
Read the conspiracies of the Siberian healer Stepanova. And suffers for the child. For prolonged insomnia


Everything that I can, everything that I know and can do, I will gradually pass on to you with the generosity of the heart of a loving mother.

By studying my books, you will learn to protect yourself and your loved ones from enemies visible and invisible: a thief will not touch your good, witchcraft will be repelled by you, your family will be friendly, no rival will be able to seduce the heart of your spouse.

Not only will you be able to manage the event, but you will always emerge victorious from any seemingly hopeless situation.

The book, as always, gives proven advice on the treatment of various diseases.

I give specific examples from which it will be clear to you how to act in certain situations, how and when to read conspiracy words.

This issue contains truthful and incredible stories readers, which can be a lesson to you, to warn against making tragic mistakes.

Everyone who completes my course of study to the end will receive truly unique knowledge.

I will teach you to read fate by the stars, to see the past and the future on the water, to correctly and safely refract the Looking Glass in order to see what the invisible veil of our dimension hides. In the mirror and on the water you can see the other world, call the soul of a person, both living and gone to the beyond.

If any of you are not entirely clear about what I'm talking about, please be patient. Study my books and have no doubt: I will keep my word and reveal to you all the knowledge that I have.

Getting through to me is more difficult than writing, and negotiations are expensive, sometimes the time difference fails.

Write to me and I will definitely answer everyone. If you have a really serious problem, be sure to indicate what religion you have, since for Muslims, conspiracies and prayers are somewhat different from Christian ones.

I thank everyone who congratulates me on the holidays. It always worries me a lot. I sincerely pray for everyone who responds to someone else's misfortune. It is gratifying to read the letters of people who ask not only for themselves, but also for strangers. After all, the Lord Himself said: a merciful heart will be received with mercy.

Yours Natalya Ivanovna


Items and herbs needed by a master of white magic

At good master there should always be objects, herbs, hiding places, etc., that may be needed to treat the patient.

I will write here at what time what needs to be mined and what to use, and you, if necessary, try to save it all. Give yourself a place in the house where you will store everything. It's a good idea to sign the boxes so you don't forget what's in it and for how long. You will know what to take where.

You need:

pins new ones: from memory loss, from drowsiness, from seizures, etc. They are pinned to the patient’s clothes from the inside out with the words:

Carry your health with you.

wedding candle - it is used to treat hysterics, that is, spoiled ones. Usually they are reprimanded in the church, but even this does not help. It is more correct to treat with a wedding candle. But getting such a candle is not easy, since not every newlywed will give their candles after the wedding to someone unknown. Still, you need to try to get wedding candles, they treat a lot.

Willow - dried from Palm Sunday. Treat with slander, asphyxia, spoilage, sexual impotence, etc.

Verbena sacred - if you bring it to a house where they are at enmity, with the words:

How Palm Sunday was and is, so the peace in this house is restored - enmity will disappear.

Hair from a stallion it is known that black-book masters spoil a man with gelding hair. To fix this, you need to have hair from a stallion. Usually they put hair into shorts along with an elastic band with the words:

Was a gelding, became a stallion.

Let the corrupted wear hair from the new moon to the full moon.

Hare's foot - for the wandering spouse. The paw obtained in the spring is placed under the feather bed (mattress), where the spouses sleep, with the words: The hare ran away, and you are in your family.

dried frog - hang the frog on Ivan Kupala until it dries up. It is used in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis; dropsy; wine drinking; greed; when you need to remove dry skin.

See incantations and spells in my books.

Raisin grains - remove the pits from 12 raisins and tidy. They treat toothache, headache, etc. The bones are placed in the pocket of the patient with the words:

They were taken out and the pain was taken out of the body.

Teeth from the jaw of a dead animal found in the forest - they are used to speak, to “bite” a hernia, as well as from animal bites, squabbles between spouses, from a wolf’s mouth. (Slanders are in my books.)

Needles that were not sewn - remove damage. They open the package with new needles and, no matter how many there are, make a stitch on the patient’s clothes with each needle, saying:

You embroidered it, I'll sew it.

Stones from the stomach of birds - if, while gutting chickens, you find pebbles in the stomach, clean them up. They are needed in the treatment of paralysis. Let the patient walk along one floorboard, and you throw these stones after him and say:

Food was ground with these stones, and I will grind the disease and pray to the Lord. Amen.

A spool of red threads - they tie a finger on the left hand with a thread with the words: Although the thread is long, someday the spool will be empty, and the disease will leave the servant of God (name). Amen.

ball of wool - many things are treated with woolen threads, ranging from a simple - “developed” hand to the removal of vein damage.

Kolyadnoye - this is what carolers will sprinkle at Christmas time in your house: millet, rice, cereals, etc. Remove all this before the time, it will come in handy in the treatment of the evil eye, spoilage, faces, etc.

Red patch - just like black, should always have in your home. Red and black fabrics are used to treat erysipelas, ulcers and childhood seizures.

Krushina - twigs, bark are stored at home. It is known that the buckthorn served to weave the crown of thorns of Christ the Savior. Since then, Christ has rewarded her with the ability to heal from fear. She is placed under the bed of a man who is tormented by nightmares. Helps children with fear of the dark.

Pieces of aspen are scattered in pockets from damage, the evil eye, with the words: As no one counts the poppy, so no one will spoil the servant of God.

Frankincense - buy in the church. You will find cases in white magic when it must be used.

Paws of a forest spider stored in a penicillin vial for the treatment of joint pain. Burn candles on the flame with the words:

Like a spider, the legs do not hurt, and how true that they are now burning, so that they do not hurt, the legs of the servant of God (name). Amen.

Magnet - many treat their head and much more. Apply to a sore spot and say:

As a stone attracts iron to itself, so let the disease take over.

bear ears(grass) - harvest on the full moon in August. Helps with uterine bleeding, erosion, heartache, etc.

Chalk - draw a circle during treatment.

Melissa officinalis - collect it on Ivanov's day. They give it to those who are tormented by fears to carry it with them.

fly, fallen asleep in the fall, put in a matchbox. If people who have family damage, that is, constant scandals, turn to you for help, leave this fly between frames with words.

Many people want to find their happiness, and therefore they resort to the help of prayers and conspiracies. Magic helped someone get a job, someone was cured of a terrible disease. We recommend conspiracies Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova to read without fail. The books of this healer contain the best rituals used by our ancestors for centuries.

During her career, the healer Stepanova has collected seven thousand spells of various levels of complexity. All the healer's books are in the public domain for free, but they will take a long time to read. After reading all the materials on the topic, we decided to highlight among the found most effective conspiracies. The result of the research is in front of you.

The most famous book of the witch is "7000 conspiracies of the Siberian healer." This is where we got most of the useful information, including conspiracies from cancer. The book includes not only seven thousand useful spells, but also tips on the use of magical artifacts. In ritual activities, you may need:

  • wedding candles;
  • new pins;
  • hare's foot;
  • dried willow;
  • sewing needles;
  • red threads;
  • incense;
  • pieces of aspen;
  • magnet.

The conspiracies of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova have an important feature - they are associated with primordially Slavic traditions. Therefore, in rituals, spider legs, grave sticks, horns, brooms and eggshell. About 1000 rituals involve the active use of the mentioned artifacts.

The magical power of herbs

Healers have a custom of incanting forest herbs collected during major religious holidays. Siberian witch Stepanova went further - she collects herbs that initially have magical properties. Here's what her book recommends:

  • black elderberry (divided into seven parts, helps with dropsy);
  • swamp pigeon (helps against a bear on a hunt);
  • the lure is high (great for dryers);
  • centaury (a good talisman for gaining wealth);
  • Odolen-grass (helps against cancer);
  • rue (gathered in late autumn, an effective amulet that protects you from witchcraft).

The book "7000 conspiracies of the Siberian healer" also mentions sphagnum, thorn-tree and mountain ephedra. Something is used against the offender, something helps from neglected diseases. Celandine helps to win in court, tricolor violet will fit for love spells. When you read the book, many things will fall into place.

money magic

Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna is a prominent specialist in the field of money magic. To improve financial well-being, the healer has an extensive arsenal of spells. Here are the things you can talk about:

  • coins;
  • water;
  • herbs and salt;
  • wallet;
  • poppy seeds.

It is better to create conspiracies by Natalia Stepanova during the period of the full moon and the growing moon. A wasteful month is banned - any ritual will entail tangible monetary losses. Stepanov connects most of the conspiracies with Orthodox traditions.

Debt repayment

Debts that you do not want to return, significantly hit your pocket. Find an aspen tree in the nearby forest and cast the return spell three times. Break off a branch and hide it under your own threshold. Spell text:

“Aspen leaves are shaking, and God’s servant (name of the debtor) has a heart pounding from an unpaid debt. Shrink, grieve and flutter. You will shake and beat until the money returns to my wallet. As I say, so be it. Amen".

money talisman

With the help of some conspiracies from Stepanova, you can make witchcraft paraphernalia. For the ritual, you will need matches and a wax candle. Procedure:

  1. Remove the wick from the candle.
  2. Now you need to set fire to the wick from both sides (for this we prepared matches).
  3. Cast a spell.
  4. Extinguish the wick and hide the rest in your wallet.
  5. Carry a wealth-attracting talisman with you at all times.

Spell text: “Fire is eternal, my spirit is marked by it. I light the wick, I attract wealth to my house. From now on, both gold and silver, all kinds of good will flow to me. I found an eternal source of well-being. Amen".

Ritual on the 13th

When Natalya Stepanova wrote "7000 conspiracies", there was a place for a powerful ritual with candles. This ceremony is done in any month, the main thing is that the 13th day is on the calendar. Before mass, visit the temple and purchase 13 thin candles. The change must be exchanged for small coins.

Candles should be placed opposite the icons of the 13 apostles. After leaving the temple, go home and scatter change on the floor of one of the rooms. Guests and household members should not observe your actions and ask any questions. Further algorithm of actions:

  1. Coins should lie on the floor all night.
  2. In the morning, the change is collected and folded into a handkerchief.
  3. The fabric is tied with a strong knot and hidden under the bed.
  4. The spell is being read.
  5. After that, you can comb your hair, clean yourself up and drink a cup of tea.
  6. Soon, cash flows will go to your home.

Conspiracy text: “Thirteen apostles look at me from heaven, attract good luck and prosperity to the house. I scatter money in the evening, I reap the fruits in the morning. Amen".

Rituals to attract good luck

Sometimes seven troubles pile up at the same time, making it difficult to find spiritual harmony. How to find a way out of the impasse, restore the balance of power, attract success? To do this, you need a pin bought on the new moon. Procedure:

  1. Go to the stationery store and buy a pin there.
  2. It is forbidden to take change (you can immediately count the required amount to the seller).
  3. In the temple, buy a wax white candle.
  4. Now go home and retire to a separate room.
  5. Light a candle, pick up a pin.
  6. Read the plot.

After the end of the ritual, the pin is placed on the windowsill. Make sure the artifact is well lit by moonlight. In the morning, attach the talisman to a chain and hang it around your neck (always keep it with you). Spell text:

“The moon is born, its mighty power wakes up. The stars will not part with the month, and luck will never leave God's servant (your name). The pin is bathed in moonlight, and I will bathe in success and joy. I lock it with a key, I put a strong word on it. Amen".

Banishing Troubles

It also happens that ill-wishers sent problems to you. Stepanova suggests using protective spells along with millet in such cases. Feed millet to chickens or sparrows, make sure they peck everything. After that, whisper the plot:

“As millet disappears in the stomachs of birds, so seven troubles leave my doorstep. All of this is happening now and going on indefinitely. The saints help me. As I say, so everything will happen. Amen".

love rites

Many conspiracies of the Siberian healer Natalia are focused on gaining simple female happiness. The rite below can also be found in the texts of the sorcerer Semenov. This is a very peculiar ritual associated with a gift to your chosen one. Procedure:

  1. Wait for the occasion to present the gift (February 23, birthday, New Year).
  2. Go to the temple, buy a candle there.
  3. Now you need to defend the service (take the candle stub with you).
  4. Get spring water and fill a glass with it.
  5. Light the cinder, put a box with a gift next to it.
  6. Cast a spell.

After whispering the magic words, you need to cleanse yourself. To do this, say "Our Father" three times. You need to drink water, and bring a gift to your chosen one. Spell text:

“Magic stub, strengthen my gift. I will go to my man, I will carry gifts, I will make a cherished wish. As God's servant (name of the betrothed) takes the box, he will give his heart to me forever. I lock it, I lock it with a key. Amen".

Lapel from the homeowner

Registration of marriage does not save your family from the machinations of insidious rivals. If the husband began to cheat on you and is ready to leave for another woman, you should use magical tricks. Rise at night (at three in the morning), turn to the east and say the incantation text:

“Evil and heartless spirits, terrible night creatures, go to the porch of God's servant (name of the rival). Remove the amulets from my rival, let her become like yellow foliage. Let it turn yellow and dry, be silent like a fish. Let her tongue stutter, her fingers begin to dig into her nose. As soon as he sees my betrothed, he will grow stupid with his mind and instantly grow old. Let my husband disdain (the name of the homeowner), turn him away from the bed, the voice of the wicked will become disgusted. Their paths cannot cross, table and bed cannot be shared, little children cannot be baptized. There is no hindrance to my work. Amen".

Saved from cancer

In Natalia Stepanova, the conspiracies of Siberian healers have a special power, capable of treating serious diseases. To get rid of a cancerous tumor, you need to get three apples and roll out the problem area with them in turn. Apples should be like this:

  • wormy;
  • good (medium quality);
  • poured and strong, pleasing to the eye.

Rolling out the tumor with each apple in turn, it is necessary to repeat the text of the spell. After that, the apples are buried in fresh manure where no one will ever dig them up. When the patient is completely healed, forget about the ritual (observe the regime of eternal silence). The conspiracy is this:

“I twist the disease, roll it up, wrap it around a magic apple. You, child of original sin, helped Eve to accept human suffering. So help me now to get rid of cancer. Amen".

How to talk a baby for longevity

Part of the conspiracies of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova should be read not at home, but on miles of roads. In the old days, healers measured newborns with black threads, after which they looked for the nearest milestone. The thread was wound around a pole (now you can use a road kilometer sign), after which a conspiracy was whispered:

“God's servant (baby's name) will live as many years as there are pillars along the road. As long as people use the path, no one can interrupt my words. I lock it with a key, I fasten the power of the conspiracy with my tongue. Amen".

Removing the generational curse

Natalya Stepanova wrote "Conspiracies of a Siberian Healer" for a long time, drop by drop collecting folk wisdom. It soon became clear that most of the misfortunes are the result of induced damage. Sometimes you have to remove a family curse made several centuries ago. Here is one such ritual:

  1. Look for a coffin in the cemetery, in which the unbaptized dead is buried.
  2. Approach the dead man on the left.
  3. Take a position at the head of the grave.
  4. Look where the conditional chest of the dead man is.
  5. Say the spell three times.

It is not always possible to calculate a suitable grave, so you can show up for someone's funeral. In this case, you probably know where the heart of the unbaptized dead man beat. Spell text:

“Your heart has stopped, your ears have stopped hearing, your eyes have frozen forever, there is no breathing. Mortal damage, leave the body of God's servant (the name of the spoken), stop tormenting his flesh. Go to this dead man. Fourty days will pass but the wicked will not go to heaven. Do not open heavenly and hellish doors to this dead man, and you (name) do not die from a generic curse. The sun and moon roll across the sky, my work is done. Everything to be as I said. I seal the agreement with a lock, seal it with blood and a key. Amen".

We make a charm from ill-wishers

You will need loose gray poppy, which is purchased at the store without change. Thanking the seller for the purchase is also impossible. After whispering magic words, poppy crumbles at the threshold of your home - this is the amulet. The spelling text looks like this:

“I have a red sun behind me and a young month. I will tie up the night stars, they will stand before my eyes. Roll out, poppy, protect me from any adversary. From now on I am not afraid of anyone, I will rely on the magical power of poppy seeds. Enemies will scatter, they will not be able to harm my loved ones. Amen".

How to heal a drunkard

Natalya Stepanova has developed many effective conspiracies against alcoholism. One of the rituals involves collecting dust from four churchyards. Important point: dust should be looked for at the crossroads of cemeteries. There are other moments, the observance of which plays important role:

  • after collecting the dust, you must again go to the cemetery;
  • dust is poured onto the grave (the name of the deceased must match the name of the person being spoken to);
  • magic happens on men's days (if the alcoholic is a man);
  • on the way home you can not turn around;
  • talking to strangers is also not recommended;
  • you can strengthen the ritual with the help of a photograph of an alcoholic (it is placed on a tombstone).

The text of the plot: “You, the dead man, will not be able to get up, you are not destined to walk along the roads and crossroads. So God's servant (the name of the patient) will stop drinking alcohol, he will not yearn for his habit. God's servant (the name of the spoken) will refuse the hop forever. Crossroads are my witnesses. Amen".

As you can see, the witch Stepanova has magical solutions for all occasions. The Siberian healer will help in the fight against damage, enemies and addictions. With the help of 7000 conspiracies, you will gain wealth, love and happiness. But remember the consequences - sometimes they are terrible.

It's important to know!

How do I grow strawberries in an apartment? Everything is very simple! Now you don't have to wait for summer. You need to take a homemade berry and ...

Tamara Globa: Remember! Money always comes in abundance if you keep a small amount in the house ...

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova
1001 conspiracy of the Siberian healer

To my students
For several years now you have known me from these textbooks. In your letters you call me "teacher". And I answer your questions and explain what your mistakes are.
I have smart students. And there are a lot of them. Some have already become masters, and some have just begun to learn the mastery of arcane knowledge.
One of you wrote to me like this: “My dear teacher, I am incredibly lucky that one fine day I saw and bought an extraordinary miracle for some rubles. I devoured the first book in a night and already on the second day I was running around in search of a continuation of your teaching. I tried, everything worked out for me. There was no end of joy if I found your next book. I can do a lot thanks to you.
The data laid down by nature plus your school - and as a result, I have already helped many to save life and happiness in the family.
Thanks to everyone who helped bring your invaluable gift to people, your students, to light.”
In the Bible, as well as in the annals, a lot is said about a formidable weapon, about a science that can work miracles. The science that we are studying will bring you unusual and interesting knowledge. And knowledge is power. From each new textbook you draw this strength. Anyone who comes with me to the end will be able to do everything: heal, prolong life and youth, defend themselves, see on the water, talk with spirits and souls, read the signs of fate and the time allotted to people, read thoughts, predict and telepathize.
At the same time, you will have to work a lot on yourself, to purify yourself spiritually - after all, the sacred is not taken with dirty hands.
Cultivate compassion for someone else's pain, know how to let someone else's pain through yourself. Only when you feel this pain with your whole skin, you will not be able to hurt another.
Through perfection comes the glory of wisdom. Knowledge is a burden, and the road is long, it is even possible that not everyone will reach the end. But if you absorb some of the knowledge that I give you, honor and praise be to you.
Yours Natalya Ivanovna


Three recipes for longevity

living water
Grass bedstraw……………– 2 tbsp. spoons
Golden root…………… – 1 tbsp. a spoon
Smolevka drooping………. - 2 tbsp. spoons
Black nightshade flowers - 1 teaspoon
Pour in 1/2 cup boiling water. Insist, strain and drink a tablespoon three times a day.
The person is born again. All this is given by herbs in their combination.
Life Force
Woolly shell - 2 tbsp. spoons
Nut-bearing lotus………. - 1 teaspoon
Jordan Caspian………. - 2 tbsp. spoons
Ginseng roots…………… – 2 teaspoons
Siberian Lastoven………. - 1 tbsp. a spoon
Pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, strain and drink in sips throughout the day
Creation of new forces
All herbs - one teaspoon each. Water - one and a half glasses. Infuse for half an hour, drink 2 tablespoons during the day. After eight o'clock in the evening do not drink.
European hoof
Flowers kermek gmelina
Siberian iris
Pine nut kernels
Fragrant Zubrovka
Iris yellow
Adam's rib

To strengthen the heart

The heart is an organ that largely determines how long and how a person lives. You need to take care of your heart with love.
Harmful to the heart: despondency, fear, mental anguish, boredom, participation (and presence) in scandals, plentiful and fatty food.
Always try to get out of trouble. Walk, sleep more, avoid horror movies, and most importantly - love yourself, because you are one of a kind, there is no one else like you.
Useful for the heart: millet porridge, nuts, raisins, dried apricots, baked potatoes, beans, oatmeal, viburnum infused with honey.
Eat lemons with a peel, drink rosehip broth. Harvest strawberry leaves in the summer and brew them instead of tea. Drink red hawthorn juice.

Conspiracy for pain in the heart

They read at dawn, holding their right hand over their hearts:
I am walking, servant of God (name), on the earth,
My heart beats inside me
My body, zealous, rules:
Does not prick, does not hurt, does not press,
Doesn't cramp or pinch.
Not at night, not under the moon, not at dawn.
Neither in the field, nor in the hut, nor in plowing, nor in the water,
Not in the bath, not on horseback.
It would beat in me
It would beat, pound,
So right, so nice
How the bells sound on bright Easter,
me for a long life. Amen.

From heart failure

Collect the fruits of the reeds (brown, soft, but such that they do not fluff). Brew them as you would normally make tea, and drink while the drink is warm. Drink five sips every four hours. After a month, you will forget that you suffered from shortness of breath.
I will also teach good conspiracy, but it should be read only under the Veil:
Lord, my God, I am in front of You.
Church baptized, father, mother forgiven.
Forgive me, O Lord, and let me go
From heart disease, endless pain.

Note: If this conspiracy is read not by a man, but by a woman, then you need to read from female face, that is: “baptized by the Church, forgiven by the father-mother,” and so on.
With a sick heart, I advise you to drink cedar milk every day. It is simply prepared. Pine kernels (peeled fruits) are crushed and poured with whey. If there is no whey, then you can fill it with water. Take one glass of whey for one glass of nuts. Now you can buy ready-made cedar kernels, and you can make your own serum.

For blood healing

Cut the pumpkin (without peel) into small squares, fill with fresh bull's blood so that the pumpkin is not visible. The amount of pumpkin depends on how much a person can eat at one meal. It's a good idea to add some yellow corn to the pumpkin and boil it. When the pumpkin becomes soft enough, you can eat it.
This should be done at least once a week.
* * *
Brew 2 tablespoons of beet seeds with one glass of water, leave for an hour and drink in small sips.
Drink every third day.
Drink nine glasses in total.
* * *
This method rejuvenates the blood very much: the eggs of a young rabbit are boiled in milk and eaten without salt.

Conspiracy for purity and power of blood

Holy Fathers, have you seen the ore?
Was it thrown through her veins?
How did she go? How did she run?
Did the human soul suffer?
You, mother-ore, vein, bodily, subcutaneous,
Grey, keep warm, don't let it get old.
Be you, my words, strong,
To the ore-mother is tenacious.
Indo eyelids, and century after century, from damp earth, To the grave board, so that the ore-mother played, Did not let the slave (name) grow old.

To improve the reproductive system

To raise potency, it is necessary, firstly, to completely abandon alcohol. In the spring, drink as much birch sap as possible, mixed with carrot juice and one raw egg yolk.
Proportions: one glass of birch sap, half a glass of carrot juice and one yolk.

One more recipe

Boil dried marsh duckweed (small), add elecampane root and honey.
Cool and drink half a glass 20-40 minutes before meals.
For four glasses of water, take half a glass of duckweed and two tablespoons of elecampane, two teaspoons of honey.

Conspiracy for male power

The tail from a boar (pig) is buried between two trees. They stand with their feet on the place where they buried the tail, and say:
While you will lie here, My ... will stand.
This tool is strong, it will last until the tail rots. Then you have to fake it again.
Another conspiracy
Fern leaves are tied together in the forest so that they do not come loose and break. At the same time they say:
I tie you in a knot
I conjure a dead goat, devil's horns,
His aunt, his grandmother, his children.
Let my ... stake stick out,
Standing up for anyone I want.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
…and one more
When the bull walks the cow for the first time, give him a piece of bread with salt. Before pouring salt, they say on a piece of bread:
Like this bull, the horn stands, sticks up, So that the slave (name) Vigorously sticks out and stands: for young, old, for brown, for red, white, any, Such, I want what. Amen.
...and finally the last
If a man is weakened by a man's business, buy, without bargaining, a plate without a pattern and rims, so that it is clean and new and no one has used it.
Lay the plate on the ground with the edges down. Ask the man to kick the cymbal with his foot, stomp it so that it cracks, and then immediately say:
You are broken, but mine ... will not break! Amen.

How to fix male weakness in boiling water

Put the bucket on the fire and when the water boils and boils, pour a handful of salt into it and say this:
How do you, water, rise up as a ferry
And as you return back with moisture,
So the crab (name) would return ardent strength,
White body, its flesh no longer broke,
There would be invincible strength in him,
Invincible from anyone's damage.
Boil, blood, in the flesh, like this boiling water,
Arab of God (name) guarded:
From the curmudgeon girl, from the vicious old woman,
From red, black, gray,
From an old and young woman.
Three Bibles, three monasteries,
Three holy troparions.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From a man's fear of a woman

From a letter: “I don’t know if you are old or young, but I imagine you are old, maybe that’s why it’s easier for me to write about my problem. I am 41 years old, but I have not been married. I have three higher educations, I have a solid position. I have a huge number of people under my command. It can be firmly said that I am very well provided for, I have accounts abroad, but I do not have personal, male happiness.
I bought your book by accident and then searched for and purchased all your books. You have no idea how much I respect you and how much I appreciate your books. Very late, when I stay in my huge apartment, I sit down and reread them and talk to you. I am very lonely, and my only hope is in you. I will wait for an answer to my letter in your next book. I hesitate to put my name and address - I'm afraid that your answer will get to other people and hardly anyone will understand me. I don't want anyone to guess my problem. That is why I will wait for the answer in the pages of your book.
I believe in God. There were so many strange things in my life that I believed forever. For example, when I was nine years old, I saw an unusual beautiful woman, she was in all black and seemed to float past me. For a moment she stopped right in front of me, and I realized with horror that I could see the room through her, although she could see all the features of her face and large, absolutely black eyes.
We looked at each other. Her face, despite its inexpressible beauty, was stern and even, as it were, mournful, as if she was trying to hide and hold back her tears. I involuntarily jerked my hand, but it immediately swam past me and disappeared, as if it had passed over a wall. And yet it smelled of earth, rotten leaves, as it smells of autumn. An hour later, they came to our house with the news that my mother died of a heart attack right at work. At the cemetery, when we stood near my mother’s coffin, I didn’t want to look at her, didn’t want to believe that she was dead, and kept looking away, hoping that if I didn’t look at her, everything would change. Suddenly, behind a nearby monument, I saw that woman in black. She kept looking at me with the same mournful expression. Aunt Valya, my mother's sister, probably felt my hand tremble. She leaned towards me and asked:
- You feel bad?
Then I pointed to the black woman and said:
- That woman came to our house! While saying this, I looked at her, but my aunt did not see the black woman and kept asking: “Where is she?”
At home, after the commemoration, I again began to talk about the strange guest, and all the old women sitting at the table began to nod their heads and say that it was death that came for mother, not otherwise.
And there was another case. I was 21 years old and I was in Bulgaria. It so happened that my boss went to Vanga (his mother was ill at the time), I, at his request, went with him. When we went to Vanga, she said to my boss:
- You came in vain, your mother is already in the morgue, I can only sympathize with you.
Of course, I could not resist and asked about myself, in response she said:
- You will be very lucky and rich, but you will not sleep.
Then I asked her with a smile:
- Is it because of the money, or something, so that they don’t get robbed?
“You shouldn’t laugh, I’m not talking about money at all. Banks will guard your money, but not in Russia, but abroad. I say that you will not sleep with women, that's about it.
After a pause, she added:
- However, when you enter the years, one of your doctors will help you.
Two months have passed, I met a girl, and we began to live with her as husband and wife, only without registration. Suddenly I realized that she was not interesting to me and literally everything about her annoyed me. I began to linger under all sorts of pretexts, so as not to go home early. But I still had to come back. Tears and tantrums began, I felt sorry for her, but I could not help myself. Probably, not only I am alone, many of the males were caught in a man's desire, when not the head, but the body calls to a woman. Then, when the passion subsides and an inevitable epiphany sets in, you stare with bulging eyes at a mediocre, slovenly creature with ambitions, and it’s good if a child hasn’t appeared, otherwise you feel like a scoundrel. We broke up. As it was, it is better not to tell. She tried to cut her veins, rushed to the balcony, and I was even more disgusted by these scenes. Finally, she packed her things, and I suddenly felt with joy the desired freedom. And that's when her mother showed up. At first she persuaded me, then threats followed. I tried to explain to her that I already feel like a scoundrel, although I did not rape, everything was with mutual consent.
But a mother is a mother, I understand her. She said:
- Remember, not to the women, but from the women you will run like hell from incense.
And she left.
And now the reason why I am writing to you, because of which I have taken so much precious time from you. I cannot explain to you my condition when a girl or woman lies down in my bed. Wild fear rolls over me, binds me with a hoop, and everything in me becomes stiff. I break out in a sticky cold sweat, my heart begins to beat often, I want to run anywhere, just not to be next to a woman. The words of Nadia's mother came true: I fled from them, as, probably, the devil flees from incense. That's why I'm still alone. Nobody knows how unhappy I am. I think that Vanga was talking about you twenty years ago. Write in your book a way to get rid of the fear of female flesh.
They go to the cemetery at dusk, they carry three men's belt, which you need to wear alternately for a week before this. Women's graves are found in the cemetery, and it is necessary that the deceased be nine years younger than the patient in age. Do not forget to take matches with you, otherwise you will not see what is written on the monuments at dusk. After finding the desired grave, leave the belt there and do the same on the following graves. On the last grave say:
71 m, woman, younger than me,
And I, the deceased, are older than you.
How are you not afraid of my belt,
So I'm not afraid of you
And all those who have two female breasts.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear Volodya, I give you my word that when you act on my advice, you will never be afraid of women again.
Everything will be fine with you, and you will live happily ever after.

From a fake stalemate

From a letter: “I divorced my wife, and in parting, her mother, my former mother-in-law, said:
- Here's a cross for you, you won't sleep with a single woman anymore. You, son-in-law, will remember me all your filthy life, I'll take care of it.
Then, in response to her words, I only laughed - I always had order in the male case, because through my passion for the female sex, we parted with my wife.
But soon I didn't feel like laughing. With whomever I lay down, we just make out, and then it didn’t go any further. With whom I just tried, but only dishonored in front of them. Now I don't even try.
Started drinking. Help me, please, to recover on the men's business. Sincerely, Ivan Lisitsyn.
They read on bath water, and when the body is steamed, this water is poured out so as to douse oneself from head to toe. The conspiracy is this:
On the sea, on the ocean, where Noah sailed,
Alatyr-stone of the sea lay.
Lust lived and lived under that stone.
Get up, lust, wake up Throw yourself on my body, throw yourself,
So that I am more ardent than a bull,
Who burns with fierce flesh,
The whole herd of cows covers.
My word is strong, my business is fine,
It is gratifying for all girls, young women, widows.
My word and deed is a castle. Amen.

With impotence

Dial young (green) Pine cones and boil them for at least six hours, crush and sprinkle with sugar. Next, cook as usual for jam. By the way, the taste of jam is very pleasant and unusual. It will not only please, but will definitely help with male weakness.
Before entering the forest, bow and ask the owner of the forest:
Father of the forest, let me into your home. Let me in not for that, but for a copper nickel.
After that, do not forget to leave the promised gift. Piglet is usually placed in the hollow of a tree.
Everything that you collect in the forest on this “purchased” day will bring you benefit and health.

Speak to the prostate

Most often, prostatitis occurs in men who do not monitor their health. Overcooling, they acquire disease and lose their masculine strength.
Grandmother advised such patients to chop aspen bark together with young leaves into a large barrel. All this should be steamed in the same barrel and the patient should be placed in it waist-deep. Naturally, you need to sit not in boiling water, but in such a way that the body is pleased, until sweat appears.
I will teach you another good prostatitis spell. The conspiracy is used on men's days, that is, on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. They read into the water, then they drink 12 sips from this water, and wash the male flesh with the rest of the water. Read on the water like this:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
How strong it stands on four legs
Holy Apostolic Cathedral,
So tight
I strengthen all my male flesh:
For a long life, for an ardent desire,
May God bless this water.
Now and forever and forever and ever.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Infusion from prostatitis

Vodka………………………… – 300 g
Fresh oats…………… – 10 g
The bark of a young aspen………. – 100 g
Infuse for ten days and take 15-20 drops with water before meals. According to patients, the disease passes quickly and irreversibly.

Quickly restore health

There are different circumstances: a person loses strength after illness, childbirth, stress, etc. Go outside, raise your hands above your head, look at the stars and say:
The stars are not counted, the sky is not measured.
Oh my God,
The powers of heaven are with me.
I praise the Mother of God
Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Speak sore joints

This plot helps even in severe cases, when the legs or arms swell. I was approached for help by people who could not sleep at all from pain in their arms and legs. Now, with God's help, they are healthy.
Buy a new poker, boil water (preferably melted water). Lay out a new towel, stand on it with bare feet, and take a poker in your hands. Stir the water clockwise with this poker and read the plot:
God was. God exists. God will always be.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Heavenly water, spring water Well water, living water,
Revive my white body
So that it does not ache, does not hurt.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Wash your face with this water and soak your hands or feet in it (depending on what is bothering you). You will forget about the disease, but only this procedure you will need to repeat forty times!
Compresses from honey and alcohol also help well. Equal portions of water and honey should be heated and mixed in a water bath.
It is better to do it at night so that the leg is at rest.

With osteochondrosis

They read on the waning moon for a piece of bread. With this piece they rub the sore spot, and then give the bread to the dog. Do this until you get well. It usually helps soon if the disease is not very advanced.
God's Elena, mother, I beg you
Take away the illness from me and give it to the dog.
Be, my words, strong, sculpting,
Up to a piece of bread tenacious.
From me, ailment, unhook, and cling to food.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.
In addition, copper nickels help well, which should be sculpted to sore spots with a plaster and worn for a long time without taking them off.
Before sticking the coins, it is necessary to clean them with chalk or tooth powder until a bright copper sheen appears.

Recipe for joint disease

At the bottom of a three-liter jar, put nettle leaves, dioecious wormwood leaves, crumble cinquefoil to half the capacity and pour all this with alcohol or vodka so that it is three fingers empty up to the neck of the jar. Wrap the jar with a shawl and put it in a dark place for ten days. Rub the sore spots with this remedy, and this infusion can also be added to drinking water: seven drops per glass of water. Helps great.

Speak hump

In previous books I have given some of the treatments.
Of course, when working with this disease, I need to see for myself what it is: a stoop or a hump and to what extent. Only then can I apply a conspiracy or spell suitable for this case. A lot of them. In future books, I will add to your knowledge of dealing with these problems.
For a flawed month, place a basin on the street so that the moon is reflected in the water poured into it. Hold the saddle over the pelvis and speak the water three times.
Lay the patient face down, take a knife with a wooden handle. Lowering the handle of the knife into the water and holding the tip, stir the water counterclockwise. Then baptize with the handle of a knife forty crosses on the patient's back.
Patients tell their feelings after that: it became easy to walk, does not pull back, aching pains stop. The back noticeably changes, the disease recedes.
Lie in a field of bones.
Who will collect those bones and refold them,
Who truly worships Christ,
With His blessing it is known
From those hands, the back straightens.
And how truly the Lord will come into the world,
So truly the hump from the slave (name) will come down.
Glory to the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos.
Forever and ever. Amen.
Water is poured into the crossroads.

When the meniscus is displaced

If there is a bruise and the leg is swollen, draw a cross in the corner of the room with a knife handle and say:
The corner stands still, and you,
My bone, stop, don't whine.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Swelling of the legs

Put fresh birch and wormwood leaves in woolen stockings. The very next day you will feel relief. Feeling of lightness and relief from pain are guaranteed. You should spend a whole course, at least a week. You won't regret it.
And I will teach you a very good conspiracy. They read it to the water, they drink this water (one glass), then, of course, they will have to run to the toilet, since this conspiracy expels excess moisture from the body. The swelling will go away.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mother, Mother Mary,
She lived and lived in Holy Jerusalem.
I spent the day, I spent the night at night,
Slept on the Throne of Jesus Christ
And I saw a dream: Her Son drove,
Lord, devils:
Cast out with the left hand,
And in his right hand he held a cross,
He baptized with the cross, he defeated the unclean.
Go and you, water, get out of me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

For the health of the child

Unfortunately, children have really become + weaker, they get sick more often.
Here is a letter where a mother writes about her child: “... poor eyesight, squinting eyes, shudders, eats poorly, vomits, hair grows poorly, very thin, walks weakly, cannot stand alone ...”
Here is a partial list of mom's complaints.
Previously, indeed, the midwife, having taken birth, gave the woman in labor five prayers to bathe with a slander:
1. From every dash.
2. For good food (appetite).
3. To grow strong.
4. From any sores.
5. For a good mind.
If the mother did everything as the midwife ordered, the child grew up smart, strong and without any troubles.
By popular demand, I will teach you these slanders today. And God forbid that your children please you with their health.
They use conspiracies to bathe a baby on a full moon. The child must be at least a month old after birth. They bathe as usual, having previously spoken to some water in the bath.
1. From every dash:
Like God's Angels
He was guarded and guarded
So would God himself, Jesus Christ,
Saved my child (name)
And protected. Amen. Amen. Amen.
2. For good food:
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Baby (name), eat through the word of God,
Pour like a pouring apple.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
3. To grow strong:
There is a green oak in the forest,
Fortified by the Word of God.
So would (name) grow strong and strong,
As the oak is green in the forest.
Who will interrupt my conspiracy,
My word will not go away.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
4. From any sores:
Lord's grace, appear
Disease, slave (name) do not touch:
Neither the fire, nor the tickle, nor the lomatitsa,
Neither a chill, nor a scorcher,
Neither Maryino, nor Varino, nor fear, nor the evil eye,
Do not attack, do not fall, do not fall,
Do not curse and do not take.
From an evil word, from one's own and someone else's.
My word is sculpted, my work is strong. Amen.
5. For a good mind:
There is an icon on the table,
There is a girdle on the holy body
And there is a baby in my house.
As my baby grows up
He will read everything on the holy belt.
God bless his mind.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that the child does not bite his nails

Old people say about such children: they will bite their share. A nail biter has no luck. Speak into the water and wash your child's hands. Reading under the full moon.
Not hard, not breathy
Not gnawed, not bent,
Not in the morning walking
Not for daytime sweat
Not for sunset squabbling
Not in sorrow, not in joy.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

So that heiangioia (red spot on the baby's body) does not grow

Red spots on the body of a newborn are not only from difficult childbirth, but also from the fright experienced by a pregnant woman. Unfortunately, the spots usually grow. To prevent this, take two human hair- one from a long beard, the other from the mother of the child. They measure the child's spot with them, then tie the hair, saying:
How are these two hairs
They will no longer grow to the beard and to the head,
So are the spots on the servant of God (name)
They won't grow up anymore.
My tongue is the key, my words are the lock,
And in my case - God's amulet.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Charm for pregnant women

From a letter: “... I had a big problem. Daughter Svetlana died during childbirth. She was 33 years old. It happened on the old New Year, January 14th. From Svetochka there was a daughter, they named her Liza. Lisa at birth was entwined with the umbilical cord three times. And my Svetochka was a wise person beyond her years. Many wished her well, but there were those who wished her bad. Well, God be with them. One of her colleagues at work wished her that Svetochka would not be born. I think this curse has come true.
Antonova Lyubov Vasilievna Belarus".
Yes, unfortunately, dear Lyubov Vasilievna, there are people who do not think what they say and what they do. But from such a curse it can be bad not only for a woman in labor, but also for a child. After all, at the age of 58 it is difficult for you to raise a baby, not only financially, but also physically. An evil heart is always looking for someone to blame for its mistakes, spewing swear words and curses, without thinking that it will surely pass on its sins to its family. Pregnant women should especially beware of such people. As they say, stay away from shit. Carry with you the charm that I will write. And Lisa will need it later.
Lord, bless me every hour
For every minute.
The cross is the baptist, the savior of my soul.
Soul, you save my womb,
Save me from enemies.
Savior Angel with me, Guardian Angel
In front of me, the Mother of God behind,
The Lord is ahead.
Mind my body, mind my stomach
Mind my womb fruit.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the uterus prolapses

While the nettle root is being boiled, read as follows:
Earth, where is your place? Where the Lord gave!
Mother, where is your place? Where God has given a place.
The broth is given to the patient to drink until the evening dawn. You can not do this on rainy days and in the morning too. Good decoction of viburnum helps. They also drink proteins from six eggs in two days on the third.

V Lately all more people they turn to magic and various kinds of sorcerers for help, not knowing that you can help yourself for free. So, for example, those who are familiar with the great heritage of Natalia Stepanova, a world-famous healer, use her conspiracies from various ailments, to protect, attract good luck, get rid of bad habits, etc. Among them, prayers and texts for fencing are considered the most popular from the evil eye, the elimination of damage, as well as those conspiracies that help to arrange personal life. And we will talk about them today.

Using the books of the healer Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna as an additional guide to achieve the desired goal, you can significantly improve the quality of your life. The main thing is to be able to correctly speak certain problems, which is what every book of the Siberian healer teaches.

Natalya Stepanova, born from a witch no less famous for her gift, has magical abilities from the very birth. However, she learned to use them correctly only a few years later. Practice magic and read various conspiracies a healer from Siberia started relatively recently. Prior to this, the magical gift was simply waiting for "their hour".

Since the beginning of magical practice, Natalia Stepanova has written and published many books that received the most positive feedback from those who dared to use her advice to solve their problems. In total, today there are more than 1000 conspiracies of the Siberian healer, combining texts for a wide variety of cases.

Among them:

  • Conspiracies for good luck in business and success, as well as protection from damage and the evil eye (Issue 36);
  • Magic texts for beginners to practice magic (Issue 24);
  • A collection of magic spells for all occasions, which were collected not only by the healer, but also by all her magician ancestors (Issue 2);
  • The healer's answers to letters from readers in which conspiracies for healing from serious illnesses are published (Issue 29);
  • The most powerful conspiracies of the Siberian healer, powerful verbal magic to deal with hopeless situations (against severe spoilage, witchcraft, black magic);
  • A book about 1111 conspiracies and recipes of the sorceress Natalia Ivanovna Stepanova, which will help in solving family problems(to return prosperity to the house, to return the husband, to establish relations in the family, to raise children correctly, etc.);
  • Interpreter of dreams, ready to help in any life situation;
  • A collection of 200 conspiracies to help raise children so that they grow up happy and healthy;
  • The book "300 conspiracies and amulets for health" by a Siberian healer, published in 2006;
  • The 2001 edition of "500 Conspiracies" by the same Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova, which contained advice and spells for people practicing magic who seek to move to a new level of knowledge of the possibilities of White and Black magic;
  • “7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer” is one of the latest collections containing texts collected by entire generations of magicians and healers that will help protect yourself and your loved ones from evil, damage, attract prosperity, happiness, love to your home, get rid of infertility and much more.

One of the latest editions of the world-famous sorceress is a book called "777 conspiracies of the Siberian healer." It contains spells and rituals relating to family affairs and attracting good luck in various fields of activity.

Associated with the forces of the underworld, it will become a practical guide for anyone who seeks help. In view of the effective assistance that this publication can provide to those in need, it has become quite popular on the Internet in the form of an online directory. And so we offer in this article conspiracies taken from it. They will help solve the most common everyday problems and stay happy, lucky, healthy.

Popular Magic Spells

The book of the sorceress Stepanova, released recently and containing 777 conspiracies of the Siberian healer, will help solve love problems that have arisen in everyday life and at work situations. With the help of the texts placed in this collection, it is also quite possible to put protection from the evil eye, damage and witchcraft.

Section 1 - Rituals for Solving Family Problems

The conspiracies of the Siberian healer, included in the first section of this publication, are aimed more at improving family life. First of all, they help to save love throughout living together, as well as avert trouble from your marriage, smooth out quarrels, eliminate a rival and much more that you can sincerely desire loving person about your lover. They got a huge number positive feedback from those who have already experienced the effect of the verbal magic of Natalia Stepanova. Therefore, we publish them in our article.

Prayer for a long and happy family life

This conspiracy of Stepanova Natalia will allow you to warn your marriage from random “trips to the left” and live a long, happy life with a loved one until old age. It should be read immediately after the wedding. The ceremony is performed on a veil tied in a towel, which the mother of one of the newlyweds must take to the church for the ritual of someone else's wedding.

While the priest is performing the ritual, the mother of the bride or groom should say the following words:

“Not in the blue sea, not on the golden island of Buyan, there is a red-faced fellow - the Blacksmith. He forges a couple of rings for the young, not from gold and silver, not from copper and iron, but from family harmony, comfort, kindness, a cherished treasure. Forge, forge, blacksmith, forge, forge, well done - a pair of rings for loving hearts. To neither breed hearts, nor unforge rings, but happiness, like stars in the sky, cannot be counted! I'll lock the words, I'll close the key. May it be so! Amen".

Prayer to kindle eternal love in the heart of a husband

This conspiracy helps to kindle a fire in the husband's heart eternal love which he will carry through all his married life. Natalya Stepanova recommends reading this plot for salt. After the ceremony, the charmed salt is used as a seasoning for the husband's dishes. The words of a conspiracy to love a husband look like this:

“Just as people cannot do without salt, as they love it, so even my husband (his name) could not be without me day or night, no lunch hour, no evening. So that he loved me, followed me, only admired me. From now on, so be it! Amen".

For a happy family life

For this ritual, you will need 2 candles. With their help, you can make spouses live in love, happiness and peace. These candles need to be twisted into one, after softening the wax. The candle obtained as a result of the manipulation should be lit and at the same time read the plot:

“I don’t burn a candle, but I unite the hearts of spouses. So that they can eat bread and salt at the same table, live forever in goodness, peace and happiness. Amen".

The stub of a burnt candle must be hidden in a secret place so that the conspiracy will work for many years.

To close two hearts forever

This conspiracy is read on a lock, bought specifically for the ceremony. He will help those who wish to protect their marriage from separation, betrayal and keep eternal love in their hearts.

When locking this lock with a key, you need to say a conspiracy 36 times, after which you need to throw the key into the river, and hide the lock in a secret place. Data words should sound like this:

“Just as a lock cannot be opened without a key, so no one can separate, separate and quarrel us. Amen".

Conspiracy for single girls

Read this magical conspiracy can be girls who have lost hope of getting married. Usually this ceremony is carried out by those who, up to 35-36 years old, could not find their soul mate. A conspiracy is read for three beans, which must be used for one purpose:

  • The 1st bean should be planted on the grave of the family member who was buried last;
  • 2nd - it is worth eating cooked;
  • 3rd - throw under the threshold of the house young man which you like.

The ritual is performed in the order in which the beans are used. When the turn comes to the third bean, the girl should throw it under the guy's threshold and at the same time utter a conspiracy for his love:

“As the beans grow, so I will marry (name of the victim). Amen. Amen. Amen".

Hex-call of the second half

Like the previous one, this conspiracy of Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova will come in handy for single girls who want to get married, but have not yet met their lover. You can call him using the conspiracy of a Siberian healer during a special ceremony.

The girl needs to close all the windows with curtains, cover the table with an unworn scarf, place a candle on it and say the words on it:

“As a hungry man waits for dinner, as a beggar waits for alms, as a sick man waits for recovery, so I am waiting for you, my love! I will send three messengers for you: the angel Gabriel, the angel Zazel, the angel Firiel. Let them find you and bring you to me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

Having finished the conspiracy with three “Amen”, you need to put out the candle, and put the handkerchief in a secret place. If you believe what the reviews of this conspiracy say, then the beloved will come very soon.

To protect her husband

This conspiracy of the Siberian healer is read by the wife, who wants to protect and protect her husband from various misfortunes:

“The master's house is guarded by a dog. She sits on a chain, guarding the household. So let the Guardian Angels of my beloved husband (his name) guard, protect, protect from wild animals, evil speeches, from any weapon, witchcraft people, from female sorcery, flaming fire, drowning water, witch deeds, bad people. My strong word, so be it forever. Amen".

If the husband fights

The conspiracies of the Siberian healer Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova help in a variety of everyday situations. Including they solve love problems when the husband fights in the family. To stop this, the wife must go to the cemetery and find there three graves of namesake people named after her husband. From the grave mounds, she needs to take a handful of earth (from the foot of the cross), asking forgiveness from the dead for this and remembering their repose. Having brought earth into the house, you need to mix it and gradually pour it into each pair of spouse’s shoes, under his pillow, under the bed at the head, and also in pockets. In this case, each time you need to read the plot:

“As calmly, quietly and silently the dead lie in the ground, so you, my husband (his name), live calmly and quietly with me, your wife (your name). Amen".

If you need to get a divorce from your spouse

If love has faded and the wife plans to file for divorce, the following conspiracy from Natalya Stepanova can help her with this. It must be read during the washing ritual. Taking the matrimonial sheet, it should be washed three times, and each time changing the water, say:

“On what she lay with her husband, so she washed him away from herself. As water drains from the sheet, so will my husband let me go. Amen".

To return the walking husband to the family

The conspiracies of Stepanova, the famous Siberian healer, help not only from the evil eye, damage and other witchcraft, including love spells. So, for example, this conspiracy will help to turn away the legal spouse from the mistress and return him to the family.

His wife should read at about the time the husband usually has to return home (after work). Looking in the direction from which he usually walks or rides, the spouse must have time to pronounce the conspiracy 12 times in a row:

“A river runs down with a stream, a forest grows together with a tree, color unites with color, grass grows. I will collect the color of that grass, I will put it on my chest and go to the valley to my husband's path. I will turn all the corners of the world towards myself and command them: “Just as the banks of the rivers do not converge, the mountains do not come close, so let my husband, the servant of God (his name), so that he disperses with the separation woman (her name), fled, and returned to me. Amen".

From the walking wife

It happens that a spouse needs a conspiracy from a walking wife. In this case, 777 conspiracies of the Siberian healer - Natalia Stepanova will also help. In order to bring the wandering wife home, the husband must heat a spoon and throw it hot into cold water. At the same time, he must read the plot:

“As a place in our house for this spoon, so for you, my wife (her name) is a place in this house. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The charmed spoon should be placed on the wife so that she can eat with it.

To prevent incest

Sometimes situations arise in the family when love is born in the hearts blood relatives. To prevent incest, it is worth reading a special conspiracy of the Siberian healer Natalya Ivanovna.

“Just as a dog is not interested in a gnawed bone, so a guy (name) is not interested in a girl (name). Let them not lie in bed alone, but they will always be friends. Amen".

If discord began in the family because of a rival

If a rival tries to take her husband out of the family, using magical means, the wife can use this rite to prevent discord. It is held in the forest, where there are many young animals. It is important to find a forest where young trees would not exceed half a meter in height. Having broken one such under the root, the wife should say these words:

“As this tree is felled-broken, so all affairs will be canceled and broken at the Servant of God (the name of the rival). As this tree will never be able to bloom again, so her affairs will not go well. Amen".

To avoid divorce

Sometimes a family can be restored if you read one of the 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer. For example, this conspiracy is aimed at preventing divorce and maintaining love between spouses. It can be read by both the mother (wife or husband), and one of the relatives who does not want these people to divorce.

The rite for the restoration of the family is read for three weeks in a row on every Saturday. You need to slander some sweet drink that the spouses will be treated to. It is important that they do not know about the ceremony. Drinking should be spoken for love with the following words:

“Lord, I ask for help in order to rest the souls of the servants of God - (his and her names). Let their hearts ache, be filled with love, let their thoughts languish, be filled with thoughts about each other. So that (the names of the spouses) become sweeter for each other than other husbands and girlfriends, brighter than the clear sun, red month, sweeter than spiced honey, drunker than red wine. From now on, let them look at each other - they can’t stop looking at each other, listen to each other - they can’t hear enough. So that, like two doves in the world, they live, smoothly, side by side. I’ll lock the words with a lock, I’ll lock them with a key, I’ll throw the key into the river. Amen".

If the rival tries to destroy the marriage

In this case, you can apply the conspiracy of the Siberian healer Stepanova, which will help turn her husband away from his mistress. After the ritual, she will seem like a reptile to him. To do this, you need to cook food for your husband on Saturday and speak it with the words:

“As a snake is disgusting and terrible for a person, so let the mistress (her name) become for my beloved husband (his name) more terrible than a snake under the well, more disgusting than a swamp snake. Forty saints times, forty saints two, forty saints three, mistress, servant of God (her name again) take my words.

Another slander that will help take your mistress away from your spouse

This conspiracy will help to quarrel the spouse with his mistress, to extinguish passion and love between them. For this ceremony, you will need a small bar of soap. It should be taken away from the house and thrown into the mud by the road, while saying the words:

“How this piece of soap lathers and lathers, and its foam leaves forever, so let it be washed off, left behind, removed from the heart of my dear lover (her name). For all eternity, let the servant of God retreat (her name again). Amen. Amen. Amen".

If the husband fell out of love and began to hate

The wife must read the plot on the first day new moon. For the ceremony, she will need:

  • three candles;
  • mirror.

On the planned evening, you need to turn off all foreign objects (telephone, doorbell, TV, etc.). Sitting at the table, you should put a mirror and three lighted candles in front of you. You need to read the following conspiracy 36 times in a row:

“There is a golden month in the sky, a young month, and an old star shines nearby. I say this prayer, desiring your love. I will read the plot to nasty snakes, forest animals, quicksands, sandy shores. I read a slander on dead teeth, on cold lips, other people's bones, evil flattery, on a dark cloud, a stinking bunch, on red wine, gloomy thoughts, on fresh meat, on the heart of a young man and on his violent blood. Let everything that was, is and will be, my love does not eat, does not drink, does not destroy either the hour of the night or the clear day. I'll take a straw ear from a shock. It contains 40 grains, and 80 plevens, and the roots are dry. I will weave a belt with him and give it to you, my friend (the name of the beloved). You take it, take it, a woven belt, so that our love does not fade away, does not disappear, does not wash off with water, does not get caught by the sun. While the rivers are filled with water, while the sand leaves a footprint, while the moon rules in the sky, let our love live. My conspiracy is strong, my words are strong. May it be so from now on. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If the daughter-in-law does not like the mother-in-law

Very often, families do not add up due to the outside interference of the next of kin. Natalya Stepanova, among her countless conspiracies, has spells for such a problem.

In order for the mother-in-law to change her attitude towards the bride, she should conduct the following ritual in the spring. At noon on a Friday afternoon, you need to go to the field and find the flowers of the coltsfoot. Having picked one flower, the bride should stand facing the eastern side of the world and say a conspiracy:

“I plucked the flower of my mother and stepmother, so that he served me a faithful service, so that he ordered my stepmother to become my mother. From now on, let the servant of God (the name of the evil mother-in-law) not rage at me (the name of the daughter-in-law), do not shout, do not growl, do not throw malicious words, do not hold anger and do not push around. As you, a flower, came out of the earth, made your way through hard pebbles, dense clay, quicksand, so let my mother-in-law be reborn, become beautiful and love me. Serve me, mother-and-stepmother herb, now, forever and ever, in the name of the Heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit. My conspiracy is strong, my word is tenacious. May it be so. Amen".

At the word "Amen" the girl should break the plant into two halves. The flower must be buried in the place where it was plucked from, and the rest should be taken to the mother-in-law's house. It is necessary to throw the root of the plant under the threshold so that the mother-in-law steps on it.

A slander on an evil, greedy mother-in-law

This conspiracy of the Siberian healer will help pacify the evil mother-in-law, who constantly needs something from her son-in-law. The son-in-law himself, as well as his mother, can read this plot. In order for the mother-in-law to become warmly related to the son-in-law, you need to do a ceremony. You need to take a used birch broom from the bath. His handle must be tied with a cord and for this cord tie him to a living birch. Bypassing the tree three times, you need to say a conspiracy and quickly leave without looking back. Words should be pronounced like this:

“Mother Birch! As your branches burn from my word, so let greed burn, the malice of God's servant (name of mother-in-law). Amen".

Hex to get pregnant

The Siberian healer also has such conspiracies that help girls heal from infertility. In particular, this conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova will help a married woman get pregnant in the most short time. For this to happen, the lady must schedule one day to visit:

  • three different temples;
  • three different cemeteries.

In each of the churches, a woman needs to put three candles. It is also worth ordering “On Health” for yourself and your husband. And near the entrance gate of each cemetery you need to read the words:

“Bones and sorrows in this churchyard, and I came here to bury my barrenness. Key. Lock. Language".

Finishing the phrase with a triple amen, you need to go where there is a freshly plowed field. You need to go into the field and, before doing a small need on the harrow, say a conspiracy:

“As soon as this field blooms with God’s providence, as it gives birth and procreates, so let everything blossom in me, the beginning to grow and after 9 months it became a fruit. From now on, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Section 2 - Hexes for success, luck in business, favor of Fortune, protection

In addition to the conspiracies of the Siberian healer Stepanova to solve family problems, there are those that help get rid of negativity, protect yourself from the evil eye, thereby opening up flows for enrichment, prosperity, luck and well-being. The most popular of them, which were included in the publication "777 conspiracies of the Siberian healer", are given below.

Hex on a coin for enrichment

“Just as there are an uncountable number of fish in the waters, as there is a lot of mud in the swamps, so let me have a lot of different wealth. You, Month, grow, grow, but attract money, coins and banknotes to me. Amen".

A penny spoken for enrichment should be placed in the far corner of the room. After 7 days, you can take it to spend. In the next two months, the ritual should be repeated in order to succeed in attracting wealth.

To get rich by selling goods

In order for trade to be successful and help to get rich, you can use another conspiracy from Natalya Stepanova. As the reviews of people using this slander show, the goods can be sold with maximum benefit for themselves.

“Just as you cannot count the stars in the sky, as you cannot break fresh arable land with your hands, so my word and my speech cannot be canceled. I am a noble merchant, with me a golden crown. Just as all the bees flock to sweet honey, so everyone runs to stare at my goods, they want to buy. Amen".

Remove the damage that was caused through the planted coins

This conspiracy will help get rid of the damage that was brought to 13 planted coins. If you find these in yourself or your loved ones, take them out of the house. Go to the cemetery and put 13 kopecks on the 13th grave (from the entrance). Leaving the cemetery, you need to bow at the entrance, cross yourself and pronounce a conspiracy to get rid of damage:

“I took thirteen kopecks, so I returned thirteen kopecks. The devil brings damage, and the Lord takes it away. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Amen."

Remove magical negative effects

Like the previous conspiracy, this one "works" to eliminate damage. But, besides this, with its help you can get rid of the evil eye and protect yourself for the future. To protect yourself from envious glances, eyeful people and witchcraft deeds, you need to speak a very personal subject. No one should use this thing anymore, it will not be possible to give it to anyone. It is best to use a pin for these purposes, which is spoken with the verbal magic of Natalia Stepanova and pinned in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

The words of the conspiracy should sound like this:

“The Lord Almighty, My God, I stand before You, I ask You for help to save, save and defend me with the Holy Amulet, All Holy Host: Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Baptist, Ivan the Faster, Ivan the Headless, Ivan the Long-suffering, Archangels Gabriel and Michael, as well as the Wonderworker Nicholas, Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. I stand under your invisible shield, now it will defend me and protect me from damage, the evil eye, the envious eye, bad rumors and evil people. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To bring wealth into the house

If you want wealth to flow into your house with an inexhaustible stream, say the following conspiracy of the Siberian healer Stepanova. It must be read on the feast of Maundy Thursday, having previously drawn clean water into a bucket and thrown a handful of little things there. You need to say the following words 33 times:

“Voditsa is alive and transparent, how everyone drinks you, loves you and cannot live without you, how they carry you to church for Baptism to bless you, so I ask your forgiveness. Forgive and help, holy pure Voditsa, call wealth to my house. How much water is in the seas, oceans, rivers, lakes and underground streams, so let there be so much money in my house - morning and evening, from Monday to Sunday and the whole year. As there is a lot of water, so I have a lot of monetary benefits - gold, silver, all kinds of good. From now on and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The ritual of washing the floors continues. After turning off all objects that may be distracting (phone, radio, doorbell, etc.), start the "magic" cleaning. First, in the room, you should wash the table with charmed water, then the windows, then the doors, and the last - the floor.

Hex from poverty, poverty

If the family suffers from a constant lack of funds and there are suspicions of the presence of the evil eye, you can apply another conspiracy included in the collection of spells of the healer Stepanova Natalia. The rite must be read on Holy Thursday. For the ritual, the keeper of the family hearth must prepare:

  • sieve;
  • a handful of little things.

Putting coins in a sieve, on the morning of Maundy Thursday you need to go outside as early as possible (while the rest are sleeping). Sowing coins on the snow, you should first say “Our Father”, and then a conspiracy:

“Lord Almighty, the Son of God Jesus and the Holy Spirit, have mercy on me, a servant of God (your name). Mother Earth and Sister Voditsa, accept my seeds, and bring me good gifts, good times, fruitful seedlings. Amen. Amen. Amen".

For a good harvest

The conspiracies included in various collections of the Siberian healer also help to increase the harvest. To get rid of the evil eye, spoilage (if they prevent you from getting a good harvest), you need to make a verbal amulet for the garden, field. For the first time in the new season, watering plantings, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy 7 times in a row:

“I plant so much, but not so much I collect. Not five, but thirty-five, no seeds - but full baskets. I close my land, I close it with holy locks, I save it with bank keys. From now on, so be it. Amen".

To make a cherished wish come true (effective slander on your birthday)

Among other spells, Stepanova Natalia has a number of conspiracies for the fulfillment of desires. Among them is a magical text included in the publication "7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer." It will help bring the moment of fulfillment of a cherished desire closer. By casting this spell, it will be possible to wait for the fulfillment of a dream much faster, and neither the influence of the evil eye, nor other outside interference will interfere with this.

On your birthday, you should buy three candles. On the burning flame of candles you need to say:

“Our Lord, All-Merciful Sovereign! Forgive, have mercy and bless. Let the dark army pass through the gate, let the chimney sit at the table. Let them bring me dust of gold and silver, three bones from a heifer and another hare lip. As the moon passes its hour across the sky, so from now on, let me, the servant of God (his name), be lucky. In the sea - water, on the shore - sand, and my speeches - to the castle. Amen".

According to what people write reviews online about Stepanova's verbal magic, her magical help is very effective. Using various conspiracies, you can very quickly and at the same time for free, get what you dream about.

If this is not the first time you have been looking on the Internet for information about love spells, conspiracies and, in general, about magic, most likely you have come across “conspiracies of a Siberian healer” more than once. Usually, it is difficult to immediately understand what kind of conspiracies these are, why the healer is Siberian and what is special about these conspiracies? In fact, we are talking about the conspiracies of the famous Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova.

Back in perestroika times, when the tacit ban on the publication of magical literature was not completely abandoned, she published her first book, "Conspiracies of a Siberian Healer." The conspiracies proposed in the book turned out to be very effective, and the book began to enjoy great popularity. Since then, every year new editions of this book are published, and the fame and authority of Natalia Stepanova and her conspiracies are constantly growing.

Very little is known about the life of Natalia Stepanova. She herself does not like to discuss her biography, so the most incredible rumors, assumptions and conjectures circulate about her. Some argue, for example, that Natalya Stepanova received knowledge from the priests of the School of Magic ancient egypt that she is a master of voodoo magic, or that she owns one of Solomon's sacred keys. It is almost impossible to check what is true here.

Ways of rituals

It is known that many of the conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova were passed on to her by her grandmother, the Siberian healer and healer Evdokia Stepanova. The healer herself tells about this in her books. In addition, Natalya Stepanova carefully collects old Russian charms from the people, many of which have survived only in remote Siberian corners.

The conspiracies of the Siberian healer are very popular among the people. They are in great demand and are used to solve a variety of everyday problems. To carry out a magical action, complex rites are not required, they are not saturated with a large number of additional attributes. main force conspiracy words is the sincere belief of a person that with the help of magic he will be able to solve a specific problem that is relevant at a certain point in time.

For peace in the family

This is one of her most popular conspiracies, which can help achieve harmony and peace in a quarrelsome family. It is carried out on the new moon.

Take honey water and say these words over it:

“I take away (your name) all the blasphemy, all the resentment, all the gossip courts, all quarrels and disputes.
I lock on seventy-seven locks, seventy-seven chains.
And whoever decides to destroy my conspiracy will not break it until the seas of the ocean drink.
The key to my words, the lock to my speeches. Amen".

After that, drink the charmed water to all family members.

Conspiracy for money

It is unlikely that anyone will object that money plays an important role in human life. They allow not only to fill it with benefits, but also to gain confidence, which is important in general for a person’s success. Therefore, in magic there is a large number of rituals designed to attract money. A potent rite is also offered by a Siberian healer.

According to Natalia Stepanova, this ceremony should be carried out during the period of the full moon or the growing moon. Carried out in a different lunar phase, the ritual will be less effective. And if the person who conducts the ceremony has a naturally weak energy, then the conspiracy will be simply useless.

The Siberian healer calls the 14th and 16th days of the lunar month the most optimal, since during this period the power of the heavenly body is maximum.

Before the ceremony, you need to purchase a new wallet without change or do not take change for it. This must be done if you never had a lot of money in your old wallet.

You also need to purchase:

  • green candle;
  • Sandalwood oil.

For the ceremony, you should choose a night when the sky will not be covered with clouds, and the moon will shine in the sky strewn with stars. Moreover, the room for the ceremony should be chosen so that the moonlight enters the window.

In the wallet, you should put banknotes of various denominations in one compartment, you can even foreign ones. After that, you need to stand near the window, so that the moonlight illuminates the wallet. Next, you should slowly shift the bills from one compartment to another. At this point, you need to fully focus on the thought that you really want to have a lot of money at your disposal.

After you have transferred all the bills with deep feeling and very clearly pronounce these words:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), turn to you, mighty mother moon. Make sure that I have more and more money every day and my well-being is constantly increasing. Amen".

After pronouncing the words, you need to lubricate the green candle with sandalwood oil. Then the candle should be placed on the table and lit. Next, you need to sit down and start oiling the banknotes in your wallet. In the process of doing this, you should visualize the goals that you want to achieve after you have money.

At the end of the process, you need to sit for a few minutes in silence, looking at the flame of the candle. At this point, you should feel like a rich person. The candle should burn out naturally to the end. But you don't have to be present at all. You need to arbitrarily thank the moon for your help and go to sleep. Important condition The success of the ceremony lies in the fact that after it you can not talk to anyone.

The Siberian healer has always emphasized the importance of luck in a person's life. And she offered to attract her into her life with the help of magic.

During the new moon

One of strong conspiracies for good luck should be read on Sunday during the full moon. Magic words must be pronounced while looking into the mirror that hangs on the wall.

They sound like this:

“Baba-sorceress, you are lying in a coffin, and you are guarding your coffin. And in the old days, you walked the earth and did your magic deeds. She took happiness from people and collected it for herself. So give me now, woman-sorceress, good luck in life, and give her happiness in addition. You won't need it anymore. I will command you the fortieth and forty-first psalms, as well as the one that is the first in black magic. I take your luck by force, and happiness to boot. Amen".

Before important business

You can also attract good luck every time before any important business.

To do this, say the following words:

“Jesus Christ came from heaven, he brought with him the holy Cross with miraculous power. He healed them hopelessly ill forever, helped the destitute and the poor, and also raised glory to all people living on earth. Lord God Almighty, I, the Servant (s) of God (s), ask for help. Make it work for me (you need to describe in detail the work that you are going to do) Amen.

Any conspiracy from a Siberian healer will be effective only if you sincerely believe that the magical action will help you achieve your goal. At the slightest doubt in your soul, you should not even try to use the ancient conspiracies offered by Natalya Stepanova.