
The countdown has begun! What to do before the New Year. What needs to be done before the New Year? What to do for the new year


1. Decide on a place where you will celebrate the New Year, book and pay (if required), invite and agree on the details (if you invite friends)

2. Choose and buy gifts. I like the idea of ​​giving two gifts - one main, and the second small symbolic. Well, for example, a slow cooker and a calendar with family photos on next year(for Mom). Or a good book and homemade gingerbread cookies in a beautiful box.

3. And pack them nicely. Whatever you say, just a gift and a beautifully packaged gift are two different things. In addition, many master classes are now offered on how to do it yourself from the most simple materials. Give joy to your family!

4. If needed buy road tickets- if you are flying somewhere or leaving for new year holidays. Or even if you want to go to a neighboring city on a trip using the New Year holidays.

5. Buy tickets for performances. On the "Christmas Tree" for children, in puppet show, ballet, musical theatre. For example, we plan to attend the ballet "The Nutcracker", which is traditionally held on New Year's holidays. It is better to buy tickets in advance, because of course there will be many people who want to.

6. Overall think about how you will spend your Christmas holidays. Where will you go, what places will you visit? Plan interesting and fun days for the whole family. Skiing, sledding, ice skating, go to a water park, a bath, visit the village closest to your city (now there are more and more such ethno-excursions). By the way, in order to diversify the weekend, you can turn to sites with coupons and discounts: on the one hand, there you can find interesting ideas, and on the other hand, you will find options for spending time at an affordable price.

7. Put up and decorate a Christmas tree
8. Decorate the house. At least hang a wreath on the door or a garland on the window.

9. By the way, decorate can not only your apartment, but also entrance. For example, make garlands on ropes from old New Year's cards. Or just print out the words of a New Year's song or poem and hang them next to the mailboxes. The mood of the residents of the house is guaranteed to be better!

10. And before you take on the decoration you need put things in order at home. This can be done according to the fly-lady system "cleaning in the zones". Divide the apartment into 5 zones (for example - bedroom, living room, kitchen, toilet + bathroom, corridor and balcony) and dedicate one week to each zone. We start from the bedroom and every weekday we devote 15 minutes to cleaning the bedroom (on a timer). We choose things that we don’t usually do (for example, put things in perfect order in closets).

11. Throw rubbish out of the house and old friends to call. As in the song, before calling friends, we will throw out everything that we have not used even once during the year (especially when it comes to clothes). By the way, they say getting rid of old things is a New Year's tradition in Italy. "Decluttering" is also possible according to the fly lady system. 2 weeks before the New Year, start decluttering for 5-10 minutes a day. The result will surprise and delight you.

12. Summing up the year. I highly recommend doing this. It is incredibly nice to see and realize what a wonderful year it was. Often it seems to us that time has flown by so quickly that we have not had time to achieve any results. But in fact, if you look back, you will see how many events happened in this not at all short period. How many gifts life has given you. How much have you learned in this period of time.

13. Make a plan for next year. It is known that if a person moves without a plan, he reaches 10 times less than those who have designated and written goals. In order to both draw up a plan and take stock, I suggest you do what I myself do every year and which I recommend doing to all my clients. About what it gave me - read the article.

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14. Create Christmas mood! What a New Year, if you do not have the appropriate mood. To raise it, it is highly recommended to watch New Year and Christmas films (including children's films), listen to incendiary New Year's music. And as anchors - reminders of the upcoming holiday, you can subscribe to special communities dedicated to the 2014 meeting.

15. Think through holiday script or decide that there will be no script.! For example, if you are celebrating the New Year with friends, you can prepare a couple of interesting games and contests. Or you can agree with your family that this year you will have a rest all day on December 31 with the whole family (and prepare salads in the evening). Get up in the morning and go to build a snowman, then you will watch children's New Year's comedies, at lunch and dinner you will remember the most fun events of the outgoing year, and on the New Year itself you will simply enjoy the moment and make new wishes that will surely come true!

16. Think over holiday menu, and maybe for the entire New Year holidays, so that these days you think as little as possible about what to cook, relax more and enjoy the time spent with your family.

17. And of course buy products for the holiday. Often this becomes a problem due to long queues, so the sooner you think of the menu, the sooner you can start buying food (not perishable) in stores. This will save you a lot of time and nerves. Alternatively, you can order groceries from the online store. The time before the New Year is the most successful period to finally take advantage of such online shopping.

18. Think over your image and outfit. You may need to buy a dress or rent a costume (if you plan a masquerade New Year). In any case, even in an everyday dress with shining eyes and no less radiant mood, you will look great!

19. Take care not only about the outfit, but also how yours will look skin, hair, nails. Perhaps some procedures and masks, you can start doing right now. Or maybe you would like to fold 1-2 extra pounds for your favorite dress. Then it's time to think about it and start acting!

20. Book a hairdresser and manicure now. How many times have you found yourself in a situation where, before the New Year, all the masters have "everything is busy!".

21. But the most important thing is how you will look from the inside. If you are tired or without strength, no external attributes will give shine to your eyes. take care. Don't take on too many things (and this very often happens before the New Year), get enough sleep and do more of those things that bring you joy. It is much more pleasant to start a new period of life with inspiration and full of energy!

22. Send live postcards by mail to your friends and relatives in other cities and countries. They will be very pleased. But you will be surprised - it will be pleasant for you too! Sign with your hand good words, stick a stamp, lower a beautiful holiday card to the mailbox. Try it!

23. If you plan to send not only postcards, but also gifts, take care of it now. 'Cause you know how long they can go parcels before the holidays.

24. You can also prepare electronic greetings your friends, relatives and colleagues. If you do this in advance, then you will choose the most correct and sincere words, the most sincere picture. Or maybe even make a collage or a video film of your shared photos from the outgoing year.

25. Finish the things that you definitely need to complete before the New Year: to give or receive debts, pay taxes, return a book, make a fulfilled promise. And also forgive all those people who did something "bad" to you this year. Do not take these unpleasant emotions and resentments with you into the new year.

26. And before the New Year, you can fulfill some goal or desire. They say that we could fulfill some dreams before the end of the week, but we make them the dream of a lifetime. In addition, there is not one week ahead, but as many as 43 days!

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27. Or you can establish a new habit. For example, I set myself the goal of reading 3 new books - and one is already completed (by the way, according to the principle of combining from time management for women - I listened to a huge audio book while preparing dinners). There can be a great variety of habits: getting up earlier, exercising, exercising, eating right, learning new ones. English words, write 10 thanks every day, do daily routines according to the fly lady system, etc. Choose. Let it be just one habit, which you will devote 5-10 minutes a day, but the result will exceed your expectations!

28. Do one good deed for the new year! For example, write a letter to a stranger. Make a gift to a lonely neighbor grandmother. Yes, even decorate the entrance, as I wrote above. It will be great if during this pre-holiday period we think not only about ourselves, but also about someone else. There will be a little more goodness in the world and it will definitely return to you.

29. I also really like the idea do a pre-holiday photoshoot the whole family. Postcards can be ordered from the received pictures. It will be the most best gift your parents, sisters, brothers and other close people.

Photo taken from moscowlondon magazine - see post.

The year is coming to an end. And I love this feeling. For me New Year, as well as, probably, for many - A new book. And as you know, the prologue is important in any book. So to speak, an introduction page, before you start filling your book with new experiments, thoughts, ideas, travels. The preface is very important. But it must be written!

For several years, I have developed for myself several rules, things that I need to do before the New Year in order to celebrate January 1 with dignity! To make my prologue as bright, clean, conscious as the book itself. I am happy to share these rules with you. Perhaps they will be useful to someone else.

9. Happy New Year to your neighbors

In order for the atmosphere of a fairy tale to enter your house, you need to create it everywhere. Within yourself and around you. Write good wishes on postcards and put them in your neighbors' mailboxes. Do you really have nothing to say to those with whom you are side by side? If you don't know your neighbors, this is the moment to get to know each other. And if in a quarrel, then a suitable occasion to make peace and improve relations.

10. Decorate the Christmas tree

Well, without it, nowhere! What is a holiday without a Christmas tree. I can’t imagine! :) Task for the laziest: get New Year’s Christmas decorations and the tree itself, if there is one. And let it all an eyesore to you. I promise you, someday you will get tired of stepping on these balls and needles, and you will have to collect everything. And there you can expect both mood and magic!

11. Download New Year's playlist, upload it to the player and listen, listen, listen!

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12. Buy tangerines and New Year's outfit

As without the first, and without the second, you will not feel the holiday. Of this I am sure. Especially without a second. It seems, like, what's wrong: why buy yourself some new dress or new suit? Then questions for backfilling: When you go to visit, for your birthday, do you also put on a T-shirt and jeans? Or pajamas? And what do you think, will it be pleasant for the New Year to meet you in exactly the same way in which you are going to come to his birthday? Or is it better to spend a little time on yourself so that the New Year in the next 12 months will spend a little more time and effort on you? :)

13. Decide how and with whom you will celebrate a magical holiday

Why magical? Yes, because the rule works: “As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it!”. Do you want to be surrounded by family and loved ones next year? Surround yourself with them from December 31 to January 1!

P.S. This list will turn into yours if you add your own rules that are important only to you: make gingerbread cookies, write yourself a letter to the future, write down goals, sew yourself christmas toys etc. I think that's where the magic is.

And remember that the main thing is to be better than you were yesterday and do what you believe in. Back in 2014, I formulated these two beautiful laws for myself. And they inspire me!

I wish you inspiration too! And have a great New Year!

Tired of the pre-holiday fuss? Do you think with horror about long-distance shopping runs, in the last days / hours before the New Year, where most of the vital energy is spent on pushing your own kind on the way to the counter / checkout? There is a great remedy for a panic attack before the holidays - you just need to sit down and draw up detailed list before the new year. We suggest you start the chores a little earlier, a month before the holiday, in order to have time to think about everything and complete everything that was planned without too much fuss.

December To Do List Before New Year's Eve!

Make yourself a cup of hot cocoa and calmly make a gift list for all your family and friends.

Write . Just like in childhood - you can even with color illustrations!

Make a beautiful Christmas wreath and hang it on your door.

Spend the day shopping and yourself! Choose and buy for yourself new year outfit or even several, so that before the holiday there is plenty to choose from.

Clear the rubble! In your head, on your computer desktop, in your apartment, and in your life. Throw out unnecessary things that clutter up the space, let go of resentment, remember broken promises.

Think about how and with whom you want to celebrate the New Year. Maybe you want to get together with the whole family, or maybe you haven't met for a long time. Or do you want to spend this holiday only together with your loved one.

Make the day active winter activities: go to the ice rink, go down the hill or just lie in the snow with friends.

Make your New Year's wish list, think about what you would like to receive as a gift on New Year's Eve?

Sign and send New Year cards. It's so nice to get real paper letters these days. This will especially please our grandparents!

Buy and pack. It is better not to delay this matter!

Think of a scenario new year party and start preparing for it. Buy everything you need, come up with contests or put on a real New Year's performance.

Plan your holiday for New Year holidays. You can buy tickets to the theater or plan a trip out of town with the whole family.

Bake some festive Christmas cookies and treat everyone around!

Make something with your own hands, for example, decorate a bottle of champagne using the technique. Before the New Year - a lot of ideas for simple and cute crafts appear on the Internet.

Cut out christmas snowflakes from paper and decorate your window with them - just like in a distant childhood!

Do something new - discover a new cafe you haven't been to before or change your hair color drastically!

Sign up for a queue to visit a beauty salon, so as not to be left with nothing before the New Year.

Make a New Year's playlist, collect all New Year's songs in one folder.

Engage in the acquisition of the main character - Christmas tree and upgrade your stock of decorations.

Make a New Year's menu. Maybe you want a very light buffet, or maybe you have been waiting all year for the Soviet one in the form of mayonnaise salads.

Think back to your happiest New Year in your life. What was it like and why do you remember it so much?

Take a walk in the winter city in the evening, try to catch the New Year's mood.

Distribute all debts. It can be not only money or things, but also love, attention, time.

Go to the cinema for some New Year's premiere.

Go to a beauty salon or hairdresser, get a manicure, pedicure or a new haircut.

Spend the day watching your favorites and let yourself be a little lazy.

Write a letter of thanks. Thank the outgoing year and those people who were with you.

Put Christmas tree and decorate the apartment for the holiday.

Dedicate this New Year's day! To celebrate the New Year in a clean apartment, but not to dedicate the pre-holiday day of December 31 to this.

Make a list of your accomplishments over the past year. Think about what events were the most important this year, praise yourself.

Arrange a New Year's photo shoot for the whole family or just for yourself. Make a list of wishes and plans for the coming year! Go celebrate the New Year according to the plan of December 11!

This is, of course, only a subjective scheme. Each lady will make her own, individual to-do list before the New Year. But, you see, such planning can be very effective and will certainly save us from fussy misunderstandings before the holiday!

There are less than three weeks left before the main holiday of winter. Cities have already been decorated with garlands, Christmas markets have appeared on the streets, Christmas music sounds from every store, but many of us cannot emerge from the maelstrom of affairs and worries. Since the New Year, according to tradition, people are trying to live from scratch. But you can't start a new chapter without finishing the old one. It's time to do this.

Give out debts

Let's approach the issue pragmatically. First you need to put things in order in your finances: it's time to distribute debts. Think about whether you have unpaid fines, bills, or loans.

Get rid of the trash

Don't underestimate this advice. Even if your house is clean, it doesn’t hurt to do a general cleaning. Get rid of all unnecessary things, do not forget about the closet and desk. Don't feel sorry for the rubbish. Do not save clothes that you have not worn for a long time or non-functional things that gather dust on the shelves. A person does not need much to be comfortable. Life without ballast is much easier and more pleasant.

Clean up the digital space

Cleaning should be done not only in the house, but also in your computer or smartphone. Sort photos, sort through documents and folders, answer letters. In my head, too, everything will be in order at once.

Visit a doctor

Think about your health. If you have a toothache or backache, it's time to see a specialist. Of course, it is necessary to visit a doctor not only before the New Year, but many of us put it off indefinitely, citing lack of time. The end of the year is a great opportunity to reach a specialist.

Remember your loved ones

Find time and get together with your old friends, visit relatives. If that's not possible, at least call. Ask for forgiveness from all those who offended, forgive those who offended you. Tell those you love that you love them, they will be pleased. You too.

Do a good deed

We are used to receiving gifts for the New Year and hearing warm words, but there are many people in the world who remain in need and loneliness even on holidays. Make a donation, collect things for the underprivileged, or at least congratulate lonely old people or orphans with a card. Before the New Year holidays, many promotions are launched, the organizers of which will help you not to get confused if you have not previously been involved in charity work. Try it. Doing good is very inspiring.

Relax outside the city

Dedicate at least one weekend to rest away from the city. Wake up early, watch the winter sky brighten. If you do not have a country house or summer cottage, just go for a one-day walk. If this is not possible, go to the park. Walk among the trees, breathe fresh air, contemplate. The main thing is not to remember things. Such respite is necessary, especially at such a busy time as the end of the year.

Take stock

Review how your 2016 went. Just let the conclusions be fair. What have you achieved during these months, and what of the planned ones has not been implemented yet? Maybe you missed something serious, something you regret? Be honest with yourself, this will help to avoid disappointments in the future.

Make a list of goals for 2017

Think about what you expect from the new year and set specific goals for yourself. Don't be afraid to go beyond the usual. Maybe you have long wanted to learn foreign language, go on a trip, learn to swim or sculpt from clay, go dancing or learn to ski? Make a list. Even if you forget to look into it after the holidays, this will help you systematize your desires and plans.

Prepare for the New Year

May it be a great holiday. Think with whom and how you would like to spend it, decorate the house, cook some unusual dish. It's time to buy a tree. Surround yourself with a Christmas atmosphere, then the New Year mood will definitely not leave you.

New Years is soon! Everyone is actively starting to prepare for the kindest and most cheerful holiday and believe that next year will be more successful. After all, many, regardless of age, believe in a miracle and hope that the wishes made on New Year's Eve will come true in the next 12 months.

What needs to be done to have happiness in the New Year?

Before celebrating the advent of the new, you need to properly conduct old year.

And for this there are certain rules, following which, they say, guarantees well-being.

1. Before the end of the outgoing year, it is imperative to pay off all monetary debts and return to the owners the things taken from them for a while. You need to enter the new year free from such obligations - then it will be devoid of failures and financial problems.

2. When preparing to spend the old year, it is better to make peace with those with whom the relationship has become negative. If on New Year's Eve a person is not burdened by unresolved conflicts, then a peaceful life will await him.

3. From December 26th until midnight on the 31st, you can arrange feasts with colleagues, friends and neighbors - to see off the old year. During this period, remember all the good things that happened last year and mentally thank life for it.

4. Before seeing off the old year, most people do a spring cleaning. And this is right: let the energy of beauty and comfort come from everywhere, and there will be neither dusty corners nor dimmed lamps in the house.

However, it is believed that the last garbage should be taken out of the apartment before sunset on December 31st. Otherwise, the family will spend the whole coming year in petty squabbles and gossip, constantly “taking out dirty linen” from home.

5. You can see off the old year with any drinks except champagne. This sparkling wonder is a privilege new year celebrations. There are no specific requirements for a feast, so you should save your strength and culinary skills for the night of December 31st.

6. In many families, the following tradition is adopted: they see off the old year at 21.00-22.00 New Year's Eve, and after the solemn congratulations of the President and the chimes, the feast smoothly flows into the New Year. In any case, it is considered necessary and correct to say “thank you” after the departing.

7. To make the New Year holidays fun and kind, you should take care of gifts for loved ones in advance. Lovely souvenirs, talismans with the symbol of the coming year, chic surprises - it's good when by the last days of December all this has already been picked up, bought and is waiting in the wings.


* On New Year's Eve, you must be sure to wear new clothes.

If the dress has already been used for a corporate party, then you can put on new underwear under it - the tradition will be observed. Any new thing brings good luck and abundance in the coming year.

* To make the new year rich, you need to fill your wallet with banknotes on the evening of December 31st, put a few more in your jacket pocket or purse.

* In order for the family to live peacefully in the new year, all right, you need to tie the legs of the festive table with a ribbon, connecting them with a single “chain”.

* There is a belief that New Year's table be sure to put a salt shaker and a dish with fresh bread. An old Russian sign brings prosperity and guarantees a satisfying year.

* It is better to celebrate the New Year with dishes that suit the zodiac sign (the year of the rabbit is approaching, which means you should focus on vegetables).

* Permanent new year tradition- make the feast plentiful. This is the key to a luxurious, prosperous life in the coming year.

* It is believed that the new year will be successful if you put a figurine of an animal corresponding to its sign on the table. So, on New Year's Eve 2011 it will be a white or metal rabbit. Let it stand - for the happiness of all present.

* A good tradition is to make a wish under the chiming clock. This should not be done out loud and you need to have time to finish drinking champagne before the last strike of the clock.

* If the first guest on the threshold is a man, then the new year will be very successful for the hosts.

* For an unmarried girl, an accidental cut of a finger on New Year's Eve portends a quick marriage.

* It is better to give gifts to each other after 12 o'clock at night. So they will be presented already in the new year and make its beginning joyful for a person.

If anyone manages to go to bed on New Year's Eve, then you can tell fortunes about the coming dream.
* Putting the comb under the pillow, you need to say: “Narrowed-mummer, comb my hair.” The dreaming person will be just that narrowed.

* Having written male names in advance on small pieces of paper (10-15 various options), you need to put them under the pillow. The name drawn out in the morning will belong to a potential boyfriend.

* When visiting, you should say before going to bed: “Dream the bridegroom in a new place.” It is believed that on New Year's Eve, girls can look into the future.

Women who are awake on New Year's Eve are advised not to fool themselves with fortune-telling, but to have fun until you drop, laugh and believe that everything will happen exactly as it should.

If you believe and observe New Year's signs and traditions, they will surely bring you happiness in 2011!