
Who suits the chrysoprase stone according to the zodiac sign. Chrysoprase stone - a magnificent green stone


Chrysoprase is a stone whose properties are well known traditional healers, magicians and astrologers. Possessing supernatural powers and the ability to heal people, it is widely used to create talismans and amulets. In addition, this stone is very beautiful. Its color range ranges from a delicate greenish hue to a juicy emerald green. Because of this, chrysoprase is often confused with emerald. In fact, the mineral is just one of the varieties of quartz-chalcedony.

A bit of history

In ancient times, people discovered an unusual miraculous effect that chrysoprase (stone) had on their lives and health. Properties, the sign of the zodiac, which is under the auspices of the mineral, its features and influence were studied by the inhabitants of ancient Hellas. The Greeks carved seals, cameos and gems of stunning beauty from the mineral. Also on its hard surface were depicted portraits of mythical heroes and famous people. The stone was then considered a talisman of warriors, it is for this reason that the famous commander Alexander the Great wore a nugget as a talisman. He believed that the mineral gives courage and improves endurance, and also becomes cloudy if his army is in danger.

In the Middle Ages, of all existing nuggets, chrysoprase was the most popular. The stone, whose magical properties were known to every mortal, became a symbol of power and luxury. Its value was measured in astronomical figures. Caskets were inlaid with the mineral, snuff boxes and weapons were decorated, rings and bracelets were made from it. To this day, for example, chrysoprase mosaics have survived in the St. Wenceslas Chapel in Prague and the Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam, Germany.

Varieties of stone

Interestingly, nickel is responsible for the deep green color of chrysoprase: the more it is in the stone, the more intense the color. At the same time, monochromatic nuggets are often used in jewelry, their heterogeneous "comrades" are more popular in applied and decorative arts. By the way, minerals differ not only in color, they also have different physical properties:

  1. Bright green stone, reaching a beautiful emerald color. He is the most valuable. The mineral is not completely transparent, but a beam of light freely penetrates through a five-centimeter layer.
  2. Nugget of apple color. Not all samples of this variety transmit light, so they are classified as the first grade of raw materials used by jewelers.
  3. Spotted stone. Its color palette is heterogeneous, so the cost is the smallest. The nugget is even often considered a fake.

Despite this, both the juicy grass-colored mineral and the spotted chrysoprase (stone) look very beautiful. Properties (a photo of chrysoprase products can be seen above) lie in its ability to demonstrate the beauty of the mineral. Take a look at any geological encyclopedia: illustrations depicting a nugget are simply enchanting. It also describes in detail its features and use in industry.

Mining sites

Chrysoprase is a stone whose properties will be beneficial in any life situation. It can become not only your personal amulet - an ornament located in the house will bring happiness to all family members. Unfortunately, the mineral is quite rare in nature. The largest deposits were once discovered in Australia. And today the green continent remains the largest supplier of nuggets in the world market.

In addition, emerald chalcedony is actively mined in the US states: Arizona, Oregon and California. In Kazakhstan, the main deposits are concentrated in the Saryku-Boldy area. As for Russia, there are two well-known deposits in our country: Cheremshanskoye and Pstan in the Karaganda region. Stocks of chrysoprase in their territories are also owned by Poland, India and Madagascar. Geologists say that transparent specimens of the mineral are subjected to a special cut, while becoming very similar to emeralds. But most often the nugget is cut cabochon, after which it resembles no less beautiful jadeite.

The magical properties of the stone

Since ancient times, people have revered chrysoprase (stone). Properties, the horoscope of the zodiac signs, which he patronized, the connection between the constellations and the influence of the stone on the fate of a person were described by the Greeks. For them, he was a symbol of good luck and success, prosperity and wealth. The mineral, which people wore on their chests in the form of a pendant, helped to increase their wealth, avoid bankruptcy and material damage. Therefore, businessmen and merchants often ordered such jewelry. Today, it will become a wonderful amulet for all entrepreneurs, businessmen, bankers and other workers who are actively involved in the financial sector.

Chrysoprase is a stone whose properties favorably affect friendship. If you are single, then be sure to wear a ring with a mineral. Believe me, very soon you will find faithful and reliable comrades. In addition, such an ornament will become a protection against evil spirits, the evil eye and black envy, as well as protect against wrong deeds and fatal life mistakes. The emerald nugget is an ideal talisman for all inventors and innovators, it contributes to the birth of unique ideas and discoveries. Interestingly, in ancient times it was believed that chrysoprase helps criminals and those sentenced to death to avoid the punishment they deserve.

Other possibilities of the mineral

Of course, chrysoprase is a stone whose properties and significance are valued and revered even today. IN modern world you can meet many ill-wishers: a nugget is able to protect against the negative impact of enemies. If at the same time he is in a silver frame, the effect will increase several times. Envious people will become unarmed: the mineral, like a boomerang, will return any evil to them.

Chrysoprase will give the owner good mood And positive thinking. Even the most gloomy and depressive wearer of the stone will become an optimist. At the same time, kind and good people who can help in the most difficult situations will begin to join his society.

If your kid is afraid to perform on stage, fasten a decorative pin inlaid with chrysoprase to his shirt collar - the talisman will reward him with eloquence, oratorical talent, and give him confidence. In the event that someone from the family goes on a trip, the amulet will help to avoid the difficulties and dangers associated with a long journey.

In order for chrysoprase to work in full force, there is one condition: the carrier must be a brave and courageous person. Only those who show the will to win, initiative and fearlessness are able to use the abilities of the magic stone to the maximum. A passive person who hopes to reach certain heights with the help of an emerald nugget will be disappointed. In addition, the mineral reaches its highest power in a bracelet: it is this jewelry that is recommended to be worn by people who rely completely on chrysoprase (stone). The magical properties will also be stronger when you combine the mineral with silver or rose quartz.

IN Holy Scripture the green mineral is called the tenth foundation of the wall of Heavenly Jerusalem. They are often decorated with church utensils: Christians consider it a stone of hope and goodness. The clouding of the talisman warns the owner of the danger that threatens him or his loved ones. At the same time, in order to return bright colors to the nugget, it should be wrapped in a damp soft cloth for several hours.

Medicinal properties

The best amulet for people suffering from ophthalmic diseases cannot be found. Chrysoprase helps strengthen vision, gives a clear and deep look. Ancient people believed that it helps to restore the work of the heart, restore its former strength and even youth. It was recommended to be worn to relieve muscle tension. The nugget also helps with depression and neuroses, insomnia and nightmares. Weather-dependent people need to wear an amulet during magnetic storms - it can regulate the state of the body.

People with a cold also use chrysoprase (a stone). The properties of the mineral are actively manifested in combination with water. The crystal is immersed in it for the whole night, after which they drink the liquid and instantly get rid of all manifestations of the virus. In a word, the nugget can improve the work of all body systems, stabilize and speed up the metabolism, positively affect the endocrine glands. But there is one contraindication: prolonged exposure to the stone contributes to the development of gallstone disease. Therefore, those who are at risk should refuse the mineral.

Chrysoprase Astrology

The stone helps everyone without exception, but for those born under a certain star, it can become a truly miraculous talisman. Astrologers say that chrysoprase (stone) helps Taurus a lot: the zodiac sign absorbs properties from a mineral, like a sponge. Practical and striving for financial stability, the zodiac Ox receives the desired material well-being. The nugget also gives him confidence and determination, protects him from the machinations of enemies, various obstacles and troubles in his endeavors.

Suitable stone and restless Capricorns. He will save them from unnecessary anxiety, set them on a positive wave, protect them from dark evil energy. Aquarians are another favorite of chrysoprase. With it, they will gain many creative victories, love adventures and start a huge number of friendly relations. With Aries, Lions, Libra and Scorpions, the nugget is not particularly "friendly". But at the same time, you can wear it: it will not harm these signs of the zodiac, as it belongs to absolutely non-aggressive minerals.

Chrysoprase stone is often found in questions from our readers who are interested in the physical and magical properties of chrysoprase. This stone is not very popular, but this does not make it less remarkable. Chrysoprase is also known as a morning dew stone, which adds a certain charm to jewelry with it.

Please note that no matter how beautiful and concise evenly colored stones look, it is the heterogeneous color of chrysoprase nuggets that is of great value. It is unique and therefore stones with this color are more expensive.

In this article, we have compiled the most complete collection of comprehensive answers to all emerging questions, one way or another related to chrysoprase. Also here are examples of jewelry with chrysoprase, in order to make it easier for you to decide on the choice of jewelry.

Description and characteristics

His physical properties partly due to the presence of various inclusions. So, the hardness of the stone on the Mohs scale is 6.5-7 units, the density is 2.6 g / cc, all types have a waxy surface shine. Nickel impurities are responsible for the intensity of the green color. Many nuggets have a unique heterogeneous color, which is especially appreciated in the arts and crafts industry.

Types of chrysoprase differ not only in shades, but also in their physical characteristics.

Places of extraction of the mineral and methods of its processing

Chrysoprase is not often found in nature. Places of deposits are more often determined by the content of nickel in rocks. The largest deposits were once discovered in Australia, which to this day is the main supplier of green chalcedony.

  • However, this mineral is also mined in a number of other countries. In America, these are the states of California, Arizona and Oregon; in Russia, the Cheremshanskoye deposit and Pstan in the Karagandid region are known; in Kazakhstan, the Saryku-Boldy region. Brazil, Poland, India and Madagascar also have chrysoprase deposits in their territories.
  • Almost transparent specimens are emerald cut, while the stone becomes incredibly similar to the emerald itself. But more often it is processed in the form of flattened cabochons.
  • Then the mineral is somewhat reminiscent of the no less beautiful and sought-after jadeite of the Imperial group.
  • The happy owners of chrysoprase products should know that it is possible to restore the brightness of the color very in a simple way- wrapping it in a damp soft cloth for several hours.

The video tells about the features of the color of the stone, its magical and medicinal properties oh, who suits and how to wear it.

Medicinal properties

As in most cases with natural minerals, the healing properties of chrysoprase began to be used for the benefit of man in antiquity.

Its most important quality is the ability to restore vision and maintain it under intense stress.

Our ancestors used this stone to infuse water.

  1. Centuries-old practice shows that if chrysoprase is placed in a container of water and left in the light for three to five hours, the liquid will turn into a valuable elixir that will provide tangible support in the fight against colds and infectious diseases.
  2. In addition, it has been observed that wearing green chalcedony jewelry has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, helps with migraines and poor health due to weather changes.
  3. Those who practice yoga are aware of the ability of this mineral to normalize the activity of the heart. To do this, they apply a slightly heated piece to the area of ​​​​the heart chakra for 30-40 minutes.

To enhance the beneficial effects of chrysoprase on human health, lithotherapists recommend wearing it in combination with rose quartz framed in silver.

The magical properties of the "stone of hope"

Pure green color carries a charge of joy, optimism and courage. The “golden-onion” assistant is able to endow its owner with faith in his own strength, endurance, prudence and calmness.

  • For those who are going to do something new, it is simply necessary to wear chrysoprase jewelry or keep an amulet with its inserts with you. In addition, this is the best talisman for the successful conduct of business related to large sums of money.
  • In India, to this day, it is believed that the stone is able to protect against such negative impacts, like: slander, evil eye, damage or envy.
  • No wonder in Eastern countries there is a belief that, falling into the hands of dishonest people, chrysoprase darkens sharply, and he warns a pious person of danger, acquiring a cloudy appearance.

Wealth, success and wisdom promises its owner this rather rare mineral. Back in the Middle Ages, it was firmly believed that it drives away nightmares, brings good luck and strong friendship.

Zodiac affiliation

Taurus and Capricorn are the two main signs of the Zodiac, for which chrysoprase is especially favorable.

A practical Taurus can fully rely on him when striving for material well-being. The mineral will help you gain confidence and determination, avoid interference, intrigues of ill-wishers and other possible troubles in any endeavors.

This stone will also protect Capricorns from negative energy, in addition, it will relieve the anxiety inherent in this zodiac sign and inspire hope for a favorable resolution of certain problems.

As an amulet, chrysoprase is often recommended by astrologers to Aquarius people. For them, it will become a source of creative victories and the establishment of friendly relations.

The green variety of chalcedony is less compatible with the signs of Libra, Leo, Scorpio and Aries, but even the stone is not able to significantly harm them, since it does not belong to “aggressive” minerals from the point of view of stellar energy.


The price of the mineral itself largely depends on its transparency and the intensity of the green tint. The "cleaner" it is, the higher its cost.

This stone looks equally organic in both gold and silver settings. In addition, due to its color and pliability for polishing and cutting, chrysoprase is very much loved by jewelers. Bright and transparent, it goes well even with diamonds.

The range of prices for jewelry with this mineral makes it affordable for almost everyone. So, a simple decoration made of translucent processed stone will cost around 500 rubles.

Rings, earrings and pendants with valuable pieces can be ten times more expensive. So, the average cost of a ring in which chrysoprase is framed, for example, with a small diamond scattering, will be at least 30 thousand rubles.

Prices for exclusive designer jewelry with pure nugget inserts start at 5,000 rubles.





Of course, this rather rare representative of chalcedony deserves to be noticed. Such a unique combination of natural purity, beauty of shades and useful properties is not often found in the world of stones.

History of chrysoprase

Since antiquity, chrysoprase has been revered as a stone of happiness and good luck. Alexander the Great himself wore chrysoprase on his belt buckle in all military campaigns, believing that he would bring him victory and protect him from the enemy's sword.

Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, greatly valued his chrysoprase ring, considering it a source of strength and wisdom. However, despite the veneration of the stone by the highest persons, its name does not differ in any refinement - in Greek it means "golden leek".

Physico-chemical properties of chrysoprase

Chrysoprase - ornamental stone, a type of chalcedony (which in turn refers to varieties of quartz). The stone is characterized by a fairly high hardness: 6.5–7 on the Mohs scale.

  • From a chemical point of view, like all quartz, chrysoprase is silicon oxide. (SiO2), however, differs from them in the absence of a pattern on the cut and gentle in green, which may have an apple, herbal or bluish tint due to nickel impurities.
  • With prolonged exposure to direct sun rays the crystal may fade, and in order to restore the saturation of the color, it is recommended to wrap it for a while in a damp cloth.
  • Among jewelers, translucent, uniformly colored emerald green chrysoprase with high light transmission is most valued. (5mm).

Such crystals are considered the highest grade jewelry raw materials and are most often used in jewelry. Slightly cheaper are the stones of the first grade, which have an apple-green color and a light transmission limit of 2 mm, they may contain small opaque areas. Chrysoprases of the second grade are not transparent, have an uneven spotty color of bluish tones and are used only as ornamental stones.

Chrysoprase deposits

Chrysoprase is formed in sedimentary nickel-bearing rocks as a result of hydrothermal processes and erosion, and occurs mainly in placers.

Chrysoprase deposits are not numerous, for example, it is not found on the territory of Russia. Active mining is carried out in Kazakhstan, Romania, Tanzania, Brazil, on the Balkan Peninsula. In addition, large deposits are located in Australia and in the Sierra Nevada mountains, USA.

Healing and magical properties of chrysoprase

The stone has an inexplicable ability to distinguish between good and evil. Chrysoprase supports any noble intentions, helps to find allies and friends, contributes to the implementation of honest intentions, keeps the owner from the evil eye. It can suddenly become cloudy, thereby warning of the approach of trouble.

Chrysoprase attracts money, protects from unreasonable spending and theft. Esotericists believe that the brighter the color of the mineral, the stronger its magical properties are manifested.

Healers around the world know chrysoprase as a natural source of health and strength for the whole body. Water infused with it was used to treat various infections and colds, increase immunity and general tone. Chrysolite improves metabolism, regulates the secretion of glands. It helps weather-dependent people to endure magnetic storms and weather changes more easily. In addition, the green color of the stone itself calms, relaxes and improves sleep.

Who is chrysoprase suitable for

Chrysoprase is a talisman of inquisitive minds and inventors, people striving for relentless growth and development, ready to change themselves and the world around. The stone will bring them success in all endeavors. It is desirable to have this stone with you and those who work with money, especially with large sums.

Characteristics of the mineral.

Belongs to the group of translucent green chalcedony (from blue-green to emerald green and apple green, silicon oxide). The more translucent the mineral is and the thicker its green color, the more expensive it is. More transparent and green chrysoprase has a gem quality. Thick green translucent faceted chrysoprase can even be confused with an emerald. Chrysoprase is the most valuable variety of translucent quartz - chalcedony. The green color of chrysoprase is determined by nickel compounds.

  1. In bright light, the color of chrysoprase may fade. To restore the original color of the stone, it is recommended to wrap it with a wet cloth for a while (or even better, wear it, hold it in your hand). Chrysoprase - quite popular both earlier and today jewelry stone, which is inserted into gold and silver or worn on its own.
  2. This is one of the most expensive varieties of chalcedony, widely used in factory and artisanal jewelry.
  3. The green color of chrysoprase depends on the presence of finely dispersed inclusions of Ni-saponite (pimelite), garnierite, bunsenite and other nickel-containing minerals and gel - Ni (OH) 2, which is in chrysoprase, as shown by electron microscopic studies, between isometric grains of size 0 .5-50 µm.

Chrysoprase deposits are associated with linear weathering crusts of nickel-bearing ultramafic rocks. Chrysoprase is rare in nature. The color of the stone, as a rule, is heterogeneous - from very weak to deep green with all the subtle transitions between them.

Chrysoprase should rightfully take its place in the calendar of stones. It is the closest relative of agate and carnelian, and each is a variety of chalcedony. However, every stone lover knows agate and carnelian, and chrysoprase is not so widely known. Jewelry and ornamental stone, known in Ancient Greece and ancient Rome, especially loved in the XVIII century. In jewelry, it was the central stone, framed by diamonds along the edges. It was valued quite dearly.

Morning Dew Stone

Chrysoprase is usually bright and clear, it can be both light and dark, but there is almost always a touch of blue in its shade. The green color of chrysoprase depends on the presence of finely dispersed inclusions of Ni-saponite (pimelite), garnierite, bunsenite and other nickel-containing minerals and gel - Ni (OH) 2, which is in chrysoprase, as shown by electron microscopic studies, between isometric grains of size 0 .5-50 µm. Chrysoprase deposits are associated with linear weathering crusts of nickel-bearing ultramafic rocks.

Chrysoprase is the most valuable variety of chalcedony of a beautiful onion-, grass-, apple-green color. The color of the stone, as a rule, is heterogeneous - from very weak to deep green with all the subtle transitions between them.

The coloration may fade from prolonged exposure to sunlight, however, it is restored if the stone is placed in a humid environment.

Delicate color, beautiful brilliance and excellent polishing made it one of the jewelers' favorite stones. Chrysoprase deposits are located in the CIS (Sarykul-Boldy, Novo-Akkermanovskoye), Brazil, USA (Arizona, Oregon, California). Australia is currently the main supplier of high-quality chrysoprase to the world market. The variety depends on the color of the stone and its size. The best stones include pieces of chrysoprase weighing up to 400 g.

Green coloration can be achieved by staining chalcedony and agate. In Zimbabwe, onion-, grass-, apple-green chalcedony was found, due to inclusions of chromium-containing minerals. This is not chrysoprase. It is brighter, partially or completely transparent. It was named, in contrast to chrysoprase, after the place of discovery, mtorolite. It is sold much more widely and costs significantly less than chrysoprase.

Magic properties of stones.

Previously considered a symbol of success. Stone of inventors and innovators. Chrysoprase is favorable for any new business, because. it has a desire for transformation.

  • Therefore, for people who are restless in spirit, striving for renewal, it will bring good luck.
  • The talisman of innovations, people who follow an unconventional path, striving for discoveries. He is also a talisman of merchants, bankers, people of similar professions. Its green color improves mood.
  • Chrysoprase has been known since ancient times as a stone that wards off envy, slander, the “evil” eye, which removes damage, and does not allow damage and other nasty things.

Chrysoprase does not like suspicious, unbalanced, malicious and deceitful, self-centered people, refusing to work for such. In this case, nothing will call the stone "to order." Chrysoprase is a great stubborn and helps only people of honor and valor.

Be honest with yourself

He surrounds such with friends and in every possible way protects from troubles, even if the owner takes relatively risky steps (he cannot stand excessive risk). Chrysoprase is favorable for any new business, because there is a desire for transformation in it.

Therefore, for people who are restless in spirit, striving for renewal, it will bring good luck. He attracts associates to the one who took up a new business. Therefore, it is useful, before you go to negotiate a new project, to put on chrysoprase in silver.

Cloudy chrysoprase warns the owner of impending danger. Chrysoprase was considered a stone that drives away nightmares. Today it is used as a shield against negative energy. It is a remedy for the evil eye, envy and slander, gives endurance. Considered the best talisman for business people who, according to their position, have to deal with large sums of money every day. Gives calmness and prudence. He does not like deceitful people and darkens before their eyes. Chrysoprase was worn as an amulet against the evil eye, slander, envious people. It was believed that it gives endurance and courage.

Chemical properties

Chrysoprase - chalcedony, which can have different shades of green. If the stone is transparent and has a pronounced green color, then its price is much more expensive. People who are little versed in stones can easily confuse deep green chrysoprase with emerald.

An interesting fact is that if the stone lies in the sun for a long time, then its color may fade. But this is not scary, since you can return the original color of the stone, you just need to leave it wrapped in a wet cloth for a while.
In nature, the stone is quite rare. It is mined in Brazil, California, Arizona. Almost all chrysoprase is supplied to all corners of the planet today from Australia.


In past centuries, and now chrysoprase is used in almost the same way. It is customary to insert it into jewelry made of gold and silver; it can be an independent decoration, for example, a pendant, beads, a bracelet.

Chrysoprase- the most expensive type of chalcedony, as it is very rare. The properties of chrysoprase in silver have a calmer effect on a person than in gold.

Chrysoprase Properties

Medicinal properties of chrysoprase:

  • Chrysoprase is recommended for people suffering from poor eyesight, various eye diseases.
  • In general, the stone is able to improve the functioning of the body, activate the metabolism.
  • Like all stones in which there is a green color, the mineral can neutralize the influence of adverse weather conditions on the state of the body, such as magnetic storms, high atmospheric pressure.
  • Many lithotherapists believe that it is enough for people suffering from insomnia, excessive nervous tension to put a product with chrysoprase by their bed. After a couple of days of such therapy, the person's condition will noticeably improve.
  • During the period colds the use of the stone can be as follows: infuse water with chrysoprase and apply inside daily. However, such treatment cannot be long-term, as it can provoke the formation of gallstones.

The magical properties of chrysoprase

As we know, the green color is best perceived by the human eye, which means that its effect on the human psyche is only positive.

  1. For those who are planning to start a new business, you can purchase chrysoprase ring. He will provoke the owner to new beginnings, he will have a desire to achieve goals and overcome obstacles.
  2. It is not for nothing that many successful bankers and businessmen like to wear chrysoprase, so that others can see it. In the latter, the stone is able to smooth out such feelings as envy, competition.
  3. Even in ancient times, this mineral was used for such purposes. Even a modern fortune teller can often advise successful people carry chrysoprase with you so that enemies cannot cause damage, a curse.

But persons who cannot calmly respond to the successes and achievements of other people should not wear chrysoprase. The stone cannot resist evil intentions, but there will be no help from it for an unkind person.
There is a belief that if chrysoprase becomes cloudy, some kind of danger is approaching the owner. This is a great signal that negative energy is raging nearby, directed at the owner of the mineral.

So, the cloudy stone seems to ask its owner to carefully reconsider his surroundings and understand who is the enemy under the guise of a friend or ally.
Working with large amounts of money is a very responsible business that requires care. It is chrysoprase that helps in such difficult moments not to be distracted by secondary matters, but to activate all your vigilance for work.

Who is chrysoprase suitable for?

The stone loves order in everything, does not accept bad people burdened with malice, suspicion.

He can be relied upon only worthy people for whom honor and conscience come first. Such individuals can count on the help of their stone - an amulet. If things are going well, there are only reliable people around, then, most likely, this is the merit of chrysoprase.

However, the stone will not tolerate excessive riskiness. For example, if the lord of chrysoprase begins to play in a casino or a lottery, manipulating huge amounts of money and hoping for the influence of a stone in order to win, then chrysoprase is indifferent to such actions. He is no help here.

Types of chrysoprase

There are 3 main colors of chrysoprase:

  1. Emerald green. The most expensive are emerald green stones. Although they are considered translucent, a beam of light passes through a stone 5 cm thick.
  2. Apple green. Not so transparent and, accordingly, much cheaper than apple-green chrysoprase. The maximum translucency is 2 cm.
  3. Spotted. Chrysoprase with multiple inclusions, with a heterogeneous structure are second-class raw materials. It can be used in jewelry, various crafts. The mineral may contain white spots, dendrites that form manganese oxides, yellow, brown limonites.

How is stone formed?

Under the influence of erosion of nickel-containing serpentinite, chrysoprase is formed. In Australia, deposits of stone were noticed in which inclusions are present Brown color. They are iron oxides. Industrial chrysoprase is mined in Poland, Russia, Kazakhstan. Germany is rich in jewelry chrysoprase.

Chrysoprase is a very rare stone compared to other minerals. Its color is unique, and the matte sheen gives nobility.

In our time, it is believed that if a beloved man gives a woman jewelry with chrysoprase, then she will only remember him warmly, and in the future this union is doomed to a long and happy life. The properties of chrysoprase for a woman are somewhat different than for a man. The stone helps women to become wiser, and men more tolerant and stronger.
The stone gained fame in Russia thanks to the legend that the great commander Alexander the Great always carried a stone with him. He believed that chrysoprase gives him strength, endurance in battle. The talisman of the winner - this is how the great commander christened his amulet.

Chrysoprase and the signs of the zodiac

Astrology says that chrysoprase is closely associated with the element of air. It is the constellation of Aquarius that is the closest of the zodiac signs for this mineral.
So almost all Aquarians who own a product with this stone can count on the fact that all their dreams will someday come true. This sign of the zodiac has such qualities as the ability to work for the benefit of society for free, creativity. But if Aquarius is the owner of a good heart, loves and respects close people, then the stone will treat him accordingly.
Also, chrysoprase is suitable for such signs of the zodiac:

  • Taurus by nature, they like to be a little stubborn, to slow down in something. If a representative of this sign acquires jewelry with chrysoprase, then he will be able to make decisions and act faster, not be lazy while solving the tasks. If Taurus for some reason cannot start a new business, then the stone can provoke him to achieve goals.
  • Capricorn can extract energy from chrysoprase. When they do not have enough strength or means, the mineral will help them out of a predicament. Sometimes it is so simple that the representatives of these zodiac signs do not even know to associate this phenomenon with the effect of chrysoprase.
  • Energy-strong signs like Leo, Scorpio, Libra can give their energy to the stone. Too emotional Leos, for example, cool their ardor under the influence of chrysoprase. This makes it possible for them not to “break wood” at the wrong moment. The rivalry of these signs with a stone is excluded. Their task is only to give their excessive power for their own good.
  • Fishes. Many are interested in whether the chrysoprase stone is suitable for Pisces. So, the influence of the stone on this zodiac sign is the same as on Capricorns.

To summarize, all zodiac signs can wear products with chrysoprase stone. This stone is very peaceful and will not harm anyone. He would rather roll all his power instead of hurting someone.

A bit of history

Chrysoprase like jewel used by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians. From the mineral, the masters of those times made not only jewelry, but also carved seals, amulets, gems using images of famous people.

  • Ancient healers took chrysoprase, put it on sore spots to cure diseases such as gout, skin diseases. With mental disorders, the stone was applied to the forehead or to the temples. It was believed that if you look at the stone for a long time, you can get rid of nervous breakdowns, heart disease.
  • History has given us many products instructed with chrysoprase. These are buttons, beads, pendants, snuff boxes, lorgnettes. In combination with other precious stones, this mineral looks great, not inferior to them in beauty and grace.
  • In Germany, in the city of Potsdam, there is a palace San Sual. There is a chrysoprase mosaic, which was created by craftsmen back in the Middle Ages. Germany is also rich in chrysoprase in churches. There is a huge amount of green stone jewelry.
  • In the cathedrals and chapels of Prague, there are many chrysoprase mosaics that were created back in the 14th century. It was at this time that chrysoprase began to be used in many areas of art.

The words "luxury" and "chrysoprase" in Germany and Austria were considered synonymous. Everything that was possible was decorated with this stone. Houses, clothes, military equipment, dishes - everything was strewn with the noble greenery of chrysoprase.

Contemporary use in jewelry

As mentioned above, the purer the stone, the more intense its color, the more expensive it is. The more various inclusions a mineral contains, the cheaper it is.

This stone is easily processed and cut, so all the jewelers of the world are happy to work with it. The range of prices for products with chrysoprase is very wide, which makes it possible to purchase jewelry for all segments of society.

In different places on our planet, the attitude towards chrysoprase is somewhat different:

  • Easterners since time immemorial, it has been suggested that if the owner of chrysoprase is a liar, then sooner or later his stone will fade and lose all its properties. Only if in the future in the fate of the stone another, kind owner will meet, he will return his beauty and magical properties.
  • Europeans, in order to prevent any wickedness from affecting them, they still wore and still wear jewelry with chrysoprase so that the stone catches the eye.
  • In India it is believed that if an evil person carries chrysoprase with him, then the stone is able to accumulate his negative energy in a peaceful direction.

Chrysoprase Care

Stone Recommended from time to time immerse in water and put in the freezer. After freezing, pull out the dishes and let the water melt on their own. At the same time, the stone will be cleansed of bad influence, it will become brighter and richer.


Chrysoprase is one of the rarest and most valuable varieties of chalcedony. Best Samples are distinguished by a surprisingly clean and bright green color.

  1. A green stone with the name "chrysoprusus" is first mentioned in the "Natural History" of Pliny the Elder (77 AD). Literally, this word means “golden-onion” (Greek “chrysos” - gold; “prazon” - leek). The etymology of the names of two other green varieties of quartz, prazem and prasiolite, is also connected with the second root.
  2. Of course, the color of our "modern" chrysoprase can hardly be called golden-green. Obviously, in ancient times this name was generalizing for many green stones, among which were yellowish ones. In its modern meaning, the term "chrysoprase" has been used since 1775, when the German mineralogist J. G. Lehmann (Johann Gottlob Lehmann) introduced it for a translucent, bright green variety of chalcedony. Synonyms: Australian jade, ~ Queensland, prazer.
  3. Chalcedony is surprisingly versatile. Among its varieties are many well-known jewelry and ornamental stones: grayish-blue sapphirine, green heliotrope with red spots, coral-red carnelian, olive-green prase, burgundy-red carnelian, brown sardier, incredibly diverse agates. The hard worker flint belongs to the same extensive family.
  4. Chrysoprase is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful chalcedony. Its magnificent color is due to the presence of nickel compounds in the composition. It varies from pale apple green to deep dark green; however, regardless of brightness and intensity, there is often a barely noticeable bluish tint in it. Sometimes the thinnest branches of dendrites, consisting of manganese oxides, blacken in the stone.

The color of the best chrysoprase is rich and delicate, as if touched by morning dew; with the thinnest transitions from bluish-green to emerald. The coloring can be so good that it is not easy to look away from the stone; I literally want to look at it.

artificial chrysoprase

Artificially colored chrysoprase is called green onyx. It can be lemon green or blue in color. In Zimbabwe, green chalcedony is mined, the color of which is due to chromium impurities. It is commonly called green agate or mtorolite. Separately, blue chrysoprase is isolated, which contains inclusions of chrysocolla.

  • Like other chalcedony, chrysoprase is a cryptocrystalline quartz; according to chem. composition - water-containing silicon oxide (SiO2 nH2O). It is characterized by impurities of opal, as well as inclusions of talc and serpentine. Fragile. Cleavage is absent. Hardness: 6.5 - 7. Average specific gravity: 2.6 g/cm3. Refractive index: 1.530 - 1.543.
  • Chrysoprase is quite rare. The origin is associated with silicification of sedimentary strata and hydrothermal processes. Occurs in igneous and sedimentary rocks; accumulates in placers. It most often forms veinlets in altered ultramafic rocks or in the weathering crust of serpentinites that replaced them.
  • Chrysoprase deposits are not known on the territory of Russia. Gem-quality stones are mined in serpentinites of Central Kazakhstan (Sarykul-Boldy, Pstan), in Romania (Tisovitsa, Baya-Nova), near Pristina on the Balkan Peninsula (Kosovo), in Tanzania, Brazil (Goias piece). One of the oldest mining sites, known since 1740, is located in Lower Silesia (Poland). In our time, it has been worked out, but new deposits are being developed nearby, the most significant of which is Shklyary.

In 1963, the largest field was discovered in the east of the Australian state of Queensland. Here, its veins up to 10 cm thick sometimes have a length of tens of meters. Significant deposits are also known in Western Australia. In the USA, beautiful bright green chrysoprase is mined in the Sierra Nevada mountains (California).

Historical facts

Even in ancient times, gems and intaglios were cut out of chrysoprase. According to legend, Alexander the Great himself wore a buckle with green chalcedony. In medieval Bohemia, this stone was used in the decoration of the walls of temples and castles - the so-called "Karlstein mosaic". It decorates the chapel of St. Catherine in the Karlštejn castle, located near Prague, as well as the chapel of St. Wenceslas in St. Vitus Cathedral (Prague Castle).

In the middle of the XVIII century, after the discovery of deposits in Silesia, chrysoprase became very popular in Europe. Inserts for necklaces and bracelets were made from it, lorgnettes and snuff boxes were inlaid with it. The Prussian King Frederick II himself collected a large collection of chrysoprase products in his Potsdam Sanssouci Palace.

In our time, chrysoprase is valued above all other varieties of chalcedony. This is a wonderful ornamental stone, which seems to come to life in the skillful hands of the master.

For jewelry flat cabochons are most often made from it, and they are cut much less often. In jewelry, this stone is usually bright and clean, but its large, unworked pieces are often cracked and unevenly colored.


Sometimes they contain voids with tiny crystals of rock crystal, which creates certain difficulties in processing. However, the best varieties have a completely uniform texture.

The color of chrysoprase may fade from strong sunlight or when heated, but after several days of storage in high humidity conditions (for example, in damp earth), it often recovers. Chrysoprase is similar to wavellite, variscite, jadeite, malachite, jade. Brightly colored stones can be used as emerald imitations.

Chrysoprase is reputed to be a stone of hope and wisdom. He is considered a good talisman against the evil eye, slander and envy. They say that in the hands of evil person it gets dark. According to astrologers, chrysoprase is ideal for Aquarius; good for Capricorn, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Virgo.


A stone with high transparency and dense color is considered valuable and expensive. Depending on the transparency and colors There are several varieties of it:


Often deposits of this stone are found next to a copper deposit. It is mined by such states as Brazil, Poland, the states of Arizona and California in the USA, as well as India and Madagascar. On the territory of Kazakhstan, minerals of various shades with low transparency are mined.

High quality emerald green stones are found in Australia. For many centuries, Poland supplied chrysoprase to European countries, but today it has exhausted these deposits. In the Russian Federation, the mineral is mined at the Cheremshanskoye deposit in the Ural Mountains.


Chrysoprase stone has long been used as finishing material for interior decoration. Even in the nineteenth century, altars, monstrances and goblets in famous cathedrals in Germany and Austria were decorated with it.

Today, this green gem is inserted into the most various decorations: necklace, buttons, earrings, cufflinks, necklaces. For the manufacture of expensive products, chrysoprase of the highest grade is usually used. It is not too often cut and has the shape of a circle or oval.

The stone is widely used in lithotherapy, and magical abilities allow it to be used to make amulets.


The mineral is popular with representatives of alternative medicine. According to healers, he has unique properties, which relieve many health problems.

  • Chrysoprase produces calmness in a person, helps to avoid stress. It has a positive effect on brain work, improves skin tone, improves material metabolism, fights pain in rheumatism, and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Its green color helps to improve vision and cure eye diseases, reduces pain in the eyes. The stone facilitates the condition of weather-dependent people.
  • It also contributes to the rapid healing of wounds and increases reproductive function.

Water charged from it is used to treat colds and other viral diseases. To do this, lower a stone of any size into the water. It is recommended to use it for people with problems of the respiratory tract and lymphatic system.


Since ancient times, the stone has been used in the manufacture of talismans. And today people revere it for its miraculous properties. A person, being under his protection, is less susceptible to the evil eye. The mineral, like a boomerang, returns to enemies any harm done.

Chrysoprase helps protect against natural elements. It gives a positive mood and sets up optimism. A green gem as part of a gold bracelet or ring will help businessmen make profitable acquaintances and protect themselves from financial problems.

Chrysoprase is not suitable for the closed and lazy, it is advised to purchase inventive and active people, as well as those who like to take risks and be in the center of events. He perfectly understands and feels his owner, so the intentions of his owner should not be bad.


The stone is ruled by Venus and expresses its high properties: patience, love and compassion for people. Almost every sign of the zodiac will be able to appreciate the magical abilities of the stone. There are no contraindications for wearing it, but it is worth knowing which of the astrological signs chrysoprase is most suitable for:

  1. For Aries, the stone will be a powerful amulet.
  2. Taurus, as a slow sign of the zodiac, will appreciate its properties, becoming more active, more mobile. Such changes will help them achieve their goals.
  3. Gemini will be able to feel peace and tranquility. This is of particular importance to them, because this zodiac sign is prone to excessive activity and constant anxiety.
  4. Crayfish can use chrysoprase as an amulet. If this zodiac sign gets into trouble, the stone will become cloudy in advance, warning its owner of misfortune.
  5. Lions will not feel the wonderful properties of the stone so much. If it is not planned to be worn as a decoration, then you should not buy a gem.
  6. Virgos will be able to become wiser and begin to correctly analyze situations, as well as think more rationally.
  7. It has a neutral effect on Libra. This sign of the zodiac will not feel the aggressive influence of the stone, which absolutely does not harm anyone.
  8. Scorpions are recommended to have no more than six different stones. Among them is chrysoprase, which will make this zodiac sign more successful and happier.
  9. Sagittarius will suit a gem talisman made of silver.
  10. Capricorns will improve their mood by coping with depression. Chrysoprase will especially show its properties with jealous and apathetic Capricorns.
  11. The zodiac sign Aquarius is closely associated with the mineral. All its representatives will be able to fulfill their innermost desires. It is especially suitable for honest and merciful Aquarius.
  12. Pisces can feed on the energy of the mineral, thereby this zodiac sign gains vitality.

You need to know that chrysoprase, which is constantly kept in the box, loses its excellent appearance and loses its magical abilities. Therefore, it is worth wearing it more often and taking care of it. If the gem has faded, it is necessary to hold it in a moistened soft cloth so that it sparkles with bright colors again. After all, this rare stone deserves a caring attitude and appropriate attention.

This stone is associated with an optimistic outlook on life. This reputation is facilitated by the deep green color of the stone. Translucent chrysoprase, as it were, glows from the inside. Its rich, beautiful green color warms and supports us, giving us a feeling of confidence.

Brief description of the stone

More precisely, here we are talking about a variety of chalcedony. It is quite rare in nature. It has a beautiful green color in various shades. It is believed that it has not only healing, but also magical powers.


Even Alexander the Great wore chrysoprase. Yogis believe that it enhances the action of the heart chakra, promotes the fulfillment of desires and protects against enemies. Legend has it that this great commander died because he took off this crystal in order to bathe.

Place of Birth

Natural deposits of chrysoprase are, as a rule, where there are nickel-containing rocks. In nature, it is usually found near deposits of nickel and nickel-bearing rocks. Such deposits are very rare.

Most of them are in Australia. Separate deposits are also located on the territory of the United States and Poland. In Russia, they are not far from Yekaterinburg.

Who suits

It is believed that this stone will provide significant support to those professions where luck or success plays a big role. In particular, this applies to those who are engaged in trade or banking professions. It will also support inventors or innovators of all kinds.

Chrysoprase Properties

This soft green stone has many important useful properties. Let's talk more specifically about what it is.


  • It is a type of chalcedony. green color.
  • Its hardness is usually from 6.5 to 7 units.(if you use the Mohs scale for evaluation).
  • The density of this mineral is approximately 2.6 grams per cubic centimeter.
  • The color of chrysoprase is associated with the presence of nickel and its compounds in this mineral.
  • It often happens that the color of the crystal is inhomogeneous. It can be argued that the existing stone color pattern in each case has its own unique structure.


  • In the Middle Ages, it was firmly believed that this stone brings good luck and success., softens hostility between people and is able to strengthen and improve friendly relations.
  • It is believed to protect from slander or evil eye.


  • One of the important manifestations of the healing properties of such a stone is its effect on vision. It is believed that he is able to cure vision, strengthen it, correct its shortcomings, if any. If you regularly look at chrysoprase, then, as is commonly believed, this reduces pain in the eyes.
  • However, this is not the only healing effect that this stone has. Another important area of ​​application is in the fight against stress. It is believed that wearing chrysoprase leads to relief and stress relief, helps fight depression, and helps in case of emotional imbalance.
  • In addition to the above, this stone has a strong overall effect on our body. In particular, it is able to improve brain function, helps to improve the human cardiovascular system and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine glands.
  • This also does not exhaust the healing effect on the human body. With the help of it, there is an increase in skin tone, with rheumatism, the stone is able to relieve pain.
  • Chrysoprase has long been used by yogis. Putting a heated stone on the heart chakra for 30 or 40 minutes will have a powerful healing effect on the heart. This action can be enhanced if its action is supplemented by the use of rose quartz.
  • In case you are particularly sensitive to weather changes, the use of chrysoprase will reduce pain in such cases.
  • How should it be used in order to have an effective impact on health. It's not difficult at all. To do this, simply wear chrysoprase regularly.

What zodiac signs are suitable for chrysoprase

Now the influence of the horoscope on human life is almost universally recognized. In some cases, chrysoprase is able to provide support, and in others it is not recommended to use it often:

  • It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on those who have the sign of Pisces, Aquarius or Capricorn.
  • For Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini or Cancer, although it is useful, the action is somewhat less intense.

What does not fit

If you are Aries, Leo, Scorpio or Libra, then you need to treat this stone with some caution.

Types and colors

Colors can range from apple green or emerald green to bluish green. The color is deep. There is a feeling that, as if from inside the stone, a soft green light of one or another green hue is coming. It is this color that is associated with the presence of nickel in the composition of this stone.

In addition to the shade of the color, the degree of transparency can also vary.

Emerald hue crystals are most highly valued. If there is an apple greenish tint, then such crystals are usually less transparent. If the coloring is spotty, then such chrysoprase is valued much less than other varieties. It is classified as an ornamental stone.

Unfortunately, under the influence of sunlight, such a stone may fade a little. This is not a problem. It is very easy to fix this problem. If you wrap the tarnished chrysoprase with a damp cloth for a while, it will fully restore its qualities.

Another danger for him may arise from overheating. This can also cause the chrysoprase to become cloudy. It is advisable to avoid such situations.

Amulets and talismans with chrysoprase

The use of this stone is effective only when you wear it on yourself. Therefore, amulets with this stone (as well as talismans) are widely used. It is believed that they are able, first of all, to protect against manifestations of negative energy.

In addition, wearing such talismans is, to some extent, a criterion of how much this person can be trusted. It is believed that in such a person the crystal will quickly become cloudy and darken.

A chrysoprase talisman, according to Indian yogis, is able to protect against damage and the evil eye, from slander or envy. On the other hand, wearing it gives a person calmness and self-confidence and not only. It gives courage to dangerous situation and resilience in difficult times.


The cost depends on several factors:

  • The degree of transparency of the crystal and color.
  • The level of processing (in the form of oval grains, a piece).
  • It's just chrysoprase or a piece of jewelry.

Here are examples of prices at which you can buy a stone:

  • An oval opaque grain measuring 11 by 7 millimeters will cost 150 rubles per piece.
  • An unprocessed piece of crystal weighing 5 grams - 150 rubles.
  • Grains of 8.9 grams of transparent emerald color are sold for 1230 rubles.

How to distinguish a fake

  • Sometimes sellers of fake jewelry want to attract a buyer with a very low price. Real chrysoprase cannot be too cheap. If you come across such prices, be careful.
  • Counterfeits of this crystal are usually made from ketsite, which is produced in China. This material is created artificially and is very similar to the original chrysoprase. However, its color is brighter and more saturated than that of natural stone.
  • Another type of fake is a low-grade crystal dyed with nickel salts. They are also very similar to the original, but under a magnifying glass you can distinguish color zones of varying intensity.


  • One of the most important conditions is that it must be stored away from sunlight.
  • If you want to clean the crystal from dirt, then you need to use a soft cloth.
  • It is allowed to wash it in a mild soapy solution.
  • It is necessary to avoid contact of chrysoprase with various kinds of active chemicals.

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Chrysoprase and astrology

Semi-precious, ornamental stone chrysoprase belongs to the most valuable variety. Chrysoprase is not uncommon in the parish. Its deposits are scattered all over the planet. The oldest and largest of them were discovered in Poland, in the 14th century. Now, of course, they are exhausted. Stones mined and processed in those days served as decorations for imperial crowns and chambers.

Today, Western Australia, as well as Romania, Pakistan and the Ural Mountains in Russia, are the leaders in the mining of the breed.

The smoother and more intense the color of the mineral, the more expensive the copy. Unlike emerald, which is colored by chromium, chrysoprase is filled with microinclusions of nickel, and the more of them, the more expressive and deeper the color. In the jewelry world, chrysoprase is classified by color, three main varieties can be distinguished.

  1. Homogeneous, emerald green, the most valuable and the highest grade of stone is translucent through a thickness of up to 5 cm, has virtually no inclusions.
  2. Homogeneous, apple-green mineral, the first grade is distinguished by a smaller lumen depth, whitish blotches and a small pattern.
  3. Pale-colored, spotted gem of the second grade alternates between translucent and transparent areas with milky spots.

Chrysoprase is the personification of power and wealth. In the 17th century, in the central and eastern parts of Europe, church altars and royal chambers were decorated with gems. Pleasing to the eye, the green color of the stone and its finest waves improve mood, having a beneficial effect on the general physical and mental state of a person.

Already in the 15th century, healers began to notice the positive effect of the mineral on the body and spirit of a person. It was believed that the stone is useful:

  • in diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • to relieve stress and treat neuroses,
  • contributed to the normalization of the work of the human endocrine glands,
  • for brain activity
  • with arthritis,
  • to speed up metabolism,
  • decrease blood pressure, improve overall well-being.

In meditation, many yogis practice chrysoprase as a stone that opens the central Heart Chakra.

Chrysoprase stone for Aries

Children of spring, warm, blazing with the first fire of dry grass, wind. They like minerals corresponding to their elements. Chrysoprase is hardly one of them. Despite the fact that gems are by nature peaceful and strive for positive influence, transforming a negative mood, chrysoprase is unlikely to find mutual language with the obstinate Aries. But if this happens, the representative of the Wind element finds a faithful defender as a friend.

Putting on a pendant with a gem, especially in the morning, Aries is able to stabilize and balance the molasses of strength and energy, directing them in the right direction.

Chrysoprase stone for Taurus

Hot-tempered and characteristic bodies are filled with contradictions. The irrepressibility of nature will balance chrysoprase, making its owner softer and more docile.

The energies of chrysoprase and Taurus interact perfectly, so the stone will be extremely useful for the sign in case it needs to be cured:

  • respiratory system,
  • throat,
  • asthma attacks.

The gem is not replaceable if it is important to cope with laziness and bad mood, learn how to earn and save what you have acquired.

Taurus is one of the signs that knows how to express their emotions and does it as naturally as possible, whether it be warm feelings or aggression. In any case, he knows how to win over and comfortably arrange around him all the people he knows.

Chrysoprase Stone for Gemini

Chrysoprase is a fairly strong stone and has a positive effect on most of the representatives of all four elements. In the constant movement of modern life good mood, health and well-being are very important and the carriers of the chrysoprase talisman can hope for support.

As for health, the mineral has a beneficial effect on the activity of such organs and systems as:

  • nervous, stimulating mental activity,
  • gastrointestinal tract, cleansing it.

The gem, by its nature, always desires harmony, both physical and mental, for its owner, while not slowing down the Gemini, but on the contrary, revealing their talents and abilities. It is worth noting that the stone does not like the lazy and loves creative people.

Chrysoprase Stone for Cancer

Chrysoprase is an assistant and keeper for those who spend a lot of their time in cares and deeds. He guards the peace and inviolability of business people, whose successes are always accompanied by envy.

An amazing stone has the magical property of "talking" with its wearer. In anticipation of danger, the mineral becomes cloudy.

Many Cancers suffer from insomnia and suffer from nightmares. It is chrysoprase that is able to lighten and set its owner in a good way.

It is useful for cancers suffering from heart disease to keep a mineral near the chest, and sometimes infuse water with a stone for five and take it during the day.

Chrysoprase stone for Leo

Representatives of the fire element are complex, stubborn and proud people. It is difficult to have any relationship with them, but despite this, they make the most devoted and loving people.

Only the stone that is stronger in its energy can become a real amulet. The mineral is able not only to protect its wearer from negative emotions, but also, on occasion, will smooth out the manifestation of outbreaks of aggression.

The lion should be on guard with such a talisman. Due to strong vibrations to each other, a conflict can occur that can neither be resolved nor overcome alone by the seemingly invulnerable Leo.

Chrysoprase stone for Virgo

Most gems get along perfectly with the element of the Earth, to which Virgos belong, and chrysoprase is not the last. Calm Virgos always move smoothly towards their goal. Avoiding big companies and contacts with new people, they completely concentrate on achieving their goals.

The mineral is able to protect Virgo with the dense energy of its own strength. In addition, to help in the accomplishment of the plan, to reveal talents and give confidence in undertakings, which is so lacking in secretive Virgos. The talisman will improve mood, cure insomnia, increase physical endurance.

Chrysoprase stone for Libra

Of all the minerals, chrysoprase is the most complex in nature. It is difficult for him to be friends with many signs of the zodiac. But if the talisman responds with love, it will be the purest and strongest feelings for its owner. Representatives of the air element are often wayward, fickle, but full of energy and dreams.

Owners of such a disposition should not choose chrysoprase as their amulet, so as not to disturb already irrepressible emotions even more.

If Libra wants to reach professional heights, be happy and healthy, then it is recommended to choose another gem as an amulet.

Chrysoprase Stone for Scorpio

Chrysoprase is a powerful weapon in the hands of a person who knows how to use it. But far from everyone such an energy battery will find a common language.

Scorpions by nature have a huge supply of their own energy, spreading it to others. In this regard, Scorpio should very carefully select an amulet for himself.

The mineral accumulates in itself an unlimited amount of power, which even this representative of the sign is difficult to cope with. The gem will not be able to suppress either the personality or the character of its possible owner, but it will not yield either.

Chrysoprase stone for Sagittarius

Mineral - an excellent natural accumulator clean natural energy which everyone needs in life. Representatives of the Fire element exude strength, which, alas, is not enough to conquer large goals. To solve this problem, the archer is recommended to choose a gem that will serve as a recharge for him, instilling strength and confidence in himself and the future.

The capricious chrysoprase, although capricious, still manages to get along with the stone and refuse to wear jewelry with a gem.

It is very important for Sagittarians to have a warm relationship, a chrysoprase amulet will help them with this. The stone will help him in accomplishing the planned and saving the acquired.

Chrysoprase stone for Capricorn

The well-being of Capricorns comes from their prudence, which contains their material well-being. Representatives of this sign are not sensitive, but the sense of self-interest is well developed.

But Capricorns are also people, a couple are unwell and need medical care, which, on occasion, chrysoprase can provide them. The energy of this mineral has a beneficial effect on work:

  • of cardio-vascular system,
  • respiratory tract,
  • helps to cleanse the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important to note that the positive effect of a gem is unusually strong if it is framed in precious metal. Capricorn women are strongly recommended to have a charm with chrysoprase, it will protect them from the negative influence of ill-wishers.

Chrysoprase stone for Aquarius

Being one of the varieties, the mineral has successfully adopted the best qualities of the rock. For those who are forever in love with overseas countries and constantly travel, chrysoprase is a faithful keeper.

For irrepressible, free Aquarius, the gem will be useful:

  • with rheumatism,
  • to relieve nervous tension,
  • in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The talisman with the stone will best friend active Aquarius, always striving for new acquaintances. And also to the one whose professional activity associated with innovation.

Chrysoprase stone for Pisces

The sign of Pisces, to the greatest extent, than others, will find a common language with chrysoprase. You can say this perfect union where the two are just made for each other.

Vulnerable, slightly insecure Pisces are able to get the most benefit from the mineral. The stone will be useful for:

  • nervous disorders,
  • to relieve stress and overcome depression,
  • lowering blood pressure.

It is useful for Pisces who are critical of themselves to have a charm with a gem, it will teach them to treat themselves and others with more love, to look at the world differently, happier.

The name of the grassy-green or light-apple mineral consists of two Greek words "prazos" - green onion and "chrysos" - gold. There is a hypothesis that gardeners gave him a similar name ancient egypt- "golden green onion" for an unusual shade and shine. Today, this stone is very popular in jewelry, and also as one of the most expensive finishing stones.

The history of the origin of chrysoprase

It has been known since ancient times as an ornamental and jewelry stone. Even ancient Greek beauties and Roman matrons decorated their necks with cameos made of translucent chrysoprase. In the Arab East, they were treated for diseases nervous system and skin, and also applied to places where pain throbbed.

In the 18th century, jewelers decorated similar cameos with loose diamonds and other precious stones, and the mineral itself was valued as highly as they were. In the 19th century, after the discovery of the largest deposit in Poland, they began to make church mosaics from it, decorate temple utensils in some European countries.

No wonder this mineral was called "golden green onions" and "green agate", it attracts attention with its translucent light green color. Since its color is constantly changing, it is difficult to find two identical pieces of jewelry.

There are stones of a gently light green color, cloudy apple, bright grassy with black and white patches.

Conventionally, chrysoprase is divided into three types:

  • Emerald - the most expensive. A rare species, especially popular with jewelers,
  • Apple green - almost opaque, has many different inclusions,
  • Spotted is used for making crafts.

Well-cut chrysoprase is easily confused with precious stone. Sometimes they are cut into cabochons or treated with a special "Russian cut" to make rings that are not inferior in beauty to the most famous and beautiful jewelry in the world.

Minerals with special inclusions have a unique pattern created by nature itself, so each product is unique.

Deposits and production

Deposits of chalcedony in the world are quite rare, the old mines, known since ancient times, have already lost their significance. Currently, the largest deposits of chrysoprase are located on the territory of the CIS countries (in Kazakhstan, Abkhazia, etc.), South America, and the USA. Australia is the largest supplier of the mineral.

In the Middle Ages, some European countries (Poland, Austria) had large deposits, where chrysoprase was called "green agate", but, unfortunately, at present, all natural reserves there have been exhausted.

physical characteristics

Chrysoprase or chrysoprase - the most valuable variety of chalcedony, has a glassy radiance. Can change color from light green to deep green. Particularly brightly colored samples can even be confused with emeralds.

On the Mohs scale, the hardness of the mineral is 6-7, the density is 2.6-2.7 g per cubic meter. cm.

The color depends on the presence of nickel impurities in the mineral. In constant bright light, the colors may fade, but they can easily return to their original radiance by wrapping them with a wet cloth.

The healing properties of the mineral

IN last years the role of alternative medicine is increasing, lithotherapists stubbornly insist on the benefits of treatment with natural minerals, especially since such a direction was effectively used in the ancient world.

Chrysoprase is considered extremely beneficial for human health. It is able to solve a number of problems related to human health:

  • Removes pain in the throat and ears;
  • Normalizes the work of the thyroid gland;
  • Accelerates metabolism;
  • Relieves asthma attacks;
  • When worn for a long time, it improves vision;
  • Removes chronic pain in the joints, restores the connective tissue in them;
  • Treats depression, relieves stress, calms the nervous system;
  • With age-related changes, it slows down hormonal changes, helps the body recover.

Many believe that chrysoprase, when worn constantly, normalizes blood pressure and helps with heart attacks. Its color has a calming effect on excited nerves, and is also very beneficial for the eyes. If you look at apple-green patterns for a long time, you will get rid of the feeling of sand in the eyes, tearing. Normalize vision.

If you keep a stone of pale salad color or mint color on your bedside table, you will get rid of nightmares and get a sound healthy sleep.

If you put the mineral in a glass of clean water and hold it in the sun for at least five hours, you will get a solution that successfully fights inflammation in colds.

The main thing that lithotherapists warn about is that it is impossible to constantly be treated in an unconventional way, long breaks should be taken in treatment.

The magical properties of chrysoprase

Even in ancient India, famous yogis used this stone to achieve nirvana. Since ancient times, the magical properties of chrysoprase have been known as a "stone of wish fulfillment."

It was believed that it has a great effect on the chest (heart) chakra and the head chakra, therefore it is responsible for the state of the cardiovascular system and the brain.

Since the stone hates insidious people, it is able to warn its owner of wicked intentions and insidious plans against him.

In Eastern literature, there are many descriptions of green chrysoprase jewelry worn by the Great Iskander Zulkarnaya (Alexander the Great). It was believed that this treasure gave him multiple military victories, protected him from internal and external enemies, and warned of danger. Helped achieve worldwide fame.

Important! Chrysoprase especially shows its activity in late summer - early autumn, at other times of the year it is somewhat presumptuous to expect magic and treatment from it.

The meaning of chrysoprase in the signs of the zodiac

It has long been known that each sign of the zodiac has its own talismans and amulets, they love some decorations, and some are directly contraindicated for them. So, under what stars do people have to be born to wear this bakery? green stone?

People born under the sign of Capricorn, Pisces or Aquarius must wear jewelry with chrysoprase, it enhances their positive qualities, negates the negative ones. The stone is especially useful for Aquarius, it will give them the patronage and help of distant ancestors. But the owner of the stone himself must also make considerable efforts. If a person is lazy and indifferent, then chrysoprase will leave him.

People born under the sign of Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aries should never wear such jewelry, they can harm them. Since the stone hates all the luxury, pretentiousness and extravagance inherent in the signs of Fire, it is better to set it in silver with black, and not in bright gold. He will prevent these signs from attracting undue attention to himself.

Chrysoprase jewelry should be worn with caution by people born under the signs of Cancer, Taurus and Gemini, as they can both please him and arouse rejection. It will depend on the owner of the jewelry, on his character, his attitude to life and career.

Amulets and amulets

Amulets were made from this green treasure for merchants and business people. Set in gold, he protected on long journeys, sheltered from natural disasters. Protected from pirates and thieves. Since ancient times, it has been considered a stone of good luck and military victories. Sometimes he was called "the giver of power."

In the role of a talisman, he helps to find a way out of difficult situation, quickly solve a confusing problem, get together to act decisively and firmly. In addition, it helps to enlist the protection of ancestors.

Chrysoprase has a unique character: it hates and immediately recognizes deceitful people, in their society it changes color, darkens and loses its luster.

It happens that from long wearing it loses its bright color but this grief is easy to help. In order to rejuvenate the stone and give it a new glow, hold it for several days in sea ​​water(or water with sea salt diluted in it).

Applications and stone products

All women's and men's jewelry: rings, earrings, pendants, brooches, beads. Many girls are interested in which finger to wear rings with these stones. This will depend on the sign of the zodiac, as well as what role you have chosen for the decoration. If you want to have a charm, then a woman puts a ring on her index finger, and a man on his little finger.