
How to remove the arrow from nylon tights. Is it possible to remove puffs, arrows on tights, stockings? How to do it? Excessive friction is the enemy of tights

Pathology of the uterus

Many women's toilets do not look good without pantyhose, in addition, it is not customary to come to some places with bare legs. Therefore, such a wardrobe item as tights is always in great demand and popularity. Thin translucent tights will hide minor imperfections and even out skin tone. Besides, in Lately there are many models with a slimming effect. But all underwear of this type has one significant drawback - it is not as durable as we would like, and often arrows appear on it at the most inopportune moment. And what should we, the poor victims of the fragility and imperfection of nylon textiles, do, how to remove the puff on tights? There are several ways, if not to solve this problem completely, then at least not to let it develop into a full-blown disaster.

Ways to deal with puffs

Of course, the way to eliminate troubles depends on where the hook appeared, on which tights and where you yourself are at that moment. If you are at home, it is easier to eliminate this kind of trouble, but if you are in pantyhose at work, it will be much more difficult to resolve this issue.

Important! There are transverse puffs that can be "smoothed out", that is, eliminated by stretching. Pull gently up and down. If you are lucky and the thread is not damaged, then it will simply “click” and disappear. But if the kapron thread is damaged, then an arrow will crawl after that.

We sew up a hole

If you're at home and want to mend your favorite tights, just sew them up. Of course, if the arrow or the clue is not in a prominent place. No, you can sew it up in this case too, there will be no way to just hide the seam.

But if the trouble happened in a place far from the eyes, which is hidden deep under the clothes, then, as they say, the needle is in your hands.

Important! Just choose the thinnest needle and very thin threads. If you have the same old and already unnecessary tights, you can try to dissolve them and get a thread out of them. Then the seam will be almost invisible.

Gently sew up the hole or arrow and fix the tip so that the seam does not unravel. If a hole appears on the heel, then sew this place several times. In shoes, no one will see your seam anyway, but it will be reliable and it will not bloom.

Crochet the thread

In order to “catch” the arrow on tighter tights, there are ways, but on thin ones it is almost impossible. Therefore, the question of how to remove the puff on tights less than 40 den is not relevant at all. It's easier to buy new ones.

Any tights are a knitted product. To repair knitwear, there are special hooks for lifting loops. With their help, puffs are removed on knitwear. Outwardly, such a hook resembles a needle with a large eye, one part of this eye leans back. With the help of such a hook, many problems with damage to clothes can be solved, including the question of how to remove the arrow on tights.

Important! For nylon tights you need to choose the smallest hook, because the thread on them is very thin.

How to use the special hook:

  1. Crochet the bottom loop on the arrow.
  2. Push the hook to the next thread (dropped loop) and grab it.
  3. Form a new loop.
  4. Thus, go along the entire arrow, picking up the dropped loops.

A fold-over tab at the eyelet helps hold the restored loops. When all the loops are up, secure them with a knot with a thin thread.

Important! When lifting the loops, keep the area where the arrow crawled taut so that the raised loops do not turn out to be tight.

You may not succeed the first time, but if you show patience and perseverance, then it will pay off for you. You can practice on old unnecessary tights.

The hold will not be a big problem for you, because the integrity of the threads is not broken.


If the hole is in a prominent place, then you can decorate it. Sew it well, and sew embroidery or other decorative element on top. Now all sorts of abstractions, crosses, bright lines are in fashion, so perhaps your original tights will be considered a rage.

Important! This may be a stripe of a denser nylon in the form of a strip. Then, for balance on the second leg, you will need to sew or glue exactly the same line.

Toilet soap

If the arrow on pantyhose visited you at the most inopportune moment, for example, at the height of the working day and at work, then it will not be so easy to fix them. First you need to somehow fix this same arrow so that it does not spread. To do this, moisten a solid soap and lubricate the damaged area with it. This is an easy way, the main thing is to find a bar of soap.

Nail polish

What to do if the arrow is on pantyhose? Fix it with nail polish. This is old and quite effective way.

Important! Varnish is best taken transparent or the color of tights, so that it is less noticeable.

Step by step your actions will look like this:

  1. Lubricate the edges of the hole with a thin layer and apply varnish to the tip of the arrow to prevent its further advancement.
  2. Wait 5-10 minutes for the varnish to dry completely.

Important! If you are wearing pantyhose, then try not to make sudden movements, but it is better not to move at all if possible, in order to avoid deformation of the tights.

New tights

Some pantyhose won't help at all. In this situation, the easiest way out is not to suffer, but to buy new tights.

Arrow Prevention

To make tights last longer, you can do the following:

  • After buying, iron the tights with an iron - this will make the fabric stronger.
  • Put new tights in the freezer for a day.
  • Before first use, spray hairspray over the entire surface.
  • Get rid of tight threads as soon as you find it.
  • Wash tights only by hand without using washing powder. Instead of washing powder, use soap or shampoo.
  • When dressing, remove any jewelry that can cause puffs.
  • If you are in doubt about the size when buying, give preference larger size, even if the smaller one flatters your ego. In this case, the risk that they will tear when pulled will be much less.
  • Wear trace socks over tights. This will prevent damage to the foot area.
  • Wear thin tights only on special occasions.
  • Nylon tights do not tolerate carelessness, so be careful and careful. Keys, cigarettes and zippers on clothes - all this should be at a safe distance from your nylon friends.
  • Try once again not to wear skirts and shorts with thin tights that have a lot of decorative elements. So you do not once again put the hooks, and you can focus on something else.

Women's legs- this is the part of the body that always attracts the attention of others, so it is so important to follow them and choose clothes in accordance with the features of your figure. Many of the fair sex are forced to wear nylon tights every day, because this is required by the dress code, and there are those who prefer them for special occasions.

Many outfits cannot be wear without, and in many places it is indecent to walk with bare feet. Therefore, tights appeared that will always be popular, like jeans, jewelry from precious metals or evening dresses. A beautiful well-groomed toned leg will look amazing in thin translucent tights that will hide minor imperfections and even out skin tone. Is it the perfect wardrobe item? Here you are getting ready, put on a beautiful outfit, and under it - thin elegant tights, your mood is excellent, you are ready to conquer the world. But at a certain point, you accidentally cling to something, and an arrow appears on your tights. What to do? The mood is spoiled, but you need to look chic.

1. Use regular toilet soap. If your tights are torn not at home, then fixing them will not be so easy. But you can prevent the increase in this same arrow, or simply fix the hole. You need to moisten the solid soap and lubricate the area of ​​damage to the nylon tights with the resulting slurry. Everything is very simple and affordable, the most important thing is to find a bar of soap. With this method, you can prevent trouble in the form of a long arrow. Liquid soap You will not like it, because it practically does not freeze.

2. Sew a hole in pantyhose. This good method in the event that you are at home and just want to fix your favorite tights, because it is unlikely that you will easily be able to find the right thread and needle. Of course, if a hole has appeared on your knees, you should not repair it, because even the smallest one will be very noticeable. But if this is in the part where you can hide the error under your clothes, feel free to proceed with the repair. You will need the finest needle possible and very fine thread. Ideally, unravel old unwanted tights that are exactly the same shade as the ones you need to mend and take a thread from them. It will be perfect in thickness and almost invisible. Gently sew up the hole and fix the loose end well so that the seam does not unravel. If there is a hole or an arrow on the heel, repeat the seam several times, because upon contact with the shoe, damage is formed again.

3. Fix the arrow on the pantyhose with nail polish. A fairly old and effective method that many women have tried, and often use it depending on the need. It is better to choose a varnish transparent, because it remains almost invisible. Just grease the edges of the hole with a thin layer or apply to the tip of the arrow so that it does not run further. You will need 5-10 minutes to dry completely, so you will have to sit up straight or hold the tights in your hands so that they do not deform. If the tights are flesh-colored, you can choose a varnish of any light shade, close to beige.

4. Tighten the thread on crochet tights. With this tool, you can solve a lot of problems associated with damage to clothing. Choose the smallest hook, because the thread on nylon tights is incredibly thin. Now with reverse side in the place of damage, hook the thread and pull it so that the hook is pulled to one point. You may not succeed the first time, so it's better to practice on old tights that you will no longer wear. The hold is not a big problem, because you did not break the integrity of the threads, you just pulled one sharply, which caused the position of the others to be disturbed. Here is exactly the same system as with knitted things.

5. Sew up the damaged area well, and attach embroidery or other decorative elements on top. Today, creativity and a variety of shades are in fashion. Considering that girls and women wear tights with abstractions, crosses and bright lines, there is nothing shameful in bringing torn tights back to life with the help of a decorative element. This may be a patch from a denser nylon in the form of a strip, then on the second leg it will be necessary to do the same. It can be several embroidery colors, one of which fits perfectly on a hook or hole, etc. There is no limit to your creativity, you can design your tights the way you want.

6. Buy new tights. Sometimes nothing helps certain people, so all you can do is throw them away. so as not to spoil your appearance, remove heavily torn tights from your wardrobe, because it’s better to go in jeans and sneakers than with holes in tights, but in heels.

A few tips on how to prevent the appearance of holes and arrows on tights

- Wear trace socks to prevent damage to the foot area.. If you are a neat enough member of the fair sex who rarely has holds, it is likely that you have at least once encountered holes in the heels or in the toe area. Just use short nylon socks, which can be easily replaced with new ones, and the tights will remain intact.

- Wear thin tights only on special occasions.. Today on sale there is a huge number of tights of different thicknesses, which do not tear so quickly, and even better hide minor imperfections in the skin of the legs. So choose them, and leave the thinnest for special occasions.

- Be careful. A simple tip not to be forgotten. Nylon tights do not tolerate negligence and inaccuracy, it is important to remember this. Keys, sharp fingernails, cigarettes and zippers on clothing should all be kept at a safe distance from your tights. So you once again do not hook them and do not spoil your appearance.

- Do not wear skirts and shorts with decorative elements with tights. So you do not hook your tights once again, and you can focus on a blouse or tunic.

Arrows, stretch marks, puffs, hooks and holes on nylon stockings and pantyhose - as is well known to women and girls. And how annoying it is when they appear on new tights at the most inopportune time for this ... Probably, each of the beautiful ladies takes a spare pair with her for the most significant moments in her life and all kinds of celebrations, if possible, but not always it is possible and appropriate.

Thin tights and relatively dense in some cases it is easier to buy new ones than to bother with old ones. Sometimes it is simply impossible to save the situation and restore products to their original presentable appearance. But sometimes the helpful folk tips below can help solve the problem for a while or even get rid of it completely. The information may well be useful.

How to remove tightness in pantyhose

How to get rid of puffs on pantyhose if they are very small? The answer is simple: align the threads of the hold (they are both vertical and horizontal). We simply align the elongated nylon threads with handles (after all, knitwear is interconnected loops in structure). Simple minor puffs (in cases where the thread has just stretched out slightly and has not yet broken) can be removed by slightly gently stretching the tights in the place of the puff (around) in different directions. So you can try if there is not even the smallest hole.

Sew a hole or arrow. This option is only suitable when the hole is in an inconspicuous place or a decision has been made to wear tights under trousers in the cold season. You need to take the smallest needle with a small eye and the thinnest threads in the color of the tights (you can use the thread from loose old tights of the same type, if you can, of course, get the thread out of them). With small neat stitches, starting from the edge of the arrow (so that it does not go further), you need to sew up the torn place. A torn heel can be stitched several times if necessary - this repair site will definitely be hidden from prying eyes by shoes.

Crocheting a thread. On tighter tights, you can try pulling the puff inside out with a special hook for lifting the loops (similar to a needle, but with a folding eye), and then tie the elongated loop in a knot so that it does not tear and the arrow does not go. You can try to do this with a regular crochet hook (the thinnest and smallest you have at home).

How to remove the arrow on pantyhose

How to sew up an arrow on tights: first you need to grab the lowest loop and bring a new one out of it from the lowered one (if you knit with knitting needles or crochet, it will immediately become clear to you how to raise the lowered loops), without pulling the elongated loops much so that they are almost the same size as the rest . Thus, all dropped loops should be knitted, and the last one should be fastened with a neat knot on the wrong side. After all, tights are also a knitted product, which means that the fabric is knitted with machine knitting, similarly to hand knitting.

Decorating a hole in tights. An arrow or a hole can be hidden by sewing it up (so as not to go further) and sew on top of any decor in the form of embroidery, patches, beads or rhinestones. You can fantasize here as much as you want, making the wardrobe item individual, perhaps even outrageous and, of course, ultra fashionable.

Fix the arrow or hole on the pantyhose for a while, so that it does not increase in size and does not go further, you can use simple solid toilet soap (after slightly wetting it beforehand) or nail polish (preferably in the color of tights or transparent). Fix it like this folk ways the arrow is quite simple: you just need to process the problematic edges with the means described above. After applying the agent, you need to wait a couple of minutes for it to dry, preferably without moving, so that the knitted fabric does not deform during this process.

How to put on pantyhose without puffs

You should first remove all jewelry (rings, rings, bracelets) and even watches. By the way, even toenails can leave clues. Gather tights neatly from below in the sock area. Put them on the foot and carefully put them on higher, releasing them from the hands a little and spreading them along the leg. If necessary, pull them gently with fingertips (not nails) from below and pointing upwards.

Prevention of arrows on pantyhose

  • You need to buy products by size. Too small or too tight will cause excessive tension on the fabric (especially in the toe area) and it will quickly tear (the threads will not withstand just strong tension). The risk is especially high if worn with high heels.
  • Some housewives recommend gently ironing new products with an iron to make them stronger (just do it as carefully as possible, choosing the right temperature of the iron so that they do not melt).
  • Others after the purchase recommend, on the contrary, to freeze them for strength, putting them in the freezer of the refrigerator for a day.
  • Some treat new products with hairspray, spraying it over the entire surface.
  • When putting on and taking off tights, you should first remove all jewelry (rings, rings, bracelets) from yourself so as not to accidentally leave a clue.
  • Small puffs should be straightened as soon as they were noticed.
  • It is recommended to wash such products by hand with soap or shampoo.
  • If you wear trace socks, then the tights will tear less in the foot area.
  • Such products must be worn carefully and remember that danger and sharp objects are everywhere (accessories on the bag, keys, rings and bracelets, sharp knots on chairs and stools, decorative elements on clothes, etc.).

Let your favorite jerseys (stockings and tights) never know what flickers and puffs are!

Many women's toilets do not look good without pantyhose, in addition, it is not customary to come to some places with bare legs. Therefore, such a wardrobe item as tights is always in great demand and popularity. Thin translucent tights will hide minor imperfections and even out skin tone. In addition, recently there have been many models with a slimming effect. But all underwear of this type has one significant drawback - it is not as durable as we would like, and often arrows appear on it at the most inopportune moment. And what should we, the poor victims of the fragility and imperfection of nylon textiles, do, how to remove the puff on tights? There are several ways, if not to solve this problem completely, then at least not to let it develop into a full-blown disaster.

Ways to deal with puffs

Of course, the way to eliminate troubles depends on where the hook appeared, on which tights and where you yourself are at that moment. If you are at home, it is easier to eliminate this kind of trouble, but if you are in pantyhose at work, it will be much more difficult to resolve this issue.

Important! There are transverse puffs that can be "smoothed out", that is, eliminated by stretching. Pull gently up and down. If you are lucky and the thread is not damaged, then it will simply “click” and disappear. But if the kapron thread is damaged, then an arrow will crawl after that.

We sew up a hole

If you're at home and want to mend your favorite tights, just sew them up. Of course, if the arrow or the clue is not in a prominent place. No, you can sew it up in this case too, there will be no way to just hide the seam.

But if the trouble happened in a place far from the eyes, which is hidden deep under the clothes, then, as they say, the needle is in your hands.

Important! Just choose the thinnest needle and very thin threads. If you have the same old and already unnecessary tights, you can try to dissolve them and get a thread out of them. Then the seam will be almost invisible.

Gently sew up the hole or arrow and fix the tip so that the seam does not unravel. If a hole appears on the heel, then sew this place several times. In shoes, no one will see your seam anyway, but it will be reliable and it will not bloom.

Crochet the thread

In order to “catch” the arrow on tighter tights, there are ways, but on thin ones it is almost impossible. Therefore, the question of how to remove the puff on tights less than 40 den is not relevant at all. It's easier to buy new ones.

Any tights are a knitted product. To repair knitwear, there are special hooks for lifting loops. With their help, puffs on knitwear are removed. Outwardly, such a hook resembles a needle with a large eye, one part of this eye leans back. With the help of such a hook, many problems with damage to clothes can be solved, including the question of how to remove the arrow on tights.

Important! For nylon tights, you need to choose the smallest hook, because the thread on them is very thin.

How to use the special hook:

  1. Crochet the bottom loop on the arrow.
  2. Push the hook to the next thread (dropped loop) and grab it.
  3. Form a new loop.
  4. Thus, go along the entire arrow, picking up the dropped loops.

A fold-over tab at the eyelet helps hold the restored loops. When all the loops are up, secure them with a knot with a thin thread.

Important! When lifting the loops, keep the area where the arrow crawled taut so that the raised loops do not turn out to be tight.

You may not succeed the first time, but if you show patience and perseverance, then it will pay off for you. You can practice on old unnecessary tights.

The hold will not be a big problem for you, because the integrity of the threads is not broken.


If the hole is in a prominent place, then you can decorate it. Sew it well, and sew embroidery or other decorative element on top. Now all sorts of abstractions, crosses, bright lines are in fashion, so perhaps your original tights will be considered a rage.

Important! This may be a stripe of a denser nylon in the form of a strip. Then, for balance on the second leg, you will need to sew or glue exactly the same line.

Toilet soap

If the arrow on pantyhose visited you at the most inopportune moment, for example, at the height of the working day and at work, then it will not be so easy to fix them. First you need to somehow fix this same arrow so that it does not spread. To do this, moisten a solid soap and lubricate the damaged area with it. This is an easy way, the main thing is to find a bar of soap.

Nail polish

What to do if the arrow is on pantyhose? Fix it with nail polish. This is an old and quite effective way.

Important! Varnish is best taken transparent or the color of tights, so that it is less noticeable.

Step by step your actions will look like this:

  1. Lubricate the edges of the hole with a thin layer and apply varnish to the tip of the arrow to prevent its further advancement.
  2. Wait 5-10 minutes for the varnish to dry completely.

Important! If you are wearing pantyhose, then try not to make sudden movements, but it is better not to move at all if possible, in order to avoid deformation of the tights.

New tights

Some pantyhose won't help at all. In this situation, the easiest way out is not to suffer, but to buy new tights.

Arrow Prevention

To make tights last longer, you can do the following:

  • After purchase, iron the tights with an iron - this will make the fabric stronger.
  • Put new tights in the freezer for a day.
  • Before first use, spray hairspray over the entire surface.
  • Get rid of tight threads as soon as you find it.
  • Wash tights only by hand without using detergent. Instead of washing powder, use soap or shampoo.
  • When dressing, remove any jewelry that can cause puffs.
  • If you are in doubt about the size when buying, choose the larger size, even if the smaller one flatters your ego. In this case, the risk that they will tear when pulled will be much less.
  • Wear trace socks over tights. This will prevent damage to the foot area.
  • Wear thin tights only on special occasions.
  • Nylon tights do not tolerate carelessness, so be careful and careful. Keys, cigarettes and zippers on clothes - all this should be at a safe distance from your nylon friends.
  • Try once again not to wear skirts and shorts with thin tights that have a lot of decorative elements. So you do not once again put the hooks, and you can focus on something else.

So we figured out the burning problem of constant puffs on nylon underwear. We hope that you will simply learn to wear such things more carefully, and if you continue to tear them after the first wear, then hone your skills in removing hooks. This is also a good experience for any hostess!

Every woman knows about such an unpleasant surprise as a suddenly formed arrow on pantyhose. However, do not rush to immediately throw away such tights and run to the store for a new pair. To get started, learn how to stop the arrow on tights with improvised means.

Stop Arrow Varnish

If your pantyhose has inadvertently formed a flicker and you need to stop it as soon as possible, then it is best to apply the method using ordinary nail polish. This method is convenient primarily because such an object as colorless varnish for nails, is in the arsenal, perhaps, every woman.

If the arrow on the pantyhose has gone, dip the brush into the varnish and wipe it lightly on the edge of the bottle. Then run it over the tights at the end and at the beginning of the arrow. This must be done precisely from two sides, since the arrow can crawl into any of them. When the varnish dries, you can walk in these tights for some more time.

In principle, if there was no transparent nail polish at hand, you can use colored one. Of course, we are not talking about aesthetics in this case. But if the arrow is in a place not visible to others, then why not save the tights in this way.

Let's try to sew

If an arrow has formed on high-density tights, then you can try to sew them up, preventing it from going down.

However, keep in mind that this is a very difficult matter, and if you want to stop the arrow that has gone, you can simply ruin the product. With insufficiently accurate work, other arrows in the neighborhood may also form, and then the tights will definitely have to be thrown away.

You will need thread that matches the color of the tights and the finest needle you can find. Immediately apply varnish to the edges of the arrow before it begins to creep further. To make the work easier, pull the tights over your hand, as if on a hoop. Start darning the hole, trying not to miss a single loop. Otherwise, a second arrow may form very soon. Try to darn as neatly as possible so that the seam is almost invisible.

Polish for hair

Approximately the same properties as nail polish, hairspray has. And, most likely, most women will find a bottle of varnish. So, if you find an arrow on the pantyhose, just sprinkle a small amount of varnish on its beginning and end. The varnish will slightly glue the spreading fibers, and the arrow will stop crawling further. However, try not to spray it too close to the product. Because in this case, divorces will inevitably turn out, which will spoil the whole appearance of the already affected tights.

Arrow gluing

And if there was no hairspray or nail polish nearby, what should I do? The arrow on pantyhose can be stopped with ordinary clerical glue. It is definitely in every home. So, apply a drop of glue to the place where the treacherous arrow originated, and also to where it stopped. The glue will dry and glue the fibers of the product.

Just remember that in the case of both nail polish and glue, you need to be extremely careful. After all, most often women use such methods in the workplace and do not have the opportunity to take off their tights. And glue and varnish tend to stick tights to the legs. Therefore, carefully pull back the place with the arrow before applying one of the saving compounds. Wait two minutes for the tights to dry before letting them go.

Soap to help

Another very interesting and useful way to help stop the arrow on pantyhose is to use soap. However, it is only suitable for light tights. You will need dry bar soap.

Just rub the resulting arrow with a piece of soap and you can go about your business. This technique dries out the fibers of the fabric, and the product is preserved for some time.

How to prevent arrows from appearing in advance?

Of course, it is always better to make sure in advance than to hastily look for ways to solve the problem that has arisen. The ideal option for women who prefer nylon tights or stockings, is to carry a spare pair in your purse.

Indeed, you never know whether a pair of tights worn in the morning will last you until the evening or not. But if you are not a fan of playing it safe and carrying a lot of things with you that can come in handy in a given situation, use proven tips to help make tights stronger in advance.

Frozen pantyhose

A very popular way is to freeze a new pair of tights overnight. So, all you need to do is wet your new pantyhose with water. Then pack them in a bag and place them in the freezer overnight. The next morning, remove the bag from the freezer in advance and let the tights thaw and dry. This procedure is done only once, after the purchase of tights. When they are dry, you can put them on and wear them in the most ordinary way. Freezing makes the fibers stronger, and the chance of getting an arrow on tights is minimized.

Heating pantyhose with an iron

Another way to strengthen new tights and extend their life. In principle, it is even simpler than the first one. All you need is an iron. Set the iron to high temperature and carefully iron the new tights through the fabric.

By thermally treating tights, you will strengthen the fibers and also protect the product from holes and snags.

Saving tights with varnish

Back to regular hairspray again. It will come in handy not only in the case when arrows have already formed on nylon tights, but also before that. unpleasant moment, as a preventive measure. So, take a new pair of tights and hang them outdoors on clothespins. It is best to do this on the balcony. Shake the lacquer bottle so that the contents become a homogeneous consistency, and start spraying the tights. Please note that the varnish layer should be thin. Once you have applied it on both sides, let the tights air dry a little. After a couple of minutes, you can put them on. This method is the most effective, but you need to distribute the varnish evenly to avoid streaks.