
Three waves of volunteers and a new one. Three waves. "Opening the Book": Dolores Cannon "Three Waves of Volunteers: New Earth" with Lyudmila Kalinina


The first wave of these souls—who are now in their 40s and early 60s (they started coming after the bombing in the late 1940s)—had the hardest time adjusting. They do not like the violence and ugliness they encounter in this world, and they want to return to "home" - even though they do not realize where this "home" may be. Emotions, especially strong ones such as anger and hatred, excite and even paralyze them. They cannot be among people who experience these emotions, as if they were alien to them. They got used to where they experienced peace and love, where they came from. Even though they have successful lives, loving families and good jobs, many of them try to commit suicide. There seems to be no logical reason for this, but they are so unhappy that they don't want to stay here.

The second wave is now about 30 years old. They go through life more easily, are mainly focused on helping others, do not create karma, and usually go unnoticed. They were described as antennas, beacons, generators, channels of energy. They came with a unique energy that has a very strong effect on others. They don't have to do anything. They just need to be. When they walk down a crowded street or a supermarket, their energy affects everyone they come in contact with, it is very strong, but of course they don't realize it. The whole paradox is that, despite the fact that they must influence people through their energy, they feel uncomfortable around people. Therefore, some retire at home so as not to contact others, and even work without leaving home. Thus, they fail in their task. Many representatives of the first and second waves do not want to have children, unconsciously realizing that children create karma, and do not want anything to bind them to this world. They just want to do their job and get out of here. Many of them do not marry or do not get married, except when they manage to find a soul mate who is the same as them.

The third wave is new children, many of whom are now in adolescence. They came with all the necessary knowledge on an unconscious level. The DNA of all people on Earth is currently undergoing a change to accommodate the new vibrations and frequencies. But new babies are born already with modified DNA, so they are ready to transition with a minimum of problems. Of course, schools do not understand many of these children and, unfortunately, they are treated with medication. A recent medical report reveals that 100 million children have been misdiagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and treated with Ritalin and other drugs. These children do not have any abnormalities. They are only more developed and operate at a different frequency. They are very capable, but quickly get tired of school. To keep them engaged, they need challenging tasks. This group was called "the hope of the world." Some of these children are only nine or ten years old, and they have already graduated from college and are creating organizations to help the children of the world!

In the past few years (from 2008 to 2010) I have been interviewed several times on the popular radio show Coast to Coast. I also created Project Camelot and a number of other popular internet shows. In addition, for nearly six years I have been leading own show on the radio station, which was broadcast all over the world. The amount of letters—both mail and email—that I receive after each issue is incredible. After each broadcast, my office is littered with letters. In addition, my books have been translated into more than twenty languages. Letters come from all over the world, and they are always about the same thing. People thank me for the information. They thought they were the only ones in this world who felt like they didn't want to be here, who didn't understand the violence in the world, who were willing to go "home", who were seriously considering committing suicide to get out of here. This information helped them know that they are not crazy, that they are not alone, that they are one of the many volunteers who have come to help the Earth in her critical time. They just weren't prepared for the consequences for their tender souls.

Over the course of her 40-year career, Dolores learned to recognize certain soul types of the clients she performed regressive hypnosis sessions with. Through these sessions, she learned that some individuals actually volunteered to come to Earth at this special time, with the main task of helping humanity through the current transition period. In 1945, the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki attracted the attention of the entire galactic community. This event showed that mankind has embarked on a path leading to a global catastrophe. Since direct physical intervention to help mankind overcome global challenges will not lead us to accept full responsibility for our actions, our benevolent patrons have decided to use another ingenious approach. They could not influence "from the outside", so they decided to try to influence "from the inside." Volunteers were called to incarnate on Earth and provide assistance with their energies, knowledge and skills.

In her hypnotherapy practice, Dolores found three waves of these volunteers. Some of them came directly from the "Source" and had never lived in a physical body before. Some lived as cosmic beings on other planets and in other dimensions, but these souls embodied in human bodies should play important role, during the transition to the New Earth.

"OPENING THE BOOK": Dolores Cannon "Three Waves of Volunteers: New Earth" with Lyudmila Kalinina

Difficulties encountered by first-time incarnates on Earth (beginners)
. How does the transition affect the physical body
. The role of aliens and light beings during the transition
. System Guardians
. Separation of the Old and New Earth
. What is New Earth?

Chapter 1. Opening of three waves
Chapter 2 Beginners
Chapter 3 Energy Existence
Chapter 4 The observer is in a physical body
Chapter 5 Defender
Chapter 6 Tired Volunteer
Chapter 7 Babysitting
Chapter 8 Exile
Chapter 9 Council Member
Chapter 10 Destruction of the planet
Chapter 11 Another destroyed planet
Chapter 12 And again destruction
Chapter 13 Life in the form of a tree and Lemuria
Chapter 14 Advice
Chapter 15 More volunteers
Chapter 16 Family
Chapter 17 One more meeting
Chapter 18 Adjustments
Chapter 19 Alien Volunteer

An excerpt from the book "Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth" by Dolores Cannon

Atomic bombs were dropped in 1945 during World War II. Our "defenders" and "caretakers" in space have seen that the Earth is on the verge of catastrophe. They could not intervene "from the outside", but they had a chance to influence "from the inside".
People who have been living on Earth for millions of years are stuck in the wheel of karma. The only way out was pure souls who were not caught in the karmic cycle. Thus, a set of volunteers was announced who wanted to come to the aid of the Earth.
In her hypnotherapy practice, Dolores found three waves of these volunteers. Some of them came directly from the "Source" and had never lived in a physical body before. Some lived as cosmic beings on other planets and in other dimensions, but these souls incarnated in human bodies must play an important role in the transition to the New Earth.

The earth is the school we attend to gain knowledge, but it is not the only school. You have lived on other planets and in other dimensions. You have done many things that you cannot even imagine. Many of the people I have worked with over the past few years have returned to lives where they were light beings in a state of bliss. They had no reason to come to the dense and negative sphere of the Earth. They have come willingly to help humanity and the Earth at this hour.
I encountered what I call the three waves of these new souls living on Earth. They have come right now, because most of those people who have spent many lives here are stuck in karma and are not progressing. They forgot about the purpose of their stay on Earth.

I found three waves.
First wave are those who are now in their 40s and 50s (born between the late 1950s and 1960s). Because the first such person that I found was then 30 years old, and that was 20 years ago. And I still keep in touch with him. These people don't want to be here, they don't like it here, they can't stand violence. They want to go home, but they don't know where their home is. They only know that he is not here. They are very gentle, kind, calm people. They don't want to be known about them. They are here to make a difference simply by being here, simply by being here. They live among us, the most ordinary people. But for them it is very difficult, because they feel out of place, and do not understand why. The ones I've talked to around the world say they have families, good jobs, but they don't want to be here, they want to go home. Many of them tried to commit suicide, especially in their early years, because being here is unbearable for them. But after I worked with them and they started to understand why they were here, they would change and say, "Okay, I don't like it here, but I'm going to do my job." Another characteristic feature of the representatives of the first wave is that they do not like violence, they do not understand emotions. Anger and fear upset them and confuse them. Many of them remain single for this reason. Earth is a very complex planet. They say: "You are very brave, since you came to Earth to gain experience here." We are here to experience emotions and limitations. And for some people it is very difficult.

Second wave- these are those who are now 20-30 plus years old (born in the 1970s and 1980s). I call them antennas, channels, generators. They differ. They do not have the problems that the representatives of the first wave have. They are not here to do anything. They came just to be here. The energy they hold in their bodies affects everyone they come in contact with. And this energy will help change the world. They live on their own, work at home. They are very gentle, calm people. And they have an impact on everyone they interact with. They brought a very positive energy here. Most of them do not want to have children, because if you have children, then you create karma for yourself. They want to do their job and get out of here, they don't want to stay here. They want to go back to where they came from. They are just volunteers. You are familiar with such people. And I asked them why the representatives of the first wave had so many problems, while the representatives of the second wave did not have them. They answered that someone had to be the first, had to be pioneers, show the way, pave the way. That's why they had so many difficulties. Whereas it is easier for the second group to follow them.

third wave- these are the so-called "new children" (born from the early 1990s to the present). These are the ones who are called the gift to the world. They are different, they have a different energy. They say the DNA has to change by now. Our DNA is constantly being worked on. Everything that is happening now is due to a change in DNA. But they are very concerned about the impact our bad habits have, our food, our air pollution, what we do with our bodies. DNA will be manipulated, thanks to which we will not get sick at all, and we will live longer. New children already have this DNA. I recently read an article where it was said that by doing DNA research, scientists found that something was definitely going on. We are becoming completely the new kind human beings. Our DNA is different from what it was just 20-30 years ago. They say, "You're turning into a species that won't get sick." I said, “Yeah, we are finally starting to find confirmation of this!” Once I asked: “Do scientists and doctors know that something is changing?” They replied, "No, because they don't know where to look." But it is. That's not bad. It shows how they help our world. Otherwise, as they say, we will destroy ourselves. And they can't let that happen.

Information about D. Cannon:

Dolores Cannon (Dolores Cannon) - was born in 1931 in St. Louis, Missouri, where she graduated from high school and lived until 1951, when, at the age of 20, she married a naval officer. The next 20 years were spent in constant travel around the world - a life typical of the wife of a naval officer - and in caring for children.

In 1968, Dolores first encountered the concept of reincarnation when her husband, an amateur hypnotist who was then working with a woman whom he was putting into a state of regressive hypnosis, suddenly began to receive information from her about her past life. (This experience is described by Dolores in Remembering Past Lives.)

In 1970, when her husband retired for seniority, the family settled in Arkansas. Since that time, Dolores' writing career begins: she writes feature articles that she publishes in newspapers and magazines. When the children grew up and became independent, her interest in regressive hypnosis and reincarnation woke up again. Through her study of various methods of hypnosis, she eventually developed her own unique technique, through which she manages to obtain from subjects in a state of regression, very valuable and useful information historical and spiritual character. Since 1979, she has been collecting and systematizing such information received from hundreds of volunteers. She calls herself a "hypnotist-regressionist and research psychologist" who "records and restores" lost knowledge. Beyond purely research work, Dolores worked for MUFON (American Association for UFO Research) for several years.

Among the books published by her, Dialogues with Nostradamus (I, I, III), Keepers of Eden and Christ and the Essenes (published by the English publishing house Gateway Books) deserve special attention. In addition, she has written several books describing the most interesting cases from her own practice, some of which have already been published or are being prepared for publication.

Books by Dolores Cannon.

"The earth is in trouble! Who wants to volunteer? Dolores recognized these volunteers and divided them into 3 waves.
Volunteers first wave the most difficult experience awaited, as they opened the gates and showed the way to those who were about to come after them. Many first wave volunteers feel uncomfortable in their bodies, prefer a life of solitude, and feel the urge to be in nature.
Volunteers second wave
act as power antennas. Their job is simply to stay on Earth without any specific goals or missions.
third wave volunteers, many of whom are now children with incredible talents, abilities and memories, are literally a gift to this world. They hold the knowledge and wisdom that will help humanity complete the transition and overcome the many obstacles that lie ahead.
Many volunteers have come here directly from the Source and have never before been incarnated in physical bodies of any kind. Other volunteers lived on various planets as space beings of extraterrestrial civilizations, or came from other dimensions. As a result of memory erasure before entering the Earth dimension, they do not remember either their purpose or their origin. Thus, these beautiful souls are going through an extremely difficult period in adjusting to our chaotic world. These souls play a vital role as they help all other inhabitants of the planet to rise to the level of the New Earth.

Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, vol. 2

Year of issue: 2015
Number of pages: 256
Cover: soft
Price: 250 rub.

“You have to focus here (on the body) while creating your heaven on earth. Focus on what you are creating. Think about harmony and spread it and you will change the world without knowing it."

Since 2003, an influx of energy has begun that stimulates the Earth. There is a split between people who want to stay in place and those who want to go forward. As a result, the frequency of vibrations of the Earth increases. It affects the entire universe. You will learn about the New Earth. Those who are spiritually ready will be able to make the quantum transition without much difficulty. The vibration frequency should be 44,000 cycles per second. Some people will know they've made the transition, some won't even know they're in a different place. Those who move to the New Earth and those who remain on the old will not know about what is happening and about each other - it is like creating parallel universes and measurements.

Chapter 1. Caring for your people
Chapter 2 Encounter in childhood
Chapter 3 Another observer
Chapter 4 Best Course for Earth
Chapter 5 Aliens abduct an alien
Chapter 6 Unusual alien
Chapter 7 Lighthouse
Chapter 8 Portal
Chapter 9 Supreme Aspect
Chapter 10. The murder of a teacher
Chapter 11 Big flow of information
Chapter 12 Guardians of the Earth's energy system
Chapter 13 New Earth
Chapter 14 Old Earth
Chapter 15 Past transition
Chapter 16 Physical symptoms of body changes
Chapter 17 New bodies
Chapter 18 Those who are left behind