
Halloween style party: getting ready for a "scary" holiday. Halloween Corporate Party Scenario Interesting Halloween Scenarios in Style

Pathology of the uterus

Halloween is coming - a holiday that allows you to have fun from the heart and laugh in the face of your own fears. Have you ever thought about throwing an unforgettable, slightly spooky corporate party? Here are some ideas for organizing a bright, interesting party. Remember that employees just need to rest from time to time.

Why do you need a corporate party on Halloween?

Halloween is a holiday that is becoming more and more popular every year. Yes, New Year's corporate parties will certainly never go out of fashion, but you can arrange a party in honor of All Saints' Day. Yes, this is a spooky, but incredibly fun holiday that opens up a lot of opportunities for office workers. Why?

Everything is simple. Bright costumes, competitions, scary stories and playful competitions are just what you need in order to strengthen the team spirit, give employees the opportunity to take a breath and take a break from important tasks, to feel like a single family. Here are some ideas that will help organize an unforgettable holiday.

Idea 1. Charity

Yes, you are no longer a teenager, so it is quite possible that loud, noisy parties are not to your liking. Maybe you should invite employees to participate in a charity event? Of course, for starters, you should consult with some charitable foundations - they will surely have interesting and, of course, “terrible” work for you. Perhaps your team members will have fun serving sweets and scaring people on the street, or they will feel like part of something bigger by throwing a party for children in the hospital.

Idea 2. Pumpkin Carving Day

What is Halloween without a pumpkin? It's hard to even imagine. Have all your office workers mastered the secret art of pumpkin carving? Not? So maybe it's worth organizing a master class?

Deliver a couple of dozen (should be enough) pumpkins to the office and arrange a real competition. And remember that there are no standards here. Who said that a Halloween pumpkin has to have two eyes, a mouth and a candle inside? Let your team members get creative and do whatever they want with the pumpkins. You can be sure that your office will soon be decorated with an impressive collection of pumpkins. And, of course, don't forget light snacks and drinks.

Idea 3. Visit the ghosts

Every city or its environs has its own ghosts - you just need to look. Perhaps otherworldly guests were seen in some abandoned house, old library or museum? Go there with the whole cheerful company, solving riddles along the way. Well, if you don't get lucky with a real ghost, you can always hire an actor who is not averse to flaunting in a white sheet and scaring away your employees. It will be terribly interesting!

Idea 4. We play detectives

Want to throw an unforgettable party? Why not turn your firm into a Sherlock Holmes agency for a while? Challenge the team, organize an interesting quest - let your employees solve the murder and find the criminal. And at the end, of course, there is a reward.

Idea 5. Evening of scary stories

We were all children once, and this is worth remembering. There is no way to organize a full-scale party with costumes and music? But this is not necessary. Just invite everyone to return to childhood. Decorate the office with spooky decorations, bring snacks and drinks, dim the lights and start telling those scary stories that terrified you as a child. The evening promises to be interesting.

Idea 6. Cannibal Party

Want to turn employees into feral zombies? Invite them to a cannibal party. The menu will include eyeballs, body parts and, of course, blood on ice. By the way, your employees themselves can bring their favorite snacks and drinks for the buffet table, but remember that the food must be not only tasty, but also scary.

Idea 7. Mastering new knowledge

If the members of your team do not like banal parties, then you should add a little creativity. Perhaps you should invite a dance teacher to the party - let the employees learn a couple of new steps. You can also invite them to organize a theatrical performance like The Walking Dead or a master class in creating creepy costumes.

Idea 8. Competition of works

No time to invent and organize something? But you are a team - let everyone join the organization of the holiday. Invite employees to come up with some kind of quest or horror story, and then arrange an idea contest with a reward. By the way, the team members will certainly not only give out an idea, but will also gladly help bring it to life.

Idea 9. Gothic party

Such a party will appeal to all employees, because it is a classic. Let the workers dress up as their favorite goth movie characters. Perhaps someone has long wanted to get a couple of fangs and play Dracula? Let your office turn into a movie set. And the photos are just incredible.

Idea 10. Visit everyone

Not all employees will come to the office - at least some of them will decide to stay with their families that day. There is no need to worry about this. How about dropping by to visit every absent member of the team, offering "trick or treat"? Of course, you should take a couple of pumpkins with you, as well as sweets (there are probably children in the family of workers).

Do you want your party to be successful? Here are some rules

Regardless of which scenario you choose to celebrate Halloween, you need to follow some rules so that a fun party does not turn into an unnecessary duty.

  • Be sure to ask employees what type of holiday they need. Listen to the wishes of the team - then everyone will have fun.
  • Yes, Halloween is all about scary costumes and the opportunity to transform. But don't set a strict dress code. There are always a few employees who do not like dressing up - let them just come and have fun in the clothes that they feel comfortable in.
  • Be sure to take care of creating the right atmosphere. Remember about snacks, drinks, suitable music.
  • After completion, be sure to find out if your team liked the holiday. Perhaps the employees have some comments or ideas that can be used for the next year.

Have fun from the heart - it raises team spirit and certainly increases efficiency.

Pink ponies, caramel decorations, ethnic outfits, musical styles - a passed stage? Exclusively for fans of horror movies, shivers in the knees and goosebumps - a Halloween-themed party, terribly fun and terribly funny! Occult motifs, otherworldly phenomena, hoax, bloody stories - just don't scare your friends to hiccups, let them hiccup with laughter!


Making a real horror movie at home is easy. Embroider black and dirty gray fabric with skulls, bats, crows, spiders and cobwebs, witches on broomsticks. Now drape the furniture, windows and part of the walls - the background for the scenery is ready. Fill the space with the scariest horror movies you can think of:

  • garlands of paper jaws, fingers, rats, vile insects;
  • ghosts made of crepe paper or sheets with painted skewed faces;

  • luminous mushrooms (draw with luminescent paint) and thorny thickets (pick up crooked branches, paint black and entangle with cobwebs);
  • bloody axes, chainsaws, cleavers and other murder weapons (from foam, foam rubber);
  • a web of twisted bandages or disheveled clothesline;

  • if you dip the bandages in tomato paste and hang them on the wall, and substitute a rusty metal basin from below, you will get charming released intestines;
  • Ping-pong balls can be used to make eyes for garlands or for filling jars like in a maniac's home. In jars, you can put all sorts of horrors like "cut off" fingers and ears, "canned" snakes or toads;
  • from repainted gloves and tomato paste, chopped off hands will turn out. Do not overdo it, too realistic scenery can seriously frighten receptive ladies;

  • build several zombies, skeletons, fanged and clawed monsters from improvised materials;
  • hang photos of creepy castles, cemeteries or horror movie posters along the walls;
  • scatter on the floor and hang black and red balloons from the ceiling.

Sound effects will make the atmosphere unforgettably realistic! It's simple: hide players or phones with small speakers behind the scenery. Let the sounds of creaks, rustling, rattles and howls be quiet, audible only when approaching the "hiding place".

Don't forget about the main decoration - everyone's favorite Jack. Huge and miniature pumpkins can be drawn and hung literally anywhere. It is easy to cut out the core from real pumpkins and make lanterns by placing candles in bowls inside. Candles can be hidden in bottles, jars or tall glasses. Pumpkin heads can be dressed up in hats or covered with cobwebs, supplemented with a hoodie or build a real scarecrow.

It is advisable to dim the light: arrange table lamps and hang wall lamps or iron candlesticks. Decorate lampshades with bats and spiders. Or replace the lampshades with homemade ones made of thick, decorated paper. If you are planning to celebrate Halloween in a club, you don’t have to think of anything with the light - the club lighting should be just enough for the desired atmosphere of twilight. At home, you can hang electric garlands of red, white or red color on the walls.

Come up with original invitations or use one of the ideas:

  • a sheet of dough on a clothespin, a clothespin on a spring, a spring in a box. A classic of the genre - the box opens, the spring pops out;
  • a postcard in the form of a coffin or gravestone with a frightening inscription on the cover “You are doomed ...” and a continuation inside “... to endless fun, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200blaughter and positive emotions to the horror”;
  • a miniature pumpkin with an opening "turtle". The text is inside, on a piece of paper folded into a roll.


The choice of images is truly huge! Bandaged mummies, the brainchild of Frankenstein, ghosts in hoodies, zombies in gray-greenish clothes, skeletons fit into the scenario of a Halloween-style party. Witch - a torn hem of a black dress, tousled hair with spiders entangled in them, a broom, a pointed hat. A special chic is a hefty wart on the nose. Demoness - red short dress, high heel, horn headband and arrow tail. Vampire - plastic fangs, bloody makeup, a stylish black dress or leather suit, metal jewelry.

It's easy to make an original bat costume - a black tight outfit, a little modernized. It is necessary to cut out two triangles from the fabric with sharp jagged edges (like bat wings) and sew them on one side to the sleeve, and the other to the leg. He raised his hands - the wings opened (it is better to make wide ones, it is more convenient).

If you have a lot of time to prepare, you can create costumes for movie villains, maniacs, and characters that are positive, but still terrible. Take ideas from cult films that are probably familiar to all guests - HellRaisers, Bell, Scream, Jack the Ripper, Edward Scissorhands exorcising the Devil, etc. If you're short on time, ask your friends to come dressed in creepy graphic T-shirts and prepare accessories - bracelets and necklaces made of spiders, bones and eyes, headbands with horns or ears of predators, false fangs.

Serving and menu

To decorate the table, any of the attributes listed above are suitable - spiders and mice on napkins, a tablecloth with a gloomy pattern, themed stickers on glasses and plates. Put some pumpkins filled with sweets or fruits. Right in the pumpkins, you can serve soup in which something terrible floats. Arrange vases with thorns or dried flowers. Candles in turtles, brooms made of toothpicks, ornaments made of black openwork fabric.

The food is up to you, whether it's a feast for starving monsters or a buffet for elegant witches and vampires. Decorate some menu dishes with horror stories - spiders, fingers, eyes. A couple of salads in the form of severed hands, poisonous green mushrooms (sauce with herbs), bloody pieces of meat (tomato juice), ham or squid in tangled straws (a plate of "worms").

Don't throw away the pumpkin "innards" left over from scraping. Cut pumpkin without seeds into slices or in the form of bones, faces, spiders. Spread on baking paper, sprinkle generously with sugar. Bake for 20 minutes - healthy, tasty and on topic!

Desserts are easier - poisonous-colored cakes (icing), marmalade in the form of bugs and worms, cookies of any shape, reminiscent of Halloween. Party drinks are green with "Poison" written on them and red with "Blood" written on them. If you're celebrating a birthday, order a terrible cake - in fake cobwebs, slime, in the shape of a body part, skeleton, etc.


Hang a poster at the entrance with painted bites that form a pattern of the Olympic rings and the words "Annual Vampire Games". Or arrange a competition of evil spirits, dedicated to the next coven of witches. Compete in teams or every man for himself:

  • wrap mannequins or one of the guests with toilet paper at speed to make a mummy;

  • scream in the dark in every way. The guest must guess which of the friends is screaming. This fun is more suitable for Halloween in a club (you can scare or piss off the neighbors);
  • dismemberment into 6 parts (two legs, two arms, head, torso). You will need two human silhouettes cut out of paper. The difficulty is that the scissors need to be held together;
  • put boiled pasta, dried banana, sluggish beetroot and various objects that are unpleasant to the touch in a bag. Let friends dip their hand into a bag filled with fears and, without peeping, guess the contents;
  • assemble a skeleton of paper bones at speed.

Arrange competitions for the sexiest broom dance, the best costume, the scariest grimace or the creepiest story. Hold a quiz on knowledge of the topic: show your friends still frames or photos from horror films - guests must guess the name of the tape. You can make an abracadabra (zombie - bozim) from the names of the monsters and invite teams to quickly guess the encrypted horror.

The following three games will require space:

  • path of fear. Ask guests for any items (purses, phones, handbags, etc.). Lay out from start to finish. The guest must walk along the path blindfolded without stepping on the value. The joke is that after blindfolding, you need to quickly remove everything from the contestant's path, replacing it with eggs, boxes, toys, etc .;
  • broom racing. Arrange balls, large soft toys and other non-hazardous obstacles from start to finish. Witches must take brooms, hold them between their legs and “fly” to the designated point;
  • opening potion. Come up with a simple recipe for a miracle brew, prepare all the ingredients and a few more wrong ones. Give the teams two identical books. Circle the letters in them so that, writing them out in turn, you get a recipe. Guests must write out a recipe, run up to the alchemy table and "brew" the potion.

Give beakers with dragon blood, toy spiders or mice for contests. At the end, you can arrange an auction, using the winnings as a currency. Prepare gifts for guests - "terrible" photo albums, CDs or movie tickets, scarecrow souvenirs from a fun store. If today is really Halloween, you can walk around the city at the end of the party, handing out or begging candy from passers-by.


Today, the craving for everything otherworldly, magical and unknown is becoming more and more interesting for today's youth. Everything secret and mystical has always fascinated. The Halloween holiday allows you to remove all the mysterious taboos and arrange a theme party the day before. Even for those who do not believe in mysticism and the outside world, this is a good opportunity to have fun and play games with evil spirits. A Halloween-style corporate party will be mysterious, mysterious, and at the same time fun, emotional and unforgettable. At such a party, no one will be bored, as the unusual atmosphere will not allow you to lose heart even for a single minute.

History and Traditions of Halloween

The history of the celebration of this holiday dates back to the time of the pagans, and Ireland and Scotland are considered to be its homeland. Even the ancient Celts began to celebrate this holiday on the eve of the Evening of All Saints on October 31st. It is believed that on this day everything otherworldly comes to earth, and everyone can meet them. Previously, this holiday was more often celebrated in English-speaking countries, but with the processes of globalization, it is gradually being celebrated more and more often in many countries.

The main tradition of this holiday is to dress up in various costumes, arrange parties and corporate events. By dressing up in an unusual costume, you can deceive the evil spirits that have passed through the open doors between the living and the dead, and they will take you for their own. This night is considered special and mystical.

Another tradition of this holiday is that children and adults in costumes go from house to house begging for candies and various sweets. When doing so, they say "Sweets or life." Homeowners also leave treats at the entrance to encourage evil spirits.

Images of corporate party participants in the style of "Halloween"

When going to a corporate party in the style of "Halloween" you definitely need to dress up. The scarier and more creative your outfit is, the better. You can dress up as a dead man, an evil gnome, a merman, a werewolf, a ghost, a pirate or a super hero. Images of vampires, witches, magicians and sorcerers are always in trend. If you prefer something less scary, then you can choose the image of a cat, wolf, mermaid.

Having done a completely non-everyday make-up and applying a good layer of makeup will complement the image. You can add to it a mantle, cloak or pointed hats. Accessories can be magic wands, flasks with a magic potion, brooms, objects glowing in the dark.

Decoration of the premises and attributes for a corporate party in the style of "Halloween"

Such a theme party can be arranged both in a restaurant, a bar or a nightclub, and in an office. You can decorate the room with cobwebs with threads, spiders, bats. The main attribute of this holiday is a pumpkin. Make lanterns from it, cutting out the middle, and put a candle inside. Instead of light bulbs, light the candles placed around the room. Clutter and chaos in the room will suit this style well. Make a skeleton or a ghost and place it indoors.

In the decoration of the room, yellow, orange, red and black colors should be traced. Walls can be decorated with posters of witches and other evil spirits. Small decorative brooms, brooms, caps are also great for decorating the room.

Music for a corporate party in the style of "Halloween"

As for music, it is better to give preference to the rock style. Ominous and gloomy music will complement the overall atmosphere. A kind of Halloween anthem is the song "Monster Mash" by Bobby Pickett. Another composition, without which no party in this style will take place, is the song "This Is Halloween". A common playlist can be created from the soundtracks of famous vampire films. If we are talking about specific artists or groups, then choose Rammstien, Mushroomhead, Linkin Park and something else like that. The main thing is that it would be fervent, danceable and fun.

Menu for a themed corporate party

Since this holiday falls at the end of autumn, when nature is rich in vegetables and fruits, then the main menu should include them. Apples are the main ingredient in all meals. They can be baked or simply baked separately. Ordinary dishes will also work, they just need to be decorated in an unusual way and give them scary names. You can also bake cookies in the shape of fingers, on which the nails will be nuts. Drinks are better to choose red. And the main alcoholic drink is the Bloody Mary cocktail.

Entertainment program and corporate competitions

Unconditionally, a Halloween-style corporate party should be fun and interesting. And the fun should start from the moment the guests cross the threshold. Witches can meet them, offering to pull out a wish or prediction from a bag filled with rubber worms and spiders. At a corporate party, you can arrange an unusual auction, selling various goodies for a wish.

Competitions can be included in the program. They can be very diverse: from the speed of eating sweets or drinking cocktails and ending with the competition of the most beautiful, scary and unusual costume. You can also come up with entertaining contests, for example, create a spider, a bat from improvised materials, or carve the best Jack lamp from a pre-prepared pumpkin. But it is best to turn to.

You can arrange an evening of fortune-telling. You can guess on the apple peel, coffee tug. Also don't forget the disco. And at the end of the party, everyone present can be presented with a medal with a special title, for example, "The Best Witch", "Irresistible Koshchey" and so on.

Extra-curricular event for students dedicated to the holiday "Halloween"

Shamigulova Ilyuza Sagadeevna, lecturer at the State Educational Institution of Education of the Republic of Belarus "Sibai Medical College"
Description: I propose a methodological development of an extracurricular event, which is intended for a group of 1st year students. This development - the Halloween holiday, is recommended to be used when conducting extra-curricular activities, as well as within the framework of foreign language classes on the topic "Country Studies".
Purpose of the event:
1. Educational: deepen students' knowledge about the history, culture, customs and traditions of English-speaking countries.
2. Developing: development of memory, attention, imagination and listening skills.
3. Educational: to promote the perception of tolerance among students, respect for the carriers of the English-speaking culture.
Interdisciplinary connections: story
1. Presentation in Power Point
2. festive decoration of the hall: a poster on the theme "Halloween"; Balloons.
1. I. Walsh "Great Britain: customs and traditions" "Karo" 2013
2. Internet resources


Event progress
Dance "Terrible dream"
(Joyful music sounds. Two presenters come out.)

Presenter 1.:Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we are glad to see you at our Halloween party.
Lead 2.: Only on this night, Halloween night, there is no past and no future. Only today we enjoy the mystical "now" that does not exist.
Lead 1.: Only on this night, the gates of time are open in both directions. Halloween is approaching, the hour of transition is coming.
Lead 2.: And we will start by telling you a little about the history of this holiday, you need to listen and remember everything.
Presenter 1: Halloween is a modern holiday, dating back to the traditions of the ancient Celts of Ireland and Scotland, whose history began on the territory of modern Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is celebrated on October 31, the eve of All Saints' Day.
Lead 2: Halloween is traditionally celebrated in English-speaking countries, although it is not an official holiday. Halloween is celebrated informally in some other countries with close cultural ties to the US and UK. The tradition of making gourds originates from the Celtic custom of making lanterns to help souls find their way to purgatory. In Scotland, the turnip was the symbol of Halloween, but in North America it was quickly replaced by the pumpkin as a cheaper and more accessible vegetable.
Presenter 1: Popular costumes from classic horror movies such as Mummies and Frankenstein's monster. Symbols of autumn, such as village scarecrows, play an important role in the festive decoration of houses. The main themes of Halloween are death, evil, the occult and monsters. Traditional colors are black and orange.
Lead 2: In a word, the whole underworld arranged a grand Sabbath that night.
And today we invite you to participate in this Sabbath. Please take an active part in competitions.
Presenter 1: And now let's welcome the jury:
They will rate each team depending on the competition.
Lead 2: So, we begin!
Competition I


(you need to answer the questions, for each correct answer a sweet prize is given!)
5 points are given for each correct answer.
1.Where did the story of Halloween begin?
UK, France
2. What is the symbol of Halloween?
3. The main phrase of Halloween?
"Candies or life"
4. What date is Halloween celebrated?
On the night of October 31 to November 1
5.Where is Halloween most popular?
6. The most important character of Halloween?
7.What do you agree with? Halloween is a holiday
a) the gates of winter b) the end of the harvest c) evil spirits
8. On Halloween it is accepted:
a) scare everyone b) make fun of everyone c) put up with everyone
9. Choose the superfluous - something that does not correlate with the holiday:
a) spirits and the dead b) evil spirits c) brownies and goblin
10. Which of the following colors is not the symbolic color of Halloween? a) blue b) orange c) black Competition 1.(improvisation_)
The jury evaluates the dance on a scale of 5b who will improvise better.
Each team will need 1 person, the task of the participants is to dance to the music that will be given and present themselves as interesting as possible.
Competition 2.(forfeits)
On a 5b scale, depending on who will carry out orders more original.
All participants, one by one, will take forfeits from the box and carry out orders.
For example: scream like a victim from the movie "Scream",
pretend to be a hungry zombie
show cast
perform a ritual dance
cast a spell to transform
show Harry Potter
howl like a wolf at the moon
show how a vampire sucks blood
show how to transform into a werewolf
make a sinister laugh
Competition 3.(quatrain)
Four words are given, that is, 2 pairs that rhyme with each other. Participants need to come up with a meaningful quatrain as soon as possible - with humor and creativity.
Examples of rhymes for the task:
blood-eyebrow, class-eye
egg-sorceress, glass-cockroach
Competition 4.(ritual)
Invite two girls from each team. Before each girl there are ritual bowls with blood. The task of the participants is to drink the contents as soon as possible. The one who completes the ritual the fastest wins.
Competition 5.(flying on a broomstick)
Arrange a broom flying contest among the girls.

Presenter 1: Well, now let's summarize. In the meantime, the jury calculates the results, let's watch the video.

1 place: Diploma of the best witch and black eye shadow (for a witchy look)
2nd place: Witch diploma and black nail polish (for sleight of hand during witchcraft)
3rd place: Witch diploma and black lipstick (for better spellcasting)
4th place: Diploma of the witch and comb (for a fresh head)
The head witch congratulates the young witches on passing the exam and gaining the status of witches and the right to cast spells.
Prizes for the audience for the best costumes - lanterns and garlic to scare away all evil spirits!
Main Witch: Thank you all for coming to our Sabbath. And it's time for us to fly to our forest. See you next year!

Halloween script for a corporate party in the office

The Halloween holiday originates from Celtic legends.

The Celts believed that on New Year's Eve the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead dissolves, and the dead visit the earth. In order not to get caught dead, people dressed up as scarily as possible. With this, they wanted to scare away ghosts and other evil spirits. For the spirits, all kinds of treats were taken out into the street. Thus, people wanted to calm the evil spirits.

But how do they celebrate it in the offices?

The funniest thing about this holiday is the masquerade. If you are organizing a corporate holiday, then a masquerade should become a prerequisite for your corporate party. If among the employees there are only girls (and this happens), then all of them will then be able to dress up in witch costumes. You can choose the most charming witch.

A little background at the beginning of the holiday can also turn into a competition. To do this, you just need to read it out loud to everyone present at the very beginning, and then ask questions, for example:

  • Which tribes originated Halloween?
  • On the eve of which Celtic holiday did the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead disappear?
  • Why do people dress up in scary costumes?
  • What did the Celts do on this holiday?
  • How is the name of this holiday translated?

You can organize a variety of competitions and entertainment.

First, arrange a real fortune-telling.

Any methods are suitable for him: on maps, on water, on coffee grounds. We offer you the option of drawing lots.

For him, you will need as many balloons as you have invited guests. Balls should preferably be blue, black or light blue. You write predictions on slips of paper, then put those predictions into balloons. Employees need to choose a ball and, having burst it, read the prediction.

For example:

You, witch, are not a miss,
And everyone knows it
In winter, your wedding awaits you.

If you are dressed as a witch today,
Then your happiness will find you in the summer.

You are the smartest witch of all
But there's something you don't know
After all, this fortune-telling was created by a man,
Why then are you wondering?

Whoever chose this note must know and remember one thing. Never trust fortune telling again.

Guessing is a complete lie.
And your fate is immediately visible and immediately read:
Let the snow melt, let the ice melt
And soon happiness will find you.

Close your eyes, make a wish
And exactly twelve days later
Wait for the call and you will receive a sign
About how your fate pleases.

You can arrange several competitions.

For the first, use various proverbs about evil spirits.

The following proverbs and sayings are suitable for this competition:

  • The evil one was with the evil one, but both fell into the pit;
  • You won't save yourself for every hour;
  • Fear is worse than death;
  • Frighten the one who does not understand anything;
  • Fear of strength takes away;
  • Fear has big eyes;
  • The devil is not so terrible as he is painted;
  • Look into the eyes of fear, do not blink, but if you blink, you will be lost;
  • Fear is the first helper to the enemy;
  • At the devil in the middle of nowhere;
  • Like hell in the bosom;
  • Sell ​​your soul to the devil;
  • The devil was in him.

These proverbs and sayings can be useful for different games. You can divide each into parts in order to distribute guests into groups, or you can also arrange theater competition. Each participant pulls a piece of paper, on the back of which one or another saying is written. Then the players must draw it, and the rest need to guess and say this proverb or saying aloud.

Then you can also talk about the pumpkin, how it appeared in the history of this holiday.

One Irish legend tells of a man who was a great swindler and drunkard. Once, on Halloween, this man, and his name was Jack, invited the devil to his place in order to drink with him. A little later, the devil and Jack made a bet that the devil couldn't get into the tree. The devil did this without difficulty, and Jack immediately drew a cross on the tree so that the devil could not get out of this tree.

Jack offered the devil this deal: "I will take off the cross, and you will never tempt me again."

After his death, Jack could not go to heaven, because he sinned a lot during his lifetime, but the devil did not let him go to hell either. The devil only gave him a hot coal, which Jack put in an onion. On the eve of All Saints' Day, according to legend, Jack wanders the world with a glowing onion in his hands. But later in America, instead of an onion, they began to use a pumpkin for convenience.

Thus, the luminous pumpkin is an essential element of this holiday.

Therefore, be sure to organize games related to it.

We suggest you stock up on a few pumpkins and organize competition for the most beautiful pumpkin. To do this, provide each participant with a pumpkin, markers and a knife. As an additional option, ask the participants to make it glow. To do this, give them a large knife so that the participants can get rid of its "insides", and then you need to cut out the pumpkin's eyes, and put a candle or put a flashlight inside, so the pumpkin's eyes will burn like fire.

Also during this holiday you can build competition for the best dance with a broom.

To do this, you need to call one participant to the impromptu stage in turn and turn on some moving music. The winner is chosen by voting.

With the same broom, you can arrange another game.

All participants stand in a circle in pairs. One person stands in the center of the circle, but instead of a partner, he hugs a broom (you can replace it with a mop). Then the music turns on, and all the participants begin to dance. Suddenly, the music abruptly turns off and all couples must quickly switch partners. At this moment, the participant dancing with a broom should quickly stand up to someone in a pair, and the one who remains completely without a pair now stands in the middle and dances with a broom.

This game is basically endless. It is usually played until it gets boring.

play a funny game comic game "Believe in the Spirit".

For her, you need to choose one from a private trader who believes in spirits and spiritualism. Then the host and this participant sit down at the table. The lights go out in the room, and only one candle is lit on the table between them. There are two plates on the table. One is opposite the participant, the other is opposite the leader.

The facilitator says that if the player is very focused and completely copies all the actions of the facilitator, then he (i.e., the participant himself) will be able to move the coin, which is in the facilitator's plate, into his own plate.

So, the leader begins to wave his arms, to make all sorts of wave-like movements. This happens within 2-3 minutes. Then the facilitator says that the participant did not succeed because he was not focused enough.

In fact, the meaning of this game lies in the fact that during all kinds of gestures, the presenter kept running his hand over the plate, and then over his face. Accordingly, the participant repeated. But the player's plate was smoked in advance, so he himself, without noticing, smeared his face more and more. In this game, it is important that everyone else, that is, watching, does not give out a joke with their laughter.

If your office is spacious enough, you can organize competition "Find the bones".

For this, you'll need cardboard cutout bones that hang on the walls throughout the office. The task of the players is to find as many of these bones as possible.

Well, now let's talk about the main props of this holiday - about the costumes. In order for you to turn into real evil spirits, you will need a lot of white paint, white shadows or makeup of the same color. You can also add blue to make your eyes look as scary as possible. As for the hairstyle, the best option, suitable for almost all costumes, will be an ordinary bouffant.

If you have no idea how to make a costume yourself, then we can offer several options.

1. Ghost costume.
It's very easy to do. For it you will need a piece of sheet or a whole sheet, preferably one that you will no longer use for its intended purpose. You can hang it on your head, cutout in the eyes. You can wind it around your shoulders so that it covers the whole body, but the head will remain outside and therefore you will need to decorate your face a lot and make an appropriate hairstyle.

You can hide a small flashlight under the sheet and turn it on at certain times. It will look like you are glowing in the dark.

2. Witch costume make it very easy.
Wear any black skirt, preferably long. If she does not cover her legs, put on black nylon tights, carefully pierced in advance, and in some places inaccurately sewn up with colored threads. Sew a lot of patches on the skirt. If you are sure that there is no black skirt in your wardrobe, then use a colored skirt by wearing it upside down.

The jacket can be of any style, a black jacket with a hood, which depicts a web, is perfect. Surely one of your friends will have one, since such sweaters were in fashion at one time.

A black scarf or hat with large brim and a sharp end will look great on your head. Make a wig out of old videotape tape. You can attach such a wig to a hat or to a scarf.

3. Dead man's suit.
For him, you will need, as for the ghost costume, a white piece of matter. Draw several bloody wounds on the face. If you are a hanged man, then do not forget about the rope that should hang around your neck. If you are a drowned person, then put on greens like algae.

As for the menu, so it is practically absent on this holiday. But since the Russian soul, despite the foreign origin of this holiday, still strives to treat all the invited evil spirits, so we offer you serve the following dishes.

First, you can treat those present with wine, or red flower soda, after warning everyone that they will enjoy the blood of the first victim. Then, you can offer guests a sweet roll or other similarly shaped treat.

The roll will serve as the "insides" of that very first victim. According to this scheme, you can treat your guests with whatever you want, but with one condition: the dish must have a “terrible legend”.

Now we can talk about office decoration.

This part of preparing for Halloween is also not so simple, it needs to be carefully considered. To design an office, you need to use all the ways to “intimidate” it. Start by thinking about office lighting. It should be fairly subdued. If your fixtures do not allow this, then use only candles for lighting.

Windows are best curtained with dark pieces of fabric. On the sofas and armchairs - dark blankets. Forget the pumpkin. It's better if it glows.

A homemade web hung in the corners of your office looks quite original.

Well, armed with all our tips, you can celebrate Halloween in a big way. Don't forget to take photos.

Scenario Halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween halloween, scenario helloween, hellowen, haloween, halloween