
Do-it-yourself angel from tights step by step instructions. How to make a doll from nylon tights in one hour? Nylon stocking toy: step by step instructions and diagram for beginners


The Forty-Years Internet magazine has already written about how to sew. Today's new description:

Would need:

- flesh-colored nylon tights;
- synthetic winterizer or filler;
- glue gun or glue Moment;
- clothesline;
- eyes;
– boa yellow color for hair;
- a piece of white feather boa;
- thread, needle, pins;
- blush;
- ready-made heart-application;
- lace material for the dress.


1. Let's start with the head.

From a synthetic winterizer, it is desirable to use a volumetric synthetic winterizer, we form a ball equal to the size of the head of the future kapron doll.

Wrap in capron, tie a knot. Put a small padding ball in place of the spout. With a thread in the color of kapron, we tighten the nose according to the following scheme - from top to bottom, from bottom to top, from top to right, obliquely up - we got a nostril, then the same nostril in the other direction.
We make the tightening of the mouth, cheeks, eyebrows and eyes, in more detail in the next master class.

We look at the shape of the head., You can untie the knot and add a padding polyester to make it more correct form heads.

We embroider the mouth with a red thread, glue the eyes, cheeks can be tinted with blush.
Glue the hair that we make from the yellow boa.
It turned out to be a cute muzzle.

2. The body of a kapron angel doll.

Cut off a piece of tights along the length of the body. We fill it with synthetic winterizer, form the body of the doll in the form of a roller, tie it with a thread.
Sew the head to the body.

We start dressing the doll. It is very convenient to sew clothes from lace, as there is no need to process the edges. Cut out panties, sew or glue to the body. We sew a dress from lace, put it on, the style can be any.

3. We make legs.

First we make the feet. For we form two small balls from synthetic winterizer, wrap it in nylon, give the ball the shape of a foot, tie it with a thread. We sew each finger, similarly we make the second foot.
cut off
2 pieces of rope 10 cm long (= leg length) Tie a knot in place of the knee. We glue the cord to the foot, you can decorate it with a piece of lace. Sew the second end of the cord to the body.

4. We make toy handles from nylon.

We form a ball of synthetic winterizer the size of a palm, wrap it with nylon, tie a knot. We sew each finger.
Sew or glue the handles to the body. To make the attachment point invisible, we sew on lace cuffs.

Glue the finished heart to the handles. If there is no such application, then you can either sew it from two pieces of fabric.
We make wings from a feather boa, glue it to the back.

«, how to sew an angel from kapron with your own hands.

Master Class new year gift "Fairy Angel" designed for those who are just starting to sew, children 9-10 years old. We created this work in the classroom in the "Puppet Master" circle, which I supervise.


  • white tights (can be of different density);
  • trimming fabrics (in our case, these were curtain fabrics);
  • white calico (you can use any cotton fabric);
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • threads, needles, pins;
  • black, gray beads;
  • colored pastel, you can cosmetic blush.


  • sewing machine (optional)
  • scissors.

1. Cut out a square of about 9-10 cm from tights and make a circle out of it (remember cutting a circle out of a square in origami). If your tights are thin, then we reduce the size a little.

2. We tear off the synthetic winterizer and make a rather loose lump out of it, a small lump for the nose.
3. With a wrapping stitch, we sew along the edge of the circle (you can use a simple basting stitch).
4. We insert the synthetic winterizer: first, a small one in the center, then a large one and tighten the fabric.

5. We mark the eyes, nose and corners of the mouth with pins.

6. From the back of the head, we insert a needle with a white thread into one of the eye sockets, lifting the pin. ATTENTION! We try not to take the needle into the back of the head anymore, only to fix the thread in order not to flatten the head. We remove the needle from the other eye socket, do this operation 2-3 times, pulling the thread.

7. From one eye socket we bring the needle into the nostril 2-3 times, tighten it. We pass to the other side of the face through the eye sockets and repeat the operation.

8. Through the nostrils we do the same to the corners of the mouth.

9. With a red thread, select the mouth. The thread is inserted with a separate needle from the back of the head.

10. Highlight the chin. The thread is inserted from the nostrils. You can not do this.

11. In my case, I highlighted the eyebrows, dimples on the cheeks. The students did not perform this operation and, it seems to me, their angels turned out to be cuter and prettier.

12. We introduce a black thread from the back of the head into one of the eye sockets, put on a bead, remove the needle from the other eye socket, repeat the action (we do not tighten the thread). Embroider eyelashes and eyebrows.

13. We rub the pastel of different shades on sandpaper, it is possible on a simple piece of paper, we do face tinting. (Blush or eyeshadow works too). And here your imagination can play. My children love this process very much, and I never interfere with them, if only I remove a little excess paint.

14. For hair, you can use any white thread for knitting. In our case, it was weed. We wind 3-4 circles on 3 fingers, remove them. We drag a separate thread in the center of the mug, we get bows. Bows are sewn or glued to the head.

15. Attach the head to a sheet of paper. (Everyone will get it different size, depends on the density of the material, so there is no clear pattern.) We draw a little body. Cut it out, align it, folding it in half. We calculate the circle using the formula r=D:2P (the radius is equal to the diameter divided by 6.3).

16. Cut out the body from the cotton fabric, do not forget about the allowances for the seams, first grind the side seams on sewing machine. If she's not, no problem. Seams can be sewn plain stalk suture, also with a seam in the needles back or forward. The amount of work is small. Leave the neck open. We sew the bottom. We fill the body with synthetic winterizer or holofiber, but not as tightly as the tilde. We sew. The needle should run parallel to the seam. Seam: body-head, body-head. The first circle - the stitches are large, the second - smaller, we attract the thread. If, nevertheless, the threads are visible, it does not matter, we will decorate the neck with lace, braid or a scarf. The hardest part of the job is over!

17. Now fantasy works! We make a selection from pieces of fabric. You can use any, if the seamstress is a baby, help her. Finish the edges of the fabric so that the fabric does not fray in a zigzag or overlog.

18. The length of the fabric web exceeds the volume of the body by 2 times, do the width as you like, you can vary. We fold the fabric along the length, grind it on a typewriter or manually, you can use a simple basting seam, iron it. We fold the fabric along the width and sew 2 layers along the edge with a small basting seam. We put it on the doll, tighten the fabric, distributing the folds, sew in a circle with the same basting seam. On the bottom layer, take a dense fabric so that your doll stands well.

19. And so on, layer by layer. We get to the neck. We decorate the neck with lace or a scarf.
20. We cut out pens and palms, fantasy works again. If you are tired, then you do not need to make palms from knitwear. We sew the fabric, cut it out, turn it inside out and stuff it a little. Do any finish. We put the handles in the folds of the dress and glue them, or sew them to the body.

21. Wings can be anything. If you do not understand how to sew them, check out the Tild Angels workshops. I draw wings myself. (If you don’t want to sew, remember that you have new shoes, and they have liners - also a good material for the wings.) We sew or glue the wings.
My students turned out so amazing!

Happy creativity!

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Doll Mermaid (crochet)
Another master class on knitting toys from Anna. Fairy-tale characters always attract with their unusual...

It is enough to simply make a beautiful angel out of nylon. To do this, wrap the cotton wool in a capron, and then tie a small knot. On the site where the spout will be, you will need to invest small ball from sintepon. With a thread in the desired color, we tighten the angel's nose - from top to bottom or from bottom to top.

We look at the resulting shape of the head, if it is small in size, then it is possible to untie the knot and add the right amount of synthetic winterizer.

The mouth, it is best to embroider with pink thread, make eyes, the cheeks of an angel can be slightly tinted with different colors. Then we glue the hair.

We carry out the little body

We cut out a small piece of tights, stuff it tightly with the padding polyester at hand, create the body of our angel in the form of a small roller and then tie it with a strong thread. Then we sew the head to the resulting body.

Clothes for an angel, it is very convenient to make from a variety of lace, because it does not require processing the edges and wasting time.

Making beautiful legs

Initially, we perform the feet. To do this, we make 2 small-sized balls, which are made of padding polyester, securely wrap and tie with a strong thread. We carry out fingers, we also do the second foot.

We cut out 2 small pieces of rope, approximately 12 cm each (this will be the length of the leg). Then we tie a knot in the area where the knee will be. Securely glue the rope to the resulting foot, and connect the other end of the rope to the body. The capron angel should now be ready.

Winter holidays are distinguished by their special atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Many people believe that Christmas and New Year Holidays are exclusively family holidays and you need to meet them in a narrow circle. But this does not mean that you do not need to take care of gifts for friends, colleagues and distant relatives. Do-it-yourself dolls for the New Year are a great option for such presents.

Textile dolls angels as a gift

Such DIY toys can be made in perfect different techniques. The most popular types of angels:

  • Protect.
  • Dolls from kapron.
  • Tildes.
  • Simple textile dolls.

Christmas Doll Keeper

Do not neglect the protective dolls. Even if you do not believe in the protective power of such a thing, this does not mean that the chrysalis is completely useless. This is a folk art that has successfully survived to this day, although it has undergone some changes.

Such an angel cannot be made as a simple souvenir, especially not for close people, but for distant friends and people who are by and large not close to you. The thing is that by creating a small amulet doll, you charge it with your energy, put in a sincere desire to protect and protect it from evil. Therefore, such amulets are usually exchanged with children, parents, loved ones and close people.

A common distinguishing feature of all protective dolls is that they do not have facial features. It is believed that someone unkind can move into the doll through the painted eyes. Decorating figurines is also not accepted - excessive pretentiousness and brightness attract attention, which is completely unnecessary. Several master classes on how to make different protective angels.

Thread angel

Such crafts-amulet during the winter holidays, you can hang it on the Christmas tree. For work you will need:

  • thick natural yarn white, brown or beige.
  • A piece of cotton.

Sequencing. Divide the bundle of yarn into three unequal parts. Most of it will be required for the angel's body itself, arms and wings are made from smaller ones.

First step. Fold the larger bundle in half, put a ball of cotton wool into the fold. This is the head. Carefully distribute the threads so that the cotton wool is not visible, tie the bundle under the ball with a separate thread.

Second step. Under the neck thread, divide the yarn into front and back. Fold the front part over your head, put a smaller bunch of threads perpendicularly in the middle. Return the folded yarn back to its place.

Third step. Make several constrictions with threads, forming the arms and waist of the angel. Separately tie the third bunch of threads - first drag along the edges, then in the center. Pull the threads so that you get two rounded triangles with a constriction.

Fourth step. Tie the wings to the back of the figurine, tying the chest crosswise in front. From separate three threads, weave a braid-hoop and tie the doll on the head. The amulet is ready!

Charm from a handkerchief

The simplest options that even a child can master do not require the ability to sew or any other skills. You will need a square of white fabric, a ball of cotton, red and white threads.

Sequencing. Put a round piece of cotton wool in the center of the fabric square (any filler will do) and tightly twist the fabric around it. You get a ball, and under it a triangle of double fabric. Drag with a white thread and fix the fabric in this position.

Next, you need to straighten the fabric in both directions. The resulting two sharp tips are the wings. Now you need to cross-wind the chest and back of the figure so that the wings and shirt are fixed. Angel ready!

Motanka doll Angel

A do-it-yourself twisting doll, made in accordance with all the rules, will be a real talisman that will protect you from the evil eye and bad wishes. Neither scissors nor needles can be used to make a motanka. All material must be natural - linen, cotton, calico, etc. It is proposed to tear the fabric with your hands. For work you will need:

  • White fabric.
  • Canvas.
  • The threads are white.
  • A piece of cotton.
  • Wool is yellow.
  • Ribbon for a belt.
  • Bell or bell.

First step. Twist a piece of fabric into an even roller. Fold it in half and upper part wrap with thread, stepping back 2-3 cm from the edge of the fold. This is a blank for the head. Wrap the two lower ends with a thread, stepping back from the ends by a centimeter. These are legs. Make another roll of fabric and wrap it entirely with thread - these will be the angel's hands.

Second step. With the help of a piece of cotton, form a head - wind it on a previously determined place. Cover with a small square of fabric, twist it at the base of the head. Fasten with thread. Place a roller-handle under the ends of the fabric and continue to wind it with the same thread as the head.

Third step. Fold a piece of canvas with an accordion and drag it with a thread in the middle. Straighten the folds - these are the wings. Attach them to the back of the amulet.

Fourth step. With a strip of colored fabric, wrap the chest of the figurine crosswise so that it is closed in front and goes over the shoulders to the wings. From another piece of fabric form a skirt, wrap around the waist. Gird the doll with a ribbon, hiding the threads and joints of the fabric.

Fifth step. From yellow wool, make hair for an angel, fix it on the head with a hoop thread. The handles can be brought forward by wrapping a bell or bell around them. Motanka is ready.

Miracle from kapron

Nylon dolls self made they look amazing - cute, touching and very original figurines will leave few people indifferent. The most difficult thing in the whole process is to correctly form the face of the toy. A small master class will help you master this tricky science . For work you will need:

First step. For the head, you need to form a ball of synthetic winterizer and wrap it in nylon. Roll up a smaller ball for the nose and put it on the head. After that, pull the nylon slightly and tie it with a knot at the bottom, making a kind of neck.

Second step. Face tightening. With a needle and thread in small paired stitches: from top to bottom, from bottom to top. From the top to the right diagonally and back, and also to the left, forming the nostrils. By the same principle, a mouth with a chin, cheeks and eye sockets are formed.

Third step. Light makeup - blush cheeks and lips, tint eye sockets with brown shadows and glue eyes. Hair can be made from artificial hair or glue the entire head with small white feathers. As an alternative, use wool to felt the desired shade, simply gluing it to the parting.

Fourth step. The body of the pupa should be proportional to the head. Cut off a piece of tights of the appropriate length and fill with padding polyester. Tie knots top and bottom. Sew the body to the head.

Fifth step. Feet and palms. The workflow is still the same. A lump of synthetic winterizer is inserted into a capron, with a needle and thread, tightenings are made according to the number of fingers. Utyazhki are best toned with brown shadows, emphasizing the relief of the fingers.

Cut two pieces of 10 cm from the rope, make a knot in the middle of each segment. These are legs. Sew the ropes to the body on one side, and glue the feet on the other.

Sixth step. Dress up an angel. To do this, make a hoodie dress from a piece of lace. Separately make two sleeves, at the ends of which glue the palms. Sew the sleeves to the body. Put a felt heart into your palms.

Seventh step. Fold two rounded triangles from flexible wire. Wrap the wire frame with white tape, fix each turn with glue. The tape should connect opposite sides of the wire. Paste the resulting base with feathers. Angel ready!

Plain fabrics

To do beautiful doll do-it-yourself angel, patterns will not be required too complicated. You can draw them yourself. For work you will need:

  • Material in 3 different colors. For the body - beige, for the cap and hoodie - blue, for the wings - light color.
  • Lace ribbon for finishing.
  • Cardboard and pencil.
  • Sewing accessories and machine.
  • Filler.
  • Fabric paints and brushes.
  • Yarn or artificial hair.

First step. Pattern. The easiest option to perform, especially for those who do not really like or know how to sew, is a single pattern of the entire body. Exaggerated head, arms and legs. Too small details and sharp transitions should be avoided. Wings and a triangle-cap are drawn separately. It should correspond to the size of the doll's head and be of such length that its tip rests on the angel's shoulder. The wings are a single unit with outlined rounded edges-feathers.

Second step. Transfer the pattern to the fabric, folded in half. Pin with pins, cut out, leaving a 1 cm seam allowance. Sew along the drawn line, leaving a 10 cm open stitch so that the material can be turned inside out.

Third step. Turn inside out, fill with filler . Sew up the left section.

Fourth step. With thin brushes draw the face of the doll. Sew or glue hair onto hot glue, leaving the back of the head free, there will be a cap.

Fifth step. While the paint dries, sew clothes. For the hoodie, you will need a rectangle of fabric that can be wrapped around the doll's body. Sew it into a pipe, leaving slots for the handles, put it on the workpiece. At the neck, gather the fabric into an assembly and fix it.

Sixth step. Wings. Fold the fabric for them with the right sides to each other, transfer the pattern to the other side. Stitch without leaving slits. Cut with allowances of 1 cm. Notch them so that there are no creases when turning out. Carefully cut one layer of fabric in the middle and turn it out through this cut. Fill with filler and sew a slot.

Seventh step. Sew the wings to the hoodie on the back of the angel. The triangular-shaped cap does not need to be filled, it needs to be sewn to the head of the figurine with a looped seam. The doll is ready!

Magic transformations

Often there is quite a suitable chrysalis at hand., which, before turning into an angel, lacks literally a few details, for example, wings and a hoodie, a halo. The halo is simply made from a piece of wire, which is twisted into a ring on the base. You can decorate such a halo with tinsel, feathers or wrap it with a thick yellow thread. With the change of dress is also quite simple - the hoodie is obtained from fabric stitched into a tube. But how to make angel wings for a doll if there are no feathers at hand? Pretty simple. This will require:

  • Flexible, but stable wire (like floral).
  • Small nylon mesh (or just nylon of the desired color).
  • Lining fabric, preferably with lurex.
  • Needle and thread to match the fabric.
  • Glue gun.
  • Scissors.

The first stage of work. Twist the frame of the wings from one piece of wire. The size and shape are arbitrary, but are usually two triangles with rounded, soft corners. Dimensions depend on the size of the doll itself, which needs to be turned into an angel.

Second phase. The frame needs to be compacted, this is done using a nylon stack. It must be pulled tightly onto the base, but the wire must not be deformed. Fasten with thread.

Third stage. Cut the lining fabric into strips. The width of the strip is the length of future feathers. The length of the strip should correspond to the section of the wing to which it will be glued. Cut each strip of fabric with a fringe, rounding the edges of the cut pieces. Get a ribbon with feathers.

Fourth stage. Sew or glue the fringe in layers so that the uncut strip of the fringe base is hidden under the previous layer of feathers.

Such a detail can easily turn almost any tilde doll into an angel!

Attention, only TODAY!

Modern technology has made it much easier for a woman to do housework. And also reduced the amount of time that the weaker sex spends on it. Therefore, ladies began to do needlework more.

V Lately the creation of author's dolls from improvised material has gained particular popularity. But unlike a knitted version or making a toy out of fabric, a tilde from old tights is a rather simple process.

It is also important that the materials for this needlework are always at your fingertips. Capron toys are especially natural, which makes them especially popular with children.

We will tell you how easy it is to make a doll from old nylon tights.

Materials and tools for work

You can easily find all the components for this needlework in your home.. To make this toy, you will need the following.

  • Stuffing. For it, you can use pieces of foam rubber or synthetic winterizer.
  • Nylon stockings or tights.
  • Thick threads or yarn for hair.
  • Flexible wire for forming a frame.
  • Scissors, thimble, sewing thread and needle.
  • Rag patches for tailoring.

For hair toys can also use pieces of fur if it does not need to be long. Fit and loose satin ribbons, as they are particularly silky, but impractical in loose form. You can also take a dyed synthetic winterizer.

For the face you can use embroidery, marker drawing or ready-made decor. Ready-made eyes, nose and sponges can be bought at the store. Buttons are also good for this purpose.

DIY dolls

Before you get started, decide what kind of doll you want to end up with.

You can make a tilde from nylon tights in several ways:

  • frame toy;
  • priest

They differ in structure. And also distinguishes their complexity of the process.


This species is different from others oval shape. He the easiest to perform, so its creation will not take much time.

Another distinguishing feature is the absence of pronounced limbs.

Even the most inexperienced craftswoman can do this work from a nylon stocking. Ready product resembles a baby in diapers or a well-known toy. Hence the name of this species.


This variety is distinguished by a pronounced head and back of the body. The finished carcass is hung on a string or ribbon.

Most often, such crafts are used for playful presentations or as an entertaining interior decor.

There is a funny belief that if upon awakening you see the back of the tilde, then the day will bring you a couple of unpleasant surprises.

This product is also not difficult to create. It can be made in parts, and then sewn to clothes.

Frame dolls

These toys are distinguished by a special grace and breadth of creative flight. But you will have to spend more than one free evening to create them.

Exists two variants of the wireframe tilde.

  • The first uses a plastic bottle as a base.
  • The second is made on a wire frame.

Then the base is wrapped in stuffing and covered with a nylon fabric. It is in this version that you can show your talent and create a unique, author's little thing.

These toys can be made both in permanent clothes and with the possibility of changing clothes.

How to sew a doll from nylon tights

This hand-sewn soft toy will serve as a wonderful gift for your child. It will also decorate any interior, bringing additional comfort and a touch of mystery to it.

There are many tutorials on various types and techniques for this exciting activity.

We decided to collect the most basic of them.

Master class for beginners

The easiest to perform will be a tumbler doll. It is from this incarnation that it is recommended to start learning how to create funny figures.

To achieve a good result, it is enough to follow the following points step by step.

  • Cut off pantyhose lower part trousers.
  • Roll up a synthetic winterizer into a small ball. Then place it in the cut off stocking so that the nylon stretches.
  • Secure by pulling the neck with threads. Thus, we get the body of the future toy.
  • Now roll up a smaller ball for the head. Place it over the first one and sew up the top hole.
  • Draw a face on the top and sew on some yarn to simulate hair.
  • “Dress” the resulting blank in a cap and wrap it in a diaper.
  • Secure everything carefully.

Your baby doll is ready.

How to sew an Angel doll (author - Elena Starikova)

This character is particularly touching and tender, which means it is perfect for a sincere gift.

It is carried out on a wire frame.. You will also need a synthetic winterizer, threads, a needle, lace.

  • The first step is to form the head of the future figurine. To do this, we fold the ball from the synthetic winterizer, we fit it with a nylon flap. With the help of a needle and thread we create the contours of the doll's face. We perform makeup and glue the eyes and cilia.
  • We make a frame by bending the wire in the shape of a human body with arms and legs.
  • We wind the synthetic winterizer onto the frame. At the same time, try to make the turns as tightly as possible. Now we cover the resulting workpiece with a nylon fabric.
  • Sew on the head carefully.
  • We glue the hair prepared in advance from threads.
  • We sew a white fabric dress and dress the doll.
  • We cut out wings from lace and carefully sew them onto the back of the figurine.

Charming angel is ready. You can complement it with a halo made of golden wire. The hair of this doll can be either white or any other color.

How to sew a Popik doll

This funny option is designed to cheer up and charge others with positive. The step-by-step process of making this figurine looks like this.

  • We roll one large ball for the head and several small ones for the nose and cheeks from the synthetic winterizer.
  • We impose on the main kruglyash those that are smaller, and fit the structure with a padding polyester.
  • With the help of a needle and thread, we give the ball the contours of the face.
  • Glue the eyelashes in place. If there are no ready-made ones, use loose black braid for this purpose. Now we attach the eyes.
  • We wind yarn on a cardboard (template for future hair). We cut it on one side and sew it to the blank of the head along the parting.
  • Next, we make the torso. To do this, we tie a piece of padding polyester into a capron and make two turns across. So we form the line of the chest.
  • In a similar way we make the ass.
  • We carry out the arms and legs of the future figure.
  • We sew panties from a lace patch and fix them on the pope.
  • We sew the top of the dress with the neckline to the chest blank.
  • We sew a fluffy skirt.
  • From the same material as the dress, we make sleeves. We sew hands on them.

The assembly takes place as follows: we sequentially attach the head, chest, sleeves, ass and legs to the skirt. Attach a ribbon for hanging.

Your popik is ready

How to sew a doll candy bowl

This option is perfect for decorating not only holiday table, but also as a wonderful decorative element of your environment.

The stages of its implementation are not very different from the creation of a frame doll. However, there are also significant differences.

  • Just like in the other methods, the head is executed first.
  • Then frame arms and legs are made, like Popik's.
  • The central element of the future product is a bright flap on which the head, arms and legs are attached.
  • To it, with the help of glue, a container for sweets is fixed. It can be a straw candy bowl or a plastic deep plate. A craft made of bright catchy materials will look original.

Master class of famous needlewomen

On the Internet you can find a large number of various workshops. They are presented in the form detailed descriptions, various photo reports and interesting videos. Many masters are happy to communicate with those who are interested and do not mind answering questions.

Let's talk about some of them

Elena Volodkevich

Here you you can see a wide variety of models this technique. And also to learn the subtleties of the work, which this master gladly explains. And learn more about the many options for using products in this technique.

Her detailed master classes will tell you about the manufacture of the above dolls. Moreover, explain how to make a cook doll, a cute sheep or a bright rooster.

Irina Starkova

She explains in great detail how to properly tighten in the formation of facial contours. It also teaches how to put on makeup for the same purpose.

It is also detailed and high quality. talks about making small details of the figure, such as fingers or toes.

Her lessons are not only freely available on the Internet. You can also ask your question through her Instagram page. There, the craftswoman also uploads photos of her new works, which you can look at for your inspiration.


Considering all the beauty and tenderness that these things carry, we can say that by creating them, you make our world brighter and more colorful. And also fill it with warmth and joy.

Do not be modest, rejoice in your needlework of the people around you.