
The conspiracies of the Siberian healer professional recession. Conspiracies of the healer Stepanova for love. Storm on the sea, misery to the world


Many people want to find their happiness, and therefore they resort to the help of prayers and conspiracies. Magic helped someone get a job, someone was cured of a terrible disease. We recommend conspiracies Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova to read without fail. The books of this healer contain the best rituals used by our ancestors for centuries.

During her career, the healer Stepanova has collected seven thousand spells of various levels of complexity. All the healer's books are in the public domain for free, but they will take a long time to read. After reading all the materials on the topic, we decided to highlight among the found most effective conspiracies. The result of the research is in front of you.

The most famous book of the witch is "7000 conspiracies of the Siberian healer." This is where we got most of the useful information, including conspiracies from cancer. The book includes not only seven thousand useful spells, but also tips on the use of magical artifacts. In ritual activities, you may need:

  • wedding candles;
  • new pins;
  • hare's foot;
  • dried willow;
  • sewing needles;
  • red threads;
  • incense;
  • pieces of aspen;
  • magnet.

The conspiracies of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova have an important feature - they are associated with primordially Slavic traditions. Therefore, in rituals, spider legs, grave sticks, horns, brooms and eggshell. About 1000 rituals involve the active use of the mentioned artifacts.

The magical power of herbs

Healers have a custom of incanting forest herbs collected during major religious holidays. Siberian witch Stepanova went further - she collects herbs that initially have magical properties. Here's what her book recommends:

  • black elderberry (divided into seven parts, helps with dropsy);
  • swamp pigeon (helps against a bear on a hunt);
  • the lure is high (great for dryers);
  • centaury (a good talisman for gaining wealth);
  • Odolen-grass (helps against cancer);
  • rue (gathered in late autumn, an effective amulet that protects you from witchcraft).

The book "7000 conspiracies of the Siberian healer" also mentions sphagnum, thorn-tree and mountain ephedra. Something is used against the offender, something helps from neglected diseases. Celandine helps to win in court, tricolor violet will fit for love spells. When you read the book, many things will fall into place.

money magic

Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna is a prominent specialist in the field of money magic. To improve financial well-being, the healer has an extensive arsenal of spells. Here are the things you can talk about:

  • coins;
  • water;
  • herbs and salt;
  • wallet;
  • poppy seeds.

It is better to create conspiracies by Natalia Stepanova during the period of the full moon and the growing moon. A wasteful month is banned - any ritual will entail tangible monetary losses. Stepanov connects most of the conspiracies with Orthodox traditions.

Debt repayment

Debts that you do not want to return, significantly hit your pocket. Find an aspen tree in the nearby forest and cast the return spell three times. Break off a branch and hide it under your own threshold. Spell text:

“Aspen leaves are shaking, and God’s servant (name of the debtor) has a heart pounding from an unpaid debt. Shrink, grieve and flutter. You will shake and beat until the money returns to my wallet. As I say, so be it. Amen".

money talisman

With the help of some conspiracies from Stepanova, you can make witchcraft paraphernalia. For the ritual, you will need matches and a wax candle. Procedure:

  1. Remove the wick from the candle.
  2. Now you need to set fire to the wick from both sides (for this we prepared matches).
  3. Cast a spell.
  4. Extinguish the wick and hide the rest in your wallet.
  5. Carry a wealth-attracting talisman with you at all times.

Spell text: “Fire is eternal, my spirit is marked by it. I light the wick, I attract wealth to my house. From now on, both gold and silver, all kinds of good will flow to me. I found an eternal source of well-being. Amen".

Ritual on the 13th

When Natalya Stepanova wrote "7000 conspiracies", there was a place for a powerful ritual with candles. This ceremony is done in any month, the main thing is that the 13th day is on the calendar. Before mass, visit the temple and purchase 13 thin candles. The change must be exchanged for small coins.

Candles should be placed opposite the icons of the 13 apostles. After leaving the temple, go home and scatter change on the floor of one of the rooms. Guests and household members should not observe your actions and ask any questions. Further algorithm of actions:

  1. Coins should lie on the floor all night.
  2. In the morning, the change is collected and folded into a handkerchief.
  3. The fabric is tied with a strong knot and hidden under the bed.
  4. The spell is being read.
  5. After that, you can comb your hair, clean yourself up and drink a cup of tea.
  6. Soon, cash flows will go to your home.

Conspiracy text: “Thirteen apostles look at me from heaven, attract good luck and prosperity to the house. I scatter money in the evening, I reap the fruits in the morning. Amen".

Rituals to attract good luck

Sometimes seven troubles pile up at the same time, making it difficult to find spiritual harmony. How to find a way out of the impasse, restore the balance of power, attract success? To do this, you need a pin bought on the new moon. Procedure:

  1. Go to the stationery store and buy a pin there.
  2. It is forbidden to take change (you can immediately count the required amount to the seller).
  3. In the temple, buy a wax white candle.
  4. Now go home and retire to a separate room.
  5. Light a candle, pick up a pin.
  6. Read the plot.

After the end of the ritual, the pin is placed on the windowsill. Make sure the artifact is well lit by moonlight. In the morning, attach the talisman to a chain and hang it around your neck (always keep it with you). Spell text:

“The moon is born, its mighty power wakes up. The stars will not part with the month, and luck will never leave God's servant (your name). The pin is bathed in moonlight, and I will bathe in success and joy. I lock it with a key, I put a strong word on it. Amen".

Banishing Troubles

It also happens that ill-wishers sent problems to you. Stepanova suggests using protective spells along with millet in such cases. Feed millet to chickens or sparrows, make sure they peck everything. After that, whisper the plot:

“As millet disappears in the stomachs of birds, so seven troubles leave my doorstep. All of this is happening now and going on indefinitely. The saints help me. As I say, so everything will happen. Amen".

love rites

Many conspiracies of the Siberian healer Natalia are focused on gaining simple female happiness. The rite below can also be found in the texts of the sorcerer Semenov. This is a very peculiar ritual associated with a gift to your chosen one. Procedure:

  1. Wait for the occasion to present the gift (February 23, birthday, New Year).
  2. Go to the temple, buy a candle there.
  3. Now you need to defend the service (take the candle stub with you).
  4. Get spring water and fill a glass with it.
  5. Light the cinder, put a box with a gift next to it.
  6. Cast a spell.

After whispering the magic words, you need to cleanse yourself. To do this, say "Our Father" three times. You need to drink water, and bring a gift to your chosen one. Spell text:

“Magic stub, strengthen my gift. I will go to my man, I will carry gifts, I will make a cherished wish. As God's servant (name of the betrothed) takes the box, he will give his heart to me forever. I lock it, I lock it with a key. Amen".

Lapel from the homeowner

Registration of marriage does not save your family from the machinations of insidious rivals. If the husband began to cheat on you and is ready to leave for another woman, you should use magical tricks. Rise at night (at three in the morning), turn to the east and say the incantation text:

“Evil and heartless spirits, terrible night creatures, go to the porch of God's servant (name of the rival). Remove the amulets from my rival, let her become like yellow foliage. Let it turn yellow and dry, be silent like a fish. Let her tongue stutter, her fingers begin to dig into her nose. As soon as he sees my betrothed, he will grow stupid with his mind and instantly grow old. Let my husband disdain (the name of the homeowner), turn him away from the bed, the voice of the wicked will become disgusted. Their paths cannot cross, table and bed cannot be shared, little children cannot be baptized. There is no hindrance to my work. Amen".

Saved from cancer

In Natalia Stepanova, the conspiracies of Siberian healers have a special power, capable of treating serious diseases. To get rid of a cancerous tumor, you need to get three apples and roll out the problem area with them in turn. Apples should be like this:

  • wormy;
  • good (medium quality);
  • poured and strong, pleasing to the eye.

Rolling out the tumor with each apple in turn, it is necessary to repeat the text of the spell. After that, the apples are buried in fresh manure where no one will ever dig them up. When the patient is completely healed, forget about the ritual (observe the regime of eternal silence). The conspiracy is this:

“I twist the disease, roll it up, wrap it around a magic apple. You, child of original sin, helped Eve to accept human suffering. So help me now to get rid of cancer. Amen".

How to talk a baby for longevity

Part of the conspiracies of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova should be read not at home, but on miles of roads. In the old days, healers measured newborns with black threads, after which they looked for the nearest milestone. The thread was wound around a pole (now you can use a road kilometer sign), after which a conspiracy was whispered:

“God's servant (baby's name) will live as many years as there are pillars along the road. As long as people use the path, no one can interrupt my words. I lock it with a key, I fasten the power of the conspiracy with my tongue. Amen".

Removing the generational curse

Natalya Stepanova wrote "Conspiracies of a Siberian Healer" for a long time, drop by drop collecting folk wisdom. It soon became clear that most of the misfortunes are the result of induced damage. Sometimes you have to remove a family curse made several centuries ago. Here is one such ritual:

  1. Look for a coffin in the cemetery, in which the unbaptized dead is buried.
  2. Approach the dead man on the left.
  3. Take a position at the head of the grave.
  4. Look where the conditional chest of the dead man is.
  5. Say the spell three times.

It is not always possible to calculate a suitable grave, so you can show up for someone's funeral. In this case, you probably know where the heart of the unbaptized dead man beat. Spell text:

“Your heart has stopped, your ears have stopped hearing, your eyes have frozen forever, there is no breathing. Mortal damage, leave the body of God's servant (the name of the spoken), stop tormenting his flesh. Go to this dead man. Fourty days will pass but the wicked will not go to heaven. Do not open heavenly and hellish doors to this dead man, and you (name) do not die from a generic curse. The sun and moon roll across the sky, my work is done. Everything to be as I said. I seal the agreement with a lock, seal it with blood and a key. Amen".

We make a charm from ill-wishers

You will need loose gray poppy, which is purchased at the store without change. Thanking the seller for the purchase is also impossible. After whispering magic words, poppy crumbles at the threshold of your home - this is the amulet. The spelling text looks like this:

“I have a red sun behind me and a young month. I will tie up the night stars, they will stand before my eyes. Roll out, poppy, protect me from any adversary. From now on I am not afraid of anyone, I will rely on the magical power of poppy seeds. Enemies will scatter, they will not be able to harm my loved ones. Amen".

How to heal a drunkard

Natalya Stepanova has developed many effective conspiracies against alcoholism. One of the rituals involves collecting dust from four churchyards. Important point: dust should be looked for at the crossroads of cemeteries. There are other points, the observance of which plays an important role:

  • after collecting the dust, you must again go to the cemetery;
  • dust is poured onto the grave (the name of the deceased must match the name of the person being spoken to);
  • magic happens on men's days (if the alcoholic is a man);
  • on the way home you can not turn around;
  • talking to strangers is also not recommended;
  • you can strengthen the ritual with the help of a photograph of an alcoholic (it is placed on a tombstone).

The text of the plot: “You, the dead man, will not be able to get up, you are not destined to walk along the roads and crossroads. So God's servant (the name of the patient) will stop drinking alcohol, he will not yearn for his habit. God's servant (the name of the spoken) will refuse the hop forever. Crossroads are my witnesses. Amen".

As you can see, the witch Stepanova has magical solutions for all occasions. The Siberian healer will help in the fight against damage, enemies and addictions. With the help of 7000 conspiracies, you will gain wealth, love and happiness. But remember the consequences - sometimes they are terrible.

It's important to know!

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Short stories of readers about the experience of reading books by Natalia Stepanova (1)
How the conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova affected me ( Nastya, 18 years old)
How I practiced according to the "Big Book of Magic" by Natalia Stepanova ( Elena, 24 years old)
Natalya Stepanova made my child disabled ( Nina Kuzminova, 35 years old)
Natalia Stepanova: myth or reality? ( )
I took the books of Natalia Stepanova to the trash ( Apolinaria, 19 years old)
Is the healer Natalya Stepanova really a Christian? ( )
Books of conspiracies by Natalia Stepanova in my life (1) ( Elena Korableva, 22 years old)
Books of conspiracies by Natalia Stepanova in my life (2) ( Elena Korableva, 22 years old)
Books by Natalia Stepanova evoke night guests ( Marina Knyazeva, 18 years old)

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

7000 conspiracies of the Siberian healer


Everything that I can, everything that I know and can do, I will gradually pass on to you with the generosity of the heart of a loving mother.

By studying my books, you will learn to protect yourself and your loved ones from enemies visible and invisible: a thief will not touch your good, witchcraft will be repelled by you, your family will be friendly, no rival will be able to seduce the heart of your spouse.

Not only will you be able to manage the event, but you will always emerge victorious from any seemingly hopeless situation.

The book, as always, gives proven advice on the treatment of various diseases.

I give specific examples from which it will be clear to you how to act in certain situations, how and when to read conspiracy words.

This issue contains truthful and incredible stories readers, which can be a lesson to you, to warn against making tragic mistakes.

Everyone who completes my course of study to the end will receive truly unique knowledge.

I will teach you to read fate by the stars, to see the past and the future on the water, to correctly and safely refract the Looking Glass in order to see what the invisible veil of our dimension hides. In the mirror and on the water you can see the other world, call the soul of a person, both living and gone to the beyond.

If any of you are not entirely clear about what I'm talking about, please be patient. Study my books and have no doubt: I will keep my word and reveal to you all the knowledge that I have.

Getting through to me is more difficult than writing, and negotiations are expensive, sometimes the time difference fails.

Write to me and I will definitely answer everyone. If you have a really serious problem, be sure to indicate what religion you have, since for Muslims, conspiracies and prayers are somewhat different from Christian ones.

I thank everyone who congratulates me on the holidays. It always worries me a lot. I sincerely pray for everyone who responds to someone else's misfortune. It is gratifying to read the letters of people who ask not only for themselves, but also for strangers. After all, the Lord Himself said: a merciful heart will be received with mercy.

Yours Natalya Ivanovna


Items and herbs necessary for the master white magic

At good master there should always be objects, herbs, hiding places, etc., that may be needed to treat the patient.

I will write here at what time what needs to be mined and what to use, and you, if necessary, try to save it all. Give yourself a place in the house where you will store everything. It's a good idea to sign the boxes so you don't forget what's in it and for how long. You will know what to take where.

You need:

pins new ones: from memory loss, from drowsiness, from seizures, etc. They are pinned to the patient’s clothes from the inside out with the words:

Carry your health with you.

wedding candle - it is used to treat hysterics, that is, spoiled ones. Usually they are reprimanded in the church, but even this does not help. It is more correct to treat with a wedding candle. But getting such a candle is not easy, since not every newlywed will give their candles after the wedding to someone unknown. Still, you need to try to get wedding candles, they treat a lot.

Willow - dried from Palm Sunday. Treat with slander, asphyxia, spoilage, sexual impotence, etc.

Verbena sacred - if you bring it to a house where they are at enmity, with the words:

How Palm Sunday was and is, so the peace in this house is restored - enmity will disappear.

Hair from a stallion it is known that black-book masters spoil a man with gelding hair. To fix this, you need to have hair from a stallion. Usually they put hair into shorts along with an elastic band with the words:

Was a gelding, became a stallion.

Let the corrupted wear hair from the new moon to the full moon.

Hare's foot - for the wandering spouse. The paw obtained in the spring is placed under the feather bed (mattress), where the spouses sleep, with the words: The hare ran away, and you are in your family.

dried frog - hang the frog on Ivan Kupala until it dries up. It is used in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis; dropsy; wine drinking; greed; when you need to remove dry skin.

See incantations and spells in my books.

Raisin grains - remove the pits from 12 raisins and tidy. They treat toothache, headache, etc. The bones are placed in the pocket of the patient with the words:

They were taken out and the pain was taken out of the body.

Teeth from the jaw of a dead animal found in the forest - they are used to speak, to “bite” a hernia, as well as from animal bites, squabbles between spouses, from a wolf’s mouth. (Slanders are in my books.)

Needles that were not sewn - remove damage. They open the package with new needles and, no matter how many there are, make a stitch on the patient’s clothes with each needle, saying:

You embroidered it, I'll sew it.

Stones from the stomach of birds - if, while gutting chickens, you find pebbles in the stomach, clean them up. They are needed in the treatment of paralysis. Let the patient walk along one floorboard, and you throw these stones after him and say:

Food was ground with these stones, and I will grind the disease and pray to the Lord. Amen.

A spool of red threads - they tie a finger on the left hand with a thread with the words: Although the thread is long, someday the spool will be empty, and the disease will leave the servant of God (name). Amen.

ball of wool - woolen threads a lot of things are treated, starting from a simple - “developed” hand and ending with the removal of vein damage.

Kolyadnoye - this is what carolers will sprinkle at Christmas time in your house: millet, rice, cereals, etc. Remove all this before the time, it will come in handy in the treatment of the evil eye, spoilage, faces, etc.

Red patch - just like black, should always have in your home. Red and black fabrics are used to treat erysipelas, ulcers and childhood seizures.

Krushina - twigs, bark are stored at home. It is known that the buckthorn served to weave the crown of thorns of Christ the Savior. Since then, Christ has rewarded her with the ability to heal from fear. She is placed under the bed of a man who is tormented by nightmares. Helps children with fear of the dark.

Everything that I can, everything that I know and can do, I will gradually pass on to you with the generosity of the heart of a loving mother.

By studying my books, you will learn to protect yourself and your loved ones from enemies visible and invisible: a thief will not touch your good, witchcraft will be repelled by you, your family will be friendly, no rival will be able to seduce the heart of your spouse.

Not only will you be able to manage the event, but you will always emerge victorious from any seemingly hopeless situation.

The book, as always, gives proven advice on the treatment of various diseases.

I give specific examples from which it will be clear to you how to act in certain situations, how and when to read conspiracy words.

This issue contains true and incredible stories from readers that can be a lesson for you, warn against making tragic mistakes.

Everyone who completes my course of study to the end will receive truly unique knowledge.

I will teach you to read fate by the stars, to see the past and the future on the water, to correctly and safely refract the Looking Glass in order to see what the invisible veil of our dimension hides. In the mirror and on the water you can see the other world, call the soul of a person, both living and gone to the beyond.

If any of you are not entirely clear about what I'm talking about, please be patient. Study my books and have no doubt: I will keep my word and reveal to you all the knowledge that I have.

Getting through to me is more difficult than writing, and negotiations are expensive, sometimes the time difference fails.

Write to me and I will definitely answer everyone. If you have a really serious problem, be sure to indicate what religion you have, since for Muslims, conspiracies and prayers are somewhat different from Christian ones.

I thank everyone who congratulates me on the holidays. It always worries me a lot. I sincerely pray for everyone who responds to someone else's misfortune. It is gratifying to read the letters of people who ask not only for themselves, but also for strangers. After all, the Lord Himself said: a merciful heart will be received with mercy.

Yours Natalya Ivanovna


Items and herbs needed by a master of white magic

A good master should always have items, herbs, hiding places, etc., which may be needed to treat the patient.

I will write here at what time what needs to be mined and what to use, and you, if necessary, try to save it all. Give yourself a place in the house where you will store everything.

It's a good idea to sign the boxes so you don't forget what's in it and for how long. You will know what to take where.

You need:

pins new ones: from memory loss, from drowsiness, from seizures, etc. They are pinned to the patient’s clothes from the inside out with the words:

Carry your health with you.

wedding candle - it is used to treat hysterics, that is, spoiled ones. Usually they are reprimanded in the church, but even this does not help. It is more correct to treat with a wedding candle. But getting such a candle is not easy, since not every newlywed will give their candles after the wedding to someone unknown. Still, you need to try to get wedding candles, they treat a lot.

Willow - dried from Palm Sunday. Treat with slander, asphyxia, spoilage, sexual impotence, etc.

Verbena sacred - if you bring it to a house where they are at enmity, with the words:

As Palm Sunday was and is, so peace has been restored in this house - enmity will disappear.

Hair from a stallion it is known that black-book masters spoil a man with gelding hair. To fix this, you need to have hair from a stallion. Usually they put hair into shorts along with an elastic band with the words:

Was a gelding, became a stallion.

Let the corrupted wear hair from the new moon to the full moon.

Hare's foot - for the wandering spouse. The paw obtained in the spring is placed under the feather bed (mattress), where the spouses sleep, with the words: The hare ran away, and you are in your family.

dried frog - hang the frog on Ivan Kupala until it dries up. It is used in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis; dropsy; wine drinking; greed; when you need to remove dry skin.

See incantations and spells in my books.

Raisin grains - remove the pits from 12 raisins and tidy. They treat toothache, headache, etc. The bones are placed in the pocket of the patient with the words:

They were taken out and the pain was taken out of the body.

Teeth from the jaw of a dead animal found in the forest - they are used to speak, to “bite” a hernia, as well as from animal bites, squabbles between spouses, from a wolf’s mouth. (Slanders are in my books.)

Needles that were not sewn - remove damage. They open the package with new needles and, no matter how many there are, make a stitch on the patient’s clothes with each needle, saying:

You embroidered it, I'll sew it.

Stones from the stomach of birds - if, while gutting chickens, you find pebbles in the stomach, clean them up. They are needed in the treatment of paralysis. Let the patient walk along one floorboard, and you throw these stones after him and say:

Food was ground with these stones, and I will grind the disease and pray to the Lord. Amen.

A spool of red threads - they tie a finger on the left hand with a thread with the words: Although the thread is long, someday the spool will be empty, and the disease will leave the servant of God (name). Amen.

ball of wool - many things are treated with woolen threads, ranging from a simple - “developed” hand to the removal of vein damage.

Kolyadnoye - this is what carolers will sprinkle at Christmas time in your house: millet, rice, cereals, etc. Remove all this before the time, it will come in handy in the treatment of the evil eye, spoilage, faces, etc.

Red patch - just like black, should always have in your home. Red and black fabrics are used to treat erysipelas, ulcers and childhood seizures.

Krushina - twigs, bark are stored at home. It is known that the buckthorn served to weave the crown of thorns of Christ the Savior. Since then, Christ has rewarded her with the ability to heal from fear. She is placed under the bed of a man who is tormented by nightmares. Helps children with fear of the dark.

Pieces of aspen are scattered in pockets from damage, the evil eye, with the words: As no one counts the poppy, so no one will spoil the servant of God.

Frankincense - buy in the church. You will find cases in white magic when it must be used.

Paws of a forest spider stored in a penicillin vial for the treatment of joint pain. Burn candles on the flame with the words:

Like a spider, the legs do not hurt, and how true that they are now burning, so that they do not hurt, the legs of the servant of God (name). Amen.

Magnet - many treat their head and much more. Apply to a sore spot and say:

As a stone attracts iron to itself, so let the disease take over.

bear ears(grass) - harvest on the full moon in August. Helps with uterine bleeding, erosion, heartache, etc.

Chalk - draw a circle during treatment.

Melissa officinalis - collect it on Ivanov's day. They give it to those who are tormented by fears to carry it with them.

fly, fallen asleep in the fall, put in a matchbox. If people who have family damage, that is, constant scandals, turn to you for help, leave this fly between the frames with the words:

The fly has calmed down and does not buzz, and you, in this house, will calm down.

Soap, used for washing the deceased. They harass rats and also treat them.

The stick-horn found on the grave is put in a corner with a slander: Until the horns stand in the corner, no one can plunder my property.

A stick from a new broom - before using a new broom, remove the stick from it and tidy it up. Use it when you need to remove lice. Brew and read while the water boils:

As they sweep the house with this broom, sweep the rubbish, so I will sweep all the lice with this water.

Wash your hair with this water.

Web forest - they collect it in the forest from the bushes, from the grass on Midsummer Night. You need to walk behind the web alone so as not to talk to anyone. They roll the web with their fingers into balls, like a bread crumb, put it in clean cream jars. The web is used against cancer, after saying:

Catch, cancer, in the web, Gnaw, spider, umbilical cord. Between cancer and yourself, and the Lord's soul. Amen.

The diaper in which they were baptized - it treats spoilage in children, relieves hiccups, tumors, epilepsy.

A handkerchief with which they wiped the mouth of a woman in labor - his master saves for removing the shake, the woman's spoilage. It may be useful in the treatment of brain tumors.

This is not a complete list of what this handkerchief can help with.

The litter on which the cat roamed, useful to talk about a woman's fornication if she runs away from home and abandoned her family. They burn the bedding at 12 at night and say:

Like a cat, she lay near her kittens, so the servant of God (name) would press her ass, and from her house, and the children would not run. As this bedding burned, so the servant of God (name) would always sit at home. Key, lock, know, servant of God, your threshold. Amen.

Piglet's vertebra - boil a piglet (milk), select the smallest vertebra (bone from the spine) and keep it with you. It is given to hold a child whose hump is spoken. They read like this: Go, from the ridge, the servant of God (name) to 12 pigs, and the thirteenth pig.

This is done by 7 dawns. The vertebra is buried in the cemetery. The hump will stop growing.

Ladle - the skin shed by the snake is kept wrapped in black cloth. It is used in many cases. Here is how, for example, leprosy is treated with it. They go out into the yard early, before the birds sing. They hold a snake with one hand, and an athame with the other hand (see the dictionary). In a loud voice, so that it is far to hear, they say:

You, snake, crawled out of your own skin, and I will crawl out of a leprosy one. You, snake, won't fit back into the snake, and I won't be a leper.

So they shout three times. They chop the athame and bury the skin in the ground. Comb, which combed the dead, - it can only help one person. In the arsenal of stocks should not be more than three combs.

Rye from three fields, taken in one day, - they speak, drink a terminally ill person, saying this:

Hedgehog rye, death, do not touch. On earth, rye, death, do not touch the servant of God (name). Through the mouth - pour up, pour out through the bottom. Amen.

Candles different sizes, lot.

The candle with which they stood on the feast of the Meeting of our Lord Jesus Christ - they light it during the treatment of vision with the prayer "Our Father", then: Lord, my God, Holy, Parent and. Saint, Baptist of holy water, lie down, my eye sockets. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Sulfur combustible - use, finely ground, from a hernia with slander.

eggshell - from Easter. It treats convulsions, epilepsy, spoilage.

Coffin shavings - negotiate with the people who make the coffin to buy shavings. Store them in a black bag. Will be required when conspiring from enemies. Hex:

Where is this coffin? - In the ground. - Where is the dead man? - In a coffin. Where is my enemy? - In the smoke. As this smoke will melt, so will mine, the enemy (name) forget me. Amen. The shavings are then burned to produce smoke.

Knot with a hole - from strabismus, barley, mote in the eye. They look through the hole in the knot with a sore eye.

Dried foams from milk - they are collected from milk on holy holidays and dried. They are needed in emergency situations. If the patient dies and is greatly tormented by pain and fear, the slandered foams help the dying person to easily move away:

The whole human world, from Christ, the Savior to the last sinner, drank milk on the first day of your life, and on the last day you taste this gift and depart in peace. Amen.

Dried red ants they are caught, euthanized and dried. Give the patient with food for cirrhosis, dropsy.

Dried radish root cut off with a knife, dried and kept in a paper bag. Radish tails remove damage to hemorrhoids. They give the slandered roots from the radish to the patient, he throws them into the toilet after he goes down in a big way. Hex:

I planted the radish with the end, and removed it with the end. Amen.

Dried bird droppings they pour after drunkenness, an evil heart to a scandalous person.

A rag that should wipe the table on Ilyin's day - it can be useful in the treatment of erysipelas. This rag is put on a sore spot and they say:

What is eaten on that table is not in a garbage can for a long time, but shit in the ground for a long time. So this mug is not on me, God's servant. Amen.

They put a red rag on the face and leave it for three days. The erysipelas pass quickly.

A rag that was used to wipe the moisture from an ax brought in from the frost at Christmas, or throw it to people who are fighting against you, not giving you peace of mind, you will cut through this tangle of evil.

The steel sweated, the arrow flew in. The steel has cooled down, evil has forgotten me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Rags from the hands of the deceased - they use it like this: they wave them after the fighter, saying:

He waved it off, and don't fight.

Coals from the blower - they wash them from the evil eye, damage, while they say:

As these coals burned out, so the disease, go out from the servant of God (name). Amen.

Bread from the memorial table is dried and stored. It is needed in the treatment of a madman. They put this piece in the soup and say:

Whoever was remembered is not here, but here you remember your illness. Amen.

Watches worn by at least three people, for example, grandmother, mother, daughter, - such clocks turn time (hands) back to break the work of the master who is doing against your client.

Bowl - for holy water. She must be pristine. You must be sure that no one has ever drunk from it.

A quadrangular mirror bought for Easter - it will come in handy to correct the curvature. You need to look into it with a full moon, saying in a mirror reflection:

From me to the mirror, from the mirror to the sky. The moon is in the sky. From me the servants of God (name), krivina. Amen.

Sliver from a wooden bench - The bench should have four legs. This sliver treats a hump, takes revenge on enemies, puts a talisman against a thief.

A sliver is placed among the bed linen, saying to it three times:

Thief, be a bench, and a curse be a judge. Be nailed, eaten by worms. Crooked eyes, stiff heart, hands, bezruch, soul, be tormented. Burn with wood chips, and don’t die your own death. If you take mine, in three months, you will die a terrible death. Amen.

Pike eyes- pike is boiled, the eyes are dried and stored. Give on All Saints' Day to patients with glaucoma, saying:

The pike eye is white, speak, the eye is gray, green, brown, blue, blue, and any. From if I am blind, now and forever. Damn watery! Pain in your eyes, not mine. Lord, have mercy, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Here is a far from complete list of what a master of White Magic needs to have at any time to help those who need it.

Herbs with magical power

I will list some herbs that are endowed with magical power, I will teach you conspiracy words with which to approach such unusual herbs so that, having collected them, you can be sure that they have not lost their witchcraft purpose.

ADAM'S HEAD - most often grows near swamps. Used with a spell for easy childbirth, touching it to the abdomen of the woman in labor, while saying:

From Adam the whole race went, go and you are a fruit, get out of the womb.

ARTICHOKE - in witchcraft, it serves to remove spoilage or if the husband has ceased to fulfill his marital duty. Artichoke roots are harvested when the Sun is in the fifth sign of Libra. When witchcraft on an artichoke, they read like this:

The body is white, stop, do not break, do not bend before female lust. The root will pass from root to root, and not a single sorcerer will kill my flesh. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

ARONIA - collect the flowers of the plant in the second quarter of the moon from noon to sunset. Used in witchcraft as a talisman against thieves. Dried flowers are brewed and thrown in the place that they want to protect from theft. A conspiracy for chokeberry flowers:

I am stone, I am fire, thief, do not touch my place. If, you are a thief, you enter this place, you will find death in the name of Analogue. The fire will embrace, the stone will crush, the thief will be forced to die. In the name of. Father, and Son and Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

BELLADONNA - the healers call her "sleepy fool". Knowing the spell, you can influence a person so that in the evening he goes to bed healthy, and does not wake up in the morning. Grandmother said: “How to cut a thread” - easily and quickly. Grass is harvested after sunset.

ELDER BLACK - the lower branch is torn off and divided into seven parts. With each part they touch a person suffering from dropsy, saying:

Come on, water, sit on a rod, you will be locked in the house by Monday. Go, water, sit on a rod, you will be locked in the house by Tuesday, etc.

This is done every day for a week. Elderberry flowers treat erysipelas and epilepsy.

VALERIAN - valerian root, lying behind the icon of St. George for 12 days, cures asthma, but all 12 days the patient must read a prayer to St. George (see my books).

Interestingly, the composition of the plant can vary greatly depending on the growing conditions.

VERBENA - if you take vervain leaves in your right hand, go to the head of a sick person and at the same time ask him how he feels, then the one who answered “well” will quickly recover, and the one who answered “badly” will soon expire.

Verbena leaves are taken with them to court so that the sentence is not harsh. This grass is stored in those houses where there is no peace and harmony. Family members become more tolerant of each other, spouses stop swearing over trifles.

VERONIA OF BUKHARA - whoever has this plant in the house will always have prosperity. You can not give shoots of this plant to anyone, otherwise poverty will come.

SWAMP PIVE DOVE - take with them on the hunt, saying:

I will go into the forest easily and boldly, I will return with prey and a whole

A hunter with this grass will not be touched by a bear and not a single beast will ever touch.

GERMALA COMMON(burial ground) - this herb is used in witchcraft to cure Parkinson's disease and shaking paralysis. Grass is harvested at night, looking in advance where it grows. Collecting, they say:

As the earth under my foot does not sway and does not shake, so that the servant of God (name, sick) does not shake forever and ever. Amen.

Grass is placed for forty days under the patient's bed. Usually after that, health returns to the person.

EMULIA YELLOW - they tear this grass at Ivan Kupala, put it under the threshold of the house of their enemy, and this person will only have friendly feelings for you, and most importantly, he will never plot evil against you. As you pluck the grass, say:

Not you, emulia, I tear off, but from the enemy, (name, enemy) I cut off the evil. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

CELLUS - the healer herself must pluck this herb for the treatment of liver cancer in a patient. They tear it off before the cock crow, at the first rays of the sun. Passing grass along the back of the patient, they say:

Go, cancer, in the field, you expanse. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

ZAITSEGUB INtoxicating - This plant is used in witchcraft in the treatment of drunkenness. Usually it is sewn into the clothes of a drunkard with the words:

The hare does not drink wine, does not carry hops to the lips, and the servant of God (name) will not take intoxicated in his mouth. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

LUCKY HIGH - weed grass. As the one who is dear to the heart passes by, wave grass in his direction and say:

Beckon him, lure, to me, God's servant (name). Amen.

St. John's Wort - a wreath is woven from it on the night of Ivan Kupala, thrown into the water, saying:

Mother is a fast river, sandy banks, take St. John's wort from me, and calm my longing-sadness.

This is done by the one who cannot forget the deceased.

GOLDEN ROSE - a strong magical plant that protects against enemies that damage you. Grass is talked about and hidden at home. The conspiracy is this:

Slash, rod, my enemies, beat them, rod, often whip, and protect me, a servant of God (name). Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

THOUSANDER - if you pick this grass for the Trinity and defend the entire service with it in the temple, holding it on your chest, and then take a steam bath with this grass at night in the bath, then you will get rich, you will live comfortably and carefree.

IVAN DA MARIA - whoever takes this herb on an unmarked grave after sunset will never be caught by the authorities and enemies, will go everywhere unnoticed and unheard. Previously, healers used this herb for those who served as a messenger or in a secret office. It was especially appreciated by those who were supposed to go unnoticed into the enemy camp.

IVAN-CHAI - in witchcraft, it was used to induce dope, drowsiness while treating a deep wound in a patient.

Thanks to witchcraft ritual(see my books) the person felt no pain at all, fell into a light trance and dozed off.

KOMOKA GRASS- it is collected in the Petrov post, it is fumigated with weapons and tackle, an arrow or nets. There will always be glorious prey in the home of the hunter and fisherman. When fumigated they say:

Saint Peter, I take this herb for your glory. Komok-grass, glorify me full bins. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

KOCHERYZHNIK - having the flowers of this plant will always have money.

Kasatik - weed for those whose spouse is not indifferent to the female sex. Tearing down the weed, saying:

My killer whale, let's go to live with me at home, and with us is my husband, a servant of God (name).

As long as you keep this weed in the house, your husband will keep you and your house.

KOROVNYAK - they dig its roots, put it in a stable, so that all the cattle are healthy and fruitful.

ODOLEN-GRASS - included in many witchcraft potions. If in a potion against cancer, then the words are:

Overcome, overcome the attack, so that the servant of God (name) from cancer does not fall. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Recent requests for help
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