you will have. And wealth will also be attracted to grace. Remember: wealth comes not only from God, but also to God, who is in your soul. Like attracts like. So, one more commandment of the magic of money:

Wealth - to God, good - to good.

We will talk about how to do this in practice in the next chapter.

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V Lately more and more often I notice how some people speak out about others, looking with condemnation at what they can afford and have the audacity to allow! I'm talking about money and shopping.

Many of us would very much like to have prosperity and abundance, financial protection, beautiful things, confidence in the future, the opportunity to live well.

However, many are not ready, because the roots of hatred and condemnation of wealth and well-being in general are widespread within the psyche.

Probably, this is from somewhere in the 17 - ies of the 20th century. For wealth they killed, taken away in favor of the poor. The philosophy of the state has firmly hammered into the heads of its citizens that rich people are bourgeois, speculators, enemies of the people, hucksters ... community.

Over time, this philosophy grew into the ugly concept that poor = good and honest, it's a kind of virtue to be poor and sacrifice yourself. And to be strong and rich - "they stole, through pull, egoists, they have children - pigs, snickering, and so on." Well, you get the idea)

Many of us have absorbed these attitudes with our mother's milk, unconsciously. And they continue to live with them to this day, although the world has changed long ago, opened up wide opportunities, and shines with abundance, luxury, prosperity ...

Especially often now I notice phrases like "Oh, what an expensive car, absolutely crazy!" “Where can I get so much money?”, “They bought a camp for a child for 500 bucks ?! How much ?! "

Friends, concepts are expensive and cheap - inside our heads. Everything is relative. For one person, 3 rubles is expensive, while for another, leaving 300,000 for tea is normal. And no one, NOBODY is obliged to live by our modest measure, in other words, to share our understanding of “expensive and cheap”. That is, no one will deny themselves prosperity out of solidarity to the internal standards of "normality" of some other person. And it is right.

Look around while driving to work or walking around town on a Sunday afternoon. Do you see a huge, beautiful hotel? This is someone's property (and far from the only one!). Do you see how many beautiful and expensive cars, despite the fact that "there is no money in the country"?
See how many posh private houses, restaurants, huge office buildings there are !! This is someone's property! And then there are huge factories and enterprises, jewelry giants, and so on. That is, there are people in the world who own all of this!

In other words, I want to explain to you that there is a huge amount of money in the world! As much as you cannot even imagine and embrace with the power of thought ... But for some reason, some people allow themselves to have all this, while others still cling to the slogans of October, taking another loan to paycheck.

It's all in the head. And in what level of income you allow yourself.

I often have to “remove the blocks” that interfere with prosperity and abundance, which are spoken by a person without noticing it.

Hatred of wealth and the rich (even in a form hidden for the person himself) is one hundred percent block in order to get out to the level of wealth. After all, a person hates what he strives for, what he wants to achieve.

It's like wanting an affair with a woman you despise ... How long will such an affair be? Successful? Or the woman will leave, loudly slamming the door, and with it - and hopes for a life of security.
Of course, since it's all about your own way of thinking, then by changing your thoughts, income will also change.

Is spirituality rich or poor?

In fact, being rich is spiritual. A rich man is much more useful than a poor man. Because the rich can create jobs, solve complex issues at the city and country level, do charity work, prosperity and abundance flows through him to the whole world around him. The poor man cannot even help himself, let alone anyone else.

To be rich is spiritual, since abundance is a symptom that a person is following the right path, that he has found his business, a purpose, he is useful to the world, he not only takes, but also gives. If we grab onto someone else's, the flow is blocked. This is how the Universe helps us to find our own.

Is it unfair?

Let's get rid of this idea that the rich have become so undeserved ... What could they do and more ... Mom taught me "If you don't like it, do it yourself!" After all, you can make the world a better place by your example. Let's stop thinking that the world is unfair ... After all, we do not see the full picture.

Looking at the horoscopes of people of completely different incomes, I know for sure: in a past life, a rich person did a lot of good, and therefore now he has received a favorable birth, success, popularity. Nothing just falls on anyone, including well-being.

Look inside: do you still think wealth is good or evil? How do you think about the rich in your family? What words are used? And if you become rich, suddenly your whole family will abandon you and internally condemn you? This is a danger! Rejection of the clan = death!

This is how our subconscious works. It is good that all this is being adjusted and that there are practices that help to root out the weed, uncover the secrets of our fate, trace to the source and redirect it to the right track. All this is the work of an experienced astrologer.


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18 Oct 2011

Wealth is good or evil

let's talk today about wealth... What is the attitude to wealth, to people who know how to make money wealth? Probably ambiguous. After all, there are much fewer rich people than poor people. What were we taught in school, in society? Of course, the fact that only work ennobles a person, stubborn. hard work. And rich people are lazy, illiterate, leeches on the body of the working people. Normal Human can not be rich... And rich people got rich by stealing and exploiting the poor. They immediately interpret the statement of Jesus Christ that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven. How sad everything becomes. On the one hand, we groan that we are poor, and on the other hand, we despise the rich. On the one hand, we are not against having as much money as rich people, on the other hand, we condemn those who have a lot of money. So why are we poor and others rich? Why, according to the Bible, we deserve heaven, but here on earth we are unhappy? Obviously the reason is in relation to wealth, and to oneself. It's no secret that a rich person is not always happy. This is also the reason for how he feels about his wealth. The Almighty created us to be happy and rich. And the biblical interpretation of wealth is evidently someone deliberately distorted. Indeed, this statement contains the deepest philosophical thought - this is a person's attitude to wealth. Why is it difficult for a rich man to go to heaven? Because it is more difficult for a rich person to come to enlightenment. If a rich person puts money, wealth, above all else, when he changes his love for himself, for relatives, friends, for others, for love for money, then it is really very difficult for him to go to heaven. A person who has the ability and ability to earn money should not forget about love for neighbors, about relationships with others, should not allow callousness of the soul, always strives for spiritual enlightenment. Truly blessed is he Human which having wealth, kept God in his heart, virtue, balance and a bright mind. So, being rich is not evil, this is the requirement and desire of our Creator! Only wealth should not be an end in itself. It should be a means for enlightenment, so that wealth does not drown out the voice of reason, the voice of the Most High. Wealth and enlightenment to you!

As poets love their creations, and fathers love their children, so rich people take care of money - not only to the extent of need, like other people, but as if it was their work. It is difficult to communicate with such people: nothing inspires their approval, except for wealth. (Plato)

Reviews (31) on "Wealth - is it good or evil?"

  1. Iskander
    18 Oct 2011 at 22:37

    Good style, but in terms of content, your articles touch upon something deep, hidden. Low bow, Good luck!

  2. nadezhdapol
    Oct 18, 2011 at 11:17 pm

    In our life - everything is a matter of relationship.
    Thank you, Vitaly, as always fresh and interesting, I don't want to leave.
    Good luck!

  3. Peter
    Oct 19, 2011 at 3:26 am
  4. Peter
    Oct 19, 2011 at 3:28 am

    Thanks for the excellent comment.

  5. LadyinZ
    Oct 19, 2011 at 5:50 am

    Money is just one of the paths to the Dream. Sorry, but money is not evil.

  6. Vera Zavershinskaya
    19 Oct 2011 at 5:59

    They say wealth - from the word "god". Everyone has their own criterion of wealth. And there is a wealth of interests, soul, life, material. Someone is happy and rich with small things. Someone is always not enough. I went to the islands, bought a cottage, a new car. And again there is little money.
    Money is, of course, neutral. The question of our attitude to them. They give a person freedom of choice, travel - who needs it.
    Money is good and a measure of a person's success.
    I wish you prosperity and all-round wealth!

  7. Julia
    Oct 19, 2011 at 10:05 am

    It is a difficult question whether wealth is good or bad.
    I think there is no definite answer to it. The main thing is to remain HUMAN.

  8. Vitaliy
    19 Oct 2011 at 10:25
  9. Vitaliy
    19 Oct 2011 at 11:01

    Dear Vera! You definitely noticed that wealth comes from the word "God." This once again proves that we have come to this world to be happy and rich! But we can be them only when we are pure in soul and in our thoughts and in a loving heart. Thank you!

  10. Vitaliy
    19 Oct 2011 at 11:04

    I agree, the attitude! Attitude towards oneself, towards relatives, towards others, towards business, towards actions! Thanks!

  11. Vitaliy
    19 Oct 2011 at 11:16

    Olenka! What do you think? In relation to yourself and in relation to others? Wealth for yourself, is it good? Is wealth for others bad? Or vice versa? What is your opinion? It is very interesting to know your opinion! Thank you Olenka!

  12. Vitaliy
    19 Oct 2011 at 11:18

    Why I'm sorry? I agree, as long as money does not turn a person into evil. Money is just a means to an end. Thanks!

  13. Vitaliy
    19 Oct 2011 at 11:19

    And thank you Peter! Glad to meet you.

  14. Vitaliy
    19 Oct 2011 at 11:21

    Dear Peter! Wealth in my opinion does not change in content. This is how wealth affects a person, that's the question! After all, the source of good or evil is not wealth, but man! Thank you, Peter!

  15. Elena
    October 19, 2011 at 04:26 PM

    It is good when a person combines material wealth and the wealth of the soul. Everyone around becomes richer from communication with such a person.

  16. Vitaliy
    October 19, 2011 at 04:40 PM

    Dear Elena! I agree with you! It seems to me that you also belong to this category of people.

  17. Tatyana
    October 19, 2011 at 06:40 PM

    Many people dream of wealth! Very many ...)))

  18. Vitaliy
    October 19, 2011 at 06:45 PM

    Tanyushenka! Indeed, many dream of wealth! But they practically embody units in actions! Therefore, we have more poor people than rich people. Thank you!

  19. Alexander
    Oct 20, 2011 at 01:40 PM

    Wealth is only material goods. It is much better when a person is rich in soul.

  20. Vitaliy
    Oct 20, 2011 at 05:38 PM

    Perhaps you are right, Alexander! But even a rich soul requires material food. How do you think?

  21. Yaroslav
    Oct 20, 2011 at 08:38 PM

    This is definitely good!

  22. Vitaliy
    Oct 20, 2011 at 09:09 PM

    Wealth Good is not unambiguous. Think of the examples when wealth brought misfortune and suffering!

  23. Nikolay
    23 Oct 2011 at 9:09

    Let's not dissemble. Everyone understands that it is not possible to enrich oneself by personal labor. You can read the Bible, you can read the works of Karl Marx, you can just open your eyes and look around.

  24. Maksim
    23 Oct 2011 at 11:53

    Material wealth has two sides. What will you have depends on your moral upbringing

  25. Vitaliy
    23 Oct 2011 at 01:47 PM

    Thank you Nikolay for your opinion! A person can only deceive himself. After all, the word “get rich” is different for every person. How much to get rich, how to get rich. Everyone has their own concept of wealth. And what do you mean by “personal labor”? Your opinion is interesting!

  26. Nikolay
    October 23, 2011 at 04:17 PM

    Yes, Vitaly, if we consider the issue this way, I agree that the concept of wealth is too general a concept. The concept of money or material goods is more suitable here. In my understanding, personal labor is labor that creates material and spiritual products or parts of them as a result of physical and (or) mental activity a specific person... Why is it possible to dissemble only to oneself? It’s quite difficult to deceive ourselves. Disingenuousness to others or simply lying, this is at every step. Lying has now become almost the norm.

  27. Vitaliy
    October 23, 2011 at 04:41 PM

    Thank you Nikolay! You got my point right.

  28. Vitaliy
    October 23, 2011 at 04:50 PM

    Why dissemble to oneself? I am ready to answer this, because regardless of who you are lying to, you are lying first of all to yourself! Do you agree?

  29. Vitaliy
    23 Oct 2011 at 17:12

    Yes, Maxim, wealth is acquired for some purpose. Upon reaching the goal, the state of mind can change. Or maybe the goal will change for good or bad.

  30. Andrey
    16 Sep 2014 at 20:57

    Yeah, wealth is good, I don’t believe in God, it was invented in order to subjugate slaves, my god didn’t call me a slave, look around, the poor always deceive, rob and commit many crimes because they are poor, while rich people do good deeds, for example, create food products without which all of humanity would die out and poor people are always concerned about money, I generally prize poor people, when someone told me that money is evil, I knocked shit out of him for a long time and beat him until the truth I didn't get out on the road and he finally said that money is good and big money is very good!

  31. Vitaliy
    21 Sep 2014 at 04:23 PM

    Interesting reasoning Andrey! That's just “knocking out” the admission that money is not evil, smacks of something other than an explanation. Cruelty breeds cruelty!

Is money good or bad?

Our life in the modern world is very dynamic and full of various choices. We can choose where we work, what to do, what to eat, where to spend time, and so on. But there is one thing without which our modern world probably just collapse - it's money. These are the same pieces of paper that each of us has in our wallet.

Nowhere without money. Everything takes money. They say that there are unique people among us who can do without money, they somehow move around the world, somehow eat and dress, and all this without money.

It can't be! - you say. Maybe this is just fiction, invented by someone, or maybe not. At least it seems unrealistic. One cannot survive without money in today's life and society. It is possible to succeed in life, but in modern society there is certainly nothing to do without money.

So, let's try to figure it out - is money good or evil, good or bad, plus or minus?

Initially, as we all know from history and in general from the school curriculum, money was conceived as a means of exchanging goods. To facilitate commodity barter. Over time, money began to acquire more and more power. They began to seize the minds and hearts of people who longed to have them, because they understood that having money, you can buy any goods. Gradually, money has become a kind of energy in modern society. Many are striving to possess this energy. But ask yourself why are they so eager to do this? This is a topic for you to think about.

Let's get back to our conversation. So, money in our time is no longer easy pieces of paper with which you can buy something. It is energy of a certain kind. And we all hunt for her. (Is it necessary? This is another topic for you to think about).

Those of us who are "with money" will say that money is good, that is good, that is a plus. Those who do not have them will shout that money is evil, this is bad, this is a minus, and all troubles come from money.

What is the conclusion? Money itself is a neutral force that can be beneficial or harmful. It is, if you will, some kind of indifferent substance, which in itself is absolutely neutral. Good or bad money is made only by people, that is, you and me.

It all depends on our attitude. If money is evil for us, then we will never have it. If we respect this energy, realizing that we still need it in life, then we will have plenty of money, and if we just love money, love it very much in and of itself, then this is a diagnosis and we need to see a specialist.

There is such a thing with money that if you really want it or, on the contrary, hate it very much, then you will not see it as your ears. Well, if everything is clear with the second case, then why do those who wish do not receive it. But because such a desire for money is lust, an obsessive thought. This thought only removes you from money, because if you just walk around money, then you are sick.

Money, as energy, is only a means or side effect our (personally each) life. Ask any rich person what money is for him and you will never hear enthusiastic about money. For them (rich people) money is just a means. It was a means from the very beginning, when these rich people were not yet rich. There are more important things in their life, but nevertheless, any rich person understands the importance of money and will never adore or hate it. So that's it.

Let's summarize.

Everyone sees money differently. For some it is good, for others it is evil. A lot depends on your attitude. Your attitude towards money determines your future relationship with it. Money itself is neutral energy.

Treat money neutrally and then you will have it. Money loves silence, including emotional silence. As one person said, go in the middle.

Good luck and financial well-being!

Good is a superlative degree of benefit.
Nikolay Chernyshevsky

Only those few who create it believe in goodness.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

The more people are inclined towards evil. all the more capable of believing him. In general, they are more likely to believe fictional evil than real good.

Permanent and fertile evil must be resisted by slow and hard work: not to destroy it. but so that it does not overpower us.

To get what they want, bad people only need good people to watch from the outside and do nothing.
John Stuart Mill

Whoever has done good - even for the weight of a speck of dust, he will receive reward for him. Whoever has done evil - even for the weight of a speck of dust, he will receive retribution for him.
Quran 99, 7-8

You have to make good out of evil, because there is nothing else to make of it.
Robert Penn Warren

Try to eliminate concrete evil rather than accomplish abstract good.
Karl Popper

The most dangerous of all is a man who is incapable of causing harm to a fly: he will not dare to offend a scorpion either.
Grigory Landau

God either wants to destroy evil and cannot, or can, but does not want, or does not want and cannot, or wants and can. If he can and does not want, he is envious, which is equally far from God. If he wants and cannot, he is powerless, which does not correspond to God. If he does not want and cannot, then he is envious and powerless. If he wants and can, which only befits God, then where does evil come from and why does he not destroy it?

Are we really going to receive good from God and not accept evil?
Old Testament, Book of Job, 2:10

A person deprived of the freedom of evil would be an automaton of good.
Nikolay Berdyaev

Evil returns, like the finest dust thrown against the wind.
Buddha (Dhammapada IX, 125)

There would be little evil in the world if it were impossible to do it in the name of good.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

He who seeks evil comes to that.
Proverbs of Solomon 11:27

The ways of evil are more varied than the ways of good.
Thomas Aquinas

Man is evil by nature.
Immanuel Kant

In our nature, vicissitudes are not firm even in evil.
Gregory of Nyssa

All bad deeds were born of good intentions.

If evil wins, it is declared good.
Arkady Davidovich

Moral genetics: evil is dominant, good is recessive.
Jean Rostand

Perhaps our world was created so that evil could exist.
Jules Renard

Man has become too powerful to continue playing with evil. An excess of strength dooms to decency.
Jean Rostand

One who is born of an evil father cannot be good.

From what we receive good, from the same we can receive evil, as well as a means to avoid evil. So, for example, deep water is useful in many ways, but, on the other hand, it is harmful, since there is a danger of drowning in it. At the same time, a means has been found to avoid this danger - learning to swim.

Being a good person means not only not doing injustice, but also not wanting it.

Good is freedom. Only for freedom or freedom is the difference between good and evil.
S. Kierkegaard

Whoever has done good to people is a kind person; who has suffered for the good he has done is a very kind person; whoever accepted death for this has reached the pinnacle of virtue, heroic and perfect.
J. La Bruyere

The one who cares for others is always full of self-confidence, like a person who seeks justice; begging or coveting for something for himself, he is embarrassed and ashamed, like a person who begs for mercy.
J. La Bruyere

Where good ends, evil begins, and where evil ends, good begins.
F. La Rochefoucauld

The benevolence with which people sometimes greet those who first enter the world is usually caused by a secret envy of those who have long held a strong position in it.
F. La Rochefoucauld

We can invariably do good to our neighbors only when they believe that they cannot harm us with impunity.
F. La Rochefoucauld

As long as a person is able to do good, he is not in danger of facing ingratitude.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Most of the time, hurting people is not as dangerous as doing too much good to them.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Everyone wants good. Don't give it away.
E. Lets

When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad things, I feel bad. This is my religion.
A. Lincoln

Things are good and bad only in relation to pleasure and pain. Good we call that which can cause or increase our pleasure or reduce our suffering ... Evil, on the contrary, we call that which can cause us or increase some suffering or reduce any pleasure ...
D. Locke

The kindness of the Russian people in all its strata is expressed, by the way, in the absence of rancor.
N. Lossky

A tiny act of kindness is better than the most solemn promises to do the impossible.
T. Macaulay

I believe not so much in faith as in kindness, which can be easily dispensed with even without faith and can even be a product of doubt.
T. Mann

To be kind enough, you need to be kind a little beyond measure.
P. Marivo

In yourself, within you, the source of goodness. It will not stop gurgling as you dig it out.
Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius

Even when a person in power wants to do good to one person, he inevitably harms another.
Mark Twain

Kindness is what a deaf person can hear and a blind person can see.
Mark Twain

Do not undertake anything good to the speaker that is hostile to his word.

By doing good to a good person, we make him even better, but the evil from the blessings shown to him becomes even angrier.

When you do good, you yourself feel a kind of joyful satisfaction and legitimate pride that accompanies a clear conscience.
M. Montaigne

Often, vice itself pushes us to do good deeds.
M. Montaigne

Anyone who has not comprehended the science of good, any other science brings only harm.
M. Montaigne

A great sign of kindness is the ability to forget the memories of others.
A. Maurois

Kindness is a defensive reaction of humor to the tragic meaninglessness of fate.
S. Maugham

Benevolence is the attachment of a person to a person. Unknown Platonist
Good and evil, wealth and poverty, high and low, and all the names of values ​​- all this will become a weapon and will militantly assert that life must overcome itself again and again!
F. Nietzsche

Good and evil differ from each other by different hierarchies of passions and the dominance of goals.
F. Nietzsche

As soon as we go one step beyond the average measure of human kindness, our actions cause distrust. Virtue rests just in the middle.
F. Nietzsche

The best thing about doing good is the desire to hide it.
B. Pascal

Good in itself does not seem to look and convinces us only if its beauty illuminates. That is why the artist's business is, bypassing the temptation of beautiful evil, to make beauty the sun of good.
G. Plekhanov

Good in the fight against evil gets dirty.
A. Underwater

A good name is like an inheritance from a father.
Publius Sire

A kind word is better than wealth.
Publius Sire

Publius Sire

The unkind is always faster than the good.
Publius Sire

In every person there is a spark of good that cannot be extinguished by the ashes of delusion, no matter how thick. A particle of love and truth remains in every person, no matter how mired in atrocities, no matter how much he leaves the straight road.
A. Reihani

Good people should be trusted with word and reason, not with an oath.

A true benefactor is not one who means payment, but one who wants to do good.

When granting a blessing, beware that the one to whom you are rendering a blessing does not treacherously repay you with evil for good.

Small services delivered on time are the greatest boons to those who receive them.

A good person is one who is able to pay another with good.

Do not undertake anything good to a person who speaks in opposition to his word.

Good is rewarded with good, and evil is answered with evil.
Plautus Tit Maccius

It is as dangerous for an evil person to do good as it is for a good evil.
Plautus Tit Maccius

Everyone should be given as much good as, firstly, you can do it yourself, and then as long as the one you love and who you help can accept it.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Between good people - everything is good.
Cicero Mark Tullius

He who is good only in words is doubly worthless.
Publius Sire

Benefit is measured not by its magnitude, but by the goodwill that is generated.
Seneca Lucius Anney (the Younger)

A good example in a circle returns to the one who gave it, as bad examples fall on the head of the initiators of evil.
Seneca Lucius Anney (the Younger)

Whoever has done a good deed, let him be silent - let him speak for whom it was done.
Seneca Lucius Anney (the Younger)

Nobody writes down good deeds on the calendar.
Seneca Lucius Anney (the Younger)

The one who does good to another, does the most good to himself - not in the sense that he will be rewarded for it, but in the fact that the consciousness of the good done already gives great joy.
Seneca Lucius Anney (the Younger)

A person of goodness perishes only when he becomes bad.
Seneca Lucius Anney (the Younger)

There is a silver lining.
Pliny the Elder

Benefits are pleasant only when you know that you can repay them; when they are exorbitant, then instead of gratitude you reward them with hatred.
Tacitus Publius Cornelius

When you have done good to someone and this good has borne fruit, why do you, as a foolish one, still covet praise and reward for your good deed?
Marcus Aurelius

Attaching one good deed to another so tightly that not the slightest gap remains between them - that is what I call enjoying life.
Marcus Aurelius

The blessing of the robber is not to kill.
Unknown author

Benefit consists not in what is given, but in the soul.
Unknown author

Benefits are not imposed.
Unknown author

Benefits are not hidden.
Unknown author

The one who gives quickly gives doubly.
Unknown author

And the good (good) the older the better.
Unknown author

The fall of the good is the most evil fall.
Unknown author

In this world he rejoices, and in the other he rejoices; in both worlds he who does good rejoices. "Good is made by me!" - he rejoices. He rejoices even more, having achieved happiness.

Nothing encourages a person like a kind word.
Saying of an unknown Indian author Pay for evil with sincerity, and pay for good with good.
Confucius (Kun-tzu)

Whoever rewards good with evil, evil will not leave that house.
Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

Try to do good to everyone, and not to yourself alone.
Grigory Nazianzin

Whoever strives for good must be ready to endure evil.
John Damascene

When you do good to someone, note that while doing a good deed you will receive the same pleasure that that person will receive.
Unsur al-Maali

Be kind to those who depend on you.
Farid ad-din Attar

Doing good to bad people is the same as doing bad to good people.
Muhammad Babur

When, while doing good, you do not think about yourself or others, a handful of grains will bestow mercy for a thousand pounds of bread. When, helping others, you boast of your generosity and demand gratitude from people, then a hundred gold pieces will not benefit you even half a copper.
Hong Zicheng

The one who does good to others, he himself tastes joy.
Margarita of Navarre

People by nature are such that they are no less attached to those who
they have done good themselves than to those who have done good to them.
Niccolo Machiavelli

He who does good to a friend is doing good to himself.
Erasmus of Rotterdam