
Good family statuses with meaning. Beautiful statuses about the family with meaning. Cool and funny statuses about family


Best statuses about family on! Millennia pass, civilizations replace each other, the face of the Earth changes, but just as before since the time of Adam and Eve, the family is the main thing in the life of every person. It is a strong and loving family that is the key to any prosperous society. The first words we say are mom and dad. It was they, these two people, who laid the foundation for creating a strong union. And with the advent of children, we can talk about a full-fledged and friendly family. Statuses about family and children will help you find the right words to describe your relationship with all your loved ones. Many books and articles have been written about family problems, and how many wonderful films have been made on this topic. Family relationships are an inexhaustible topic for discussion. V modern world family problems occupy the first place in many developed countries. Psychologists are trying to find answers to pressing questions of family relationships. Statuses about the family on are interesting sayings and quotes from great people about the most important thing.

The best statuses about the family with meaning!

Each of us has our own idea of ​​the ideal family. Girls begin to imagine their future family as early as six or seven years old. Playing mothers and daughters, they build a model of their family. And it is very important that they have before their eyes a positive example of their parents. Years pass, and already a new generation of girls create their own family. Life has taken a new turn. If the family is not an empty word or a burdensome duty for you, then our statuses about the family are meaningful for you. Get together with the whole family as often as possible and, to the sounds of classical music, think about how fragile family happiness can be. You are the most wonderful family according to your friends. You won’t find such a harmonious couple during the day with fire, do you work on your relationship every day? Is family the most important thing in your life? Then beautiful statuses about the family will be a great frame for your family relationships!

Beautiful sayings about a happy family life!

L.N. Tolstoy once wrote that happy families are equally happy. Whether this is so, everyone decides in their own way. But happy people can be seen immediately. If love, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, honesty, kindness, spiritual purity reign in their relationship, then with all confidence we can talk about a really happy family. Pro statuses happy family, posted on your page in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, will allow your family and friends to be happy for you once again! How quickly time flies, only yesterday you applied to the registry office, and today your family celebrates silver wedding. How many good things you and your spouse had. Now the kids are about to get married. And you are still in love with your husband just like twenty years ago. It was his love that protected you all these years. Share your life experience with the young, post statuses about family life from A to Z on your page.

Family statuses - quotes about relatives!

Relatives are not chosen - folk wisdom says! Well, bitter, but true. Or maybe we just don't want to see the good in them? And your mother-in-law is just an angel, and your mother-in-law is a kind sorceress, ready to sit with her grandchildren at any moment. On you can find the coolest and funny statuses about relatives. They may not be who they say they are! The family is the most important and dear in a person's life, and it is, of course, the main value for everyone. Real life is in full swing in the family, and our loved ones are always happy to help us in difficult times. We are always connected with the family, wherever we are. Family statuses will help you to connect with your loved ones, wherever they are. Tell them about your love more often!

Look for the happiness of being, as well as positive advice. And let your family please you, and let your children inspire you.

A man must feed and protect his family. If this is not enough for a woman, let her turn to a goldfish.

Sometimes we forget that home and family are more important than any business.

You are only mine, and I am yours - we have a wonderful family !!!

God gave us gifts, this is our husband, family and children, we love them all our lives alone, wonderful, sweet and dear.

Neither an interesting job, nor good children, nor a beloved wife will replace you with a good rest from them.

When controlling children, one must learn and trust them.

Family will never betray you, never humiliate you. Family is the only people who will never laugh at your weaknesses. Family is the only place where you will always find love and respect.

Children are wonderful because they don't care about your opinion.

Our most important wealth is not money and power ... but a strong happy family ... with charming smiles ... beautiful kids !!!

In order for peace and love to reign in the family, you have to get up earlier than everyone else in the morning ... well, you know.

V family life you need to be able to seem to be “oh, what a fool”, so as not to remain “oh, what a fool”

A woman gives birth to the first child for herself, the second - for a good dad ...

Today, tolerating each other is considered normal family life.

When children stop asking questions, parents begin to do so.

A good family life makes you stronger.

Real family happiness is when there are at least three of you.

Family life is already good because there is always someone else to blame for family troubles ...

My joy is children, my joy is my husband, the rest of the world shines, next to them fade already!

A quarrel is a quarrel, but the husband needs to be fed according to the schedule !!!)))

It's not about how much time you spend with your kids, it's about how much love and attention you give them while you're together.

What is real marital love? It is hard work, patience and loyalty.

In that family, they shut each other up, where, in fact, there is nothing to talk about.

Mom can replace everyone, but no one can replace mom!

Over time, you realize that there is nothing dearer than parents and children. The brook of life turns into a river, separating them along different banks ...

To look at yourself from the outside, pay attention to the behavior of the child. And then all good and bad are immediately evident!

I got myself a cat ... Now this muzzle has more photos than me!

All parents in their lives have one, the same and incurable disease until the end of their days - this is their heartache for the health and happiness of their children, no matter what age their children are.

In the family, everyone should stand up for each other, otherwise trouble will knock on the door.

You return from work in the evening, and children's laughter meets you, scattered toys ... your husband's socks are welcomed from different angles ... Here it is, HAPPINESS, when EVERYTHING IS HOME!

Family life is a complicated thing. And making a marriage happy is a whole art.

The union concluded in heaven descends to earth, and the main thing here is not to trample it into the mud.

A family is not born, it is made.

Do not rush to put an end to family relationships… But if it is still set, remember that any dot, if desired, easily turns into a comma.

Pamper the children, gentlemen! Nobody knows what the future holds for them.

Do not overdo it by protecting children from life's problems. Children must gain life experience so that later they can survive and succeed.

The most valuable gift from God is a smiling child in the house!!!

Don't take on too much. By doing so, you make your loved ones helpless!

To live means always to love, it cannot be otherwise in life. Husband, Mother, father or children, we love everyone and cannot live without them.

Family life is an attempt to have two selves under one blanket.

They say it's easy to be a good mom when you're around good dad… HA It's easy to be a good mom when there's an AWESOME grandma around!!!

Woman as a guardian hearth, has every right to break firewood so that the hearth burns and the man is not bored)))

Of all the diversity of life, we, pretty darting, still choose the simplest - FAMILY.

The strength of the family, like the strength of the army, is in loyalty to each other.

When a child is born in a family… the apartment gradually turns into a toy store!

Children need to be brought up in an atmosphere parental love, and not during enemy showdowns.

Happy, joyful life! Keep the family! Holy bonds! Love each other and children!

If sorrows are divided in half, joys are doubled.

It's good for one... but with a strong... created in love... a young and happy family... it's better!!!

If it breaks, then it’s not a family, but if it’s a family, then you still won’t break it.

Children and parents - one field of berries, yes in different time grown.

A family is a place where, as in a children's game, by saying: "Church, I'm in the house," you can hide from the worst troubles and problems. Where you are loved for who you are and not for something, but simply LOVE ...

In addition to principles, almost everyone has a wife and children ...

First we lead the children by the hand, so that later they lead us by the nose.

HAPPINESS is when your children are EVERYTHING WELL ... And your HEART does not hurt for them !!!

Parents, do not offend children! Do not use force on babies! Do not scold for pranks and tricks, because children are happiness, given by God to you!

I love my family madly, mom, dad, brothers, granny, aunt, uncle and sister, I don’t understand at all how such a wonderful family got such rubbish like me)

beautiful statuses about family and children


Perhaps I will now touch on the most important side of a person, human life.
We are all children, then we become parents...
We all want to raise a literate and reasonable person.
We all wonder where greedy, traitors and vile people come from.
I'll tell you frankly... they come from us, from people and parents.

What is parental love?

Everyone will say that love is care and attention to your child...
NOT everyone understands that
- You can’t love a child, you can’t give him your attention,
it is necessary not to love the child immediately, but to teach him to work and be responsible for his actions.
It is to be responsible for the little that he does from childhood, from the first steps of life. That's when your child will learn to understand and know who the parents are.

What are parents doing?

After the birth of their baby, they begin to cherish, caress, kiss the ass and poke everything ...
Would you like a little porridge? Do you want candy?
Do you want this toy? Here, take this delicious yummy vitamin...
What is it?... Is it education? This is the training of selfishness and permissiveness from childhood.

Parents should teach their child to work.
Do you want this candy? ... let me show you how to make it, how much knowledge and work is needed for you to try this candy ...

Do you want a nice shirt or pants? let's sew this beauty together so that you can see how much time and money is needed for this pleasure.

I hope you understand what I'm talking about.
A person must be educated by labor so that he understands a person.

All the love of parents is a pampering of the desired with the possible, where parents always have to, and children always want everything ready.

Look at families where parents love their children very much, they try to make things easier for them so that the children do not get their poor little hands dirty and do not work like mom and dad ... Children grow up, they believe that everyone owes them everything ...
First, mom and dad, then relatives and friends owe them, at work everyone owes them too ... so more and more others owe them ...

Only the old age of parents becomes more sober from this very parental love, when your beloved child has become a father or mother himself and does not understand you ...

You become a hindrance to him... after all, you need to be looked after, you are no longer healthy... You need to be taken to the doctor and fed... bathed and watched over...
Then such beloved children act very simply...
they put you in a nursing home or a hospice with a beautiful name - Old Age Sanatorium ...
These beloved children do not understand that they must answer you for your love and work, which you dedicated to them at a time when you loved and were healthy ...
No, dear parents... you didn't love them... you spoiled them with your attention and the money you earned for a living... to make life easier for them than for you...

Children should not be loved... children should be forced to work...
from childhood to force to work and bear responsibility for what has been done.

The love of parents for children is the ability to live and survive in any conditions,
to be the man of your parents...

Relatives are the greatest wealth that a person possesses. That is why the cell of society is dedicated a large number of all sorts of sayings and aphorisms. To replenish your arsenal of beautiful sayings, you can use the statuses with meaning about the family proposed in the article.

Beautiful statuses about the family

Statuses about a family with meaning are all the more attractive, the more capacious and original they are.

  • "What is the most expensive gift your parents gave you? - Life."
  • "If you have at least one person waiting at home, you are no longer alone."
  • "There is no place for selfishness in the family."
  • “I don’t believe it when they say that the Guardian Angel cannot be seen. I see mine every day. This is my mother.”
  • "You don't need to educate your children. Educate yourself. They will still look like you."
  • "The future spouse should be treated like parents: do not look for a new one after a quarrel."
  • "Native people are the roots of a person."
  • "Unity of purpose is the key to the unity of spouses."
  • "The only place where forgiveness can always be found is in the family."
  • "A good person promises happiness to another before starting a family. A bad person is waiting for him."
  • "In a happy family, they understand that the trouble shared with another is half the trouble, and the joy shared with another is two joys."
  • "The realization of this important thing comes with time - you need to value health and parents. As long as they exist."

meaningful: short

  • "To resolve difficult situation in marriage, you should first ask yourself the question: "What is more important - to be right or happy?"
  • "Even if with the advent of a child, peace, sleep, time have disappeared in the family, there is something that will remain forever - happiness."
  • "It is easy to surprise with a beautiful wedding. It is more difficult to surprise with a long and happy marriage."
  • "Lucky is the one whose personal life has become family."
  • "A family is possible if only both actors. If one is already a theater."
  • "The hands of parents are the embodiment of tenderness and care."
  • "In the circle of relatives, for the first time you will learn what "we" is.
  • "Happiness in the family is a gift from the Almighty. The most valuable gift."
  • "There is no permanent calm in the family. The main thing is to remember where your shore is."
  • "Relatives may not always be right. But they always remain relatives."

Funny statuses about family

It doesn't have to be serious. Sometimes statuses with a meaning about the family with humor carry an equally important message.

  • “When my relatives are nearby, I don’t even need social networks.”
  • "V happy marriage the neuroticism of the spouses coincides."
  • "To be happy, spouses need to forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night - that they are spouses."
  • "In a happy family, everything is stable. First, sex every day, after the wedding - every year."
  • "Parents are always waiting for children. First - their birth, then - from a nightclub."
  • "In happy families, everything rests on communication. Here, our dad talks to a car, mom talks to flowers, sister talks to dolls, I talk to a phone and a computer."
  • "Why would a family argue about who is in charge? Let everyone secretly consider himself the head."

Statuses with meaning about the family can be used to express your feelings to loved ones. It can be not only a post in social networks. It will be very nice to receive a note to another person with such a phrase, left in the morning on a coffee table, a letter with this text to work. The main thing is improvisation and the desire to surprise. And statuses with a meaning about the family are just a tool in the hands of a loving person.

The most important thing in life is your family. For her you have to fight and worry. Your wife and mother will worry about the rest.

With everyone at least once there was such a moment when you suddenly wanted to turn on the music at full volume and dance, dance. Here you awkwardly turn around, and there the whole family is dying.

With the creation of a family, you should forget about partying and all other entertainment. But they will never replace the children's laughter and the first words of your baby.

Frequent family naivety: money breeds in the wallet, food multiplies in the refrigerator, and storks bring children.

Best Status:
Only having matured, you understand that there are no more important reliable friends, dear family, beloved woman and own son in life.

Bentley and money are not important, but a happy family with a bunch of kids, money and Bentley is already something ...

When creating a family, look at all the qualities of a partner, but for entertainment for one night, a pretty face is enough.

- Carrot, carrot, why are you so sad? Do you see juice? My family…

It wasn't until my wife started riding beside me that I realized the true meaning of the term right hand obstruction.

In family scenes, one director, the other director.

Ideal family: dad works, mom is beautiful!)

If family members do not love each other, if fellow villagers and townspeople do not respect each other, such a family is not good, neither the village nor the city.

For a woman, there is no higher joy than children.

Our mother cries loudly that everyone in the apartment is pigs. Hush mommy don't cry, others have the same srach

I don’t want a rich husband with a Mercedes… but I just want a happy family and many children!… that’s all.

Dad decided to check if I was swearing, and tripped me

Judging by how everyone actively adds each other as relatives, our city is one big friendly family.

In the family circle, everyone had their own corner.

My family is strange: dad talks to his car, mom with flowers, sister with cats, I'm the only normal one with a computer and a phone

And in the evenings, the whole family watched the radio ...

I realized that my childhood was over when my parents started hiding cognac from me at home!

Intelligent family. The wife plays the violin. Husband: - Okay, okay, stop it! I'll buy you a new dress..

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.

Married life is every day a war and every night a truce ...

If my pasta burns, it means “Krivoruka! you don’t know how to cook!” And if dad’s, then - “mm, with roast”

I have a family. Me, the cat and the blanket. We even sleep together!

The family is one of the masterpieces of nature.

I know the password, I see an ATM, I believe my dad is an oil tycoon

Statuses about the family - Good spouses have the same goals.

In a large family, individual farmers grow up crippled.

My family always comes first..!

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness.

In family life, while maintaining your dignity, you must be able to yield to each other.

Equality in the family means that the husband is equal and the wife is equal. And the wife is especially distinguished by this.

Family is not the place where everything is perfect, but the place where they forgive each other!

If there is hazing in the family, then there is fatherlessness.

A family is a small country in which PAPA is the President, MAMA is the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Culture and emergencies in the family. A CHILD is a people who constantly demand something, are indignant and arrange strikes.

Who is the head of the family is not the main thing. The main thing is to keep the family alive.

All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Do not give birth to children for the sake of family happiness - give birth to children in happy families.

Marital happiness is when two neuroticisms match perfectly.

The family is the foundation of the most important thing in a person's life.

Forgive me, mother, married son

Better buffet than swedish family.

You must always be the best youngest child in family.

Today we walked with dad, how nice it was to walk with him by the hand. Love him.

Thank you mom for your kind words. Because you dedicated yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.

In the family, the power of reason is good, the power of force is evil.

Children are happiness! But it comes at such a high price!

Happy is he who is happy at home with his family.

Mom, dad, why do you think that a good company for a child in the summer is old people in the village?

In a family you will not be full of love alone, but without love you will choke.

Conjugal love, which goes through a thousand accidents, is the most beautiful miracle, although the most ordinary.

Statuses about the family - Chmok - we are a couple, bang - family, strum - you are dad, I'm mom.

Chmok - we are a couple, chpok - family, strum - you're dad, I'm mom.

Family is the place where you can find your love!

In some families, one happiness is to quickly escape from a domestic nightmare. The most active life is for those who run like this.

If the family is not filled with children's cries, they are more than compensated by adults ...

The family is not a cell of the state. The family is the state and eats

In a family, as in a state, the most dangerous thing is anarchy.

A considerable benefit for the family is the expulsion of a villain from it.

The family is one of the masterpieces of nature.

I realized that my mother can be proud of my upbringing when, catching my heel on a step and flying half a ladder, I yelled: `oh-oh-oh!`

If a child is always seen, but not heard, this is an ideal child. But even he dreams of ideal parents, who are neither seen nor heard.

In family life, the most important screw is love ...

Many parents pack up their trouble and send them to camp...

Do not forget that everything in the family should be equal: a new fur coat for a wife, socks for a husband

Toys are devices invented by adults so that children do not interfere with adults playing their games.

HAPPINESS is my child, in whose eyes you look and understand why God created you!!!

Even the devil in his hell would like to have polite and obedient angels.

Who is the head of the family is not the main thing. The main thing is to keep the family alive.

My friends, family and love are not discussed! They are perfect, period.

How quickly time flies! You will not have time to start a family, as the children are already getting divorced!

Mom raised me to be a true lady. The father is a kind person. Fate is a vengeful bitch ... Thank them for this

A young family (aged 14 and 15) is looking for a family friend with a passport to buy alcohol and cigarettes.

For a woman, there is no higher joy than children and family.

Even the strongest family is no stronger than a house of cards.

My family is my castle.

A real family begins with the birth of the first child ...

The husband is always right, but the wife is never wrong.

It is easier to win peace in the family by concluding a truce in it in time.

A family is a group of people who are connected by ties of blood and quarrel over money issues ...

Normal family. In between quarrels and fights, the couple gave birth and raised three normal children.

Today, complete harmony reigns in our family in the morning: the baby took Vrednolin, mom - Stervozol, and dad - Papazol. Everyone is happy

Great family. The girl is 14 years old. Didn't sleep at home. He comes home and twists his panties on his finger ... Parents, of course, with the question: - Where were you all night? What did you do? - I don't know what it's called, but it's a hobby for life.

In a large family... the refrigerator is empty.

For a man, there is nothing more beautiful than waking up in the same bed with two girls ... .. and quietly admiring how they sleep. Such defenseless, sweet and beloved - wife and daughter

Home comfort - scenery for family scenes.

First, parents interfere with our lives, then children, and only when grandchildren appear, we understand that we have not lived in vain.

The head of the family: one for all and all for one!

On the day of family, love and fidelity. I wish you happiness, Take care of your family, After all, she is the only one!

In happy families, spouses quarrel, sharing the gifts of the Magi, leaving each other a tidbit.

It is better if someone alone is in charge in the family. And it is better if this “someone” is love.

You collect your husband, then your child, then your second child, and then you try to collect yourself in 10 minutes ... and they all look at you together and say ... mom, you always get ready the longest!

Happiness is when you have a big, friendly, caring, loving family in another country.

Rejoice with your family, this is the most beautiful thing on earth ...

Dad, dad, and who is that in the corner - shaggy, with red eyes, sitting all night? - Do not be afraid, daughter, this is our mother in VKontakte.