
How to protect your face from dust at work. Protective cream for hands and face with hydrophilic action, a series of protection. How to protect your face from the sun and summer dust


What adverse factors can affect the skin of workers' hands?

How can this impact be reduced?

How to choose, provide and use protective equipment?

In many enterprises, the human body is affected by various unfavorable professional factors:

  • chemical- difficult to wash off pollution, irritating substances (solutions of acids, alkalis, salts of heavy metals, organic acids, organic solvents), substances of photostimulating and photosensitizing action (pitch, tar, asphalt, roofing felt, creosote, drugs of the phenothiazine series, sulfonamides, etc.) , substances of sensitizing action (allergens: compounds of chromium, nickel, cobalt, resins, rubber components, formaldehyde, etc.), carcinogens, etc.;
  • physical(high and low temperature, ultraviolet radiation);
  • bacteriological(viruses, bacteria, fungi) when working with bacterially hazardous environments, finding a workplace remotely from stationary sanitary facilities, when working in closed special shoes;
  • biological(arthropod bites) when working outdoors in the warm season (during the activity of blood-sucking and stinging insects and arachnids).

The result of this exposure is occupational diseases. Not the last place among them is occupied by skin diseases, therefore it is so important to eliminate direct contact with industrial irritants.

How can you protect your skin from the effects of adverse factors?

Gloves are used to protect hands when working with skin irritating or toxic substances and materials. Their range is very large and they perfectly perform the function of protecting the skin of the hands, but the constant use of gloves has a number of disadvantages: the sensitivity of the hands deteriorates, air exchange decreases, which results in increased sweating.

Also, gloves may not be compatible with the specifics of the production process; moreover, gloves themselves are often the cause of contact dermatitis, i.e. they are more of a hindrance than protection and help.

In addition to gloves, there are special protective creams. The cream is a kind of “liquid gloves”, the main thing is not to forget to resort to its help. These "gloves" are "put on" on the hands before starting work. The use of a protective cream helps to avoid chemical and sometimes mechanical damage to the hands. The cream is applied to the skin before work begins, creating a barrier to hazardous substances penetrating the skin and facilitating subsequent cleaning of the hands, protecting the skin of the hands from the negative effects of the working environment.

At the end of any work associated with any contamination, it is very important to remove them from the skin as soon as possible. It is advisable to first wash off dust particles under running water without rubbing them into the skin, and only then use soap or a special washing agent.

Soap should not contain concentrated alkalis, as they dry the skin, cause peeling, and lead to the formation of cracks. Should not be used laundry soap. Soaps should be over-fat, slightly alkaline.

When washing heavily soiled skin, do not resort to products such as sand, clay, sawdust, as they scratch the skin. Do not use kerosene, gasoline and other organic solvents, cutting fluids used in metalworking shops, as well as bleach, soda ash. They strongly degrease, loosen the skin, contribute to the appearance of cracks. The skin under their influence loses its protective properties, conditions are created for the penetration of microbes into it.

Cleans dirt well special pastes for hands with abrasive products that perfectly cleanse the skin of hands from strong persistent dirt, are well tolerated by the skin, do not cause irritation, maintain the natural protective barrier of the skin, prevent the penetration of fungal infections, and are easily washed off.

After washing, the skin must be thoroughly and dry to dry with a clean towel for individual use, especially when leaving the room to the street. Wet skin under the influence of wind is strongly cooled, becomes dry, wrinkled, small cracks form on it. In addition, when washing, the skin loses fat, and along with it vitamins and other biologically active substances, therefore, after washing, the face, neck and hands should be lubricated with a thin layer of fatty nourishing or fortified cream.

Vitaminized creams have anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects, they not only soften the skin, but also restore its elasticity.

It is to ensure comprehensive hand skin care, reduce the adverse effects of harmful and hazardous production factors on workers, prevent occupational skin diseases by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1122n (as amended on February 20, 2014; hereinafter - Order No. 1122n) norms for the free distribution of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees and the labor safety standard “Providing employees with flushing and (or) neutralizing agents”.

Washing and neutralizing means are understood as dermatological personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as DSPE) intended for application to human skin for its protection, cleaning and restoration in order to reduce the impact of harmful and dangerous factors in industrial production.

Prevention of occupational skin diseases at the enterprise is ensured through a set of measures to care for the skin of workers:

1) skin protection;

2) skin cleansing;

3) skin restoration.

Stage I. Skin protection

You can protect the skin from negative effects with the help of special protective creams applied before starting work. The cream forms a breathable protective layer on the skin, significantly reducing the penetrating ability of harmful industrial substances.

To ensure the maximum level of protection, it is important to choose the right type of protective equipment (Table 1).

Table 1

Choice of protective agent

Harmful factors

Applicable SIS

Oily (water insoluble) working materials: petroleum products; oils, oil paints; glue; resins; organic solvents; soot, soot, graphite, coal, metal and cement dust; tar, bitumen

Protective creams with hydrophilic action

Water-soluble working materials: solutions of salts, acids, alkalis; cutting fluids; detergents and disinfectants; lime, cement, fertilizer

Protective creams with hydrophobic action

Oil and water soluble substances

Protective creams of universal action

Low temperatures and strong winds

Protective creams against frostbite and chapping

Exposure to the skin of rays of ranges A, B and C (solar radiation, welding, bactericidal lamps)

Protective creams against ultraviolet radiation

The period of activity of stinging and blood-sucking insects (mosquitoes, midges, mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, fleas and ticks)

Repellents for skin and clothing

Bacteriological hazards: using shared showers, wearing closed safety shoes, working with protective gloves, etc.

Protective agents against fungal diseases, excessive sweating and softening of the skin

Stage II. Skin cleansing

Cleansing of the skin should be carried out before the lunch break and after the end of the work shift.

Cleansing includes the removal of industrial contaminants, as well as protective creams. For this, soap, special cleansing pastes, hand cleaners with and without water are used.

O. A. Antonovich, head of the labor protection service of the Novosibirsk metro

Protecting the skin is just as important as moisturizing and nourishing it. The skin of the face, neck and hands is especially in need of protection - after all, it is more susceptible to negative external influences than the skin of the body. However, women often find that using protective creams optional, and a nourishing cream will suffice.

If you ignore protective creams, then the skin will begin to dry and fade earlier., become flabby and covered with wrinkles. Therefore, it is necessary to use protective equipment, selecting them according to the type of skin, depending on the season and climate, lifestyle and working conditions.

The function of protective is usually performed by day creams: non-greasy and bold, but there are also special ones that are designed specifically for skin protection from adverse factors - they are applied in the morning and removed only in the evening, before going to bed.

Nourishing creams are more oily and they penetrate deeper into the skin; protective creams soften only its upper layers, protect them from wind, cold, heat, dirt and dust. Day protective creams, being absorbed, eliminate oily sheen and give the skin a slight matte, so they are good to use as a base for powder.

Protective creams should always be used, but this is especially important in dry weather; when a strong wind blows; hot or cold. In winter days, it is recommended to use creams with a certain fat content under the powder: for oily skin- semi fat cream, for normal and dry - fat cream. Moisturizing creams in the cold season should not be used.

The skin is protected by a thin film formed by a layer of cream and powder.

In the prevention of aging, protective creams also play important role , and do not think that protection is needed only from the sun: a protective cream should be applied in cloudy weather, and even at night - if you go out at this time.

Often the composition of protective creams includes hydroquinone esters, which have a whitening effect, aloe extract and other components. When using protective creams, you must take into account your skin type, and remember that decorative powder, as well as emulsions that replace it, can dry the skin. Therefore, it is imperative to apply a protective cream under the powder, especially if the skin is dry: it will protect not only from external influences, but also from decorative cosmetics.

If you apply a protective cream over a nourishing cream, then the excess of the latter must be removed with a cosmetic tissue. Too liquid cream is applied with the fingers of both hands, in gentle circular motions, and not smeared over the face at random. If the cream, on the contrary, is too thick, then the skin on the face must first be moistened - with lotion or even ordinary green tea.

Today, almost every cosmetics manufacturer, both well-known and beginners, produces similar products, so there are plenty to choose from. However, first we will talk a little about those creams that can be prepared at home without spending too much time and money.

So, for winter, a mixture of any fatty cream with pork or goose fat, olive or other fatty oil is suitable. The ingredients are mixed 1:1.

Another type of protective cream that is easy to prepare is a cream for dry skin. It is necessary to take lanolin cream (2 tsp), zinc ointment and pharmacy pork fat (1 tsp each), mix thoroughly and use before going outside in the cold season.

For normal skin olive oil, zinc ointment and spermaceti cream are mixed in equal proportions; for oily - corn oil, zinc ointment and boron petroleum jelly. By the way, the last two types of cream can also be used for sun protection, applying them under powder.

A special sun protection cream can be prepared with lard zinc ointment (50 g) and lard (3 g). The zinc ointment must be carefully melted by half-dipping the jar in hot water, adding salol to it and heating again - about 10 minutes. Then cool, stirring the mixture with a wooden stick all the time. This cream is applied under powder, before going outside, and after returning, wash with warm water and soap.

To protect dry skin, another homemade cream is suitable, very effective: it not only protects the skin, but also cares for it, making it supple and tender.

It will take 1 tbsp. badger fat and St. John's wort oil, 10 g of wax and an oil solution of vitamins A and E. All components are mixed and heated in a water bath, then the mixture is poured into a glass jar and stored in a cool place. This is a very oily cream, and it is applied in a thin layer - not only on the face and neck, but also on the hands and skin of the feet.

For any skin type, a protective cream of 3 types of oils is suitable - mango and shea butter (7.5 ml each), jojoba oil and violet extract (2.5 ml each). Mix all components and use as directed.

And now about some purchased cosmetics.

Estee Lauder offers SPF 15 Protective Moisturizer with Antioxidants. This cream solves two problems at once - it is both protective and tonal: when applied to the skin, the pigment particles in its composition begin to work - the skin color evens out, and it seems to begin to glow. At the same time, the skin is not only completely protected, but also moisturized. This cream can be used without powder or with Estee Lauder Cream Powder.

The well-known company Clinique also offers an effective protective cream - City Block Sheer Shimmer SPF 25. It protects the skin from the sun, maintains its healthy appearance and improves metabolic processes. This cream is the first to combine natural ingredients that provide protection against UV radiation and free radicals.

The cream is almost invisible on the skin - it is almost transparent, and it can be used even by men. In addition, it is suitable for any type of skin, including sensitive ones - the cream acts as a barrier that protects the skin from exposure. environment. Makeup applied over this cream is long lasting and long lasting. Even oily skin feels great with City Block Sheer Shimmer SPF 25 because it won't clog pores.

Lancome, whose products are also known and loved by millions of women from all over the world, offers a skin protection kit - protective cream and lip gloss.

The cream moisturizes the skin, protects it from sun rays, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, resistant to moisture - even salty sea ​​water and does not interfere with tanning. The aroma of the cream is fresh and subtle.

Lip gloss is so effective that it protects skin cells at the DNA level. The Lancome Soleil DNA Guard Kit is a truly new formula skin protection.

Uriage cosmetics are made from unique thermal water, which is characterized by a high content of useful substances, therefore not only protects, but also moisturizes and soothes the skin. One of the creams offered by Uriage protects not only the face, but also the skin of the hands and the whole body. This cream Barjederm - it protects the surface of the skin and restores its structure in the deeper layers. The cream can be used not only under powder or makeup, but also for protection in hazardous industries or at home.

There are also less expensive protective creams - for example, Garnie's Skin Naturals protective and moisturizing cream for normal and combination skin. It is an effective long-acting protective cream: it is applied all day long - it moisturizes and gives the skin a matte finish.

Mary Key offers two types of liquid protective day cream with vitamins and plant extracts. The first - for dry and normal skin, acting for 6 hours, the second - for normal and oily, acting for 8 hours. The cream is easy to apply, stays firm and gives the skin smoothness and naturalness.

Protective creams must be used: protecting the skin from harmful effects and preventing the penetration of toxic and destructive substances from the environment, they allow it to "breathe" freely, retain moisture in it and prevent premature aging.

Women living in big cities protective creams are constantly needed: not only toxic dust flies in the air of megacities, but also soot and suspension containing heavy metals, and there is nothing to say about car exhausts.

Summer protective creams neutralize the effect of the sun's rays on the skin, help it withstand temperature extremes, maintain optimal moisture and promote an even, beautiful tan.

Winter creams create a thin film on the skin that does not interfere with its full breathing. Using protective creams, you provide your beauty with constant and reliable support, and you will feel calm and confident under any circumstances.

Return to the beginning of the section Facial care

The face for most women is perhaps the most important part of the body. It receives maximum attention, and it should always look perfect. At the same time, the face is open at any time and in any weather, which means that it is the skin of the face that is most susceptible to the adverse effects of external factors.

Protection for the skin of the face is an indispensable condition for its beauty and youth. Various skin protection products are precisely aimed at preventing overdrying and maintaining its elasticity for as long as possible.

The simplest and most common such remedy is day creams. As a rule, they have a lighter structure than fatty nourishing night products, and they do not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, but act mainly in its superficial part - soften, moisturize and prevent drying, protect from dust and dirt. In addition, they often serve as a base for makeup. Day creams designed for oily skin have a mattifying effect, eliminating oily sheen.

Day creams are applied in the morning, about half an hour before going outside. It is especially important to use them in hot and windy weather and, of course, in cold, frosty weather. All skin types are sensitive to frost. In winter, it is recommended to use oily day creams for dry and normal skin, and bold ones for combination and oily skin. During this period, in no case should you neglect regular nourishing masks(at least once every 10 days). Owners of dry and normal skin can try masks from vegetable oil(olive, corn, peach). For this not a large number of oil is heated in a water bath and applied to the face with a cotton pad or swab. After 15 minutes, the oil should be washed off and washed with herbal decoction.

A layer of powder applied over a day cream forms a kind of protective film for the skin along with it. It should be borne in mind that in winter it is not recommended to use creams containing a large amount of water under the powder. Before applying powder, excess cream must be carefully removed with a napkin.

If you are constantly working at a computer, protection for the skin of the face is even more necessary, as in such conditions the risk of premature aging increases. In addition to the use of protective day creams and moisturizing night creams, regular (about once every 2 hours) irrigation of the skin of the face is recommended. For this, special sprays with thermal water are used. They perfectly moisturize the skin without damaging the makeup, and sometimes they can even “fix” it. If the face is not made up, you can irrigate the skin with ordinary mineral water or wipe it with a cloth soaked in it. Skin protection products can be not only external. Eating tomatoes and cabbage will also help protect your face from harmful computer radiation. Green tea has a similar effect (you need to drink at least 2 cups a day). In addition, make sure that the air in the working rooms is not dry and stagnant. Regular ventilation is required; if possible, you should use special humidifiers.

Facial skin protection under the hot sun is critically needed. A suitable skin protection product is selected based on individual characteristics (the naturally lighter the skin, the higher the SPF should be). Cream, oil or spray is applied to the entire face (but not close to the eyes) in sufficient quantities. Reapply every 2 hours. And, of course, the golden rule is always relevant - to avoid exposure to the sun during its maximum activity - from 12-00 to 16-00. By the way, sunscreens for facial skin sometimes need to be used in winter - for example, in ski resorts.

The article was prepared specifically for the women's site "I'm a Lady" Reprint of the material is prohibited!

The skin must be surrounded by constant care, as it is a natural protective shell that provides us with a comfortable existence in the external environment. Most of our skin, one way or another, is closed from cold, precipitation, the influence of chemical agents and radiation with the help of various items clothes. The only part of our body that constantly remains open is the skin of the face, which is why our efforts and attention should be directed to preserving its natural protective properties.

The attractiveness of the external appearance is perhaps the main component of the acceptance of a person in society. Of particular importance are beauty and external signs health, which are largely visually assessed by the condition of the skin of the face. Thanks to cosmetology, a woman today has in her arsenal tools that make it possible to maintain a fresh and radiant look for many years. But, in addition to cosmetic preparations that should moisturize, nourish and protect the “beautiful mantle”, we should not forget about nutrition, hygiene and elementary rules of behavior that protect us from the effects of the external environment.

A person is constantly faced with the aggressive influence of many factors, which can be both of natural origin and the result of industrial activity. And yet, the skin of the face must be protected primarily from the following negative influences, which are harmful in themselves and enhance the influence of others:

Thermal radiation. Causes perspiration, which promotes the dissolution of various chemicals and their closer contact with the dermis. Heat also improves blood circulation in all layers of the skin, which speeds up the absorption of chemicals. Cold. Dries out the skin and causes microscopic cracking. Ultraviolet radiation. It provokes burns and other disorders of the skin, such as: Melanoma. Wrinkles. Freckles. age spots. Vitiligo. Benign neoplasms.

Also, ultraviolet radiation enhances the absorption of chemicals and their negative effect on the body.

Daily care of the “beautiful mantle” should be as natural for a woman as brushing her teeth. Remember to follow the following rules, and you can protect yourself from serious troubles such as premature aging and cancer.

Moisturize your skin.

Keeping the dermis hydrated is essential for its protection. Skin that is properly hydrated retains its suppleness and does not crack or flake.

Drink plenty of water. In the hot season, you can moisturize skin face with mineral water or diluted milk from a spray bottle. Use a moisturizer or lotion after every wash. Choose products without sodium lauryl sulfate, as this ingredient removes natural oils needed by the skin. In the cold season, moisturizers are applied at least an hour before leaving the house. With significant temperature drops (more than 10 degrees), they are generally excluded and replaced with nutrients.

Washing is necessary to remove dirt, sebum, pathogenic bacteria and dead cells. However, any cleansing of the skin is stressful for her, so for best results, follow these rules:

Use soft detergents and moderately hot water. It is not recommended to wash with warm water, as it deprives the dermis of tone. After washing, rinse your face thoroughly with cool water to remove soap residue and raise skin turgor. Dry your face with wet motions to avoid stretching, then apply cream.

It's great that summer is coming! But, unfortunately, the summer time has an effect on the hair and skin. After all, it is in summer that ultraviolet rays, high air temperature and dust negatively affect the condition of the skin and hair. Therefore, they require special care.

What your skin needs in summer

In the hot season, the air is more humid, warm and dusty. This leads to the fact that the pores on the skin close, the sebaceous glands work more intensively and the bacteria begin to multiply actively. The result on the face is inflammation, rashes, acne.

To avoid all this, it is necessary to carefully and thoroughly clean the skin, protect it and care for it. Here are some helpful tips:

  1. For cleansing, choose products that do not include alkali and soap. Cosmetic milk is ideal for this;
  2. Even in the most incredible heat, avoid washing your face with cold water. Better if she has room temperature;
  3. Continue using the scrub, but less often than before, and make your movements less intense;
  4. After cleansing and before applying the cream, moisturize your face with thermal water. For moisturizing, also make face masks at least 2 times a week and choose a cream with UV protection;
  5. In the morning, wipe your face with ice from herbal decoction and do not wipe it;
  6. Wear sunglasses to protect delicate skin around the eyes and prevent the premature appearance of mimic wrinkles;
  7. Use powder after applying the cream - it will not allow dust to penetrate into the pores and cause irritation;
  8. Never rub your sweaty face with your hands. First, blot it with a dry cloth, and then wash with mineral water.

Let's talk about hair

For hair, summer time is a serious stress. And that's because of the sun and dust. UV rays dry out the hair and take away its natural protection. Therefore, in the midst of summer, they look dry, dull and become brittle. Many underestimate the warm summer wind. Only its very temperature is similar to the air of a hot hair dryer. And if we talk about dust and dirt particles, then one can only imagine what a deplorable state the hair is in during this period. That is why it is necessary to protect one of the main female virtues and protect it.

  1. change everything cosmetics for hair care for those that include special means protecting them from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  2. Wear hats even if the sky is cloudy. Thus, you will save your hair from dehydration;
  3. Wash your hair more often than usual, but only with products suitable for this, so as not to harm the hair and not to disturb protective functions skin. Always wash your hair after swimming in the sea, because salt particles are very harmful to hair;
  4. Use products that contain protein - it will moisturize the hair and the process of combing and styling will become easier;
  5. Use styling products as little as possible. They do not allow the hair to "breathe" and literally attract dust;
  6. If possible, then refuse to use a hair dryer in favor of natural drying;
  7. Seize the moment - pamper your hair with natural masks from fruits and vegetables.

Yes, summer is great. But you need to take into account a number of features of how it affects the skin and hair and make timely adjustments to the usual care for them. And then you will remember the summer with a smile on your face!

Do you spend your summer in the city? Be careful: the dust and dirt of the stone jungle is bad for the skin and spoils the make-up. In our new material, you will learn how to resist harmful environmental factors.

Daria Sergeeva,

specialist in the field of beauty of the Japanese brand KWC.

The main weapon in the fight against harmful environmental factors is competent skin cleansing and the use of decorative cosmetics.

  • Be sure to cleanse your skin twice a day: morning and evening.

City dust settles on your skin during the day and worsens its condition. Dust is a mixture of toxins and dirt that clogs pores and promotes bacterial growth, causing breakouts. Expand your arsenal of cleansers with a hydrophilic cleansing oil that easily removes makeup and sebum deposits in the pores. Also, don't forget about deep pore cleansing for clean and smooth skin. A gentle foaming agent, such as the Japanese brand KWC Cleansing Foam Cream, which cleanses the pores of impurities and gently removes dead cells from the surface of the skin, will cope with this task.

  • There are special cleansing lotions and tonics that penetrate deep into the pores, removing excess fat, which is so important for combination and oily skin.
In summer, many people refuse decorative cosmetics, which “flow” during a hot day and can cause discomfort. But do not rush to hide your makeup bag. Of course, many perceive tone cream as a "putty" of shortcomings, while often they do not think about its barrier function.
  • Any foundation consists mainly of silicone, fats and talc - these substances form a kind of mechanical barrier that protects your skin.

You just need to choose the right decorative cosmetics- strictly according to your skin type, so as not to cause a comedogenic effect (skin rashes).

It is also possible to use sprays to fix makeup. As a rule, the composition of such products includes plant extracts and glycerin, which will create a protective film on the skin, prevent moisture from evaporating from the skin and breaking makeup in the heat.

And of course, do not forget about the "magic wand" of all girls with mixed and oily skin types.

  • During the day, when the skin begins to shine, it is better to blot it with matting wipes than to powder. A light touch of silk paper will not disturb your makeup.

Mattifying wipes will help remove excess oil from the surface of the skin, prevent clogged pores and bacteria growth, and protect the skin from pollution on a hot summer day.

  • Effective protection of the skin against water-insoluble contaminants:
    oil products; technical oils; resins, adhesives, paints, varnishes; organic solvents; oil-based cutting fluids (coolants); lubricants; metal and coal dust; soot, soot, graphite; tar; bitumen; fiberglass and other water-insoluble harmful production factors;

Distinctive properties:

  • High level of facilitating the cleaning of the skin after work from pollution medium degree;
  • Effectively acts for 4 hours without reapplication at an average degree of intensity of work;
  • Promotes the formation of a breathable protective film on the skin, allowing the skin to breathe freely;
  • It is quickly absorbed, easily distributed, after application there is no feeling of stickiness on the skin;
  • The pH level of the product is close to neutral;
  • Suitable for use by people with sensitive and/or irritated skin;
  • Birch leaf extract provides additional skin care, providing softening and moisturizing, and also soothes and protects the skin from inflammation;
  • The vaseline oil and glycerin included in the composition prevent dryness and dehydration of the skin;
  • Does not contain silicones, parabens and dyes;
  • Does not cause allergic reactions and other side effects, does not leave unpleasant sensations on the skin after application;
  • If necessary, the cream can be applied to the face and other areas of the skin surface.

Mode of application:

Apply a small amount of the product (0.5-1 ml) before starting work on clean, dry hands. Spread evenly, paying special attention to the areas between the fingers and around the nails. If necessary, the cream can be applied to the face. After finishing work, use the cleansing paste for hands "CLEANING Series".


Water, Cetecinyl alcohol, Vaseline oil, Glycerylstearate, Glycerin, Vaseline, Lauret-6, Centairt-20, Cetechart-12, Cetyl phosphate potassium, Cetillmitate, Sodium polyacrylate, Birch leaves extract, Pentaerythritil Tetra di-tert-butyl hydroxyhydricinamate, perfume composition , PHENOXYETHANOL, IODOPYNYL BUTYL-CARBAMATE, LINALOOL.


Tube 100 ml

Bottle 1000 ml with pump

2000 ml dispenser bottle

smooth extrusion tube

first opening control

Fund consumption:

0.5-1 ml per application

Storage conditions:

From 0 o C to + 25 o C

Best before date:

36 months from date of manufacture

Product Certification:

TR CU 019/2011

№ ТС RU C-RU.АИ13.В.00387

Series RU No. 0371900

GOST 32117-2013

GOST R 12.4.115-82

GOST 32893-2014

GOST 31676-2012

GOST 12.4.011-89

GOST 12.4.068-79

GOST 31460-2012

No. ROSS RU. PC12. H00314;


JSC Skincare; manufacturer's address:

Russia, Moscow Region, Podolsk, B. Serpukhovskaya st., 43

Production Certification:

GOST ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001:2008)

No. ROSS RU.IK94.K00012

No. 12 104 48500 TMS