
How to whiten nails after a vegetable garden with citric acid. We whiten nails at home. Folk remedies against yellowness


The nail plate is tested daily. It is most affected by the use of decorative varnish, direct contact with surfactants (powder, dishwashing liquid, etc.) and smoking. All of these factors destroy and spoil the color of the nail plate. If it will be enough to use vitamins to restore it, then additional care will be required to remove yellowness. Today, you can whiten your nails at home with proven folk remedies and special cosmetics.

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Modern "whiteners" for the nail plate

The easiest way to remove yellowness from nails is to use special products sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. As a rule, they contain natural bleaching ingredients. These are citrus juice (most often lemon), low concentration of hydrogen peroxide, sea salt or soda. They are applied like a regular varnish and provide a protective glossy finish. During the entire time of wearing, the varnish whitens the nails. Usually a day is enough to get rid of the unpleasant yellowness.

In addition to the components that whiten the nails, the cosmetics contain vitamins and minerals. They protect the nail plate from drying out and destruction, which threatens it from prolonged use of bleaching agents.

Good "whiteners" for nails are available from the following companies:

Dr. Pierre Ricaud, ESSIE ("Beam Up Instant Nail Whitener"), Sally Hansen ("Insta-Brite Nail Whitener"), Manhattan ("Nail Whitener"), MAYBELLINE ("Salon white"), Platinum, Severina, Star Rain , New dawn *.

* If the name of the cosmetics given by the manufacturer is not indicated in brackets, then it is called the standard: whitening agent.

Folk remedies against yellowness

When there is no opportunity and time to buy special tool, then you can resort to time-tested methods. They were also used by our grandmothers, who wanted to preserve the beauty and health of their hands, despite the lack of cosmetics.

Folk remedies whiten nails no less effectively than store ones, but you will have to tinker with them a little longer. They must be applied once a day until the yellowness disappears. As a rule, 2-3 procedures are enough to achieve the desired effect.

  • Squeeze out about 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, soak a cotton swab in it and rub each nail plate vigorously with it. Wash your hands with soap and water.
  • In a non-metallic bowl, mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The consistency of the mixture should be pasty. Apply it to your nails and let sit for a minute, then rinse with plenty of water.
  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons in a glass of hot water, add a drop of lemon juice (this will enhance the whitening effect of the salt). When the water has cooled slightly, dip your nails into it and hold for about 5 minutes. Then be sure to rinse your hands.

After bleaching your nails, be sure to take care of their nutrition. To do this, rub into them fat cream or vegetable oil (absolutely any will do, the main thing is that it is unrefined). If you neglect the final stage, the whitening products will thin the nail plates, make them weak and thin.

Before you start whitening your nails, you need to figure out the reason for their darkening or yellowing. Most often, nails lose their natural shine and change color due to a lack of vitamins in the body. This happens, for example, in the off-season - after a long winter. During this period, the body is already depleting its reserves of vitamins accumulated over the summer and autumn.

Therefore, before doing the baths, you can start introducing vitamins into the diet. These can be industrial complexes for strengthening and growing nails with calcium and zinc, or there can be products with a high content of useful microelements - fresh fruits and vegetables. It is desirable to give preference to those foods that are rich in vitamin C, as well as those with a high calcium content. Additionally, you can take a vitamin and mineral complex, strictly according to the instructions.

Smoking is also the reason for the yellowing of nails. The tar that is released from cigarettes is absorbed into the fingertips and nail plates. In order for the nails to stop turning yellow, you need to give up the addiction. Moreover, it is good for health in general. If there is not enough strength for this, then you can make a choice in favor of electronic cigarettes that do not emit tar, and, therefore, do not make nails and hands turn yellow. Alternatively, a mouthpiece that prevents the cigarette filter and hands from touching is also suitable.

The nail plate may darken due to nicotine

An equally popular reason for the darkening of the nail plate is household chemicals... During household chores that involve the use of cleaning agents and detergents always wear rubber gloves. This will preserve not only the nails, but also the skin of the hands. Moreover, this can be done with great benefit... Apply greasy hand cream to your hands, put on cotton gloves and rubber gloves on top. When doing housework, use hot water to create a sauna effect. The nails and skin will steam, the pores will open, and all the nutrients from the cream will be absorbed faster.

Lovers of bright manicure should always apply a base under the manicure in order to keep the nails in their natural color. Bright pigments from the varnish are absorbed into the nail plate, which changes its color. It is quite difficult to remove this pigment, but it is possible. To prevent this from happening, in addition to the basis for a manicure, you also need to follow some rules. First, give your nails a break from nail polish for at least a day a week. Secondly, do not forget to do nail baths and massage. Third, polish soft nail file nail plates.

If you are a furious fan of nail polish with gel polish, then remember that it, like varnish, does not give the nails a normal air flow. After removing the coating, the nails may change their color. You need to be more careful with a manicure: long-term coverage is, of course, beautiful, but not always useful. Rest your nails. After the gel polish, it may take about a week to restore the health of the nail plates.

Another equally popular reason for darkening and yellowing of nails is fungus. Nail diseases not only make the nail plate of an unnatural color, but also destroy the structure of the nail, disrupt proper growth. Cure fungus and others on your own nail diseases difficult, you need to see a doctor. Not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases.

And, of course, the condition of the nails is a reflection of what is happening inside a person. So, diseases of the liver and kidneys give yellowness to the nails in the first place. Unfortunately, it is difficult to independently recognize such diseases; specialist advice is required. During the course of treatment, you can additionally whiten your nails with homemade recipes, without resorting to chemistry.

Yellowing of the nails can be a sign of illness.

Having figured out why exactly the nails turn yellow, you can start whitening them, without harming your health. Among all existing ways homemade ones are easy to use - they can be done at any convenient time. Required condition- there should not be any varnish or hardener on the nails, otherwise all procedures are meaningless.

How to whiten your nails at home

Naturally the most popular and known way for nail whitening is lemon whitening. It can be used both as a stand-alone product and as a composition for a nail bath. In the first case, you just need to immerse your nails in the lemon pulp for 3-5 minutes. Citric acid gives the free tip of the nails a whiteness and shine. The disadvantage of this method is that the skin around the nail plates can be overdried. You can rub lemon juice and cotton swab only in the plates themselves, without touching the skin. After the procedure, you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin of the hands and nails so that there is no overdrying.

In the second case, lemon juice serves as an important component of a whitening nail bath. Mix in warm water a tablespoon of lemon juice, a couple of drops of oil (for example, ylang-ylang, aloe or eucalyptus oil), mix everything. As a supplement, you can add a teaspoon of sea salt (no dyes). Immerse both hands, if the size of the container allows, for 10 minutes in the solution. After the procedure, apply a moisturizing and nourishing cream.

This bath will not only whiten your nails, but also make them smooth, shiny and strong. It is enough to carry out the procedure once a week or as needed. It was noted that after the bath, the nails become really white, strong and beautiful. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure if there is an untreated fungus on the nails.

Another well-known bleaching agent for a long time is hydrogen peroxide. Since it has one unpleasant property - to irritate the skin of the hands, it should only be used in combination with glycerin. It is in any pharmacy, and it does not cost so much. In a small container, mix one teaspoon of glycerin and five teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide (3%, no more). Apply the resulting mixture with a cotton swab to the nail plates, without touching the cuticle and lateral ridges. Let it sit on your nails for 10 minutes, then rinse with running water at room temperature. Nourishing nail cream can be applied at night.

Nails can be whitened with hydrogen peroxide

An equally popular tool for whitening nails is toothpaste. With its help, you can whiten not only teeth, as shown in advertisements, but also nail plates. The only condition is to resort to this method no more than once every two weeks. Modern toothpastes contain several harsh ingredients that, if overused, can destroy the structure of nails. Apply toothpaste to nails and rub with a small brush, rinse with warm water. This method also perfectly removes dirt from under the nails, as well as oil stains from hands or darkening from the skin after contact with fungi (important in the autumn).

Baking soda also does a pretty good job of whitening your nails. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of sea salt in a container (large table salt is also suitable for replacement), add half a glass of warm water. Hold your hands in the solution for at least 15 minutes, then rinse with warm running water. This method is suitable for daily use, but only if you regularly apply hand and nail cream.

You can whiten your nails, and at the same time strengthen and accelerate their growth, using pepper paste. To do this, you need hot ground red pepper (a pinch) and the usual hand cream. Add pepper to a tablespoon of cream, mix everything with a cotton swab (the mixture will turn pinkish-orange), and apply it on your nails without touching the skin. Leave it on for about 10 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Red pepper steams the plate, opening all the pores on the nails. From the flow of oxygen, the nails grow faster, become stronger, and the free tip is whiter. It is not recommended to use such a mixture more often than once every two weeks.

The method, which was already known to our grandmothers, involves the use of berry pulp. Suitable for bleaching: cranberries, lingonberries, red currants. Crush a handful of any of the listed berries with a pestle in a container, add a tablespoon of water, mix everything. Submerge your nails in the berry mixture for 20 minutes, then simply rinse under warm water. There is no need to apply the cream, the berries contain all the necessary trace elements that nourish the nails. You can use this mixture every day without harm to the skin and nails.

Berry cream not only whitens, but also nourishes nails

Pharmacy chamomile also does a good job of removing yellowness. Its only drawback is that the skin around the nails is very dry. To prevent this from happening, you need to pour boiling water over the pharmacy chamomile, let it brew, and then add a teaspoon of oil (vegetable, olive, any other). You need to keep your nails in the bath for about 15 minutes, then just rinse with water and apply a nourishing cream. Pharmacy chamomile will not only whiten your nails, but also make them stronger and stronger, accelerate growth and add shine to your nails.

I use olive and vegetable oil not only in the kitchen, but also in cosmetic procedures... So, to whiten your nails, you need a tablespoon of any of these oils and a teaspoon of lemon juice. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the nails with a cotton swab in a circular motion, without touching the skin. Leave the oil and juice on your nails for 20 minutes, then simply wash off with soap and water. You can apply the cream to your hands at night.

It is not recommended to make baths and mixtures with an aggressive composition (soda, hydrogen peroxide, lemon) if there are small wounds on the skin near the nails. For example, from burrs. This will not only prevent them from healing, but also aggravate their condition once again. But a bath with iodine and sea salt will help heal sores and strengthen nails. To add a whitening effect to this, you can add a little rose water (a tablespoon), which is available in pharmacies or nail service stores. Then the bath will be not only curative, but also brightening.

Baths for nails should not harm the skin of the hands

Industrial nail whitening products

Of course, home remedies compare favorably with those made by various cosmetic companies. Nevertheless, among industrial products there are those that really effectively cope with their task without harming the nails.

One such tool is Essie's Beam up. Its appeal is that it removes yellowness from nails almost instantly. It is also ideal for daily use. Not to mention, it can be used as a base for a manicure. By consistency it is clear nail polish for nails that dries very quickly.

Oriflame also boasts one product in its line of nail care - Nail Whitener. It is a water-based solution that absorbs quickly and does not require any special handling. It is simply applied to the nails with a brush and left until completely absorbed. The composition contains all the same lemon juice and aloe-vera oil, which not only give the nails a natural White color but also strengthen them.

Means "Mava-white" has one amazing property - it hides yellowness, while at the same time curing it. Mavala has created this product, similar in consistency to varnish, with a brush for ease of use. It is noteworthy that the titanium oxide included in the composition not only whitens the nail plates, but also gives them shine and shine, strength and strength. This universal remedy, which can be applied as a base for a manicure.

In the arsenal of the company "SEVERINA" there is also a whitening agent for nails, which does not cost too much (within 60 rubles). It not only whitens nails, but also strengthens them, heals them, but only with regular use. The effect is noticeable after two or three uses. In addition, this tool can be used as a base for varnish, as well as as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

Professional cosmetics - quick way whiten your nails

No less popular budgetary funds is a remedy from Sally Hansen. It's called Insta-Brite Nail Whitener. Its advantage is that it acts not only as a whitener for nails, but also as an independent coating for nails. It provides protection from UV rays and also protects nails from absorbing pigments from bright varnishes. In addition, customers have noted that the varnish applied to this base coat lasts several days longer than usual. You can whiten your nails daily, alternating with homemade masks and baths.

And, of course, the most popular nail whitening remedy is a whitening pencil. It is available in pharmacies, cosmetic stores, as well as in specialized stores for nail service under various brands. The advantage of this tool is in the quick whitening of nails. This ideal remedy when you need to instantly put your nails in order. Before a date, for example. The only drawback is that the whitening pencil does not eliminate the cause of the appearance of yellowness, but simply removes it for a while.

Whatever your choice, you always need to look for the cause of the appearance of yellowness and darkening on the nails. By removing them, you will automatically give your nails a natural color and whiteness. As for nail care, it is still better to trust home recipes, since they do not contain unnecessary chemical fillers that can harm nails. Beware of counterfeit industrial nail whitening products. They can destroy the nail plate, make it fragile and brittle, not to mention the fact that they are unlikely to whiten the nails.

It is possible to whiten your nails at home, and this does not require colossal efforts or significant financial investments - only desire and perseverance with a minimum of money and time. Whitening pencil or varnish against natural recipes, for a few days or for a long time - the choice is yours.

Yellow nails, of course, can be covered with several layers of varnish, so much so that no one will guess about this little cosmetic problem. However, when there is no varnish ...

No, it is not at all necessary to go to the salon, you can whiten your nails at home, as with cosmetics and using natural remedies.

Whiten nails at home - recipes

The best and most effective nail whiteners are natural, of course, and they cost a lot of money.

Soda and peroxide

Mix a tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide and two and a half tablespoons of baking soda in a ceramic bowl until a smooth paste. Apply this paste with a cotton swab to the entire surface of the nail plate and under it.

Wait three minutes, rinse with warm water. Even if there is significant improvement after the first application, the procedure must be repeated once a week for six to eight weeks.

Lemon is an excellent remedy for whitening not only skin, but also nails. And various natural additives only enhance its properties.

  • The easiest way to use: simply apply freshly squeezed lemon juice on your nails for five to seven minutes, rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.
  • Lemon bath: mix a quarter cup of lemon juice with a glass of warm water and one or two tablespoons liquid soap, hold your fingertips in this water for about five minutes, wipe off and apply a moisturizer.
  • Lemon and baking soda: Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice and two to three tablespoons of baking soda until a smooth paste. Apply the paste over the entire surface of the nails and under their tips, leave it for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water and soap.
  • Lemon and salt scrub: take lemon juice and salt in equal proportions, mix, rub over the entire surface of the brushes, paying special attention to the nails, leave for five minutes. Wash off with warm water.


Whitening toothpaste can whiten not only teeth but also nails. It must be applied to the nails and washed off with warm water after five minutes. The procedure can be repeated no more than once a week.

Sea salt

The sea salt bath strengthens and whitens even sore nails. In a glass and a half of warm water, you need to add three tablespoons of sea salt and hold your fingers until the solution cools. Then just rinse your hands with warm water.

You need to take 250 ml of warm water and mix it with a tablespoon of alcoholic vinegar, and then soak your nails in the bath for about eight minutes. Rinse your hands with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

Whitening nails - pencil and varnishes

You can quickly and easily (but not for long) eliminate yellowness by simply painting it over, for which a whitening nail pencil is suitable.

Such pencils are intended mainly for creating the famous French manicure and, in principle, only visually hide yellow nails. It is recommended to apply such a pencil on the inner surface of the nail at night.

There are special whitening nail polishes that are very effective, especially those that contain titanium oxide. It is used like a regular varnish, covering the entire surface of the nail plate.

But still: yellow nails - what is the reason?

Yellow nails are unpleasant, ugly and unhealthy. In general, some "not". At the same time, the process of whitening nails is absolutely safe for health: the gentle components are easily bleached without harming the nail plate.

However, the choice of whitening method should depend on the cause of the yellowness. Common causes include heredity, smoking, the effects of medication or illness, such as anemia and vitamin deficiency; severe case - fungal infections, in which case the nail acquires an unpleasant brown color and even smell.

However, the most common problem that leads to yellowing of the nail plate can be either oxygen starvation, when the nail cannot "breathe" under the varnish, or the consequences of prolonged exposure to varnish ingredients, both pigments and formaldehyde, which, according to experts, poisons nails and makes them yellow.

Therefore, do not forget to apply the base coat at the very beginning of the manicure.

Every woman wants her nails to look beautiful and well-groomed with or without varnish. But sometimes there are situations when after removing the varnish it becomes obvious that nail plate turned yellow or even acquired a grayish tint. This signals that it is better to abandon the use of varnish for a while, and another problem comes to the fore: how to whiten nails at home?

Varnish is not the only reason why the nail plates turn yellow. They are negatively affected by smoking, alcohol, improper nutrition, deficiency of minerals, vitamins, work in the garden. Sometimes the color of the plates takes on an unpleasant shade due to diseases of the liver, lungs, and kidneys. Diabetes mellitus, nail fungus affects the condition of the nail plates.

Although there are many methods on how to make nails white in order to permanently rid them of yellowness, it is necessary to determine the cause that provoked the discoloration, and, if possible, eliminate it. For example, if the problem is in the varnish coating, you need to buy high-quality products and do not forget to apply a base coat before the varnish coat. From time to time, the nails should be given a break.

If the yellowness is triggered by smoking, it is necessary to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day, ideally, to quit the bad habit. With a lack of vitamins, a vitamin and mineral complex will help. If the condition of the nails is affected by liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, you need to carefully monitor your health: these are very serious ailments that can be fatal.

Whatever provokes the yellow color of the nail plates, they look ugly, so they need to be put in order, that is, whitened. To do this, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive cosmetic preparations: whitening nails at home can be done with means, many of which are always at hand at home.

We use lemon

It is not difficult to whiten nails with the help of lemon: after the first procedure, under the influence of lemon juice, the yellowed plates noticeably turn white. True, it is rare to completely remove yellowness at one time, so a session must be carried out every three days.

Since the acid of lemon juice has the ability to greatly dry out the skin and nails, a moisturizing nourishing cream should be applied to the hands immediately after the procedure. It should also be borne in mind that if there are cuts and wounds near the nails, it is better to refuse the use of lemon juice.

Before whitening your nails with lemon, you need to make juice from it, if you wish, you can pour in a little sunflower or other vegetable oil: in addition to the fact that such a mixture will whiten your nails, it will also strengthen the nail plates. After that, soak a cotton swab in the liquid and wipe your nails. You can repeat the procedure several times a day until the nail plates acquire a natural color.

To make lemon juice work faster, you can pour it into a bowl in an amount sufficient so that it completely covers the nail plates. Keep it on for about two minutes, then wash your hands and apply a moisturizer.

A good effect can be achieved by mixing baking soda (1: 1) with lemon juice, which has whitening and abrasive characteristics. Apply the resulting gruel to the yellowed marigolds, and for about five minutes, gently rub the product with a nail brush or toothbrush. After that, wash your hands well.

You can prepare a less acidic product: add lemon juice to a glass of boiled cold water and immerse your nails in the liquid for ten minutes. If you cannot make juice, you can proceed even easier: immerse your fingertips in lemon pulp and keep them there for two to three minutes.

Baths for nail plates

You can whiten your nails with salt baths. This product is less acidic, so it does not dry out the skin much. But since the procedure involves the need to keep fingers in water for a long time, wash your hands after the session and apply a regenerating cream.

To prepare a nail whitening bath, you need to dilute two teaspoons of sea salt in two hundred grams of warm water, dip your fingertips into the liquid and leave it on for about fifteen minutes. Salt baths should be done every three days, how quickly it will be possible to put the nails in order, largely depends on their condition.

Chamomile copes well with the task. To do this, pour a tablespoon of dry grass with a glass of boiling water and leave for thirty to forty minutes. When the broth is infused, dip your fingers into the infusion and hold for about fifteen minutes. Herbal baths need to be done every two days for about a month.

Other means

People have long used hydrogen peroxide as a bleach, it does a good job of whitening nails. To do this, you need to mix peroxide with baking soda in proportions of one to two, and then apply the gruel to the nail plates. After three minutes, wash off the mass by gently rubbing it into your nails. Instead of soda, you can use glycerin: mix it with peroxide in proportions of one to five, apply on yellowed nails, rinse off with warm water after four minutes.

Whitening toothpaste does the job well. To do this, you need to apply the product to a specially dedicated toothbrush twice a day and clean your nails for about a minute. In two to three weeks, progress will be evident.

If there is no desire or time to whiten nails with home remedies, you can purchase varnishes, gels, pencils designed specifically for whitening nail plates. To quickly achieve results, it is enough, according to the instructions, to apply them to the nails several times a day.

If it so happens that it is impossible to whiten the nails, as it grows, the nail plate remains yellow color, it signals a health problem. If it is a fungus, you need to purchase antifungal ointments, varnishes and apply them according to the instructions.

If the reason is not clear, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he prescribes examinations: this will make it possible to find out if pathological processes such as diabetes mellitus, problems with the digestive system and other diseases are developing in the body.

Often after cooking, gardening and other household chores, the plate may not look its best: it may turn yellow or darken. We will tell you how to whiten your nails at home quickly so that they look neat again.

5 reasons why the plate turns yellow or darkens

1. Use of substandard products

Whitening soap

Take a small container, fill it with hot water and dissolve a small bar of hand wash soap. Put your fingertips down. After a few minutes, when the soap has softened, rub over it so that the consistency gets under the plate. Wait a few minutes, then brush over with a soft brush to rinse off any leftovers.

Table vinegar

It is almost impossible to wash off some traces with soap: they will turn brown and clog even deeper. It is better to process the plate with a cotton pad soaked in vinegar.

Hydrogen peroxide + soda

Apply some baking soda to damp fingers and scrub them with a brush. To enhance the effect, mix the powder with peroxide, apply to your fingertips and leave on for a couple of minutes, then rinse.

Whitening paste

If you don't want to bother and mix different components, just take a whitening toothpaste and apply it to the plate with a clean, soft brush. Rub and hold the composition for a few minutes, and then wash off.


The citric acid helps to whiten the plate and at the same time strengthens it. If the dirt is very strong, you can squeeze out some juice and wipe the plate with a cotton pad or dip your hands into the pulp for a few minutes. For regular use, mix the juice with castor or olive oil in a 2 to 1 ratio and apply twice a day.

Hydrogen peroxide + glycerin

Glycerin will not only whiten, but also strengthen. Mix it with hydrogen peroxide in a 1 to 5 ratio and apply to your nails. After 5 minutes, rinse and apply.

Potato starch

One of the most gentle remedies. It practically does not spoil the structure and does not cause side effects... Mix the powder with milk until the consistency of liquid sour cream and immerse your fingers in the solution for 20 minutes.

If there is no starch at home, take a regular potato, peel it and grate it on a fine grater. Lower your hands for 20-30 minutes, and wash off the leftovers.

Cucumber and aloe mask

Grate a cucumber and a small leaf of aloe vera on a fine grater. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and dip your fingertips for half an hour, rinse off the leftovers.

How to whiten your toenails and nails: baths


Small particles of baking soda are abrasive and can cause micro-cracks. Best used. To do this, dilute a large spoonful of powder in 2 glasses of hot water and hold your fingertips for 10-15 minutes.


Sea salt brightens the plate perfectly and also makes it very strong, healthy and shiny. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in 400 ml of hot water and dip your arms or legs.

With lemon juice

If you do not want to use it in its pure form, use a more gentle composition. In 400 ml of warm water, dissolve 4 tablespoons of freshly squeezed juice and 3-4 drops of tea tree oil. Lower it for 10-15 minutes.

It can be a useful alternative to regular varnishes, and at the same time will strengthen and cope with the problem that has arisen.

Whitening nail pencil

Also in cosmetic stores you can find a special white pencil that can quickly restore its natural color and make it lighter. High-quality ones are made on the basis of natural chalk or white clay, so they do not harm.

  • Take off the cover and do a standard hygienic manicure
  • Apply moisturizer and wait until it is absorbed
  • Draw a pencil from the inside of the plate, filling it with a white layer;
  • Remove the rest of the cotton swab.

So that you do not have to whiten your nails often, it is important to eliminate all possible reasons darkening and take care of them regularly.

  1. Always wear gloves before homework.
  2. Do a hygienic manicure several times a month, etc.
  3. Soak your feet with salt and other products 1-2 times a week.
  4. Use oils and nourishing creams.