
A fake snowflake is unusual. What can you make a snowflake from? Schemes, master classes. Big and colorful beauties


18.09.2017 by baby-malavki

On New Year's Eve, most families try to decorate their home original crafts reproduced by hand. Therefore, they look for suitable ideas that can be repeated from improvised items, looking at the step-by-step instructions.

That is why in today's article we decided to make the task of our readers easier by talking about the most important decor, directly related to winter and New Year's fairy tale- snowflakes. The following are examples of manufacturing various techniques and materials varying in complexity and size.

Paper snowflakes for the New Year 2018, 20 New Year ideas

Not only children, but also adults love to make paper crafts. Therefore, a good and simple idea would be to cut out small, medium and large snowflakes to decorate your apartment and house. They will serve as the basis for creating hanging garlands or become beautiful decor for window glass or curtains. Well, in order for the masterpiece to look skillful, it is important to print out the template in advance, prepare scissors and paper in white, silver, blue or gold.

The stencils suggested below can also be made by a child, as homework for kindergarten or labor lessons in primary school.

Snowflakes from pasta, a master class in the photo

In order to decorate a beautiful Christmas tree, it is not necessary to spend money on buying expensive Christmas tree decorations. Enough to turn on creative imagination to make with your own hands a masterpiece that no one else will have. For example, from the same pasta, which are sold in any store in the cereal department.

  • pasta various shapes: horns, vermicelli, spiral, snails, fusilli, spaghetti, ravioli, farfalle, etc.;
  • glue;
  • small or sea ​​salt(you can also use glitter);
  • acrylic paint.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) To make a pasta snowflake, it is enough to connect all the elements on a flat surface so that a beautiful work is obtained.

2) After all the elements are connected, they must be glued together so that the shape remains even and beautiful, as it was originally.

3) If the product is well glued, then it can be painted with white paint and sprinkled with sparkles to give them extra shine.

4) After drying, the finished product remains to be hung on a satin ribbon and hung on a green beauty - a Christmas tree.

New Year's snowflakes from toothpaste and brushes, a master class in the photo

A snowflake on the window will give any room an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. However, in order not to spoil the glass and after the holidays it is easy to wash it, it is better to use proven techniques, such as: vytynanki or toothpaste. But if the first allows you to reproduce even pictures, the second - exclusively individual objects, such as snowflakes.

Items needed for crafting:

  • stationery scissors;
  • A4 paper;
  • a simple pencil or black pen;
  • 1/2 sponge for washing dishes;
  • toothpaste (you can use the cheapest);
  • convenient plate;
  • old toothbrush.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) On a white sheet, draw a snowflake with a pencil and cut it out with scissors.

2) Wet a sponge with warm water and wipe the surface of the glass with it, where the snowflake will be applied.

3) Apply the finished template to this place and moisten it with gentle movements with a sponge so that it sticks.

4) Dilute a small amount of tooth. paste with warm water so that the finished mass is not too thick and liquid.

5) Using a toothbrush, spray the induced solution along the contours of the snowflake and inside.

6) Let it dry a little, and then remove paper snowflake.

Glue snowflake, photo tutorial

Oddly enough, but New Year's crafts can be made not only from improvised means, but also from glue. To do this, it is enough to allocate 30-40 minutes of free time, having prepared the following items for the start of work: hot glue and PVA, a thick bag, stationery scissors, sparkles, a satin ribbon or rope, a brush.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) On a package that will definitely not melt, draw a snowflake with hot glue.

2) After the glue dries, remove it with running water.

3) With your own hands, cut off all the bumps and give the crafts a skillful appearance.

4) Cover the snowflake with PVA glue and glitter.

5) Hang the finished product on a Christmas tree or decorate a window with it.

DIY beaded snowflake

On the eve of the New Year 2018, with the help of beads you can make not only a snowflake, but also the symbol of the Chinese horoscope - the Dog. However, if even a child can reproduce the first, the master will not always repeat the second craft. So let's start off easy...


  • white and blue beads;
  • thin wire;
  • wire cutters;

Step-by-step instruction:

1) Cut the wire into even 10 pieces, making a hook on each to hold the beads.

2) String beads and glass beads on each part, repeating the pattern of the snowflake proposed in the photo below.

3) Leave 0.5 mm blank at the end, connect all the pieces together and twist.

4) Trim the excess wire with wire cutters and ready product hang on a satin ribbon or string.

Do-it-yourself 3D paper snowflake

You can hang a voluminous snowflake from the ceiling, which will give the interior airiness and lightness. And thanks to the 3D effect, it will seem more multifaceted and interesting.


  • ruler;
  • black pen;
  • 6-8 sheets of A4 white paper;
  • stationery scissors;
  • stapler.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) Cut all the sheets into even squares, and then bend each one so that you get a triangle.

2) Make several cuts at a distance of 2 cm, long - up to 3 cm.

3) Connect the cut incisions to each other by connecting with a stapler.

4) Do the same with the rest of the petals, and then connect them together.

What snowflakes can still be made for the New Year 2018?

There are many variations of snowflakes, the main thing is to choose the option that will bring only benefit, and not torment. Therefore, if none of the above crafts is suitable, you can try to make a snowflake with your own hands from other materials:

  • rubber bands;
  • felt;
  • plasticine;
  • cotton wool;
  • satin ribbons;
  • balls;
  • thread;
  • napkins;
  • polystyrene;
  • gypsum;
  • newspapers;
  • newspaper tubes;
  • bottles;
  • bushings;
  • glaze;
  • salt dough;
  • disk;
  • rain;
  • isolon;
  • origami;
  • ear sticks;
  • foil;
  • plywood.

Beautiful paper snowflakes for the New Year 2018, a master class on the photo:

To the most relevant and common types winter decor include snowflakes made by hand from paper. How to make them at home, in kindergarten or at school with children, tell our master classes with step by step instructions, schemes of work, photos and videos. From the lessons below you will learn how to beautifully cut on New Year paper snowflakes, how to create three-dimensional products in the style of 3D and how to fold amazingly elegant and airy crafts using the ancient Chinese origami technique. Self-made snowflakes will turn out to be very unusual, give everyone an optimistic, festive mood and make everyone believe in the most beautiful and kind New Year's fairy tale.

DIY snowflakes made of paper - schemes for the New Year 2019

From small sheets of paper with the most ordinary scissors, you can cut out very unusual, elegant and airy snowflakes with your own hands. Any drawing is suitable for this, but if you don’t have your own ideas, you should use ready-made schemes. This section contains the most popular options for New Year's patterns. By transferring them to a suitable material, you will be able to make unusually light, beautiful and delicate snowflakes that will serve as a great decoration for windows, doors, a room in an apartment or house, a school class, an office or a production facility.

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper snowflakes - a simple scheme of work and step-by-step photos

This master class describes in detail the creation of a voluminous paper snowflake that resembles a beautiful blossoming flower in shape. The scheme of work is not too complicated, but the process requires attention, accuracy and patience. But the finished product turns out to be extremely effective and creates a bright, joyful and festive mood in any room.

Necessary materials for a three-dimensional snowflake

  • A4 white paper
  • metal ruler
  • sharply sharpened pencil
  • adhesive sticker for paper
  • stationery scissors

Step-by-step instructions for a simple do-it-yourself DIY voluminous snowflake pattern

Do-it-yourself large and beautiful New Year's snowflakes 2019 in stages - a master class

Making large and very beautiful paper snowflakes with your own hands is not at all difficult, especially if you use the so-called “accordion” technique. In this way, you can create products of any size, up to very huge works of A2 format.

Necessary materials for large paper snowflakes

  • A3 sheet
  • thread
  • needle
  • scissors
  • stapler

Step-by-step instructions for a step-by-step master class on making beautiful and large snowflakes with your own hands

  1. Cut out a square from a white A3 sheet and fold it like an accordion. The average depth of the fold is 5 centimeters (if desired, it can be both reduced and increased).
  2. In the center, sew the resulting corrugated base with a thread. To keep the workpiece well, make a few dense wide stitches and carefully secure the edge.
  3. Draw a suitable pattern on the outside of the accordion. It can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that the pattern is symmetrical about the middle.
  4. Carefully open the snowflake and secure the edges with a stapler so that the overall shape looks like a circle.

Beautiful snowflake ballerinas for a garland - do-it-yourself templates

Many people know how to cut New Year's snowflakes out of paper, but not everyone would think of making them in the form of ballerinas, and then strung them on the rain and decorate the window in the home dining room at home or the stage in the school assembly hall with this unusual garland. To create an elegant mini-masterpiece, you will need white or colored (optional) paper and a ready-made dancer template. And then a few deft movements with scissors and voila! The garland is ready and pleases the eye with its spectacular and attractive appearance.

Necessary materials for a beautiful ballerina snowflake

  • high density white cardboard
  • white thin cardboard
  • paper (white or color optional)
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • scissors
  • compass
  • New Year's rain about 2 meters long
  • scotch
  • buttons

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on making do-it-yourself snowflakes according to a template

  1. On a sheet of thick white cardboard, make a sketch of a dancer with her arms closed over her head in a semicircle and carefully cut out the figure with scissors. This is a template for future ballerinas.
  2. Attach the template to a thin cardboard sheet and cut out the required number of figures. There can be 20 of them if you want to make a very magnificent garland or 10-15 for a rarer stringing.
  3. To make a ballet outfit - a beautiful openwork tutu-skirt - draw a circle on a white sheet using a compass. Its size depends on your desire. If you take a small diameter, the skirt will turn out to be short, and if it is large, the ballerina will wear a real ball gown.
  4. Carefully cut out the circle and fold in half three times. On the outside of the resulting sector, draw any suitable pattern, and then cut it along the contour with scissors.
  5. Unfold the skirt and carefully smooth it out. Cut a small hole in the center of the circle and thread a do-it-yourself cardboard ballerina figure into it.
  6. Using adhesive tape, fasten the outfit around the waist of the dancer so that it does not fall off.
  7. When all the snowflake ballerinas are dressed, take a thread of rain and thread it through the arms of the dancers closed over their heads. To prevent the figures from hanging out, carefully attach them to the rain with a small piece of tape.
  8. Use pushpins to attach a garland to the place that you plan to decorate.

DIY Christmas paper snowflake for children 7 years old - master class

Children are very fond of the holidays, and the New Year in particular. But if preschoolers mainly concentrate on gifts and sweets, then children from 7 years old already want to take an active part in the preparation solemn events. Of course, guys of this age will not be able to cope with too serious tasks yet, but they will be able to make simple winter decor elements. Quite calmly, first-graders can be instructed to make beautiful and airy New Year's snowflakes out of paper. This process is very simple and children can easily master it on their own. Well, if some small difficulties nevertheless arise, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers or class teachers they will definitely come to the rescue and help the little creators of beauty complete their first masterpiece.

Necessary materials for a children's snowflake for the New Year

  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • cardboard
  • stationery glue
  • simple pencil
  • ruler
  • paints
  • sequins
  • strong thread (tape, twine, rope, etc.)

Step-by-step instructions for a children's master class on making a beautiful snowflake with your own hands

  1. From a colored sheet, cut three strips of the same length with a width of 7 centimeters.
  2. Fold each neat accordion with a step depth of 1 centimeter and decorate with a beautiful openwork cut.
  3. Then straighten the strips slightly and glue them into a single ring using clerical glue. Carefully press the joints with your fingers so that the structure does not fall apart later.
  4. Turn the resulting ring with the carved side outward, and connect the inner part into a socket and glue it very well. As a result, the base for the snowflake should take the form of a circle with a small empty center.
  5. From a white sheet, cut a thin, lacy snowflake about half the diameter of the colored base.
  6. Cut out a small circle for the face. With light beige paint, make a kind of frame on it along the entire edge, and inside draw eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, rosy cheeks and leave the picture for a while so that the paints dry.
  7. From a blue sheet, cut out a hairstyle for a snowflake and glue it to the cardboard face on top.
  8. On a carved blue base, first glue an openwork white snowflake, and then a ruddy face. Wait for the craft to “grab” and become solid, then decorate with sparkles (rain, stones, half-beads to your liking).
  9. Thread a strong thread into the central upper ray of the snowflake and make a loop. Hang a New Year's product on a door, window or wall in the room.

Do-it-yourself New Year's voluminous paper snowflake - master class

This interesting and informative master class tells in detail how to make a stunningly beautiful, graceful and elegant Christmas decoration with your own hands - a luxurious voluminous snowflake. Finished work it turns out very spectacular and looks extremely attractive and airy. With such delightful products, you can decorate school classes, children's rooms and any other premises in which it is planned to hold themed festive events and winter celebrations.

Necessary materials for a voluminous New Year's snowflake

  • A4 sheets - 6 pcs
  • ruler
  • simple pencil
  • stapler
  • scissors

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on making a New Year's snowflake with your own hands

New Year's snowflake 2019 with your own hands - how to cut it out of paper, diagrams

The lightest and fast way do Christmas snowflake with your own hands is to cut it out of paper, following the instructions already finished scheme. A four-pointed product is considered the simplest, however, its manufacture can be approached in an extraordinary, bright and imaginative way. For work, you will need medium-density colored sheets intended for printer printing. First, you need to cut a square out of the rectangle, fold it diagonally three times, and then apply the pattern you like to the workpiece and carefully cut it along the contour line with scissors. The whole effect of the work lies in the fact that smooth, rounded shapes are harmoniously combined with thin, pointed rays, symbolizing flames.

For a five-pointed snowflake, the sheet will have to be folded not diagonally, but horizontally in half, then again in half along the long side and unfolded at the end. Then the lower left corner of the rectangle is connected to the middle of the upper edge of the workpiece, where there is already one fold. The lower oblique part is bent upwards and is clearly aligned with the diagonal fold on the left side. Then the workpiece is turned over and the two-layer triangle is bent to the nearest edge. Then it remains to cut off the protruding excess with scissors, draw the necessary pattern and cut it figuratively along the pencil outline. If you want the snowflake to turn out to be more openwork and ornate, it is recommended to wind the scissors as deep as possible without crossing the common middle base.

The six-pointed snowflake is one of the most popular homemade Christmas decorations and there is the largest variety of original and unusual patterns for it. The main blank for it is made according to the principle of origami snowflakes, then a drawing is applied on top and carefully cut out with scissors.

A seven-pointed snowflake is created according to the five-pointed principle, only at the end the blank is folded one more additional time.

For an eight-pointed New Year's decoration, the scheme for folding a six-pointed snowflake is suitable, but before applying the pattern, the workpiece is folded in half again.

Do-it-yourself Christmas origami paper snowflake - a step-by-step master class and video

Origami is the ancient Chinese art of creating beautiful, graceful and unusual crafts. Technology is gaining more and more popularity every year and both adults and children master it with great pleasure. There are no particular difficulties in the process of creating paper mini-masterpieces, but those who have only recently begun to study the principles and rules of origami should use step by step instructions with a photo or have a video clip at hand that describes in detail all the necessary actions.

This master class tells how to make a paper six-pointed snowflake for the New Year with your own hands. The lesson describes how to prepare a base for a snowflake and how to cut it out of paper correctly. The material is presented in a very accessible way, and even for children it will not be difficult to make a spectacular origami, following the tips and tricks of the lesson below.

Necessary materials for the New Year's origami snowflake

  • A4 white office paper
  • simple pencil
  • scissors
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on making origami snowflakes with your own hands

To make a beautiful paper snowflake, you should stock up on ready-made templates for creating a pattern in advance. Of course, you can cut paper without using special patterns, but this method is only suitable for those who already have a certain experience and artistic taste. The process of making openwork snowflakes is quite simple, for this you need to fold a sheet of paper in half so that you get a triangle. We fold the resulting triangle two more times, after which we cut out the pattern using a pre-prepared template. This is applicable to create traditional hexagonal snowflakes.

To make a snowflake with eight corners, first fold a sheet of paper in half twice in a triangle, and then diagonally once more. The octagonal snowflakes look more delicate, but are more difficult to cut due to the more layers of paper.

Patterns for cutting paper snowflakes

Instead of plain white paper, you can use paper napkins, thin papyrus paper, foil, or old magazines. Beautiful openwork snowflakes on the walls and windows of the room will perfectly complement the festive decor. From light paper snowflakes, you can make a great garland or streamer with threads hanging down. You can also decorate with a homemade snowflake new year card or gift wrapping. Snowflakes made of a denser material will be the perfect decoration for a children's New Year's costume.

Volumetric paper snowflake

Necessary materials:

  • thick paper of any color;

  • pencil;

  • ruler;

  • scissors;

  • stapler (glue or tape).


Beautiful pasta snowflake

Necessary materials:

  • pasta of various shapes;

  • brushes of different sizes;

  • glue Moment;

  • acrylic paints;

  • decorative elements (beads, rhinestones, sparkles, artificial snow, stickers, etc.).


Openwork snowflake in quilling technique

Quilling (paper rolling) is a direction in art associated with the manufacture of flat or three-dimensional figures from strips of paper twisted into spirals. Using the quilling technique, you can create incredibly beautiful openwork snowflakes.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;

  • ruler;

  • pencil;

  • scissors;

  • tassel;

  • glue;

  • awl.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, everyone wants that the house was extraordinarily beautiful, cozy and fabulous. Therefore, it's time to think about what you can do to achieve your desired goal. good option decorating the front new year holidays will decorate the windows with unusual drawings, festive motifs that will bring pre-holiday mood and a New Year's fairy tale to the usual decor of the room.

And there is no need to think that all home decorations can only be purchased in a store, while spending quite an impressive amount of money. It would be much better, having united with the whole family, to make a variety of decorations for the house and the Christmas tree on their own. For such an activity, you can allocate a certain day, for example, when it is planned to install a New Year's beautiful spruce. And do not forget that this is the most exciting activity!

The easiest thing you can do with your own hands is to cut and attach snowflakes in different places. Everyone remembers how, as a child, they cut them out before the holidays in the garden. Today, becoming parents, you can spend time with your child with benefit and pleasure, cutting out beautiful snow-white snowflakes with your own hands from paper. Kids are always happy to take part in such events.

Teaching a child to cut a snowflake yourself is not at all difficult. For this you need to prepare essential tool and paper. As a basis, you can take napkins, colored paper or just a white sheet from the album.

The thickness of the sheet does not really matter. But you need to know that the most delicate and airy snowflakes are obtained from thin sheets. And too thick paper will be difficult to cut.

You will also need a pencil and sharp scissors. After the pattern for the future snowflake is selected, the paper is folded, as shown in the photo. The more additions you make, the more interesting and openwork the snowflake will turn out.

The size of the future decoration depends on how large sizes sheet is initially selected. In this case, only the desire to have a large or small snowflake influences the choice.

When the drawing is applied to paper, we proceed to cutting. This process requires special care and accuracy. In no case should you cut off the edges of the paper at the folds, as the snowflake may simply fall apart.

Children really like this process. After all, in the end you will get beauty with your own hands, which is so nice to decorate a Christmas tree, windows or walls in a room.

It should be noted that, it would seem, such a simple activity as cutting snowflakes out of paper with your own hands is a great opportunity to develop a child’s imagination, a sense of beauty and artistic taste.

It is possible and necessary to develop the abilities of your child at home, but a variety of circles in the garden, school will only help to raise the level and hone the talents of the child.

Apart from simple cutting from paper a child can be interested in making volumetric models snowflakes. These decorations are designed for older children and adults. But that doesn't make them any less interesting or beautiful.

All the same openwork paper snowflakes are taken as the basis, the pattern is transferred, for example, to polystyrene or polystyrene foam. With the help of a sharp knife, all the necessary elements are cut out, and as a result, unusually beautiful, voluminous snowflakes are obtained.

They can be left white, but if you connect the kids and paint them together with bright colors, then such decor elements will simply amaze with their unusual design. And the time spent creating them will bring all family members together. The result of your labors will be unique.

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper snowflakes

In this master class, we will make such a heart with a snowflake. It can be used as a bag for little gift or just as a Christmas decoration with your own hands.

First you need to print out this diagram.

We transfer the scheme to paper and cut it out.

The result is two identical blanks.

To fasten together, we make cuts - on one side from the top to half of the snowflake, on the other - from the bottom to half of the snowflake.

We collect the finished volumetric snowflake, threading each other.

Attach the handle.

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper snowflake is ready!

How to make a DIY 3-D snowflake

Modern technology has also reached such a seemingly simple task as creating a snowflake. As the name implies, 3-D snowflakes are a more complex, but very effective technique, due to which the made decor is distinguished by a special elegance of lines and rather unusual shapes.

What may be needed to make a snowflake with a 3D effect?

Prepare a square sheet of paper of the desired color, a pencil and a ruler, scissors or a sharp paper knife, glue. The work of making 3-D snowflakes is very painstaking and requires a lot of patience.

The first step is to draw a sheet of paper into squares. We need 6 identical squares. Then such a scheme is applied. It can be printed.

Fold the square in half diagonally, transfer the diagram as shown in the figure. Fold in half again.

The next step is cutting parallel lines. The incisions must be made in such a way that they are directed towards each other, but do not converge to the end.

We connect and glue the corners of the first small square.

Then turn over and glue the corners of the next square.

And so on in order, until all the corners are glued together.

To make the snowflake voluminous, you need to very carefully glue the corners of all the squares. As a result, six snowflakes are obtained, which, gluing together, form a three-dimensional 3-D figure.

We connect the corners of all the blanks to each other.

In order for the figure to keep its shape and not fall apart, you need to additionally glue the sides of the snowflake.

That's all, our 3-D paper snowflake is ready!

By inventing various patterns, painting the figure with paints and even decorating with beads, you can not only create a very beautiful New Year's decoration, but also help develop your child's imagination and sense of style.

Paper snowflakes - kirigami instructions

Snowflakes - kirigami is a fairly simple way to quickly and effortlessly make a lot of beautiful jewelry. The highlight of this type of snowflake is the selection of paper. For snowflakes - kirigami you need bright colored paper.

It can be colored on one side only, but you can choose paper with rich colors on both sides.

We take an A4 sheet and fold it as shown in the photo.

Cut out a square, fold in half diagonally.

We fold two more times.

Then we print and transfer just such a scheme to the finished workpiece.

The next step is to cut patterns on the workpiece using nail scissors.

Carefully cut out the snowflake and unfold it.

Bend the resulting corners, as in the photo.

A snowflake can be decorated with stasas, beads, Christmas tinsel, and then it will become the central decoration of your New Year's home.

2 more do-it-yourself kirigami snowflake options:

The light, airy figure of a ballerina is very beautiful. If you combine two types of a beautiful snowflake and a ballerina figurine together, the effect can exceed all expectations.

It takes a lot of time to make this type of jewelry. But the work of cutting it out is quite simple, even a child can handle it. Not single figures look very impressive, but a whole garland of graceful ballerinas.

What you need to prepare for work:

  • dancing ballerina figure template;
  • thin white paper for a ballerina's tutu. Paper multilayer napkins are very well suited;
  • thin white cardboard;
  • scissors.

Choose a ballerina figurine template. In the Internet, you can find a large number of options. Simply copy the selected template into a text document, format and print. But it is much more interesting to draw a sketch yourself. Transfer the template to cardboard and cut it out.

It is very important that the cardboard is white on both sides, since the snowflake is voluminous and is clearly visible from any side. The size of the figurine is optional. There are no restrictions in this matter.

DIY snowflakes are the most affordable and simple New Year's decor for your home, school or workplace. You can make them from plain paper, cutting out according to ready-made templates and diagrams, which in in large numbers can be found on the internet. You can also make a beautiful snowflake large and voluminous or using the quilling technique, origami. Moreover, as a starting material, in addition to white paper, suitable and newspaper sheets, pages of an old book or an unnecessary music notebook. Such non-standard material, especially if it is artificially aged with coffee, will give the finished craft a special charm. As for the manufacturing technique, most of the master classes for New Year's snowflakes are quite simple and accessible even for children, for example, as part of a labor lesson at school. In our article today, we have compiled a whole selection for you. original templates and patterns for cutting beautiful paper snowflakes for adults and children. In addition, here you will find interesting step-by-step master classes with photos of snowflakes, as well as videos with lessons on making them yourself.

A simple New Year's snowflake 2017 made of paper with your own hands for children, a master class

First, we suggest that you master a very simple do-it-yourself New Year's paper snowflake master class for children. It is so accessible in execution that it is suitable even for kindergarten. To make this simple DIY Christmas paper snowflake for kids, you can use it as a simple white paper and colored sheets. Thin corrugated paper is also perfect.

Necessary materials for a simple do-it-yourself paper snowflake for children

  • sheet A4
  • scissors
  • markers
  • scotch
  • stapler
  • decor (sequins, rhinestones, buttons)

Instructions for a DIY Christmas snowflake master class for children

  1. We cut the sheet into strips 2-3 cm wide and about 15-20 cm long. The number of strips will determine how voluminous the craft will be in the end.
  2. We wrap each strip on a felt-tip pen or marker, fixing the edges with paper tape.
  3. We leave the blanks for at least an hour so that they take on a wave-like shape.
  4. We are filming paper strips from felt-tip pens and connect with each other using a stapler in the shape of an asterisk.
  5. We decorate an ugly junction with bright sequins, beads or rhinestones. Also, if desired, you can add pieces of New Year's rain or stick confetti. Ready!

Do-it-yourself volumetric snowflake 2017 made of paper, a master class with a photo

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper snowflakes are considered one of the most difficult in terms of execution technique. However, if you have detailed instructions With step by step photos, as in our next master class, then you should not be afraid of difficulties. We assure you that after the first self-made volumetric snowflakes do-it-yourself paper, the rest of the copies "go like clockwork." See for yourself by following the instructions below.

Necessary materials for a do-it-yourself volumetric paper snowflake

  • sheet A4
  • scissors
  • tape or glue

Instructions for a master class of do-it-yourself volumetric paper snowflakes

  1. For the next craft, you will need a rectangular sheet with the following parameters: length - 25 centimeters, width - 18 centimeters.
  2. We bend the lower left corner of the sheet inward, as in the photo below.
  3. Cut off the extra edge to make an isosceles triangle.
  4. Fold the triangle in half.

  5. With scissors on the dense side of the fold, we make two shallow cuts, as in the next photo.
  6. We unfold the workpiece so that we get a rhombus with notches. Internal corners We connect the central incision with each other using adhesive tape or glue.

    On a note! If you use glue, then be sure to additionally fix the workpiece, for example, with a clothespin until it dries completely.

  7. We repeat the procedure with the next edges of the notch, fixing them in the opposite direction with the first workpiece.
  8. The edges of the last cut will also be fastened together, but in the opposite direction.
  9. The result should be the following construction.
  10. For one volumetric snowflake, 6 to 8 such blanks will be required. They can be made different color to add color to the craft.
  11. Using adhesive tape or glue, we fix all the blanks according to the template below.

Beautiful big snowflakes 2017 do-it-yourself paper - step by step with a photo

You can make a beautiful paper snowflake with your own hands for decoration in quite large sizes. Such a decor will certainly attract everyone's attention and will become an interesting interior solution on the eve of the New Year. How to make a beautiful big snowflake with your own hands out of paper, learn step by step from our next master class.

Necessary materials for a large do-it-yourself paper snowflake

  • sheet A4
  • Ruler and pencil
  • clothespins
  • Christmas garland, glitter

Instructions for a step-by-step master class of a large beautiful snowflake with your own hands

  1. First you need to cut thin paper strips in the amount of 20 pieces, 10 strips on each side. The longer they are, the larger the finished craft will turn out. Then we lay out five strips in a row at small intervals, and lay out five others on top according to the braid principle.
  2. We turn the resulting workpiece so that it lies in front of us in the form of the letter "X". Now we connect first the neighboring, and then the extreme strips and glue them. Top with clothespins until completely dry.
  3. We repeat with each side. As a result, one strip should remain on each side, forming a thin cross.
  4. Leave the workpiece to dry completely for about half an hour. Then we remove the clothespins and move on to the second identical part of the craft.
  5. We connect both parts together by turning lower part snowflakes at 45 degrees. Now free strips can be fixed with ready-made beams.
  6. We glue them with glue and fix them with clothespins, leave them to dry completely.
  7. It remains to decorate the finished snowflake. This can be done with pieces of Christmas garland and sparkles.

    On a note! Instead of glitter from the store, you can use broken ones. Christmas decorations. To do this, carefully crush a glass toy wrapped in a dense cloth with a rolling pin. The resulting crumb must be mixed with transparent glue and then used to decorate crafts.

    Snowflake 2017 from the book for the New Year with your own hands, a step-by-step master class

    In the next step-by-step master class, we will make snowflakes for the New Year with our own hands from an old book. It's a great way to inhale new life into its yellowed pages. It is impossible to call a snowflake from a book for the New Year with your own hands (a step-by-step master class below) as a simple children's craft. Small children will definitely not cope with it. This is more of a master class for creative adults who do not perceive the production Christmas decorations solely as child's play. On the contrary, they are happy to create beautiful and exclusive decorative elements.

    Necessary materials for a snowflake from a book for the New Year

    • book sheets
    • sequins
    • ruler and simple pencil
    • scissors
    • fishing line or thick thread

    Instructions for a step-by-step snowflake master class from a book for the New Year

    1. First you need to draw book sheets into strips of 2 centimeters wide.
    2. For one side, you will need 7 of these strips: 1 the full length of the page, two 2 centimeters shorter, two more 2 cm shorter than the previous ones, and two strips 6 centimeters shorter than the first.
    3. The longest strip should be folded in half in the form of a loop, gluing the bottom edges together. On the sides, you need to fold the strips shorter, also gluing their lower parts, as in the photo below.
    4. Repeat these manipulations with the remaining strips and fix them under heavy oppression, for example, a table lamp.
    5. When the workpiece dries, you should additionally fix its edges with a thin fishing line. In general, 6-8 such blanks will be required for one snowflake.
    6. Draw the book sheet again into strips of the same length. Cut and roll into a tight ring, tie with a fishing line. The ring can also be additionally smeared with transparent glue.
    7. After complete drying, you should proceed to the connection of the craft. To do this, the end of the workpiece is tightly coated with glue and connected to the ring.

    8. We repeat with each workpiece.
    9. To better fasten the snowflake, glue the extreme loops of adjacent rays of the snowflake with glue.
    10. As a decor, small sparkles are suitable, which should be applied to the side edges of the snowflake. You can also use pieces of garlands, sequins, small beads.
    11. Then you need to make a loop of fishing line so that you can attach a snowflake, for example, to a Christmas tree. Ready!

    Do-it-yourself children's paper snowflake using origami technique, master class

    The art of origami is multifaceted and difficult, but with correct instruction in this technique you can do it yourself and enough simple craft, for example, a children's snowflake. True, to be frank to the end, the next master class with a photo made exclusively in the origami technique cannot be called. In it, for children's do-it-yourself paper snowflakes, in addition to the origami technique, threads with scissors will also be used.

    Necessary materials for origami children's snowflakes for the New Year

    • dense colored sheet
    • pencil and ruler
    • needle and thread
    • scissors

    Instructions for the master class of children's snowflakes using the origami technique

    1. To begin with, we cut out a strip 5-7 cm wide and about 20 cm long. Using a pencil and a ruler, we make notes on each centimeter along the length. Cut out an imitation of a “fence” from above, as shown in the photo. In the middle of the resulting columns we draw small rhombuses. Then we mark the middle of each centimeter with dots and pierce them with a thin needle.
    2. Now we take the ruler and put it on top of the first line dividing our “fence” section in half. Carefully bend the workpiece inward, and then remove the ruler and bend it in the opposite direction. We repeat the same with each section. The result should be an accordion, as in the photo below.
    3. Hold the harmonica tightly with the fingers of one hand and cut out the rhombuses outlined earlier in the middle of each section with scissors.
    4. We take a needle and thread and carefully thread it through the small holes that we already pierced with a needle two steps back.

      On a note! The thread must be taken tight so that it firmly holds the finished structure!

    5. When the thread has already passed through all the points, we introduce it again into the first hole to close the structure.
    6. We remove the needle and begin to gradually tighten the thread until a tight ring is formed. We tie the thread into a knot, and put a coil on top of the snowflake to straighten it.
    7. From the remaining thread we form a loop and our children's snowflake is ready! And for those who want to master the pure origami technique for creating snowflakes, we have selected a video tutorial with step by step diagram below.

    Do-it-yourself openwork snowflake using do-it-yourself quilling technique, master class with photo

    Quilling is the real art of weaving the amazing beauty of crafts and postcards from simple strips of paper. Using the quilling technique, you can create truly unique openwork snowflakes with your own hands, a direct confirmation of which is our next master class with step-by-step photos. But the most amazing thing is that by swapping individual details and adding new elements, you can create several different openwork snowflakes with your own hands using the quilling technique according to one general pattern.

    Necessary materials for an openwork snowflake using the quilling technique

    • pencil and ruler
    • scissors
    • glue and brush

    Instructions for the master class of openwork snowflakes using the quilling technique

    1. Using a ruler and a simple pencil, you need to draw a sheet. To do this, we make marks of 0.5 cm along the width of the sheet and draw lines along the entire length. Then cut out the strips with scissors.
    2. To form rolls, you will need an awl. We wind the strip on it quite tightly, and then let the roll unfold a little and glue the edge to its base.
    3. At the heart of the snowflake there will be one round element and six drop-shaped rolls. To get an element in the form of a drop, you need to lightly squeeze one edge of the round roll with your fingers. We connect the structure with glue.
    4. Now add six eye-shaped rolls to the base. We will also make them from round rolls, but already flattening both edges with our fingers. Glue the "eyes" between the drops according to the pattern below.
    5. Now we need small rolls, so we fold the standard strip in half and cut it into two parts. From each small strip we twist a small round roll. To begin with, you need six pieces of such elements.
    6. Glue small rolls along the edges of the elements in the form of a cat's eye.
    7. We twist six standard large rolls.
    8. We glue them to the drop-shaped elements, as shown in the diagram below.
    9. Now we need six square rolls. We will form them from standard round ones, slightly flattening the sides into a square shape.
    10. We glue the squares to large round elements, after turning them over into the shape of rhombuses.
    11. It remains to twist a large round roll according to the standard scheme and glue it to the top of our craft. Let the snowflake dry completely and thread the thread through a large roll. Ready!

    How to cut a New Year's snowflake 2017 out of paper with your own hands, diagrams and templates

    The easiest way to make a DIY Christmas snowflake is to cut it out of paper according to ready template or schema. So simple yet very beautiful snowflake with their own hands are available primarily for children's creativity. However, there are quite complex schemes with which you can make even large and voluminous decorative snowflakes, which, in their originality, will not be inferior to origami or quilling crafts. Do you want to learn how to cut a beautiful Christmas snowflake out of paper with your own hands? Then a selection of photo templates and schemes for adults and children, as well as video tutorials, you will find below.