
Suppositories from hemorrhoids during pregnancy 3. Suppositories from hemorrhoids - a quick and safe solution to the problem during pregnancy. Ointments for hemorrhoids during pregnancy


During childbearing, enlargement and inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodules is extremely common.

It is necessary to treat hemorrhoids, but it is important not only to save a pregnant woman from unpleasant symptoms, but also not to harm the child at the same time.

Most often, proctologists prescribe rectal suppositories in a similar situation. It remains to figure out which suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy are allowed for use, what are their properties and methods of use.

Causes of the disease

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are associated with certain changes in the body of the expectant mother. First of all, in the 1st trimester, the hormonal balance begins to change, the concentration of progesterone increases.

Under the action of this substance, the uterine muscles relax, but at the same time the tone of all smooth muscles, which are present, including in the intestines, also decreases. As a result, constipation, which provokes hemorrhoids, becomes a frequent companion of a woman.

During pregnancy (especially this "sins" the 3rd trimester) increases the load on the organs of the peritoneum. The uterus compresses the lower intestines, blood stagnation occurs in the venous plexuses, nodular formations begin to increase.

The source of the disease can also be:

  • predisposition;
  • second and subsequent gestation;
  • improperly formulated diet (lack of fiber, addiction to spicy foods);
  • low "mobility";
  • overweight;
  • the age of the pregnant woman (the older the expectant mother, the higher the risk of an increase in hemorrhoidal cones).

Labor activity also often leads to exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Contractions, attempts to increase pressure in the veins, as a result of which they swell and damage. The risk of developing the disease increases if childbirth is long and difficult.

What are the benefits of suppositories?

What kind of suppositories for hemorrhoids are possible for expectant mothers should be decided by the attending doctor. There are medicines made from natural ingredients on the pharmaceutical market.

The use of such suppositories does not harm a woman and a child if the instructions for the drug are followed. And if treatment is started at the first signs of hemorrhoids, then you can forget about negative symptoms for a long time.

Suppositories against hemorrhoids reduce the severity of pain in the anal canal, improve the outflow of blood from venous accumulations. Also, their active ingredients contribute to:

  • destruction of pathogenic microbes;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes;
  • stopping itching;
  • healing of anal fissures;
  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • regeneration of the rectal mucosa.

During the period of gestation, treatment with the following rectal suppositories is allowed:

  • Relief;
  • Methyluracil;
  • Ichthyol;
  • Sea buckthorn;
  • With glycerin;
  • Posterized;
  • Hepatrombin G, etc.

In addition, homemade candles can also be used for hemorrhoids. They usually include honey, propolis, potatoes. Such home-made preparations must also be agreed with the treating doctor.

Medical candles for expectant mothers

Any pharmaceutical product has certain medicinal properties, as well as indications and contraindications.

Such information is available in the medical annotation for the drug, which must be carefully studied before use.

Let's take a closer look at individual rectal suppositories that are allowed (or not contraindicated) for hemorrhoids during pregnancy.


Suppositories with inactivated microbes have anti-inflammatory properties, help accelerate cellular metabolism, restore elasticity in veins and arteries, and improve blood flow.

Posterisan Forte (additionally reinforced with hydrocortisone) is prescribed for the chronicity of the pathological process, when hemorrhoidal nodules greatly increase, significantly worsening the state of health.

Shown at:

  • itchy sensations;
  • burning sensation;
  • a feeling of being in the anus of a foreign object.

Contraindicated in case of:

  • an infectious lesion of the rectum;
  • intolerance to ingredients.

The daily dose and frequency is set by the doctor. According to the instructions, suppositories should be injected into the anal canal 2 times a day, 1 suppository.

The advantage of the drug is that it can be used at all stages of gestation, since the ingredients act locally, which eliminates the likelihood of harm to the child.

Hepatrombin G

Suppositories based on heparin relieve inflammation, prevent the formation of blood clots, preventing the formation of stagnation in venous accumulations.

The ingredients also help restore the elasticity of vascular membranes, normalize blood circulation in hemorrhoidal nodules that are already damaged by thrombosis.

The drug is indicated for:

  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • cracks in the anus;
  • violation of venous circulation.

There are also restrictions on the medication. For example, because of heparin, suppositories are prohibited for infectious lesions of the anal region and rectum with pathogens.

Hepatrombin G is possible for pregnant women only from the 2nd trimester. The medicine should be injected into the anus 2 times a day, 1 anal insert.


Another drug approved during pregnancy, which is designed to restore blood circulation in the veins and metabolism in damaged areas of the mucous membrane.

Suppositories contain a special substance isolated from brown seaweed. It reduces the severity of inflammation and stops bleeding. In addition, the formation of suppuration in the damaged areas is prevented.

Natalsid is prescribed in case of:

  • cracks (to prevent tissue scarring);
  • minor bleeding from the rectum;
  • postoperative inflammation of the anus.

The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the main or auxiliary ingredients. That is why homeopathic suppositories are perhaps the best suppositories for expectant mothers, because along with their effectiveness, they are also safe for the fetus.

The usual daily dosage is 1 candle in the morning and at bedtime. Suppositories are prescribed for 7 days. If there is no pronounced therapeutic effect, the treatment is extended to 2 weeks.


Produce a good therapeutic effect, which consists in reducing hemorrhoidal nodules and reducing pain.

Thanks to the action of the main ingredient of the suppository, the mucous membranes of the rectum heal well, restore the normal tissue structure in a short time.

The drug is indicated for:

  • anal fissure treatment;
  • tissue restoration after the therapy.

A medication is contraindicated in one single case - if a pregnant patient has an intolerance to the main or auxiliary component.

Apply suppositories 1 or 2 inserts several times a day. A more accurate dosage will be determined by the attending physician after examining the expectant mother.

Sea buckthorn suppositories

Best suited for the gentle and gentle treatment of inflamed hemorrhoidal nodules.

Suppositories promote faster healing of cracks and damaged areas, regeneration of the rectal mucosa. In addition, the drug relieves inflammation and has a mild antibacterial effect.

With the help of the treatment is carried out:

  • anal fissures;
  • ulcers in the anus.

The medication is contraindicated in case of diarrhea and intolerance to the ingredients of the medicinal product.

To relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids, use one candle twice a day: after waking up and in the evening. The duration of therapy is 1-2 weeks. In an advanced case, therapy is resumed after a break.


Suppositories contain a whole "set" of beekeeping products: royal jelly, honey, bee bread and pollen. The drug is actively used in proctology to improve tissue nutrition and regeneration.

In addition, suppositories are capable of destroying pathogens and stopping inflammation.

These candles can be used in the event:

  • anal fissures;
  • internal hemorrhoids.

Candles have only one contraindication - intolerance to beekeeping products. A possible side effect is itching and irritation. If the expectant mother is faced with similar reactions, the medication should be canceled.

In general, suppositories are allowed at any gestational age. Only one suppository is used per day before falling asleep.


An antihemorrhoidal agent that contains a complex of active ingredients with antiseptic, astringent, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties.

The medication is indicated for therapy:

  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • cracks in the anus;
  • ulceration on the mucous membrane of the anus.

The only limitation to the use of the product is hypersensitivity to medicinal ingredients.

Suppositories are used twice a day - one piece in the morning and one in the evening. The use is permitted at any stage of pregnancy, however, of course, taking medications must be agreed with the doctor.


This is a whole series of drugs that actively reduce the inflammatory process and heal wounds. The phenylephrine contained in the suppositories narrows the veins, restores elasticity to their walls and normalizes venous blood flow.

The medication is indicated for the treatment of:

  • internal hemorrhoidal cones;
  • cracks in the anus;
  • itching in the rectal area.

The medicinal product is prohibited for use in the case of:

  • intolerance to ingredients;
  • thromboembolic diseases;
  • reduced content of granulocytes in the blood.

If the expectant mother is tormented by severe pain, the doctor can increase the daily dose to 4 suppositories. Usually, candles are used twice - in the morning and before bedtime.

There is evidence that shark liver oil can increase uterine tone, which in the first trimester is fraught with spontaneous abortion, and in the last 12 weeks - premature onset of labor.

Thus, the optimal period for the use of Relief is 2 trimester. However, it should be used only on the recommendation of the treating doctor.

Relief Advance

Another drug of the "family" Relief. These suppositories are intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which are characterized by severe pain. A similar anesthetic effect is due to the content of benzocaine in the composition of the suppositories.

Treatment with candles Relief Advance is indicated for:

  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • discomfort in the rectum

Restrictions on the use of Relief Advance suppositories coincide with contraindications for the use of Relief. These suppositories should also be used with extreme caution in the 1st trimester and in the last weeks of gestation.

To reduce pain, the doctor can increase the daily dose of the medication (up to 3 or 4 pieces), in normal situations, candles are injected twice a day - in the morning and evening.

Important! Suppositories Relief with the "ultra" supplement cannot be used during childbearing and during lactation.


The result of the action of the drug is a decrease in pain syndrome, getting rid of itching and burning in the anus.

Procto-Glivenol is indicated for therapy:

  • acute or chronic hemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures.

It is forbidden to use rectal suppositories in case of:

  • severe liver disease;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Suppositories are usually used 2 times a day with exacerbation of the disease and once after relief of severe negative symptoms. During gestation, the medication is prescribed from the second trimester.

Glycerin candles

When the disease itself provokes problems with emptying the intestines (due to the grown bumps) or when the expansion of the venous plexus is the result of constipation.

Glycerin is not absorbed into the intestinal mucosa, but its relative safety does not obviate the need to visit a doctor before using these suppositories.

It is forbidden to use glycerin suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy if:

  • bleeding from the rectum;
  • tumor formations in the anus;
  • bleeding cracks in the anus;
  • inflammation in the direct part of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypersensitivity to glycerin.

Thus, glycerin suppositories are used for short-term treatment in order to normalize the process of emptying the intestines with enlarged hemorrhoids and prevent damage to the mucous membrane by solid feces.

Apply the suppository once a day, in the morning, half an hour after breakfast. It is important to understand that after about 25 minutes, the woman will want to use the toilet.

Ichthyol suppositories

The active ingredient has antiseptic, bactericidal and analgesic qualities. Also, suppositories accelerate the healing of damaged areas of the rectal mucosa.

In addition, ichthyol suppositories improve blood flow in the venous plexuses, strengthen the vascular walls and stop inflammation, thereby preventing the formation of pus.

Suppositories with ichthyol are shown for treatment:

  • internal hemorrhoidal nodules;
  • anal fissures.

The drug is prohibited for use if:

  • intolerance to ingredients;
  • therapy with medicines that contain iodine compounds.

Suppositories are injected into the anus twice a day - after waking up and before bedtime. By the way, it is at night that the recovery of the mucous membrane occurs most intensively.

The duration of therapy usually does not exceed 2 weeks. However, the attending physician has the right to shorten or extend the period of treatment, focusing on the severity of the disease and the well-being of the pregnant patient.

Mom help table

Name of funds Application during gestation
First trimester Second trimester Third trimester
Posterisan + + +
Hepatrombin G - + +
Natalsid + + +
Methyluracil + + +
Sea buckthorn suppositories + + +
+ + +
Neo-Anusole Application according to strict indications and under the supervision of a doctor
Relief, Relief Advance If the benefit outweighs the harm + If the benefit outweighs the harm
Procto-Glivenol - + +
Glycerin candles + + +
Ichthyol suppositories + + +

Homemade suppositories

Suppositories made according to recipes of alternative medicine have shown their effectiveness over a long history of use. However, it is important to understand that such remedies cannot act as the main method of treatment.

Potato candles

Fresh potatoes are taken, of excellent quality, without rot and green coating. The more starch the fruit contains, the sooner the remedy will have a therapeutic effect.

To prepare a potato suppository, you must:

  • cut out a small smooth "torpedo" from the pulp;
  • smear it with liquid honey;
  • wait for the excess product to drain.

That's it, the candle is ready, it remains only to insert it into the anus. Repeat the procedure every day after an evening bowel movement. The next morning, the suppository will come out of the rectum by itself.

Starchy substances, which are contained in potato tubers, envelop the rectal wall, relieving pain and preventing the mucous membrane from "penetration" of pathogenic microorganisms.

Honey suppositories

As the name suggests, making candles requires honey, and only fresh and candied honey. A liquid product simply will not be able to take the required form.

The method of application is quite simple:

  • a "torpedo" is fashioned from honey;
  • it is placed in the freezer to solidify;
  • the candle is placed in the anus 2-3 times at knocks.

Honey effectively reduces painful sensations and reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes. It is also deservedly considered an antibacterial agent. However, such a recipe is prohibited in case of intolerance to beekeeping products.

Ice candles

The method of making the product is extremely simple - water should be poured into foil molds and placed in the freezer for freezing.

Instead of ordinary water, you can take chamomile infusion - it effectively relieves inflammation.

Such suppositories are good for pain relief and stop bleeding.

At the same time, the cold leads to more intense blood circulation, which helps to reduce venous congestion.

Despite the naturalness of the ingredients and the absence of chemical components, you need to understand that you can use homemade suppositories only on the recommendation of a gynecologist and proctologist.

Preventive measures

Although hemorrhoids in pregnant women are caused by physiological factors, it is still possible to prevent or reduce its severity. Experts strongly advise expectant mothers to follow the recommendations for the prevention of this unpleasant disease.

  1. From the very first weeks, a pregnant woman needs to reduce the amount of salt consumed, remove spicy, pickled and spicy dishes from the diet. Salinity and spices only increase the flow of blood into the venous plexus of the rectum.
  2. You should also revise the menu and refuse fatty meat, most baked goods. Such foods provoke constipation, which can cause hemorrhoids.
  3. On the contrary, a pregnant woman's diet should contain an optimal amount of fresh fruits, dried fruits, cereals (with the exception of rice). This diet helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.
  4. Moderate physical activity. On the recommendation of the doctor, the expectant mother can perform exercises that increase the muscle tone of the pelvic organs. Such activities will generally help prepare for labor.
  5. After each visit to the toilet, it is necessary to wash the rectal area and perineum with water at room temperature. If hemorrhoids are already making themselves felt, you should completely abandon toilet paper and stay on wet wipes and washing.
  6. When sitting at the table for a long time, you must periodically get up and do a simple warm-up. Such a physical minute will disperse the blood and reduce the pressure of the uterus on the rectal area.

Pregnancy and hemorrhoids. Question answer.

Remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids, pregnancy and rectal suppositories are frequent companions. The use of antihemorrhoidal suppositories will only be beneficial if used correctly. First of all, it is necessary to enter them only after bowel movements and the above hygiene procedures.

The suppositories listed in the article are allowed during pregnancy, but this does not mean that the expectant mother can independently decide on their use. Only a proctologist will be able to take into account all the nuances of using rectal suppositories and prescribe the only correct treatment regimen for hemorrhoids. Be healthy!

Pregnancy is the most amazing period in the life of every woman, but unfortunately it is at this time that latent diseases that do not remind of themselves for a long time can become aggravated. One of these is hemorrhoids, which must be treated as safely as possible. The most common and safe form of treatment for inflammation in the rectum are suppositories, which have a local effect and can relieve inflammation, relieve pain and eliminate discomfort.

Types of suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many medications are excluded that can harm the baby inside the womb. However, there are exceptions among the many medicines - these are suppositories based on natural substances and vegetable oils. Properly selected treatment effectively copes with the disease, eliminates unpleasant symptoms and allows you to feel comfortable. Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids can have the following tactical purposes:

  • Pain relievers - contain anesthetic components that block pain in the acute phase. The active ingredients are quickly absorbed into the tissue, providing a healing and analgesic effect.
  • Hemostatic (hemostatic) have a vasoconstrictor effect, stimulate tissue regeneration, and eliminate pain. During pregnancy, it is worth choosing suppositories based on natural and astringent ingredients. Epinephrine medications should only be used with the permission of a physician.

The best suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Methods for treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy are chosen only by the proctologist, who will take into account the degree of development of the disease, symptoms, individual characteristics, and of course, the position of the patient.

Candles with propolis

The drug helps to eliminate painful sensations, relieves inflammation and has antimicrobial, antiviral and antitoxic effects. The tool can be used at any stage of pregnancy as well. The active substance propolis promotes the healing of cracks, restores the intestinal microflora, prevents infection from spreading, and fights against pathogenic bacteria.

The advantage of the medication is that it quickly allows you to forget about the existing problem. The disadvantages include only the individual intolerance of the active component - propolis.

Methyluracil suppositories

An effective agent that has an analgesic effect, enhances tissue regeneration, protects against the development of infection, stops bleeding, and has excellent tolerance. Suppositories have a wide spectrum of action and are prescribed not only for hemorrhoids, but also for cracks in the anus, rectitis, as well as cervical erosion, etc.

The drug has a mild sedative effect, in rare cases, the side effect is manifested as a burning sensation after administration. Candles are prescribed for any period of pregnancy, and quickly cope with the task.

Candles with papaverine

An effective spasmodic that acts on hemorrhoids, relieves severe pain, burning and itching. It is prescribed to relieve vasospasm and normalize the stool. The drug has no contraindications for use during pregnancy, but should only be prescribed by the attending physician. acts quickly, destroys bacteria and relieves discomfort well. The medication is low-toxic, and before use, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to the active ingredients.

Sea buckthorn candles

Which is a natural antibiotic, accelerates regenerative processes and shows stable efficiency. Suppositories can be used at any stage of pregnancy, since they do not have any harmful effect on the fetus.

Sea buckthorn candles are prescribed in the presence of cracks in the anus, unbearable pain, itching, burning and inflammation in the acute stage. Of the contraindications, only individual intolerance and allergy to the herbal component is noted.

Glycerin candles

Glycerin-based suppositories are prescribed at the initial stage of hemorrhoids, and help to effectively get rid of the disease and its unpleasant symptoms. The drug has a mild rectal laxative effect, facilitates the process of defecation and helps to heal small wounds in the rectum. Suppositories are prescribed in the second and third trimester of pregnancy when constipation problems arise. It is not recommended to use if, in the early stages and if you are allergic to glycerin.


Homeopathic medicine is based on brown algae, and can be prescribed at any stage of pregnancy. Natalsid suppositories are completely safe, they help relieve the inflammatory process, have an antiseptic effect, heal wounds, eliminate pain and burning. Prescribed for anal fissures, colitis, bleeding hemorrhoids, dysentery, inflammatory processes of the rectum. There are no side effects when taken, with the exception of allergies to active ingredients in a certain percentage of women.

Ichthyol candles

Suppositories with Ichthyol are prescribed at the initial or second stage of hemorrhoids. The drug has a highly effective therapeutic effect and helps reduce edema, relieves inflammation, relieves pain, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stops bleeding, and disinfects affected tissues.

The tool can be used at any stage of pregnancy, as well as during lactation. Ichthyol suppositories are well tolerated, no side effects were observed, with the exception of a few cases of individual intolerance to the active component.


Suppositories have a natural composition, where the active substance is shark liver oil. Relief is prescribed for proctitis, painful sensations, internal and external hemorrhoids, itching, constipation, anal fissures, eczema.

The remedy is often prescribed to pregnant women, but only if there are no allergic reactions and individual contraindications. The advantage is the ability to increase immunity, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Suppositories are recommended to be taken only in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Summing up

Many pregnant women in the process of carrying a baby are faced with a problem such as hemorrhoids. And in this case, it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner, who will prescribe competent and effective treatment. At any stage of pregnancy, homeopathic medicines and suppositories are prescribed based on herbal ingredients: sea buckthorn, ichthyol, papaverine, propolis and others. Such suppositories relieve irritation, relieve constipation, relieve pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

additionally You should be wary of such drugs as Relief Advance, Posterisan Forte, Anusol, Betiol and Olestezin. These funds contain active ingredients that can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Drugs can be prescribed, but only in severe cases, and only by the attending physician.

This is a very serious problem.

It arises, develops and progresses under the influence of many factors, but for women the most powerful "provocateur" of the disease can be called pregnancy (sometimes childbirth).

The time of bearing a baby is in itself quite difficult. The body of the expectant mother is undergoing tremendous stress due to all the changes that occur in it, hormonal changes, etc.

It is almost impossible to leave the entire pregnancy without ever having to deal with health problems. But the fact is that while expecting a child, a woman simply cannot afford to take the usual medicines and medications that are prescribed to other patients.

If you notice the slightest signs of the disease, it is better for you to immediately consult a doctor, because it is extremely important to diagnose hemorrhoids in its early stages.

You cannot allow it to develop, lest it create additional difficulties and worsen even more.

Only a doctor will be able to prescribe the appropriate drug, choosing a form of treatment that will not harm the health or safety of the baby.

Usually for these purposes or candles, because they act softly and have only local significance.

Rectal suppositories are used for internal hemorrhoids, that is, when the disease is still at 1-2 stages of development.

When you insert a rectal suppository inside the anus, it dissolves there, because it is affected by your body temperature, and all its medicinal substances perform their functions on a local scale. But initially, you still need to be examined by a doctor.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids refer to a conservative method of treating pregnant women, which also includes diet correction, careful personal hygiene, special gymnastics and sufficient physical activity, warm herbal baths and compresses.

Many of them give a tangible positive effect only with the internal form of hemorrhoids, while its external manifestation with inflammatory processes and other complications requires complex therapy.

What kind of candles can you use?

The main criterion when choosing a drug should be its composition. Today there are many different suppositories that are made from natural materials that do not pose any danger to your position.

Before use, be sure to pay attention to all the warnings and contraindications in the instructions.

This drug is considered particularly effective in the early stages of the disease.

Its main constituents are shark liver oil and cocoa butter.

Among the advantages of suppositories are:

  • heal wounds, erosion and cracks;
  • relieve inflammation, swelling and itching;
  • are prescribed for external and internal hemorrhoids;
  • are able to soften stool inside the rectum, which will help you and reduce the risk of new manifestations of the disease;
  • stop bleeding, eliminate pain;
  • contribute to the restoration of immunity.

Candles of this series are produced in several types: "Ultra", "Advance" and simply Relief. Usually, during pregnancy, doctors prescribe the latter drug, but not for women in the first trimester.

Also, individual allergic reactions or intolerance to a strong specific smell of the drug can become contraindications.

Candles Procto-glivenol

Despite the fact that the drug has proven itself perfectly as an excellent anti-hemorrhoidal agent that can cope with both external and internal diseases, carefully study the contraindications.

It is impossible to use it in the early stages of pregnancy, but in the second and third trimester, the doctor should make the decision, taking into account how much the benefit from it for you outweighs the possible risk to the child. The same caveat applies to the lactation period.

Advantages of the drug:

  • relieves pain and spasms;
  • removes itching, burning, skin tension and other unpleasant symptoms;
  • has a venotonic effect;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The disadvantages include:

  • increased intestinal motility;
  • possible allergic reactions;
  • side effects and contraindications.

Due to its composition, the drug is considered to be combined:

  • heparin - as one of the components - helps to stop the progression of existing blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones;
  • another constituent element, benzocaine, has an analgesic effect;
  • also suppositories heal mucous membranes;
  • suppositories have antimicrobial action;
  • the drug is considered inexpensive, convenient to use, and effective.

However, your doctor must warn you that there is no information available about the safety of this medication, whether during pregnancy or after childbirth or during the lactation period.

Suppositories Hepatrombin G

This drug is considered one of the most effective, but if you are short of pregnancy (first trimester), then it is better not to use it. Only a doctor can prescribe suppositories to you, based on the severity of your situation and specific indications.

The undoubted advantages of the drug include:

  • he copes with external and internal types of hemorrhoids, even with severe inflammation;
  • helps to reduce vascular permeability;
  • does not allow blood clots to form, and reduces and dissolves existing nodes;
  • heals wounds and cracks, relieves itching;
  • can stop blood and improve its circulation;
  • has an analgesic effect.

As for the shortcomings, they should include the contraindications, which were already mentioned above, as well as:

  • possible allergic reactions with hypersensitivity;
  • some side effects.

In the composition of these suppositories, the main elements are ichthyol and belladonna extract, so the drug can be called natural.

However, he also has contraindications, so it is still better to consult a doctor for an appointment.

The advantage of the drug is that it relieves and disinfects well, removing inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms. However, you can feel this effective therapy only at the onset of the disease.

Candles Olestezin

The drug is widely used in proctology and is considered combined. He is capable of:

  • anesthetize;
  • remove the inflammatory process;
  • heal existing cracks;
  • remove itching;
  • have an antibacterial effect.

However, due to the content of sea buckthorn oil, candles stain hands, clothes and everything that they get on. Individual allergic reactions are also possible.

Propolis DN

Suppositories are often used during pregnancy as they contain natural ingredients. The spectrum of action of the drug extends not only to the problem of hemorrhoids:

  • the product heals and heals large cracks and wounds;
  • relieves symptoms of severe pain, burning and itching;
  • destroys microorganisms that provoke the inflammatory process;
  • removes puffiness;
  • dries up the mucous membrane and normalizes the anus.

Some even make propolis candles themselves at home. However, if you are prone to allergies or suffer from individual intolerance to beekeeping products, then the drug will not work for you.

The tool has also proven itself excellent, since it can be used without fear during pregnancy and during lactation, when other types of drugs are contraindicated:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil quickly heals wounds and damaged tissues;
  • restores the mucous membrane;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • copes with inflammation;
  • removes pain and irritation.

The disadvantages include the fact that the drug stains and stains. Also use it carefully if you have any allergic reactions. According to some reviews, the medication may cause a burning sensation in the rectum.


This drug contains Escherichia coli. It is used not only for hemorrhoids, but also for dermatitis or eczema in the anal area, etc. The medicine is considered safe and is prescribed for both pregnant and lactating women and infants.

The drug copes remarkably well with all the symptoms of hemorrhoids. The only drawback may be an individual intolerance to phenol (in the composition).


The medicine also contains only natural ingredients:

  • candles strengthen capillaries and blood vessels;
  • regenerate tissues, heal wounds and cracks;
  • relieve itching and relieve pain;
  • fight inflammation.

Beware of only hypersensitivity to the individual components of the drug.

The table shows the approximate prices for drugs in the Moscow region (in rubles):

Remember not to prescribe medication yourself. Even folk remedies can harm a pregnant woman.

The doctor prescribes the drug based on the specificity of the disease, its severity, stage and many other factors.

A number of rectal suppositories that are effective are still undesirable and even contraindicated during pregnancy or lactation.

  • Hepazolone.

Contains a hormonal component in the composition (prednisone), therefore, this drug is especially undesirable in the first trimester of pregnancy.

It is then that all the internal organs of the child and its main systems are laid, and glucocorticosteroids, according to some studies, increase the risk of developing various pathologies in the fetus (cleft palate and others).

  • Proctosan

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation due to the content of lidocaine and titanium dioxide. Can only be appointed by a doctor.

  • Proctosedil M.

A hormonal drug that should not be used for more than a week. The decision on its appointment is made by the attending physician.

  • Ultraproject.

It is also a hormonal agent. It is completely contraindicated in early pregnancy, and for use in the second or third trimesters, the need for it and the risk for the baby are weighed.

As for the feeding period, then you also need a doctor's consultation, and remember that you can only use the medicine for a short time.

If you observe any unusual symptoms, or the treatment does not lead to the expected results, then you need to go to the doctor again to revise the diagnosis.

Instead of a conclusion

It will give positive results only when you follow the simple rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Remember about proper nutrition, do special exercises, walk, observe the necessary hygiene, adhere to all the doctor's recommendations. This will help you avoid possible complications or worsening of the disease.

It is also worth remembering that childbirth can exacerbate hemorrhoids. Therefore, take care of prevention in advance and try to cure it at an early stage of development.

An unpleasant and painful ailment - hemorrhoids - a frequent "guest" at the very end of pregnancy. Even if a woman has never had anything like this, it is in the third trimester that the moment may come when the symptoms of the disease appear for the first time, because the uterus, which has reached a large size, presses on the inferior vena cava, disrupting the blood supply, including in the hemorrhoidal veins.

How to relieve unpleasant symptoms and cure hemorrhoids in the last weeks of bearing a baby, we will tell you in this article.

General principles of treatment

Hemorrhoids, both external and internal, are difficult and troublesome to treat during pregnancy. Not all medications can be taken, moreover, the most effective way of dealing with this ailment - surgical - is not suitable for women in a "position".

Operatively during this period, only very difficult cases of ailment are resolved, in which the venous nodes fall out of the anus ring, while there is a fairly strong anal bleeding, and the nodes are not set manually.

Such hemorrhoids in pregnant women are rare. Therefore, in most cases, there is no need for surgical intervention. It is accepted to treat hemorrhoids in the third trimester in a comprehensive manner, combining different methods - from taking medications (systemic and local action) to correcting the lifestyle of the expectant mother.

They always start with correction, and if the disease is not neglected and chronic, it sometimes manages to limit itself to it.

Regardless of the degree and nature of the disease, treating hemorrhoids in the third trimester is considered a simpler task than treating a similar ailment at an earlier date.

The choice of medicines for this period is not as limited as during the period of active growth and development of the crumb, the laying of its internal organs. However, doctors do not rely on medications, but on changes in the lifestyle of a pregnant woman, which should have a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the hemorrhoidal veins.


This is the basis for the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. When the first symptoms of the disease (pain, burning and itching in the anus) appear, a woman should definitely reconsider her daily diet, nutrition should be balanced and such that a woman does not have preconditions for constipation.

For this, the entire daily menu is divided for 5-6 receptions, the expectant mother should eat fractionally and in small portions, avoid overeating. Foods that thicken stool should be avoided.

It is important for a woman to prevent not only constipation, but also excessive softening of feces, because diarrhea will cause a lot of unpleasant sensations, the inflammatory process in the rectum and in the anus will only intensify.

If hemorrhoids appear, then you should completely abandon fried foods, smoked foods, salty and too sweet. All spicy dishes, spices and seasonings are also banned. To the maximum, you should limit food with a high content of animal protein - cottage cheese, sour cream, butter; you need to eat meat and fish, but in very small quantities, only satisfying the needs of a growing baby in such substances. The abundance of protein foods contributes to the violation of intestinal motility and having problems with bowel movements.

Foods that can cause intestinal gas, such as legumes, yeast baked goods, chocolate and grapes, should be avoided. Don't drink carbonated drinks.

The expectant mother will benefit from raw vegetables and fruits, since the fiber they contain quickly and gently helps to eliminate constipation, makes the passage of feces through the intestines easier. Porridge-spreads (with the exception of rice and semolina), beets and dishes from it, prunes will be useful.

It is important to adhere to such a diet not only during the period of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, but also the rest of the time, even if it seems that the ailment has completely receded - hemorrhoids tend to come back.

Toilet and hygiene

The right approach to hygiene and going to the toilet should be an integral part of the treatment of a delicate illness. Unfortunately, none of us were taught to walk properly when we were in need. If hemorrhoids appear, it's time to learn how to do it.

You should empty your bowels in one go. The bowel movement should not last more than five minutes. Sitting on the toilet with a book or phone in hand for half an hour or longer is a sure way to the appearance and exacerbation of existing hemorrhoids.

When a pregnant woman sits on the toilet for a long time, the blood supply to the hemorrhoidal veins is disrupted, and the manifestations of the disease may worsen.

Going to the toilet correctly means emptying the intestines, as far as peristalsis allows, and then leaving the toilet and returning to it only when there is a clear urge to defecate.

During an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, you should not use toilet paper. Mechanical friction will only increase the swelling and inflammation in the anus. It is best to wash yourself after each bowel movement.

Enemas for pregnant women are not prohibited, but they should be done with great care and only when necessary. In order to prevent the occurrence of dysbiosis with the constant washing out of the beneficial flora from the intestines, when enemas are done often, it is better to use not the usual "pear" or Esmarch's mug, but microclysters that are sold in pharmacies.

When using topical medications, it is important to observe all hygiene rules - wash yourself after each bowel movement, wash your hands thoroughly before applying ointment to a sore spot or introducing a rectal suppository, monitor the cleanliness of the caps and applicators if you use a drug in the form of a gel or ointment.

Medication treatment

Despite the large selection of various medicines for hemorrhoids, the choice of a particular drug in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy should be approached with great care. This should be done by a doctor, self-appointment and self-medication while waiting for a child are inappropriate in principle.

With hemorrhoids of 1-2 degrees, local preparations are sufficient. They come in the form of ointments and suppositories. Sometimes candles are ineffective or bring only slight relief, despite the fact that the woman follows all the recommendations and eats right. If hemorrhoids cannot be cured within 1-2 weeks with local remedies or the disease has more pronounced symptoms, systemic agents can also be prescribed - in capsules and tablets.

Local remedies for the most part have wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects, improve blood supply in the area of ​​inflammation, reduce edema.

Systemic drugs act throughout the body and improve blood circulation, prevent thrombus formation.

Allowed in the third trimester drugs for hemorrhoids of systemic action - table:

Topical preparations allowed in the third trimester - table:

Drug name

Release form

How to apply

Candles, ointment

After each bowel movement externally and rectally no more than 4 times a day


Rectal suppositories

In the morning and in the evening after a bowel movement, 1 candle


Rectal suppositories

After each bowel movement, one candle, no more than 3-4 candles per day


Candles and ointment

In the acute stage, after each bowel movement, after pain relief - 2 times a day, 1 suppository.


Ointment and candles

For all forms - 2 times a day.

"Anusol Neo"

Candles and ointment

Up to 7 times a day - before bedtime and in the morning, as well as after each bowel movement, 1 suppository or 1 dose of ointment.

Folk remedies

The choice of alternative medicine recipes should be approached with the same caution as the choice of medications. Herbs can harm both the expectant mother and her baby. Therefore, the lion's share of the funds that “experts” on numerous Internet resources advise for hemorrhoids at 7-8 months of pregnancy are not suitable for treating expectant mothers.

In the later stages, you can use hand-made candles cut from raw potatoes. It helps to get rid of the manifestations of hemorrhoids even before childbirth (at 38 - 39, 40 weeks) sea buckthorn oil, which can be used to moisten tampons for subsequent introduction into the anus.

Pregnant women should consult with their doctor before using folk remedies for treating a delicate ailment, otherwise the consequences can be dire.

Gymnastics and physical activity

This is the part of the complex treatment that is also of great importance. A woman should control her physical activity. You can not squat and stand up sharply, do not lift weights. However, calm, unhurried walks in the fresh air will only benefit.

A woman should not stand in an upright position for a long time, nor should she lie down all the time., although many expectant mothers after 36-37 weeks of pregnancy believe that it is safer and better to spend the rest of the time before delivery in the supine position. This is not true.

Of course, a woman should treat herself as sparingly as possible, go to bed from time to time to lie down, but do not forget that it is advisable to keep the legs higher than the body, placing a pillow or roller under them. This is not only the prevention of varicose veins in the later stages, but also the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids.

Exercises aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the lower veins and preventing constipation are best coordinated with a doctor or exercise therapy specialist at the local polyclinic. Commonly used sets of exercises, which include leg raises from a prone position and standing on all fours, are used to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and anal sphincter.

Gymnastics is contraindicated in women who have an increased tone of the uterine muscles, who have problems with the spine or who are at risk of premature birth.

Very popular set of Kegel exercises... They are simple and require little effort. True, such gymnastics is contraindicated in women who have hemorrhoids with prolapse of nodes and bleeding from the rectum. Also, you should refrain from gymnastics during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Many pregnant women choose yoga for treatment and prevention.

For a detailed set of exercises for hemorrhoids, see the next video.

Among expectant mothers, the problem of dilated veins in the anal area is very relevant. Not every drug is safe for the fetus and for the pregnant woman herself. Non-toxic rectal suppositories will most effectively help cope with hemorrhoids.

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers expectant mothers a large selection of such medicines. Before choosing the optimal drug, a pregnant woman should definitely consult a doctor. Let's take a closer look at which suppositories for hemorrhoids can be used during pregnancy and which ones are better and more effective in coping with the disease.

Many medicines are contraindicated in pregnancy. However, there is an exception among the drugs. These are herbal suppositories containing natural vegetable oils. The use of such a drug minimizes the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus and helps a pregnant woman to overcome hemorrhoids and feel comfortable. Correctly selected treatment is quite effective and quickly eliminates the symptoms of the disease.

Rectal suppositories quickly relieve pain in the anus and rectum, normalize blood circulation in the small pelvis. Their active medicinal components:

  • affect pathogenic microorganisms;
  • prevent the further spread of infection;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • restore the rectal mucosa.

What are the safest candles?

Candles for hemorrhoids during pregnancy in the 3rd semester will gently soothe and relieve pain. The safest for this period of gestation are suppositories based on algae, plant components.

Suppositories with propolis, suppositories based on plant extracts, papaverine and glycerin suppositories have proven themselves well. All of these medicines are prescribed by doctors to pregnant women in the treatment of hemorrhoid symptoms. They gently eliminate inflammation due to their healing properties. Also drugs can be used in treatment:

Propolis has long been an excellent cure for various inflammations, moisturized and softened dry skin, actively influenced blood vessels and blood circulation in the body. This substance is absolutely safe during pregnancy and is prescribed by doctors at any period of pregnancy and. The product gently dissolves inflamed hemorrhoids, heals anal fissures.

Dissolving gradually in the rectum, the propolis suppository is absorbed into the mucous membrane of the lower rectum and restores the microflora. At the same time, propolis fights against pathogenic microorganisms and prevents the spread of infection. Absorbed into the walls of the rectum, propolis has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. Thanks to the treatment with suppositories with propolis, pain and discomfort disappear, and the hemorrhoids themselves are cured in a few days.

You can also make propolis suppositories at home. To do this, you need to mix propolis with a small amount of butter, place the mixture in a conical shape made of thick paper and put the candle in the refrigerator. It is recommended to use the candle before going to bed, after removing the paper wrapper. The only contraindication to the drug is an allergy to the active substance.

Methyluracil suppositories

This drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The doctor can prescribe such suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy quite calmly. The drug is safe for the fetus and will not cause any pathologies in the developing child. based on cell renewal.

Under the influence of these rectal suppositories, the healing of wounds in the anus and rectum is accelerated, the protective properties of cells and surrounding tissues increase. The drug prevents the development of infection, restores the rectal mucosa, and prevents bleeding.

Clinical studies on the use of methyluracil suppositories by pregnant women have not shown any negative effects on the fetus. The drug is well tolerated, but during the administration of the suppository, a slight burning sensation in the rectum is possible. Treatment with methyluracil suppositories should be prescribed only by the attending physician. One suppository is used throughout the day.


This drug is a venotonic drug. The special thing is that the drug is capable of increasing the vascular tone several times. Acting in the rectum, a rectal suppository suppresses the aggressiveness of leukocytes and blocks the synthesis of inflammatory mediators.

In addition to the main drug substance, the preparation contains bufexamac and lidocaine, which improve the elasticity of blood vessels, normalize their permeability, and also contribute to good blood formation. As a result, the body's defenses are significantly increased and the manifestations of hemorrhoids are reduced.

Lidocaine has a powerful analgesic effect, eliminating pain in the anus and rectum. Other medicinal substances that make up the suppository have a drying effect and promote the healing of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. The drug is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids twice a day.


Often prescribed to pregnant women in the treatment of hemorrhoids, starting in the third trimester. The drug has an antiseptic effect on pathogenic microorganisms and effectively removes the inflammatory process in the lower rectum. Relief is also an immunomodulator and activates the local immunity of the anal area. As a result of its pharmacological properties, the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases.

Rectal suppositories quickly and effectively heal anal fissures, dry out inflamed hemorrhoids, and remove weeping foci of inflammation. Acting in the rectum, the drug forms a protective film on the intestinal mucosa. Thus, the rectal mucosa is less damaged and begins to actively recover.

Relief is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids twice a day by gently inserting a suppository into the anus. After the introduction of the suppository, you should not actively move, it is best to lie down for half an hour until the suppository dissolves in the rectum. The healing effect, if used correctly, will be much stronger.

Candles with papaverine

Suppositories with papaverine contribute to the rapid treatment of hemorrhoids. The drug is well tolerated and can be administered to pregnant women due to its safe action. This remedy quickly relieves pain, prevents the spread of infection in the lower parts of the rectum, and quickly removes the inflammatory process.

Papaverine relieves pressure on the walls of the rectum and qualifies as an excellent antiseptic. Its spasmodic properties allow you to relieve rectal spasms and quickly eliminate pain in case of disease. This complex drug is a highly effective drug in the treatment of inflamed hemorrhoids. Acting on the veins of the anus, papaverine improves venous outflow and strengthens the walls of the capillaries.

Sea buckthorn candles

Sea buckthorn candles for hemorrhoids during pregnancy will allow you to very quickly cope with any manifestations of the disease. The drug can be prescribed for any period of gestation. Sea buckthorn has long been famous among the people for its medicinal properties and ability to stop tissue inflammation. Sea buckthorn extract and sea buckthorn oil improve skin regeneration, actively fight against pathogenic microorganisms, heal affected tissues and restore the rectal mucosa.

Sea buckthorn candle lowers the level of histamine, which provokes and aggravates the inflammatory process. Histamine dilates blood vessels, causing hemorrhoids to enlarge. As a result, the permeability of the veins of the anus and the lower intestine increases. The activation of this substance in the anal region leads to a burning sensation in the anus, itching of the anal areas and soreness of hemorrhoids.

Acting in the rectum, sea buckthorn suppositories gradually dissolve and envelop the mucous membrane, promoting its healing and recovery. Sea buckthorn oil has a mild effect inside the intestines, heals cracks in the walls of the rectum, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Thanks to the sea buckthorn candle, there is an enhanced regeneration of the skin epithelium and a quick recovery of the affected tissue.

Under the influence of the drug, active stimulation of immune cells occurs. The swelling of hemorrhoids disappears, itching and burning disappear. Sea buckthorn candles very quickly cope with staphylococcus, Escherichia coli and other pathogenic bacteria that cause the disease.

Glycerin candles

Glycerin-based suppositories soften feces and promote rapid and non-traumatic excretion from the rectum. At the same time, it has a positive effect on the rectum.

Facilitating defecation, the drug promotes the healing of small cracks in the rectum and anus and prevents mechanical injury from solid feces of the mucous membrane. Glycerin has a softening effect and perfectly heals microcracks in hemorrhoids. Using these suppositories, you can get rid of constipation, which are characteristic of pregnancy, and quickly and effectively eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids.


The active ingredient of this drug is sodium alginate, obtained from brown algae. Natalsid can be prescribed absolutely at any stage of pregnancy, since it is especially safe. The seaweed extract has a hemostatic and antiseptic effect in the body, allowing you to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process in the lower parts of the rectum.

The drug softens the inflamed skin of the anus, envelops the intestinal mucosa and restores it. Under the influence of the remedy, pain in the anus disappears, itching and burning disappear.

The purpose of the application is to completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease and further prevent the development of infection. As a result of treatment with suppositories, hemorrhoids in a pregnant woman completely disappear.

Ichthyol candles

Prevent inflammation of anal fissures with hemorrhoids will help. They are an excellent disinfectant and are used in the treatment of many diseases.

Ichthyol treatment has been popular for several centuries. It contains sulfur, which has a detrimental effect on many pathogenic microorganisms. The main contraindication for use is individual intolerance.

Ichthyol suppositories effectively eliminate the inflammatory process in the rectum, gently affect damaged tissues and exhibit an anti-inflammatory effect. Their main drug substance restores destroyed epithelial cells, softens hemorrhoids, relieves pain and burning. Ichthyol suppositories can be used twice a day.

Safe candles

Many pregnant women want to know which suppositories for hemorrhoids are possible during pregnancy. Modern medicines in the form of rectal suppositories, prescribed by a doctor, are quite safe. The herbal natural components included in their composition do not have a negative effect on the fetus and do not cause the development of pathologies in it. At the same time, rectal suppositories help to improve the health of the expectant mother.

Quickly eliminating the symptoms of hemorrhoids, suppositories help to get rid of excruciating pain in case of rectal vein disease, dissolve hemorrhoids and remove infection. As a result of treatment with suppositories, the intestinal mucosa is restored, constipation disappears, pathogenic microorganisms die. The intestinal microflora is also restored, which is important during pregnancy.