
Oatmeal face scrub. Homemade face scrubs with oatmeal. Oatmeal Facial Scrubs Recipes


Looking good does not mean spending money on expensive cosmetics and procedures. To do this, every woman has her own tricks in the piggy bank. An oatmeal scrub is just one of the tricks that allows the skin to look young, soft and velvety. Such a tool saves the budget, because everything you need for its preparation can be found in any kitchen. The amazing effect of using this natural mixture will not be long in coming.

Advantages and disadvantages

Oatmeal is famous primarily for its cleansing effect due to its high fiber content. Regular consumption of it in food accelerates the removal of various toxins from the body, normalizes metabolic processes. But oatmeal can not only be eaten, but also used for skin care, as it has excellent healing properties.

Usually in cosmetic practice, oatmeal, bran or flakes are used. They perfectly exfoliate dead cells and improve the metabolic processes of the skin.

Sometimes this tool even managed to smooth out the scars.

Useful properties at oatmeal scrub many, here are just a few:

  • deep cleansing of pores;
  • maintenance of tone due to the content of niacin and theanine - substances necessary for the production of collagen and elastin fibers;
  • maintaining the water balance of the skin due to the presence of vitamin E and B;
  • scar alignment;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in all layers of the epidermis;
  • stimulation of lymph outflow, which reduces swelling in the legs;
  • the presence of active substances that smooth wrinkles on the skin;
  • restoration of skin regeneration processes;
  • preventing the appearance of skin defects such as acne and blackheads;
  • positive effect on dry skin type, reduction of itching, elimination of irritation and flaking.

The list can be continued for quite some time, but this wonderful remedy also has its contraindications.

  • An oatmeal scrub is undesirable for owners of very thin and sensitive skin, as there is a high risk of damage. This is due to the content of small coarse particles in oats.
  • During pregnancy, it is forbidden to carry out many types of caring procedures due to the colossal restructuring taking place in the female body. The oatmeal itself will not cause harm, but the additional components of the scrub can have a negative impact.
  • During the period of recurrence of chronic dermatological diseases, oatmeal scrubs will not bring anything but harm to people suffering from dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis.
  • If on skin there are deep cuts or wounds, scrubbing is prohibited. The mixture that gets into them will become an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, which will cause not only inflammation, but also suppuration of the wound.
  • If there are thermal lesions and ulcers, peeling may increase pain, and the components included in its composition will significantly reduce the healing rate of damaged skin.
  • With couperosis and rosacea, in no case should you use scrubs. Dilated vessels will respond negatively to such an impact.
  • People suffering from allergic reactions should carefully choose an oatmeal scrub, as some components cannot be used by them. To avoid an unpleasant situation, you need to conduct a small test of the product on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of the elbow. Allergy sufferers are shown gentle formulations with minimal exfoliating action.

Composition and use of oatmeal

Oatmeal is a versatile and convenient remedy, you can use it at home. Flakes have been used to make homemade skin care products for a long time, and the popularity of these treatments is constantly growing. The nutritional basis of oatmeal did not go unnoticed by cosmetologists who took such scrubs into service.

Let us consider in more detail the composition of oats and the quality of its components.

  • Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. It removes free radicals from the body that contribute to aging and sagging tissues.
  • Vitamin E tones and rejuvenates tissue cells.
  • Zinc contained in oats maintains the balance of hormones. With a sufficient level of this microelement, the number of various skin inflammatory processes is significantly reduced.
  • B vitamins contribute to the restoration of the body's water-lipid barrier and stimulate cell regeneration.
  • Phytic acid provides nutrition and hydration to the skin, evens out its color and rejuvenates it.
  • Polysaccharides bring thin, dehydrated skin back to life.

To get a good result after applying the scrub and avoid unpleasant consequences, some rules must be followed.

  • People with capillaries located close to the surface of the dermis should use scrubs carefully, and oatmeal mixtures are no exception.
  • If there is damage on the skin of the face, it is better to refuse to use scrubs with coarse particles until complete healing.
  • Too frequent use of exfoliating agents can adversely affect the condition of the epidermis. For oily skin, two treatments per week are enough, and for dry skin, one.
  • It is forbidden to use scrub mixtures on the skin around the eyes and around the lips.

To get the maximum effect from the use of oatmeal scrub, you must consistently follow all the stages of the procedure.

  • The first stage is a thorough washing, it is necessary to completely wash off not only cosmetics, but also caring cosmetics.
  • The second stage is steaming. During the procedure, the pores open, which contributes to the penetration of active substances from the home scrub into the deep layers of the epidermis, which means that the effect will be maximum.
  • This is followed by the application of the scrub composition with soft massage movements. The mixture is applied immediately to the face and neck, and do not forget about the décolleté area.
  • After lightly massaging the skin, the scrub is not washed off, but left for a while for a more intense effect.
  • Gently wash off the dried composition with warm water and lubricate the skin with cream.

Best Homemade Scrub Recipes

When choosing among the many recipes for homemade oatmeal cleansers, you first need to focus on your skin type and the imperfections that you need to get rid of.

For mixed skin types

If you are the owner of a mixed skin type, you can try the following recipes.

The main rule is to wash off these compounds well.

  • Classical. A handful of ground oat flakes is stirred with heated water.
  • Grape. 4 grapes are thoroughly kneaded, having removed all the seeds from them in advance, mixed with a tablespoon of cereals and heated water to the consistency of thick sour cream, and allowed to swell a little.
  • Citric. Take 1 part of sugar, lemon juice and aloe, add 2 parts of crushed flakes and a little water there.
  • Mixture for long-term storage. To 0.5 cups of ground almonds add the same volume of cane sugar, a pinch of dry marigold herb, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, a teaspoon of nutmeg and two teaspoons of dry vanilla extract. This base can be stored for a very long time in a tightly closed jar. And if necessary, heated water is added to the desired volume of the mixture before use.
  • For mixed skin, two options for an olive oil scrub are suitable. In the first recipe, equal amounts of oat and corn flakes are ground, 2 parts of the mixture is mixed with 1 part of butter and a little sugar. In the second, the same amount of oil, sugar and yolk are added to 2 teaspoons of oatmeal.

For dry skin

Owners of a dry type should select gentle exfoliating compounds.

  • Powdered milk and crushed Hercules flakes are mixed in the amount of three tablespoons each, diluted with warm milk and left to swell.
  • Pumpkin pulp is thoroughly crushed, ground walnuts, oatmeal and olive oil or heavy cream are added to 1 tablespoon of pumpkin puree.
  • Ground almonds are combined in equal parts with oatmeal, aloe juice and honey. To increase the effect, instead of water for dilution, a warm decoction of medicinal herbs is perfect.
  • On a fine grater, rub half a cucumber. The resulting slurry is mixed with 6 ml of rosehip and argan oil, milk and oatmeal (two tablespoons each). So that the mask can be used on the skin around the lips and eyes, half a cucumber is combined with ground oatmeal, 33% cream and rose essential oil.
  • Soda and flakes are mixed in the same amount, diluted in water and left to swell.

For oily skin

To remove excess sebum, you can use the following effective means.

  • In a mixture of 2 teaspoons of cereal and lemon juice, protein and 1 teaspoon of sea salt are introduced.
  • Oat flakes and ground almonds are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, protein and natural fat-free yogurt are added.
  • To 1 tablespoon of chopped oatmeal add the same amount apple cider vinegar, protein and liquid honey. After scrubbing, the mixture is left on the skin for 15 minutes.
  • Wheat flour and ground oatmeal are mixed in equal parts (if there is no flour, starch or oatmeal will do), diluted with water until sour cream is thick, add a few drops of lemon juice.
  • Oatmeal is pre-soaked for several hours to swell. 3 ripe red tomatoes are mashed and mashed with swollen grits and a few drops of milk. The mixture removes excess sebum and restores a healthy complexion to the skin.

For skin with enlarged pores

  • Grape juice and mineral water are added to a handful of oatmeal, and left to swell.
  • Ground oatmeal is mixed with sea salt and homemade curdled milk. This mixture removes excess sebum and makes pores smaller.
  • Two tablespoons of crushed flakes are mixed with a teaspoon of soda and cinnamon, the mixture is diluted with warm water. After removing this composition, the skin should be rinsed with water acidified with lemon juice.
  • Equal parts of rice and oatmeal are ground in a coffee grinder. Kefir is added to the resulting mass. This scrub after application is kept for about 10 minutes, and only then washed off.

In addition to its excellent cleansing ability, oatmeal scrub smoothes the face, solves problems of excessive oily skin, reducing sebaceous secretion, improves skin elasticity, fights inflammation (pimples, blackheads) and irritations. Natural scrubs from oatmeal are hypoallergenic and can be used even with very dry skin.


The composition and benefits of oatmeal for the skin

  1. The fatty acids contained in oatmeal (nicotinic, pantothenic) have a positive effect on metabolic processes, normalizing them, softening the skin, participating in the synthesis of tissues, and providing protection against infections.
  2. Vitamins (groups B, H) stimulate protective function, smooth and smooth the skin, increase the level of ceramides.
  3. Microelements and macroelements (magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, manganese) help to increase the oxygen content in cells and their regeneration.
  4. An antioxidant (vitamin E) fights inflammation.
  5. Amino acids (lysine, arginine, tryptophan) have an intensive moisturizing and soothing effect.
  6. The cleansing treatment with oatmeal will show improvements on the face after the first application.

Video: The benefits of oatmeal in the program "About the most important thing"

Rules for the use of homemade oatmeal scrubs

  1. Cleansing should begin with warming up the face and opening the pores, for which it is good to use steam baths with herbs.
  2. The composition should be applied within five minutes with soft circular movements, strictly following the massage lines.
  3. During the procedure, do not apply the scrub composition to the area around the eyes.
  4. After treating the skin, hold the mixture on your face for another 3 minutes.
  5. Wash off the mixture with water at room temperature and be sure to moisturize the skin with a good cream.
  6. Homemade oatmeal facial scrub for each procedure is prepared fresh, the remains are not subject to storage.

Oatmeal scrub recipes

For oily and combination skin oatmeal is best diluted with water, with normal and dry skin it is better to use a combination of oatmeal with milk.

Recipes for all skin types.

Cucumber-oatmeal scrub.

Fresh cucumber chopped on a coarse grater - 1 tbsp. l.
Oatmeal (flour) - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the components, scrub the skin that is wet after washing for several minutes, wash with warm water and apply the cream. For owners of oily skin, it is recommended to add 1 tsp to the composition. wheat flour (oatmeal).

Video: Gentle oatmeal peeling.

Oatmeal scrub with baking soda.

Baking soda - 1 tbsp. l.
Hercules - 1 tbsp. l.
Warm water - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and leave covered for 5 minutes. The result should be a mass reminiscent of the consistency of the paste. Scrub face, wash and apply cream.

Scrub with wild rose.

Small fresh cucumber - ½ pc.
Rosehip oil - 3 ml.
Argan oil - 3 ml.
Hercules - 1 tbsp. l.
Milk - 8-10 ml.

Combine the components into a homogeneous mass, let stand under the lid for ten minutes, then treat the skin, wash and lubricate the face with cream.

Recipes for normal and dry skin.

Classic recipe.

Hercules flakes - 1 tbsp. l.
Powdered milk - ½ tbsp. l.
Hot milk.

Mix the flakes with milk powder and pour over warmed milk so that the mixture is completely covered. Top with a lid and leave to swell for 5-10 minutes. Gently scrub the skin with the finished mass.

Scrub with carrot juice.

Hercules - 1 tbsp. l.
Freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Pour oatmeal with carrot juice so that the flakes are completely covered with it, leave for 5-10 minutes to swell. Use the mixture for peeling, wash with water at room temperature and apply cream.

Corn and oatmeal scrub.

Sugar - 1 tsp
Corn flakes - ½ tbsp. l.
Hercules flakes - ½ tbsp. l.
Olive oil (you can use any other vegetable oil) - 1 tsp.

Combine all dry ingredients and pour oil until a thick slurry is formed. Use the prepared mixture for the skin as a peeling for 3 minutes, then wash and lubricate the face with cream.

Oatmeal salt scrub.

Hercules - 1 tbsp. l.
Fine sea salt - ½ tsp
Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Mix all ingredients in a glass bowl and use as an exfoliator.

Nut-pumpkin scrub.

Shredded pumpkin pulp without peel - 1 tbsp. l.
Oatmeal - 1 tsp
Ground walnuts (flour) - 1 tsp
Olive oil (can be replaced with cream with a high percentage of fat content) - 1 tsp.

Mix all the ingredients of the recipe, apply in the usual way, wash with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

Egg and oatmeal scrub.

Hercules - 2 tsp
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Vegetable oil - 2 tsp.
Sugar - 1 tsp


Scrub for deep cleansing with aloe.


Oatmeal - ½ tsp
Liquid honey - ½ tsp.
Aloe juice - ½ tsp
Water or herbal decoction.

Pour dry ingredients with water or broth to make a slurry-like mass. Use it as a cleanser and exfoliator. Wash off with warm water and apply your usual moisturizer.

Egg cream scrub.

Almonds crushed in a coffee grinder - ½ tsp.
Hercules - ½ tsp
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Heavy cream - ½ tsp.

Combine everything into a homogeneous mass, apply it on the skin, massage for several minutes and rinse with warm water, at the end of the procedure, lubricate the face with a cream suitable for the skin type.

Recipes for oily and combination skin.

Protein-oatmeal scrub.

Almonds crushed in a coffee grinder - ½ tsp.
Oatmeal - ½ tsp
Egg white - 1 pc.
Fat-free yogurt - ½ tsp

Combine all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, apply it on the skin, massage for several minutes and rinse with cool water, at the end of the procedure, lubricate the face with a cream suitable for the skin type.

Protein Lemon Scrub.

Hercules - 2 tsp
Egg white - 1 pc.
Lemon juice - 2 tsp
Finely ground sea salt - 1 tsp.

Add to pre-beaten yolk with sugar vegetable oil pour the flakes with the resulting mixture. After 5 minutes, use the composition for peeling.

Wheat-oatmeal scrub.

Hercules flakes - 1 tbsp. l.
Wheat flour (or oatmeal, or starch - ½ tbsp.
Boiled water.
Lemon juice - 3 drops.

Combine the dry ingredients in a ceramic bowl, dilute with water to a slurry state, at the end add lemon juice. Scrub the face with the finished mixture, leave for 5 minutes and rinse with cool water. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the face with cream.

Scrub-mask with aloe.

Hercules flakes ground into flour - 2 tsp.
Sugar - 1 tsp
Aloe juice - 1 tsp
Lemon juice - 3 drops.
Purified water is warm.

Combine sugar, flour until gruel, add lemon juice and aloe juice. Use the prepared mixture for peeling. Wash with water at room temperature and apply cream.

Scrub with grape juice.

Hercules - 1 tbsp. l.
Grape juice - 1 tbsp. l.
Mineral water - 1 tbsp. l.

Pour the flakes with water and juice, let it swell. Apply the finished mass with massaging movements, rinse with cool water and apply a suitable cosmetic product with a moisturizing effect.

Oatmeal Rice Scrub.

Rice - 1 tbsp. l.
Oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.
Kefir (non-fat yogurt) - a little.

Mix rice and cereal in a coffee grinder, grind. Pour the finished mixture with kefir, distribute a thin mass with massaging movements over the face, rinse with cool water and apply cream.

These recipes will help you quickly, effectively and at no extra cost to keep the skin in a perfectly clean condition, prevent the appearance of black spots and inflammatory processes.

Oatmeal facial scrub - affordable and universal remedy for skin cleansing. It gently removes dead skin particles, dirt, dust and sebum. Regular use of a home-made product will help to cope with enlarged pores, even out complexion, eliminate and prevent the appearance of black spots.

Oatmeal flakes are rich in minerals, acids and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

  • vitamin B3, which protects the skin from external adverse effects, whitens and reduces excessive pigmentation;
  • amino acids that have a strengthening effect on cell walls, moisturize the skin and reduce rashes;
  • minerals (zinc, cobalt, sulfur, sodium), activating cell regeneration processes, filling tissues with oxygen, neutralizing toxins;
  • phytic acid, which reduces pigmentation and reduces inflammation;
  • vitamin E, which protects the skin from sun rays and moisturizing it;
  • pantothenic and nicotinic acids, which protect tissues from infections and are involved in the process of normalizing metabolism.

Crushed oat flakes gently exfoliate dead skin particles, draw out dirt and sebum from the pores, and remove the remnants of cosmetics.

After regular use of the face scrub with oatmeal, the skin condition noticeably improves: it looks fresh, smooth and tender, tightens, dryness and inflammation are reduced. A healthy complexion returns, pores narrow, blackheads disappear, and traces of acne scars become almost invisible. The result will be noticeable after a few uses.

Consisting of natural ingredients, exfoliating products do not contain allergens and harmful substances, so they are used for any type of skin, including sensitive.

Terms of Use

In order for the scrub to bring the desired result and not worsen the condition of the skin, it is important to remember a few rules for its use at home:

  1. An oatmeal scrub, like any other, should be used with caution by people who have capillaries close to the surface of the skin.
  2. Do not use products with abrasive particles if there are wounds or scratches on the face. It is better to postpone the procedure until they are completely healed.
  3. It is undesirable to use any scrub too often: 2 treatments per week are enough for oily skin, 1 time for dry skin.
  4. Scrubbing compounds should not be applied to delicate areas of the skin: around the eyes and lips.

You can get the most out of using an oatmeal face scrub if you follow a simple procedure:

  1. First, the face is washed, thoroughly washing off cosmetics or skin care products.
  2. Pre-steaming will help the pores open up, and the active substances contained in the home remedy will penetrate deep into the epidermis and have the maximum effect. To do this, use steam baths from herbal infusions.
  3. The scrub itself is applied with gentle massaging movements on the skin. At the same time, the product is applied to the neck and décolleté.
  4. After a light massage, the mass is not washed off immediately, but left for several minutes.
  5. Remove the dried scrub with warm water, and then apply a moisturizer.

Recipes for the most effective oatmeal scrubs

Exfoliating home remedies are prepared according to the type of skin and the problem that needs to be addressed.


Suitable for all skin types.


A handful of flakes crushed in a blender is poured with warm water, mixed.


2-3 sweet grapes are mashed, after removing the seeds from them, combined with a tablespoon of cereal. Pour the mass with heated water so that a thick slurry is obtained, let it brew for several minutes.


Ch.l. lemon juice is mixed with an equal amount of aloe juice and sugar, 2 teaspoons of ground oatmeal flakes are added to the resulting mass. Dilute with warm water.

In order not to waste time preparing a homemade scrub every week, it is worth making a base in advance that can be stored. long time by diluting the part with warm water just before application.

Combine half a glass of almonds ground in a coffee grinder with the same amount of brown sugar, sprinkle the mixture with a pinch of dry calendula leaves, add st. l. oatmeal, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract and a teaspoon nutmeg powder. Pour into a container with a tight-fitting lid, store in a dry place.

For normal and dry skin types

You can use 2 tools:

  1. A mixture of equal proportions of corn and oatmeal. They are crushed, mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil, sprinkle a lot of 1 tsp. Sahara. Everything is well mixed.
  2. 2 tsp oatmeal is mixed with the same amount of olive oil, 1 tsp. sugar, add egg yolk to the mass.

For dry

Scrubs made according to these recipes gently cleanse dry skin while moisturizing it.


A handful of flakes are crushed, mixed with the same amount of milk powder. Add a little warmed milk, leave to swell for a while. If you need to improve the complexion, give a light shade of tan, the dry mixture is diluted with freshly squeezed carrot juice instead of milk.


A piece of pumpkin pulp is kneaded with a fork, take 1 tbsp. l. of this mass, mixed with 1 tsp. chopped walnuts and the same amount of cereal and olive oil (fat cream).

This oatmeal scrub will not only gently cleanse, but also saturate the skin with moisture, giving the face an even healthy color.


Crushed almonds are mixed in equal proportions with oatmeal flakes, aloe juice is poured in, and a little honey is added. You can dilute the mass to a pasty state with warm water or a decoction of herbs. The latter will increase the effectiveness of the tool.


40 g of cucumber are rubbed on a fine grater, combined with 6 ml of argan oil and the same volume of rosehip oil. Pour into the mass 2 tbsp. l. flakes, pour 16 ml of milk. After mixing the resulting mass, let it swell for 7 minutes.


1 st. l. flakes and soda are mixed, a little water is added. Close the container with a lid for a few minutes to soften the mass.

For oily

You can eliminate shine and narrow pores using scrubs prepared according to these recipes:

  1. 2 tsp flakes are mixed with the same amount of lemon juice, tsp are added. sea ​​spoon and 1 egg white.
  2. Equal parts of ground almonds and oatmeal flakes are poured with a small amount of fat-free yogurt, egg white is added to the mass.

For narrowing pores

A little freshly squeezed grape juice is poured into a container with a handful of flakes, a spoonful of mineral water is added. Leave the mass to swell.

Flakes crushed in a coffee grinder or blender are combined with a pinch of sea salt and two tablespoons of curdled milk or natural yogurt. After such a scrub, the pores on the face narrow, and the amount of sebum decreases.

A teaspoon of soda is combined with 2 tablespoons of crushed flakes, a pinch of cinnamon is added, the mixture is poured with water. After applying the scrub, the skin is rinsed with water acidified with lemon juice.

Rice grains and oatmeal flakes in equal quantities are poured into a coffee grinder, crushed. The resulting mixture is diluted with kefir or low-fat natural yogurt. After application, the mass is not washed off immediately, but left for 5-10 minutes.


A teaspoon of grated cucumber mass is combined with 16 g of flakes. In the composition for oily skin additionally add tsp. wheat flour.

25 g of flakes are combined with tsp. lemon juice and the same amount of natural yogurt or kefir.

Against blackheads

Any ground nuts are mixed with oatmeal flakes, take 1 tbsp. l. this mixture. For dry skin, add yolk and st. l. fat sour cream; for oily - protein and a spoonful of kefir.

For acne and inflammation

6 g of honey is mixed with 5 g of finely ground salt and st. l. oatmeal. Dilute with olive oil.

The yolks are combined with tsp. olive oil, two tbsp. l. ground flakes and Art. l. sea ​​salt.

Regular use of homemade oatmeal scrubs will help to cope with the most common skin imperfections at home.

Oatmeal is a porridge familiar to each of us from early childhood. But can oatmeal be used only in the form of porridge? There is another very useful application - oatmeal scrub for facial skin. A distinctive and significant advantage of this cosmetic product It is considered the possibility of its manufacture at home. Also, the scrub has a positive effect on all types of skin on the face and neck. The recipe uses the most affordable ingredients that are available in every home. But still, what specific effect does such a scrub have on the skin?

  • 1. The effect of oatmeal scrub on the skin
  • 2. Oatmeal - best recipes scrubs
  • 2.1. The easiest scrub for all skin types
  • 2.2. Oatmeal Scrub for Combination Skin Types
  • 2.3. Scrub for oily skin
  • 2.4. Scrub with oatmeal for combination skin type
  • 2.5. For dry skin gentle oatmeal peeling
  • 3. Modified Oatmeal Facial Scrub Recipes
  • 3.1. Peeling for dry skin - gentle and caring
  • 3.2. Universal scrub for all skin types
  • 3.3. Oatmeal and pumpkin scrub for dry to normal skin
  • 3.4. Oatmeal and honey facial scrub for all skin types

The effect of oatmeal scrub on the skin

Oatmeal is made from oats. This cereal is naturally endowed with a rich spectrum of vitamins and microelements necessary for humans, which are also fully contained in oatmeal. Therefore, flakes have the most beneficial effect on the skin. Due to the high content of biotin and the use of scrub flakes, the skin of the face will always remain young, healthy, toned and clean. B vitamins are real defenders and conscientious healers. Hercules face scrub will help in almost any situation, even in such as:

  • Regular and frequent inflammatory processes.
  • Multiple acne.
  • Blackheads and clogged pores.
  • Wrinkles are small and age deep.
  • Dryness of the epidermis.
  • Aging and wilting of the skin.
  • Metabolic disease.

And only an oatmeal scrub will help you positively tune in to a beautiful day in the morning and relieve fatigue in the evening.

Prepared without any effort at home in a matter of minutes from the most popular porridge, the cosmetic preparation will perfectly cope with its direct task, cleanse the skin without difficulty, and at the same time saturate the epidermis with vitamins, so necessary and so lacking.

But it should be remembered that even an oatmeal scrub should be applied correctly and accurately in order to achieve the maximum desired result of moisturizing, enriching and cleansing. Although it is suitable without restrictions for the epidermis of any type, nevertheless, additional elements may be present in the formulation of the drug in order to increase the percentage of effectiveness. Let's pay attention to the fact that the skin is of the type:

  • dry;
  • oily;
  • mixed;
  • combined;
  • normal.

In another article, we described in detail, . And now we will try to find an individual recipe for a face scrub with oatmeal, taking into account the type of skin and therefore bringing the maximum benefit.

Oatmeal - the best scrub recipes

The main and main component in any of the recipes below is oatmeal or, in other words, oatmeal, and it is also called oatmeal. These same flakes can be used dry, steamed or simply moistened.

So, attention, the main recipes for face scrubs from oatmeal.

The easiest scrub for all skin types

Perfectly refreshes, cleanses and gives the skin a healthy glow.


  • 1 tablespoon warm water (or 1 tablespoon warm milk)


Moisten oatmeal in water and apply with massaging movements on a face previously moistened with water for two to three minutes. If the skin is dry, then the water for wetting the oatmeal should be replaced with milk. After the massage, wash off the scrub with warm clean water.

Oatmeal Scrub for Combination Skin Types

Improves the condition of the skin, leveling the disturbed balance. Stimulates the metabolism of fats and proteins, cleanses, moisturizes, removes excess shine, gives the skin a pleasant matte healthy glow.


  • 0.5 tablespoon of hercules flakes;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of corn flakes;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil.


Mix two types of flakes - oatmeal with corn, add sugar and vegetable oil to the mixture. Oil should be taken so much that a gentle, not too thick slurry is obtained. Apply the mixture to the surface of the skin of the face with confident, but not strong massaging movements. Allow the scrub to absorb and cleanse the skin for three minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Scrub for oily skin

It normalizes the balance of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, slows down the aging process, cleanses pores, relieves inflammation, gives the skin a healthy matte tone, removes black spots and improves the elasticity of the epidermis.


  • 0.5 tablespoon of oatmeal;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of ground rice;
  • 1 tablespoon of kefir or yogurt.


Grind whole rice grains in a coffee grinder, mix them with oatmeal flakes in equal proportions, add kefir or yogurt to the dry mixture exactly in such an amount to make a creamy slurry that is pleasant to the touch. Apply to the skin, peel with gentle massaging movements and leave the mass on the face for about three minutes. The time can be increased to five minutes if necessary. Rinse off the scrub with slightly cool water.

Scrub with oatmeal for combination skin type

Such a scrub will very gently help the epidermis to restore and normalize the balance in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Clears the skin of blackheads. It will give a healthy color and remove unnecessary greasy gloss. Heal, nourish beneficial substances and microorganisms, improve the general condition of the skin and relieve any inflammatory processes.


  • 0.5 tablespoon of oatmeal;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of flour (oatmeal, starch);
  • 1 tablespoon of warm boiled water;
  • 3-6 drops of lemon juice.


Mix oatmeal with flour or starch. IN ideal it is better to use oatmeal (this is oat flour). Add water, always warm boiled, and mixing thoroughly, achieve a homogeneous mushy mass. Add three to six drops of lemon juice to the resulting mixture. Scrub apply with massaging movements on the face and rub gently without much effort, thereby peeling the skin. Leave the scrub on your face after the procedure for a few more minutes, then rinse it off with cool water.

For dry skin gentle oatmeal peeling

Hercules facial scrub for dry skin provides gentle peeling, significantly moisturizing the epidermis, helping it to balance metabolism, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Improves the overall condition of the skin and tones it.


  • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal;
  • 2 tablespoons of boiled milk.


Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with half a tablespoon of powdered milk, gradually add two tablespoons of hot boiled milk and let the mixture brew under a closed lid for 7-10 minutes. While still warm, apply the scrub to the skin and gently exfoliate. Leave the mask on your face for 3-5 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Modified Oatmeal Facial Scrub Recipes

Sometimes for more problematic skin or, in order to obtain a quick and unique result, additional elements are used in the basic scrub recipe, such as:

  • carrot juice;
  • edible and sea salt;
  • dairy and dairy products;
  • aloe leaf juice;
  • lemon juice;
  • walnut flour;
  • egg white;
  • almond.

These listed components contribute to a deeper cleansing and nutrition of the epidermis.

However, the basis of all modified oatmeal face scrub recipes is unequivocally oatmeal. Below are examples of some of these recipes.

Peeling for dry skin - gentle and caring

Dry skin is more sensitive than other types, so this scrub recipe is perfect for it. It will help to significantly moisturize the epidermis, while cleansing, saturating with minerals and vitamins, giving the skin more elasticity and balancing the disturbed metabolism.


  • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of powdered milk;
  • 2 tablespoons carrot juice.


Mix oatmeal with dry milk this mixture pour well warm carrot juice. Mix thoroughly, cover the container with a lid and let the mixture brew for 7-10 minutes, or until it cools to a warm state. Apply the finished mixture on the skin of the face with massaging movements, make a soft peeling and leave the scrub in the form of a mask for 2-3 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Universal scrub for all skin types

This recipe is different in that it replaces the components as needed. If the skin is dry, then it is better to cleanse it using any natural oil as an additional ingredient. In the case when the skin is oily or combination, it is better to use boiled water or any dairy, fermented milk product.

Dry Skin Ingredients

  • 1 tablespoon cereal;
  • 2 tablespoons of natural vegetable oil.

Combination to Oily Skin Ingredients

  • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal;
  • 2 tablespoons of kefir (yogurt, yogurt, low-fat sour cream, milk).

Recipe (1 option)

Oatmeal mixed with any natural oil until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Apply to the skin, massage, allow the substances to be absorbed after peeling and rinse off the scrub with warm water.

Recipe (Option 2)

Mix oatmeal flakes with a fermented milk or dairy product, let the mixture swell a little, apply on the skin of the face and massaging, perform a deep cleansing. Leave the scrub on your face for a few more minutes, then rinse it off with cool water.

Oatmeal and pumpkin scrub for dry to normal skin

It cleanses the skin of the face, carefully restoring its acid-base balance, regulating the level of metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Saturates with nutrients. Restores the regeneration process, rejuvenates, gives elasticity and a pleasant matte tone.


  • 1 teaspoon of oatmeal;
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh pumpkin pulp;
  • 1 teaspoon ground walnut flour;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.


Peel the ripe pumpkin, grate it on a fine grater. Mix a tablespoon of pulp with oatmeal flakes, add walnut kernel flour and any natural vegetable oil to the mixture. Mix thoroughly. Apply to the skin of the face and exfoliate with confident massaging movements. Leave the scrub on the skin for a while, then wash it off with warm water.

Oatmeal and honey facial scrub for all skin types

This scrub is one of the most effective, complete and effective. It is also suitable for all skin types. However, if the epidermis is too dry, it is better not to use the scrub. Thanks to the honey, which is part of the recipe, the skin has a mild whitening effect. The epidermis receives a maximum of useful trace elements, while being deeply cleansed, inflammation is removed, acne and other problematic imperfections are removed.


  • 2 teaspoons of oatmeal;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon of aloe leaf juice;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 1 tablespoon of mineral water.


Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder until flour is obtained, which is called oatmeal. Mix oatmeal with honey, without ceasing to knead, add the juice of aloe leaves and lemon juice, bring the mixture to a liquid mushy state with mineral water. Apply the scrub on the skin of the face and gently exfoliate for several minutes, then leave the mixture on the face and allow all microorganisms and microelements to be absorbed into the epidermis. Wash off the scrub with warm water.

In fact, there are many more options for oatmeal face scrub recipes. Here are some of the most effective and those that are easy to cook at home for either a connoisseur or a novice. Also, oatmeal is so versatile and unique at the same time that experimenting with recipe ingredients is not only possible, but necessary. But in any case, it should be remembered that facial skin belongs to an increased risk zone, it is exposed to more frequent external influences, and therefore scrub recipes should be aimed not only at cleansing, but also at gentle, thorough care.

The skin of the body, like the skin of the face, requires gentle care, care and attention. To do this, manufacturers of cosmetic products produce all kinds of gels, creams, scrubs, lotions. All this can be seen in any store or salon. Unfortunately, the composition of these funds very often leaves much to be desired.

Chemical additives create only the illusion of a feeling of smoothness and silkiness, without carrying anything useful in themselves, rather, on the contrary, destroying the protective function of the skin. Good quality cosmetics are not affordable for everyone.

In any case, you can always use folk recipes beauty. After all, somehow our great-grandmothers managed to look beautiful for our great-grandfathers, while not going to cosmetics stores. Why are we worse?

Oatmeal for the body: useful properties

Among inexpensive, but high-quality products, one can distinguish such as oatmeal. Regular flakes are already good on their own, but with the addition of some additional ingredients, they will help make the skin really irresistible.

What are the benefits of scrub and other oatmeal products for the body?

It should be noted right away that oatmeal can be used not only for the body, but also for the face and hair. It is so mild yet effective that its use will not harm, but only improve the condition of any skin type.

Indeed, this is a universal product, suitable for both young girls with a combination skin type, and for older ladies who no longer have enough elasticity.

In addition, it removes toxins well, which, in turn, allows us to stay young longer.

If you have at least a glass of regular oatmeal in your locker, you can consider your home spa open!

Oatmeal Scrub Recipes

What are the recipes for scrubs made from oatmeal? However, why only scrubs? These are also gels with a soft peeling effect, body masks or washable lotions.

Remember that any of the above funds has only a one-day shelf life, so it is not recommended to prepare yourself, say, the same lotion for future use. An exception is the creation of a dry mix.

For cooking, you will need to prepare such things and tools:

  • a comfortable pretty bowl that would please the eye;
  • wooden spatula for stirring;
  • measuring cup and tablespoon;
  • towel;
  • clean diaper for wrapping;
  • coffee grinder.

Recipe number 1 - a universal body scrub made from oatmeal.

To prepare this scrub, take half a glass of oatmeal and any essential oil to choose from. As a matter of fact, the last component is added for fragrance, so if you don’t have the treasured little bottle, then you can do without it.

The preparation of this remedy does not require special skills, it is enough to pour oatmeal with hot water and add a couple of drops of oil. As soon as the mixture has cooled, carefully wipe the skin of the body with the resulting scrub with massage movements. After the procedure, the skin will become soft and smooth. This scrub is also a facial peel.

This type of scrub is quite gentle and soft, so it is quite suitable for sensitive skin of the body. If you want to make the scrub hard, then the following recipe will suit you better.

Recipe number 2 - oatmeal scrub with ground coffee

Take one third of a glass of oatmeal and one tablespoon of ground coffee. The coarser the grind, the harder the product will be. Add coffee to cereal, pour everything with hot water. After cooling, the product can be applied to the body with massage movements. It is not recommended to add essential oil here, as coffee itself gives a great aroma.

Recipe number 3 - oatmeal wrap.

Oat wrap. For this procedure, you will need to prepare half a glass of oatmeal, two tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of sour cream. Oatmeal is easy to prepare with a coffee grinder or you can buy it ready-made in the store. In extreme cases, you can just take small flakes.

Brew cereal into a thick porridge, add honey and sour cream to it, mix thoroughly and apply to problem areas. Wrap with cling film or a clean diaper on top and leave for an hour. Wash off with warm water. The result will surprise you: the skin will become very soft and silky, elasticity and smoothness will appear.

Of course, cellulite, if it exists, will not disappear, because for this one wrap, even a professional one, is not enough. However, with regular use "Orange peel" may smooth out.

It is worth noting that this mixture can also be used as a face mask. The result after it is amazing. The benefits of sour cream and honey in cosmetology are known to everyone.

Recipe number 4 - oatmeal cleansing gel for the body.

Attention! This home remedy, like the previous one, you can also use it as a "wash" for the face.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of oatmeal;
  • 1 tablespoon medicinal herbs
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil;
  • piece of gauze.

Brew the herbs and generously pour the hot broth over the flakes. As soon as the porridge swells, strain it through cheesecloth, folded several times. At the end, add olive oil. The resulting sticky liquid will be a homemade body gel.

It cleans very gently, without irritating even the most sensitive skin while medicinal herbs disinfect and protect. That is why this version of the gel is suitable for the face.

Advice! If you have pimples on your body and face, add two drops of tea tree oil or a teaspoon of aloe juice to the remedy.

The constant use of oatmeal for the body and face will make your skin velvety, like a child's. In addition, after a while you will notice how smoothed small wrinkles, rashes and irritations disappeared, the skin brightened and acquired a uniform color.

The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determination of the diagnosis and choice of treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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