
My tenderness, I will forget you statuses. Tenderness. Secret phrases about tenderness. About maternal tenderness

Pathology of the uterus

  • Appreciate love in any of its manifestations. Waiting for your soldier! I'm happy!
  • You said you love. Then you found yourself another and said what a fool. Now you want to return the relationship. Honey, why don't you go to hell?
  • Holding my hand, look into her eyes and smile sweetly. Scum.
  • Today I was walking down the street, and a mother with a small child is coming to meet me, and the child, looking at me, smiled so widely and sincerely that I then walked myself and smiled at everyone)))
  • Brunette - like black coffee, hot and alluring, slightly bitter, burning, with a unique aroma.
  • Once you try it, you won't change it for anything else.
  • Do you like the smell of children's shampoo "quack-quack"???.. The smell of caramel.. The smell of childhood...)))
  • Your hair, arms and shoulders, your crime, because you can't be so beautiful in the world!
  • So touching grandparents walking down the street hand in hand ... so cute
  • I will wake up in the morning and run barefoot to the kitchen in your shirt. I'll wake you up by biting your ear and smacking your cheeks, and you'll grumble sleepily and hit me with a pillow." - So cute ...)
  • Cute statuses - Dear guys, would you know how much girls forgive you just because they love you!
  • I collect the signatures of the most beautiful girls. Would you mind posting yours?
  • I want love to be like shampoo in childhood - without tears
  • Sometimes when you are on a bus, you look out the window, listen to music... And you really want to cry...
  • Somewhere in the world, where it is always frosty, I will give the bear many, many roses ... he will smile sweetly and say to me “hello, where have you been for so many years?”
  • I love the sincere and sweet smiles of the guys, when they see me, the guys smile so sweetly!)
  • There is nothing more beautiful than waking up in the same bed with two girls and quietly admiring how they sleep. Such defenseless, sweet and beloved - wife and daughter.
  • My only fault is that I'm beautiful, slightly loose, vulnerable and free, I'm guilty of being proud, but I'm a girl, which means I'm right!
  • Lovely eyes, complex character. Good with her. But not everyone understands this.
  • To see a loved one in a dream and wake up with a smile on your face ... Here it is - happiness!
  • He wants to seem bad to everyone, but I know that he is such a lapula. Even when he lies, he constantly smiles and it's so cute)))
  • It's so sweet to read SMS from a loved one - "zaya you're lovely, I've been dreaming of a girl like you all my life"
  • Yesterday I sat, waiting for him .... and looked at the children .... they are so small and defenseless, and at the same time so cute .... and when he came, I realized that he was the one from whom I want a baby. ...
  • And I see that I ran my beautiful eyes over my status. Oh, how cute are your eyes. Now give me a plus sign for my compliment. - Cute and
  • Good afternoon. Unfortunately, I got a little - a little less than 1000 characters when rewriting quotes. I hope that you will like the work in this form and you will pay for the order. Thank you for your order, hope to cooperate.

    You suddenly appeared next to me, but now I feel how you breathe, how gentle you are .... From this, wings grow behind your back ...

    Tenderness is the lightness of magic, the whispering of stars with dreams and the wind carrying on the clouds into the delightful world of illusions and mysteries...

    When you kiss with your eyes closed, on your eyelids, tenderness dances a waltz with love ...

    Best Status:
    We are gentle with those to whom we are kind, but we hate those whom we offend.

    Tenderness is the lightness of dreams, stars falling on the clouds in the glassy world of mirages and secrets...

    Better quiet tenderness than loud vows.

    It is better to be tender in silence than to utter passionate oaths loudly.

    Male tenderness is like a puppy - to run up and lick it, and female tenderness is like a kitten - to purr and fall asleep at hand.

    Pity is a bittersweet mixture of love and tenderness, while gloating is a salty-bitter mixture of hatred and anger.

    Tenderness and touch - What was it? Misunderstanding?

    Usually this passion (voluptuousness) is denoted by the word Love, meaning by it an indefinite attraction of one sex to another, as natural as hunger.

    Don't walk behind me - I may not lead you. Don't go ahead of me - maybe I won't follow you. Come along and we'll be together

    A woman sometimes cheats not because there is a lot of bad in her, but because a lot of good is wasted in her.

    Our hearts, of rock, were bound by love because you are impregnable, like a stone, and I am more patient than him.

    Your tenderness captivated me from the first minutes, Enveloped forever ...

    Love should not be measured in the way young people measure it, that is, by the strength of passion, but by its fidelity and strength.

    Tenderness grows stronger after the mat ...

    No one can ever love a completely unknown thing.

    You need to be able to become rougher, while maintaining your tenderness

    The past generation believed in love, but no one saw it, the current generation knows what love is, but does not believe in it.

    Irony rules the world, love protects the world, and if not for them, then evil would have become good long ago ...

    Who once loved, he will not love again.

    Appreciate the one who values ​​you, do not chase the one who is happy without you.

    How bold and self-confident becomes the one who gains the conviction that he is loved.

    The amount of tenderness produced and consumed daily is limited

    Love for one's neighbor is limited by how much each person loves himself.

    Scum on the heart ...

    Love deeply and passionately. It may hurt you, but the only way live life to the fullest...

    The amount of tenderness produced and consumed daily is limited

    True tenderness cannot be confused with anything ...

    Friendship is love without wings.

    A woman rarely forgives jealousy and never forgives her absence ...

    Tenderness is so divinely light, It is the rustle of dreams and decay stars, It is the wind that spreads clouds, Into the fragile world of illusions and mysteries...

    A mist of tenderness enveloped mountains of melancholy.

    When a person falls in love, he starts by deceiving himself and ends by deceiving others.

    I would even quit smoking so that my right hand is free for yours ...

    Tenderness is not words, it is breathing in the same rhythm ...

    True tenderness cannot be confused with anything, and it is quiet, but you always know for sure about its presence..

    Love is a game. Whoever said “I love you” first loses...

    Heart broken but working. Paradox?

    No pretense will help to hide love for a long time when it is, or portray it when it is not.

    The amount of tenderness radiated and absorbed every day has a limit.

    It is difficult to love those whom we do not respect at all, but it is even more difficult to love those whom we respect more than ourselves.

    Love behaves like rain - it will always come when you do not expect ...

    A strong person and loves accordingly.

    True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it.

    Tears? No, it's rain. Painfully? No, everything is okay. Together? Alas, we are apart. Dreams? They are not clear to me. Memory? You won't erase it. Heart? Do not glue broken. Thoughts? They are all with you. The senses? You can't change them...

    If you love me, then I will move mountains! if not love, then the neck ...

    I want to be the reason for your happiness!

    “Equality is the strongest foundation of love.”

    TENDERNESS is the rustle of the heart.

    - I closed the door to my heart and wrote - NO ENTRANCE. But love came and said simply - “I can’t read” ...

    I got used to you. in all of you. slowly. deep. sincerely. in your scent. into your skin. I am a part of you it's forever. forever and ever. whether you want it or not.

    Love your neighbor at any distance, and it will begin to shrink

    Love is not invited for a cup of coffee. She herself comes, but there is no time for coffee.

    “He who has never sought either friendship or love is a thousand times poorer than the one who has lost them both.”

    In pity there is always an admixture of love or tenderness, and in gloating - an admixture of hatred and anger.

    Whoever has not heard the breathing of a sleeping girl does not know what tenderness is ...

    Tenderness is the pink sky at sunrise. Man is the Sun, woman is everything else

    You may hate me for who I am, but not because I told you the truth.

    A growing tenderness wandered into the mansions of eroticism. She stayed there.

    Do you know what tenderness is? Tenderness is when I myself, without noticing it, remove your hair behind your ear ..

    Tenderness is almost like invisibility, a little bit, with force, but without pushes and rudeness.

    Love is a disease of tenderness.

    Mom, do not trample on my tenderness with the boots of your cynicism!

    … there is no getting away from it, from the tenderness that fills the chest and throat, protruding through the skin, tormenting the hands with the desire to touch and stroke.

    The earbuds don't get tangled up to annoy you. It's just that the right earbud loves the left one. They hug.

    It is difficult to keep your husband under the heel, if you walk in slippers all the time.

    We are filled with tenderness for those to whom we do good, and we passionately hate those whom we have done many offenses.

    True love is not one that endures years of separation, but one that endures years of intimacy.

    When love enters through the door, the brain jumps out the window.

    When he leaves, I sit like a fool and smell my hair, which smelled of his perfume ...

    Expressed tenderness is a rest for the gift of speech.

    For your tenderness, I will give all my feelings.

    There could be a declaration of love dedicated to you here ... but I'm too lazy to write ...

    And he ... he's kind of special. Another. He has something that no other guy has. It's like there's something special about it. Specially for me…

    Someday you will ask: “What is more important to me - life or you?” I will answer: "Life". You will leave! And you'll never know that you were my life!

    Life sometimes puts a ban on our most cherished joys, on our most tender feelings but we cannot dream of them being lawful.

    Girls are most attached to men who know how to listen, show tenderness and make laugh ...

    Love is a serious illness: it puts two people to bed at once.

    Love for a neighbor is something different than love for a neighbor.

    If you want to approach a person from the back and hug for a long, long time, then you can safely live with him. Tenderness is the most important thing in love.

    If I were offered an eternity without you, I would choose a moment, but with you.

    Hearts in one rhythm… Dreams in one course… I miss you dream about me!!!

    We are never so defenseless as when we love and never so hopelessly unhappy as when we lose the object of love or his love.

    Tenderness is the best proof of love than the most passionate vows.

    Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes.

    Nothing gets in the way of a romance like a woman's sense of humor and a man's lack of it.

    People are gentle because they love

    Do not put a period where the heart puts a comma ...

    Tears are words that the heart cannot utter...

    The tenderness expressed is a rest for the gift of speech.

    I believe that everything will work out for you and me so that we get it.

    Tell me, do you have tenderness today? - Yes, with the addition of the warmest words.

    You need to cry when the rain cries ... Then it will not be clear which of you sheds tears ...

    Our tenderness disappeared under tons of whoredom.

    Tenderness is the power of love, but tenderness is not lisping.

    When you love, you discover such wealth in yourself, so much tenderness, affection, you can’t even believe that you know how to love like that.

    One who can be gentle has great inner strength.

    When you are sometimes bored, And grief worries you, You remember that there is a heart in the world that loves you!

    Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to step up and pluck it from the edge of the abyss.

    The amount of tenderness produced and consumed daily is limited

    Woven with salt... delicate.

    there is no getting away from it, from the tenderness that fills the chest and throat, protruding through the skin, tormenting the hands with the desire to touch and stroke.

    Some people have something to remember, while others only have something they want to forget.

    The kingdom of a woman is the kingdom of tenderness, subtlety and tolerance.

    Tenderness is when everything is in moderation, without excesses: the sound is not loud, the colors are soft, the touches are light and gentle, the emotions are calm, the sweetness is not cloying.

    From tenderness, the crotch will tremble.

    Tenderness fell into my quiet world .. And suffered like a hurricane

    You can’t confuse real tenderness with anything, and she is quiet.

    People are gentle because they love

    Love endures for a long time, is merciful, love does not envy, love does not exalt itself, is not proud, does not act outrageously, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil ...

    If you need statuses for your beloved guy, then look for them in this collection. Here you will find the most sincere, and in some cases, quite incredible phrases.

    It seems that all life is for you alone. Or doesn't it seem...

    1. It's good that I'm beautiful. I would suffer if you didn't like it.
    2. I haven't compared you to anyone in a long time. Just because I love.
    3. If I wasn't afraid of losing you, I would never be with you.

    If there are some misunderstandings between you and your loved one, set the statuses “about the guy I love”.

    1. Morning begins not with coffee, but with memories of you alone.
    2. You would know right away if I fell out of love with you. Everyone would betray my eyes.
    3. It's hard to imagine that someday I'll get tired of waking up next to you.

    The status of a beloved guy about love is for those who need a little more courage.

    1. You are near ... And then - we'll figure it out.
    2. A good relationship is when you are not allowed to sleep at night and not allowed to get up in the morning.
    3. Sleeping much more pleasantly with the teddy bear you gave me.

    If your heart is overflowing with love, set love statuses for guys.

    1. You can't even imagine how much I miss you when you leave...
    2. Do you know what thought hurts my heart the most? That someday we can part.
    3. Time passes, but feelings for you do not disappear. What are you saying about the fact that love lives for 3 years?

    It's good when there is someone for whom you want to become better

    Statuses for a beloved guy with meaning will be useful to those girls who want to clarify something in a relationship.

    1. You will say that I will have a million like him. But I don't need a million. This is what loyalty is about.
    2. Everyone has a person from whom we are only glad to hear a call late at night. And everyone has their own...
    3. In your arms I feel like a child: I want to sleep and not wake up until morning.

    If you are now in such a period that you simply want to scream from love, set statuses for your beloved guy with meaning.

    1. When we started dating, nothing special happened. Just a dream come true.
    2. All it takes to soothe me is to inhale your scent.
    3. It’s hard for me to even imagine that someone, in principle, can be in your place ...

    Statuses about a beloved guy with meaning will say more than a thousand words.

    1. His deep voice just turns everything inside!
    2. I was told not to fall in love, because then nothing would save me. And so it turned out.
    3. I won’t say that I’m perfect with him, but I can’t imagine myself without him ...

    If you understand that love has captured you completely, rather choose statuses in VK about your beloved guy.

    1. Please, please don't hurt me. From you - a thousand times more painful.
    2. Love is not so beautiful. From embarrassment, you just can’t say everything you feel.
    3. The most pleasant time is when everything was just beginning for you and me.

    Ready for a lot. For our future with you

    The status “I love my boy” will definitely please your significant other!

    1. Since you are with me, I have ceased to be afraid of many things.
    2. They say there is an antidote for love, but I'm not going to look for it!
    3. I realized that I love you when I became ready to wait for you forever.

    When you no longer have doubts that you want to live life with this particular person, set one of the statuses about your beloved VK guy.

    1. Do you remember the place where we first kissed?!
    2. They say that love is only mutual. It's good that we have love with you.
    3. I always condemned “too” lovers, until I myself became like that ...

    The status in VK “about the guy I love” will definitely come in handy for each of us.

    1. Thank you, honey, for not knowing what a broken heart is.
    2. I trust you. Your phone. There is a confirmation of my loyalty.
    3. Love is when you can no longer live without a kiss.

    When a girl is sure that her relationship with a young man is serious, then it's time to put beautiful statuses about the guy you love.

    1. Let others think what they want. The main thing is that it is good for me, and for you.
    2. For you, I was ready for a lot. And, you know, I did not regret ...
    3. Having fallen in love, I realized that it is impossible to hide this feeling, no matter how hard you try.

    It's good that we exist, and we don't care about formalities

    Statuses about a beloved boy will definitely be clear to those to whom they are actually addressed.

    1. I am ready to either love you, or, in extreme cases, hate you. No friendship!
    2. Everything is fine, but this indecision of yours ... will drive you crazy!
    3. Or maybe I fell in love with you because you are a bad guy?!

    You should not be silent, you should talk about feelings in love statuses in VK for your beloved guy.

    1. Love is probably the only reason I dumped so many guys.
    2. Paradise is also on Earth. He is at night, in your arms.
    3. If he is in your thoughts, you definitely can’t get away from him, no matter how bad he may be.

    Beautiful statuses about your beloved guy with meaning contain thoughts that will forever remain in your heart.

    1. I don't doubt you for a second. And if you hurt, I understand, I will be to blame myself.
    2. Yes, you are unique. But only for me. And I'm not going to prove it to anyone.
    3. Yes, there is a pack of cigarettes. Your hand in mine is what you need for real happiness.

    Love is a wonderful feeling, so remembering it as often as possible is really difficult.

    Tenderness is a special feeling that should be cherished. This expression is real sincere feelings. Unlike passion, tenderness does not need vivid manifestations of emotions, it needs sincerity and understanding that a loved one is happy. This is a feeling that gives people comfort and warmth in their hearts. Below are statuses about tenderness with meaning.

    Sayings of poets

    Most of the statuses about tenderness can be taken from poems. After all, who better than poets to be familiar with this feeling, because for them human feelings are a source of inspiration. Especially love.

    "You can't confuse real tenderness

    Nothing, and she's quiet."

    Anna Akhmatova.

    This feeling is not exposed. Tenderness is shown only to close people, it cannot be applied to everyone. This is care, joy for a loved one, support and a desire to always be there. They try to cherish it, especially in modern society, when people try to demonstrate their relationship to everyone.

    "Tenderness is the most meek, timid, divine face of love."

    Hope Taffy.

    Most often, this feeling is talked about when talking about love. In this status about tenderness, it is said that this is one of the highest manifestations of love. But at the same time, this feeling is distinguished by modesty, and that is why people value it.

    About love

    Writers, as well as poets, talk about human relationships. Love has always been a source of inspiration for people. Love is a feeling that encourages people to change for the sake of a loved one.

    "When you love, you discover such wealth in yourself, so much tenderness, affection, you can’t even believe that you know how to love like that."

    A. P. Chekhov

    Love is one of the most mysterious yet beautiful feelings. When a person falls in love for real, he notices something in himself that he did not notice before. This is what is said in this status about tenderness. For the sake of their second half, people try to become better. After all, it is not in vain that they say that a rude and uncommunicative person with his lover becomes different - caring, affectionate. Because he is ready to give all the wealth of his inner world only to the closest person.

    "Love is a disease of tenderness."

    Al. Kruglov.

    Tenderness is the desire to protect another, to please him, without expecting anything in return. This is precisely the manifestation true love. Passion is manifestation vivid emotions desire to possess another person. But it is tenderness, care and affection that is a manifestation of sincere love.

    "Oh, this tenderness! How much more powerful it is than strength!"

    S. Bronte "Jane Eyre".

    They say that a woman is strongest when she loves. And in the statuses about the tenderness of a girl, it is often said that the desire to protect is not a manifestation of weakness, but of inner strength. After all, every person wants to feel that someone needs him, that somewhere they are waiting for him. And it is tenderness that makes it possible to feel the full power of love.

    About a woman

    The concept of tenderness is associated with a woman, because it is women who are more emotional. If such concepts as "masculinity", "strength" are associated with men, then with a woman it is "tenderness", "affection". With the help of tenderness, you can conquer even the most strong man.

    "Love, beauty, tenderness and care - all this is a real woman."

    Any woman, no matter how strong and independent she is, wants to feel defenseless and give her care and affection. A tender woman in love is always beautiful, but not only externally, but also internally. All these good feelings seem to illuminate her from the inside, giving others joy and light.

    The statuses about the tenderness of a woman say that she needs to give her affection and love. This is her strength. But tenderness is not given to everyone, which is why this feeling is so valued. Such a woman wants to be protected and protected, such a woman gives her man wings and inspires him. That is why a man should be careful about the feelings of his woman.

    About the house

    Of course, much more often you can find statuses about tenderness and love, but this feeling arises not only when two people love each other. It is human nature to take care of things dear and important to his heart.

    “Yes, it’s not a miracle that the house shelters us and warms, that these walls are ours. The miracle is that it imperceptibly transfers to us reserves of tenderness - and it forms in the heart, in its very depths, unknown layers, where it’s like water spring, dreams are born..."

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

    Expensive things that remind a person of important events for him or people close to him can also be a source of special emotions for a person. For any person, the house is his fortress, his stronghold. A house is not just a building, walls, but also a place where a person feels comfortable and happy. That is why a person also carefully and tenderly treats the house.

    About maternal tenderness

    Separately, it is worth highlighting maternal feelings, because they never weaken. Below are statuses about the tenderness of mothers that they give to their children, even when they grow up. Therefore, adults once again feel like children next to their mothers.

    "The hands of mothers are woven from tenderness - children sleep on them in a calm sleep."

    Mothers are ready to do everything for their children, always ready to protect them. Because for them, even when they grow up, they still remain small. It is to their mothers that they turn for advice, share their secrets, because they will try to understand them and help them.

    "Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness."

    For children, maternal tenderness is a lullaby that soothes and gives harmony. Mother's hands support a person when he is small, when he just crosses the threshold adulthood And when already creates its family. And a person always feels this maternal tenderness and support.

    About words

    Human feelings are difficult to express in words, because each person understands and feels in his own way. Also tenderness - a person understands what he feels, but cannot explain.

    "Tenderness is something that is so difficult to explain in words, but so easy to feel with the heart."

    Lovers are always distinguished from others not by the fact that they tell everyone around them about their love, but by how tenderly they look at each other and how touchingly they care for each other. Tenderness is manifested not in words, but in deeds.

    Tenderness does not need loud statements or vivid manifestations of feelings. It is not shown publicly, it is intended only for one person. Tenderness is manifested not only in actions or words, but also in the look. This feeling gives a person warmth and understanding that a person is dear and needed to someone. Tenderness is one of the main manifestations of love.