
Lesson on cognitive development “We study parts of the body. Thematic week “Parts of the human body” Studying with a child a part of the body


Diversify the process of your child's knowledge of the world around him and himself with the help of the lessons below. Parts of the body are available for study even to very crumbs.

Use development activities rough plan action, rather than a call for compulsory lessons twice a week. Play while learning, learn while playing!

Lesson 1.

Purpose of the lesson: teach the child the names of body parts

Developed skills and abilities: visual memory, memory by ear, the ability to compare the picture with the name, determine the parts of the body in oneself.


Here is a set of cards with body parts. Review them with your child. If your child already knows some parts, then he will be happy to show them himself. Do not try to master all the parts at once, it is impossible physiological reasons. Never turn the lesson into torture, if the child has lost interest, postpone the lesson. Remember, there should be a sense of proportion in everything.

Look at the picture, pronounce the name clearly, for example, lips. Next, we show our lips, and then the lips of the child. If the baby is not yet talking, pronouncing parts of the body, put your hand to your lips. Thus, the child will learn articulation. As a result, it will help him in the further pronunciation of words.

If the child is tired, end the class. Come back to it later, starting with a light repetition.

Lesson 2

Purpose of the lesson: teach your child the names of body parts

Developed skills and abilities: visual memory, auditory memory, the ability to identify body parts in oneself. Development gaming activity, the development of mindfulness and ingenuity.


Review the body parts from the previous lesson. Ask to name and show the desired part in the picture. If you dress the child yourself, constantly pronounce all the actions. Now, for example, let's put our hands in, hide our fingers in gloves, legs in shoes. In winter, play hide and seek with Santa Claus, and in summer with the sun. Invite the child to hide the cheeks from the frost, the ears from the sun. As a result, the child, when the desired part of the body is mentioned, must hide or show it.

Lesson 3

Purpose of the lesson: teach the child new names of body parts, learn a rhyme

Developed skills and abilities: ability to identify body parts. Development of gaming activities and general physical activity. Ability to perform tasks by ear, for example, in a playful way.


Learn a rhyme that, when recited, performs certain actions.

Mouth, nose, head,ears, cheeks, forehead, eyes,

(we show the parts on ourselves or the baby, with our own hands or the hands of the baby, if on it)


(lightly slap on the shoulders, stroke the neck and tap on the chest with fingers)

Don't forget anything.

(we spread our arms to the sides)


(clap hands)


(stomp feet)

Once here and once there

(turn head left and right)

This is no, this is yes.

(head gestures no or yes)

Lesson 4

Purpose of the lesson:

Developed skills and abilities: the ability to identify body parts in others, the development of hand motor skills and the ability to hold a pencil, drawing skills.


Look at the picture, ask, for example, where is which part of the body.

Invite the child to draw a line from the name to the body part,

or just circle the desired part of the body, if the first option seems difficult to you.

Lesson 5 .

Purpose of the lesson: repeat the names of the parts of the face

Developed skills and abilities: the ability to correlate parts of the face and the name, the ability to make up a big picture from the details, the development of motor skills of the hands, the skill of using glue.


Use the pictures for the first lesson or make your own blanks of individual parts of the face if the baby does not understand the pictures of the first lesson. Make an oval face out of cardboard. Invite the child to make a person's face from these parts. Please note that many stores have finished books with stickers with which you can create different faces as a result.

Do not throw away the workpiece, it will come in handy in other classes if the kid did everything right.

Lesson 6

Purpose of the lesson: repeat the names of body parts

Developed skills and abilities:


Make several blanks for the future human body: arms, legs, hands, torso, neck, head (without a face). Ask the child to find the leg, arm, fingers (hands), etc. Show on the child and on yourself these parts of the body, make up the parts of the human body. Check if the location is correct. Fix with glue.

In conclusion, do not throw away the workpiece, it will come in handy in the next lesson.

Lesson 7

Purpose of the lesson: repeat the names of body parts

Developed skills and abilities: the ability to correlate body parts and the name, the ability to make up a big picture from the details, the development of motor skills of the hands, the skill of using glue.


Take the blanks of the face and the person himself from lessons 5 and 6. Stick the face on the head. Ask your child to point out body parts on this paper doll.

Ask what is missing from this person if the baby has not told you about it himself. The correct and logical answer is hair. If the child is having a hard time, tell him.

Lesson 8

Purpose of the lesson: repeat the names of body parts

Developed skills and abilities: the ability to correlate body parts and the name, the development of auditory perception, the skill of following instructions according to the model, the development of mindfulness, the ability to work in tandem with an adult, physical development.


Invite the child to follow the instructions first according to the model, showing all the movements, because it is easier, then according to auditory perception. Ask, as a result, to raise your hands, to lower your hands. Put your hands, for example, on your belt, hands behind your head, hands behind your back. Close your ears (nose or eyes) with your hands, clap your hands, hands in front of you (behind your back, if you get it, above your head). Stomp your feet, stand on one leg.

Lesson 9

Purpose of the lesson: repeat the names of body parts

Developed skills and abilities: ability to identify body parts logical thinking, visual memory.


Invite the child to look at the pictures of the boy's face. Ask to show if something is missing on the face.

Ask a question: What is hidden on the face?

For example:

There is no nose on the face.

Correctly! And where is your nose, and where is your mother's nose?

If you want to make the task more difficult, cut the cards and show them separately.

Lesson 10

Purpose of the lesson: repeat the names of body parts

Developed skills and abilities: the ability to determine the purpose of body parts, the development of logical thinking, visual memory.


Show the child items from the game. Or similar in application. We offer to choose for himself, if he wants it.

Spoon - How are we going to take a spoon? (hands).

Bread - How do we chew bread? (Mouth, for example, or teeth).

Book - How will we consider the book? (with eyes).

Flowers - How will we smell the flowers? (nose).

Phone - How will we listen to what they say? (Ears).

Apple - What will we bite the apple with? (Teeth, for example, or mouth).

Ice cream - What are we going to lick ice cream with? (Language).

Ball - How will we kick the ball? (foot).

Happy learning!

The study of body parts of a person with a child is easy and simple in the game, quite often we do not invent these games on purpose, but introduce the baby to his body in the process of gymnastics, massage, washing, etc.

When the child gets older, he can sit confidently, hold toys, get acquainted with parts of the body in a much more diverse way. Rhymes, finger games, presentations, cards, games with a doll, etc. are used.

We began to get acquainted with our body with our son quite early. Every day when we washed, did exercises, I told Yura what was what. “Here is the pen, and this is your leg. This is your nose," I said.

In the process of bathing or washing, you can tell nursery rhymes to your child.

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle
To make cheeks burn
To laugh mouth,
To bite a tooth.

At about 8-9 months old, we bought a small doll for Yura, which looks like a small child. Playing with the doll, I showed where her hands, head, legs, back, tummy, etc. are. Similarly, they played with a bear, a hedgehog and other toys.
In addition to getting to know the parts of the body, I focused on features. For example, a bunny has big ears, a giraffe has a long neck, a hedgehog has small legs, and so on.

We also made analogies, I asked Yura to show the eyes of the toy and the eyes of himself, the tail of the toy and the tail of himself (here it is obvious that the child will not find it, we do not have a tail). Very so useful activity to develop the ability to compare.
At this age, finger games will be useful, I have already given several examples, see.

Mouth, nose, head,
Ears, cheeks, forehead, eyes,

(we just show it on ourselves or on the baby; with our own hands or the hands of the baby)
Shoulders, shoulders, neck, chest
(clap on the shoulders, stroke the neck and tap on the chest with fingers)
Don't forget anything.
(we spread our arms to the sides)
Hands-hands - clap-clap,
(clap your hands with the hands of the baby, or you can also with your own)
Legs-legs - top-top,
(also legs in a lying or sitting position)
Once here and once there
(head turns left and right; you can turn your head so that the baby sees; it is much more interesting to make a little man out of your brush, and even draw eyes and a nose on it)
This is no, but this is yes.
(head gestures “no” and “yes”; you can also twist the brush left and right and up and down)

Until about two years old, Yura's favorite pastime was watching Doman's Cards on DVD, where there was a section with body parts.
Simple presentations and cards can be used, games with which can be accompanied by poems.

Here is our nose, This is our right hand,
Here are two ears, This is the left hand.
Here big head, On the right - a noisy oak forest,
Here is a little bit of hair, To the left is a fast river.
And I will blow on them! On the right the grove stretched
Here is our little girl on the left - someone's garden ...
Heels and knees! And when I turned around
Here's a barrel, I grab the side, It's the other way around.
I will tickle for a long time! On the left suddenly became an oak forest,
Nose, mouth, head, To the right is a fast river ...
Ears, cheeks, forehead, eyes, has it really become right
Arms, shoulders, neck, chest My left arm?
Don't forget about your belly. (S. Dolzhenko)
This is no, but this is yes.
This is one, and this is two.
Let's count fingers:
One two three four five,
One two three four five
Ten fingers, a pair of hands -
Here is your wealth friend!


One, two, three, four, five! Masha put on a mitten.
Let's count fingers - - Oh, where am I doing?
Strong, friendly, No finger, gone,
All so necessary. Didn't make it to my house.
On the other hand again: Masha took off her mitten.
One, two, three, four, five! - Look, I found it!
Fingers are fast, You search, you search - and you will find.
Not very clean though! Hello finger!
A lot of trouble for fingers: How do you live?
They play patty, (N. Sakonskaya)
Then for some reason they climb into the mouth,
Books are torn from the grandmother.
Having redone all things,
Pulling the tablecloth from the table
They climb into salt and compote,
And then vice versa.
Fingers are friendly
All so necessary!
(Z. Aleksandrova)

If you are already drawing with a child, then you can try to draw little men. This is the nursery rhyme that Yura was taught by her grandmother:

Dot, dot two hooks(draw the eyes of the dot and arch of the eyebrows)
Nose, mouth, back.(draw a stick nose, a smile and a circle of the face)
Handles, legs, cucumber,(we draw arms and legs with chopsticks and an oval of the body)
Got a man!(we are happy with the result)

In the summer I was in Kazan, and in the Koltso shopping center we wandered around the bookstore for a long time. There is a lot of literature there, including developing one. I found a picture dictionary for Yura “Me and my body”. The manual is intended for preschoolers, but nothing prevents you from studying at home.
The manual is accompanied by a lesson plan for the whole year and a guide for teachers and parents.

Each lesson is an acquaintance with a part of the body, its capabilities and hygiene issues. Color illustrations in the dictionary are large and clear. From the pictures with the child, you can talk for a long time and tell him.
Several tasks are offered for classes, there is a selection of poems and riddles. I didn’t like everything, and it’s hard to stop Yura on one thing. If he looks up a dictionary, then from cover to cover, there are favorite topics.
I especially like that the dictionary deals with hygiene issues. The pictures show how to care for and protect the ears, eyes, nose, teeth, etc.

Our latest acquisition in the topic of studying body parts is a sound poster. About the device of electronic sound posters for children, I already wrote, see.

This poster is a bit different from the others. It has only a learning function, it does not provide for testing the acquired knowledge. But it's not that important. You can arrange the check yourself.

With the help of this poster, we are more specifically acquainted with the parts of the body. Yura knows that the leg has several parts: thigh, lower leg, foot. Likewise with hands.
Introduces the poster with muscles, skeleton and internal organs.

Now our main task is not to confuse the concepts of “right” and “left”. Much attention is paid to this in kindergarten.

We get acquainted with parts of the body even in the clinic. Every time I tell my son which doctor we are going to, what he will do, what we will show him (neck, nose, ears, eyes, etc.). This relieves the child of fear of doctors, and Yura behaves more or less decently in the office. Although he does not particularly want to demonstrate himself to an unfamiliar doctor.

It's a great idea to learn the anatomy of your own body while playing doctor. Today, doctor's kits in children's stores are presented in a variety of options.

This is how you can unobtrusively introduce the child to the structure of the body, expand his horizons and teach hygiene skills.

How did you introduce your children to the anatomy of your body?

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We are studying in the fourth week parts of the human body. This set is not ordinary, but in the form of a book. I competed with her. About the creation of the book, little tricks and our games with it.

Games are designed for kids from 1.5 years to 3 years. For classes with a small child (from 1.5 years old), you can print out not a complete set, but only those games that are more suitable and you like. We use some of the tasks of the set one-time (we color, cut, etc.), while others are hidden in a file in order to draw on top with a dry-erase marker and erase.

Game set aimed at: development of speech, fine motor skills, logic, memory, attention, coordination of movements, preparation of the hand for writing.

| pdf format

Thematic set “Parts of the human body”

The kit includes the following worksheets for kids:

  1. Sheet-cover for coloring and application. You can stick hair from threads together with your child, decorate clothes, etc.
  2. Coloring book with signed body parts. It is necessary to color the boy and name the parts of the body. Mom can slide her finger over the inscriptions while reading them so that the child can see what mom is reading.
  3. Coloring book with and a verse about him. Read, color, name parts of the body, show wings and a halo.
  4. What to wear where? Task: draw lines from the object to the place where it is put on. For example, a bow is put on the head.
  5. Model the facial features of a person from dough and plasticine. Mom can give the child blanks that she will mold with her own hands, and the baby will simply stick them on: eyes, mouth, eyebrows. The baby can stick the hair himself from small pieces or one large piece.
  6. Connect the face and its shape. This task is for children closer to the age of 3 who know simple geometric shapes well. Toddlers can follow their mother's instructions or hand in their mother's hand.
  7. Finger gymnastics “Finger, finger, where is your house?” You can read a poem, play with the baby's palm, draw a house on it. When asking a question to a finger, we gently pull for it, and when the finger answers, we bend it to the center of the palm into a house. We show fingers in the picture, call them.
  8. Color the dress. We dip our finger into the paint and try to paint only the dress.
  9. Draw a line. Task for the development of speech and preparation of the hand for writing. Let the kid draw a line with a marker, and mom will tell us what we see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Perhaps older kids will be able to answer these questions on their own.
  10. Book-game “Pick up the body to the head”. fun game to select the appropriate head and body.

P.S. As always, a deep bow and many thanks for the reposts and word of mouth!

Good morning, Dear friends!

Over the weekend, I made a small poster for my daughter with body parts using the example of a cute boy.

With it, you can clearly explain and show where a person has: head, hair, mouth, ears, eyes, forehead, neck, palm, finger, wrist, stomach, navel, chest, legs, knees, heels, feet, etc. d.

In addition, I also inserted an image of a hand and a listing of the names of all fingers here - thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger. The daughter looked at it with interest.

This educational material about parts human body I recommend for viewing both the smallest children from 1 year old, and for older children. Show it several times a day, ask the baby to find in the picture where this or that part of the human body is. Or you can just hang it on the wall and from time to time come up and examine it.

Good luck to all.

poster in pictures

Mini poster: "Body Parts for Kids" can be downloaded here:

Cards and photos

Here you can download and print a selection of educational cards for your child on the subject of a person and the structure of his body. Cards are designed for ages 1 and up. They will introduce your baby to the main parts of the human body in an easy and accessible form, and they can also be included in developmental classes in kindergartens, schools early development, elementary school and just at home.

Parts of the body and human organs.

It's no secret that a baby is extremely important. Scientists have long established that in the brain, the nerve centers responsible for the movements of the fingers and hands are in close proximity to the brain areas responsible for the development of speech. Therefore, by stimulating the movements of the fingers and hands of the baby, we greatly contribute. That is why finger games are so valued by teachers and are widely used in classes with children.

In addition to a huge impact on the development of speech, finger games help develop coordination, attention, a child’s memory, the ability to concentrate, and also help develop imagination (try to immediately understand that arms folded in a corner above your head are a roof, and if you wave your arms, then you immediately turn into a butterfly). And, of course, finger games give the child and mother a whole storm of positive emotions, enrich their communication with bright colors.

In this article, I want to present you my selection of finger games that are best for babies from 6 months to 1 year old. In addition, in the article you will find rhymes that will help your baby learn the main parts of the face and body in a fun and quick way. My daughter and I always enjoyed playing to these funny rhymes. And these games helped me a lot to entertain my daughter during car trips.

At first, you can make the necessary movements with your baby’s hands, but soon he will cope without your help. I also want to note that you should not practice for a long time finger games, you need to finish before the child gets tired of the game (usually no more than 5-8 minutes).

Finger games for babies from 6 months

Sweeties, sweeties! (clap hands)
Where were you? By Grandma!
What did they eat? Porridge!
What did they drink? Brazhka.
Sweet porridge,
Brasha is young.
Drank, ate
Kshi-kshi, fly! (we wave our hands)
Sat on the head! (put hands on head)
Sit down, sit down
And they flew away again! (we wave our hands again)
I knock with a hammer (knock fist on fist)
I want to build a house. (we put our hands over our heads, depicting a "roof")
I'm building a tall house! (raise handles up)
I will live in that house! (again we fold our hands above our heads, depicting a "roof")
There was a lock on the door (we interlock our fingers in the lock (if it doesn’t work out, just put the fist to the fist) and wave up and down)
Who could open it?
We broke, we twisted (we turn the handles linked into the lock)
Beat, beat (we shake our hands without disengaging our fingers)
And they opened it! (open hands)
Dariki-dariki, (clap hands)
Mosquitoes flew. (Pinch fingers together)
Curled, twisted, (show how they fly)
They grabbed the nose! (mother touches the baby's nose, option - in the handle, in the leg ...)
Building, building, building a house (we put alternately our hand and the baby’s hand, then again ours and the baby’s)
We put the cube on the cube.
Here is the road, here is the garage , (we run our fingers over the child’s body, laying some kind of “route”)
Here is our house built. (we connect the palms above the head, depicting a roof)
palms up, (hands up)
palms down, (hands down)
And now them on the barrel
And clenched into a fist. (clench hands into fists)

Poems for Studying Parts of the Body and Face

When pronouncing lines of poems, touch the corresponding parts of the baby's body, or show on your body. It is better to do this and that so that the associations in the baby’s head are not limited to any one experience.

What is the daughter's legs for?
To run on the track!
Why do daughter ears?
To listen to rattles!
What is the daughter's mouth for?
To drink milk from mom!
Why do daughter eyes?
To look at the world of paint!
What is the daughter's back for?
To wallow on the sheet!
Why does the daughter have a priest?
To clap her hand!
Why was the daughter born?
To make mom happy! (kiss, hug the baby)
My mouth can eat
nose to breathe,
And ears to listen
Eyes - blink, blink
Handles - grab everything, grab it.
There lived a bunny
long ears,
Frostbitten bunny
Nose on the edge.
Frostbitten nose,
Frozen tail!
And went to warm up
Visit the kids!
Big feet
We walked along the road:
Top top top
small feet
Run along the path:
Top top top
Where are you running, legs?
Where are you running, legs?
On the summer path
From hillock to hillock
For a berry in the forest.
In the green forest
I'll dial you
black blueberry,
Scarlet strawberries.
Here they are in the bed
pink heels
Whose heels are these
Soft and sweet?
Goslings will come running
Pinched at the heels.
Hide quickly, don't yawn
Cover with a blanket!
These are eyes to see.
This is a nose to breathe.
These are ears to hear.
These are legs for running.
These are the handles to mom
Hug very tight.
The cat washes his paw
Looks like he's going to visit
Washed out the nose.
Washed out the mouth.
Washed my ear.
Wiped dry.

A few more rhymes for fun and bright communication with the baby

Play massage

The dog is baking pies in the kitchen. (deep kneading of the back with palms)
The cat in the corner is crushing crackers. (tapping on the back)
The cat in the window is sewing a dress. ( pinching)
A hen in boots sweeps a hut. (stroking)
The pussy will come slowly
And pet the baby.
“Meow-meow,” the pussy will say, “
Our baby is good!
Let's go on a horse
The path is smooth and smooth.
We were invited by a neighbor
Eat sweet pudding.
We arrived for dinner
There is no neighbor at home.
Two dogs on the doorstep
We were told very strictly:
Woof woof woof.
food food
To the grandmother, to the grandfather
On a horse
In a red hat
On a flat path
On one leg
In an old shoe
On potholes, on bumps,
Everything is straight and straight
And then suddenly ... into the hole
Grow, Taya, higher,
To the chorus, to the roof.
Grow up, don't pamper
Mum and dad please.
Grow with timber thickness
Yes, from the heights of the house!
A lot of trouble for fingers:
They play patty
Then for some reason they climb into the mouth,
Grandma's torn books...
Having redone all things,
They pull the tablecloth from the table.
They climb into salt and compote,
And then vice versa.
Friendly fingers
All so necessary!
Knocked legs
On a flat path
Knocked many times -
We'll have fun.
Hit harder with your fist,
Just don't feel sorry for the hands
We will knock with a fist
And we'll spin around.
A goat walked along the bridge
And wagged her tail
Caught on the railing -
It landed right in the river!
Mice lead a round dance,
A cat is napping on a couch.
Hush, mice, don't make noise,
Don't wake the cat Vaska.
Here Vaska the cat wakes up,
Will break the whole dance!
Daisies on the lawn
The beetle flew in a colored shirt.
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
I am friends with daisies.
Quietly swinging in the wind
I bow down low.

Also take a look at the following articles. In them you will also find many wonderful rhymes that will help you communicate interestingly with a baby up to a year old and a little older.