
Morning trip to the chocolate country. New Year's trip to a sweet country. "New Year in Sweet Fairyland"


The script is designed for children 3-12 years old.
Children help save goodies and, of course, cope with the harmful Splinter, Thorn and Leshachok. Throughout the scenario, children participate in mass games - these are games with props made by me personally, as well as music games from the Internet.

Scenario "New Year's trip to the land of sweets"


  • Father Frost
  • Snow Maiden
  • monkey
  • Clapperboard
  • splinter
  • thorn
  • Leshachok
  • Snowflakes

The Snow Maiden and snowflakes come out. The Snow Maiden sings a song.

WITH.- To everyone who loves the winter holiday
the smell of a Christmas tree, the creak of snow
And when the frost is strong
The cheek will blush
Anyone who loves dancing, singing,
And garlands cheerful light
Who was looking forward to meeting
Hello to all my friends!
We all get up in a friendly round dance
We will celebrate the new year.

  1. Here is our round dance.

Thorn, Skid and Leshachok crawl out from under the Christmas tree.

W. Who dances and sings here?

L. - Doesn't it let you sleep well?

TO. What is that noise, what is that noise?
Well, live at home!

WITH. - Call me Snow Maiden
All snowflakes are my family.
Everyone knows that today
Christmas tree and winter holiday
This New Year's holiday
We were looking forward to it!

And who are you?

W. – Who are we? (they gather in a circle and laugh) They don't know us!

TO. - They give it! Now find out! (sing a song)

L.- I am Leshachok - Lesha's grandfather's granddaughter.

Z.- And I'm Zanoza - the granddaughter of Baba Yaga

TO.– (pushing the splinter away) And I'm Thorn, Baba Yaga's favorite granddaughter.

Z.- Why are we the beloved granddaughter? Grandma loves me more!

TO. - I am not here!

W. - I am a beloved granddaughter!

TO. - No, I am! ( argue)

WITH. - You can't behave like that.
Stop arguing friends!
Knocking on the door of the new year
People are waiting for the monkey!

Z.- Well, you, Snow Maiden, give!
Where will you take the monkey?

TO. - One hundred days to go to Africa

L. - Still melting along the way! (laugh)

WITH.- I have a magic wand
She will fulfill any wish
Magic wand touch the book.
Monkey mischievous for the holiday come to us.

Magical music. The Monkey comes out singing a song.

O. - Hi guys! Hello Snow Maiden!

I'll tell you a secret
I love fruit very much.
I just love bananas
I collect them on palm trees.

WITH. - Guys, let's make a gift to the Monkey - a whole mountain of bananas.

  1. The game "Bananas" (collect fake bananas from foam rubber around the hall - boys in big basket with blue tinsel and girls in a basket with red tinsel)

O. - Thank you very much, children. And where is Santa Claus?

WITH. - In the land of sweets. It is there that he collects gifts for children.

TO. - We wish we could get there!

W. - You need to steal a wand!

L.-Today we are lucky, Zanoza,
There is no Santa Claus on the Christmas tree!

Z.- Snow Maiden only yes Monkey
We grab the wand and into the book! (They snatch the wand from the Snow Maiden)

TO.– Go to the land of sweets!
There are a lot of gifts waiting for us there.

Z.- Leshachok, come on quickly! ( Grabs Leshachka by the hand and drags)

L. - I can't run fast!

The monkey is crying.

O. - Spoiled the holiday of the guys -
A thorn and a thorn will do such things!

WITH.- You have to run after them.
Let's hit the road together!

  1. Musical game "We go, we go, we never get tired".

WITH.- They came to the land of sweets,
Need to find grandpa (leave)

Santa Claus and Flapper are coming out. Santa Claus sings a song. The cracker is dragging a big bag with gifts.

D.M. - Flapper, the guys have already come to visit us!
Hello my dear guys!
They grew up, they became big
And did you recognize me?

D.M. Yes, in January and February
I walk about the earth.
As soon as I get out of bed -
The blizzards are rising
How do I shake my sleeves
Everything will be covered in snow
I am very kind kids
I'm friends with the guys
I won't freeze anyone
I won't catch anyone.

X.- I'm a loud cracker
Children's favorite toy
I shower everyone with confetti
Happy New Year!

D.M- Flapper, something the Snow Maiden is nowhere to be found!

X Probably got delayed along the way.

D. M- Well, let's wait!

  1. Musical game - "We all gathered for the holiday."

D.M. - Have we collected all the gifts Flapper? Let's check - sweets, gingerbread, toys ...

(looks into bag)

At this time, Splinter, Thorn, Leshachok are sneaking around the Christmas tree.

W. - Oh, look Santa Claus!

L.- And a whole load of gifts!

TO.- Let's put the grandfather to sleep!

L.- And cracker at the same time! (touch Santa Claus and Flapper with a magic wand)

Sounds magical music Santa Claus and Flapper fall asleep.

Z.- Sleep soundly, ha ha ha
Oh my wand!

TO. - Why is it yours?
Well, give it here!

L. - Hey you, stop arguing -
Better give it to me.

W. - What more. Grow up first. Who came up with the idea of ​​stealing a wand? I AM? So my wand!

TO.- Let's do this - arrange a competition, who won the one and the wand.

L.- How will we compete?

Z.- We'll roll the snowball. You are in one direction, and I am in the other, whoever runs back faster - that and the wand. And you, Leshachok, hold the wand for now.

TO. - Heavy what! We need to get the guys to help.

  1. The game "Snowball" (Two large snowballs sewn from synthetic winterizer. Splinter and Thorn take one child from the circle, the children stand with their backs to each other and, on a signal, roll a lump around the Christmas tree, who will quickly return to the place. The game is played several times)

TO. - I'm faster ha-ha-ha,
So my wand! (grabs the wand from Leshachka).

L. - Hey thorn, so unfair,
Put the wand back in place.

Z.- What did you just say?
You didn't play with us!

TO. - Oh oh oh! Snow Maiden come here

Z.- It's time to kick your ass!

Leshachok, run faster!

L.– I don’t know how to run (Z and K grab him by the arms and drag him).

The Snow Maiden and the Monkey come out, they see Santa Claus and the Flapper.

O. - Clapperboard, Santa Claus
sleep soundly - that's a curiosity!

WITH. “Here, I guess.
There was no magic.

O. - You need to wake them up.
We will shout loudly, together!

  1. "Screamer"

WITH. - Let's shout out loud
Santa Claus hey-gay!
O. - Clap your hands boldly
And we all shout hey-gay

WITH. - We stomp our feet, we clap our hands
And we shout louder
Santa Claus is gay.

Santa Claus is waking up.

O- Hooray! Woke up!

D.M. - What are we, Flapper, fell asleep? Apparently tired, forgive us guys
Hello, Snow Maiden! Hello Monkey!

sn.- There was a grandfather trouble -
The evil spirits of the forest have climbed here!

O. - They bewitched you.

X. - (looks under the Christmas tree) And all the gifts were stolen!

D.M.- Oh, the villains, what have they done!
Spoiled the holidays, made me angry

X. - And how angry I am. Oh how I'm angry!
I will explode with rage!

O. Bring back the villains

WITH. - Perform a magical dance together.

D.M. - We go in a round dance around the Christmas tree, with our hands we catch up with the wind. As I hit the staff once - we circle one by one, I knock twice - in pairs, I hit the staff three times - we circle 3 people at a time. And I will say magic words, you guys help, repeat with me!

  1. Dance "Magic"

D.M. - Wind with a blizzard sister
And a swarm of snowflakes with them
Spin it up, spin it up
Bring the villains back!

Repeats 3 times.

Magical music sounds - girls fly out circling - Snowflakes, in the center Leshachok, Splinter and Thorn

TO.- Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, oh, oh
We are all gone!

D.M. - Come on, robbers, return the gifts!

L- Ahhh, we are not afraid of Vvvas! We have a wand - a magic one - here!

Z.- Exactly! forgot! we have a stick.
Let's bewitch everyone now!

OH. She won't help you.

WITH.- The staff of Santa Claus is stronger than any magic!

TO.- We got caught. Here's the trouble!

W. - Neither here nor there! (heroes surround them from two sides)

TO. We can't handle the cold

L- you need to run away, splinter

WITH. - Guys, don't let them out of the circle.

X.o. - Hold on tight!

D.M. - That's it, villains, you are in captivity.

L."I'll give you back the wand!" (gives wand to D.M)

X.- And return all the gifts!
WITH Ask your children for forgiveness!

W. - You guys, forgive us.
please let go!

TO.- We confess, we are guilty!

L. “Forgive us guys!

WITH. - Forgive them guys? (Yes)

D.M- And where is the Monkey - the symbol of the year -
pet of the little people

O.- I'm here!

D.M.-Ask for whatever you want - banana, chocolate -
I am glad to fulfill any desire!

O.- Snow Maiden, Santa Claus,
I have never seen snow
Building a snowman is my dream!

WITH.- What about a monkey, get up in a circle
And repeat after us!

  1. Musical game with acceleration "Snow fluffy raking"

TO. - We worked - and in a moment a snowman appeared! (Splinter carries out a snowman)

X.- On a glorious New Year's holiday
all the people have fun!

Z.- Only the Christmas tree is sad
She does not glow with cheerful lights!

D.M.- Monkey, magic wand take it
And as the hostess of the year, light the Christmas tree!

O. - Touch the magic wand to the Christmas tree,
Christmas tree decorated with lights light up! (3 times)

WITH.- Loud music plays
Invites us to the round dance

D.M.–Let fun reign with us
New Year's birthday!

X. - Hold hands together

Z.K. - Come dance with us!

9. "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

D.M. - Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired.
Haven't danced in a while.

WITH. - Santa Claus, you sit down,
Look at the costumes.

X.- Everywhere, everywhere miracle masks -
Gray wolf and dwarf from a fairy tale

WITH.- The hedgehog is dancing near the Christmas tree -
In the serpentine all the needles

Z.- A rabbit and a fox are dancing!

L- What miracles!

TO. - All children are welcome
Get up in a round dance quickly

D.M. - And I'll look at the children
I'll reward you for the costumes.

(Costumes Award) Final words

D.M.- Children sang at the elegant Christmas tree
But it's time for us to say goodbye.

O.- I wish everyone with the Monkey
Have fun and joke!

WITH. And then she will help.
You will live a year without worries!

X.- Under the thunder of crackers, fireworks

L May the new year bring happiness to all!

W. - Good, health, joy, good luck

TO. - And may you always be lucky in everything!

Everything— Happy New Year 2016!

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Journey to sweet country.

New Year's party in the middle group.

(Children run into the hall to New Year's music)

Presenter: That's the miracle in our hall

As if we were in a fairy tale:

There is a Christmas tree in the hall

Everything sparkles and glitters.

That's how the Christmas tree - Christmas tree,

Green needle!

Christmas tree beauty!

Do you guys like it?

(Children answer)

Children: 1. Our Christmas tree is amazing!

How elegant! How beautiful!

High - amazing!

Okay - take a look!

2. Herringbone is a beauty,

green branches,

And they swing

The beads are gilded.

3. And there are no lights on the Christmas tree -

Why so?

We have a bright light today

Needed for fun.

Leading: Green beauty,

Light the fires!

The boys shout together:

"Shine Christmas tree!" (Children scream)

Nothing works out

The lights don't light up!

Come on, girls and boys,

We threaten the Christmas tree with a finger. (Threaten)

And now we all clap (clap hands)

And we will stomp with our feet (Stomp)

1,2,3, Christmas tree burn! (Lights are lit)

Leading: We will sing and play,

Dancing near the Christmas tree.

Round dance "The Christmas tree has come"

Presenter: Wizard Frost comes to us for a holiday

Fun, he brings gifts to children.

Do you want to know Santa Claus secret:

Where does it get so much delicious sweets?

Far to the north is the Sweet Country.

There, instead of snow - gingerbread, cookies, marshmallow.

There are candy houses, marmalade trees,

There are sugar bunnies and chocolate bears.

There Grandfather Frost collects gifts all year round,

Princess Caramel helps him there.

Let's go, friends, to a caramel fairy tale.

There we will rush on a fast sledge.

(Children get up in pairs, “ride” on a sled)

Leading: We rolled on a sled

We found ourselves in a sweet fairy tale.

Princess Caramel lives here

It has been waiting for us for a long time.

(Princess caramel enters to the music)

Caramel: Hello my friends!

I am a caramel princess.

I'm happy with the sweet tooth.

I hasten to welcome dear guests

In the kingdom of miracles and sweets!

I have innumerable good things in my kingdom.

Gingerbread gnomes are here.

Gingerbread gnomes, come out...

Dance, please our guests.

(Gnomes come out from behind the tree)

    We are gingerbread

Came from fairyland.

We have sweet shirts and sweet pants!

"Dance of the Gnomes"

Caramel: Where are my girlfriends,

Sweets - laughter?

You hurry to the tree

Have fun with the kids!

(Candy girls come out)

    We are mischievous sweets

Delicious and sweet.

Admire - ka on us -

How beautiful we are.

    Can't be without sweets

New Year's Eve.

To take us as a gift -

We dream a lot!

Together: And for this now,

We will dance for you.

"Candy Dance"

(After the dance, “wrappers” remain on the floor)

Host: Oh, look, they ran away!

Only fanfiction remains...

Caramel: These miracle candy wrappers

I will turn into bows

(Puts candy wrappers in the basket, runs his hand over it)

Everything is ready, get it!

Play with bows!

"Dance with bows"

Caramel: Here Come the Sugar Bunnies

They run to our Christmas tree.

chocolate bears

Not one step behind.

Hare: We are sweet bunnies,

Very, very tasty

We are not stuffed with cotton,

We don't eat cabbage.

Bear: We are baked on New Year,

Sprinkled with sugar

People love us very much

They eat and gasp.

"Dance of Chocolate Bears and Sugar Bunnies"

Host: Dear caramel, we have a question for you.

Where did you stay so long

Good Santa Claus.

Caramel: I put gifts in a bag,

And then dressed up

And in the garden by the Christmas tree

The guys have been waiting for a long time.

Host: What to do

How can we be?

Like Santa Claus

Should we return to the fairy tale?

And let the guys call grandfather: "Santa Claus"

(Children shout Santa Claus - 3 times)

(Santa Claus enters to the music)

D.M .: I missed you,

The time for fun has come.

Now don't yawn.

Start your round dance.

Round dance "New Year Again"

D.M .: If I'm so good, substitute all your hands,

But first for beauty,

I'll freeze everyone's noses.

Freeze game

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, whose mitten is this?

D.M.: Oh, this is a miracle - a mitten

She still suits me.

She does not burn in fire

You give it to me.

Host: Grandfather Frost, and you catch up with her.

Game "Catch up the mitten"

Host: And now let's sit down quietly,

It's time for us to rest.

And under the elegant Christmas tree

(Children read poetry)

D.M.: And now I want to make riddles for you guys.

D.M .: Oh, yes, kids, girls and boys,

I was amused, gifts deserved.

To receive gifts, you need to cook them.

I just need a pot.

Leading: We have one cunning (takes out a pan - cunning).

Caramel do not yawn, Santa Claus help.

(Caramel drops to D.M. what he calls)

D.M .: I will put smiles, candy wrappers in it,

Cookies - "Fish"

I will add snowballs

And stir it up a bit with a spoon.

And conjure a little (conjures).

All candy wrappers were cooked and turned into gifts.

(D.M. Gets gifts from the pan, adults help)

(Giving gifts)

D.M. : final words.

Host: Thank you, Santa Claus.

That you brought us gifts.

You will come back in a year

We will be waiting for you.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

Good luck, have a good trip.

Host: Well, it's time for us to say goodbye,

We want to wish everyone

Happiness, joy, good luck,

Never lose heart.

(Children leave the group)

Julia Kozlova
"Journey to Sweet Country" Scenario new year holiday for middle group kindergarten


Characters: adults

Father Frost

Snow Maiden



Children: CANDIES - 8 girls

Chocolate Bears, Sugar Bunnies

Attributes: noise instruments for orchestra, snowballs, 2 spoons, fake candy, children's boots, hoops (decorated with tinsel) 3-4 pieces, snowflakes (puzzles) 4-5 pieces.

Musical repertoire:

1. Dance (entrance)

2. Song "Visiting the Christmas tree"

3. Song "Christmas tree - Christmas tree"

4. Song

5. Candy dance

6. Dance of chocolate bears and sugar bunnies

7. Dance « sweet tooth»

8. Orchestra "Little Christmas Tree"


1. Game "Musical Locomotive"

2. "Bring a snowball"

3. "Collect a snowflake"

4. "Island"

5. "Pass Candy"

The song sounds "New Year, New Year, Christmas tree balls, crackers"

(children enter the hall, dance, stand in a semicircle)

Leading: Cheerful came to us celebration

Dreamer, joker, prankster!

He calls us to a round dance,

This celebration -

Children (together) New Year!

Children: 1. How beautiful it is in our hall!

We invited guests here.

All the people have fun -

We are celebrating the New Year!

2. Coming soon with us

Our beloved Santa Claus.

He won't forget anyone.

Will bring gifts.

3. She came to visit us herself

Wonder Girl Winter!

Brought us fairy tales

Christmas trees and sleighs.

4. We were dressed up today,

Mom and dad were invited to visit us.

Kindergarten decorated,

The hall is full of balloons.

Leading: What is the most beautiful thing in the hall?

What did we decorate together?

You don't have to think long

Well, of course it is.

Children: (together) Christmas tree!

Children: 5. That's how the Christmas tree is beautiful,

eyes widen!

So elegant - just a miracle,

how beautiful she is!

6. Our tree is just a miracle!

We didn't see this one!

All in crackers and toys,

And sparkles with tinsel.

7. Christmas tree sparkled

V holiday!

Circling over the Christmas tree

White snow!

8. Herringbone, we were waiting for you

Many, many days, nights.

We counted for a moment

To see quickly.

SONG "Visiting the Christmas tree"

Leading: Our Christmas tree for everyone wonder:

both slim and big.

Let's sit quietly and watch

at her from afar.

Go around the Christmas tree and sit on the chairs

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters the hall

Snow Maiden: I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, and here I am!

Happy New Year, you friends!

I am the Snow Maiden-laugher,

merriment and frolic.

Came running before grandfather

here is such a fidget!

Hello, New Year's holiday,

hello beautiful tree!

I know what you guys have

miracles happen!

Leading: Hello, Snow Maiden, where is Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus has a lot of work today, so he is a little late. For now he is preparing his sweet gifts for you. Do you want to know where Santa Claus takes them? (children answer) Then listen!

Far to the north is sweet country.

There, instead of snow, gingerbread, cookies, marshmallow.

And delicious sweets, marshmallows and chocolate,

Like leaves, they sway and hang on a tree.

The country is not easy, all the magic is full,

She is decorated with bright candies!

Delicious sweets, chocolate, marmalade, gingerbread, marshmallows and others live there. sweets. And all of them are very much looking forward to being put into boxes and taken to the children for the New Year. And the hostess Sweet country- Princess Caramel.

Do you want to get into this country?

The kids are in charge

In this the country does not fly the plane and the train is not running

We can get there only in the new year!

Indeed, in the New Year, as you know, all wishes come true. We invite all guests to the Magic Kingdom sweets!

Close all your eyes

and we will go with you

Into a sweet fairy tale

(begins to conjure)

Do you hear, blizzard? Do you hear snow?

Take us all, all, all.

To a fairy tale Sweet bring, lower near the Christmas tree.

The music stops.

Leading A: Here we are. And who is coming to us?

Princess Caramel comes out to the music

CARAMEL: Hello my friends! I'm happy for sweet tooth!

I hasten to welcome dear guests in the kingdom of miracles and sweets.

In my kingdom, there is no counting of good things, whatever you wish - everything is there!

Very tasty marmalade, tender, sweet chocolate,

Waffles and biscuits, jams and preserves, want to see mine sweet friends?

Children's answers

Then help me quickly (claps hands) one two Three,

Candy girlfriends, hurry up, have fun at the Christmas tree!

girls come out - Candy

CANDIES 1: We are mischievous sweets,

delicious and sweet,

Take a look at us -

how beautiful we are!

2. We sweet candies,

try it you will be happy

though sweet and bad,

as people say.

3. I came to holiday for children

Appetizing candy.

A bright wrapper is my outfit.

Oh, I'm afraid they'll eat me!

4. Caramels, marmalade,

lollipops and chocolate,

We are standing at the Christmas tree

we rustle with candy wrappers!

5. You can't live without sweets

new year's eve ,

To take us as a gift -

we dream a lot!

6. We, sweeties, in the New Year

the people came to rejoice.

Aren't we good

here we dance from the heart!

7. We are mischievous sweets

We love to have fun.

Near the Christmas tree New Year's

We will circle.

8. We are not simple sweets,

All wrappers are gold.

Look at us

Let's have a fun dance.


Caramel: And guys, let's play my favorite game.

1. Game "Pass Candy"

To the music, the children pass the fake candy in a circle, the music stops, whoever has the candy in their hands goes out into the circle to dance.

Children sit on chairs

Snow Maiden: And who else lives in your magical country?

Caramel: Live in my magic country not only sweets, but also sugar Bunnies, chocolate Bears. And here they are.


Leading: Dear Caramel, we have for you question:

Where did the good Santa Claus stay for so long?

Caramel: I put gifts in a bag, and then dressed up, and then where did he stay?. What should we do, how should we be? How can we return Santa Claus to a fairy tale?

Leading: we have talents, miracle musicians!

Let them take the tools in their hands and Santa Claus will be called here!

ORCHESTRA "Little Christmas Tree"


Father Frost: Oh-ho-ho-ho… it wasn't easy to find you!

Hello my friends! I am very glad to our meeting!

Hello my granddaughter!

CHILDREN greet Santa Claus

Snow Maiden: Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Father Frost: Well, are you glad to see me?

The kids are in charge

Leading: We have been waiting for you for a long time, Grandfather, we were preparing for our meeting, we learned a song for you. Come join us in a circle.

SONG "We've been waiting for you for so long, grandfather"

Father Frost: I see you were waiting for me. Why isn't our Christmas tree lit?

Snow Maiden: And let's read poems for our Christmas tree, maybe it will light up?

Children:9. Our Christmas tree is a miracle!

Welcome guest!

The most beloved

Most desired!

10. Herringbone, you are a tree,

The tree is just amazing

See for yourself,

How beautiful she is!

11. Herringbone, herringbone,

Here she is

Slender, beautiful,

Bright, big.

12. The Christmas tree came to visit us,

New Year brought us

Balls, toys,

Stars and crackers!

13. Christmas tree, Christmas tree!

Circle with us!

Hide needles in the snow

Befriend us!

Father Frost: Our Christmas tree does not want to light up. Let's shout together "Shine Christmas tree!"

(children scream)

Father Frost: Nothing works

the lights don't light up!

Come on, girls and boys, we will threaten the tree with a finger (children threaten)

And now we all clap (clapping)

And let's all stomp our feet (stomp)

And say the words so that your head is spinning!

So that I don’t sit still and I want to dance.

The kids are talking: "Herringbone, light up"

CHRISTMAS TREE: here, it’s a completely different matter, my whole soul sang!

TO the holiday is now ready!

I fulfill the request, I turn on my lights! (lights go on)

Leading: it turned out, it turned out, our Christmas tree lit up!

SONG "Christmas tree - Christmas tree"

Father Frost: The Christmas tree is on fire, it beckons us to play. Let's play.


2 spoons, cotton balls. 2 people participate. They are given a spoonful in their hands. cotton snow on her. On a signal, the children run around the Christmas tree, in different directions. The winner is the one who first offended her without dropping the snowball.


Children collect big snowflakes (puzzles) On the floor

Caramel: And I also want to play with the guys.


To cheerful music, children run loose or dance, as soon as the music stops, they must have time to jump on "island" (color hoop on the floor). Who did not have time, he is out of the game. The number of hoops is decreasing

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, but the guys were probably preparing for our meeting, they taught not only songs, but poems. Let's listen to them.

Children: 14. Santa Claus on New Year's Eve

I brought this tree.

She stands next to us

All lights are on fire.

15. To us on holiday Santa Claus

He brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

And while I went to the garden

Mom decorated the tree.

16. Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

It's good that you brought

V Kindergarten today

New Year's holiday!

17. A cracker hangs upstairs.

And under the tree, Santa Claus.

He brought us the Christmas tree

And he brought gifts.

18. What kind of Christmas tree did he bring us?

Dear Santa Claus,

How slender, how majestic

Look left, right!

Leading: Grandfather Frost, don't you want to take our children for a ride? New Year's train?

Father Frost: I can ride.

And now hurry for the grandfather

We'll go in wagons!

New Year's locomotive -

Steam locomotive Santa Claus!

5. GAME « New Year's locomotive»

Father Frost: It's time for me to say goodbye, give gifts, and leave! Caramel. And where is my magic candy that I prepared for the guys?

Caramel: You put it in a bag.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, but you came to us without a bag, you probably dropped it on the way.

Father Frost: What should I do now?

Suddenly you hear in the distance how someone is quarreling, arguing

Leading: Santa Claus, do you hear that? Someone is making noise.

Sweetie runs into the hall with a candy in her hands, catches up with her sister Sweet Tooth. Both are dressed the same.

sweet tooth: Give me the candy!

Sweetie: Will not give it back!

sweet tooth: Give it back!

Sweetie: Will not give it back

Leading: Stop, don't shout. Who you are?

Sweetie: I am Sweetie

sweet tooth: And I- sweet tooth

Sweetie and sweet tooth: We are sisters

Leading Q: What are you trying to share?

Sweetie: Candy.

sweet tooth: Is this my candy?

Sweetie: No mine.

Father Frost: Stop swearing, well - show me this candy.

Sweetie and Sweet tooth show candy

Caramel: This is your candy, Grandfather Frost.

Father Frost: Indeed mine, give it back immediately.

Sweetie and sweet tooth: This is our candy, we love to eat sweets we will not give this candy to anyone.

Father Frost: After all, I prepared this candy for my little friends, what will I treat them to?

Sweet Tooth and Sweetie(together): We won't give up.

Caramel: Guys, do you like to eat sweets?

The kids are in charge

Children: 19. We love to eat cookies,

Cream, homemade jam,

And crunchy nuts

All guys - sweet tooth.

Snow Maiden: Our children love sweets, look and listen.

Dance to the song « sweet tooth»

Sweetie: OK, sweet tooth, let's give them this candy, they love it too sweets.

Sweetie and sweet tooth give candy to Santa Claus

Father Frost: Here it is my magic candy ....

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, but you only have one candy, and there are many children here

Father Frost: Am I a wizard or not? I start to conjure ....

Fantastic music sounds, the lights go out, Santa Claus walks around the Christmas tree, takes out a big candy with gifts

Father Frost: You candy grow up and treat the guys.

Shows the children a large candy, opens and takes out a gift

Leading: Thank you, Santa Claus for such treats, but it's time for us to return to Kindergarten, thank you fairy-tale heroes for giving us this cheerful celebration.

Caramel, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Sweetie, Sweet tooth say goodbye and leave

New Year's trip to the Sweet Country

Children, holding hands, enter the hall to the music.

Dance "New Year"

Presenter: What a miracle in our hall!

As if we were in a fairy tale:

There is a Christmas tree in the hall, everything sparkles and glitters.

That's a Christmas tree, a green needle!

Christmas tree beauty! Do you guys like it?

(Children answer.)

1st child: Our Christmas tree is amazing!

How elegant! How beautiful!

High - amazing!

Good - for a feast for the eyes!

2nd: Christmas tree-beauty, green branches,

And gilded beads sway on them.

3rd: A There are no lights on the Christmas tree - why is that?

Today we need a bright light for fun!

Presenter: Green beauty, light the lights!

The guys shout in unison: “Christmas tree, burn!”

(Children do.)

Nothing works out

The lights don't light up!

Come on girls and boys

We threaten the Christmas tree with a finger,

(Children do.)

And now we all clap

(Clap hands.)

And let's all stomp our feet. (Stomp.)

You probably joked

Make your eyes better

It is necessary to say the words

To not dare to refuse!

Presenter: Ah, the beautiful Christmas tree!

Ah, everyone loves the Christmas tree!

Please turn on the lights

On a New Year's dress.

We will caress you tenderly

Let's blow a light breeze

And a song about snowflakes

We will sing for you.

Song "First Snow"

Christmas tree: Here, it's a completely different matter!

All my soul sang!

Ready for the holidays now!

I fulfill your request

I turn on my lights! (Lights come on.)

presenter(claps hands, deri support):

It worked out, it worked out

Our tree is lit up!

We will sing and play

Dancing near the Christmas tree.

The song "What a miracle"

Presenter: Wizard Frost to us comes to the holiday

Fun, he brings gifts to children.

We want to know Santa Claus secret:

Where does he get so many delicious sweets from?

Christmas tree: Far to the north is the Sweet Country.

There, instead of snow - gingerbread, cookies, marshmallow.

There are candy houses, marmalade trees,

There are sugar bunnies and chocolate bears,

There Grandfather Frost collects gifts all year round,

Princess Caramel helps him there.

Presenter: To get into a caramel fairy tale,

Together, guys, close all your eyes,

You need to stomp, turn around,

Clap your hands and smile (children perform actions)

Presenter: Miraculous transformations have taken place

We found ourselves in a sweet fairy tale.

Princess Caramel lives here

It has been waiting for us for a long time.

Princess Caramel comes out to the music.

Caramel: Hello my friends!

I'm happy with the sweet tooth.

I hasten to welcome dear guests

In the kingdom of miracles and sweets!

In our kingdom, there is no counting of goodness,

Whatever you want - everything is there!

Very tasty marmalade

Soft, sweet chocolate

Waffles and cookies, jams and preserves.

Wanna see my sweet friends?

(Children answer.)

Then help me quickly.

(claps hands): One two Three!

And where are my girlfriends, candy-laughers?

Hurry to the Christmas tree, cheer the children!

The "candy girls" come out.

1 Candy: We, Sweets, in the New Year

The people came to cheer.

Aren't we good?

Here we dance from the heart.

2 candy Caramels, marmalade, lollipops and chocolate.

We are standing at the Christmas tree, rustling with candy wrappers.

3 Candy: Hurry, friend, do not yawn and choose a candy!

Look at us all, we will dance for you

Candy dance

Presenter: What sweet friends!

We need these as gifts!

The "sweets" run away, leaving the "wrappers".

Presenter: Oh look, run away!

Only fanfiction remains...

Caramel: These miracle wrappers

I will turn into bows.

(Puts the candy wrappers in the basket, passes his hand over it.)

Everything is ready, get it!

Play with bows!

"Dance with candy wrappers"

Presenter: Dear Caramel, we have a question for you: Where did you stay for so long

Good Santa Claus

Caramel: I put gifts in a bag, and then dressed up,

And in the garden by the Christmas tree the guys have been waiting for a long time.

Presenter: What to do? How can we be?

How can we return Santa Claus to a fairy tale?

Caramel: Let me tell you a secret guys:

We need to call the musicians.

Let them take the tools

And Santa Claus will be called here!

Presenter: We have talents, wonderful musicians!

(Children come out with instruments.) The orchestra plays the polka.

Caramel: Here come the sugar bunnies

They run to our Christmas tree.

chocolate bears

Not one step behind.

I really, really want

chocolate bears

Help in the New Year

Girls and boys.

"Dance of chocolate bears and sugar bunnies

Santa Claus enters to the music.

Father Frost: Oh ho ho ho ho...

Finding you wasn't easy

Came to you in the morning in kindergarten

And in the hall I found a Christmas tree,

But the grandfather's children did not wait,

Rushed off to the land of sweets.

I followed you -

And so I found you, friends!

Hello! Everyone - good evening!

I am very glad to our meeting!

Presenter: Everyone has changed today!

Look how the kids are dressed up!

Marmalade sweets, chocolate bears,

Sugar bunnies, mint caramels.

Spin around, spin around

Show yourself to Frost! (Children spin around.)

Good Santa Claus, we have been waiting for you.

They dreamed of singing a song by the Christmas tree for you.

The song "Santa Claus started to dance"

Father Frost: If I'm so good

Put all your hands up

But first for beauty

I'll freeze everyone's noses!

Presenter: Very fond of Santa Claus

Pinch the guys on the nose!

Children: And we are not afraid, we will spin in the dance!

The game "I'll Freeze": children dance in a circle to the music, whom Santa Claus touches, freeze.

Father Frost: Almost turned the kids into ice cubes

And in beautiful snowflakes.

And now I'll rest

WITH poison, I will translate the spirit.

And you don't just sit there

Read me poetry now.

Presenter: Now let's sit down quietly

It's time, children, to rest,

And under the elegant Christmas tree

Children read poetry.

1 child: Very fond of sweets

Chocolates and nuts

All kinds of candy

Eat in winter and summer.

2 child: Us strawberry jam

lifts the mood,

Instead of cabbage soup and semolina porridge,

We will always eat it.

3 child: Chocolate candies

We will replace all the cutlets,

Only adults we talk about it

We will never tell!

4 child: New Year is very sweet

It's made from chocolate

And from various sweets,

New Year's joys.

Only here is the question:

Where does Santa Claus take them?

Father Frost: Hey guys, girls and boys!

I was amused, gifts deserved.

Caramel, hurry up, kids are waiting for gifts!

(Caramel leaves behind the bag.)

For now, for the sake of order, for the mind, I will start exercising.

I'll tell you a secret guys.

I have riddles for you

Sweet, pleasant, understandable to children.

Father Frost (thinks "Sweet riddles"):

I am Tula, mint,

Chocolate and printed.

I'm not a bun and not a mannik,

They call me... (gingerbread)

There is such a wonderful house

Children settled in it.

How similar to each other

colorful girlfriends

And their fellow brothers -

Caramel... (Lollipops)

In bright bright dresses

We are always happy to surprise

All marmalade filling

And walnut fondant

And also with snow cherries,

And with a crispy waffle tender.

Children love everything

Chocolate... (Candy)

It's tile, but not in the bathroom

Not sweet, though sweet,

Here without any deception:

It's simple... (Chocolate)

Caramel pulls out a sack from which champing is heard.

Caramel: Father Frost!

Do you hear it?

Someone is eating your candy.

Who is in your bag?

Who rustles with wrappers?

Comic soundtrack of laughter, the Presenter approaches the Caramel.

Presenter: Candy, toys messed up in the bag? (Looks into the bag.)

Yes, there settled candy zhrushka!

She is a great friend to everyone.

She loves cakes and sweets

More chocolate, marmalade and rolls.

And he loves jam with semolina.

And ate gifts at your holiday.

There was only one pillow left in the bag. (Pulls out a pillow.)

Such a glutton candy crunch!

Father Frost: Don't be upset, kids.

I'll conjure you candy

I just need a pot.

Presenter: We have one trick - a magic pot

(Brings out the "sly-pot".)

Caramel, do not yawn, Santa Claus help!

Caramel serves Santa Claus what he calls.

Father Frost:

I'll put smiles in it (collects from children)

Fanfiction, ( candy wrappers from a basket)

Cookies - "fish", (cookies in a bag)

I'll add some snowballs...

Mix everything with a spoon (bring spoon for Santa Claus

And mess around a little (conjures).

Phonogram hissing, gurgling.

presenter(peeks): Yeah!

All the wrappers are cooked -

And they turned into gifts.

Father Frost:

Get, kids, delicious sweets (Santa Claus distributes gifts)

Presenter: What a beauty! What a deliciousness!

We will say thank you to the pan - our cunning!

Children: Thanks!

Father Frost: Well, it's time for us to say goodbye

We'll say goodbye to each other

And again we will part for a whole year

And a year later the blizzard will howl again

And Santa Claus will come again.

Presenter: And it's time for us to go back

The kindergarten has been waiting for us for a long time.

Goodbye Caramel

Goodbye, Santa Claus!

Journey to Sweet Country
(cf. group No. 1, 2018)
Entrance: song "New Year - Christmas tree, balls, crackers"
Form a circle around the tree.
Vedas. Our dear guests!
We hasten to congratulate everyone!
May they come in the coming year
Good luck and success to you!
Vedas. May all good people
Not afraid of worries;
It will not just be new,
And Happy New Year!
Reb. How beautiful in our hall,
We called our friends
Our people are having fun!
We are celebrating the New Year!
Reb. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance,
With beads, crackers.
With new toys!
Reb. Congratulations to everyone in the world
We all sincerely wish
To clap your hands
For feet to stomp
To make children smile
Have fun and laugh!
Reb. In our hall, in our hall
It smells like a resinous Christmas tree,
On the branches of her green
Shines silver frost.
Reb. A coniferous smell flows
The Christmas tree has come to us
With flashlights in their paws,
Smart, green.
Reb. Let the gray blizzard
Sweeps across the field
At the Christmas tree in a friendly circle
We will celebrate the New Year!
Vedas. Hold hands tight
Stand in a wide circle
We will sing and dance
Let's celebrate the New Year!
Round dance “Christmas tree, Christmas tree, shine with lights!
L. Olifirova Ved. What a miracle in our hall!
As if we were in a fairy tale:
There is a Christmas tree in the hall, everything sparkles and glitters.
That's the Christmas tree, the green needle!
Christmas tree beauty! Do you guys like it?

Children: Yes!
Reb. Our tree is just amazing!
How elegant, how beautiful!
High - amazing!
Good - look out!
Reb. Christmas tree-beauty, green branches,
And gilded beads sway on them.
Reb. And there are no lights on the Christmas tree - why is that?
Today we need a bright light for fun!
Vedas. green beauty, light the lights!
The guys will shout in unison: “Christmas tree, burn!”
Children: "Christmas tree, burn!"
Vedas. Nothing works out
The lights don't light up!
Come on girls and boys
We threaten the Christmas tree with a finger, (Threaten)
And now we all clap (clap)
And let's all stomp our feet. (stomp)
Yolka (phonogram of voice)
You must have been joking, Bad, children, asked.
There is no kindness in your voice
Make your eyes better
It is necessary to say the words
To not dare to refuse!
Vedas. Ah, the beautiful Christmas tree!
Ah, everyone loves the Christmas tree!
Please turn on the lights
On a New Year's dress.
We will stroke you affectionately, (stroking)
Let's blow a light breeze, (Blow)
And we will sing a joyful song about you.
Round dance "YoLKA" (phonogram)
"Somewhere a lonely tree grew on the edge"

Yolka: That's a completely different matter!
All my soul sang!
Ready for the holidays now!
I fulfill your request
I turn on my lights! (Lights come on)
Vedas. (claps hands with children)
It turned out, it turned out, Our Christmas tree lit up!
We will sing and play
Dancing near the Christmas tree.
The song "Our children have a big Christmas tree" (piano)
On chairs
Reb. Wizard Frost
Comes to us for the holiday
Fun, he brings gifts to children.
We want to know Santa Claus secret:
Where do you get so many delicious sweets from?
Vedas: Far in the north there is a sweet country.
There, instead of snow - gingerbread, cookies, marshmallow.
There are candy houses, marmalade trees,
There are sugar bunnies and chocolate bears,
There Grandfather Frost collects gifts all year round,
Princess Caramel helps him there.
Vedas. Let's go, friends, to a caramel fairy tale!
There we will rush on a fast sleigh!
We will walk along the winter paths
And then we will fall into the sweet kingdom.
Song "Sled"
Children get into "sledges" and move in a circle in front of the Christmas tree. With the end of the music, they stop, standing in a circle.
Vedas. Very, very fast,
Where are we with you?
Were in the store
Here are the toys in the window!
Game "Toy Store" (author I.P. Parahnevich)
Children squat down, standing in a circle. With the beginning of singing, they walk in a circle, holding hands. They sit on chairs. The game starts.
Vedas. Visited the store
But there were no sweets!
We sit down in the sleigh again,
Let's have fun running down the hill.
Children "sit in the sleigh", "ride" sitting to the music.
Vedas. We rode on sleds
We found ourselves in a sweet fairy tale.
Princess Caramel lives here
It has been waiting for us for a long time.
Princess Caramel enters to the music
Caramel: Hello my friends!
I'm happy with the sweet tooth.
I hasten to welcome dear guests
In the kingdom of miracles and sweets!
I have innumerable good things in my kingdom
Whatever you want - everything is there!
Very tasty marmalade
Soft, sweet chocolate
Waffles and cookies, jams and preserves.
Wanna see my sweet friends?
Children: Yes!
Caramel: Then help me quickly.
Claps hands: One, two, three!
And where are my girlfriends, candy-laughers?
Hurry to the Christmas tree, cheer the children!
Candy girls come out
Candy 1: Today we are not kids,
We are sweet candies.
chocolate sweets,
The wrappers are all elegant,
2nd: With raspberry filling.
With orange fudge.
We are loved by everyone in the world:
Both adults and children.
3rd: We are mischievous sweets,
Delicious and sweet.
Take a look at us -
How beautiful we are.
4th: We are delicious, like fragrant honey,
We sparkle like sparkling ice.
And it's worth taking us by the tooth,
We melt sweetly like a snowball.
5th: There is no New Year's Eve without sweets,
To take us as a gift - we dream very much!
6th: We are kind Santa Claus
I brought you here as a gift,
And in this new year's hour
We will sing and dance for you
Candy song and dance
Vedas. What sweet friends!
We need these as gifts!
The "sweets" run away, leaving the "wrappers" of the Vedas. scatters candy wrappers
Vedas. Oh look, run away!
Only snowflake wrappers remained ...
Caramel: These snowflake wrappers
I will turn into ballerinas.
(Ved. put a cloth)
Everything is ready, get it!
Play with ballerinas!
Song-dance "Oh, fly, fly snowflakes"
(production-mix by I.P. Parahnevich)
Vedas. Dear Caramel,
We have a question for you:
Where did you stay so long
Good Santa Claus?
Caramel: I put gifts in a bag, and then dressed up,
And in the garden by the Christmas tree, the guys have been waiting for a long time.
Vedas. What to do? How can we be?
How can we return Santa Claus to a fairy tale?
Caramel: I'll tell you a secret, guys:
We need to call here
Sugar Bunnies and Chocolate Bears
Bunnies and bears come out
Caramel: Here Come the Sugar Bunnies
They run to our Christmas tree.
chocolate bears
Not one step behind.
I really, really want
chocolate bears
Have fun in the New Year
Girls and boys.
Bunny 1. I am a sugar Bunny,
My tail is very small.
I have ears
On the very top.
They are from cotton candy
And on the nose - sweet.
And instead of an eye - chocolate.
Everyone is happy to eat!
We are all sweet bunnies.
Beautiful, elegant,
You lick us in the barrel,
There will be a sweet tongue.
Caramel: Our sugar bunnies have friends - Chocolate bears.

Bear 1. I am not a simple bear,
All of chocolate
Get to know me
All the guys are happy!
To the Christmas tree for the New Year
We were in a hurry.
Look at us all
How we dressed up!
We will dance with you from the heart,
sugar bunnies,
How good are you
Jumping bunnies!
Dance of chocolate bears and sugar bunnies
(A. Evtodieva)
Santa Claus enters the music
D.M. Oh ho ho ho ho…
Finding you was not easy!
Came to your kindergarten in the morning
And in the hall I found a Christmas tree,
But the grandfather's children did not wait,
On a sled to the sweets sped off.
I followed you -
And then I found you, friends!
Hello! Everyone - good evening!
I am very glad to our meeting!
Vedas. Everyone has changed today!
Look how the kids are dressed up!
Marmalade sweets, chocolate bears,
Sugar bunnies, mint caramels.
Spin around, spin around
Show yourself to Frost! (children spin)
Good Santa Claus, we have been waiting for you.
They dreamed of singing a song by the Christmas tree for you.
The song "Oh, what a good, kind D.M."
D.M. If I'm so good
Put all your hands up
But first for beauty
I'll freeze everyone's noses!
Very fond of Santa Claus
Pinch the guys on the nose!
Vedas. We are not afraid of frost
We know how to have fun!
D.M. But I'll check it out!
One, two, three, freeze!
Who moves his hand
He will go with me to the forest!
(D.M. runs around in circles, making sure no one moves)
D.M. Come on, hide your hands, your nose will freeze D.M.!
One, two, three - hands off! (children hide their hands, nose, ears, cheeks, etc.) The game “I will Freeze”
At the end of the game, D.M. says: “The sea worries - one, The sea worries - two, The sea worries - three: Marine figure, freeze !!!
all children freeze in different figures
D.M. Turned kids into ice cubes
And beautiful snowflakes.
It's time for me to rest
And take a nap at the Christmas tree.
D.M. sits down, "falls asleep", "frozen" come to life, come up to him and clap their hands.
D.M. Oh, the witchcraft is gone ...
This, children, is mischief!
Beware, friends!
I'll catch up with you now!
The children run to the chairs.
D.M. I will rest on the stump
I'll sit down, take a breath.
And you don’t just sit there. Read me poetry now.
Vedas. Now let's sit down quietly
It's time, children, to rest,
And under the elegant Christmas tree
We will read poetry.
Reb. Mother El to daughter Yolka
Combed all the needles
Bought fashionable shoes
The dress is brand new!
I dressed up my daughter Yolka,
She patted her bangs with a branch:
“Get in the garden with the guys!
The children will be very happy!”
Reb. "Come on, baby, let's go,
Don't forget the decorations!
In a new dress for a miracle
You will look beautiful!”
Reb. The Christmas tree ran into the garden,
There are many guests and children!
She brushed off the branches, got up,
Here is the beginning of the holiday!
Reb. New Year is very sweet
It's made from chocolate
And from various sweets,
New Year's joys.
Only here is the question:
Where does Santa Claus take them?

D.M. Hey guys, girls and boys!
I was amused, gifts deserved.
Caramel, hurry up
Babies are waiting for gifts!

Caramel leaves behind the bag.
D.M. In the meantime, for the sake of order for the mind, I will start exercising.
I'll tell you a secret guys.
I have riddles for you
Sweet, pleasant, understandable to children.
Riddles: I am Tula, mint,
Chocolate and printed.
I'm not a bun and not a mannik,
They call me ... (gingerbread)
There is such a wonderful house
Children settled in it.
So similar to each other
colorful girlfriends
And their brothers are great -
Caramels ... (lollipops)
In bright bright dresses
We are always happy to surprise
All marmalade filling
And walnut fondant
And also with snow cherries,
And with a crispy waffle tender.
Children love everything
Chocolate candies)
It's tile, but not in the bathroom
Not candy, though sweet,
Here without any deception:
It's just ... (chocolate)
Caramel pulls out a sack from which champing is heard.
Caramel: Santa Claus! Do you hear it?
Someone is eating your candy.
Who is in your bag?
Who rustles with wrappers?
Comic soundtrack of laughter, the Presenter approaches the Caramel.
Vedas. Candy, toys messed up in the bag? (looks into bag)
Yes, there settled candy zhrushka!
She is a great friend to everyone.
She loves cakes and sweets.
More chocolate, marmalade and rolls.
And he loves jam with semolina.
And ate gifts at your holiday.
There was only one pillow left in the bag (takes out a pillow)
Such a glutton candy crunch!
D.M. Don't be upset, kids.
I'll treat you all to candy.
I just need a pot.
Vedas. We have one trick! (takes out the "pot-cunning")
Caramel, do not yawn, help Santa Claus!
Caramel serves D.M. what he calls.
D.M. I will put smiles in it, (collects from children, candy wrappers from a basket, Candy wrappers,
Cookies "fish", cookies in a bag) I'll add a little snowballs ...
You need to stir everything with a spoon (Ved. brings a spoon)
And mess around a little. (conjures)

The phonogram of hissing, gurgling sounds.
Vedas. peeking: Yes!
All the wrappers are cooked -
And they turned into gifts.
D.M. Get, kids, a magic candy!
(takes out a big candy, treats the children)
Vedas. What a beauty! What a deliciousness!
We will say thank you to our cunning!
Children: Thank you!
Vedas. It's time, it's time to go back
And the sledges have been waiting for us for a long time.
Goodbye Caramel
Goodbye, Santa Claus!
The children leave the room. Caramel and D.M. wave after.
Everyone bows together.