
Cream for bust correction in pharmacies. Review of creams for breast enlargement: principle of action, composition and reviews. Nourishing masks for breast elasticity


Breast Enlargement Cream is a cosmetic product that helps a woman to make the bust more magnificent, voluminous. This is possible by increasing the elasticity of the skin, improving the blood supply to tissues with nutrients. You should not expect an instant effect, since the components of the cream have a cumulative effect. Only after 1-2 months will the first results appear. The chest will rise, visually increase in size, become elastic and attractive.

The action of tightening creams for the breast is aimed at improving its shape. But here mechanisms of similar correction considerably differ. For the most part, the mammary gland consists of two types of tissues - glandular and adipose. To increase the volume of the latter will only be possible by eating high-calorie foods, which inevitably leads to weight gain. For many women, this is unacceptable. Therefore, they use breast growth creams that increase glandular tissue mass. How can this happen:

  • fluid retention. After using the product, edema is formed due to the irritating effect of its components. It is short-term, soon naturally resolves, and the breast acquires physiological dimensions;
  • hormonal stimulation. For this, creams with phytoestrogens are used - analogues of female sex hormones. Unfortunately, there is no evidence base for their effectiveness. So they work more like a placebo. It seems to a woman that her breast size has become larger. In an effort to demonstrate this, she straightens her back, turns her shoulders, looks more attractive.

But the most effective way to increase the volume of the mammary glands is to improve the condition of the skin. The cream ensures its constant saturation with nutrients and bioactive substances. The elasticity of the skin increases, now it is not dry and flabby, but elastic. The chest acquires a beautiful shape, rises, it seems more.

The most effective remedies are creams that provide good care behind the skin.

The composition of creams

Breast Enlargement Cream consists of a base and active ingredients. The latter are usually substances that can retain moisture in the tissues. The composition of a quality product should be represented by the following components:

  • collagen or elastin;
  • fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • polysaccharides glycosaminoglycans;
  • alpha lipoic acid or alpha hydroxy acids;
  • peptides;
  • cosmetic oils of almond, apricot, iron tree, shea butter, peach, olive, wheat germ.

If a bust enlargement cream contains 4-5 of these ingredients, then the result will not be long in coming. Increase the attractiveness of the breast for 4-6 hours means with an irritating effect. They usually include caffeine, hot pepper extract, essential oils of citrus or fir trees.

Isoflavones, lignans, coumestans are phytoestrogens. Their presence in the composition significantly increases the cost of creams for breast enlargement. But the only proven useful property such means - thickening of the epidermis. Other components also successfully cope with this task, for example, natural oils.

Many bust products contain cosmetic natural oils with nourishing properties.

Who are the funds for?

The deterioration of the condition of the breast skin, which predetermines its sagging, occurs for various reasons. This is a sharp weight loss, lactation, pregnancy, mono-diets, unbalanced nutrition, sedentary lifestyle. Any of these provoking factors is an indication for regular moisturizing and nourishing the skin. It is also advisable to use a breast tightening cream for the formation of stretch marks or age spots. The elimination of such cosmetic defects will allow a woman to gain psychological comfort, restore her former attractiveness.

Contraindications and restrictions

Even a high-quality breast firming cream is saturated with bioactive substances, which cannot be called hypoallergenic. Therefore, the main contraindication to its use is individual intolerance to one of the components. Restrictions on the use of any means for breast enlargement are:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms of any localization;
  • recurrent skin pathologies - eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis.

Phytoestrogens increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Cream for breast enlargement with them is better not to use in the summer. It is worth considering that the safety of natural ingredients is nothing more than a myth. Therefore, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.

Before using the cream for the first time, it should be tested for safety. A small amount of the product (the size of a pea) should be rubbed into the elbow or wrist. If the skin does not turn red and swell within an hour, then there is no hypersensitivity to the ingredients.

The action of some creams is based on an irritating effect, therefore, before using them, it is necessary to conduct an individual allergy test.

How to apply

Each bust enhancement cream is enclosed in a cardboard box along with instructions for use. Compliance with her recommendations will avoid any negative manifestations on the part of the body. It is not difficult to use such cosmetics:

  • wash the skin of the chest with warm water and soap, rub well with a hard towel;
  • apply the cream in a thin layer, rub with soft massaging movements, without affecting the nipple;
  • remove the remains of the product with a paper towel.

The effectiveness of the procedures will increase significantly when making adjustments to the diet. Nutritionists recommend eating more legumes, nuts, and cereals during this period. These are natural sources of useful bioactive substances that well heal the entire female body.

In addition to changing the diet, daily physical activity will help enhance the effect of the cream. You should choose exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the mammary glands. For example, lifting dumbbells and push-ups from the floor.

Instructions for use of the product for breast augmentation

The best creams for bust enlargement

High cost does not always become a reliable guarantee of quality. When choosing a cream, it is better to pay attention to its qualitative and quantitative composition. It must contain cosmetic oils. If the product contains pepper extract, then you can not use it constantly. An indicator of quality is the presence of vitamins A or E, peptides and hyaluronic acid. Below is a rating of the most popular creams to increase the attractiveness of the female breast.


The main action of the dietary supplement is aimed at stimulating the increase in the mammary glands. For this, a variety of cosmetic oils have been added to its composition - roses, shea butter, macadamia. They improve skin turgor, contribute to the replenishment of nutrient reserves. Breast tightening cream is quickly absorbed, does not leave stains on clothes and underwear.

Despite the fact that the manufacturer recommends using it for permanent care, it is better not to do this. One of Upsize's ingredients is Pueraria Mirifica, rich in phytoestrogens. And their pharmacological properties have not yet been studied enough. Therefore, you need to use the cream for 1-1.5 months in the morning and in the evening. The cost of dietary supplements is about 1000 rubles.

Upsize is a popular breast care product.


Thanks to natural active ingredients, it nourishes, strengthens and moisturizes the breast skin. Guam prevents the appearance of stretch marks, but is ineffective for existing stretch marks. Unlike other products, it has a slight cooling effect. There are several types of Guam breast enlargement creams on sale:

  • Firming Cream (about 1700 rubles). Quite oily, the consistency resembles an ointment. The composition is represented by ivy phytoextract, lemon and wheat germ oils, tocopherol, B vitamins. Firming Cream is suitable for daily care 2-3 times a day;
  • Volumel Seno (from 2200 rubles). It has an irritating effect, so it quickly visually enlarges the chest. Provides it with a concentrate of red algae. The remedy is used once a day for 1-2 months. It is not suitable for women with dry and sensitive skin prone to irritation.

Guam products are relatively safe, rarely leading to the development of adverse reactions. Unlike the dubious dietary supplements sold online, it has been extensively tested for safety.

Volumel Seno increases breast size with the irritating effect of red algae extract


Breast Enhancer Firming Cream - bust tightening cream. Contains active ingredients that effectively increase skin elasticity and prevent sagging. The structure of the product resembles a gel, so it is absorbed within 1-2 minutes. Its advantages are the mild smell of gardenia phytoextract and an excellent brand reputation. The composition contains volufilin acid, which moisturizes and nourishes the stratum corneum of the skin. It is enough to apply the cream 2 times a day for a month to get visible results. The price is about 750 rubles.


This cosmetic product includes pueraria mirifica with phytoestrogens, rose and orange oils. And an instant lifting effect is provided by an extract from capsicum. The manufacturer assures that after a month of daily use, the breast will increase by 1-2 sizes. Such a statement is doubtful, but the remedy is quite capable of improving the condition of the skin. The volume of the bust increases only for a few hours due to swelling of the tissues. After canceling Breasthill, all effects disappear. The cost of a breast tightening cream is about 1000 rubles.


Eveline Slim Extreme 4D is available as a firming cream serum with push-up effect. Breast augmentation occurs due to the presence of centella asiatica and caffeine in the composition. It should be borne in mind that the result is saved only with daily use of the drug up to 2 times a day. But the cream moisturizes and nourishes the skin well due to the high concentration of hyaluronic acid.

It is not worth constantly taking care of your breasts with Eveline Slim Extreme 4D. Serum is suitable for course use within a month 2-3 times a year. Unlike many other similar products, it is often in the assortment of pharmacies. Eveline Slim Extreme 4D is inexpensive - less than 300 rubles.

The presence of caffeine in the serum from Eveline provides a quick tightening effect

The problem of sagging, or scientifically ptosis, of the breast worries not only older women, but also young girls. This does not depend on the size and severity of the bust, so it can also appear in the fair sex with a small size. It is necessary to deal with unpleasant manifestations at the first symptoms, otherwise it will be difficult to improve the skin condition. An integrated approach, regularity and perseverance will help restore breast elasticity.

  1. Big size. The more magnificent the bust, the more it weighs. Nobody canceled the laws of gravity, therefore, due to the lack of proper support, the situation can become more than deplorable. Most girls with a magnificent bust already have young age stretch marks appear, and after a few years, the breasts begin to gradually sink down as the skin loses elasticity.
  2. The period of pregnancy and lactation. The body of a woman during this delicate period is preparing for motherhood, the mammary glands become heavier and begin to sag. When breastfeeding, the bust of some women increases by several sizes! Later, when the milk is gone, the skin will not have time to adapt to drastic changes and may sag.
  3. Sharp weight loss. The reasons are the same as for lactation: while the girl had curvaceous, the chest was filled with fat. After rapid weight loss, the skin is still long time remains stretched and it is almost impossible for her to return to her normal state on her own.
  4. Age changes and bad habits. Lack of sports, smoking, alcohol and malnutrition instantly reflected on the most tender and delicate areas female body. The skin in the neckline becomes flabby, sags and stops holding the bust.

Having determined the root cause, you can begin therapy. The main thing is to exercise and use the funds on a regular basis. This is a guarantee, albeit not a quick, but lasting result.

Best Ways to Treat Ptosis

The first thing to understand for girls looking for a magic cream that can instantly tighten and make lush and elastic breasts is that such a tool has not yet been invented. With advanced forms of sagging, it is impossible to tighten the skin at home, you will have to contact a plastic surgeon.

If a girl notices that the skin begins to lose tone, you must immediately take action. To tighten the chest, without resorting to the help of a plastic surgeon, will help:

Are there breast lift creams?

Manufacturers of skin care cosmetics offer to buy products for the care of each part of the body: separate creams for hands, feet, face, body and, of course, for the décolleté. Many girls consider them just a pumping of money: the cream, in fact, cannot instantly tighten the skin!

Not immediately, but with regular use good remedy The result will be noticeable in a couple of weeks. Decollete cream is not just a trick of cosmetic companies, but a real must-have for some women. The skin in this area is very thin, so it is highly prone to flabbiness and sagging. The right moisturizer will renew protective functions epidermis and will not allow it to lose moisture.

Choosing a tool is easy, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. You should not buy a cream that says that it is suitable for both the face and décolleté. The label should state that the product was developed specifically for the chest area.
  2. The composition should contain vitamin E, collagen, hyaluronic acid and natural oils.
  3. It is worth buying cosmetics for décolleté skin care in specialized stores or pharmacies. Products must be certified and properly tested.

A good cream will not be too cheap, you need to be prepared to spend a little money so that in the future you do not have to turn to cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. Apply the remedy daily on a regular basis. Only in this case there will be a result.

6 best tightening creams

The list includes the most effective cosmetic products suitable for the treatment of primary and secondary ptosis. Price range - from the mass market to the luxury class.

Guam Duo

Cream from the Italian manufacturer. The composition mainly contains natural ingredients: brown algae extract, natural oils (rice, safflower, olive, shea, walnut), menthol.

Thanks to oils, the cream quickly softens the skin and improves its elasticity. With regular use, it helps to get rid of stretch marks and the first signs of skin aging. For best results, apply Guam Duo daily morning and evening to the neck and décolleté.

The cost of one tube of 150 ml is 2700 rubles.

Push-Up by Eveline

The reason for the quick and effective effect of the concentrate cream is due to the high content of the substance volufilin, obtained from a special variety of gardenia. In addition to volufilin, the product includes hyaluronic acid, caffeine and kelp extract.

Manufacturers claim that with regular use, the cream will not only prevent sagging and tones the skin, but also increase the bust by almost a size. The tool does not contain hormonal components, it can be used during menstruation or menopause. The cream stimulates blood circulation in the mammary glands and fat layer, which contributes to a quick natural tightening.

A tube of 200 ml costs about 370 rubles.

Anti-Gravity by Organic Kitchen

The domestic brand Organic Shop specializes in about natural skin and hair care products. Organic Kitchen, which produces bust lift cream, is an offshoot of a big brand.

The cream contains royal orchid extract and jojoba oil, which stimulate metabolic processes in the skin, moisturize the epidermis and increase its tone. With regular use in the morning and evening, a positive result is noticeable after a few weeks. The disadvantages of some girls who tried the remedy, attributed the dense structure. If the pores on the chest are wide, the cream can clog them.

A jar of funds with a volume of 100 ml will cost only 80 rubles.

Ampoules Lierac Phytrel

Unlike cream, ampoules contain a liquid substance. It includes natural extracts of plants: ivy, cuff, sage, agrimony and seaweed. The components of the product help the body produce natural collagen and elastin, which leads to a rapid improvement in skin condition. The epidermis becomes more dense and taut, and the breast takes on a rounded shape.

The manufacturer recommends using the product in the morning and evening for 8 weeks. It is necessary to open the ampoule and apply its contents to the skin of the bust and décolleté. Before applying Lierac Phytrel, you need to take a shower so that the surface of the skin is damp.

The cost of a box with 20 ampoules of 5 ml is about 3000 rubles.


The cream is produced in the UK. The tool is intended for use in the most delicate periods for the female body: during pregnancy and after lactation. Due to the increase in the mammary glands, the skin is greatly stretched and at the end of lactation it is difficult for it to contract to its previous state.

Pregnacare will help tighten and start regeneration processes in the skin layers of the breast. The composition is as natural as possible: primrose and lemon oil, vitamin complex, calendula extract and aloe vera, as well as allantoin and panthenol. The components allow you to cure microcracks, get rid of stretch marks, eliminate itching and deeply moisturize the skin.

A tube of 100 ml will cost 1300 rubles.

Avon Solutions

Light and non-greasy cream suitable for all ages and skin types. Thanks to the Virtual Bra technology, you can achieve a quick and effective breast lift, which takes on appetizing shapes in the shortest possible time.

The product contains natural extracts (ginseng, hops, cornflower, grapes, saxifrage, black mulberry, etc.). The vitamin complex helps to nourish the skin and improve metabolic processes in tissues. Natural fruit acids act as a gentle peeling, gently removing the top layer of dead cells and allowing the epidermis to renew itself. The result is soft, healthy and toned skin.

You can use the tool from the age of 18, if this is already necessary. Apply twice a day after a shower.

Folk recipes

Our ancestors were well aware of the problem of how to tighten the breasts after childbirth and lactation. Recipes for masks have been preserved not only for the face, but also for the bust. They are easy to prepare yourself from products that can be found in any home kitchen.

Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal - 2-3 tbsp. l.
Boiling water - 0.5 cups

Put the flakes in a plate or glass and pour boiling water over it. The water should completely cover the oatmeal. Infuse the porridge for 10 minutes, then wait until it cools down. Apply the mass to the décolleté area and leave for half an hour. You can wrap it on top with a film. Then rinse thoroughly and apply cream.

Yeast mask

Yeast - 20 g
Warm water - 1 tsp

Add warm water to dry yeast to make a slurry. If it gets too thick, you can add a little more water. The mixture is applied to the skin and left for 14 minutes. Then wash off the mask.

Attention! It is impossible to carry out the procedure if there is an allergy to yeast.

Gelatin mask

Gelatin - 20 g
Liquid - 6-8 tablespoons

The advantage of such a mask is that gelatin can be diluted with any liquid. Therefore, depending on the needs of the skin, you can add a decoction of herbs, cucumber juice, milk or just warm water to the powder. The swollen gelatin is melted again in a water bath, cooled and applied to the décolleté for 20 minutes. The frozen film cannot be torn off, it must be soaked and washed off with a soft washcloth.

honey mask

Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Aloe juice - 0.5 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice - a few drops

Mix all components and apply to the skin in the décolleté area. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse and apply a moisturizer.

Seaweed mask

Dried seaweed - 2-3 tbsp. l.
Fish oil - 0.5 tsp.

Algae grind with a coffee grinder to a state of flour. Added to the powder a small amount of water to make a gruel, as well as fish oil. The mixture must be evenly distributed over the chest area and left for 30 minutes, then wipe off wet wipes and apply cream.


To thoroughly massage the skin and muscles, you do not need to contact specialists. Any girl can do a massage on her own. The main thing is to be extremely careful: the mammary glands will not tolerate indelicate treatment.

The best are 2 massage options.


This is the simplest option and will only require a good shower head. The procedure must be performed daily during hygiene procedures. The water should not be too hot, but you should not massage the skin with cold either. The optimum temperature is slightly warm, pleasant to the body.

First of all, you need to choose the pressure. It must be felt well, otherwise there will be no effect. Start from the area under the breast, making circular movements with a jet of water. Then rise above and massage the bust itself. Particular attention is paid to the area just above the chest, where the muscles responsible for supporting the bust are located.

Oil massage

Saturate the skin useful substances natural oils will help. They need to be bought in pharmacies or specialized stores so as not to fall for a fake. Olive, peach, coconut, almond, etc. are great.

The difference between oil massage and other techniques is that the effect is on the skin, and not on the muscles. You need to rub the oil in a circular motion without pressure, moving slowly and smoothly. Start from the upper surface of the bust, gradually moving to the area under the breast, and from there to the armpits. The procedure lasts about 10-15 minutes.

The main principle of cleavage care is to start as early as possible. Even if the problem is still barely visible, you need to start getting rid of it now. Daily exercises, the use of cream and massage will help restore the breasts to their former elasticity. The habit of caring for the bust should become regular, then it will be possible to tighten the chest in a shorter time.

Video: Massage to maintain the tone of the mammary glands

Physical exercise

There are no muscles in the chest itself, so no sport will help increase it by a couple of sizes or make it more elastic. All complexes are aimed at training the muscles located under the chest and collarbones. These muscles allow the chest to hold its shape, so exercise is not the worst option for solving the problem.

The best exercises are:

  1. Regular push ups. If it doesn’t work with socks, you can try with your knees.
  2. Isometry of the palms. Behind the complex name lies a fairly simple exercise: the hands are placed at chest level so that the palms are pressed against each other, and the elbows are spread apart. As you exhale, you need to start pressing your palms against each other, feeling the maximum muscle tension. The exercise is static, one repetition lasts 10 seconds.
  3. Rubber band exercise. The approach will require a dense rubber band. Hands need to be extended forward at shoulder level and begin to spread apart, stretching the elastic band. At the extreme point, linger for 10-15 seconds, and then slowly begin to bring your hands back to the starting position.
  4. Chest lift in the supine position. Lie on your back on a gymnastic mat, spread your arms to the sides and begin to raise your chest as you inhale. Buttocks should remain on the floor.
  5. Breeding hands with dumbbells. If there are no dumbbells, you can take bottles of water. The exercise is performed lying down, you must first raise your hands up, and then begin to lower them down, spreading them apart. You can't touch the floor. At the extreme point, linger for 10 seconds and then raise your hands to the starting position.

Fitness trainers offer whole complexes that will help tighten and restore the tone of the chest. You can perform exercises both in the gym and at home.

Video: Breast tightening video complex

The breast of each woman, upon reaching a certain age, loses its former beauty. Sagging breasts and stretched skin discourage many women who begin to look for any way to restore the elasticity of their breasts. Some of them believe that regular physical activity, in particular push-ups, can help. Others make their choice in favor of protein-rich foods. But, unfortunately, using the above methods, you can only pump up the internal muscle, and appearance the bust will remain far from ideal. To eliminate sagging skin, you can use one of the recipes presented in this article.

Today, there are many masks and scrubs that allow you to transform the bust in a short time, restore skin tightness after the birth of a child and breastfeeding. We will talk about them in this article. In fact, it is not necessary to resort to drastic measures such as plastic surgery.

It's no secret that prevention is the best medicine, so it's best to take care of your breast skin in advance and start applying masks before it seriously droops.

But the following home-made remedies will help in any case, even if the problem is more serious.

Nourishing masks for breast elasticity

So, at home, you can prepare the following means for bust elasticity:

Masks to return the bust of youth

The question of whether it is necessary to force the entire space of the bathroom with tubes and jars separately for each part of the body is asked by thousands of women. Why, for example, can't just use a cream or body balm for breasts?

Most likely, this is just a trick of the cosmetic companies and just pumping money - this is how many argue. But there are a few nuances, learning about which, you will change your mind about these funds. And, most likely, still complete your collection in the bathroom.

Our seven good breast lift creams will help you with this. These effective remedies will make the skin supple and restore a flabby bust.

The secret is that the use of some special equipment is really necessary. And this is due to the fact that in different parts of the body the skin is different. It depends on the internal characteristics and functions of certain skin integuments, as well as factors of external influence on them.

Examples of internal mechanisms include:

  • thickness of adipose tissue;
  • condition of muscles and small vessels;
  • individual pore size;
  • hormonal balance, and as a result of its violation - consequences for the skin (rashes, blackheads, acne, etc.);
  • functional density and permeability (for example, under the eyes and on the elbows, the skin differs significantly - it has different purposes).

External mechanisms include:

  • influence of temperatures (sun and frost);
  • physical impact and stress (for example, the skin on the neckline is more stretched by the chest big size, and the neck is constantly crushed under the influence of numerous and varied movements by it);
  • covered with clothes (the skin of the bust dries out more in the cold season due to wearing warm clothes, and, for example, the head, on the contrary, becomes more greasy from wearing hats).

The décolleté area can be called suffering zone, especially when it starts to sag due to:

  1. age characteristics;
  2. pregnancy and breastfeeding child;
  3. gravitational influences;
  4. bad habits, in particular smoking;
  5. a decrease in the volume of the mammary gland due to a sharp weight loss or its increase due to weight gain;
  6. permanent violation of posture.

To maintain beauty and elasticity, the epidermis of the decollete simply needs creams containing vitamin E and fatty acids, stone oils, placental DNA complexes, stimulating components, peptides.

In youth, a good nourishing cream is useful, after 40 - stimulating. Applying funds should be preceded by gentle peeling.

Most ladies who do not care for their skin get well-defined wrinkles by the age of Balzac. Therefore, you need to start taking care of your skin as early as possible., and after 25 years, start using individual special means for different areas of the body.

Proper bust care can provide skin elasticity, which visually tightens the chest. And if you choose a remedy with phytoestrogens (natural extracts of some plants), then you can increase its volume somewhere by the size.

How to choose the right option?

You should pay attention to several points:

  1. If you are holding a face cream that says that it is also recommended for application to the décolleté area, this is not your story. Which option won't work.
  2. The note should specifically state:"For the neck and décolleté." It is these funds that support the work of the connective tissue cells of this zone, helping them produce collagen and elastin for skin elasticity.
  3. Such creams are multifunctional and have a super-light texture, nourishing, moisturizing, tightening and regenerating the skin, and blocking the path to the cells of free radicals that accelerate fading, thus preventing the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. Therefore, they often include collagen, elastin, oils rich in antioxidant vitamin E, and fluid-retaining hyaluronic acid.
  4. Breast care products are sold in specialized stores or pharmacies. They necessarily have certificates that can be obtained only after passing serious testing.
Attention! Before applying the cream on the neckline, it would be good to do a soapy massage. It should be done in the shower with a hard baby soap. Lather your palms with them so that they glide well, and, without pressing hard, move your arms from the elbows and shoulders to the chest, as well as from the center of the bust to the collarbones. This will help cleanse the skin, open pores and improve blood circulation.

Top 7 Breast Firming Creams

We offer a small review of creams for the bust and décolleté area, which received the largest number positive feedback.

1. Guam DUO

Guam Duo is an Italian firming and revitalizing breast cream available in 150 ml tubes. The manufacturer positions it as a biocomplex that moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the bust, fights the signs of aging, stimulates the active growth of fat cells, and in addition has a cooling effect.

The composition includes extracts of brown algae, walnut, Asian centella, as well as menthol, sea ​​water and oils - rice, safflower, shea, etc. At the same time, the cream is light, does not leave on clothes. greasy spots absorbs in a couple of minutes. The manufacturer advises using it twice a day and emphasizes that it is suitable for all skin types.

Among the negative properties in the reviews it is indicated that Guam DUO rolls when applied. However, this may be due to the fact that the skin was not previously cleaned with a scrub, and dead cells rolled up.

Peculiarity! Do not forget: any cream is applied to the chest with light circular movements from the center up, to the shoulders, collarbones and armpits. Any remedy is distributed over the bust, excluding the nipples and areolas around them.

2. "Anti-gravity"

Firming cream-gel for the breasts of the Russian brand "Organic Shop Rus" is available in black jars of 100 ml. Among the natural components included in its composition, of note is royal orchid extract and jojoba oil.

These components help tighten and lift the skin of the mammary glands, normalize the metabolic processes occurring in it, moisturize and prevent the aging of epidermal tissues. The skin becomes smooth, soft and toned.

The negative aspects of "Anti-gravity" include somewhat heavy texture. Because of this, the skin of the décolleté area in owners of small pores may react with single rashes. In this case, add a few drops of geranium oil, which has a drying effect, to the cream-gel.

3. Pregnacare

Cream "Pregnacare" - a product of the English cosmetic line "Vitabiotics", intended for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks during pregnancy and after breastfeeding(gv), as well as to restore the elasticity of the breast. It is sold in tubes of 100 ml, the consistency resembles heavy cream.

Promotes skin regeneration and renewal (thanks to primrose oil and allantoin), stimulates the production of collagen and elastin (lemon oil), neutralizes free radicals (vitamins E and C, soy glycine and calendula extract), saturates the skin (aloe vera) and retains moisture in it , removing itching and irritation (panthenol).

To get the expected result - tightened skin without stretch marks (stretch marks), the product must be applied after a shower, applying to the abdomen and chest for the entire period of gestation and lactation. Visible effect occurs after two weeks of use. In those places where the agent was applied for the entire specified period, starting from the first trimester of pregnancy, stretch marks do not occur.

The benefits include cost savings.: A tube lasts for several months if used once a week. A slight inconvenience is the drying of the cream around the opening of the tube.

4. "Beauty lift"

Body cream and elastic chest"Beauty Lift" was developed by Belarusian cosmetologists JV "Belita" LLC. It includes an innovative component - Bio-Bustyl oligopeptide concentrate, which gives the bust tone and constructs the perfect bust contour.

The classic elements of lifting creams - shea butter and wheat germ, collagen and elastin - nourish, saturate with moisture and restore elasticity to the epidermis, tighten the breast tissue. It is also used to reduce stretch marks on the chest and prevent the appearance of new ones. Apply to the entire décolleté area.

Good bust care product affordable price . The disadvantages include a dense consistency (but it is completely absorbed and does not leave greasy spots) and a minimum of natural substances in the formula.

5. "Kanebo"

Elite-class night cream for the neck and chest with a lifting effect "Kanebo Sensai" is a gift from Japanese cosmetologists. It is marked 40+, and its purpose is to fight the first signs of wilting. However, quite young ladies also use it, because withering of the breast is not necessarily associated with age.

The key ingredients of the cream stimulate a long-lasting tightening effect due to their maximum concentration, activate collagen synthesis and lipolysis. The skin on the neckline looks young and well-groomed, its texture is strengthened and the silhouette is visually improved.

Negative sensations include a decrease in skin sensitivity in the first 2-3 days from the start of use, during the period of active accumulation in the chest of the active components of the cream - as if a tooth is frozen. Then everything is restored, the result is elastic, full and silky skin.

6. Decleor Gel

Bust Beautifying Toning Gel French brand Decleor is light and refreshing. Combines the benefits of eight natural essential oils and the caring complex Phyto-Firm.

Returns vitality to the upper layer of the skin, eliminates the causes and consequences of loss of skin tone, moisturizes and nourishes, smoothes and provides a beautiful appearance.
The disadvantage is the high price.

7. Burenka

Body cream "Burenka" - a cosmetic product of the company " Horsepower". Suitable for hands, body and heels, but also perfectly fights with withering of the chest.

The veterinary cream for cow's udder was taken as a basis, adapted and supplemented with the Phytofloran complex, a new word of Italian scientists in the science of beauty.

The complex includes oils and extracts of more than 30 medicinal herbs, there are no synthetic preservatives. Effective remedy for the care of problematic and aging skin, saturating it with vitamins, increasing elasticity. The skin becomes velvety and tender.

For maximum benefit

Do not rush to “pounce” on the cream and use it 2 times a day. The optimal program is:

  • the first 2 weeks - 1 time in three days;
  • the second 2 weeks - once a week;
  • third 2 weeks 1 time during this time;
  • further - once a month.

Look at the result, your features and do not forget to monitor the cosmetics market - it does not stand still. Good luck and beautiful neckline!

Breast augmentation cream may have an immediate or delayed effect. In the first case, an increase in volume appears due to a short-term swelling of the tissues, which is not safe. More harmless are external agents that improve skin elasticity and have a “tightening” effect - although this does not actually give additional size, but visually the bust seems a little more magnificent. The downside is that such a result will have to be expected only after 1-2 months of regular use.

How creams work

Women's breasts lose their shape with age and under the influence of factors such as feeding a child, sudden weight loss, bad habits, and unhealthy diet. The amount of adipose tissue in the mammary glands remains the same, but the skin cannot hold it, “sagging” occurs, which makes the bust seem smaller. Moisturizing creams help solve the problem, which contain components that retain moisture in the intercellular space and make skin covering more elastic. Substances with such properties are:

  • collagen or elastin;
  • fatty acid;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • polysaccharide glycosaminoglycan;
  • alpha lipoic acid (ALA) or alpha hydroxy acids;
  • peptides.

If you want to make a choice in favor of natural remedies, then you should give preference to breast creams with oils from rose, peach, grape seed, apricots, lavender, geranium, aloe. All these components have a beneficial effect on the skin - make it moisturized, elastic.