
Acquaintance of parents at a parent meeting at school. Parents' meeting "meet the parents". A rough outline of the story


First meeting with the parents of the students

Parent-teacher meeting

1. Introduction

Teacher: Good evening, dear parents! I am glad to see you in our class. I understand how exciting the present moment is for you. I am very pleased to meet new students and their parents, but the moment of our meeting is also characteristic of the fact that not only you and our children are worried, but, honestly, I am. Will we like each other? Will we gain mutual understanding and friendship? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my requirements and help our children? The success of our joint work depends on this. Now your children will have a new teacher. It is very important that while doing this you loving parents, stayed with their children. Now we are one big team. We have to rejoice together and overcome difficulties, grow up and learn. To learn is to teach ourselves. As a rule, their mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers study together with the children. She studies with her students and a teacher. I hope that our team will be friendly and close-knit.

Tell me, can I make a clap with one palm? Need a second palm. Cotton is the result of the action of two palms.The teacher is only one palm. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second palm (and she is in your face, Dear Parents) the teacher is powerless. From here, the first rule can be deduced:

- only together, all together, we will overcome all the difficulties in the upbringing of children.

- Take everything by flower. Color them in. (On the tables lie the same flowers in size, color, shape, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.) Now compare your flower with the flowers of your neighbors. All flowers were the same in size, color, shape. Tell me, after you have painted a flower, can you find two exactly the same flowers?(Not.) We are adults UNDER THE SAME CONDITIONS we do everything differently. Hence our second rule:

Never compare your child to another! There is no someone or something better or worse. There is ANOTHER! We will compare, but only these will be the results of the same child yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is called MONITORING. We will do this in order to KNOW HOW AND WHAT TO DO WITH IT TOMORROW. We will do this in order to grow every day. And not only in studies, but also in actions.

In order for us to be comfortable together, let's get to know each other.

2. Acquaintance The teacher gets to know the parents, giving his name, patronymic. Teacher: We meet with some parents for the first time. I am glad to all of you. And now, in order to get to know you, I will read out the list of students, and you, please, tell me if their parents are here. (The class list is read.)

Self-Representation of Families

Family Self-Representation Plan:

a) surname, name, patronymic of parents;

b) the age of the parents, the birthday of the family;

c) interests, hobbies of the family;

d) traditions and customs of the family;

e) family motto.

Parents survey

3. Tips for parents

Teacher: Dear mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers! On September 1st, your child will become a first grader. The first year of study will be for him a year of getting used to the teacher, a year of creative success and recognition of the unknown.

We adults - both teachers and parents - want our children to live their school life happily. For this we should create comfortable conditions and support the child's desire to study, go to school, communicate with teachers and classmates.

First of all, of course, you will every day ask your child what was at school. If children cannot sensibly answer seemingly simple questions, do not worry, do not be upset, and most importantly, do not get annoyed.

Remember! for a child not to be able to do something, not to know something - this is the normal state of affairs. That's why he is a child. This cannot be reproached.

Do not compare your child with others, praise him for his successes and achievements. Recognize the child's right to individuality, the right to be different. Never compare boys and girls, do not put one as an example to others: they are different even in biological age - girls are usually older than their peers, boys.

Remember! your child will learn differently at school than you did. Never scold your child with offensive words for the inability to understand or do something. I very much ask you to only positively evaluate your child's studies, even if it seems to you that his success is clearly insufficient.

Learn with your child, unite with him against difficulties, become an ally, not an enemy. Trust in the child, trust in the teacher.

4. Choosing a parent committee

The parent class committee has the right to:

- To actively participate in the organization of the educational process in the classroom.

- Help the class teacher and the school in purchasing textbooks and manuals.

- Attend lessons and extracurricular activities.

- Provide feedback on classroom activities.

-Visit students at home with the class teacher.

To take, together with the class teacher, certain measures of influence towards those parents who are not involved in raising their children.

- Participate in conducting conversations.

Maintain close contact with law enforcement agencies and public organizations to protect the rights and interests of the child and family.

- To involve, if necessary, various kinds of specialists to solve family problems.

The parent class committee is obliged to:

- Help the class teacher in establishing contact with the parent team.

- Involve parents in joint activities with kids.

- Influence the formation of a culture of parental communication.

- Be a mediator between family, school, public organizations in difficult life situations.

- To stimulate selflessness and responsibility in the upbringing of the younger generation.

- To come up with initiatives and proposals to improve the educational process at school.

- Observe ethical standards in communicating with students, their parents, teachers.

5. Features of school life

The school has its own requirements.

Requirements for students to comply with the culture of mental work, the content of educational supplies.

1. The student's writing materials should be as follows: a pen, a well-cleaned pencil, a ruler and the necessary instruments for completing work assignments, art.

2. The student must complete all work in legible and legible handwriting with a tilt to the right.

3. Students' diaries should have covers without decorations or pictures. The diary is filled in by the student in accordance with the instructions, checked by the class teacher, weekly, signed by the parents.

4. Each student must have two workbooks for the Russian language and mathematics and one notebook for tests in these subjects. For the rest of the subjects, each student must have one workbook and one notebook for control and practical work.

5. Textbooks and books should be neatly wrapped.

6. Student notebooks should be clean, tidy, and correctly signed.

Registration of written works .

1. Notebooks should be clean, neatly signed, with margins, and covered. In notebooks, the margins should be 2.5 cm wide, drawn with a simple pencil. It is recommended to make notes in notebooks with blue paste.

2. In notebooks for the Russian language, the date is written in words, for other subjects - in numbers, the topic of the lesson is written after the date.

3. It is not allowed to start a new workbook if the old one is not finished.

4. It is not allowed to tear out pages from notebooks.

5. Incorrectly written should be neatly crossed out with one straight line.

6. Students must complete all work in a clear and legible handwriting.

7. When writing, it is necessary to separate one semantic passage from another with a red line.

Doing homework.

Uniform requirements for parents.

1. Parents of students (legal representatives) are obliged to:

Provide students with school supplies, notebooks in the required quantity, diary, school uniform;

- take an interest in the successes and / or / failures in the educational activities of their children on a daily basis;

- monitor the child's homework on a daily basis;

Visit the school, meet with the class teacher, teachers, if necessary with members of the administration;

Check the child's diary, talk with them about educational successes and failures, sign at the end of each week;

- parents are required to attend classroom, school-wide parenting meetings;

- parents are responsible for the elimination of material damage caused by students;

Parents, if possible, contribute to the improvement of the conditions for the study of children at school, help in the design and repair of classrooms;

Parents (legal representatives) of students are obliged to monitor compliance with the child's day regimen. After 21 hours, students at schools of all ages cannot be outside the home, except in emergency cases.

6. Organization of the educational process

Today in Russian education there are traditional training and developmental programs. All training programs have a common goal - the development of the student's personality, the formation of his desire and ability to learn.

Indeed, it is important to choose the right school and curriculum, since it is the study in primary school that determines the child's subsequent attitude to the educational process. Our class will study according to the educational complex "School of Russia".


List of workbooks.

    Recipe (4 pcs) Goretsky V.G.

    Russian language . Workbook... V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky

    Mathematics: 1) Workbook. 2) Verification works in mathematics Moro M.I., Stepanova S.V., Volkova S.I.

    The world. 1) Workbook, 2) tests. A. A. Pleshakov

    Technology ... Workbook. Rogovtseva N.I., Bogdanova N.V.,

    Music. Workbook. Kritskaya E. D., Sergeeva G. P.,

    art ... Workbook Nemenskaya L.A., Koroteeva E.I., Goryaeva N.A.

    Technology ... Workbook. Rogovtseva R. T.

The teacher shows the parents textbooks , introduces their content.

In addition, you must purchase: see (presentation)

7. Tasks for the academic year for the 2016-2017 academic year

Create psychological and pedagogical conditions for communication and collective creative activity, class students, for the development of personality, self-affirmation of each child.

- Preservation of the uniqueness and disclosure of potential abilities in children;

- To aim children for success through cooperation, perseverance, personal diligence and work;

- To form in children the ability to strive for healthy way life;

- Use various forms of organizing work with children.

The goals of educational work for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Formation of the personality of a younger student through the creation and development of a classroom team.

Expected results:

- the state of the level of education of students in the class;

- creating a cohesive classroom team;

- manifestation of initiative and responsibility for the assigned work;

- the presence of positive dynamics of growth of spiritual and moral qualities of the child's personality;

- participation in competitions, concerts, matinees, sporting events;

- visiting sports clubs, hobby groups;

- the level of satisfaction of parents and students with the life of the class.

The main directions of educational work

Main forms of activity : cognitive, play, creative, sports, communicative (communication), leisure.

Main forms of activity : cool watch, excursions, role-playing games, contests, trips, discussions.

8. Organizational issues

The teacher answers the parents' questions. Possible organizational topics:

Methodical development of a parent meeting

“Acquaintance with the parents of future first graders”.

The purpose of the parent meeting:Creation of conditions for the inclusion of parents of future first graders in the process of preparing a child for school.


  • Introduce parents to each other.
  • To acquaint with the difficulties of adapting a child to school and give recommendations on this topic.
  • Arm practical advice and recommendations for preparing a child for school.

Meeting progress

Hello. I am very pleased to meet the parents of my new students, but the moment of our meeting is also characteristic of the fact that not only you are worried, but, I honestly admit, I am. Will we like each other? Will we gain mutual understanding and friendship? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my requirements and help our little first graders? The success of our joint work depends on this. We meet with some parents for the first time, we already know others. I am glad to all of you. In order for us to be comfortable together, let's get to know a little. Each of you, tell your groupmates what your name is and write on one flower petal how best to contact you(by name, first name and patronymic.)

(There is a paper cut flower on the tables in groups.)

Very good. We met a little. Now let me tell you a little about yourself.(The teacher talks about himself, his hobbies.)

From September 1, your children will have everything in a new way: lessons, teacher, schoolmates... It is very important that you, as loving parents, are with your children while doing this. Now we are one big team. We have to rejoice together and overcome difficulties, grow up and learn. To learn is to teach ourselves. As a rule, their mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers study together with the children. She studies with her students and a teacher. I hope that all four years our team will be friendly and close-knit.

Tell me, can I make a clap with one palm? Need a second palm. Cotton is the result of the action of two palms. The teacher is only one palm. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second palm (and it is in your face, dear parents) the teacher is powerless. From here you can deduce first rule:

- only together, all together, we will overcome all difficulties in the upbringing and study of children.

Take everything by flower. Color them in.(On the tables lie the same flowers in size, color, shape, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.)Now compare your flower with the flowers of your neighbors. All flowers were the same in size, color, shape. Tell me, after you have painted a flower, can you find two exactly the same flowers?(Not.) We are adults UNDER THE SAME CONDITIONS we do everything differently. From hereour second rule:

Never compare your child to another! There is no someone or something better or worse. There is ANOTHER!We will compare, but only these will be the results of the same child yesterday, today and tomorrow. It is called MONITORING ... We will do this in order to KNOW HOW AND WHAT TO DO WITH IT TOMORROW. We will do this in order to grow every day. And not only in studies, but also in actions.

And now I offer you the well-known fairy tale "Kolobok"in a psychological way, and I ask you to take an active part in its analysis.

So here we go. (Parents help in retelling the fairy tale from pictures.)

Once upon a time there was a grandfather with an old woman. They had no children. It was lonely for them, and they decided to bake a bun. What did they do? Right. Swept along the bottom of the barrel, scraped the box, and they got a bun.

The first commandment:A child born in a family should always be desired.

They scratched the bottom of the barrel, swept it along the box, and they got a bun. They put it on the windowsill to cool.

Second commandment:Do not leave small children unattended.

The bun rolled along the path and met there first a bunny, then a bear, then a wolf.

Third commandment:Teach your child to communicate with the outside world.

An affectionate, cunning fox met him.

The fourth commandment:Teach your child to recognize good and evil, the true intentions of people.

The fox ate the kolobok.

The fifth commandment: Teach your child independently with honor and dignity, without prejudice to life, to get out of difficult life situations.

Here we have such a well-known fairy tale with five important commandments for your child.

You've already received a lot of parenting tips. Now let's talk about the child's readiness for schooling.

I bring to your attention a small test.

Test for parents.

Mark each affirmative answer with one point.

1. Do you think your child wants to go to first grade?

2. Does he think that he learns a lot of new and interesting things at school?

3. Can your baby for some time (15-20 minutes) independently engage in some painstaking work (draw, sculpt, assemble mosaics, etc.)?

4. Can you tell that your child is not shy about being present?


5. Does your kid know how to coherently describe the picture and compose a story based on it from at least five sentences?

6. Does your child know poetry by heart?

7. Can he name the given noun in the plural?
8. Does your child know how to read, at least by syllables?

9. Does the baby count to ten in forward and backward order?

10. Does he know how to add and subtract at least one unit from the numbers of the first ten?

11. Can your child write the simplest elements in a squared notebook, accurately redraw small patterns?

12. Does your child like to draw, paint pictures?

13. Does your baby know how to handle scissors and glue (for example, making paper appliqués)?

14. Can he assemble a whole drawing from five elements of a picture cut into parts in a minute?

15. Does your little one know the names of wild and domestic animals?

16. Does your child have generalization skills, for example, can he name apples and pears in one word?

17. Does your child like to spend time on their own for some activity, for example, drawing, assembling a constructor, etc.?

If you answered yes to15 or more questionsmeans that your child is quite ready for schooling. You did not study with him in vain, and in the future, if he has any difficulties in learning, he will be able to cope with them with your help.

If your toddler can handle content10-14 above questionsthen you are on the right track. During his studies, he learned a lot and learned a lot. And those questions to which you answered negatively will indicate to you what points you need to pay attention to, what else you need to practice with your child.

In the event that the number of affirmative answers 9 or less , you should devote more time and attention to activities with your child. He's not quite ready to go to school yet. Therefore, your task is to systematically engage with the baby, train in performing various exercises.
On the threshold of school, perhaps the most important thing is to teach the child independence. After all, the kid will have to complete one task after another, make decisions, build personal relationships with classmates and with the teacher, and therefore bear responsibility.

Psychological characteristics of grade 1 students

The child is on the verge of a new life.Going to school is a watershed moment in every child's life. The beginning of schooling radically changes his whole way of life. During this period, the entire psychological appearance of the child changes, his personality, his cognitive and mental capabilities, the sphere of emotions and experiences, the circle of communication are transformed. Having become a schoolboy, a child finds himself at the "first stage of social status." He is no longer Small child, he is a student. The child is not always well aware of his new position, but he certainly feels and worries: he is proud that he has become an adult, he is pleased with the new position.

Adaptation of a first grader to school... Entering school for a first grader is a new activity, new relationships, new experiences. This is a new social space whole system new requirements and rules that now determine the life of a student.

The norms and rules presented to the first grader by the school are new and unusual for him, sometimes they run counter to the child's immediate desires and motives. You need to adapt to these requirements. The period of adaptation to school, associated with adaptation to its basic requirements, exists for all first-graders. Only for some it can last one month, for others - one quarter, for others it can last for the entire first academic year. Much depends here on the individual characteristics of the child himself, on the prerequisites he has for mastering the initial stage of educational activity, help and support from the adults around him.

Peculiarities mental development first graders... Inclusion in a new social environment, the beginning of the development of educational activities aimed at mastering the system of scientific concepts, require from the child a qualitatively new level of development and organization of all mental processes, a higher ability to control their behavior. However, the possibilities of first-graders in this regard are still quite limited.

First-graders are especially easily distracted, unable to concentrate for a long time, have low efficiency and get tired quickly, are excitable, emotional, and impressionable.Motor skills, small hand movements are still very imperfect, which causes natural difficulties in mastering writing, working with paper and scissors, etc. The attention of first grade students is still poorly organized, has a small volume, is poorly distributed, and is unstable. First-graders have a well-developed involuntary memory that records vivid, emotionally rich information and events in a child's life. Arbitrary memory, based on the use of special techniques and means of memorization, including techniques for logical and semantic processing of material, is not yet characteristic of first-graders due to the weakness of the development of the mental operations themselves. The thinking of first graders is mainly visual and figurative. This means. That in order to perform mental operations of comparison, generalization, analysis, logical conclusion, children need to rely on visual material. Actions "in the mind" are still difficult for first graders due to an insufficiently formed internal action plan.

The behavior of first-graders is also often characterized by disorganization, lack of organization, and lack of discipline (due to the age of the person).Becoming a schoolboy and starting to master the intricacies of educational activity, the child only gradually learns to manage himself, to build his activity in accordance with the goals and intentions. Adults need to understand that a child's admission to school alone does not provide these important qualities. They need special development.

First-graders who have already crossed the 7-year mark are more mature in terms of psychophysiological, mental and social development than 6-year-old schoolchildren. Therefore, 7-year-old children, other things being equal, as a rule, are more easily involved in educational activities and quickly master the requirements of the mass school.

The first year of study is a very important stage that sometimes determines the entire subsequent school life of a child. During this period, the student, under the guidance of the adults who educate and teach him, makes extremely important steps in his development. Much on this path depends on the parents of the first grader.

School is still a month away. How and what to look for when preparing a child for school?


It is not at all necessary to be able to count to 100, but this, by and large, is not particularly difficult. It is much more important for the child to navigate within a dozen, that is, to count in reverse order, to be able to compare numbers, to understand which is more, which is less. He was well oriented in space: above, below, left, right, between, in front, behind, etc. The better he knows this, the easier it will be for him to study at school. So that he does not forget the numbers, write them down. If you don't have a pencil and paper at hand, it doesn't matter, write them with a stick on the ground, lay them out of the pebbles. There is plenty of counting material around, so count the cones, birds, trees in the meantime. Offer your child simple tasks from the life around him. For example: three sparrows and four titmouses are sitting on a tree. How many birds are there in the tree? The child must be able to listen attentively to the condition of the problem.


By the first grade, usually many children already read at the very least, so you can play sounds with the preschooler: let him name the surrounding objects that start with a certain sound, or come up with words in which a given letter should be encountered. You can play with a damaged phone and sort the word by sounds. And of course, don't forget to read. Choose a book with a fascinating storyline so that your child wants to know what's next. Let him read simple phrases himself.


When discussing what you read, teach your child to express his thoughts clearly, otherwise he will have problems with oral answers. When you ask him about anything, do not be content with the answer “yes” or “no,” clarify why he thinks so, help to bring your thought to the end. Train yourself to consistently talk about the events that happened and analyze them. Invite the company of his peers to play. For example: the guys think of an object and, in turn, describe it to the driver, without naming the intended word. The driver's task is to guess this word. Those who thought of a word should describe the hidden object as clearly as possible. You can play antonyms with the ball. “Black” - you throw the ball to him, “white” - the child throws back to you. Likewise, play edible-inedible, animate-inanimate.


Many parents think that the more words a child knows, the more developed he is. But it is not so. Now children literally "bathe" in the flow of information, their vocabulary is increasing, but it is important how they use them. It's great if a child can screw a complex word into place, but at the same time he must know the most elementary things about himself, about his people and about the world around him: his address (dividing the concepts of “country”, “city”, “street”) and not only the names of dad and mom, but also their patronymic and place of work. By the age of 7, the child may well already understand, for example, that the grandmother is mother's or father's mother. But, most importantly, remember: after all, a child goes to school not only to demonstrate his knowledge, but also to study.

Raising children is a complex process. Show ingenuity in choosing the means of education, and most importantly, do not forget that one of the most reliable is a kind example, you, parents. Return to your childhood in memory more often - this is a good school of life.

What a child could tell you about his upbringing:

For you, a little reminder from the child:

  • Don't pick on me or nag at me. If you do this, then I will have to defend myself by pretending to be deaf.
  • Never even imply that you are perfect and infallible. This gives me a sense of the futility of trying to compare with you.
  • Don't be afraid to be firm with me. This is the approach I prefer. This allows me to define my place.
  • Do not do for me and for me what I am able to do for myself.
  • Don't make me feel younger than I really am. I will take it out on you by becoming a "crybaby" and a "whiner."
  • Don't test my honesty too much. When I am intimidated, I easily turn into a liar.
  • Don't make promises that you cannot keep - this will shake my faith in you.
  • Don't worry about my fears and concerns. Otherwise, I will be even more afraid. Show me what courage is.

The life of the class is built not only on study, but also on joint collective affairs. Now in groups, think, confer and decide what events, holidays together with you we could hold in the first grade. Maybe someone can organize a holiday, trip, event himself. Write your joint sentences in the middle of the flower.(Parents fill in the flower.)

Remember! A child is the greatest value in your life. Strive to understand and get to know him, treat him with respect, adhere to the most progressive methods of education and a consistent line of behavior.

Memo for parents of future first graders

1 ... Support your child's desire to become a schoolboy. Your sincere interest in his school affairs and concerns, serious attitude to his first achievements and possible difficulties will help the first grader to confirm the significance of his new position and activity.

2. Discuss with your child the rules and regulations that he met at school. Explain their need and appropriateness.

3. Your child came to school to study. When a person learns, he may not succeed in something right away, this is natural. The child has the right to make mistakes.

4. Draw up a daily routine together with the first grader, make sure that it is followed.

5. Do not overlook the difficulties that the child may have in the initial stage of mastering the learning skills. If a first grader, for example, has speech therapy problems, try to cope with them in the first year of school.

6. Support the first grader in his desire to succeed. In every job, be sure to find something to praise him for. Remember that praise and emotional support ("Well done!", "You did so well!") Can significantly increase a person's intellectual achievement.

7. If something bothers you in the child's behavior, his educational affairs, do not hesitate to seek advice and advice from a teacher or school psychologist.

8. With the entrance to school, a more authoritative person appeared in your child's life than you. This is a teacher. Respect the first grader's opinion of their teacher.

9. Teaching is hard and responsible work. Entering school significantly changes the life of a child, but it should not deprive it of diversity, joy, play. The first grader should have enough time for play activities.

The teacher introduces the program, textbooks for grade 1, with the school regime;

Educational complex "School of Russia" for grade 1includes completed subject lines of textbooks in the following main subjects of primary general education:

The world.

Physical education.

All textbooks are in the school, you have purchased notebooks.

Form of organization of training.

In grade 1, a five-day school week. The guys study from Monday to Friday.

In grade 1 - 35 minutes 2 weeks, 3 lessons a day without extracurricular activities; from 3 weeks before the new year 35 min lessons for 4 lessons and 1 day - 5 lessons + extracurricular activities. Duration of the academic year: in the 1st grade - 33 academic weeks;

Duration of vacations during the academic year is not less than 30 calendar days... In the first grades, additional weekly holidays are established (in February).

The total load and the amount of classroom load for students is determined by the curriculum educational institution, which provides:

Compulsory training sessions of 21 hours per week;

Extracurricular activities of younger students, which are allocated 5 hours a week. (Sports and recreation, aesthetic, spiritual and moral, general cultural, intellectual directions)

In the afternoon, the school will organize extended day groups (if the required number of applications from the parents is typed), where the children can relax, play, take a walk, and, of course, do some extra work. Today at the end of the meeting, you can write applications for your child's admission to the GPA.

Meals in our school are organized in this way: after the first lesson, students of grade 1 eat in an organized manner. The class teacher collects money for food at the beginning of the week. How will we make orders? Is it the same for everyone or who wants what? For those guys who stay in the GPA, hot meals will be organized.
In grade 1, grade-free learning, that is, do not expect grades from your children. In grade 1, the emphasis is on acquiring academic skills. So far, no one has canceled the verbal assessment, the reward system is also present in the first grade, so not a single child will be left without attention. Let's discuss the reward system, according to the law I have no right to assess the knowledge of children at all, will we replace the grades or is this not necessary? I invite everyone to start diaries, I hope you will support me and help your children with registration, at this age children often forget what they have been asked, so it will be easier for them to write down, first I will write myself, then they themselves, in addition, it will be easier for you to control your children.

Parents elect a parent committee;

There is a conversation about school uniforms; about the repair of the office.

Outfit for the future first grader.
One of the important problems for parents of future first graders is what school supplies are needed for a child.
1. School uniform... Let's discuss it now.
2. It is equally important to choose shoes for your child. Changeable shoes - no sneakers or rubber shoe... They are applicable only for their intended purpose (sport). Long-term wearing leads to increased sweating of the legs. For replacement shoes, a special handbag or pouch is purchased.
3. What to wear school supplies? Our advice is the satchel. It allows you to evenly distribute the load on the spine, frees your hands. It is better to choose light, durable, frost-resistant (not hardened and not cracked), with a water-repellent impregnation or coating. The back wall is dense, fits well to the back, "holds" the spine. Shoulder straps should be adjustable in length, width 3.5-4cm.
4. Pencil case - not round, not iron. In him:
● 2 regular ballpoint pens,
● set of colored ballpoint pens,
● 2 sharpened simple TM pencils,
● colored pencils,
● eraser (washing eraser)
● sharpener.
5. Notebooks: in an oblique line in a small cage with margins. 2 notebooks in a large cell.
6. Wooden ruler (20 - 25 cm)
7. Blunt-edged scissors.
8. Glue stick or PVA.
9. Sketchbook (thick).
10. Colored paper (A4).
11. Colored cardboard (A4).
12. Plasticine.
13. Watercolor honey paints - 12 colors. Gouache - 6 colors.
14. Brushes - wide, medium, narrow.
15. Oilcloth for a school desk.

16. Folder for technology and folder for artwork (durable, fastened).

17. Covers for textbooks and notebooks.

18. Folder for notebooks.

19. Student Portfolio primary school.

20. Sports uniform(for the audience - a white T-shirt, dark shorts, for the street - a tracksuit, rubber-soled shoes).

21. Skis on boots (not plastic).

Going to school is a watershed moment in every child's life. The beginning of schooling radically changes his whole way of life. The carelessness, carelessness, immersion in the game characteristic of preschoolers are replaced by a life filled with many requirements, responsibilities and restrictions.

First parents' meeting.

Topic: Meet the Parents first-graders.


Improving the socio-pedagogical competence and culture of parents;

Introduce parents to psychological characteristics junior schoolchild;

To unite the team of parents for further joint work.

Good afternoon, dear parents! Welcome to our school! I am glad to see you at our first parenting meeting . I understand how exciting it is for you when your child enters school. I cordially congratulate you and your children on this stage of growing up. My name is -----

I am very pleased to meet new students and their parents, but the moment of our meeting is also characteristic of the fact that not only you are worried, but, honestly, I am. Will we find mutual understanding? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my requirements and help our little first graders? The success of our joint work depends on this.

From the first of September everything will be different for your children: lessons, teacher, schoolmates. It is very important that you, as loving parents, are with your children while doing this. Now we are one big team. We have to rejoice together and overcome difficulties, grow up and learn. To learn is to teach ourselves. As a rule, their mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers study together with the children. She studies with her students and a teacher. I hope that all four years our team will be friendly and close-knit.

Tell me, can I make a clap with one palm? Need a second palm. Cotton is the result of the action of two palms. The teacher is only one palm. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second palm (and it is in your face, dear parents) the teacher is powerless. this implies learning success rule at school:

- only together, all together, we will overcome all difficulties in the upbringing and study of children.

Going to school is a watershed moment in every child's life. The beginning of schooling radically changes his whole way of life. The carelessness, carelessness, immersion in the game characteristic of preschoolers are replaced by a life filled with many requirements, responsibilities and restrictions: now the child must go to school every day, work systematically and hard, observe the daily routine, obey the various norms and rules of school life, fulfill the teacher's requirements, engage in the lesson that is determined by the school curriculum, diligently do homework, achieve good results in educational work etc.

In the same period of life, at 6-7 years old, the entire psychological appearance of the child changes, his personality, cognitive and mental capabilities, the sphere of emotions and experiences, and the circle of communication are transformed.

The child is not always well aware of his new position, but he certainly feels and experiences it: he is proud that he has become an adult, he is pleased with his new position. The child's experience of his new social status associated with the emergence of "the inner position of the student" (LI Bozhovich).

The presence of the "inner position of the student" is of great importance for the first grader. It is she who helps the little student to overcome the vicissitudes of school life, to fulfill new responsibilities. This is especially important in the early stages of schooling, when the child masters educational material objectively monotonous and not very interesting.

Parents play an invaluable role in maintaining the "internal position of a schoolchild" in a first grader. Their serious attitude to the child's school life, attention to his successes and failures, patience, obligatory encouragement of efforts and efforts, emotional support help the first grader to feel the significance of their activities, contribute to an increase in the child's self-esteem and self-confidence.

New rules.

Numerous "can", "no", "must", "it is necessary", "right", "wrong" avalanche falls on the first grader. These rules are associated both with the organization of school life itself, and with the inclusion of a child in a new educational activity for him.

The rules and regulations sometimes run counter to the child's immediate desires and impulses. You need to adapt to these norms. Most first grade students are quite successful in this task. We can agree with the opinion of a number of psychologists that a healthy, inquisitive child who believes in himself and knows how to build relationships with other people is included in school life without serious problems.

However, starting school is very stressful for every child. All children, along with overwhelming feelings of joy, delight or surprise about everything that happens at school, experience anxiety, confusion, and tension. In first-graders, in the first days (weeks) of attending school, the body's resistance decreases, sleep and appetite may be disturbed, the temperature rises, and chronic diseases worsen. Children seem to be capricious, irritated, crying for no reason.

The period of adaptation to school, associated with adaptation to its basic requirements, exists for all first-graders. Only for some it lasts one month, for others - one quarter, for others - it stretches for the entire first academic year. Much depends here on the individual characteristics of the child himself, on the prerequisites he has for mastering educational activity.

The main task of parents:

Create a common attitude, a common position of the child in relation to school and learning. Such a position should make admission to school a joyfully anticipated event, evoke a positive attitude towards the upcoming study with other children at school, and make the study itself a joyful and interesting activity.

The knowledge of first grade students is not evaluated in points, so instead of asking, "What grade did you get?" ask: “What was interesting in the lessons? Which of the guys did you meet? What did you eat in the dining room today? ”; Praise your child for the smallest successes and achievements.

Successful studies largely depends on the effective cooperation of the family and the school, so be ready at any time to leave your business and take care of the child.

, School psychological service

Form of carrying out: training “Acquaintance and solidarity”.

Objectives: To provide psychological support to parents; motivate them for further joint work; activate parental feelings; to give the opportunity to get to know each other and other children better.

Psychologist's introduction:

“When a child comes to school, he has a new chance to realize himself. New roles that the family cannot offer seem to the child extremely attractive and significant for his personal growth. Normally, he trusts and hopes. Children go to school thinking about the future. They project maternal functions onto the teacher. Having received such an advance, the teacher uses it to establish contacts between children and set human rules for these relationships. Further direction personal development the child depends on solving problems of a given age (6-8 years). A successful decision will allow the formation of such qualities as diligence, diligence, which are the result of understanding the role of one's own efforts to achieve success, or a feeling of inferiority will develop, from the feeling “does not depend on me personally”.

Social relations of this age make it possible to solve such life tasks as achieving cooperation, cooperation, carrying out joint activities with a variety of people. This experience forms in the child alternately, the feeling of belonging to the team, then the feeling of independence from it. Diligence and diligence with a positive assessment of society forms competence. A healthy ambition is formed, as well as partner qualities “a feeling of being together,” cohesion, and group values. With the wrong organization of school life, violations of personal development occur: the child falls into “opportunism,” devoting his energies to obtaining grades, and loses the opportunity to form internal criteria. All of the above affects the quality of life in adolescence and adulthood. Realizing the importance of personal development in younger school age, we set a goal to help our children, and for this we are adults - teachers and parents must be able to demonstrate their competence and positive orientation ”

The psychologist together with the class teacher training:

1. Game acquaintance.

Participants sit in a circle, each one in turn pronounces his name and adds a characteristic quality to the first letter of the name. Each subsequent participant names the names and features of the previous ones, so that the latter names all those present. This allows you to remember the names of all parents well, introduces an element of the game, relieves tension and confusion, sometimes stiffness.

2. Acquaintance in pairs.

All parents are paired by coincidence when moving in the outer and inner circles. For 10 minutes of communication, going to different places, so as not to interfere with each other, they try to find out as much as possible more information about another child (name, what he loves, what he values, what he enjoys, who are friends, interests outside the home and school). Then all the parents gather again in a common circle, and each represents the child of his partner.

3. Final discussion.

Each parent talks about the feelings and impressions of today's parent-teacher conference.

Here is the opinion of Ramazan's mother Latifov:

In my opinion, parenting meetings, as well as trainings with the invitation of a school psychologist in primary grades are important events in shaping the school life of our children.

After all, it should be a difficult meeting of parents, where everyone can get to know each other, but also express their ideas, proposals for the implementation of certain events, contests for children. This leads to their solidarity and friendship in the classroom, generalizes their interests, but to some extent will also be a stimulus in their studies.

Parents, in turn, should be interested in holding a parent-teacher meeting not only for their children, but also for themselves. After all, the interest in school life of children depends on how bright the ideas of our parents are.

Parents' meetings reflect three important directions in working with parents and children: teaching them communicative techniques and the art of conflict resolution, raising the legal culture of parents and their children, and the ability to provide real help to younger students in acquiring knowledge and understanding the world.

In order to unite the parental team, I propose to use various round tables, and instructive tales and parables that complement the content will touch the mind and soul of each participant in the educational process.

And this is the opinion of Abdulgamidova's mother Madina:

Parent-teacher meeting passed in a form that was unexpected for me. I was pleasantly surprised! Meeting other parents allowed me to learn more about my child's classmates. The survey made me think about the state of mind of my daughter.

It was also pleasantly surprised that all parents took part in this cognitive “game”. The joint work of the teacher and the school psychologist was not in vain for us (parents), for which thank you very much!


At the end, parents receive a memo "Parents of a first grader"

Memo for parents of a first grader

“Do you know your child?

(From the book of Alan Fromm, one of the leading US specialists in the field of child psychology, "ABC for Parents", Lenizdat, 1991. p.13)

How can you tell if your children are mentally healthy? Are they adapted? Here are a number of questions that may be useful to you in and of themselves:

  1. Is it easy to make your child laugh?
  2. How often does he act up: less than once or twice a week?
  3. Does he go to bed peacefully, without taking everyone out of patience?
  4. Does he eat everything, is he enough, is he not capricious at the same time?
  5. Does he have friends who treat him well and who he likes to spend time with?
  6. Does he often lose his temper?
  7. Do you always need to look after him, keep abreast of his affairs?
  8. Can he sleep well at night?
  9. Does he have bad habits, actions or obsessive fantasies?
  10. Can you leave him alone for a while without fear that he will be upset as if you are leaving him forever?
  11. Does he behave well with his peers, does he need special supervision or control on your part?
  12. Does he have any minor fears?

If you answered yes to all the questions, you can be calm, your child is well adapted to life, although, of course, there is no full adaptation. Anyway, more than eight “yes” is still a good adaptation.

If you have many answers “no” (more than eight), then this indicates that the child has difficulties in adaptation.

You should contact child psychologist or at least independently observe the child, talk to him.

If you have approximately the same number of negative and positive answers, then this means that your child has some specific problems that prevent him from adapting in some life situations.

What are these problems - try to find out by talking to your child.

Perhaps with your help he will be able to cope with them.

Parents analyze the test results.

In conclusion, the class teacher thanks school psychologist Olga Dmitrievna and parents for participating in the parent meeting.


  1. Fromm A. “Alphabet for parents”, Lenizdat, 1991. p.13.
  2. V.I. Garbuzov Practical psychotherapy. JSC "Sphere" St. Petersburg, 1994 p.81.
  3. Fopel K. Cohesion and tolerance in the group. Genesis Publishing House. - M. 2006 p.94.
  4. Khukhlaeva O.V. Paths to your I. Psychology lessons in grades 1-3.
  5. Yaremenko E.O. What is a parent meeting. Scientific and practical journal about RO in Russia and abroad. Tochk @ RO, 2008.-№2.-p.42-45.

Parents' meeting of future first graders 2013-2014 academic year G.

We bring up together

“Being ready for school doesn't mean being able to read, write and count.

To be ready for school means to be ready to learn all this ”.

Wenger L.A.

The purpose of the parent meeting:

Creation of conditions for the inclusion of parents of future first graders in the process of preparing a child for school.


  1. Introduce parents to each other.
  1. To acquaint with the difficulties of adapting a child to school and give recommendations on this topic.
  1. Equip with practical tips and tricks for preparing your child for school.

Meeting progress

(Before the meeting begins, parents take tokens of a certain color and are seated in groups by color.)

  1. Parent registration, greeting, self introduction, record keeping.

Hello. I am very pleased to meet the parents of my new students. Today, not only you are worried, but, to be honest, I am as well. Will we like each other? Will we gain mutual understanding and friendship? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my requirements and help our little first graders? The success of our joint work depends on this. I am glad to all of you. In order for us to be comfortable together, let's get to know a little. Let's start with me, my name is Lyudmila Ludvikovna, I'm 27 years old. I have a higher pedagogical education, I graduated from the Pedagogical College No. 1 named after K.D. Ushinsky, Moscow City Pedagogical University. Work experience 5 years, I worked at the advanced school of the Progymnasium 1709 in North-Eastern Administrative District, in connection with the relocation I came to this school.

Now it's your turn. Each of you, tell your groupmates what your name is and write on one flower petal how best to contact you(by name, first name and patronymic.)

(There is a paper cut flower on the tables in groups.)

Very good. We met a little.

From the first of September everything will be different for your children: lessons, teacher, schoolmates. It is very important that you, as loving parents, are with your children while doing this. Now we are one big team. We have to rejoice together and overcome difficulties, grow up and learn. To learn is to teach ourselves. As a rule, their mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers study together with the children. She studies with her students and a teacher. I hope that all four years our team will be friendly and close-knit.

Tell me, can I make a clap with one palm? Need a second palm. Cotton is the result of the action of two palms. The teacher is only one palm. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second palm (and it is in your face, dear parents) the teacher is powerless. From here, the first rule can be deduced:

Only together, all together, we will overcome all difficulties in the upbringing and study of children.

Take everything by flower. Color them in.(On the tables lie the same flowers in size, color, shape, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.)Now compare your flower with the flowers of your neighbors. All flowers were the same in size, color, shape. Tell me, after you have painted a flower, can you find two exactly the same flowers?(Not.) We are adults UNDER THE SAME CONDITIONS we do everything differently. Hence our second rule:

Never compare your child to another! There is no someone or something better or worse. There is ANOTHER! We will compare, but only these will be the results of the same child yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is called MONITORING. We will do this in order to KNOW HOW AND WHAT TO DO WITH IT TOMORROW. We will do this in order to grow every day. And not only in studies, but also in actions.

Success is every step a student takes on the path to new achievements. And in order for you to see the achievements of your children, there is a portfolio. This portfolio will contain the best works, certificates, etc. Therefore, it will be necessary to buy folders for each student (but I think we'd better do it centrally)

Our school leads an active lifestyle: many events, holidays, excursions, olympiads are held, I suggest that we start a book "Photo chronicle of our class" Maybe someone has the opportunity to photograph our life, print these photos, thereby creating this book? The first such holiday is September 1st. Please think about this question.

The life of the class is built not only on study, but also on joint collective affairs. Now in groups, think, confer and decide what events, holidays together with you we could hold in the first grade. Maybe someone can organize a holiday, trip, event himself. Write your joint sentences in the middle of the flower.(Parents fill in the flower.)

Our school, as you know, works according to educational program"School of Russia". For the successful teaching of your children, you will need to purchase recipes, workbooks and additional aids (again, I think that all this should be done centrally) Our class is not equipped with anything in terms of visual aids, so if possible I will ask you to buy. The class will have to be renovated, so at the end of August, before the start of the school year, it will be necessary to put the class in order, I hope I can count on you.

I think it's time to move on to one more question, this is the choice of the parent committee and already together decide on the centralized procurement of teaching aids, stationery, etc. Are there any interested persons ????

And finally, I have prepared a letter with an assignment for my future students, please pass it on to them and help them get acquainted with its content.

To contact me you can use e-mail

If you have no questions for me, thank you for your active participation in the meeting and wish you success in raising your children.

Stationery List

  1. pens blue, green, simple pencils, rulers - 5 pieces each, colored pencils - 2 sets
  2. badges - 25 pcs.
  3. checkered notebooks - 60 pieces
  4. notebooks in a narrow oblique ruler - 60 pieces
  5. notebooks in a cage 48 l - 25 pieces
  6. counting sticks
  7. thick cover diaries -
  8. textbook stands
  9. pen holders (hedgehogs)
  10. covers for all notebooks, textbooks
  11. notebook for writing vocabulary words
  12. certificates for first graders
  13. A4 paper - 2 packs
  14. chalk, magnets
  15. Whatman paper - 5 pieces
  16. decoration for the class on September 1

List of educational literature

  1. Recipe for class 1 in 4 parts Goretsky V.G. Fedosova N.A.
  2. Learning to read and write: Visual aid 1st grade T.V. Ignatieva L.E. Tarasova
  3. Russian language Workbook Grade 1 V.P. Kanakin
  4. Tests in Russian language grade 1 in 2 parts of the Federal State Educational Standard Tikhomirova E
  5. Mathematics Workbook in 2 parts Moro M.I. Volkova S.I
  6. Mathematician: visual aid: 1st grade Moro M.I.
  7. Mathematics: Numbers from 1 to 10: Grade 1 Buka T.B.
  8. Mathematics and design Grade 1 Volkova S.I. Pchelkina O.L.
  9. The world around us Workbook in 2 parts Pleshakov A.A.
  10. tests on the subject "The world around us" Grade 1 in 2 parts to the textbook Pleshakov FGOS
  11. Atlas-guide "From earth to sky" for elementary school Pleshakov A.A.
  12. The world around us Grade 1 A set of demo tables for Pleshakov's textbook

School is still four months away. How and what to look for when preparing a child for school?


It is not at all necessary to be able to count to 100, but this, by and large, is not particularly difficult. It is much more important for the child to navigate within a dozen, that is, to count in reverse order, to be able to compare numbers, to understand which is more, which is less. He was well oriented in space: above, below, left, right, between, in front, behind, etc. The better he knows this, the easier it will be for him to study at school. So that he does not forget the numbers, write them down. If you don't have a pencil and paper at hand, it doesn't matter, write them with a stick on the ground, lay them out of the pebbles. There is plenty of counting material around, so count the cones, birds, trees in the meantime. Offer your child simple tasks from the life around him. For example: three sparrows and four titmouses are sitting on a tree. How many birds are there in the tree? The child must be able to listen attentively to the condition of the problem.


By the first grade, usually many children already read at the very least, so you can play sounds with the preschooler: let him name the surrounding objects that start with a certain sound, or come up with words in which a given letter should be encountered. You can play with a damaged phone and sort the word by sounds. And of course, don't forget to read. Choose a book with a fascinating storyline so that your child wants to know what's next. Let him read simple phrases himself.


When discussing what you read, teach your child to express his thoughts clearly, otherwise he will have problems with oral answers. When you ask him about anything, do not be content with the answer “yes” or “no,” clarify why he thinks so, help to bring your thought to the end. Train yourself to consistently talk about the events that happened and analyze them. Invite the company of his peers to play. For example: the guys think of an object and, in turn, describe it to the driver, without naming the intended word. The driver's task is to guess this word. Those who thought of a word should describe the hidden object as clearly as possible. You can play antonyms with the ball. “Black” - you throw the ball to him, “white” - the child throws back to you. Likewise, play edible-inedible, animate-inanimate.


Many parents think that the more words a child knows, the more developed he is. But it is not so. Now children literally "bathe" in the flow of information, their vocabulary is increasing, but it is important how they use them. It's great if a child can screw a complex word into place, but at the same time he must know the most elementary things about himself, about his people and about the world around him: his address (dividing the concepts of “country”, “city”, “street”) and not only the names of dad and mom, but also their patronymic and place of work. By the age of 7, the child may well already understand, for example, that the grandmother is mother's or father's mother. But, most importantly, remember: after all, a child goes to school not only to demonstrate his knowledge, but also to study.