
All about the sapphire gemstone. All about sapphire as a precious stone. Blue and pink sapphires


What color sapphire will depend on the impurities that make up its composition. If it contains manganese, then the color will be pink. At a high nickel content, the color will turn yellow, iron will give brown shade. And the presence of magnesium or cobalt will provide green color. Surprisingly, now you can find about two thousand different varieties.

Using such a property as thermal conductivity, the specialists managed to achieve more saturated colors by heating the stones to 1300-1400C °. And even an opaque sapphire acquired a very attractive appearance. But if you expose the material to the action of X-rays, it will become absolutely colorless.

Distribution and use

What sapphires are, depends on where their deposit is located:

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In jewelry, the purity of sapphire, its transparency, is very important. But for the manufacture of jewelry, smoky sapphire, opaque or dark samples are often used. The price of such products is much lower than if there were high quality stones in their place. However, the use of the gem is not limited to this:

  • It is actively used in various fields of medicine. The crystals are used in the production of instruments for ophthalmic operations, they are used to create eye lenses. They are indispensable in the manufacture of joint implants and braces in the dental field.
  • Sapphire is also used in the aviation industry and instrument making. The properties of the stone make it possible to use it in the manufacture of particularly durable glass and for various microcircuits.
  • The mineral, which has thermal insulation properties, is indispensable both in industry and in the construction industry.

But, despite such a wide use in various fields, sapphire is, first of all, an unusually beautiful stone, the colors of which amaze with their palette.

Variety of colors

When we hear this name, we immediately imagine blue precious sapphire. Stones of any other colors are called fantasy. It is impossible to take your eyes off these brilliant and iridescent crystals.

Blue sapphire

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:blue sapphire" width="230" height="205">!} Classic blue sapphire is very rare. The color can vary from pale blue to deep blue. If other shades are more than 15%, then such a sample is already considered fantasy. The more iron or titanium impurities it contains, the more active the color will be. Cornflower-blue pebbles are considered the most luxurious. But if the concentration of impurities is too high, “lightness” is lost, and a stone that is too dark costs much less.

yellow sapphire

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The mineral is also considered very valuable. yellow color, which is also quite rare. Its color can be transparent and barely yellow, but sometimes bright amber specimens are also found. Rare and very spectacular is a stone that combines shades of orange and pink. In the East, it is valued for its magical properties and is called padparadscha, or lotus color.

Black sapphire

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Black sapphire, iridescent and brilliant, looks very original and unusual. Most often, such a stone, opaque (or translucent), is used for products in a simple style. The largest known (over 700 carats) is the Black Star of Queensland. The complete opposite of it is a stone in which there are no impurities. White sapphire can even be confused with a diamond.

Blue and pink sapphires

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Blue and pink sapphires are considered expensive and rare. Pink stones are mined in Madagascar and Sri Lanka, and blue stones are mined in India. These precious crystals look chic in jewelry, shimmering with their facets. Purple sapphire is called oriental amethyst.

star sapphire

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One of the most amazing is considered to be a star sapphire, when a beam of light hits which you can see a star. This effect, asterism, is possible due to inclusions of rutile.

Sapphire has varieties and is made of synthetic material, which is more fragile. Jewelry with such crystals is cheaper, although at first glance it is difficult to determine whether the real corundum is in front of you. An artificial sample will be completely transparent and change to a greenish hue under ultraviolet rays, while a real one will have small inclusions and become only brighter under X-ray exposure.

Healing effect on the body

Since ancient times, healers have known that corundums have strong healing properties and have used them to relieve patients of various health problems. Modern lipotherapists also confirm that this mineral has a beneficial effect. Its medicinal properties are as follows:

  • positive effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • significant effect on treatment various diseases skin;
  • Removal of headache and pain in otitis media;
  • improving the condition of patients with asthma and diabetes;
  • relief of symptoms of urolithiasis;
  • solving women's problems.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="50" height=" 52"> Royal sapphire (stone of blue color) helps with heart ailments. It will relieve pain and inflammation. And if you put it in water for a while, then it will also gain beneficial features. Such a talisman will help a woman give birth to a child.

jpg" alt="" width="50" height="52"> If you feel that you have become quickly tired and exhausted, then you definitely need to get a talisman with a yellow stone. You will strengthen your immunity, be able to restore tone and become better able to endure stress. You can completely forget about what depression is.

jpg" alt="" width="50" height="52"> .jpg" alt="" width="50" height="52"> White and black sapphire will help you gain self-confidence and focus only on important moments.

jpg" alt="" width="50" height="52"> Pink sapphire will be an excellent companion for those people who are too susceptible to emotions. It will help restore mental balance and give self-confidence, as well as determination.

jpg" alt="" width="50" height="52"> Chlorosapphire is a green corundum, indispensable for eye problems. This mineral can also solve your sleep problems.

Such healing power have only natural stones. Their effect will become even more noticeable if they are framed in silver.

The magic of corundum

The meaning of the stone also has truly magical aspects. Set in gold, he transfers his energy to a person, helping to make important decisions, adds prudence and sanity. The mineral helps to find harmony with oneself and gain insight. Sapphire exhibits magical properties in different ways, depending on the color of the stone.

Star-shaped stones are considered very strong talismans. With their help, a person can develop his intuitive abilities, which will help to clearly distinguish truth from lies. Clairvoyance will open to you, and you will be able to predict the further development of events. A cornflower blue sapphire with asterism will bring good luck, make it possible to deal with love experiences, give knowledge and wisdom.

jpg" alt="" width="50" height="52"> A bright yellow sapphire will become a powerful amulet that will protect its owner from damage and any other negative impact from the outside. You will no longer experience fear and anxiety, and understanding and well-being will return to your family. It will give inspiration to creative people, and for those who want to get in closer contact with the world of magic, it will open up the opportunity for communication with cosmic matters. A white crystal has similar properties.

jpg" alt="" width="50" height="52"> Green sapphire will contribute to the fact that its owner will not take care of himself exclusively, but will also begin to pay attention to people from his environment. And crystals of this color help to understand dreams. natural mineral blue color will make a person more open and decisive. And in the magical plan will contribute to the development of special abilities.

jpg" alt="" width="50" height="52"> Black sapphire - a talisman, which is the most powerful of all, will faithfully guard your peace, protecting you from any damage and negativity from enemies.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The description of the stone and its properties make it possible to answer the question of who suits sapphire. He reveals hidden abilities, inspires confidence and helps to comprehend many knowledge. However, its effect also depends on the sign of the zodiac.

  • .jpg" alt="(!LANG:Sagittarius" width="50" height="50"> Если говорить о том, какому знаку зодиака подходит этот камень больше всего, то это, без сомнения, Стрелец. Сапфир поможет женщинам этого знака обрести невероятную привлекательность, а мужчины станут еще увереннее в себе.!}
  • .jpg" alt="(!LANG:Aries" width="40" height="40"> Слишком эмоциональным и вспыльчивым Овнам природный кристалл поможет унять пыл.!}
  • .jpg" alt="(!LANG:Scorpio" width="40" height="40"> Скорпионы станут более терпимы к себе и окружающим.!}
  • .jpg" alt="(!LANG:Aquarius" width="40" height="40"> Водолеи, став уверенными в себе, вызовут доверие.!}
  • .jpg" alt="" width="40" height="40">.jpg" alt="(!LANG:Gemini" width="40" height="39"> Девам и Близнецам сапфир даст возможность лучше сходиться с людьми и обретать надежных друзей.!}
  • .jpg" alt="(!LANG:Cancer" width="40" height="30"> А Ракам корунд поможет поддержать здоровье как душевное, так и физическое.!}
  • .jpg" alt="(!LANG:Capricorn" width="40" height="40"> А вот для Козерога сапфир не подходит совершенно. Люди, рожденные под этим знаком, часто бывают неуступчивыми, и камень только усилит это качество. Кроме того, он может отобрать силы, и человек будет чувствовать себя угнетенным.!}
  • .jpg" alt="" width="40" height="40"> Taurus, who are prone to laziness and irresponsibility, should not choose sapphire either. The mineral will only worsen an already imperfect character.

A precious sapphire, whose significance for a person is very great, should not be carried with you constantly.

Sapphire is one of the most beautiful stones, which, in terms of hardness, is in second place after the legendary ones and is in no way inferior to them in splendor. If you give him a decent jewelry processing, it looks as rich as a diamond. Since ancient times, it was believed that the magic is very strong, and astrologers and soothsayers have always treated him with the greatest respect. Below you will find out who the sapphire suits according to the sign of the Zodiac and how the properties of the stone affect people.

Legends and interesting facts

With its amazing beauty, sapphire amazed human eyes many millennia ago. From time immemorial, people have valued it not only for its natural naturalness and beauty, but also for the valuable qualities that it possesses - including the benevolence of the stone to almost all representatives of the zodiac constellations. For many people who consider themselves experts in the field of magic, esotericism and astrology, the miraculous properties of the gem do not raise any doubts.

This stone can be different, but among lovers of sapphire jewelry, specimens of blue and blue flowers. The most expensive of all representatives is blue sapphire, and in terms of total cost, corundum is almost as good as diamonds. Before talking about which zodiac sign he corresponds to the best way, it will not be superfluous to know a few interesting facts about the mineral - including mystical ones.

The sapphire stone, whose magical properties were recognized even by the clergy, is mentioned more than once in biblical writings. It is he who is one of the "twelve precious stones", the purpose of which is to decorate the gates of the heavenly city of Jerusalem. According to biblical tradition, it is to the “heavenly city” that God will invite those who believed and whose moral character was pure during earthly life.

Since the 7th century AD, the sapphire has been considered one of the leading artefacts of Christianity for high-status clerics. Bishops and cardinals were ordered to wear rings with this stone in a gold frame on their fingers. Simple Christian people believed that the "royal gems" have the ability to pacify the wrath of God and help those who believe to find the true path and make the right decision in any matter.

The magical properties of the stone

It is believed that sapphire, whose magical properties were erected in ancient times to a place of honor, can even find its owner on its own. Therefore, the discovery of a gem has always meant nothing more than divine providence. Of course, each of us has a free choice: someone believes in the magical properties of the stone, and someone does not. However, legends have been passed down from generation to generation that the mineral really carries such characteristics, protecting its owner from the curse, anger and negativity of the surrounding world.

People whose profession is connected with intuition and insight are especially fond of sapphires. They are ideal for investigators and judges, helping to recognize lies, slander and deceit. And if the owner of the stone himself behaved dishonestly, the mineral can even harm him and punish him.

It is likely that the Christian tradition has abundantly endowed sapphire with signs of moral purity, and therefore it is often called a "clean stone" among the people, which will faithfully serve a person with sincere intentions and clear thoughts.

Healers and representatives of the esoteric world believe that corundum can become a powerful protector - a talisman against the evil eye, damage and all possible troubles. For example, if the owner is in danger, or he faces serious life trials, the stone can change its color and become dimmer, which means that difficulties and hardships are very close. But do not despair. Life often gives a person harsh lessons in the form of all kinds of trials, and if they are coming, sapphire will certainly help to withstand them with dignity and save the owner from fatal consequences.

The magical properties of corundum become much stronger if they are passed on to women - from one generation to another. Even regardless of who suits the sapphire according to the sign of the Zodiac, if such a gift is made by a friend with sincere intentions, it can be considered a talisman or amulet.

Concerning family life, this stone is able to bring harmony, fidelity and tranquility to it. Any woman who wears it will look more attractive, and men will become more gentle and, at the same time, strong and determined. Stones of blue shades help to overcome the torment of choice and doubt, give a person peace and prudence.

A sapphire stone is the best fit for travelers: it will protect against bad weather, shipwrecks and possible air and railway accidents. Since the gem since ancient times symbolizes power and the best qualities of a leader, it will teach its owner competent and wise leadership of people, which will bring worthy results in any field.

Sapphire stone and zodiac signs

Since natural sapphire, despite its considerable cost, is in demand and popular among jewelry lovers, many people ask who this amazing gem suits from the signs of the Zodiac. Can Sagittarius wear it, are corundums good for Libra, Pisces, is it allowed to wear corundum if a person is Taurus according to the horoscope, and so on. On an intuitive level, many representatives of certain signs of the Zodiac feel the universality and disposition of this stone to them. And, indeed, sapphire is a stone whose properties have a beneficial effect on almost all signs.


What zodiac signs are best suited for sapphire? Astrologers unanimously argue that sapphire is the best stone for Sagittarius, because its influence on this sign is most pronounced and effective. The Sagittarius woman will always be the queen of any society, the stone will enhance her natural magnetism and make others pay attention. The Sagittarius man, when wearing corundum, will always emerge victorious from any situation, the stone will give him courage and determination. Of course, Sagittarius is a sign that sapphire especially favors. However, he “treats” other representatives just as well, but his influence is different.


For Aquarius, the crystal will bring the discovery of spiritual and creative potential - especially if this zodiac sign cannot muster up the courage to be creative, or for some reason is busy with other concerns. If you constantly wear sapphire, Aquarius will realize their Creative skills and learn how to properly allocate time so that it is enough to reveal talents. In addition, Aquarians often need to stabilize their state of mind, and sapphire will just help them both in this and in developing the gift of eloquence and the art of conducting business conversations.


Sapphire is also favorable for Aries. As you know, Aries can be quite impulsive and quick-tempered, and the stone will help him curb his temper and put his mind in order. Thanks to the gem, the representatives of this sign will become wiser and will gradually get rid of stubbornness and gloomy thoughts. Sapphire always protects Aries from those who wish them harm, and will come to the rescue at the right moment.


Who else is a sapphire stone suitable for? Virgo is also a sign, which does not interfere with the wearing of this particular wonderful crystal. It will help develop communication skills and significantly increase the credibility in the work team. Sapphire for the Virgo is an indispensable assistant, especially for the Virgo woman. Since the female representatives born under this sign are very sensitive and vulnerable, the stone will help them not only stabilize their psychological state, but also protect them from those people who can harm Virgos. severe pain. Also, if a Virgo woman suffers from depression or a neurotic disorder, the gem will help her get rid of these ailments as quickly as possible.


Sapphire for Cancer may be indispensable in terms of medicinal properties. It tends not only to improve the physical well-being of this sign, but also to enhance the effect on the body of the necessary medicines. It is this miraculous property that will help to permanently consolidate the positive result of drug treatment. Cancer women, thanks to sapphire, will become kinder and more merciful.

a lion

Sapphire for Leo is an excellent tool for curbing a tough temper. Also, Leo with the help of corundum can always get rid of unnecessary doubt and anxiety. The most important point it is for this sign that corundum helps him cope with the laziness and spoilage inherent in Lions by nature.


Sapphire for Taurus will be a source of self-confidence. Often Taurus doubts his inner strengths and therefore cannot properly reveal his true potential. The stone will give Taurus self-confidence, thanks to which they will be able to quickly improve things on all fronts: both on personal and professional levels.


Sapphire for Gemini will be a faithful assistant. It will help to streamline their inner world and overcome the duality and inconsistency of their nature. For Gemini women corundum - perfect option in case they wish to find a worthy partner for themselves as soon as possible Serious relationships. With regular wear, it will help to attract right person with whom it will be possible to create a healthy and strong family.


For Scorpions, the stone will help to cope with emotional instability in moments of severe stress or critical situations. Wearing sapphire constantly, Scorpio will become more gentle, compliant and wise, his relationships with people in his personal and professional environment will improve. Sapphire is very suitable for a Scorpio woman, especially in those moments when it is necessary to make a difficult fateful decision in business - a stone will help calm a storm of emotions, preventing them from triumphing over reason.


Sapphire for Pisces is a wonderful talisman. It will help them find clear goals in life and become more reasonable. It is known that it is very difficult for Pisces to navigate what can become real meaning for them. The stone will help them get on the right path. Pisces-women will become more stable emotionally and will be able to realize themselves in serious money professions. Including in senior positions of large companies.


The meaning of the sapphire stone for Libra is similar: it will give them purposefulness in all areas and help them not to spray on those things that they do not need. As you know, Libra is characterized by enthusiasm and creativity. Corundum will undoubtedly help them direct it in the necessary, productive direction.


Unfortunately, sapphire, the value and influence of which can be positive for almost all signs of the Zodiac, is not recommended for Capricorn. Sapphire for Capricorn is not the stone that can stimulate his best qualities. On the contrary, it will strengthen the negative character traits.

The combination of stone with female names

There is an opinion that there female names, which will best harmonize with the properties of sapphire. These are Ekaterina, Nadezhda and rare names Daniella and Angela. If you have friends with such names, any sapphire jewelry can be beautiful and beautiful for them. useful gift for memory.

It is called the messenger of heaven, the embodiment of the highest spirituality, the stone of the nuns. All these words are about the beautiful sapphire - a symbol of fortitude, purity and boundless fidelity. Not a single sorcerer could do without it in antiquity, and adherents of meditation use it today. Blue and blue sapphires are considered the most beautiful types of gem.

Historians claim that the very first crystals were found in Southeast Asia and got their name from the Greek word meaning "blue". In ancient Babylon, minerals were called "scratching". When these gems came to Europe, the French began to call them safir. And the Russian people - azure yacht.

The modern jewelry market is replenished with gems from:

  • Republic of India. In this state, the most valuable and expensive specimens of cornflower blue are mined in a place called Kashmir. Among the world's reserves, Kashmir sapphires make up only 6%.
  • Burma. This country is in second place in terms of the cost of blue and blue sapphires.
  • Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. This island country supplies expensive blue gems called "Ceylon".
  • Australian Union. Far from the highest quality samples are mined here.
  • Russian Federation. On the territory of the Khibiny - the largest mountain range on the Kola Peninsula - geologists have found blue gems.

Composition and physical properties

The stone is an opaque aluminum oxide, which is also called corundum. The formula of the stone is presented in the form: Al2O3. The most common impurities are titanium, iron and manganese. It is the presence of certain additional chemical elements that determines the color of the specimen. Due to the high content of iron, brownish stones are born, manganese - pink and purple sapphires, titanium - luxurious dark blue crystals.

Among the properties are:

  • Shade change under the influence of temperature or x-rays. For example, an instance of a blue tint may turn into a blue sapphire, and a colorless mineral will turn yellow.
  • The presence of the correct crystal lattice.
  • Really high hardness. According to this indicator, the stone is second only to diamond.
  • Birefringence, due to which the light entering the crystal changes its direction.
  • Density up to 4 grams per cubic centimeter.

Characteristics of the mineral (video)

Processing methods and price per carat

Sky and blue sapphires cannot be processed with standard for everyone jewelry stones ways. Faceting a gem, the craftsmen try not to reduce its size. Therefore, each stone is individual, unlike the other.

In order for the color of the mineral to become brighter and more juicy, jewelers use heat treatment.

The most expensive among the azure yachts are cornflower blue sapphires. Such specimens can cost over $1,000 per carat. A sapphire from Burma costs less - about $90. And for Ceylon and Madagascar scratching stones, you will have to pay less than $ 80 per carat. Russian dark blue sapphires, which look like black, are considered the cheapest. Their price does not exceed 50 dollars.

Blue sapphire (25 photos)


Jewelry with blue sapphire is created from different precious metals. They will undoubtedly attract the attention of others to their owner. The stone itself deserves special admiration.

  • Earrings with blue sapphire inserts will look perfect on a young girl. They will demonstrate its freshness and attractiveness.
  • An exclusive ring with a blue sapphire can become an exquisite decoration for a business lady's fingers. It is also suitable for a woman politician and a lady who holds a high position.
  • A pendant in which two hearts are connected - one of blue gems and the other of diamonds - will win the heart of any lady, regardless of her age. A cut of noble silver will set off the color and brilliance of stones.
  • Thin carved bracelets with blue and cornflower blue stones can complement a feminine silk outfit. The brilliance of this material will be ideally combined with the radiance of gems.
  • The ring with a blue stone is strict in shape. It will suit a fair, strong-willed and self-confident man.

Magical and healing abilities

The gem boasts really strong magical properties. Many magicians advise giving your soulmate a cornflower blue sapphire ring so that love feelings do not leave the couple for many years. In addition, lovers will receive peace of mind, and there will be much less quarrels.

Shamans believe that this mineral is a symbol of reconciliation with higher spiritual powers. It is the yachts that give the opportunity to contact long-dead ancestors or ask a question about the future to one of the strong otherworldly creatures. .

Among the healing properties of cornflower blue, blue and blue sapphires can be noted getting rid of:

  • back pain;
  • kidney diseases;
  • problems with the urinary system;
  • heart ailments.

Blue sapphire products are also recommended for those who suffer from diabetes, asthma or insomnia.

Opinion of astrologers

The crystal is not suitable for constant wear by all representatives of humanity. The mineral has the most beneficial effect on:

  • Streltsov. Men will have strong nerves. Even with strong excitement, the owner of a cornflower blue sapphire will be able to restrain a storm of emotions. Girls will be able to find inner balance. They will live in harmony with themselves and with their beloved.
  • Aries. Blue and light blue sapphires will promote the development of hidden talents. People born under this zodiac sign will forget what constraint is. The purpose of their life will be self-realization.
  • Aquarius. Since this zodiac sign is inextricably linked with water, blue sapphire will especially help such people. Once having seen a soul mate in Aquarius, the mineral gives the owner of the talisman a sense of dignity all his life.
  • Taurus and Dev. They are provided with career growth and success in business.

Only Capricorns should not mess with blue sapphires, otherwise their lives will be filled with grief and suffering.

Since ancient times, people believe that blue sapphire was sent to Earth by powerful gods. Hearing people's prayers for a long life, higher powers sent a downpour, part of which consisted of the elixir of immortality. Reaching the soil, droplets of extraordinary rain turned into precious gems. In places where it accumulated a large number of magic liquid, dark blue crystals formed. Where there was not much elixir, soft blue or lilac sapphires appeared.

Despite the fact that the stone has been known to mankind for a long time, the largest blue sapphire was found only in the middle of the last century. He was found by a doctor from the US state of North Carolina. The man did not immediately guess that in front of him was a real treasure. Imagine his surprise when such a find was valued at several million dollars.

How to determine the authenticity of blue sapphire (video)

Blue and blue color sapphire is not only an excellent gift that any female representative dreams of. An unusual gem is also a symbol of longevity, an amulet, a cure for many ailments, and even a keeper of the family hearth.

Turquoise - colors that always remind of the sea, clear skies, something pleasant. Also, the color blue is credited with mystery and mystery. Therefore, the representatives of the weaker sex are not indifferent to jewelry of this shade. A great accessory to any look is a piece of jewelry that contains a blue gem. What is the name of the pebble of this enchanting color?

What colors are gemstones?

V Everyday life you can find a bunch of gems of various colors. In fact, the stones do not have a pure color, they are transparent in texture, but contain a slight tint. And there can be a huge number of shades. The color depends entirely on the breed of the stone itself and the impurities that it contains.

Gentle white color have stones such as diamond and rock crystal. They practically do not contain a shade, and the color of the product is created due to overflows. As for the opposite, black color, no such stones were found. In this case, you can choose semi-precious jewelry - agate or melanite. stones Pink colour- morganite and topaz. The red tint is quite common. Ruby, jasper or morganite - scarlet jewelry contains these stones. Jade will be hard to find Brown, it is not very common in jewelry circles. But the same topaz is very often found in brown colors. Amethyst is most commonly found in a purple hue. Sky blue stones are aquamarine and indicolite. The most popular blue gemstone is sapphire, but if you try hard enough, you can find it with a green tint. And heliodor and citrine will add yellow to the image.

Based on this, we can safely conclude that the choice of a gem directly depends on what colors are present in the image.

Dark blue stone. precious sapphire

Sapphire is a stone that, according to legend, symbolizes loyalty and modesty. Titanium and iron in its composition create blue tint. From time immemorial, sapphire has been revered and actively used to decorate the clothes of the clergy. Even the crown of Cleopatra was decorated with this blue gem. The name of the symbol of the firmament was, according to one version, from the ancient Indian "canipriya", which translates as "beloved by Saturn."

It is worth noting that the stone acquires its dark blue color only after professional processing. Sapphire is first heated before being sold to smooth out the hue and give brightness. The range of application of this precious stone is very wide: it is used both in jewelry and in special amulets.

Sapphire and its healing properties

Apart from jewelry, sapphire is also used for medical purposes. V traditional medicine healing properties are attributed to this stone. It heals many different ailments.

It is popularly believed that sapphire jewelry will help cure kidney diseases and Bladder. You can hear from grandmothers that this stone heals the heart, helps to cope with female diseases and heals wounds. And in some countries, sapphire products are used to treat skin diseases. It is also believed that sapphire increases the effectiveness of taking medications. And for prevention, it is recommended to regularly wear a ring or a ring into which a blue sapphire gemstone is inserted.

The magical properties of the stone

In addition to medicinal properties, sapphire is popularly endowed with magical powers. This blue gem represents qualities such as purity and constancy. And in Eastern countries Sapphire is considered the stone of friendship. Some legends contain stories about how heroes with the help of sapphire jewelry were able to distinguish lies from truth. In everyday life, this stone is actively used by psychics and magicians to understand the world. Such products strengthen love relationships.

There is even a certain zodiac sign that sapphire has a special influence on. The most favorable will be wearing jewelry with this stone for Sagittarius. To enhance their attractiveness, Sagittarius women are advised to have a sapphire pendant or brooch in their arsenal. And men can wear a ring with this stone to achieve their goals.

Blue sapphire gemstone. Amulets and amulets

To develop mental clarity, psychics recommend carrying a sapphire amulet with you. It is often used as a talisman by scientists, poets and philosophers. Such products will also help lazy people fight this negative quality.

A bit about semi-precious stones

If for some reason sapphire is not suitable for jewelry, then you can turn to semi-precious stones. Among them, there is bound to be an equivalent replacement with similar properties.

Iolite is also called water sapphire. Great option, which is quite suitable to replace the blue gem. What is the name of the pebble, it is difficult to answer unambiguously. It is known in narrow circles as the Violet Stone. Iolite can be either dark blue or purple. Jewelry from it will definitely not be superfluous in the arsenal of any girl.

There is another option to replace the dark blue gemstone. The name of the mineral is aquamarine. It has a nice pale blue color. But if you really try, you can find a light blue shade. Its color will constantly change depending on the lighting. It can be both greenish and dark blue. The variety of aquamarine overflows is simply amazing. Looking at it, it is hard to believe that this is a semi-precious stone.

Blue sapphire has been known since ancient times for being considered a stone of contemplation and peace. Sky Gem is considered rare and expensive.

Characteristics of the stone

In Latin, "sapphire" means "blue" and this is not surprising, because most of the stones mined are blue. The first mention of sapphire is found in southeast Asia, where the incredibly strong rock was given the name "corundum". Corundum is a classic blue color, as for the other shades of this mineral, all of them, with the exception of red, are called fantasy sapphires.

Physical Properties

Blue sapphire has a regular crystal structure, has birefringence and is uniaxial, imaginary cleavage, occurs due to non-parallel connection of crystals. Has a glassy sheen.

  • On the Mohs scale, the hardness is 9 units.
  • Sweat - 4 g / cm3.
  • The refractive index of light is 1.762-1.778.
  • The melting point is 2050 ˚С.
  • The mineral is extremely resistant to destruction and strong winds.

It consists of aluminum oxide, titanium and iron impurities give the stone a heavenly hue, which, depending on their proportions, varies. There is a unique variety of the mineral - star sapphire, in which titanium oxides create special overflows of light, called the asterism effect.

Place of Birth

Formed in volcanic magma. Particles of mineral inclusions are found in basalt layers and alkaline pegmatite rocks. Sapphires have been mined for over 6,000 years around the world.

Mineral deposits are found in India, Thailand, China, the USA, Australia, but the percentage of sky-colored stones in these countries is not large. Therefore, the mineral is considered a rare and expensive gem. Sapphire is one of the four leaders in value of the precious stones that exist in our time.

Sri Lanka is the main supplier of large size blue sapphires. Mined by hand from metamorphic rocks. The depth of the deposits is from 2 to 10 m. The development of the mines is carried out with a shovel and a pickaxe, and the water is supplied by a pump. The rock is placed in baskets on the surface and thoroughly washed in the river or under running water.

US corundums are predominantly turquoise in color with a cold sheen and a metallic tint. The largest blue sapphire found in nature was a crystal weighing about 3,500 carats, found by radiologist Steve Mayer in an abandoned quarry in North Carolina.

The most valuable blue sapphires are gems mined in Kashmir. They are translucent, blue-cornflower blue. The mineral has a clearly defined structure, when viewed from a certain angle, layers of parallel crystal particles are distinguishable, and their cost is the highest.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists advise using blue sapphire for diseases of the genitourinary, reproductive and cardiovascular systems. Healing properties minerals help fight inflammation, benign and malignant tumors skin as well as leprosy and eczema.

Corundum is carefully ground into powder and applied as a compress to the damaged skin surface. Kidney inflammation is eliminated by massage, in which the stone is smoothly and gently moved along the back with sliding movements.

Blue corundum is used for neurosis, joint pain and to prevent epileptic attacks. The mineral is used in the prevention and treatment of eye diseases, to restore vision, and for headaches.

In the countries of the East, they believe that it lowers the level of sugar in the blood, and to stabilize the work of the heart, a sapphire ring must be worn on the right hand. A valuable property of corundum is the ability to act as a catalyst and enhance the work of many drugs.

magical properties

A blue sapphire ring attracts the desire for knowledge of truth and order.

This mineral is an excellent amulet for leaders, it awakens a craving for knowledge, self-development, and it helps people of creative professions to reveal their potential and find extraordinary solutions. Corundum is often used for meditation.

Corundum contributes to the development of personality, spirituality, it is in its power to develop masculinity in men, sophistication and femininity in girls.

Another unique ability is attributed to blue sapphire - it is believed that the mineral protects and protects its only true owner, even if it is sold, re-gifted or stolen.

stone cleaning

At sunset on Saturday, you can clear the purchased crystal. It is dipped into boiling milk and then washed with clean water while reciting the Sanskrit mantra to the planet Saturn. After graduation, put on the middle finger of the right hand.

It is believed that he will correct the influence of the planet on the fate of a person, strengthen the spirit and will, and love, fidelity and mutual understanding will awaken in family life.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac

It has a positive effect on such zodiac signs as Aquarius and Sagittarius, Pisces. Aries will soften emotionality, Virgos and Gemini will add sociability, Scorpios and Libra will establish harmony in themselves and communication with the outside world. Sapphire will calm Cancers and Lions nervous system and get rid of heart disease.

  • color;
  • the size;
  • degree of purity;
  • origin.

For a mineral of light shades, a cutting system has been developed that refracts the rays of light and they, reflected in the facets, play in the crystal, making it shine. A special place is occupied by precious gems interspersed in the form of stars, such stones are cut in the form of a cabochon.

For frames, white gold and platinum are most often used, silver is used much less often, considering it a less valuable metal.

They distinguish a natural mineral from a synthetic one by illuminating it with an ultraviolet lamp: the artificial one will have a greenish tint, while the natural one will have a white one.


The recognized uniqueness of corundum, despite the cost, makes them desirable exhibits of popular collections, elevating them to the rank of revered and rare stones. A ring and earrings with gems will not only complement the image, but over time will turn into a family heirloom and a memory for posterity.