
Lemon skin. Lemon for the face is a simple remedy for acne, wrinkles, acne. Whitening mask


Maintain the skin constantly in good shape, cleanse it and tone it under the power of ordinary products around us. The main thing is the ability to use them correctly in home cosmetics. For many, tea with lemon slices remains a favorite drink in the heat and cold. But after all, lemon for the face can also be used. Its properties, nutritional composition would be the envy of many purchased cosmetics.

The composition and benefits of citrus

Lemon for facial skin is famous for its cleansing, rejuvenating and healing effects. There is no superfluous in the composition of citrus, only vitamins and nutritious, life-giving components:

  • a complex of minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus) - without them, cells cannot function normally. Minerals are responsible for metabolic processes, allow you to normalize the functioning of the glands, retain moisture and affect the rate of renewal of the epidermis;
  • vitamin C is the main fighter against free radicals, early aging of the skin. Ascorbic acid accelerates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • vitamins E, B, PP - keep the skin in good shape, give a healthy, even shade, participate in metabolism;
  • organic acids - penetrate deeply, ensure the removal of dead cells, impurities, free pores from sebaceous plugs, comedones;
  • flavonoids are true friends of aging skin that has lost its tone. Lead an active fight against wrinkles and early aging;
  • pectins are substances that, in addition to a rejuvenating effect, reduce inflammatory processes inside cells. They will relieve irritation, acne;
  • phytoncides - refresh, soothe the skin;
  • hesperidin - responsible for the quality of the epidermis. Velvety, soft skin is his merit.

The components of the citrus product guarantee the strengthening of blood vessels and cells, restore strength, tissue elasticity, activate regeneration and metabolism. After acidic procedures, the integument becomes refreshed, toned, the complexion evens out. Many women in pursuit of snow-white skin regularly apply masks with lemon juice or oil.

Lemon for facial skin is a piggy bank of micronutrients, vitamins. Southern fruit is not difficult to acquire all year round. Cosmetics based on it are something magical. It will tighten the contours, cleanse the pores, invigorate and heal the skin.

Benefits of southern fruit

This citrus fruit is recognized by cosmetologists as an excellent product for rejuvenation, whitening, cleansing and nourishing the epidermis. The ambiguous composition allows the use of sour fruit in masks, various tonics, scrubs. Elementary rubbing of the face with a fruit slice instantly fills the lack of minerals in the cells, gently cleanses and heals the skin.

What does citrus promise us:

  • deep cleansing - the contained acids instantly penetrate deep into the epidermis, eliminate impurities, dead cells and sebaceous secretions. In addition, the fruit normalizes the work of the glands, due to which the ugly gloss disappears. Often, its acids are used for peeling in beauty salons;
  • natural healer - lemon cosmetics actively fights acne, inflammatory pimples and blackheads. Sour citrus has excellent antiseptic, antibacterial and immunostimulating properties. The bacteria that cause acne, pimples, die, and the problem does not bother for a long time;
  • intensive nutrition - a high content of various minerals, nutritional components make cells healthy, strong against external attacks of harmful bacteria. A face mask with lemon will replenish wasted strength, invigorate the epidermis;
  • anti-aging effect - perfectly relieves lemon from wrinkles. It stimulates regeneration processes, collagen and elastin are produced faster. It is not surprising that after sour masks the skin is tightened, elastic, as in youth;
  • natural lightening - even out the shade of the face, slightly whiten it really without the help of professional tools. Use a light, proven lemon product. With it, you can fight age spots;
  • availability - you can buy citrus in the store all year round, and in winter you can find it in every refrigerator. Preparing a refreshing citrus face mask does not take much time, but it will please you with high results and minimal costs.

Prepare cosmetic ice based on lemon juice. This is a salvation for the skin in the heat, instant replenishment of moisture, useful components. In other words, a charge of strength and energy.

Indications and contraindications

Surprisingly, for a sour fruit, a slight change for the worse (pimple, irritation, first wrinkles) is a signal for action. This universal remedy, suitable for everyone. If you notice one of the following signs, feel free to refer to the sour fruit:

  • oily sheen;
  • inflammatory reactions, problematic acne;
  • the need for deep cleansing;
  • the skin is tired, loses its elasticity;
  • aging, loss of tone, the appearance of wrinkles;
  • age spots, freckles that spoil the appearance;
  • dull complexion, dullness or yellowness.

You can use the fruit for all types of epidermis for general care and purposefully to solve skin problems. There are many recipes, methods for preparing products for cleansing, rejuvenation, nutrition with the addition of a lemon product. Alternatively, you can alternate fresh juice with lemon oil. Both options are easily combined with base oils, natural honey or herbal decoctions. Which herbs are best for your face, read.

Lemon opens up new horizons for women in home cosmetology. Means based on it can be used by anyone who does not suffer from allergies and does not have open wounds, microtraumas on the face.

Options for using lemon remedy

In cosmetology, this citrus is used in many variations. Juice, whole slices, ice or essential oil lemon for the face will always come to your aid.

From vitamin citrus, you can prepare lotions, masks, scrubs. Dilute fruit juice with water, freeze - and get a great, nutritious and tonic cosmetic ice. A few cubes on a hot day will restore the water balance of cells, fill them with important trace elements and vitamins.

An easy way to take care of oily, problematic skin It's just rubbing lemon on your face. Cut the citrus into thin slices. Spend 2-3 times with citrus slices along the massage lines. The cells will receive a decent portion of vitamins, minerals, the integument will be cleansed and refreshed. After the procedure, wash with boiled water.

A simple but nourishing tonic for sensitive epidermis is obtained by combining the same amount of water and lemon juice. Apply toner regularly on your face. This will save you from acne, blackheads, will delight you with the incredible lightness and softness of the covers.

As you can see, lemon juice for the face is easy to use. Prepare a simple tonic or ice pack to refresh your face on a hot day. It will not take much time, effort, but will provide gentle cleansing, intensive nutrition and quality care.

The best recipes for all occasions

To refresh, treat, rejuvenate and whiten the face, exquisite ingredients are not required. Simple but effective nourishing face masks are used.

gentle cleansing

Light facial peeling with lemon is useful for all types of epidermis. To prepare a cleansing scrub you will need:

  • 1 tbsp citrus juice;
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 1-2 potato tubers.

Mash fresh potatoes. Mix 1 tbsp. puree with fruit ingredient, sugar. Apply the scrub to the moistened surface for 15-20 minutes. Massage for a few minutes to enhance the final result. See the basic self-massage techniques.

Whitening effect

To brighten, cleanse and heal the integument, use natural honey and lemon for the face. This combination is very popular in beauty salons and in home treatments. Both ingredients are saturated with vitamins and minerals, so they will serve as a kind of “cocktail” of nutrients for the cells. To make bleach nourishing mask would need:

  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp melted honey.

Honey bring to a liquid state, do not exceed the temperature mark of 40 o C. Mix with citrus extract. Lay on the face in a dense layer for 15 minutes. Lemon-honey mask has a comprehensive effect on the epidermis, softens and refreshes it. After one mask, the complexion will even out, but expect instant lightening age spots, freckles are not worth it. This requires a systematic approach.

Try to whiten your face with lemon and parsley. The recipe is simple but effective. In general, parsley refers to products for rejuvenation. The lemon mask will brighten, tighten and invigorate the skin. To prepare a healing mixture, you will need the following ingredients:

  • decoction of parsley root;
  • citrus juice.

Pour the root of the greens with boiling water (0.5 tbsp), let it brew a little. Take equal proportions of lemon juice and prepared decoction. Wipe your face with this liquid 2-3 times a day. The course of procedures is 2-4 weeks.

Lifting procedures

Raise the drooping corners of the eyes and mouth, increase the tone, elasticity of the epidermis under the power of a mask with the addition of oatmeal. For its preparation you will need:

  • 2 tbsp flakes "Hercules";
  • 3 - 4 tbsp. whole milk;
  • 1 tsp citrus juice;
  • 1 tsp aloe juice.

Bring milk to a boil, pour over oat flakes. Wait for the oatmeal to swell and cool. Add aloe, lemon extract. Spread the mask over the face and décolleté. Wash off the mixture with warm water after 15 minutes. After the procedure, incredible lightness, softness and elasticity of the covers are guaranteed.

Clay will help to increase tone, give skin elasticity, and rejuvenate it. Dilute 1 tbsp. clay with milk, tea or herbal decoction. Add 1 tsp. citrus juice. Use a mask. When the mask is completely dry, wash with warm water.

Use clay wisely. Ideally, blue clay is suitable for owners of oily skin, and black clay is suitable for dry or normal skin.

Fight wrinkles and skin aging

Honey and lemon for the face can also be used in adulthood. Ingredients will help to invigorate the face, strengthen the regeneration and metabolic processes inside the cells:

  • sour citrus;
  • 1 tsp natural honey;
  • 1 tsp low-fat sour cream (for fatty type);
  • 1 tsp olive oil (for dry type).

Grind the citrus into a puree (with peel), add the rest of the ingredients. Lay the mass on problem areas for 15 minutes. The face after a lemon with honey looks refreshed, healthy. Do not forget to apply a cream with a lifting effect after the mask to consolidate the success achieved.

Prepare a magic remedy for effective nutrition, rejuvenation with lemon oil. Create a great oil composition with olive oil, grape seed extract, argan oil, and other favorite essential oils. Oil extracts add 1-2 drops.


All women who don't live in a submarine and are at least somewhat interested in cosmetics have heard about the importance of using acids in skin care. AHA, BHA, enzymes, exfoliation, peels - these terms are skillfully thrown at us by marketers and dermatologists.

But acid skin care is not a revolutionary solution at all. It's just that advanced cosmetics manufacturers managed to correctly furnish and describe the logic of using acids in cosmetics.

In this article:

In fact, BHA is salicylic acid, AHA is fruit acids. The most primitive, understandable and common fruit acid is citric acid, or, as the manufacturers call it, Zitric acd. This ingredient is found in 75% of the products in your makeup bag. It is put in shampoos, balms, creams, tonics, BB creams, serums, etc.

The popularity of this component in the products of top brands leads to curious reflections. Women ask the question: “Is it possible to wipe the face with lemon or lemon juice and hope for a positive result? Or is it more correct to use citric acid only as part of industrial products? There is no definite answer to this question, but the benefits of citric acid are difficult to downplay.

How does citric acid affect the skin?

Fruit acids, including citric acid, are a really effective home care ingredient. Therefore, cosmetologists often recommend wiping their face with them. but such procedures with lemon can be both beneficial and harmful.

They act in several directions at once: they eliminate dead cells, renew the epidermis, prevent the growth of bacteria, dissolve sebum, thereby ridding the skin of blackheads and comedones.

You often hear about the need to maintain the correct ph. skin. The fact is that the skin has a more acidic environment in comparison with other organs. But many factors disturb its natural balance. For example, other cleansers are alkaline and reduce the acidity of the skin. Therefore, frequent washing can cause dryness, sensitivity and rashes.

If you are still wondering why rubbing lemon on your face and whether it is beneficial, know that this procedure is the most affordable way to balance the skin. And a heroic dose of vitamin C and delicate exfoliation are nice bonuses.

Indications and contraindications for use for different skin types

Citric acid is an inexpensive, effective and most popular ingredient in cosmetics. The conclusion suggests itself: it is suitable for any type of skin. But, in some situations lemon acid especially useful.

For oily skin

Skin sebum is a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria that provoke acne, blackheads and other “gifts”. Plus, excess oil tends to congeal into pores, causing blackheads, uneven texture, and comedones.

Acids dissolve hard sebum, cleanse pores, remove dead particles from the dermis.

Acids are a salvation for girls with oily and problem skin. If you are still a beginner, advanced remedies with BHA, AHA have not tried, use lemon juice. This is a way to understand if your skin is susceptible to acids and how much. Then upgrade your cosmetic bag by buying products with expensive acids.

For skin with freckles and age spots

First of all, to prevent new spots and freckles from appearing, make friends with sunscreens.

Lemon juice has been successfully used for centuries to treat pigmentation and freckles. Yes, it really helps to even out complexion, lighten acne marks, pigmentation, etc., thanks to its ability to exfoliate old cells. But it is impossible to completely get rid of old age spots only with lemon. Approach these issues in a holistic manner. In tandem with citric acid, use glycolic or lactic acid, arbutin and enzymes.

For mature and aging skin

With age, all natural renewal processes in the epidermis slow down. Therefore, regular exfoliation is the basis of anti-age care. Scrubs, washing brushes and other traumatic methods are contraindicated for.

Acids are a wonderful gentle way to stimulate dermal renewal.. The most common acid is citric acid. She does this job well.

If the result of applying lemon juice on the skin did not impress you, do not rush to write off this valuable citrus. The fact is that our hair needs acid care even more than our skin.

An ancient grandmother's way of rinsing hair with a solution apple cider vinegar or citric acid is a useful life hack that has been tested by several generations. Rinse your hair with acidified water immediately after washing, this soothes the scalp, making the hair itself shiny, soft and supple.

When and what is the effect of rubbing?

Good products with acids change the skin in a matter of days. It becomes radiant, moisturized, well-groomed, the complexion evens out, inflammation heals, even small wrinkles are smoothed out.

But is it possible to smear the face directly with lemon, and not with acid? Lemon juice is a less effective but more gentle acid treatment option. The result from its use will not be as pronounced and instant as it could be from acid, but it will definitely be. The skin will become smoother and brighter, the pores will narrow, the face will freshen up.


Reviews on whether to rub your face with lemon are available online at in large numbers. This tool is very popular among women, as it is one of the most affordable.


I have dry skin but with pimples in the center of my face. Here's an unfortunate paradox. Used lemon juice mixed with fat cream. Inflammation went away in 2-3 days and, most importantly, there were no nasty cyanotic post-acne marks left. Now I go to a beautician for peelings, but I also periodically do a mask with lemon juice.

Inna Berry

I have textured skin. There are no pores on the forehead, but craters, even primers did not help. The dermatologist advised to go for a "yellow peel", but in order to prepare, he recommended make ice out of lemon juice and wipe your face in the morning. I liked the result so much that I never went for a peeling. The skin became more even, the pores did not shrink, but became less noticeable.

How often can you use lemon juice?

Women are concerned about the question, is it possible to wipe the face with lemon every day? If it helps, then yes. But, don't overdo it. Too intense exfoliation thins the epidermis. Redness, peeling, etc. signal that you need to pause in acid care.

To lighten pigmentation, apply citric acid 3-4 times a day, but zoned, exclusively on spots.

Application rules

If you correctly integrate citric acid or citrus juice into your daily care, there will be no harm from it, only benefit. But there are a number of precautions to be taken to prevent side effects.:

Any type of peeling makes the skin susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, increasing the risk of age spots. Advanced dermatologists have repeatedly proven that intense UV radiation contributes to photoaging of the skin and the appearance of melanoma. But with regular exfoliation, sun protection is not recommended. preventive measure, but a necessity. Even if you just rub lemon juice on your face, don't neglect SPF creams..

Homemade Lemon Juice Recipes

Acid pads for express peeling

On the basis of lemon, one fashionable product can be prepared - acid pads for express peeling. So far, such skin renewal pads are only produced expensive brands: COSRX, Secret key (Korea), Dr. Deniss Gross, Laboratoire Dr Renaud (American dermatologists).

This is a primitive but ingenious product: a set cotton pads impregnated with an acid composition. The price for such “innovative products” is off the charts: $3-6 per 1 pad. All of them contain a complex of acids, including citric acid.

For hand-made pads you will need: a set of cotton pads, 1 tsp. citric acid, 1 tsp salicylic solution from a pharmacy, 1 ampoule of pharmacy ascorbic acid + 25 ml of water. Before use, shake off the solution, moisten a cotton pad, wipe your face, wash thoroughly after 3-5 minutes..

Such a simple procedure gives a distinctly positive result: the skin is renewed, the complexion becomes more even, inflammation disappears, pores narrow.

Clay mask with lemon juice

Such a mask tightens pores, renews the epidermis, and dries up inflammation. 2 tbsp blue or green clay, + 1 tbsp. lemon juice + 1 tbsp. water. The mask should spread easily over the face. If the mass is thick, add more water. Apply to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.. Wait for the mask to dry, then rinse gently.

not without reason citric acid is a basic ingredient in cosmetic products, it really enhances the effectiveness of home skin care. Do not neglect simple acid products, and your skin will be fresh, healthy and well-groomed.

In contact with

Every girl wants to keep her beauty and freshness for many years. Experienced young ladies find the ideal means for themselves to prolong youth. Someone has discovered anti-aging creams of a fashionable brand, someone prefers to use natural oils, and someone uses fruit and vegetable masks - every lady has her own secrets of youth. However, few people know that you can improve the skin even with an ordinary lemon. It is about why wiping your face with lemon, what it gives and to whom it suits, and will be discussed further.

Mister Lemon

This sour and very fragrant citrus fruit is kept in the refrigerator by many hostesses. It is put in tea, used as a seasoning for fish, chopped zest is added to the dough, and juice is added to salad dressings ... But how can lemon be useful for facial skin?

First of all, it contains one important substance called L-absorbic acid. This hydroxy acid gently exfoliates the skin, starts cell renewal processes, removes excess sebum, cleanses pores, prevents acne, brightens, dries and smoothes. In a word, it conscientiously performs the functions of the well-known peeling with AHA acids, only much more economical than salon peeling.

In addition, lemon juice contains many valuable trace elements: vitamins A, C, K, B 1, B 2, B 3 and B 9; potassium, sodium, iron and fluorine; citrine, flavonoids and pectins. All these useful material in complex:

  • give an astringent effect, due to which enlarged pores narrow;
  • reduce the number of comedones;
  • disinfect the skin and regulate its acid-base balance;
  • fight pigment spots;
  • stimulate the production of collagen;
  • act as an antioxidant.

As a result, the skin becomes more toned, dense and matte, the complexion improves, fine wrinkles are leveled, and inflammation is reduced.

The listed abilities of lemon will be especially indispensable for owners of oily and problem skin. However, everyone can use lemon juice for the face, just ladies with dry and sensitive skin I should do it less often.

And, of course, we must not forget about allergies! After all, citrus fruits can also cause a negative reaction, therefore, before smearing lemon on your face, you need to make sure that the skin does not react to this with a rash or irritation.

Lemon treatments should not be used if you are allergic to citrus fruits

If the body perceives lemon juice favorably, then everything is in order - you can proceed to the procedures!

Lemon recipes for skin beauty

The quickest and easiest way is to simply wipe your face with lemon. To do this, you need to remove makeup and wash your hands, then cut off a small slice of juicy citrus with a sharp knife and squeeze the juice onto a cotton pad. Then, avoiding contact with the eyes, wipe the skin with this sponge. Let the juice dry, wash and use a nourishing cream. This will help prevent dryness.

If the skin is oily, then wiping is allowed to be repeated three days in a row. If dry, once or twice a week. And for a very sensitive person, it is better to dilute lemon with water in a 1: 1 ratio. With aging skin, mineral water is ideal for this purpose. Moreover, lemon juice for the face every time should be freshly squeezed.

However, you can even do without sponges, rubbing the skin with a thin slice of this fragrant citrus. This procedure will give the face softness, elasticity, gently cleanse the pores and work as an exfoliating agent. However, do not forget that, as after any peeling, after it you can not appear in the sun without protective cream with SPF 15 and above.

But there are other, slightly more complex recipes. For example, a mineral tonic. To prepare it, you need to brew half a glass of strong black tea without additives, and instead of ordinary water, take non-carbonated mineral water for this. Then cool and strain the infusion and add 5-7 drops of fresh lemon juice to it. Mix everything and wipe your face in the morning and evening.

Tonic with tea and lemon juice invigorates and refreshes the skin

It will be especially useful for tired, flabby, sluggish skin. Lemon and tea tone it up, improve the color and make it more matte and dense.

But for aging skin, an oil tonic is perfect. It's easy to prepare. You just need to saturate the olive oil with fresh citrus juice. The ratio of ingredients should be equal. This oil tonic is used twice a week. It visibly improves the skin and smoothes fine wrinkles.

For those who are chronically sleep deprived, work hard and need a vacation for a long time, which is reflected on the face in the form of dark circles under the eyes, ice with lemon will help. Such citrus cryotherapy will refresh the skin and improve its color. And all you need is to prepare lemon water, pour it into molds and freeze, and then wipe your face every morning. The proportions are as follows: a glass of non-carbonated mineral water for half a glass of fresh juice.

About the benefits of lemon ester

And what about essential oil? Is it suitable for facial enhancement? More than! Every beauty should know that scientists have made an amazing discovery: lemon ether can slow down the action of a substance called elastase. But it is this nasty enzyme that accelerates skin aging by breaking down collagen and elastin fibers. Thus, women who apply lemon oil to their face will be able to prolong their youth without much difficulty! And of course, it has the same properties as fresh lemon juice - brightens, reduces pores, kills bacteria, smoothes wrinkles and tones.

It is only important to buy really high-quality ether. So, if they ask suspiciously little for a bottle, this should be alarming. After all, to get just a liter of real lemon oil, you need to process more than three thousand fruits. Such work simply cannot be worth a penny.

High-quality oil is light, slightly yellowish or greenish, fresh and fragrant. It is obtained by cold pressing and contains 90% limonene.

In addition, do not forget to pay attention to the expiration date and follow the storage rules.

Here are a few ways to use this wonderful facial oil.

Lemon essential oil slows down aging

The simplest is to use lemon essential oil along with a base oil instead of a night cream. At the same time, two drops of essential oil are taken per tablespoon of natural. If the skin is oily, grape seed oil is perfect as a base, if age-related - peach or coconut, and if you need to get rid of freckles and age spots, it is better to take sea buckthorn. For dry and normal skin, olive oil is quite suitable.

You can also make a course of potato masks, which will help even out the complexion and heal the skin. To prepare such a mask, you need to peel one small potato, boil it, mash it in mashed potatoes and mix with a teaspoon natural oil jojoba and 8-10 drops of lemon ether. The mass is applied to the face warm and kept for a quarter of an hour. Then remove with a napkin and wash.

In addition, lemon ether will help to cope with acne. For this purpose, you can even use the oil in its pure form, only gently, pointwise, dipping cotton swab in a bottle with ether and lubricating inflammation.

In a word, every young lady can find a procedure to her liking. And remember that rubbing a face with lemon or making a tonic is not at all difficult, and the result will exceed all expectations. Don't be lazy to be beautiful!

Why rub your face with lemon?

This fruit is so versatile and useful that you can write odes about it. In one Arabian tale, where a prisoner, imprisoned in a cold dungeon for many years, survived with the help of lemon and lemon juice.

Lemon not only heals our body, but also perfectly cares for the skin. Moreover, skin care with lemon is so simple that it can be easily carried out every day, for this it is enough to wipe your face with lemon or lemon juice.

Due to its natural disinfectant properties, lemon juice is excellent for fighting acne and skin scars.

Therefore, it can confidently be included in the list of products for the care of problem skin. Natural acids contained in lemon juice have a powerful immune-stimulating and antibacterial effect, break down harmful, acne-causing microbes and bacteria.

The main active ingredient in lemon juice is L-absorbic acid. It exfoliates dead skin cells and stimulates the growth of new cells. The exfoliating process of L-absorbic acid in lemon juice works as a natural astringent that removes excess oil, drying on the surface of the skin and minimizing the potential for future breakouts. In addition, lemon juice unclogs pores, reduces redness, making the surface of the skin smoother and scarring less noticeable, it dries the skin, eliminating oily sheen.

Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent. It brightens acne and pimple marks, promotes flawless skin color.

Lemon juice is a great facial exfoliator, it exfoliates and removes dead cells, making the face younger and the skin softer and more elastic.

For oily and normal skin to whiten freckles and age spots, you can wipe your face with a slice of lemon up to 5 times a day, leaving the juice on your face for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

With flabby and oily skin with enlarged pores, it is necessary to make a lotion from equal parts of mineral water and lemon juice.

In this case, you need to wipe your face daily, letting it dry and not rinsing it off with water.

How to use lemon for skin?

There are two options, wipe your face with a thin piece of fresh lemon or a cotton pad soaked in lemon juice.

  1. Use only fresh and ripe lemons.
  2. Use a wooden cutting board and a sharp knife for slicing.
  3. Carefully cut the lemon in half for easy use of the juice.
  4. With clean hands, squeeze lemon juice directly onto a cotton pad.
  5. Cleanse your face before applying the lemon juice swab, and then wipe the affected areas, avoiding the eye area. Wash your face.

After lemon juice has been used, the skin must be treated with a nourishing cream so as not to cause peeling and a feeling of tightness.

And also lemon juice can be added to homemade masks and creams for face and body.

Using lemon to wipe your face, after a few weeks, you will notice a qualitative improvement in the condition of your skin.


Lemon juice can cause an allergic reaction, with especially sensitive skin, thin and delicate skin, it is recommended to dilute lemon juice in half with water.

Lemon is a unique citrus fruit. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Every day you need to eat at least a few slices of lemon. This will help to cheer up, strengthen the immune system, feel a surge of strength and energy. Lemon is also very useful for the face. If you are fond of homemade masks, you probably know that the best and effective means prepared on the basis of this citrus. But masks are not the only way lemon applications.

Benefits of lemon for skin

The secret of lemon's success is in its rich vitamin composition. One citrus fruit contains:

  • organic acids;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • chlorine;
  • sulfur;
  • sodium;
  • manganese.

Lemon cocktails increase efficiency and help maintain mental balance. That is why they are recommended to drink to students and schoolchildren.

Lemon for the face is used for a reason. Citrus boasts an impressive amount of skin benefits:

  1. Lemon is a natural disinfectant. So it can be safely used to treat inflammation: acne, pimples, skin scars.
  2. Many cosmetologists believe that this citrus is better than most salon products for whitening and brightening facial skin. Masks and tonics based on lemon effectively and very gently fight hyperpigmentation and freckles.
  3. By regularly rubbing your face with lotions with lemon, you can increase the production of collagen. This, in turn, will help rejuvenate the skin, remove unwanted wrinkles and grooves.
  4. One of the most important active ingredients in lemon juice is the hydroxy acid. Thanks to it, the old keratinized layers of the skin are more likely to exfoliate, and new ones begin to grow much faster.
  5. Means with lemon perfectly cleanse the pores, normalize their work. After application, their number is noticeably reduced.
  6. Among other things, lemon helps to reduce oily skin. The face becomes matte and acquires a healthy color.

Can you rub lemon on your face?

Firstly, wiping your face with lemon is not only possible, but necessary. Secondly, quite a lot of recipes for using citrus have been invented. You can use lemon both in its pure form and as part of homemade cosmetic products.