
Cream for combination skin at home. Cream for oily skin prepared at home. So, to make cream, prepare


We are used to homemade tonics and face masks, but we still buy cream in the store, giving “big” money for products that are not always of decent quality. Is it worth risking your beauty? Face cream can be prepared at home, and more than once. Many products keep in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 weeks. Prepare "your" cream that will work for your youth and freshness of the face.

How to make homemade cream

You will need some equipment: a small mixer, glass or clay bowls (not metal), a wooden spoon, a kitchen scale. The face cream is based on oil, water, herbal decoctions and other ingredients. Connecting them at home is not easy, it is important to know the technology.

  1. To melt the solid base of the cream, you will need a water bath. To do this, use a small ladle with a handle, place a bowl of wax and oil in it so that the bottom does not touch the water, but is simply doused with steam.
  2. The product is heated with constant stirring. Use a ceramic or wooden spoon.
  3. When the base melts, add liquid oils. Stir for 2-3 minutes until the components are completely combined.
  4. The remaining components are introduced dropwise into the slightly cooled mixture of oils. To maintain uniformity, you can use a regular pharmacy pipette or syringe.
  5. Beat the mixture with a mixer.
  6. To cool the cream faster, place the container with it in a bowl of ice or cold water, stir with a spoon. At this stage, the mass is introduced essential oils- just a few drops.
  7. We shift the cream into a dry container made of glass, porcelain, clay and put it in the cold (on the refrigerator door). It will keep for 5-7 days.

Pay special attention to the procedure for mixing the components. First, they must all be at the same temperature. That is, if the melted oils are slightly warm, then the water base should also be slightly warmed up. Secondly, you can’t beat with a mixer right away, first just mix the ingredients well with a spoon or a small whisk. This will help prevent the mixture from separating.

Ingredients for homemade creams

The selection of components depends on several factors: the type of facial skin, age and tasks that must be addressed. As an oil base for a cream, several options can be used, described below.

  1. Oils of almonds, grape seeds, apricot. Suitable for any type of facial skin, quickly absorbed, have a delicate smell and unexpressed shine.
  2. Coconut oils, shea butters are denser, smell strongly and intensively nourish the skin. They can leave shine and a thin film on the face.
  3. Vegetable oils - olive, corn, flaxseed - smell intensely and shine on the skin of the face, so they are relevant when preparing a nourishing cream.
  4. Moisturizing face cream at home is prepared using oils such as jojoba, avocado, peach.
  5. A protective cream that will cover the face with the thinnest invisible film is made on the basis of almond oil, evening primrose.
  6. Problem skin of the face will be “happy” with oils: black cumin, rose, sea buckthorn, lemon.

As a water base, purified water or decoctions of herbs, flowers, plants of low concentration are used. Emulsifier - "connector" of oil and water - beeswax, guar gum, palovax, sodium alginate. You can also enrich the face cream at home with essential oils, fat-soluble vitamins (A, E).

How to use home remedies

The strength of its action on the skin and the final result depend on the technique of applying the cream. Therefore, follow some simple rules.

  • All face cream recipes contain oils, but the more of them in the composition, the deeper the ingredients penetrate. The oil in this case is a transport ingredient that delivers active substances to the deep layers of the skin. Light day creams can be made on the basis of decoctions and water, and night creams can be made on an oil, honey basis with a minimum of liquid.
  • Before use, check the product for allergenicity: apply a drop on the wrist or bend of the elbow for 15 minutes, and only then - on the face.
  • Do not take part of the cream from the jar with your fingers, use a spoon for this, preferably a wooden or glass one. The cream at home is prepared without preservatives, so it is possible for pathogenic microbes to develop in it if sterility is not observed.
  • Apply the product to clean facial skin treated with foam, tonic or alcohol-containing formulations (for oily skin).
  • Light water creams do not need to be washed off, and night creams saturated with oils must be removed with a napkin after 1-2 hours after application.

Cream for sensitive dry skin

Facial skin prone to flaking, formation age spots, with visible capillaries requires a special approach. The main requirement for a cream for this type of facial skin is high moisturizing activity and protective properties.

Simple homemade recipes will help you make your skin soft, hydrated and even.

Pink moisturizer.

To prepare it, you will need 5 small tea rose buds, 50 grams of butter, 10 grams of beeswax, 5 grams of liquid vitamin A.

Melt beeswax in a water bath, add oil to it, heat for 3 minutes, cool slightly. Rinse the petals, dry and crush in a mortar to a state of gruel. Mix, at the end, enter the vitamin from the capsules. Keep tightly closed in a glass container. Apply to cleansed skin.

  1. We will prepare an intensively moisturizing face cream as follows: melt 5 grams of beeswax in a water bath, pour in 40 grams of St. John's wort oil, 20 grams of badger fat. Stirring, heat for 2 minutes. Pour in vitamin A drop by drop, stir and pour into a jar, put in the cold.
  2. Try to prepare a cream on a decoction of medicinal herbs.

To do this, brew dry coltsfoot in 200 milliliters of purified water, strain, cool. Mix anhydrous lanolin (5 grams) and 20 milliliters of olive oil, heat a little. Beat with a mixer with herbal infusion. Apply twice daily to cleansed face and neck.

Liquid vitamins can also be added to moisturizing creams: B, E. When decoctions from herbal ingredients are added, the shelf life of a face cream is reduced to 4-5 days.

Nourishing creams

Nutrition is necessary for dry, oily, and normal or combination skin of the face and neck. Homemade cream that will nourish the skin of the face can be prepared on the basis of vegetable and essential oils with the addition of vitamins.

Effective recipes for homemade nutritional products will help you take care of your face effectively and on your own.

Day nourishing face cream can be prepared from the following ingredients: 7 milliliters of olive, sesame and grape seed oils, 36 grams of distilled water, 2 grams of vegetable emulsifier (guar gum, beeswax), 5 drops of ylang-alang oil.

Melt the wax, add oils and mix, beat with a water base, at the end add essential oil drop by drop and transfer to a jar with a lid. We remove in the cold.

The herbal composition for the face can be done as follows: crush dry birch buds and nettles in a mortar (15 grams each), pour a glass of boiling water, cover and wrap in a towel. Strain the mixture after cooling. Grate 20 grams of beeswax into a container and melt in a water bath. When it cools down to 60 degrees, add 5 milliliters of olive oil and butter, 10 drops of liquid vitamin A to the warm infusion (filtered). Stir with a whisk, cool and put in the refrigerator.

Almond nourishing cream.

You will need the following ingredients: 5 grams of lanolin and beeswax, 40 grams of almond oil, 60 milliliters of water-based rose water. To prepare such a face cream, first melt the wax and lanolin, then beat the mixture with oil and rose water, after mixing with a spoon. Transfer to a dry jar, close and place on the refrigerator door.

Anti-aging agents

Fighting the signs of aging - facial skin aging, wrinkles, dryness, redness - can be simple and effective with the use of homemade creams. Anti-aging agents are able to stop age-related changes, improve complexion, make the skin more elastic, supple and even.

And effective beauty recipes will help you with this.

  1. The multi-component composition guarantees the high efficiency of the cream. To prepare it, take 5 milliliters of argan oil, avocado and grape seed, 7 drops of frankincense, 1 tablespoon of wheat germ pomace, 3 capsules of vitamin E pharmacy and 2 grams of beeswax. Mix all oil components in a dry bowl. We pour in vitamin E, and if you bought it in granules (tocopherol), crush them in a mortar and pour into the oil mixture. Break the wax with a rolling pin or grate, melt for a couple. Pour slightly warmed (up to 30-35 degrees) oil into the wax that has cooled to room temperature and beat with a mixer at the lowest speed. Transfer to a tightly sealed container and refrigerate.
  2. Honey anti-aging face creams are especially effective and very easy to make. Mix in a bowl 5 grams of petroleum jelly, 20 milliliters of candied honey, 20 grams of castor oil and 2 drops (no more) of ordinary iodine. Such a cream can be stored in the cold for up to 30 days, mix with a dry spoon before use. It is applied to a clean face, after 30-60 minutes the remnants are removed with a napkin.

Cream for oily skin

Oily skin needs to be dried out. Therefore, the components of the creams will be ingredients that disinfect the face, remove excess shine and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

This simple recipe will help you.

  1. We will prepare a nourishing cream for oily skin of the face from the following components: cetyl alcohol - 2 milliliters, 10 drops of bergamot essential oil, 30 milliliters of hazelnut oil, 7 grams of hop extract, 60 grams of calendula decoction. First, brew dry and chopped calendula, let it brew for 2 hours, strain. Heat bergamot oil to 60 degrees in a water bath, add cetyl alcohol and decoction, mix. Stirring, heat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Add hop extract and essential oil, stir and transfer to a jar with a lid.
  2. The drying composition for the face can be done as follows: mix 40 grams of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of glycerin, add 1 egg yolk pounded with 5 grams of honey, pour in 20 grams of olive oil. At the end of stirring, add 7 drops of camphor alcohol.
  3. An excellent remedy for oily skin is strawberry cream. Cooking: 40 grams of fresh strawberry puree, 2 drops of vitamin E, 20 grams of coconut, sunflower and olive oil. Stir and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

The homemade facials you make at home are free of fragrance, preservatives, formaldehyde, and hormones. They are safe, effective and inexpensive. Of course, they have a denser texture, they may not smell very pleasant and are difficult to wash off the skin of the face, but such products are best option skin care for the price and quality.

We make a cream with our own hands according to the simplest recipes, as well as recommendations for skin care in this topic

Cream - the most simple recipes

Creams made from pure, natural products are a versatile medium for using essential oils. You can choose oils that have a variety of therapeutic purposes and add them to an unflavored cream base.

The great thing about creams is that they stay on the skin longer than carrier oils, an advantage that's especially beneficial when you're dealing with skin problems. Heavier creams can provide a protective barrier between the skin and the environment to promote healing.

Simple creams can be prepared very easily using various combinations of oil, wax and flower water. Usually creams are made with almond oil, but heavier creams can be made by adding coconut oil or cocoa butter to almond oil. Specialty carrier oils such as jojoba, avocado, peach kernel and others are usually added in relatively small amounts as they have their own specific properties. To such a cream, you can add the appropriate essential oil.

If you do not want to make creams yourself, you can add essential oils to ready-made creams. But first, it is very important to make sure that they are made from pure plant materials and that no harmful chemicals have been added to them. Not all cream manufacturers yet list the exact ingredients of their products on their packaging, so be sure to buy branded creams that are trustworthy in this regard.

Magic Cream
The internal production of the cream consists in the use of a base and a nutritional supplement. It may seem strange to you, but this method is simple and effective. For the manufacture of the cream, fruit or vegetable juices are used, which contain valuable nutrients and vitamins. They are useful not only for making masks, but also for creating a personal cream.

What do you need
First, the base. The basis can be pre-melted internal fat, spinal cord, petroleum jelly, olive oil, or some other. If you are not sure what to choose, ask your pharmacist to help you choose a neutral base cream.

In accordance with the type of skin, you can choose a base cream (you can use a cream for children without additional additives). With normal skin, the cream can be anything, but if you have dry skin, it is better to choose a more oily base and vice versa, if the skin is oily, the base should not be very oily (for example, a children's moisturizer).

propolis cream
Add a few drops of propolis tincture to the base - you can take cream, but they must be used throughout the day. This cream is rich in vitamins, will nourish the skin and is suitable for all skin types.

Butter + cream
To make this cream, you will need a teaspoon of cream and one tablespoon of butter. Mix everything together and add a few drops of lemon juice. This cream is suitable for dry and rough skin.

Yogurt cream
This cream is suitable for problematic skin with enlarged pores. V a small amount of basics you need to add yogurt without additives (not sweet). Such a cream must be used for several days - so do not do it very much. This cream helps to restore the natural protective layer of the skin.

Creams with beeswax
Cream "Cucumber-Almond"
Grate the peeled cucumber. Dissolve 15 g of wax in a water bath, add 2 tablespoons of almond oil and cucumber mass to it. Cover the dishes with a lid and boil on low heat for 1 hour, then cool and use to nourish aging skin.

Cream "Pink" with beeswax
Take 5 tablespoons of fresh rose petals, grind them in a blender. In the resulting gruel, add 1 tablespoon of melted butter and 1 teaspoon of beeswax. Mix well and beat a little.
Apply cream to dry and normal skin faces.

Cream "Rose Valley"
Take 5 rosebuds, 1 tablespoon of margarine melted in a water bath, 2 teaspoons of beeswax, 1 teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution.
Grind rose petals with margarine until smooth. Add beeswax and vitamin A to the resulting composition. Mix thoroughly again.
Apply to normal and dry skin.

Cream "Carrot"
1 tablespoon carrot juice warm and mix with pre-whipped egg yolks(2 pcs.). Place the mass in a mixer and, while whisking, add 1 teaspoon of beeswax and vegetable oil into it.
The cream is used for normal skin.

Cream "Smorodinka"
Take 5-6 fresh nettle leaves, 3-4 rowan leaves, 1 bunch of parsley, 8-10 currant leaves, jasmine and rose flowers (3-4 buds each), chop them in a blender. Add to the resulting gruel 1 tablespoon of margarine previously melted in a water bath, 1 teaspoon of beeswax, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution. Rub thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
The cream is used for dry aging skin.

Cream "Calendula"
First you need to prepare an oil extract of calendula flowers. It is done like this. Pour 1 tablespoon of dried calendula flowers with 10 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Infuse in a dark place for 1 week, shaking the bottle occasionally. Melt 2 teaspoons of beeswax in a hot water bath. Mix melted wax with 2 tablespoons of marigold flower oil extract, add 1 tablespoon of corn oil. Gradually introduce 1 teaspoon of glycerin into the mass that has not yet cooled down. Stir until completely cool.
The cream is used for dry skin.

From Women's magazine

Dry skin and skin after sunbathing

Coconut cream:

50 g coconut oil;
20 g of almond oil;

Yoghurt after sun cream

Apply to burned skin and leave to dry completely. Wash off with cool water. Repeat if necessary.

120 gr. yogurt without additives
30 ml. aloe vera gel
15 drops Lavender EO

50 g coconut oil;
20 g of almond oil;
25 g rose water (or neroli water);
20 drops of essential oil of your choice.

"Noble Cream":

200 g fat sour cream (preferably homemade)
1 lemon, juiced
100 g cologne (rose water, tincture)
100 g of alcohol (if you have acne, you can take calendula tincture)
2-3 tbsp cucumber juice
2 fresh yolks

Mix sour cream, juices, yolks, at the very end add cologne and alcohol, pour into jars and put in the refrigerator for a day, the cream will thicken, store in the refrigerator.
Notes - to begin with, make half of the indicated doses, and preferably a quarter, otherwise such a jar of cream will turn out to be huge. The cream will keep for six months. You can add vitamins A, E. I usually add essential oils. They rejuvenate the skin. The cream is gentle, absorbed immediately, does not leave a shine. But, I think, in spring and summer it is better to use it only at night, because. essential oils and alcohol in the sun can cause age spots. And you also know exactly what you put in the cream. If you are not allergic to honey, you can add a spoonful of honey to a large jar of cream. We do everything before adding alcohol. It is important.
I changed the following in it: I reduced the dose four times, since it is just excellent for the first 2 weeks, then it somehow loses its airiness and freshness, although it does not deteriorate at all. Then I did not add any cologne at all. Instead of cologne, I added a little once romazulana (in this case, the cream is obtained beige colour), another time a little tincture of calendula, the third time I used a little sea buckthorn oil. In short, if you want to get moisturizing, then take low-fat sour cream, add honey if desired. if you want nutritious, then take fatty sour cream and add sea ​​buckthorn oil to a nice apricot color. I always put it in the refrigerator in a wide jar, covered with paper, and not with a lid, so that the alcohol evaporates. After 2-3 days, I added EO and vitamins and then closed it with a lid. I used it in the sun in the summer without any problems and my girlfriends did too. There were no spots."

Waterless cream "Avocado" for dry and normal skin

This recipe is suitable for beginners because it is very simple and does not require a large number components. Classic buttercream. It has a softening, moisturizing and regenerating effect. Suitable for normal, as well as thin, aging or just dry skin. Pleasant to use - melts on the skin, stable on the shelf.

2 teaspoons macadamia oil
1 teaspoon avocado oil
1 teaspoon jojoba oil
2 teaspoons shea butter
2 drops patchouli essential oil
3 drops rosewood essential oil

Melt shea butter in a water bath, add liquid vegetable oils, mix, add essential oils.
Place the finished cream in the refrigerator. You can store the product both in the refrigerator and on the shelf (on the shelf, of course, the shelf life is reduced).

Chamomile face cream.

10 g beeswax
50 g cocoa butter
3 art. tablespoons almond oil or avocado oil
2 drops of chamomile essential oil.
Melt wax, almond oil and cocoa butter in a water bath. Remove from heat, stir thoroughly until cool, add essential oil. Stir again and transfer to a jar with a screw cap. Before applying the cream on your face, "warm up" it in your palms (when cold, it is quite a solid consistency).

Facial cleanser (soothes summer skin)

1 cup yogurt (no additives)
2 1⁄2 tablespoons regular pure honey (if not allergic to honey)
1 teaspoon lemon juice (for oily skin)

Mix honey and yogurt in a cup (if you have oily skin, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to help remove sebum).

With clean hands or cotton pads, generously apply the shake to your freshly washed face and neck and leave on for 5 minutes. Rinse lightly with warm water and dry your face with a towel. Repeat the process once or twice a week.

Cocktail for silky hands

½ cup coconut oil
½ cup sugar
Juice of 1 lemon
Cotton gloves

Mix all ingredients in a cup. Rub the mixture in your hands for 1 minute, covering all areas.

Place your hands in gloves and leave overnight. By morning, the oil should be absorbed and your hands should be ready to debut.

Cream for the skin around the eyes from "crow's feet"

5 gr. beeswax
- 50 ml. liquid rast. oils (your choice)
- 30 ml. flower or clear water
- 2 k. geranium essential oil
- 2 k. rosemary
- 2 k. verbena

Melt beeswax in oil in a water bath. Remove and beat with a mixer, gradually, little by little, adding 30 ml. flower (I added mineral) water. Then add essential oils and beat again.
Transfer to a jar, refrigerate. Every evening, gently “drive” into the skin around the eyes with fingertips.

The cream is thick and absorbs well.

According to other aromatherapy sources, the same cream is recommended for dry skin.

My skin on my hands became dry, weathered, and after applying the cream it became much better and softer, and the cream on dry skin is absorbed very quickly. So I would also add that the cream is also for hands.

Bath cream

Everyone thought where to define this recipe, maybe in our soap topic, but still it’s better here because the cream is not intended for storage and you can say that its best definition is like a cream for washing hair.

1 egg
- 0.5 cups of shampoo
- 1 teaspoon l. gelatin
- 2-3 k. essential oil

I poured 1 teaspoon of gelatin into 5 tsp. water to slightly cover the gelatin and after a while warm it up a little so that the gelatin dissolves. Then add shampoo, egg and em. Beat everything with a mixer and you can go to the shower. The mixture under running water forms a rich foam. After bathing, the skin becomes smooth, shiny and tender. And her hair is silky and shiny.

Scarlet sponges
Cream for cracked lips
- 10 ml. rast. oils
- 5 gr. honey
- lavender 1 k.
- lemon 1k.
- lemon balm 1 k. or chamomile 1 k.

Lip cream for every day
- 10 ml. almond oil
- bergamot 5 k.

Softening lip cream
- 3 gr. honey
- myrrh 3 k.
- tuberose 4 k.

Cream "Blossoming Meadow" can be used instead of hygienic lipstick
- 10 ml. rast. oils
- lavender 3 k.
- mint 2 k.

If you want to restore the brightness of the natural color of your lips, use the following cream
Lip cream "Scarlet lips"
- 10 ml. rast. oils
- Melissa 6 k.
- mint 2 k.
Lubricate lips 4 times a day.

And of course, in order for the lips to be beautiful, from time to time you need to apply a lip scrub (see page 7)

Literature used: M. Kedrova "Fragrances of beauty and health. Secrets of Cleopatra" and T. Novoselova "Aromatherapy"

It's the season to work in the garden, so recipes for hands are very useful

Softening hand cream

10 ml. any rast. oils
- 2 k. lavender
- 2 k. sage
- 2 k. lemon
- 1 k. magnolia
Rub thoroughly into the skin of the hands.

Night hand cream

10 ml. olive oil
- 3 gr. honey
- 1 tsp aloe juice
Grind all components to a homogeneous whitish mass.
Add to mix:
- 2 k. lavender
- 2 k. eucalyptus
- 2 k. mint
Apply to hands and put on thin cotton gloves at night.

Revitalizing Lavender Hand Cream

2 tablespoons warm rast. oils
- 2 k. lavender
- 2 k. sage
- 2 k. lemon
- 3 k. chamomile

Eucalyptus hand cream regenerating

Eucalyptus 4 k.
- lemon 2 k.
- chamomile 1 c.
- sage 1 k.
Mix with this number of kids. cream you need

Hand cream "Native expanses" day

1 tablespoon rast. oils
- geranium 1 k.
- lemon 2 k.
- chamomile 2 k.

Hand cream "Working afternoon" day

Mint 2 k.
- tea. tree 5 k.
Mix with a small amount of hand cream.

Cream "Velvet hands" night

1 tablespoon warm rast. oils
- myrrh 3 k.
- ylang-ylang 2 k.
- muscat. walnut 1 c.

Hand cream "Soothing" night

1 teaspoon good baby cream
- mint 3 k.
- geranium 2 k.
- incense 1 k.
- fennel 1 c.
- grapefruit 1 c.
Very well softens, tones, refreshes the skin of the hands, as well as on the elbows.

Hand cream "Oriental" night

2 tablespoons warm olive. oils
- sandalwood 3 k.
- patchouli 2 k.
- incense 2 k.
- muscat. walnut 2 k.

It is not at all necessary to buy face cream in cosmetic stores. It is much more interesting and cheaper to try to cook it yourself at home. The beauty of folk moisturizers is that they are all-natural, so you know the ingredients are right for your skin.

Effective folk recipes homemade face creams

Recipe 1 - Homemade cream for dry skin care - chamomile - glycerin - water - butter - castor oil - essential oil

Pour a tablespoon of dried medicinal chamomile flowers (you can buy chamomile at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself) with half a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for an hour, then strain. Take two tablespoons of the resulting infusion and mix them with half a teaspoon of glycerin. Melt a tablespoon of butter and mix with a teaspoon of castor oil. Combine all components. If desired, before use, you can add two or three drops of your favorite essential oil. Whisk. Store the cream in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Recipe 2 - Folk face and neck cream at home for very dry skin - St. John's wort oil - badger fat - wax - vitamins A-E-B

Perfectly softens dry skin and eliminates its peeling.
Melt a teaspoon of beeswax in a water bath. While continuing to heat and stir, add two tablespoons of St. John's wort oil, a tablespoon of badger fat and a few drops of vitamin A, B, or E oil solutions. Stir well.

h3> Recipe 3 - folk cream for the face at home for dry skin care - nettle - birch buds - olive (burdock - corn - almond) oil - butter - wax - vitamins A-E-B

Brew a teaspoon of dry nettle and birch buds with a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for an hour, then strain. Melt a teaspoon of beeswax in a water bath. Continuing to heat the wax, add a teaspoon each of olive (corn, almond or burdock) oil, butter and a few drops of a solution of vitamins A, E or B. Beat the mixture with a mixer.

Recipe 4 - Moisturizing homemade cream for dry skin of the face and neck - wax - cucumber - almond oil

Grate a fresh cucumber on a fine grater, after peeling it. Heat a teaspoon of wax and three tablespoons of almond oil in a water bath. When the wax dissolves, gradually add two tablespoons of hot water and a spoonful of cucumber pulp. Stir the mixture and heat for about half an hour. Then beat with a mixer.

Recipe 5 - Moisturizing homemade cream for dry face and neck care - glycerin - oatmeal (wheat - rice) flour - strawberry (persimmon - apple - avocado)

Take three tablespoons of freshly squeezed strawberry juice (apple, avocado, persimmon, etc.), mix with a teaspoon of glycerin. After a quarter of an hour, add a teaspoon of oatmeal (rice or wheat) flour, beat with a blender.

Recipe 6 - Homemade face cream for dry skin - coltsfoot - lanolin - water - olive (burdock - castor - corn) oil

Prepare the decoction in this way: brew a teaspoon of dry coltsfoot herb with half a glass of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. Strain. Mix a tablespoon of warmed olive (castor, corn or burdock) oil with a teaspoon of anhydrous lanolin, continuing to stir, add a tablespoon of coltsfoot infusion. Beat with a mixer, store in the refrigerator.

When using masks and creams, be careful: any product may have an individual intolerance, check it first on the skin of your hand!

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How to make a cream for dry skin? reviews: 10

  • Olya

    I have not tried homemade creams, but for dry skin, a mask of sour cream and banana is very suitable. The effect is amazing. I recommend to everyone!

  • Vika

    For dry skin, oatmeal with cream or milk is great. Very pleasant skin becomes after the mask.

  • Tatyana

    Oatmeal with olive oil is very good for dry skin.

  • Mariyka

    I like olive oil very much, heat it up a little and apply it on clean skin of the face and neck.

  • Tatyana

    The best nourishing mask for dry skin - mix 2/3 sour cream and 1/3 ripe avocado (preferably the green part). APPLY this gruel on the face and body for 15-20 minutes. Sour cream can be replaced with fatty kefir.

  • Larisa

    I have the main problem in winter - very dry cheeks, especially when the weather is windy, moisturizers help until they are absorbed. For the third winter I have been buying Losterin cream, it perfectly saves from dryness and tightness. At its price - 500r, just the perfect tool for the winter.

  • faith

    I use Losterin a little for other purposes: in winter we often go skiing, tubing, we prefer outdoor activities. So, after such “outings”, the face, especially the cheeks, seems to be covered with a crust - so much weathered. A couple of years ago, it was Losterin who helped me solve this problem, smeared it several times a day with a dense layer of cheeks, and after two or three days the dryness practically disappeared. Now I don’t even worry about going out into nature, because Losterin is always in the first aid kit.

  • Tamara

    grate carrots on a fine grater, add 1 protein and vegetable oil 1 tbsp

  • Leila

    Why are there so few recipes in the article? I'm out alone good way I know, a bath with loterin shower gel, I use it myself. 3-4 caps of this gel on a basin of water and legs or arms for 15 minutes) I sometimes keep all 30. The cream is therapeutic, but non-hormonal and quite effective. skin after it is awesome.

  • Regina

    Leila, how many times do you need to do such baths with loterin in order to get the result faster? Once a day?

Delicate texture and pleasant plume envelop the mind, giving freshness and youthfulness to the skin. Homemade face cream is a magical remedy created in our own beauty laboratory.

Benefits of skin creams

  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • poly-, monounsaturated acids;
  • ethers;
  • organic acids;
  • lactic bacteria;
  • collagen;
  • amino acids.

The benefits of a home remedy are its beneficial properties:

  1. Nutrition;
  2. Fight against age-related changes;
  3. Moisturizing and restoring turgor;
  4. Treatment of acne, pustules;
  5. Structure improvement;
  6. Normalization of pH balance;
  7. Delicately whiten skin, pigmentation, freckles.

Indications - daily care in the complex of cleansing and toning. Contraindications - individual intolerance. Only the allergenic component will cause harm, the mixture is pre-tested on the elbow / wrist.

How to make homemade face cream

Making homemade cream is quite simple with a whisk or mixer, which allows you to get a perfectly homogeneous structure. Products must be of high quality, the terms and rules of storage must be observed. All solid components - waxes, thickeners, fixed oils heated under the pressure of hot water or in a water bath. Esters are introduced last into the cooled composition.

Ingredients for homemade cream

  1. For oily epidermis, it is worth using light oils of grapes, peach, pomegranate, fermented milk products, antiseptic aromatic oils - bergamot, patchouli, tea tree, orange.
  2. Prepare cream for dry, sensitive skin with hypoallergenic properties. For this, nutritious olive, jojoba, avocado and sea buckthorn oils, vitamins in liquid form, and plant extracts are suitable.
  3. Preserve and increase the beauty, freshness of the normal type such basic ingredients - wax, honey, esters and fatty animal / vegetable oils.
  4. To care for combination skin, you will need whitening formulations with essential oils of grapefruit, rosemary, and fennel.

The best homemade face cream recipes

Wrinkle Cream

Result: homemade night cream restores the epidermis, smoothes static and mimic wrinkles.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. Sole Producer fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


  • 10 gr. beeswax;
  • 5 gr. coconut oil;
  • ylang ylang oil.

Preparation and method of application: after melting natural wax in a water bath, add solid nut butter, mix well, pour into a prepared jar, when it cools down a little, add tropical ether. Use after cleansing the skin of cosmetics.

Acne cream

Result: a natural face cream, having an antiseptic effect, treats purulent formations.


  • 10 gr. zinc ointment;
  • 5 ml pantothenic acid;
  • tea tree oil.

Preparation and method of application: after combining all the components in a dry bowl, transfer to a container from zinc ointment. Treat problem areas in the morning (half an hour before applying makeup) and in the evening. You can store in the bathroom, two / three months.

Moisturizing cream

Result: Affordable homemade moisturizing cream to keep skin firm and fresh.


  • 10 gr. cocoa butter;
  • retinol;
  • 5 ml grape oil.

Preparation and method of application: heat solid oil, add youth vitamin and moisturizing oil. Apply in a thin layer, with light driving movements, as a base for foundation.

Cleansing cream

Result: can replace any cleanser with a simple homemade cream.


  • 10 ml of rice oil;
  • eucalyptus essential oil;

Preparation and method of application: inject coniferous ether and acid into a bottle of rice oil. Before use, shake the composition, apply on a cotton pad and wipe the skin.

Anti-aging cream

Result: effective home remedies whiten, tone, smooth age wrinkles.


  • 15 gr. carnauba wax;
  • 1 gr. rice starch;
  • 5 ml of jojoba oil.

Preparation and method of application: after melting the hypoallergenic wax in a water bath, add a pinch of rice powder and nourishing oil. After placing a convenient box, use in the evening, distributing the anti-aging agent in a dense layer along the massage lines.

Nutritious cream

Result: for a quick restoration of cell membranes, it is worth using proven home recipes.


  • 10 ml sour cream;
  • bergamot oil;
  • yolk;
  • 5 ml olive oil.

Preparation and method of application: beat sour cream with olive oil and yolk with a mixer, add aroma oil to the composition. Moving into a jar finished product store in the refrigerator for up to four days.

Whitening cream

Result: this mixture homemade perfectly mattifies, whitens the skin and improves the oxygen respiration of the epidermis.


  • 5 gr. tooth powder;
  • 10 gr. yogurt;
  • 5 ml peach oil.

Preparation and method of application: After thoroughly mixing the bleaching powder with unsweetened yogurt, add the stone oil. Apply for face care in winter, applying in the morning and evening with light movements.

Moisturizing cream

Result: enrich the skin with organic acids and vitamins.


  • 15 gr. cocamide;
  • 5 ml of borage oil;
  • grapefruit oil.

Preparation and method of application: after melting the base, add African oil, mix well, place in a prepared jar, add citrus ether. Moisturizer to use after morning cleansing, can be combined with a tonal base.


Result: the basis of facial skin care at home is protection from ultraviolet radiation, the main cause of premature aging.


  • 10 gr. coffee grounds;
  • 10 ml olive oil;
  • 5 ml wheat oil.

Preparation and method of application: place finely ground coffee and nourishing oils in a dark vessel, leave for about a week. After straining, place in a bottle with a spray nozzle. Apply before going out to open Sun rays spreading in a thin layer.

Face Lift Cream

Result: after 40, tightens the contour and smoothes wrinkles, day cream with a lifting effect.


  • 10 gr. sour cream;
  • 5 ml of kelp extract;

Preparation and method of application: beat fresh chilled sour cream with algae extract, add spicy ether. Apply the mixture after cleansing or lifting mask, in a dense layer.

Cream for dry skin

Result: using a nourishing night cream, you can quickly restore the balance of moisture, minerals and fatty acids.


  • 10 ml avocado oil;
  • 5 ml geranium hydrosol;
  • 10 gr. shea butter.

Preparation and method of application: add flower hydrolate and avocado oil to melted nutritious African oil. After the composition thickens, put in the refrigerator. Every evening, after removing make-up, apply a home remedy with smoothing movements, including on the lip area.

Cream for oily skin

Result: mattifying the surface of the face, effective recipes narrow pores.


  • 10 ml of kefir;
  • protein;
  • essential oil of orange.

Preparation and method of application: beat the protein separately with a whisk, then mix with kefir / whey, add orange ether. Apply to the face with a brush/sponge after daily cleansing.

Cream for combination skin

Result: will allow you to remove the fat content of the T-zone and moisturize the skin.


  • 10 gr. lanolin;
  • 5 ml of viburnum juice;
  • 5 ml grape oil.

Preparation and method of application: putting lanolin in a water bath, continuously preventing the introduction of stone oil, removing from heat - fresh berry juice. Apply after cleansing 20 minutes before makeup.

Cream for sensitive skin

Result: soothe and moisturize the epidermis skin care recipes prone to allergic reactions.


  • 10 gr. badger fat;
  • 5 ml pomegranate oil;

Preparation and method of application: with a cosmetic mixer, thoroughly beat the melted animal fat with butter, adding the vitamin of youth. Store no more than two weeks, use in the evening and in the morning after cleansing with milk.

Cream with cocoa butter

Result: home remedies nourish and protect against adverse external factors.


  • 10 gr. cocoa butter;
  • 5 ml green tea extract;
  • patchouli essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: placing a jar of cocoa butter in hot water, wait five minutes until it melts. Combine with natural antioxidant extract and tropical aromatic oil. When the mass hardens, store in a tightly closed jar, use facial massage cream every evening to prevent flabbiness and wrinkles.

Cream with gelatin

Result: it is easy to prepare a lifting night cream for the face at home.


  • 10 ml red wine;
  • 10 ml mango butter.

Preparation and method of application: turning the gelatin into a gel, add warm wine and mango oil. Beat well, apply instead of a night remedy, including on the eyelid area. Store no more than a month in a cool place.

Cream with glycerin

Result: provides skin hydration, prevents dehydration glycerin cream.


  • 15 ml of glycerin;
  • 5 ml coffee extract;
  • vanilla.

Preparation and method of application: add coffee extract and a little spice to a warm viscous liquid. Apply to the face with a sponge before using a mattifier or concealer.

Cream with aloe

The result: a refreshing summer facial blend that nourishes and rejuvenates during the hot season.


  • 20 ml of aloe juice;
  • 5 ml of chamomile oil.

Preparation and method of application: cut off the branches of the plant, wrap in parchment, put in the refrigerator for two weeks. After squeezing the juice with a press, beat with a cappuccinatore together with flower oil. Store in a cool place for no more than a week. Use on the eyelids and entire face in the morning and before bed.

Cream with beeswax

Result: provides maximum nutrition, covers the epidermis with a thin protective layer.


  • 5 gr. propolis;
  • 10 ml sea buckthorn oil.

Preparation and method of application: after melting the crushed wax with propolis, add sea buckthorn oil, stir all the time. After that, be sure to beat with a cappuccinatore to obtain the most homogeneous structure. Use after a cleansing facial mask or fruit peel.

Cream with mumiyo

Result: mountain resin skin cream with amazing regenerating effect.


  • 5 gr. Altai mumiyo;
  • 20 ml olive oil;
  • 5 ml linden extract.

Preparation and method of application: in warm olive oil (up to 60 ◦), add Altai resin, mix well - liquid extract. Apply to problem areas - acne, pores, stretch marks, scars, in the morning and at night.

Vaseline Cream

Result: softens and moisturizes vaseline cream at home.


  • 10 gr. vaseline;
  • ether of sage;
  • riboflavin.

Preparation and method of application: beat Vaseline with vitamin B 2 and aroma oil with a cosmetic mixer. Apply to restore the epidermis after scrubbing or regular washing.

Cream with vitamins

Result: a light moisturizer enriches the cells with vital substances.


  • 5 ml of retinol;
  • 5 ml of tocopherol;
  • 10 gr. sour cream;
  • 5 ml cucumber extract.

Preparation and method of application: after combining the ingredients, beat with a cappuccinatore and put to thicken in a cool place. Apply with fingertips, rubbing the foundation into the skin.

Cream with oils

Result: has a rejuvenating effect, stimulates cell renewal, non-addictive natural remedy.


  • 10 gr. shea butter;
  • 5 ml macadamia oil;
  • vanilla ester.

Preparation and method of application: warm shea butter, combine with macadamia and light vanilla ester. Use for nourishing and moisturizing under make-up or after a cleansing mask, also for facial massage.

Video: How to make face cream at home

Perhaps there is not a single mother who has never used a cream for her face, hands, legs, body, eyelids, neck, decollete ... in a word, we all use at least something, and the quality of store products is far from always satisfies us. Even luxury beauty products have critics who claim that the cream is too oily / sticky / dense and generally does not help with wrinkles. No, it doesn't help! Do you know the saying: “If you want a job done well, do it yourself”? So, this also applies to cosmetics! Today, a forum member shares with us her experience in making cosmetics at home. Yes, it’s not more difficult, by the way, than cooking borscht!

A small educational program in the field of cream making

All creams consist of three phases: one, oily and active.

    The aqueous phase includes water, hydrolates (floral waters), decoctions of herbs

    To oily - basic vegetable oils and animal fats.

    Active - essential oils, vitamins and other active ingredients for moisturizing, rejuvenation, treatment.

For dry skin, the following base oils are suitable:

  • avocado,
  • peach,
  • almond,
  • linen,
  • cocoa.

Suitable for oily skin

  • Sesame oil,
  • grape seed oil,
  • jojoba oil.

Do not believe someone who says that you can’t use oils with oily skin, fats are needed for any cells, you just need to choose with care!

The ratio of the water and oil phase depends on the type of skin and on the goals (nutrition or hydration): for oily skin, more water component, for dry skin, more oils. For example, 25-30% oils, 60-65% water and 10% active ingredients are good for oily skin, but for dry skin in winter period the percentage of oils can be increased up to 40%.

Active components should be administered 5-15% depending on the purpose. For young skin, 5% is enough, up to 15% can be used to enhance the effect.

Well, now I'll tell you a secret. We all know that oil and water do not mix, no matter how hard you try. So how can you get cream? Need an emulsifier!

As an emulsifier, you can use ordinary beeswax - this is the simplest and most natural remedy for mixing.

But, unfortunately, with wax you can make a cream with an aqueous phase of no more than 20-30%, which means that it will be a greasy, heavy cream. Therefore, based on natural products, our cosmetic industry has learned to make excellent emulsifiers that mix everything! Olivem 1000 is made from olive oil, BTMS from palm oil. The percentage of emulsifier input depends on the consistency of the cream that we want to get. So, liquid lotion will require 1.5-2%, thicker cream - 2-3%, very thick - 5%.

Another problem that cannot be ignored is the mycobiological purity of the cream. Even with careful processing of tools and cream jars, some microbes can get into the cream and begin to develop there.

And here we have two options:

  1. prepare the cream in small quantities, use within 5-7 days if stored in the refrigerator,
  2. add preservative.

You should not be particularly afraid of preservatives, since we will introduce them minimally, or choose from natural ones.

The natural ones include:

  • beeswax,
  • extracts of rosemary or St. John's wort,
  • propolis,
  • Malavit, uh
  • tea tree essential oil,
  • vitamin E.

However, the use of natural preservatives prolongs the life of the cream for a short time, about two to three times. If we want to extend the shelf life to 1-2 months, we cannot do without chemistry. But the doses that we introduce are many times less than the industrial ones.

Pay attention to the expiration date of the cream when buying: the longer the period, the more preservatives it contains. Choose the lesser of the evils, take the cream with the shortest time validity.

home cream technology

So, let's go directly to the technology of the process. Here, too, there are secrets.

We will need:

  • Recipe (I compiled it experimentally, I will give it below).
  • A clean ironed diaper or towel.
  • Alcohol for processing tools and utensils.


  • Scales accurate to at least tenths of a gram.
  • Small mixer.
  • Wooden spatula or plastic spoon for a set of ingredients.
  • Thermometer.
  • Glass rod.
  • Plastic cup for weighing.
  • Two glass cups.
  • Cream jar.


The whole set of tools

Cream jar. Bottles with a dispenser are specially used so as not to introduce contamination into the cream during use.

My mixer (bought on Aliexpress as a cappuccinatore). It is important not to take high-speed and with large blades, so that it does not whip into foam, but simply mixes well.

face cream recipe

If we need 100 g of cream, then the recipe will look like this:

  • 70 g hydrolate,
  • 5 g peach oil,
  • 3 g jojoba,
  • 7 g cocoa
  • 3 g olive,
  • 3 g glyceryl,
  • 2 g vitamin E,
  • 2 g vitamin F,
  • 3 g glycerin (for moisturizing),
  • 2 g Matrixyl ( complex of components for rejuvenation),
  • 1 g essential oil.

First of all, all the tools and jars are cleanly washed, dried and treated with alcohol. We spread everything on a clean ironed towel. Then we weigh the ingredients. In order to keep the proportions as accurate as possible and make a small amount of cream, the scales should be accurate to tenths of a gram, and even better to hundredths.

Solid oils (shea, cocoa, coconut) I store in a bag in the refrigerator. Liquid oils - in jars, also in the refrigerator.

After measuring, I pour the water phase into one glass, and the oil phase into the other. Slowly heat up in a water bath.

As soon as everything melts solid oils in a glass, I measure the temperature (cocoa butter melts at about 35 degrees). Stir everything from time to time with a glass rod.

In general, do everything if possible with a glass rod (if the mass is hot) or a plastic spoon (if the components are cold), since the ingredients may oxidize upon contact with metal.

Then we wait for the olive and glyceryl to melt, they should also melt well. This happens at a temperature of about 65-70 degrees. Further heating is not necessary, but the aqueous phase should be approximately the same temperature. Then we drain the water and fatty phase and begin to slowly stir. Precisely slowly, because, as I already wrote, we do not need foam. As a result, after 2-3 minutes you should get this emulsion:

This is what the finished cream looks like. It is still warm, wait until it cools down a bit and add the active ingredients. Once again, stir well.

Essential oils must be natural. Synthetic ones will not bring any benefit. Now the cream can be put into a bottle and used for health!

Homemade Cream Recipes

A few more recipes based on my experiments.

Hand cream I

Aqueous phase (70%): rose hydrolate.

Fatty phase (20%): castor oil - 6%, almond oil - 7%, cocoa butter - 2%, shea butter - 2%. Emulsifier BTMS - 3%.

Assets: vitamin E - 1%, vitamin F - 1%, glycerin - 6%, urea - 2%.

Shea butter and cocoa butter smell incomparably and soften well, rose hydrolate perfectly rejuvenates, smoothes small wrinkles, glycerin and urea for moisturizing.

Light emulsion for the skin under the eyes

Water phase (85%): cornflower hydrolat, decoction of chamomile, sage and St. John's wort.

Fatty phase (10%): castor oil - 3%, linseed oil - 3.5%, Emulsifiers: olive - 1% and glyceryl stearate - 2.5%.

Assets (5%): NUF - 2.5%, Matrixyl - 2.5%.

Cornflower hydrolate perfectly removes swelling, castor and linseed oil decompose, NUF - a moisturizing complex, matrixil - for rejuvenation. It turns out a light liquid emulsion, it is very convenient to use in a bottle with a dispenser.

Hand Cream II

Water phase (70%): decoction of herbs: linden, chamomile and parsley.

Fatty phase (20%): almond oil - 8%, sasanqua oil - 7%, emulsifiers: olive - 3%, glyceryl stearate - 2%.

Active (10%): aloe juice - 7%, vitamin E - 1%, vitamin F - 1%, essential oils of ylang-ylang and patchouli - 1%.

Of course, you can experiment and change the ingredients, choosing the ones that are right for you. Home cosmetology is a creative activity!