
Presentation on the origin of the New Year tree. Classroom hour in elementary school with a presentation. Holiday history New Year. Christmas tree …


The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree and New Year came to us from ancient times and is associated with the cult (veneration) of greenery. In Greece and Rome, houses were decorated with green branches with the onset of the new year. They were believed to bring health and happiness in the coming year. In Europe, during the period of complete extinction of nature, much attention was paid to the symbols of its revival. At first, these were branches of plums, apple trees and cherries, which were placed in the water in advance. But they did not always bloom, so evergreens were preferred.

The custom of decorating trees existed among our ancestors even before the onset of a new era. In those days, it was believed that good and evil spirits found shelter in the branches of trees, and in order to negotiate with them, they brought gifts, hanging them on the branches.

The Christmas tree was first decorated in the 16th century. in Germany. In England, France, Germany, there is a legend about how Martin Luther (the founder of Lutheranism, translator of the Bible into German) returned home on the night before Christmas (1513). He was amazed at the beauty of the starry sky, it seemed to him that the branches of a tree were also decorated with stars. Arriving home, he hung stars and candles on the tree.

There is another legend. According to her, after the birth of Jesus Christ, all living beings, including plants, came to worship him. Each one carried his gifts to the Christ child.

A beautiful palm tree and a fragrant olive tree decided to please the Savior with patterned lush foliage and a sweet aroma. Both trees were proud and vied with each other to boast of their gifts to each other. This conversation was heard by the Christmas tree. She also wanted to give something. And the stately trees laughed at her: "What can you give besides resin and thorny needles?"

Herringbone was modest, she stepped aside and wept bitterly with hot resinous tears. At that moment, an angel noticed her and, taking pity on the little Christmas tree, made her a wonderful gift. Having collected the most beautiful lights in the sky, he dressed thorny branches with them, and our modest woman appeared before the Savior in a bright multi-colored outfit.

Since then, the tree has been considered a symbol of Christmas.

Soon after Germany, other countries began to decorate the Christmas tree. In England, in 1841, a decree was issued by Queen Victoria allowing the celebration of the New Year with a decorated Christmas tree. And the first tree was installed on the square in front of the royal palace.

In France, the tree appeared at the court of King Louis-Philippe, who installed it at the request of his daughter-in-law, by birth German.

There is a legend that in the United States more than two hundred years ago, President George Washington celebrated the New Year with a Christmas tree decorated with toys brought from Germany.

In Russia, the first New Year's celebration took place in Moscow in honor of the new 1700. But in 1918 it was forbidden to celebrate the New Year, and the tradition of dressing up a beauty returned after 17 years.

In tropical countries, Christmas trees were made of plywood and decorated with rice straws.

In Australia and New Zealand, January is a summer month, here they use a local tree, metrosideros, covered with scarlet flowers as a Christmas tree. In Cuba, spruce is replaced by palm or pine trees. And in Nicaragua - the branches of a coffee tree with red fruits.

The history of the New Year tree. Christmas tree an integral attribute of celebrating the New Year in Russia. In most countries of the world, the tree is an attribute of the celebration of Christmas (Christmas tree). The Christmas tree is a coniferous tree. In Europe, it is predominantly fir, while spruce or pine are alternatives in Russia, decorated with garlands, glass and plastic toys, candles and sweets.

A spruce is installed during the New Year holiday in houses or on the street. A Christmas or New Year tree is a form of displaying one of the ancient symbols of humanity, the World Tree, the Cosmic Axis, which is especially common among Indo-European peoples. Already in our era in Europe at Christmas they began to decorate the fir tree: apples, cookies, lighted candles.

There is a version that the first New Year tree was erected on the square of the city of Celeste in Alsace in 1521. The first Christmas tree toy glass bowl appeared in Saxony in the 16th century. The custom of celebrating the New Year was brought to Russia by Peter I from Germany; the first New Year holidays in Russia were arranged, according to the tsar's decree, beginning in 1700. The custom of celebrating Christmas with a Christmas tree was finally established in the middle of the 19th century.

In 1927, during the anti-religious campaign that began, Christmas ceases to be an official holiday and the Christmas tree has been declared a "religious relic". However, before the onset of 1936, on the initiative of Pavel Postyshev, the tree was again allowed as a New Year tree.

Initially (in accordance with the Christian legend about Saint Boniface, who predicted that the "fir of Christianity" will grow on the roots of a felled pagan oak), and in most cases nowadays, fir is the Christmas tree in Europe. Spruce is the most similar substitute in the absence of a "real" tree. Spruce is rarely used for Christmas trees in the Western Hemisphere (both Americas are dominated by a Christian population and the tradition of Christmas trees is widespread), where the "Christmas fir" is sometimes replaced by a pine that has longer needles, that is, more "fluffy".

One of the main disadvantages of spruce as a festive tree can be called rapid sprinkling when it dries, which is why it ceases to be a symbol eternal life... Due to the unavailability of fir in central and western Russia, a similar spruce (in former times mainly European / Norwegian spruce, which is still the cheapest "Christmas tree") has become practically the only tree during the Christmas holidays.

On New Years, the house was decorated with branches of plums, apple trees and cherries, which were placed in the water so that they would bloom for Christmas. Peter I made an attempt to instill in Russia, among other German customs, the decoration of houses spruce branches, but this was not successful. A public Christmas tree in the capital (St. Petersburg) was arranged only in 1852. For comparison: in France in 1840, in England in 1841. This was due to the "import" of noble German brides (and grooms) from small German principalities, who, upon arrival, started their own orders at the European royal courts. (From Wikipedia)

The tradition of celebrating the New Year with a Christmas tree appeared in Russia, as already mentioned, during the reign of Peter I. On December 15, 1699, under a drum beat, the tsar's clerk announced to the people the will of the tsar: that, as a sign of a good beginning and the beginning of a new century, after thanksgiving to God and prayer singing in the church, it was ordered “along the large passable streets, and noble people in front of the gates to make some decoration from the trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper.

And for poor people (i.e., poor), though on a tree or a branch above the gate to put. And so that it ripens by the 1st of 1700 of this year; and to stand that decoration of January (i.e. January) on the 7th of the same year. On the first day, as a sign of joy, congratulate each other on the New Year, and do this when the fiery fun begins on Red Square and there will be shooting. "

After the death of Peter I, they stopped erecting Christmas trees. Only the owners of taverns decorated their houses with them, and these trees stood in taverns all year round, hence their name "fir-stick". New Year's festivities and the tradition of putting up Christmas trees were revived under Catherine II. And they began to decorate the Christmas trees only in the middle of the 19th century.

In the old days, the tree was decorated with various delicacies: nuts in a bright wrapper, sweets and even vegetables. Wax candles burned on the branches, which then gave way to electric garlands. And shiny balls appeared relatively recently, about a hundred years ago.

The New Year tree is an attribute of the New Year celebration in Russia, in many countries of the world. New Years of Russia New Years of Russia A tree is an attribute of the celebration of Christmas. The Christmas tree is a coniferous tree decorated with garlands, glass and plastic toys, candles and sweets. Installed at the time of the New Year holiday in homes or on the street. The Christmas tree is an attribute of the celebration of Christmas. The Christmas tree is a coniferous tree decorated with garlands, glass and plastic toys, candles and sweets. Installed at the time of the New Year holiday in homes or on the street. Christmas

Story o Christmas or New Year tree is a display form the oldest symbol humanity of the World Tree, especially widespread among Indo-European peoples. Already in our era in Europe at Christmas they began to decorate the fir tree: apples, cookies, lighted candles. World Tree Indo-European World Tree Indo-European

There is a version that the first New Year tree was erected on the square of the city of Celeste in Alsace in 1521. The first Christmas tree decoration, a glass ball, appeared in Saxony in the 16th century, 1521, the 16th century, 1521, the 16th century. Peter I brought the custom of celebrating the New Year to Russia from Germany; the first New Year holidays in Russia were arranged, according to the tsar's decree, in 1700. The custom of celebrating Christmas with a Christmas tree was finally established in the middle of the 19th century. The custom of celebrating the New Year was brought to Russia by Peter I from Germany; the first New Year holidays in Russia were arranged, according to the tsar's decree, in 1700. The custom of celebrating Christmas with a Christmas tree was finally established in the middle of the 19th century. Peter I1700 XIX century Peter I1700 XIX century

The New Year tree also denotes a festive event, a concert at which the New Year is celebrated. For the first time, holidays for children in the Kremlin with this name began to be held during the reign of Stalin on New Year 1935, when the custom, which had previously been persecuted by the Soviet authorities as "religious", was officially restored. The New Year tree also denotes a festive event, a concert at which the New Year is celebrated. For the first time, holidays for children in the Kremlin with this name began to be held during the reign of Stalin on New Year 1935, when the custom, which had previously been persecuted by the Soviet authorities as "religious", was officially restored. Stalin 1935 Stalin 1935 Nowadays, the Christmas tree is organized everywhere. Nowadays, the Christmas tree is organized everywhere.

Some models unusual Christmas trees! Knitted tree Knitted tree Giant Christmas tree 10 meters high is made of several thousand knitted sweater sleeves. The top is topped with a knitted white angel. This giant Christmas tree, 10 meters high, is made from several thousand knitted sweater sleeves. The top is topped with a knitted white angel. About a thousand craftswomen from Great Britain, aged 4 to 96 years, worked to create the Christmas tree. They sent their knitting at the request of a charitable organization. The tree helped raise several thousand dollars. About a thousand craftswomen from Great Britain, aged 4 to 96 years, worked to create the Christmas tree. They sent their knitting at the request of a charitable organization. The tree helped raise several thousand dollars.

Mountain Dew Tree Mountain Dew Tree It took a fan of his three months to create a tree from cans of drink. That was how long he had to drink soda to accumulate enough cans. The editing took four days. The red and green signature range of Mountain Dew perfectly matches the generally accepted New Year colors, and the lights of the Christmas tree garland are beautifully reflected from the metal sides of empty containers. It took his fan three months to create a Christmas tree from cans of the drink. That was how long he had to drink soda to accumulate enough cans. The editing took four days. The red and green signature range of Mountain Dew perfectly matches the generally accepted New Year colors, and the lights of the Christmas tree garland are beautifully reflected from the metal sides of empty containers.

O Pumpkin tree o Tokyo Disneyland attraction inspired by The Nightmare Before Christmas. Have created a pumpkin tree with faces that are indispensable for Halloween. Thus, the two holidays were mixed, and the "Christmas tree" turned out to be memorable.

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The New Year tree is an essential attribute of celebrating the New Year of Russia. In most countries of the world, the tree is an attribute of the celebration of Christmas. The Christmas tree is a coniferous tree decorated with garlands, glass and plastic toys, candles and sweets. Installed at the time of the New Year holiday in homes or on the street.

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A bit of history The first Christmas tree was installed in Riga. This is evidenced by documents found in the Riga archives and the world's oldest Christmas tree decoration. The date of birth of the Christmas tree can be considered 1510.

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New Year tree ... A New Year tree can also mean a festive event - a concert (most often for children) at which the New Year is celebrated. With the advent of the television era, the New Year tree began to refer to some of the festive television programs that were broadcast during the New Year celebrations.

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A bit of history For the first time, holidays for children with such a name began to be held in the Kremlin on New Year 1935. Initially, these celebrations were held for a small circle of children. But over time, all over Russia, on the eve of the New Year holiday and for some time after, they began to hold many festive concerts for children with the unchanging characters Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

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The custom of decorating a Christmas tree By the early 17th century, the custom of decorating a Christmas tree had become fashionable. In 1815, toys made of wood, tin and tin appeared on the forest beauty. Craftsmen gilded fir cones, empty eggshells were covered with a thin layer of hammered brass. Fashion has changed. Multicolored lanterns and baskets began to be brought from the Asian hinterlands to Europe.

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The custom of decorating a Christmas tree But the fantasy of German glassblowers was ahead of everyone: birds, Santa Clauses, jugs, cones, fragile amphorae and flutes ... Women painted items with gold and silver dust. A bright, all in toys, New Year tree, so popular until 1900, at the turn of the century began to be considered a sign of bad taste, it was supplanted by a strict one, stylish tree in silvery white tones.

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Interesting Facts An interesting fact is that Christmas decorations, history, politics and art are linked. You can “read” the history of the country using toys. For the anniversary of Pushkin, sets of toys with images of heroes from the poet's works were released. During the Great Patriotic War, the most popular toys were parachutists.

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Interesting facts During the time of Stalin - Christmas tree hockey players and circus characters. During the Khrushchev era - vegetables and fruits. In the 60s - watches, astronauts, corn, Chipollino. In the 80s - athletes.

Natalia Kuznetsova
Presentation "The Story of the New Year Tree"

On shaggy, prickly paws

The tree brings to the house smell:

The smell of heated pine needles,

The smell of freshness and wind

And a snowy forest

And the barely audible smell of summer.

Y. Shcherbakov

Now we cannot imagine meeting New years without its symbol - fluffy evergreen beauties ate. It is installed in every home, decorated with toys, tinsel and garlands. The fragrant smell of fresh needles, the taste of tangerines - this is what is associated with New Year's celebration ... Children find their gifts under the tree. Round dances and songs are performed around her at matinees. But this has not been the case at all times.

Where did it come from in Russia Christmas tree? -

Our ancestors believed that all trees are alive, that spirits live in them. There was such custom: at the end of December, people went to the forest, chose the most fluffy and tall tree, decorated it with colorful ribbons and made various offerings. Then they danced around and sang ritual songs. Ancient Slavs instead Christmas trees dressed up oak or birch.

Once on Christmas night, a poor lumberjack sheltered a lost in the forest little boy... He warmed, fed and left the lost child to spend the night. The next morning, the boy disappeared, and instead of himself left a small coniferous tree at the door. Since then, spruce has become the main Christmas attribute.

The custom of planting a Christmas tree appeared in the country during the reign of Peter I.

The Russian tsar issued a decree that the nobility should decorate their homes with pine and juniper trees and branches before Christmas. January 1 was also commanded to launch rockets, arrange fireworks and decorate the buildings of the capital with coniferous branches.

V different times and Christmas trees were decorated in different ways: first with fruits, natural and artificial flowers. Later decoration became fabulous: gilded cones, surprise boxes, sweets, nuts and burning Christmas candles. Soon, toys made by their own by hand: children and adults made them from wax, cardboard, cotton wool and foil. And at the end of the 19th century, wax candles were replaced by electric garlands.

Now Christmas trees installed in all large areas. In our country, the largest new year the tree is the Kremlin tree in Moscow

Christmas tree (excerpt)

Shaggy branches bend

Down to the heads of children;

The rich beads shine

Overflow of lights;

Ball after ball is hiding

And star by star

Light threads roll

Like golden rain.

Play, have fun

Children gathered here

And you, spruce-beauty,

They sing their song.

And, sparkling, sways

Christmas tree lush dress.

R. Kudasheva

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Christmas tree (the game)

There is one game for you:

I'll start poetry now.

I'll start and you finish!

Answer in chorus.

It's snowing in the yard

The holiday is coming soon.

New Year!

The needles glow softly

The coniferous spirit is coming.

From Christmas trees!

The branches rustle faintly

The beads are bright.


And toys swing -

Flags, stars,.


Threads of variegated tinsel

Bells ,.

Fragile fish figures,

Birds, skiers,.

Snow Maidens!

Whitebeard and red nose

Under the branches.

Father Frost!

And decorating the top,

It shines there as always

Very bright, large,


Well, the tree is just a marvel!

How smart, how.


Here they lit up on it -

Hundreds of tiny ones.

E. Blaginina

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