
How to remove the smell in the room. How to get rid of an unpleasant smell in the apartment? Video folk ways to remove odor


Over time, unpleasant odors can appear in your apartment. Burnt food, garbage not taken out on time, etc. and now there was an unpleasant smell in the room. How to get rid of it? Of course, you can use strong flavoring agents, but this is not a panacea. In the world there are well-established ways to remove unpleasant odors.

Website "Mom can do anything!" How to remove unpleasant odors from the room and the whole apartment.

Undoubtedly, stench first appears in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen.

Unpleasant odors in the bathroom

Quite often, the toilet and bathroom smells bad despite all the efforts of residents who make incredible efforts to regularly clean these rooms. In a duel with a nasty smell, proven products for years can help.

  • Ordinary activated charcoal can help with this task: approximately 20 tablets are needed for the toilet, twice as much for the bathroom. It must be decomposed without spoiling appearance rooms. It is known that coal is considered an excellent absorbent, which disinfects the air and eliminates unpleasant odors.
  • Arrange small containers with coffee beans in the toilet and bathroom, which will fill the room with a charming, wonderful aroma of coffee. They need to be changed weekly so that the smell of coffee is constantly preserved. Undoubtedly, grains will remove unpleasant odors much better than any chemical air fresheners.
  • Acetic solution mixed with essential oils (ylang-ylang, lavender, pine) also helps to get rid of bad odors. It is necessary to process with this solution once a week all accessible surfaces in the bathroom. This will help get rid of annoying unpleasant odors.

kitchen smells

With frequent use of the oven, an unpleasant odor usually settles inside it. Water with citrus zest will help remove it, if it is boiled in the oven for about ten minutes.

Unappetizing odors appear in the microwave. If you rub its walls with mint toothpaste, leaving it for three hours, you can get rid of the annoying nasty smell. Same way a good remedy is coffee grounds. It is enough just to lubricate the walls of this device with it. It not only removes dirt, but also perfectly freshens the air and destroys any unnecessary smell.

Table salt will remove the smell of burning, after unsuccessful cooking: spread some salt on the stove and cover them with a wet towel. After 20-25 minutes, the smell of burning will disappear.

Often the refrigerator requires careful maintenance. A homemade freshener made from ordinary lemon will also help get rid of the nasty smell. It is cut into two halves, the pulp is removed and filled with soda. Then put them in the refrigerator for a week. Lemon juice, water, and baking soda can be used to clean the inside of the refrigerator.

How to remove the smell of cigarettes from the apartment?

It is very difficult to purify the air in rooms smelling of tobacco, as various fabrics, wood and other surfaces absorb it. However, there are simple, time-tested remedies.

The easiest way is to hang wet towels everywhere, while opening all the windows. Three hours later, the apartment will be fresher. Scented candles dipped in a salt solution before use can also help.

It is also easy to help clothes smelling of tobacco. It is necessary to turn all things inside out and lay them out on the table, covering them with a wet towel. The unpleasant smell will disappear after complete drying. Products can also be vacuumed without touching the fabric with a brush.

Quickly say goodbye to the terrible smell of nicotine will help Bay leaf, which should be burned in an ashtray, fumigating the rooms. You will experience an amazing effect.

How to freshen the air in the apartment?

If unpleasant odors appear in the apartment, it is necessary to place containers with soap crumbs in all rooms, which should be moistened with water weekly. Instead of soap, you can put expired dry perfume. A pleasant atmosphere in the chest of drawers will be created by fabric bags with dried citrus peel or lavender inflorescences between things.

When the cat put "marks" on the rug, then a mixture of a viscous consistency of soda and liquid soap. Apply it to the stain. Then cover with a cloth and leave for a while until the smell disappears. After that, you need to remove the remnants of the product with a vacuum cleaner.

Something about store fresheners

Unfortunately, popular freshener sprays only replace odors, and the cause itself is not eliminated. Such funds can also cause allergies and asthma attacks in those living in the apartment. Therefore, folk remedies for getting rid of bad odors are preferred.

A person is surrounded by smells everywhere - it can be a pleasant smell from buns in a store, a terrible stench from a garbage can - smells can be attractive and vile. However, most aromas disappear as quickly as they arise - as soon as we leave the store, move away from nearby rubbish, the olfactory senses again work in the same rhythm. However, there is one place where a person not only spends several hours, but lives - this is an apartment. It is here that the whole bouquet of aromas is collected, and sometimes, the smells do not give pleasure to the owners, but, on the contrary, they irritate and bring great inconvenience. How to remove unpleasant odors from the apartment? Our article will help answer this eternal question.

Where do smells come from in the apartment?

Sometimes it seems that there are no reasons for the occurrence of unpleasant odors in the apartment - daily wet cleaning is carried out, rooms are ventilated, but there is still some unpleasant, annoying stench. The appearance of odors can be influenced not only by strong-smelling objects, but also by ordinary things that in everyday life could not even suggest that they belong to the “unsmelling” category. Here is a list of the main causes of odors in the apartment:

  1. Cloths for washing the floor. Due to the occurrence of mold, such a fetid aroma can arise that will become noticeable immediately from the threshold. In addition, mold is dangerous, so it is better not to fight this smell, but immediately throw it into the trash can.
  2. Ashtray, trash can. These are the items that collect the most fetid garbage - even if there are no cigarettes in the ashtray and the garbage bucket is empty, do not be too lazy to rinse them with vinegar to remove the smell
  3. Sewer pipes, ventilation shafts. Not everyone will probably be able to view the system data on their own, so if you feel a sharp stench from there, do not be too lazy to call the masters.

Also, the cause of the smell can be:

  • The stink of dish sponge
  • Musty smell from wardrobe
  • Bad smell from cat litter or other pet
  • Smell after painting
  • Residual aroma after frying fish, onion or garlic
  • Tobacco stink and so on

For each reason, you need to choose your own remedy, carry out special events, since, for example, tobacco smoke is absolutely not amenable to vinegar, and the musty smell in the house can be removed with potassium permanganate.

The faster the better

Air quality not only creates positive emotions for others, but also contributes to the comfortable life of the owners themselves. Unpleasant, fetid odors can cause dizziness, nausea, and even allergies, of course, depending on the type of odor. Very often, a person simply gets used to the musty smell in his room, so that the unpleasant environment becomes acceptable to him. In order not to get used to the aroma that has arisen, and not to live under its yoke, it is necessary to take care of its removal as soon as possible. The sooner you find out the cause of the stench, eliminate it and refresh the room, the faster the smell will pass and the apartment will take on a fresh, well-groomed appearance.

Advice! In order to prevent your home from becoming a home for unpleasant odors, carry out wet cleaning more often, check damaged refrigerators, wipe the microwave oven, oven, empty the trash can in time. An indispensable condition should be the periodic ventilation of the rooms - this has a positive effect not only on the air in the apartment, but also on your health.

Two Effective Methods for Eliminating Bad Odor

AT given time The two most common methods for removing unpleasant odors in the house are known:

  • Using aromatic sprays
  • Using folk methods

The first way is the easiest and hassle-free. It is worth spraying an aerosol, as particles of a perfumed spray will hide the unpleasant smell, so that the aroma of lemon, orange or flowers will remain in the house for a long time. For this method, you will need to allocate a small amount from the family budget, as you will have to buy chemicals that hide odors every month. Note! Some air fresheners contain substances that have a negative impact on health. For example, a person may experience an allergy or even a severe asthma attack.

The second way is the cheapest, easiest and safest. Using improvised natural substances, you can create such an air freshener that all store-bought aerosols nearby will look ridiculous and stupid. Making an environmentally friendly air freshener may require the most common ingredients, such as bar soap, coffee beans, lemon peel, activated charcoal, baking soda, essential oils, mint toothpaste. Everyone has all these ingredients in their home, so there should be no problem finding the right ingredients.

Simple ways to help eliminate unpleasant odors in the apartment

Advice! Before you start preparing a natural flavor, be sure to eliminate the very cause of the stink that has appeared. If the sponge smells bad, throw it away, if the trash can, wash it. Replace the ashtray with a new one, wipe the old furniture and vacuum it. Remember, fragrances can't block out odors, they just hide them.

Removing musty smells in the apartment

  1. For this method, you will need to take a small piece of fragrant, better perfumed soap, cut it into small pieces and spread it around the house in beautiful cups or flat saucers. It is advised to moisten these soap bars only once a week, so that the house has a continuous fresh aroma.
  2. If you began to notice that a musty, unpleasant smell began to come from the closet with clothes, empty the furniture, hang things to dry in the sun, if possible, you can overwash everything. In order to avoid such a situation again, it is necessary to place lavender flowers or lemon zest in small bags of cotton fabric.
  3. If you are worried about the bored smell of an old house, you can eliminate it after a complete general cleaning carried out with potassium permanganate. For a more complete effect, fill woven bags with coffee beans or lemon peels and place them in the corners.
  4. The nasty smell of rot, especially in basements or basements, can be removed with water and bleach (you can use bleach). Prepare a 1:1 solution and wipe all walls. For even greater effect, you can keep the windows open for 4-5 hours.
  5. Regardless of the cause of the smell, it can be eliminated thanks to the aroma lamp. Drip a couple of milliliters of essential oils and walk around the entire apartment. In the place where the musty aroma is especially strongly felt, leave the lamp for several hours.

We eliminate the smell in the apartment after paintwork
There is a very simple but effective remedy - to put open containers of salt water throughout the apartment. Salt water will absorb all unpleasant and harmful odors well, leaving the house fresh and clean. Do not forget to additionally open the window or window.

We teach the pet to go to the toilet exclusively in the tray, and at the same time eliminate the smell
As you know, the untimely replacement of the cat litter provokes the animal to look for new places for the toilet, which is why both the new carpet and the flooring suffer. In order to train your cat to go to his tray, keep it clean at all times and carefully remove the marked places so that the cat does not start up again.

  1. If you begin to notice that a cat or dog constantly marks the same place, be sure to rinse it in order to remove all pet odors and scare away with a sharp aroma. Rinse the surface of the floor or carpet first with water, then with vinegar, then sprinkle with baking soda. After a few minutes, remove the soda with a damp cloth and leave to dry.
  2. You can use another method. Prepare a slurry of liquid soap and baking soda. Apply to carpet and cover with a rag. Leave to dry naturally. After a few hours, remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. If the smell has already spread throughout the house and it is no longer possible to determine exactly where the pet has marked the place, wash the floor with water with the addition of potassium permanganate and iodine. Then wipe with a damp cloth, adding a few drops of essential oil or scented detergent to the water.

  1. In order to get rid of the smell of cigarettes in the apartment, open all the available windows to create a draft, and hang wet towels everywhere. They will absorb the smell, and the wind will refresh the room.
  2. Bay leaf is the most effective ingredient in the fight against tobacco smoke. Set it on fire in an ashtray, smoke the whole house, and the smell of tobacco will disappear quickly and without a trace!

Eliminate odor in the bathroom or toilet

  1. Prepare disposable cups, pour coffee beans into them and place them in the corners.
  2. Activated charcoal tablets, about 20-30 pieces, put in the bath or toilet room. Change every month.
  3. Essential oils. In a prepared bucket for cleaning, drip a few drops of essential oils, add a little vinegar. Wipe surfaces in the room. It is a very effective cleaner and odor remover.

It is not at all necessary to buy chemical aerosols to eliminate unpleasant odors in the apartment. With a little patience, you can create a great air freshener yourself. It remains only to choose the ingredients!

Video: how to remove unpleasant odors in the apartment

If at the entrance to the apartment it seems that the fish was recently fried there and it was slightly burnt, this is a reason to check the electrical wiring. When heated, wires and other plastic parts emit the smell of fried fish.

Inspect all sockets, switches and light bulbs. Melted or slightly blackened areas are a reason to replace electrical equipment. If the outlet has been changed, but the smell of fried fish remains, call an electrician. Remember: wiring problems can lead to a fire.

An even more dangerous “symptom” is the smell of rotten eggs. It can signal a gas leak. If, upon entering the room, you feel hydrogen sulfide amber, leave it immediately. Do not turn on lights or strike matches. Contact the gas service as soon as possible.

sewer smell

First, the smell of a latrine appears where there are pipes and sinks - in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Then, due to the ventilation system, it spreads throughout the house and it becomes unbearable to be there.

The main reasons for this smell are errors in the installation of sewage, leaks and blockages, as well as improper functioning of the water seal.

It is unlikely that you will be able to solve these problems on your own, but you can prevent them. Install strainers on sink drains - they will trap hair and other debris. Once a month, clean the pipes with special chemicals.

The smell of decay

This is an extremely unpleasant problem, which, as a rule, occurs in private homes. Rodents and other small animals are often trapped and die in attics, basements and wall cavities. After a while, the stench begins to spread throughout the house.

The hardest part is finding the source of the problem.

If the place is easily accessible, remove the carcass of the animal and treat the surface with a special aerosol. For example, the Bac-A-Zap Odor Eliminator spray eliminates signs of decay, harmful bacteria and bad odor. In difficult cases, it is better to trust the deratization service.

The smell of dampness and decay

If the air in the house is stale, smells of old age and dampness, as if in a non-residential area, mold may be the cause. She is insidious - she hides behind furniture, under wall paneling, under skirting boards.

Mold is a living organism and needs the right conditions to grow. Most often, it appears in rooms with high humidity, where it is warm and the air circulates poorly. An unpleasant odor is released during the growth and reproduction of the fungus.

Household mold of less than one square meter is generally safe. But there are also toxic species that can cause allergic reactions and provoke the development of serious diseases. If you notice an unpleasant smell and feel unwell, contact a professional disinfection service. They will determine the type of fungus and help eliminate it.

In other cases, you can get rid of mold on your own. Here are some ways to treat the affected area.

  • Dilute chlorine bleach 1 to 10 with water. Apply the solution to areas where mold has accumulated. Don't forget to wear gloves.
  • Dilute a tablespoon of white vinegar in a liter of water. Use a spray bottle to spray the solution onto the mold. Wait a little, and then wash off with soapy water.
  • Baking soda is also great for fungus. Dilute one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Dampen a sponge with this and treat the affected surface. It is not worth rinsing off the remnants - soda protects against the reappearance of mold.

But it is better not to remove the mold, but to prevent its occurrence. Check if the ventilation in the house is working properly. Carefully monitor hygiene in places where mold can form. Dirt and grease on the walls is a breeding ground for her. Ventilate dark rooms with high humidity as often as possible.

The smell of cigarettes and other household odors

Cigarettes, pets, food - all this exudes smells (not always pleasant), which impregnate walls, carpets and furniture year after year.

Light cosmetic repairs every few years pleases not only the eye, but also the nose. But if you are an apartment, it will not work to paint the walls and re-paste the wallpaper without the consent of the owners.

One of the most corrosive odors is nicotine. If people smoke in the house, the smell of cigarettes permeates literally everything: furniture upholstery, curtains, carpets, wallpaper. We already wrote in detail about how to get rid of it.

The smell of pet urine or burning can be eradicated if, during wet cleaning, treat carpets and walls (painted or pasted with washable wallpaper) with a solution of white vinegar and water. It will not only eliminate the smell, but also remove stains. You can also dilute half a glass of ammonia in five liters of water and apply the solution to the walls and floor, leave for a few minutes, then rinse. Baking soda works best on carpets. Scatter it over the pile, leave it overnight, and in the morning clean the carpet with a washing vacuum cleaner.

How to return a pleasant aroma to the house

Good smells start with cleanliness. But an even more pleasant atmosphere can be created with the help of automatic air fresheners, aroma lamps and candles, as well as various diffusers.


Wooden sticks absorb the aroma of the essential oil and spread it around the room. Natural fragrances for the home can also be made by hand. Here's how to keep the smell in the jar.

A few more hacks:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad (lavender, lemongrass - whatever you choose). When you start vacuuming, suck the disc in. In the process of cleaning the room will be filled with a pleasant aroma.
  2. If the microwave is saturated with the smell of a dish, such as popcorn or cheese, you can refresh it by boiling a bowl of water and a couple of drops of lemon or orange aroma oil at maximum power.
  3. To in wardrobe smelled good, put soda in a small rag bag and drip a couple of drops of lavender oil. Tie it well and put it between the linen. Such a bag can also be hung on curtains.

Do you know other effective ways to deal with unpleasant odors in the house? Share them in the comments.

In order to get rid of the stench, you need to ventilate the rooms more often, properly care for clothes and upholstered furniture, clean up in time, especially foul-smelling pollution. If there are sick people or small children in the house, it is advised to carefully monitor the level of humidity. To help the housewives comes a modern household chemicals, EM preparations, enzymatic odor neutralizers, natural flavors and reliable grandmother's products. To improve the microclimate, ionizers, air washers and ultraviolet lamps have been developed.

If an unpleasant odor has appeared in the apartment, you must first of all determine its source. Despite the fact that our homes are so different, there are not so many reasons for generating odors:

  1. Mustiness, dampness and.
  2. Animals in the house (hamster cages, canaries, dog beds, cat tags and toilets).
  3. Refrigerator, trash can, burnt food.
  4. Drain holes, defective water seal.
  5. The smell of the apartment with small children.
  6. The stale air of a house where old people or sick people live.
  7. Tobacco smoke.
  8. Old furniture, musty smell in the closet.
  9. Bed bugs, cockroaches and other insects.

Mustiness, dampness and mold

These are very unpleasant phenomena, damp air filled with mold spores causes a number of chronic respiratory diseases, problems with the immune system, allergic reactions ...

If you feel musty when you enter your home, then you need to change the microclimate at home. To remove excess moisture:

  1. Repair any faulty plumbing.
  2. Install a hood in the kitchen, equip the bathroom outlet with a fan.
  3. Dry clothes outside, do not close washing machine after washing.
  4. Ventilate often and open the curtains to let sunlight into the rooms.
  5. Insulate the outer walls if your apartment is corner.
  6. Do not close the bathroom door when no one is using it.
  7. Take out and dry all damp things, wash and dry the shelves of wardrobes and bedside tables well before returning the clothes to their place.
  8. Mold from tiles, washing machines and other surfaces can be cleaned with folk remedies or professional fungicides.

If you follow all these rules, then in a week there will be no trace of dampness and mold

"" - this is universal remedy Suitable for more than just fungus. It effectively copes with odors from animals, tobacco, trash can, suitable for processing any surfaces, washing things and cleaning upholstered furniture.

They also do a good job with mold. well done», « XADO», « Cilli Bang», « KOLORIT StartBIOSTOP», « Avena Color», « Mellerud», « Sanitol», « CaparolCapatox" and etc.

Chlorine and oxygen bleaches are effective against fungus: Vanish», « White», « Santry», « Domestos».

How to clean mold from washing machine

Inspect the car, if a fungus is wound up, you will have to remove the hose that supplies water to the machine, the drain hose and the filter. Wash these parts by hand with chlorine bleach or soda. You also need to wash under the rubber seal.

From animals

Many people love animals, but are afraid to start, not knowing how to eliminate the unpleasant smell in the apartment where pets live. Fortunately for this moment there are many professional tools to help keep the air fresh. These are chemical or biological preparations. Chemical ones are universal, they can be bought at any hardware store, and we will tell a little more about biological ones:

Preparations with enzymes

Veterinary drugs based on enzymes decompose organic residues into harmless, odorless compounds. These products are used to remove dog smell, they also process pet beds. They are safe for people and animals to wash with them. cat trays, cages of rodents and birds.

Effective on urine stains, feces and other organic contaminants. These products can be bought at the pet store: Odor Kill & Stain Remover», « Complete Pet Stain&Odor Remover», « NATURE'S MIRACLE», « Pet Stain & Odor», « Zoovorsin», « Urine Off,« Odorgon Professional for home»

Tip: do not forget to change the filler in the cat tray in time!

Effective Microorganisms

EM drugs Baikal" and " Shine” appeared relatively recently; they can be purchased at garden stores. Positive changes occur due to the work of symbiotic microflora: lactic acid and photosynthetic bacteria, yeast, fermenting fungi, bifidobacteria and actinomycetes.

Many of these microorganisms normally live on human skin, in the gastrointestinal tract, some have been used for cooking since ancient times. To put it simply, the beneficial microflora displaces the harmful ones (Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, mold fungi).

EM preparations were developed by a Japanese microbiologist, since then they have become widespread not only in agriculture. With the help of EM preparations, they purify water from harmful impurities and pathogenic microbes, use it in the process of cleaning, washing, skin care, etc.

The em preparation is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:500, this solution is sprayed from a spray bottle on all surfaces in the house, including upholstered furniture. Fur things, pillows and blankets are processed, wrapped in polyethylene, and after 2 days they are well dried.

This procedure helps to refresh the linen, get rid of mold, dust mites and harmful microorganisms. Cabinets, trash cans, animal habitats, a bathtub, a toilet bowl are treated with a solution of emochs, refrigerators and ovens are washed - this helps to get rid of unpleasant odors and improve the home microclimate.

Refrigerator, trash can, burnt food

If a rotten stench has appeared in the refrigerator, then, first of all, you need to defrost it and wash it thoroughly with soda, vinegar or one of the purchased odor products. When the refrigerator is defrosted, washed and dried, put a saucer with sliced ​​lemon or a container of soda (salt or natural coffee) on one of the shelves, all these products absorb unpleasant odors, and lemon and coffee fill the space with freshness. Close the door and leave the fragrance for a day.

In order to avoid mustiness in the refrigerator in the future, throw away stale food in time, put a bag of salt or an odor absorber on one of the shelves (sold in any supermarket, these are small balls or boxes filled with sorbent).

Also, in order to maintain freshness, you can purchase an ionizer for the refrigerator, the flow of negatively charged ions will destroy mold and microbes, which is why the products will be stored much longer and when you open the door you will feel only pleasant notes of ozone.


Rotting food residues do not just exude a stench, they are a source of pathogenic microbes, it is thanks to kitchen waste that ants and cockroaches start up in the house (read). Take out the garbage every day, do not forget to cover the bucket with a lid.

Wash the bucket daily with the chlorine, EM, or enzymatic odor removers we wrote about above. If you use bags, then it is not necessary to wash the bucket, just pour a little soda on the bottom, which will act as a sorbent.

Kitchen “flavors”

Burnt food or old fat won't make anyone hungry, so the kitchen and dining area need to be kept clean. During cooking, the curtains absorb the smell of burning, onions, fish with their entire surface - you see, it’s not very pleasant. To prevent this from happening, install a hood or open a window while cooking, it is better to move the curtains to one side. Wash curtains, tablecloths more often, if there is a soft corner in the kitchen, clean the upholstery from time to time with an odor remover, EM preparations or " Vanish».

Advice: so that the smell of roasting quickly disappears, pour a few coffee beans into a hot frying pan.

Clean the cooking surface of the stove with a product you have tried and wipe it with a cloth dipped in lemon juice. Best for microwave ovens by special means: « Green&Clean», « Feed Back», « Korting K 17», « PROFESSIONAL», « SANO" etc.

If the smell comes from the oven, then you can use a simple, effective tool: pour water into a baking sheet and place slices of 1-2 lemons there and turn on the oven for half an hour. Citric acid together with hot steam will soften the old fat, and you can easily wash it off with a regular sponge with soda. After this procedure, the oven will smell fresh.

Drain holes

Drains in bathrooms and kitchens can smell quite foul at times and can be cleaned in a number of ways. For example:

  • hot vinegar poured into holes.
  • pour a quarter cup into each hole and pour a liter of boiling water. After 20-30 min. the remains of the product are washed off by simply opening the tap.

An unpleasant odor from the toilet may appear, even if you often wash it and use the “Toilet Duck”, the cause of the stench is that it forms growths in the drain knee. It is mechanically scraped off with a long knife or other suitable object. When the stone is removed, the toilet is poured a large number of chlorine bleach or helium toilet cleaner.

A couple of minutes before the arrival of guests, you can remove the stench in the toilet, for this, light a few matches or an aroma lamp.

Advice: monitor the humidity in the toilet room and the inflow fresh air. If you have good ventilation, then both of these problems are not terrible.

Dampness in an apartment with small children

Everyone knows how a house smells with a baby, parents claim that baby urine does not smell, but you need to face the truth. After all, such conditions are not only unpleasant, they are also dangerous for the baby. The main causes of "childish" smells are uric acid, feces and dampness, which provokes the appearance of mold. But the air can be much cleaner and healthier, we will consider several options for keeping the nursery fresh:

  1. The smell of urine and faeces becomes weaker if you use diapers regularly and wash the diapers immediately after the baby "surprise".
  2. Empty the pot after each use and wash it with EMs or at least plain baking soda.
  3. To avoid excessive dampness, mold and stale air that provoke allergic reactions and respiratory diseases, dry the diapers on the street or on the balcony.
  4. You need to open windows regularly at any time of the year - dampness and mustiness are much more dangerous for the baby than drafts. It is ideal to ventilate the room every hour for 15 minutes. Or at least a couple of times a day for half an hour.
  5. Get a hygrometer and measure the humidity level in the room. Norm: 40-60% if the humidity is higher, take appropriate measures.
  6. If the baby has covered the carpet or sofa, do not wait, immediately treat the stain with an odor remover. Odorgon Professional for home” or use your grandmother’s recipe: blot the puddle with napkins or a rag, pour vinegar over it and let it dry. When the vinegar dries, pour a layer of baking soda and spray the problem area with hydrogen peroxide (you can use a spray bottle). After peroxide gets on the soda, the product will begin to hiss and bubble - it's safe, you can even show the child how everything happens. When the reaction is over, blot the puddle with a rag, this place will no longer smell like anything.

Smells from the room where old people or sick people live

And this problem is solvable, enjoy communicating with loved ones, and think less about unpleasant odors. In the 21st century, many means have been invented to minimize the specific smell of sick people.

Many of the rules for caring for children will also apply in the case of bedridden patients: diapers large sizes can be purchased at pharmacies, regular ventilation, EM drugs and " Odorgon Professional for home". EM preparations can treat not only beds and bed linen, but also wash the patient, treat bedsores.

If you keep the humidity below 60% and ventilate in time, the air will be much fresher, and the patient himself will feel better. Also, to improve air quality and the patient's condition, purchase an ionizer.

Sunlight irritates many old people, but ultraviolet light kills fungus and pathogens, so use every opportunity to part the curtains, for example, while Grandpa is watching the news in the next room.

Most unpleasant odors are associated with the vital activity of pathogenic microflora, so it is recommended to turn on a UV lamp every few days. Shortwave radiation destroys all known microorganisms, as well as mold spores. During the session, no one should be in the room, the duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

smoky apartment

How to remove an unpleasant smell in an apartment if people smoke there constantly? The easiest way is to smoke on the balcony, but if this is unacceptable for you, then you should think about buying an ionizer - the flow of negatively charged particles completely decomposes nicotine.

  • It also helps to solve the problem of quality.
  • If you smoke in the kitchen, just turn on the hood.
  • Empty the ashtray after each smoke break and rinse it under the tap.
  • A saucer filled with soda, salt, ground coffee or citrus peels absorbs smoke well. It is also advised to hang a wet towel next to the smoking area.

Old furniture

Junk smells in a special way, used things, old cabinets and furniture ... it is not always possible to change to a new one, but you can try to get rid of the obsessive odor.

Old things, second hand

Old used clothes will become fresh and fragrant if they are soaked for 3-4 hours in a solution of ammonia (40 ml of 10% ammonia in a bucket of warm water). Before soaking, do not forget to sort the laundry by color. After this time, wring out and dry the laundry, do not rinse. When things are dry, wash them in the machine at the maximum temperature for this fabric. During the final rinse, pour a brightly scented rinse aid into the drum. Dry things outside to remove any residual odor.

Cushioned furniture

Upholstery of old furniture is also subject to restoration. Stains can be removed with the help of modern stain removers, and table vinegar will help with the smell. Upholstered furniture can be knocked out right at home, for this we need an unnecessary sheet, a beater and an vinegar solution (2 tablespoons per 5 liters of water). Soak a sheet in the solution, lay it on the upholstery and beat out - all the dust will remain in the sheet, and the vinegar will absorb odors. In the most neglected cases (if a person was sick on the couch for a long time or the furniture was standing in a damp, smoky room), professional odor removers are indispensable.


Mustiness in cabinets can be removed in several stages. First of all, you need to take out all the contents, sort out, throw out the unnecessary, wash and dry the necessary.

The cabinets themselves should be washed with baking soda or vinegar, wiped dry, and dried with a fan heater, hair dryer, or left open until the surfaces are completely dry. After that, large containers with soda, salt or ground coffee are placed in cabinets for a day.

When things are well dried, they can be put back in place and put in each box of sachets with aromatic herbs: sage, lavender, chamomile or a bag of salt, all dampness and unpleasant odors will be absorbed into the salt. You can store scented soap in a wardrobe self made or a bottle of your favorite perfume, things will be saturated with a delicate aroma.

Bed bugs cockroaches and other insects

Houses infested with insects always smell nasty. Where there are bed bugs, there is the “aroma” of sour raspberries, and the decaying chitinous covers of cockroaches exude an extremely unpleasant odor that permeates the furniture, clothes and even the hair of people living in the apartment.

You can remove these specific odors only by completely getting rid of insects. It will not be difficult to remove cockroaches, for this you can find aerosols, crayons, gels, traps, as well as poisons on sale. Do not forget about sanitary standards, sweep away the crumbs immediately after the meal. Put all food in the refrigerator or store in an airtight container, take out the trash daily.

Bedbugs are much more difficult to remove, they multiply very quickly and are extremely tenacious. Therefore, if you have such “guests”, then we recommend calling the specialists of the Sanitary Epidemiological Station (SES).

Grandma's Secrets

How to remove an unpleasant smell in the apartment at home? Along with modern chemicals, many use grandmother's remedies. There are secrets that allow you to freshen the air in the room quickly and economically:

  • When washing floors, add a little table vinegar to the water.
  • The unpleasant smell of the carpet will be absorbed by table salt, if a few hours before cleaning it is scattered over the carpet in a thin layer. Vacuum after a couple of hours.

  • To freshen the air in the room, hang towels soaked in a weak solution of vinegar. Pretty quickly, the air is cleared of extraneous "aromas".
  • Use sorbents: saucers filled with charcoal, sea salt, soda or ground coffee can be placed throughout the room.
  • A wonderful aroma in the kitchen will be if you rub a baking sheet with a vanilla pod and heat it in the oven. The same baking sheet can be placed on the cabinet and the aroma will fill the room for several days.
  • Bunches of lavender will help to scent the linen in the wardrobe and freshen up the atmosphere at home.
  • A lit aroma lamp with a few drops of sandalwood, citruses or field herbs will fill the room with freshness, and incense will give a good mood to the inhabitants of the house.
  • Put fresh flowers in the room.
  • Regularly carry out general cleaning, laundry and throw away old trash. Daily airing is the main condition for a healthy atmosphere in your home.

In our time, it is probably difficult to find a person who has not encountered the problem of an unpleasant smell in the apartment. Residential premises, even with modern repairs and furniture, are not immune from the appearance of this scourge. The specific smell in the house is not so harmless as it might seem at first glance. It can bring a lot of inconvenience to residents and guests, cause great irritation. It also carries a danger to life and health. I really want to return home, after a hard day's work, where it smells of freshness. Since the apartment is the main place of existence of people, the source of an unpleasant smell in it must be sought immediately. Therefore, today the question is very relevant, how to get rid of an unpleasant smell in the apartment? What are the main reasons for its occurrence?

Each hostess in the house regularly cleans and ventilates the room, and it would seem where a specific smell can come from?

There can be many reasons for this. These include:

  • Smell from the kitchen after cooking.
  • Pets.
  • Smoking in the apartment.
  • Dampness and fungus.
  • Rags after wet cleaning at home or sponges after washing dishes.
  • Problems with plumbing.
  • Ventilation shafts.
  • Carrying out repair work.
  • Fridge.
  • Bin.
  • Heavy air due to the habitation of sick people.
  • The presence of old things or furniture in the apartment.
  • Accommodation for small children.
  • If there are cockroaches or bedbugs in the house.

Bathroom and toilet odors

If we analyze in detail all these reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant smell in the apartment, we can say that no one is immune from the appearance of this scourge. It is very likely that each of us will have it. Remember, it is very important to pinpoint the source of the problem first, and then look for effective methods fight. Only an integrated approach to fixing the problem will allow you to forget about this trouble once and for all. And also in the future it will be able to protect you from the repeated manifestation of a specific smell.

The bathroom is an indispensable place for every person. We visit her every day to observe the rules of personal hygiene. Even she is not immune from the appearance of a terrible smell. Due to a malfunction in the ventilation system, steam from the bath settles on the walls. This leads to mold growth. High humidity can be caused by damaged water pipes or improperly installed home plumbing. Possible blockage or breakage of the hood. Cleaning or replacing the exhaust fan will help solve the problem. Installing a towel dryer also helps a lot.

If there is a cat tray in the toilet, then this may also be the reason for the occurrence of specific air. The smell of cat urine is well absorbed by activated charcoal or ordinary rock salt. In the room where the tray is located, it is worth putting one of these funds. After three days, replace these products with new ones until the unpleasant odor disappears completely.

In the fight against the smell of dampness, use a solution of bleach, vinegar or soda. Treat all surfaces of the bathroom with it. Repeat the procedure in a week. After treatment with bleach, wiping with clean running water will be required, as it contains chemicals that are harmful to our health. However, baking soda and vinegar are the most harmless remedies. After their use, additional surface treatment is not necessary. They tend to fade quickly.

A couple of drops of mint, citrus essential oil will help freshen the air in the toilet or bathroom. In extreme cases, when guests should come to you, and the toilet smells very bad, light a scented candle or lamp. It is worth emphasizing that smells from the bathroom or toilet very quickly move to other rooms of the house or apartment. Therefore, if you start this problem, you will have to seriously work on removing odors already throughout the apartment.

Eliminate odor after smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for our health. And even more we harm the people around us. If you smoke in an apartment, then the smell of tobacco in the room is inevitable. Tobacco smoke tends to soak into things, furniture and carpets. It is not so easy to deal with him. But there are folk methods to eliminate this problem. They represent the use of simple improvised means that every housewife has:

  • Bay leaf. Eliminates tobacco odor very effectively. After smoking, set fire to a bay leaf in an ashtray and carry it along the apartment. The traces of smoke will disappear forever.
  • Airing. It is worth opening all the windows in the house to the draft. Hang wet towels on the doors of the rooms. Moisture quickly absorbs the smell of tobacco.
  • Ammonia. If the smell of cigarettes has been absorbed into the floor, then rinse it with a solution of ammonia and water. Three drops of this remedy will be enough.
  • Orange peel. When smoking guests come to you, the peel from an orange will help to save from the smell. Pour small pieces of orange into water and boil over low heat for ten minutes. Boiling vapors will eliminate the odor.
  • Special funds. They should only be used in extreme cases. For example, when the upholstery of the sofa has absorbed the smell of tobacco. Wipe the sofa with this product using a soft sponge.
  • Black tea. Tea bags are ideal for this procedure. Tea bags should be hung on doors and a chandelier. This product absorbs tobacco very well.

Get rid of the musty smell

It is worth noting that dampness is very insidious and dangerous to our health. The danger of mold is that it releases harmful chemicals. This is detrimental to our health. In order not to harm the health of us and our guests, consider the question of how to remove the smell of dampness in the apartment? First you need to find out the cause of this problem, and then look for methods to solve it. There are many healthy recipes for mold control. They are very effective, easy to prepare and consist of improvised means.

  • If your apartment is flooded by neighbors, the main thing is for moist air to leave the room. Dry the room with a heater. Wipe walls, furniture, and clothing with vinegar. With global floods, repairs are indispensable. In this case, when priming the walls, choose antibacterial agents.
  • The main source of dampness is the bathroom. The main cause of dampness in the bathroom is a poor ventilation system. Possible blockage or breakage of the hood. Cleaning or replacing the exhaust fan will help solve the problem. Installing a towel dryer also helps a lot. In the fight against odor, use a bleach solution. Treat all surfaces of the bathroom with it.
  • Never ignore the appearance of an unpleasant smell in the basement. The presence of dampness in the basement of the house can lead to its spread to all rooms. To do this, check all pipes for damage. If there is a water leak, then the pipe urgently needs to be replaced. If the reason is the waterproofing of the walls or ceiling, seek help from a specialist. Otherwise, due to inexperience in repair work, you can only do harm.
  • To cope with the problem of smell in the closet or other furniture is not a huge problem. If there is a smell in the closet, then first remove all things and dry them. Dry fur coats and coats in the sun on the balcony. Three days will be enough for the moisture to go away. Treat the cabinet with a solution of vinegar or bleach. Leave doors open for ventilation. If things in the closet managed to become covered with fungus, they should be dry-cleaned or thrown away.

In addition to walls, floors and ceilings, mold can also live in other places in the house. The fungus can infect most things. Inspect all the furniture and things in the apartment. Especially behind cabinets and sofas. Wipe shelves and upholstery with antifungal agents. Dry clothes soaked with mildew in the sun. If there are clear signs of fungus on things, then they should be thrown away.

So, let's highlight the main improvised means in the fight against dampness:

Bleach. This component is the most dangerous enemy for mold. To do this, place calcium chloride in the corners of the room. When reusing it, it should be dried and crushed. Or dilute bleach with water in a ratio of one to ten. Treat all damaged areas with the resulting solution. Carry out the processing procedure with gloves and a mask. Since this substance is very toxic.

Soda. Exactly this safe remedy in the fight against fungus. To prepare the remedy, take a glass of water and a teaspoon of baking soda. Apply the product to problem areas with a sponge. Then rinse with running water.

Toilet soap. 0.5 kg of soap must be grated. Add to 0.5 l. water. Boil over low heat. In warm weather, apply the product to the walls. Then process with a composition of 100 g of alum and 6 liters. water.

Hydrogen peroxide. Lubricate the sponge with this product and treat the fungus. This procedure cannot be carried out with painted walls. At the end of the procedure, wipe the walls with a cloth with clean water and dry.

Vinegar. Wipe damaged areas with this product. For more effective treatment of walls, a spray gun is suitable. Wipe with clean water after a couple of hours. For prevention, repeat the procedure after 10 days.

activated charcoal or salt. In the corners of the apartment where there is dampness, place containers with crushed coal or salt. This product absorbs moisture very well. Excellent sorbent for disinfection.

Natural coffe. It is an excellent air freshener. It is enough to pour a few grains into a plastic cup or other small container and put indoors. For prevention, you can put in bags in cabinets and chests of drawers.

In order not to sound the alarm and not look for ways to deal with the smell of dampness in the room, you need to adhere to just a few preventive measures. To prevent the reappearance of the smell, use a solution of potassium permanganate when cleaning. Make sure that damp towels do not hang. Keep the toilet clean. In rooms with high humidity, periodically leave kitchen salt. For fresh air in the apartment, use essential oils of mint and citrus. This is better than buying ready-made air fresheners with unknown chemical compositions in the store.

Removing the smell of cat urine

All animal lovers, and especially cat owners, know the problem of the smell of cat urine in the apartment. Sometimes cats, by virtue of their nature, begin to mark the territory in rooms or corridors. Then there is an intolerable and pungent smell. There are situations when the cat has not yet accustomed to the tray and goes to the toilet on the carpet or in the corners of the house. To deal with an unpleasant odor in the apartment is quite simple:

  • Vinegar. Treat with this remedy the places where the cat went to the toilet. The strong smell of vinegar will help neutralize the smell of urine.
  • Soda. Perfect for processing walls marked with a cat. To prepare the remedy, take a glass of water and a teaspoon of baking soda. Apply the product to problem areas.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. A powerful oxidizing agent will quickly remove the smell of a cat.
  • Citric acid or lemon. Lemon juice or citric acid solution will effectively neutralize urine odor. Perfectly freshens the smell in the room.
  • Special funds. You can buy them at any pet store. They eliminate bad smell and discourage the animal from pranks. These include biological and chemical preparations, agents, which include enzymes. They are completely safe for people and animals. They process cat trays and remove traces of marks. There are also preparations with microorganisms. They have recently gone on sale. They can be purchased at garden stores. The procedure for their use is that beneficial microorganisms destroy harmful ones. They process carpets, sofas, walls and pillows.
  • Essential oils. After the cat urine procedure, put a couple of drops of essential oil on problem areas. Citrus oil is great. It helps to freshen the air in the house, and also prevents the further emergence of the desire in the animal to go to the toilet in the wrong place.

Getting the smell out of furniture

As mentioned a little earlier, furniture can be the cause of an unpleasant smell in the apartment. If there is a smell in the closet, then first remove all things and dry them. It is advisable to do this on the street. Three days will be enough to dry completely. Treat the cabinet with a solution of vinegar or bleach. Leave doors open for ventilation. If things in the closet managed to become covered with fungus, they need to be dry-cleaned. If the kitchen cabinet smells bad, then it is enough to wipe its walls with a napkin dipped in lemon juice or vinegar. Leave doors open for ventilation. As an air freshener, you must use natural coffee or activated carbon. Place them in pouches in the middle of the closet.

We clean the oven

A specific smell in the kitchen may appear due to the contamination of the oven. During the preparation of your favorite dishes, food and fat residues may remain on the inner walls of the appliance. This smell can fill the whole apartment and spoil the taste of the dish. You can soften stale fat in the following way:

  • With the help of a lemon. Take some water in a bowl and cut a couple of lemon slices into it. Place in the oven, turning it on for half an hour.
  • Soda effectively fights fat. It is enough to prepare a solution from it and apply it to problem areas.
  • Plain water. If you do not have lemon or soda at home, then clean water will help you solve the problem. Fill a cast iron bowl with water and place in the oven. Let this water boil for 15 minutes. The steam will loosen dirt.

We clean the microwave

It should be emphasized that not doing simple rules operation of a microwave oven and preventive measures can lead to a lot of unpleasant consequences. Due to constant violations of the rules for cooking, a persistent pungent odor appears that can spread throughout the house or apartment. Therefore, each owner of this household appliance must follow a few simple rules when using it. It is always easier to prevent a problem from occurring than to deal with it later.

When using the microwave oven for heating or cooking, be sure to use a plastic container with a lid. It will prevent the spread of food particles in the middle of this versatile appliance.

Leave the door open for 10 minutes after each cooking. This will ventilate the electrical appliance from odors. Never leave the device unattended during operation. At any moment, a food particle can catch fire and lead to irreversible consequences. It is necessary to regularly wash the walls in the middle of the appliance with special products.

If suddenly, during the preparation of your favorite meat dish, traces of fat remain on the walls of the microwave, they must be removed with a sponge. Fat tends to burn. The result will be a burning smell. There are many ways to remove a strong odor. Let's look at the most effective of them:

  • Lemon or solution citric acid. Their use helps to soften and remove dirt from any surfaces as much as possible. To do this, squeeze the juice from half a lemon or 10 g of citric acid. Dissolve them in a bowl of water. Boil this mixture at maximum power for five minutes. After that, you need to wipe the walls of the device with a sponge and leave it to air until completely dry.
  • Soda. It is no less effective in solving the problem. To use it in the fight against pungent odors, take 4 tablespoons of the product and mix it in half a glass of water. Wipe down the walls of the microwave. The procedure must be repeated twice. After processing the device, rinse with clean running water, leave the door to ventilate.
  • Vinegar. Prepare a solution of 1 liter of water and 100 grams of vinegar. This tool should be treated with the walls of the microwave oven. After completing the procedure, rinse with a clean sponge using plain water.
  • Peel of an orange. Take a piece and dry it for 3 minutes. It will help to eliminate the unpleasant odor very quickly.
  • Activated carbon. You need to take 7 tablets of coal. Grind into powder. Place it in the middle of the microwave overnight. This powder has the ability to perfectly absorb bad odors.
  • Toothpaste. Heating certain foodstuffs, such as fish or garlic dishes, enhances their specific odor. You can easily use toothpaste or other mouth fresheners.
  • Special funds. There are situations when the microwave oven is very much running, thoroughly soiled with food residues, in this case we cannot cope without chemicals. There is a very simple way in which you can clean an electrical appliance in a matter of minutes. To do this, you will need a few drops of dishwashing detergent and some water. Place the dish with this solution in the microwave at maximum power. Turn on for 3 minutes. Next, you can wipe the internal dirt of the device with a napkin. Then, it is necessary to complete the cleaning procedure by wiping with a clean, damp cloth. Leave the microwave to ventilate.

Refreshing the refrigerator

The most important and indispensable household appliance in every family is the refrigerator. Without it, it is impossible to make a complete diet for each person. But there are situations that, for some reason, an unpleasant odor may appear from it. And this, in turn, can adversely affect your health. How to make a fresh smell from the refrigerator?

There are such proven methods:

  • Activated carbon. To do this, you need several tablets of this remedy. Grind to a powder and place in the chamber for several hours.
  • Toothpaste. Mint toothpaste is ideal for cleaning the unit. A small amount of Apply to a sponge and wipe off dirt. At the end of the procedure, remove the remnants of the product with a damp cloth.
  • Coffee. Natural coffee is ideal. But if this is not at hand, you can use what is. It serves as an air freshener, neutralizes the smell.
  • Baking soda. A container with soda solution perfectly removes an unpleasant odor. You can leave it in the household appliance for up to 3 months. Next, you need to prepare a fresh solution. You can put an open pack of soda in the refrigerator. When the smell disappears, throw it away.
  • Vinegar solution. Its pungent smell is able to neutralize other odors. He disinfects. Preparing a cleanser. Half a glass of water to half a glass of vinegar. Wipe the entire inside surface of the appliance with the product. Then finish by wiping with plain running water. Wipe everything dry.
  • Black bread. Cut brown bread, Borodinsky will do very well, and put it on the shelves.
  • Lemon or citric acid. This fruit must be cut into pieces and placed in a household appliance for a couple of days. You can replace it with a solution of citric acid and water. This is very effective method, which quickly removes unpleasant odors and leaves behind freshness.
  • Turmeric or cloves. Arrange on all shelves in small parts.

Prevention of unpleasant odors in the apartment

To make your apartment smell only fresh, follow these simple rules:

  • Ventilate your living space regularly.
  • Perform wet cleaning with the addition of potassium permanganate or vinegar to the water.
  • Take out the trash can promptly.
  • Check the operation of the ventilation system in a timely manner.
  • Take care of household appliances regularly.
  • When cleaning the apartment, wash textiles, curtains.
  • Use bags of coffee beans or tea bags to freshen the air in your furniture. Also essential oils of mint and citrus.
  • Air pillows and blankets outside.
  • Remove dust and clean carpets.

If you follow all of the above steps, then the problem of bad odors in your home will never overtake you.