
Everything about the red garnet stone. Is pomegranate a precious, semi-precious or ornamental stone? Garnet stones: physical properties

Breast cancer

- Ural. Pomegranate is the Czech Republic, although it is found in many other countries. In the Czech Republic, they were mined back in the early Middle Ages, finding it in river sediments. It is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of visiting Prague, Krumlov, Liberec, visiting the branded shops of Granat Turnov, a cooperative that united Czech jewelers. You don't even have to buy anything, but just look at the play of light on the edges of numerous stones collected in patterns. This mineral, which is an exquisite decoration and amulet, will be discussed further.

It is not known exactly where the name came from. There are two versions on this score:

  1. Small crystals stick out of the rock, which resembles a pomegranate fruit. Probably, in ancient times, any red gems were considered garnets.
  2. Pliny the Elder called pomegranate, from the Latin "coal", because its color resembled a red ember. This name was in use until the middle of the 16th century. Later, it was replaced by a pomegranate by the alchemist Magnus.

In the Czech Republic, where the first grenades were found, it became a symbol of the country and a symbol of patriotism.

Many peoples have legends about the pomegranate stone:

  1. The Mongols call him "". It is believed that the one who finds it will gain wealth.
  2. The Jews tell the legend that Noah placed him on the mast of the ark to light the way at night.
  3. The Persians revered the grant as a gem that belonged to kings, so they carved the profiles of the rulers on it.
  4. In the magical treatises of many countries, there are references to the fact that pomegranate is not a mineral at all, but frozen blood. In North America, a rare pomegranate is called ant blood. It is found in the place of large anthills. It is surprising that its deposits have not yet been discovered.
  5. For Italians, garnet is a stone of honesty. There is a legend about a thief who stole a pomegranate necklace. As soon as he disappeared from the chase, the gems faded, became gray and inconspicuous. He shone again only after returning to the place.

Physicochemical properties of pomegranates

Garnet is a group of silicate minerals. It is the combination of two minerals that determines the color.

Properties are presented in the table:

Transparent garnets are used in jewelry production. It began in antiquity. This is evidenced by the jewelry kept in museums around the world. For example, a 468.5-carat garnet adorns the Order of the Golden Fleece, a legacy of the Saxon kings. The Trebnitsa Museum houses a set of Urik von Levetsov, Goethe's beloved.

Druses, brushes, unusual crystals become collectible items.

In the production of garnet, it is used as a flux in the smelting of iron ores. It is added to lower the melting point and make it easier to separate the ore from the iron. Garnet does not have the hardness of diamond or topaz, but its ability to split into sharp edges makes it good remedy for soft abrasives.

Varieties of pomegranate

The colors of the pomegranate are varied. Only blue ones are absent in nature. The color of the garnet is due to the mixing of several minerals.

  1. Pyrope. Chemically, it is supplemented with magnesium and aluminum. The most common type of red garnet. The hue and saturation of the red color is determined by the presence and amount of iron and manganese. Deposits are located in the Czech Republic and also in southern Africa. Pyrope is a satellite, since it is a mineral of magnetic origin that came to the surface due to processes in earth crust that formed kimberlite pipes.
  2. Rhodolite. This is a kind of pyrope Pink colour... The line between such varieties is so thin that an amateur cannot distinguish pyrope from rhodolite. The legend about the nymph Rhoda, the daughter of Poseidon, is associated with him. Rhoda and Helios fell in love and lived happily, but every morning the sun god set off on a journey across the sky. The girl was bored and cried. Her tears, falling on the stone, turned into rhodoliths. Such a mineral is rare, therefore it is highly valued. Apparently, the nymph did not cry often, hiding her grief. The most valuable bright specimens are found in Africa and Asia.
  3. Almandine. It is the hardest mineral in the pomegranate family. He's the most common. The hardness reaches 7.5 on the Mohs scale. All almandines have dark shades: violet, cherry, brown. The color is determined by the amount of iron impurities. There are deposits in Sri Lanka, Brazil, USA, Canada, Japan, Finland, on the Kola Peninsula and in Eastern Siberia.
  4. Spessartine or spessarite. The name comes from the plateau in Bavaria, where this mineral was first discovered. The color is yellow, sometimes with an orange tint, brown are found. This mineral is colored by manganese impurities. Often, manganese and aluminum ions are replaced by iron ions, which makes the mineral opaque and unsuitable for jewelry making. Impurities of other substances, which can account for up to 6% of the mass, make it unstable to high temperatures, prone to cracking. But there are many spessartine deposits around the world, therefore, transparent stones of a bright orange color, reminiscent of mandarin, are often found, suitable for cutting.
  5. Andradite. This is a range of minerals, including demantoid, topazolite, and schorlomite.
  6. Demantoid. The most valuable garnet, because it has a bright green color caused by impurities of chromium and iron, and an extraordinary luster, similar to. For that precious stone and got its name. Minerals from the Urals are unique. They have not only their rich color, but also asbestos inclusions that form patterns.
  7. Topazolite. Yellow mineral that resembles. Found in Switzerland. Most often it becomes an exhibit of the collection, and not an ornament.
  8. Shorlomite. Black garnet. It acquired its color thanks to the addition of titanium. It is mined in Germany.
  9. Grossular. Calcium aluminum silicate. Reduced iron content discolors the stone, chromium gives a green color, manganese and titanium give a pink and gold hue. Fluorescence adds to its attractiveness. In ultraviolet rays, the stone seems to glow from the inside.
  10. Hessonite. A variety of grossular that has a bright orange color that changes with lighting. This is the most fragile stone of the garnet family, so it is difficult to use it in jewelry... The stones are found in Sri Lanka.
  11. Leucogranate. A colorless variety of pomegranate.
  12. Tsavorite. The rarest and most expensive species. Mineral with an admixture of vanadium, which gives it a bright green color. Small stones are found in nature, weighing less than one carat. Large specimens can cost up to $ 1000 per carat. It is mined in East Africa. The first minerals were found in Kenya.
  13. Uvarovite. Another rare type of emerald green hue. Until now, large crystals have not been found, therefore, most often brushes or small pomegranate druses are used in products.

Products and prices

The price of pomegranates depends on the type of stone and its prevalence in nature. For example, pyropes or almadines are common, so their prices are low and fakes are almost never found. Jewelers who want to make money on them compete in the purity and skill of the cut, the originality of the frame, offer to decorate with carvings and add more expensive jewelry:,. Almost all types of jewelry are made from this garnet: pendants, brooches, rings, tiaras, necklaces, brooches in silver and gold.

Rare varieties of pomegranate are highly prized. Large specimens are rarely found, therefore, the larger the stone, the higher its cost. Spessartines weighing 3-5 carats are estimated at about $ 150 per carat, but a stone of a larger mass, 10-20 carats, will cost more than gold.

The cost is influenced by the purity of the color and also the hue. For example, rhodoliths from Sri Lanka cost about $ 130 per carat, and from Thailand about $ 100 due to their grayish color.

Cut quality is another cost factor. The correct cut brings out the color and luster of the garnet, which raises the price. Rhodolite is again an example. In Soviet times, this gem was mined in Karelia, but so that the stone does not lose weight, it was cut economically. The flaws were hidden by a thick gold frame, which was in fashion at that time. With their tricks, jewelers raised the cost of the product, but did not show the beauty of the stone. Now stones from Soviet jewelry are cut again and the setting is changed, giving a second life.

Medicinal properties

In ancient times, red garnets and pyropes became very famous. Medicinal properties stone, described in ancient treatises, are determined by the principle of similarity. Red pomegranate has a positive effect on the circulatory system, stops bleeding, restores the menstrual cycle, heals wounds. Recovery from serious injuries or operations will go faster under the influence of red grenades.

Healing properties:

  1. Facilitates childbirth by reducing pain.
  2. Gives vitality.
  3. Restores metabolism.
  4. Treats depression.
  5. Normalizes blood pressure.
  6. Reduces temperature.
  7. Accelerates recovery from sore throat.
  8. Reduces headaches during migraine.

Minerals of bright saturated red color are not desirable for nervous people. They are suitable for curing mental illnesses and for relieving nervous tension. With its help, you can improve your mood and add a positive life.

Grossulars are able to thin the blood. A wound made by this mineral does not heal well. This property was noticed by the Indians, they made bullets from the grossular for the pale-faced.

The ring made of silver and hessonite normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And pomegranate beads treat lung diseases.

Magical properties

Pomegranate was associated not only with blood, but also with fire. This defines magical properties stone.

  1. War adds rage. Makes invulnerable, for this reason in ancient times, before the battle, it was customary to drink from a bowl decorated with pomegranate stones.
  2. Pink minerals normalize relationships in a couple, making them sincere and tender.
  3. Scarlet pomegranates inflame passions, you need to be careful with them. Where there is passion, there is close to rage. Because of this, wearing garnet jewelry is not recommended for hot-tempered people, passionate people.
  4. attracts financial success, especially suitable for men, making them more purposeful, helps to soberly assess the situation and make the right decisions.
  5. Demantoid gives women attractiveness, keeps them from cheating.
  6. Hessonite protects a person from deception. Moreover, this is not only deception on the part of others, but also self-deception. The stone helps to part with your illusions.
  7. Green types of pomegranates purify the soul, making thoughts kind, free from negativity.
  8. Uvarovit protects from scammers and deceivers.
  9. Establishes business.
  10. It is considered a talisman for travelers.
  11. Symbolizes friendship. Having exchanged them, people will definitely meet again.
  12. Color change warns of danger.

The magical properties of the pomegranate are explained by its ability to accumulate the energy of space, and, if necessary, quickly give it to a person, therefore he is a frequent participant in white magic rituals. But he will act exclusively in the hands of a sincere and honest person.

Significance in astrology

Astrologers find it difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which signs of the zodiac are suitable for a pomegranate. Its action and power are not subject to logic. Compatibility can only be determined empirically. If, after the person with the pomegranate, the energy has increased, improvements have begun in life, the conflicts have ceased, then the stone is suitable. If everything does not go as planned, then it is better to choose a calmer and more predictable talisman.

Experts agree that grenades and. These signs are characterized by self-doubt and nervousness. The pomegranate stone will enhance these personality traits, exacerbating conflicts with people around, demoralizing and driving into depression.

Pomegranate is a stone of strength and passion, it is fed by it, therefore it will not help passive and calm signs of Aries, Taurus, Leo, but it will not harm either. Others can wear garnet jewelry without fear.

  1. Capricorn. The most successful combination of a sign and a stone. Capricorns with pomegranates achieve high results in their careers, recharged with strength. become more emotional and warm, communicating with other people, this will open up new opportunities. Capricorn women, wearing jewelry with garnet, become more attractive in the eyes of men, quickly arrange their personal life and are happy in family life.
  2. Scorpion. They are full of internal contradictions, resulting in emotional outbursts. Pomegranate will cool unnecessary passions and love. But it doesn't hurt to be careful. Measure is good in everything. The excessive ardor of the grenades cannot be pacified; you will have to attract other means.
  3. Aquarius. The stone has a beneficial effect on not all representatives of the sign. First of all, in order for the stone to help in love and career, the energy of Aquarius must be directed towards achieving a certain goal, and not into emptiness, it must be creation. Aquarians are incorrigible dreamers. Pomegranate will help to cope with this, it will sober up, but only if daydreaming has not become a way of life.
  4. Sagittarius. For the people of this sign, the pomegranate will give the sensuality that is usually lacking. This will help mend relationships and find happiness.
  5. ... Pomegranate will give confidence, help you choose a goal and not get lost on the way to it.
  6. Scales. These are people who doubt everything. The pomegranate talisman will help you make a decision or choice.

Garnet is a stone of positive, fun and energy. It revives any person and gives spice to any event.

Pomegranate care

In bright light and under the influence of water, the pomegranate does not fade or fade, therefore it can be worn constantly, adhering to the following rules:

  1. Avoid temperature extremes, this can cause the stone to crack.
  2. Chemicals and cleaning products will destroy the stone.
  3. Garnet is a durable stone, but with strong impacts it can crack, for this reason it is not worth dropping or hitting it. This will lead to chips.
  4. Jewelry is stored in a separate box or, if there is only one jewelry box, then it is wrapped in soft tissue... This will protect the product from scratches.
  5. It is better to clean in special solutions that are sold in jewelry stores. Home remedies can ruin your frames.

Garnet is a regal and imperious stone that awakens passions. It is beautiful and diverse, has a long history. Products with pomegranate will become a worthy decoration and a strong amulet.

Garnet is a gemstone that has a varied palette of colors and has magical properties. Thanks to its healing qualities, it helps its owner get rid of a number of diseases. However, natural pomegranate as an amulet is not suitable for everyone because of its powerful energetic effect. Therefore, when choosing jewelry, one must take into account the astrological compatibility of the owner with the mineral.

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    The magical properties of pomegranate

    Garnet is an unusual gemstone with a number of magical properties. The stone is not only a decoration for the wearer, but also gives strength, energy and inspiration. Mineral activates Creative skills person and contributes to the success in the implementation of the plan.

    The stone is actively used as a talisman for men. Travelers love it as it promotes well-being on the way. Also, the pomegranate has long served as a talisman for soldiers. It was believed that he would be able to protect the owner from injury and death in battle, as well as give courage and courage.

      Jewelry with pomegranate inserts not only emphasize female beauty but also attract love. The mineral promises its owner pure and mutual feelings, because it is not for nothing that pomegranates are called the stone of passion and love. The magic of a stone can rekindle the feelings and desires of its owner. In this regard, it is not recommended to wear it for people with any addictions.

      There is a belief that the color of a mineral becomes brightly saturated when its owner is obsessed with his desires and unbridled passion. Bad sign it is considered when the pomegranate begins to fade and darken. This phenomenon suggests that its owner is an evil, dishonest and envious person. Pomegranate is not suitable for such people and is a danger to them. Also, the periodic change in the brightness of the mineral depends on the mood of its owner. With a good mood of a person, he is brilliant and bright, and with bad mood becomes faded.

      Red pomegranate contributes to the rapprochement of people and symbolizes the faithful and friendly relations... It is customary to give it to each other before a long separation. This is done in order to be sure to meet again in the future. Red garnet is often given by men to their beloved women as a sign of loyalty and loyalty.

      Buying a pomegranate for yourself is a bad omen. Ideal option it is considered to receive a stone as a gift. Such a gesture speaks of endless love, trust and devotion of the donor.

      Healing properties

      Wearing garnet jewelry helps to improve health and maintain a person's energy balance. The owner of this gem will find harmony with the surrounding world, maintain physical and mental comfort. The mineral helps maintain vitality, cleanses the body and prevents many diseases. The medicinal properties of pomegranate largely depend on its color:

      • stones of red color normalize the work of the heart, cleanse the circulatory system, help to establish work endocrine system and have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
      • green minerals soothe nervous system, help to solve problems with sleep, have a therapeutic effect on the circulatory and lymphatic system;
      • pomegranates of brown and yellow shades cope well with various skin rashes, burns, allergic rashes and other skin problems;
      • transparent minerals help to eliminate rashes on the mucous membrane, have a therapeutic effect on the digestive system and pancreas.

      Pomegranate, regardless of color, has a positive effect on the work of the heart, purifies the blood and normalizes blood pressure. The pomegranate necklace makes women feel better during critical days. And a ring decorated with a pomegranate stone will help get rid of a headache (only if worn on the middle finger of the right hand).

      The mineral helps in the treatment of sore throats and acute respiratory infections. For people suffering from chronic bronchitis, it is advisable to wear a pomegranate in the form of a pendant or earrings.

      This gem is recommended for active and creative people. The garnet bracelet will be a good talisman for poets, directors, actors, musicians, athletes and politicians. The mineral will bring good luck and give strength and energy to those people who have good thoughts and are not afraid of responsibility. He does not like people with malicious intent, who are engaged in robberies and robberies, and can only bring them misfortune.

      Jewelry with pomegranate inserts is definitely recommended to be worn by unmarried women of the weaker sex, since it is believed that it is able to attract male energy. Mineral will help its owner quickly arrange her personal life. For women in an interesting position, red shades of garnet are most suitable. He will help the expectant mother to transfer childbirth easily and without complications. Men can wear a pomegranate as a talisman. The mineral will give its owner courage, strength and fearlessness. It is recommended that couples in love give each other jewelry with a red pomegranate. The stone is able to rekindle passion in a relationship.

      Pomegranate strongly affects emotional condition its owner. The wearing of the stone is especially indicated for passionate natures, as it attracts good luck and promotes spiritual and creative upsurge. It is better for inactive, lethargic and inactive individuals not to wear a stone with such energy. The mineral will exhaust its owner and drain energetically, which can lead to mental disorders.

      How to wear a pomegranate?

      In order for the pomegranate to have a positive effect and be an assistant to its owner, it is necessary to adhere to some rules for wearing this mineral:

      • The mineral should not be worn by aged people. It can accelerate the manifestation of diseases of old age (insanity, memory loss, and so on).
      • It is not recommended to constantly wear garnet jewelry. It is necessary to periodically give rest to both yourself and the stone.
      • Unmarried women should wear a red garnet ring on their ring finger. This will help you meet your soul mate and get married successfully.
      • Wearing a pomegranate ring on your middle finger will help you succeed professionally. In this case, the color of the mineral does not matter.
      • A ring on the little finger will help build relationships with others. Color gamut it is desirable to select from yellow and green shades.
      • It must be remembered that pomegranate is a fiery stone, and therefore it must be protected from water. From contact with water, the mineral loses its magical and healing properties.
      • The stone is combined with emerald, sapphire and agate. But it will not tolerate the neighborhood with lapis lazuli, turquoise, ruby, pearls, diamond, chrysolite and moonstone.

      When wearing garnet jewelry, the meaning of the color should be considered. Red stones symbolize attack and attack. The mineral's green tones provide guardianship and protection.

      All these rules apply only to natural stone. Jewelry with artificial pomegranate does not have any magical and healing properties.

      Pomegranate and zodiac sign

      To feel the magical properties of a pomegranate, you must match its energy. That is why the horoscope claims that the mineral is not suitable for all representatives of the zodiacal constellations. You can find out your astrological compatibility with a stone from the table below:

      Zodiac sign Stone Compatibility
      AriesPomegranate will help Aries to avoid conflict situations and contribute to the establishment of peace and harmony in the family. For Aries women, the mineral will help overcome existing fears. For Aries, yellow pomegranate is most suitable.
      TaurusPoor compatibility. The mineral will attract only trouble to Taurus.
      TwinsGemini, known for their fickleness and fickleness, the mineral will help find balance. Pomegranate helps Gemini smooth out conflict situations and find harmony with the world around them. Women can use pomegranate as a love talisman.
      CrayfishComplete incompatibility. Cancers do not even want to touch the stone, because they have completely different energies.
      a lionVery good compatibility. Leos are imperious, strong in spirit and will. Therefore, pomegranate goes well with this zodiac sign. The mineral nourishes them with strength and energy, making them even more successful and self-confident. Leo suits red, yellow and orange.
      VirgoThe stone will help Virgo find harmony in the soul. The mineral helps to improve mood and develops the mental abilities of Virgos. The stone helps women to liberate themselves and show their sexuality
      scalesThe mineral will help Libras become less restrained in relationships. He helps to find calmness and constancy in amorous affairs. Green pomegranate is recommended for Libra, thanks to which life will begin to order
      ScorpionThe stone makes scorpions more attractive to those around them. Thanks to the mineral, Scorpios will be able to easily show their leadership skills... Periodic wearing of the mineral will allow Scorpios to overcome jealousy and distrust of loved ones. The stone will help a Scorpio woman find her destiny. The color for representatives of this sign is exclusively red
      SagittariusFor Sagittarius, the stone will serve as a kind of amulet. Thanks to wearing the mineral, Streltsov will bypass failure and trouble. They will become wiser and will be able to channel their energies in the right direction. For women with a soft disposition, the stone will help to become stronger and gain self-confidence. For Sagittarius, bright shades of stone are considered the most suitable.
      CapricornFor Capricorns, the mineral is an excellent career assistant. He will give strength and energy that will help Capricorns take a high position in society. The stone will support its owner in all endeavors. The mineral is recommended for Capricorn managers. For women, it will serve as a talisman against rumors and slander.
      AquariusFor Aquarius, this stone will bring success in work and personal life. Minerals of all colors except red are recommended. When wearing garnet jewelry, Aquarians need to take breaks
      FishesWearing the mineral will harm the representatives of the Pisces sign. The magical properties of the stone will put pressure on the subtle nature of these people. It is advisable for Pisces to choose stones with a calmer energy for themselves.

      The stone feels well the energy of its owner. It happens that he is burdensome and causes poor health even with full astrological compatibility. It happens that a mineral favors its owner, to whom it is not recommended. Therefore, in order to understand whether the stone is energetically combined with its owner, it is necessary to vilify it for some time and "feel" the mineral.

      Garnet is a mysterious gem that can be a great helper for its owner. It must be remembered that pomegranate helps only those people who use its unique magical properties for good.

Garnet is a gemstone that includes many subspecies. The gem is presented in all color spectra.

Breaking the usual stereotype of what a pomegranate looks like has a dark red hue, it can appear blue, green, yellow and others. At the same time, the most valuable is precisely the green garnet imitating a diamond.

It is already difficult to determine exactly what the name means, since there are several assumptions: similarity to pomegranate grains, in honor of the measure of weight. There are whole legends and tales about the supernatural effects of the stone on people and events.

The magical properties of the stone:

  • Power over people and events in life.
  • Keeper of human energy.
  • Promotes emotional balance and well-being.
  • Inspires creative people.
  • Pushes indecisive people to act.

The list is endless. There is a belief that garnet acquires shine and shade in accordance with the character of the owner of the gem.

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac: compatibility in astrology?

In many cultures, pomegranate is considered a symbol of passion, love, relationships with the opposite sex. The gem is given as a sign of loyalty and devotion. But each sign of the zodiac receives its own influences from the gem.

Note! The impact of this stone on a person is so great that it is better not to use it as a talisman if it does not fit the zodiac sign.

The astrological significance concentrated in the mineral is so great that it is not easy for some signs of the zodiac to master such an effect.

Who suits the horoscope:

What color and what it looks like: types of stone

A wide range of colors makes this gem the most original and non-standard in its subgroup. Basically, the stone has a burgundy color. The texture is generally homogeneous, without foreign inclusions.

Transparent or translucent mineral tends to shine Sun rays, which are in no way inferior in quality to their more precious counterparts. The species do not differ in physical properties, only in chemical composition.

Pomegranate varieties can be distributed according to color schemes:

  1. Pyrope.
  2. Rhodolite.
  3. Spessartine.
  4. Almandine.
  5. Andradite.
  6. Demantoid.

Other varieties are much less common. Moreover, they are much more valuable in jewelry.

How much: price

How much is a garnet stone? The price is determined in relation to one carat:

  • The processed rhodolite has a cost in the range of 40 - 50 thousand rubles per 1 carat.
  • Rhodolite crystals are determined by the cost from 50 thousand to 80 thousand rubles.

In general, the pricing policy is determined in the range from 1,500 to 10 thousand rubles. It all depends on the prevalence and quality.

Note! The use of the mineral can be very different. Some collectors simply display cut stones.

Untreated stone can look much more spectacular, while retaining its naturalness and naturalness. Its cost often exceeds standard requests.

Products and jewelry made of stone and its application

Pomegranate is used to make magnificent jewelry and products that are appreciated by jewelers. Basically, translucent and transparent samples are used for this. Minerals and facets play in the sun and create a diamond effect.

The stone is combined with any precious metal: gold and silver, platinum.

The following are very popular:

  • Rings.
  • Pendants.
  • Earrings.
  • Necklace.
  • Bracelets.
  • Tiaras.

The stone is precious, therefore it is not used in the ornamental version. The cost of a large piece of pomegranate is very high.

Medicinal properties: are they there?

Since the time of the Crusades, pomegranate has been prized as a medicine for wounds and pain. It cures many diseases and prevents inflammation.

This mineral is the symbol of a mother-woman, therefore it was used as a helper during childbirth.

Medicinal properties:

  • Improves performance of cardio-vascular system.
  • Stabilizes the metabolic processes of the body.
  • Increases potency.
  • Accelerates tissue regeneration.

The impact is determined depending on the place where the stone is worn. If it is a pendant, necklace, then the impact is determined by the area of ​​the chest and lungs. The gem is combined with other healing stones.

How to spot a counterfeit: checking for authenticity

It is impractical to counterfeit pomegranates, since synthetically grown pomegranates are much more expensive than natural ones.

Natural origin is very difficult to determine for a layman, special equipment is needed.

Authenticity can be determined by the following criteria:

  1. Using a microscope by examining foreign inclusions and edges.
  2. With a magnet. The natural stone will begin to magnetize slightly.

There are simply no other ways to detect a counterfeit or they are impractical.

Mineral deposits

Many deposits have been developed in Russia. There are both eastern representatives and completely overseas ones.

Popular deposits natural stones:

  1. South Africa.
  2. Ural.
  3. Eastern Alamanda.
  4. South America.

Other places where the gem is mined are defined as shallow. The quality of the stones is an order of magnitude lower.

Care and storage

It is worth looking after and storing pomegranates with special prudence, so as not to lose the color saturation and structure of the stone.

To maintain quality, you should take care of the mineral as follows:

  1. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
  2. Dry the product.
  3. Polish with a dry cloth.

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A beautiful bright stone with a deep and rich burgundy-red color attracted human attention 3 thousand years ago. Today garnet has not lost its popularity and is still often found in jewelry. If you want to buy yourself a piece of jewelry with this stone, it will be useful for you to know whether garnet is a precious or semi-precious stone, as well as what are its main properties.

Gem features

Red-burgundy bright and shiny pebbles reminded people of pomegranate seeds, called in ancient times the Phoenician apple. The name of this mineral also originated from the similarity to the fruit - originally in Latin it sounded like "pomegranate", that is, "similar to grains". It is believed to have been introduced by the alchemist Albert Magnus in the late 13th century.

Today, this name is understood as a whole group of minerals. In a narrow sense, these are two of their varieties - transparent red almandines and dark red pyropes. However, in a broader sense, related minerals are also considered garnets - pink and scarlet spessartines, purple rhodolites, brown andradites, and even green grossulars. Scientists believe that not all of them represent equal value, however, if we talk about those used in jewelry, then there is no doubt about whether the garnet is a precious or semi-precious stone. Undoubtedly, it belongs to the first variety.


In addition to color, garnet species have other differences. So, most of them let in sunlight. But there are those that hardly show through, for example, melanitis, which has a dark, almost black color. The shine of a garnet is always pure, glassy, ​​and even diamond in some species.

Pomegranate - it is not mined all over the world, but there are not so many really worthy samples with a high cost. In Russia, pomegranates are mined in Chukotka and Yakutia. And in the Urals there are deposits of an unusual green garnet, called the Ural.

Pomegranate in history and culture

Pomegranates have been known to mankind for over 3 thousand years. Ancient people carved images of animals and people on the surface of raw minerals, later - portraits. Surely you have heard the word "carbuncle" once. So Pliny the Elder named pomegranate from the Latin "coal" for its similarity to smoldering coal.

Many peoples considered the described stone endowed with powerful power. The Crusaders wore a ring with a grenade to protect themselves from injury in battle. Among the Persians, he symbolized power, and in the East - perseverance and good health... At the same time, medicinal properties are also attributed to pomegranate, for example, its powder is mixed with water and drunk to treat stomach diseases and give vigor.

In Russia, the mineral appeared in the 16th century. “Venisa” and “bechet” - this was the name of the pomegranate stone at that time. Its price then was not too high and was significantly inferior to ruby ​​or spinel. However, the stone was used in folk medicine... For example, it was believed that he helped a woman in childbirth.

In the following centuries, pomegranate becomes more and more valuable and, thanks to its deep red color, is overgrown with various symbols. So, the scientist Boethius de Boot in his writings calls the stone hardened drops of pure water, colored with vapors of scarlet blood.

Pomegranates were especially popular in the era of romanticism. Jewelers of that time created truly works of art from these gems, many of which became museum treasures. For example, a pendant with a pomegranate presented by the Czech composer Smetana to his wife, which is kept in the Prague museum named after him. Or the magnificent 6-piece set, decorated with garnets, which Goethe gave to his young beloved Ulrika.

Who suits

It is believed that pomegranate is a stone of will, strong character, determination and passion, and it suits people with the same disposition. Therefore, very often this stone is a companion of creative figures - artists, musicians, poets, artists. He helps them to devote themselves to the cause with all passion and soul. But it is better not to wear jewelry with a pomegranate for lack of initiative and lazy people, since it is believed that he will only emotionally exhaust such a person and lead him to a nervous breakdown.

Also, this gem is a symbol of passionate and devoted love, and is perfect as a gift for your beloved woman. For ladies, pomegranate adds wisdom and calmness. But a mineral presented to a man can awaken serious passions in him and kindle the fire of love, sometimes even against his will. At least, such properties are attributed to this magic stone.

There are certain indications for which sign of the zodiac the pomegranate is suitable. First of all, it is Capricorn, who always goes to his goal, and the fire signs of Leo and Sagittarius. But he does not suit Aries, because he is quick-tempered, but quickly calms down, and the grenade needs a constant intensity of passions.

Libra and Aquarius are better off wearing only green garnets, but Pisces and Cancers are advised to refrain from wearing this stone.

Where is pomegranate used?

A precious or semi-precious stone is not so important today. All are highly demanded in modern world... It is widely used in industry, construction, electronics and other fields. Most of the industrial use of pomegranate is possible due to the fact that it splits into small pieces with sharp cutting edges. This crumb is glued to a linen or paper backing and durable abrasives are obtained. In construction, it is added to cement, and in instrument making, sapphires and rubies are sometimes replaced with garnet.

Natural samples are often used to make figurines, figurines and, of course, jewelry.


So, we decided that garnet is a precious or semi-precious stone, and we learned that most of its types belong to the first variety.

The most popular is the translucent almandine, colored dark cherry or reddish brown. Most popular jewelry such as Sokolov, Sunlight, "Adamas" produces jewelry from such pomegranate. You can buy any product - ring brooches, pendants, bracelets, necklaces. These gems are framed with all shades of gold and silver. Diamonds, amethysts, chrysolites, as well as marcasites and cubic zirconias are complemented by a garnet stone in such decorations. The price for them is not very high - the simplest silver ring can cost about 1000 rubles. How much is the stone itself, it is difficult to say unequivocally. When evaluating it, color, appearance, quality and processing method are taken into account.

The gemstone red garnet is widely used in jewelry, medicine and magic. He is able to protect people, give them more energy and strength. But the stone has such a positive effect only on some signs of the zodiac, while for others it is strictly contraindicated. Therefore, you first need to check the astrological chart before buying such a piece of jewelry.

Description of properties

It is the most common semi-precious mineral, along with stones such as beryl or beryl. Even in the old days it was of great value. The name of the stone has changed over the centuries. Previously, it was called anthrax, carbuncle, worm or garnet, depending on the country. The maximum volume of the mineral is 2 carats, but young garnet up to 1 ct is more common. Previously, the stone was compared to a mirror because of its physical properties. It is unusual for high strength (from 6.5 to 7.5). The structure of the raw mineral itself is heterogeneous and has many irregularities.

Unpretentious stone. Not special system care for him. But it is worth remembering that the combination of water and pomegranate is undesirable. With this contact, the mineral tarnishes. If the pomegranate has darkened, it is worth preparing a soapy or brine solution to clean it. To cleanse the energy, you can put it in water with medicinal herbs for a couple of seconds.

Place of Birth

One of the stone deposits is the island of Madagascar, and it is also found in Alaska and Brazil.

In nature, almandine deposits are found in such countries. It is mined in places like this:

  • Corelia;
  • Brazil;
  • Alaska;
  • Madagascar;
  • Kola Peninsula.


Distinguish pomegranate by its shades. The characteristics of the types are given in the table:

Types of pomegranateDescription
PyropeCrimson-Spectrum Garnetites
A translucent or white mineral that has a bright red hue, when approaching light, has the ability to scatter rays
RhodoliteSoft, pink color
Dark green semi-precious stone
Brown or orange colors
GrossularPale green
TsavoriteEmerald or blue garnet with iridescence
HematiteLooks like an opaque black stone shade without reflections
SpessartineYellowish, red or pink garnet
DemantoidDiamond-like due to its characteristic clarity, deep garnet green
MedjoriteDark purple garnet, similar to hematite

The value of the stone

Medicinal properties

The mineral has healing properties and helps to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

This crystal is often used in jewelry: it is added to earrings or chains. It can be combined with any expensive suits. Previously, during processing, the mineral was shaped like a drop of blood, but later they began to make it look like a diamond. It is believed that black pomegranate can heal wounds and help the body recover from fractures. But over time, it began to be used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and restore immunity.

The value of the stone for the body:

  • cleans the blood;
  • activates the work of the heart;
  • relieves hyperthermia;
  • removes migraines;
  • treats viral diseases;
  • helps to avoid a heart attack.

Shades can have a special effect on the body. The characteristics of the group of stones are shown in the table:

Magical properties

The stone will give a woman strength during the period of bearing a child and help her to survive childbirth easier.

Red garnet conveys any spiritual changes in a person, changes color and denotes excitement in the heart. If a secret desire or striving for a goal appears, then the overflow of the stone becomes more saturated, and if the mineral turns pale, it means that the owner is not in the mood. And also red pyrope helps to make dreams come true, adds strength and protects against enemies. Recommended for women during pregnancy, as such an expensive love stone makes it easier for girls to survive childbirth.

And for men, semiprecious products help to avoid wounds, they are often worn by military men. In addition, it symbolizes love and helps in marriage. Agate is a symbol of passion, it is the element of fire. Magical properties help to avoid petty domestic quarrels. But the mineral negatively affects weak-willed people and thieves. In addition, such zodiac signs as Libra, Sagittarius or Gemini receive only the beneficial effects of agate, for which it is a talisman.