
Traffic rules event "Caution! Ice!" Scenario of winter entertainment in the senior group Reading the poem "Ice"


Topic: "Caution, ice!"
Target: Introduce students to the rules safe behavior with ice .


Educational: provide knowledge of basic definitions and concepts related to behavior on the street and road during ice; contribute to the formation of knowledge about the dangerous factors of ice and the consequences for humans;

Developing: to form behavioral skills during ice, icy conditions.

Educational: the formation of schoolchildren's responsibility for their own safety and the safety of the people around them; the formation of skills in the provision of first aid for injuries.

Conversation progress:
1. The teacher reads the poem "Ice" to the children:
It froze in the morning
There is no yesterday's warmth
Ice on the roads
And everything carries the car.
Sidewalks like a skating rink
I would take another step
But the sole let down, it is very slippery.
How many troubles from ice! There is work for the janitors -
Pour salt and sand, so that a passer-by can pass

Winter has come, the time of light frosts and thaws. This best conditions for ice. And ice, as you know, is a dangerous territory.

2. Talk about ice. Explanation of the word "ice".
Ice and ice completely different concepts. The first is a phenomenon of nature, the second is its state.
Glaze ice is ice on the surface that appears when the temperature drops as a result of the freezing of water formed during the melting of snow and ice during a thaw. When the temperature fluctuates around zero, icing occurs quite often.
Ice is the formation of ice on the ground, trees, wires, etc., associated with freezing rain falling on a cold surface. Most often, ice occurs during a sharp warming from frost, when warm air passes over a strongly cooled surface. Ice usually is not remembered for more than 300 days a year, but those 10-20 days when it happens are not forgotten for a long time. This is a much rarer and more dangerous phenomenon, especially for power engineers and motorists, since it is difficult to predict and usually develops rapidly and intensively.

3. Questions for children:
-What winter weather contributes to the formation of ice?
-Why are there many accidents on the roads on ice?
-Why do people often get injured on ice?
-How to protect yourself on ice? -What road services and how do they help people on ice?

Ice precautions:

How to prevent injury in winter on ice?

In icy conditions it is better to wear shoes with non-slip soles with a deep "protector". When walking on slippery surfaces, step on the entire sole, while slightly relaxing your knees. At the time of the fall, it is necessary to group as much as possible, pressing your hands to your chest. If you feel yourself falling on your back, try to keep your chin close to your chest to avoid hitting the back of your head. It is undesirable to fall on your knees or straightened arms. When falling forward, try to fall on the entire surface of the body, raising your head as high as possible.
Slipping and falling, a person strives to get up quickly. But don't be in a hurry. First you need to examine yourself, move your arms and legs. If there is no pain, you can get up. Well, if painful sensations appear, you must try to determine what caused them - a bruise, damage to ligaments or a bone fracture.
In order to stay on the ice-covered sidewalks, it is recommended to walk along the edge of the road with a shallow, shuffling gait. Take your time: rushing will inevitably lead to loss of balance, fall and, as a result, to injury. If possible, hold onto handrails, posts, walls, and other potential supports.

Remember rules:- do not push, do not run, do not play on a slippery road,
do not trip up your comrades, do not fight, walk carefully, do not ride;
if someone falls, help him up, call an adult for help!

4. Conversation about the rules of behavior on the road and street in icy conditions (It is slippery on the roads. It is quite possible to fall. It is difficult for the driver to stop the car (bus). will slow down, the car will move on a slippery road for some time. You have to wait patiently for the cars to pass. And if there is a traffic light at the crossing, you have to wait for the green traffic light, see if all the cars have slowed down, and only after that calmly cross the road .);
* in snowfall (The glass of the car is covered with snow and the driver cannot see pedestrians and traffic lights).

5. Educator: - Raise your hands, those who love winter. What games do you like to play in winter? (Answers of children)
-Do you want to hear how the bear played in winter?
Reading a poem:
Lawns with grass disappeared under the snow.
Slippery cars on the pavement
The river bed is covered with ice,
The teddy bear stood on the skates.
-Just not skating on the rink ...
I went out into the street with a club in hand.
How long will it take, children, before the trouble?
There are ice rinks and ponds for hockey.
Just put on your skate shoes,
The ice will be singing under the skates all day.
-A pavement is a dangerous skating rink.
We need to go back to the yard, my friend.
-Guys, explain to the bear why you can't ride on the pavement? (Answers of children)

Before carrying out this lesson, it is necessary to freeze water in a large container with low sides in advance to make ice.

Theme: Winter in the city


  1. to form children's ideas about ice and how to deal with it;
  2. to form the experience of self-overcoming difficulties under the guidance of an educator (based on the reflexive method), to consolidate the ability to overcome difficulties by “asking someone who knows”;
  3. to consolidate children's ideas about the signs of winter, the ability to find these signs on their own; to consolidate children's ideas about clothes, the ability to choose clothes in accordance with the season.
  4. train mental operations analysis, comparison, generalization, develop imagination, speech, logical thinking.

Materials for the lesson:

Demo:pictures depicting the seasons - spring, summer, autumn, winter; paper dolls Tanya and Vanya, paper clothes for dolls Tanya and Vanya (winter, summer, autumn, spring); two large containers with low sides: one with snow, the other with ice, sand, a machine, cubes.

Course of the lesson:

1. Introduction to the game situation.

Didactic tasks:motivate children to engage in play activities.

Do you like to walk outside?

Tanya and Vanya want to go for a walk with us. Shall we take them with us?

Tanya and Vanya do not know what time of year it is and what they need to wear for a walk.

Do you want to help Tanya and Vanya get ready for a walk?

Can you do it?

2. Updating knowledge.

2.1 Game "Let's go for a walk" (beginning)

Didactic tasks:update children's knowledge about the seasons, clarify ideas about the signs of winter, the ability to find these signs on their own.

Children come up to a flannelgraph, which contains pictures of the seasons - spring, summer, autumn, winter.

What time of year is it?

Show a picture of winter.

How did you know it was winter?

2.2 Game "Let's go for a walk" (continued)

Didactic tasks:to update children's knowledge about clothes, the ability to choose clothes that match a certain time of the year.

Children come to the table with paper dolls Tanya and Vanya, as well as clothes for dolls (winter, summer, autumn and spring).

What things do Tanya and Vanya need to go for a walk with us?

Children choose items of clothing and put on dolls.

2.3 Game "Let's go for a walk" (end)

Didactic tasks:organize outdoor activities for children, develop imagination.

The teacher invites the children to get ready for a walk. Children imitate dressing.

Let's put on tights and a warm sweater ...

Let's put on winter pants and a warm hat ...

Put on winter boots and a winter jacket ...

We'll knit a scarf, put on mittens.

3. Difficulty in the game situation.

3.1 Walking game

Didactic tasks:create a motivational situation for naming ice; to form an experience under the guidance of a teacher of fixing the difficulty and understanding its cause.

So we went out into the street. We are walking with you along the path. Suddenly Tanya fell. She got up, shook herself, was surprised ... she went on. Vanya suddenly fell. Guys, what's going on? Why do brother and sister fall on the street?

As a rule, children say that the road is slippery; children do not name the word "ice".

Why is the road slippery in winter?

Could you answer this question?

Why couldn't they?

4. Discovery of new knowledge.

4.1 Game "Ice" (beginning)

Didactic tasks:to form an idea of ​​children about ice; to form the experience of self-overcoming difficulties in the way of “asking the one who knows”.

What if you don’t know something, but you really want to know what needs to be done?


The teacher helps the children to formulate the question correctly.

The teacher tells the children that the roads are slippery in winter because ice forms on them.

How did you get such a word? (Ice - naked ice)

The teacher says that walking on ice is very dangerous, you can fall and get injured.

Slippery walking is not honey

The reason for everything is ice.

5. Difficulty in the game situation.

5.1 Game "Ice" (continued)

Didactic tasks:create a motivational situation for researching the properties of ice and ways to combat it; to form an experience under the guidance of a teacher of fixing the difficulty and understanding its cause.

What can we do with the tracks so that they are not slippery and dangerous?

6. Discovery of new knowledge.

6.1 Game "Ice" (end)

Didactic tasks:introduce children to different ways anti-icing; to form the experience of self-discovery and emotional experience of the joy of discovery.

As a rule, children talk about sprinkling the roads with something.

It turns out that ice can and should be dealt with in different ways: the janitor sprinkles the paths with sand, chops the ice with a special tool - an ice pick.

7. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system.

7.1 Game "Cars on the road"

Didactic tasks:to consolidate children's ideas about ice, its properties and methods of dealing with it.

Children come to the table, on which there are two containers with snow and ice.

What snow does it feel like? (rough)

What kind of ice? (smooth)

The child rolls a small car first on the snow and marks the beginning and end of the path with a cube. Then another child rolls the same car on the ice. The path of the car on the ice will be much longer.

Ice is very dangerous not only for people, but also for cars, it is more difficult for a car to stop on a slippery road, it can get into an accident.

The carriageway is also sprinkled with sand by special vehicles.

The teacher sprinkles some of the ice with sand.

How does ice and sand feel to the touch? (rough)

The child rolls the car again, measures its path. The car's path on ice with sand will be much shorter.

8. The result of the lesson.

Didactic tasks:restore in the memory of children what they did in class, create a situation of success.

Children gather around the teacher.

Whom did we help you today?

How did we help them?

Where did we go with Tanya and Vanya today?

What dangers can await us on the street in winter?

The teacher praises the children and says that they were able to help Tanya and Vanya get ready for a walk, learned to be careful while walking, because they learned what ice is and how to deal with it.

Lesson on the outside world for the middle group kindergarten developed:

Irina Mirko

Turmasova Irina Vladimirovna

Sakharova Tatiana Vasilievna

Sukhova Tatiana Mikhailovna

Zhukova Natalia Konstantinovna

Conversation - game "Attention, ice".

Target: To acquaint students with the rules of safe behavior on roads in ice.

Children's age: 7-11 years old.

Conversation progress:

-Guess the riddles.

Who whitens the glades with white

And writes on the walls with chalk

Sews down feather beds

Decorated all the windows. (winter)

He's fluffy, silvery

But don't touch him with your hand

Will become a drop of pure

How do you catch in the palm of your hand (snow)

Wooden horses

They jump in the snow

And they don't fall into the snow (skis)

All summer they stood

Winters were waiting

Waited for the pores

We rushed off the mountain. (sled)

I have two horses: two horses

They carry me on the water

And the water is hard, like stone (skates)

What is the difference between ice and ice?

(Ice is only ice on the roads that forms after a thaw or rain during a sudden cold snap.

Ice - layer dense ice growing on objects with supercooled rain or drizzle, with fog and the movement of low stratus clouds at a negative air temperature near the Earth's surface, close to 0 ° C.

Ice is a much more rare and dangerous phenomenon, especially for power engineers and motorists, since it is difficult to predict and usually develops rapidly and intensively.

Most often, ice occurs during a sharp warming, when warm air passes over a strongly cooled surface.)

Ice is much more dangerous than ice from the point of view of vehicle handling and stability on the road. The adhesion coefficient of the surface wetted with water is significantly lower than in the absence of rainfall. This is noticeably reflected in the choice of travel speed. In case of ice, the maximum safe speed of movement on the highway is within 30-40 km / h, and in case of ice - 60 - 70 km / h. Moreover, in icy conditions, the driver has a chance to find a surface on the roadway, on which there was no water before the onset of frost or which other cars had not yet polished to a shine, so that the wheels of his car would have something to catch on.

Along with winter fun, dangers arise. Let's figure it out: which ones.

1. We have been waiting for this snow! And now he, clean, fluffy, falls and falls, covering up his eyes, making it difficult to look. The hood can also interfere with the view. Attention and attention again! You are not the only one who sees the road worse. The driver too. Moreover, in snow or ice, the likelihood of skidding and skidding of the car increases. And most importantly, the braking distance is unpredictably lengthened.Do you think the car is far away? Stop! Let her go!

2. The kids' favorite fun in winter is snowball fights. They walk along the sidewalk along the carriageway and are thrown over with cold white balls. Laughter, excitement, fun! Slide, fall, rise!

Attention everyone! Roadside games are dangerous! Take the snow battles to the courtyards!

In many yards there are now ice-covered metal slides, from which the guys ride, some standing on their feet, some on sledges or ice-floes .... Great! And the older kids strive to run to the steeper and higher hills. The spirit freezes when you go down! Only such slides are dangerous! The exit from them, as a rule, goes to the carriageway. Right under the wheels of cars!You are going to ride from high slides. Stop! Dangerously! It is forbidden! Go to the safe slides!

This occurs most often on the carriageway or sidewalks.

What are the dangers of ice and ice?

How to act during ice (icy) conditions?

What should you do if an injury occurs?

Rules of conduct on the streets in icy conditions:

Take your route away from the carriageway.

When crossing the carriageway, you need to be extremely careful.

Steps are a huge danger in ice: you need to put your foot along the steps, in case of loss of balance, you can slide down without falling on your face.

Guys, if you are injured, what should you do? How to provide first aid? What measures should be taken if it was not possible to avoid a fall and, as a result, a severe injury on the ice? The first thing to do is to apply something cold to the bruised area, such as a bag of snow or ice. Apply coldby 5-10 minutes, taking small breaks. Exposure to low temperatures prevents the development of edema, inflammation, and internal bleeding.

A tight pressure bandage has a similar effect. Moreover, it will provide peace of mind to the injured limb. If the timely measures taken helped to avoid the appearance of edema, then you can proceed to the next stage of "treatment" with physiotherapeutic procedures and warming ointments. These methods are used to quickly dissolve bruises. If after a few days are still present pain, it is better to consult a traumatologist. You may not recognize the damage yourself internal organs or a closed fracture.

A trauma doctor can recognize a sprain, fracture or dislocation after examination and X-ray examination. Their results will make it possible to judge the severity of the injury and determine the methods of further treatment. However, before contacting a specialist, you must provide yourself with first aid.

A sprain can be recognized if the main symptoms are severe and strong pain at the site of injury, along with which there is an uncharacteristic mobility of the joint and edema appearing in the eyes. First aid consists in the imposition of a tight bandage around the joint, limiting its movement, as well as the application of cold.

A dislocation is easy to identify by an unnaturally twisted limb and an almost complete lack of mobility in the joint. It is possible to alleviate the patient's condition before being examined by a doctor with the help of painkillers, limitation of limb mobility, and cold.

It is also recommended to take pain relievers if a fracture is suspected. Fix the area of ​​bone damage and urgently rush to traumatology.

The most serious injury is the head. For any bruises, a visit to a doctor should be immediate, especially if the fall was accompanied by loss of consciousness and subsequent headache. The danger of such an injury lies in the possibility of the formation of an internal hematoma.

Practice shows that hand fractures are the most common injury. This is explained by the fact that when a person falls, instinctively puts his hands forward, bringing down the entire weight of the body on them. That is why experts advise, after slipping and losing balance, not to fall on straightened arms, but to group, make a turn to the side in order to fall on your side.

A bruise resulting from a fall is an indicator of the condition of the injury. If he gradually turns red, blue, green, yellow, then the fall cost a bruise. If the bruise takes on a purple hue, the pain intensifies and even suppuration begins, go to the doctor immediately.

Outline of the PPA event “Caution! Ice! " for 1-2 classes

Target: formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life in unfavorable weather conditions - ice, ice.


    Clarify and expand children's ideas about how to behave safely on the street during an icy road.

    To shape the whole picture the world, broaden the horizons in terms of ideas about possible dangers, ways to avoid them, ways to preserve health and life.

    Develop free communication with adults and children in the process of mastering safe behaviors, rules of conduct in standard dangerous situations.

    • Develop artistic perception.

Vocabulary work: ice, ice.

Course of the lesson:

Teacher: Guys, we live in beautiful city Kaluga. Our city is especially beautiful in winter: there is a lot of snow all around, the trees are covered with silvery frost. Cars move along the wide snow-covered streets, buses go, pedestrians walk on the sidewalk, and no one bothers anyone, because everyone follows the rules road traffic.

Didactic game"Good bad"

Winter(well a lot of snow, children make snow constructions; bad traffic jams, drifts on the roads).

Ice(ice skating, playing hockey, ice fishing; bad road accidents, falling people).

In winter, ice and ice often form on the road.

Ice- This is a layer of dense ice that has formed on the surface of the earth, sidewalks, the carriageway of the street and on objects.

Ice is formed only on the surface of the earth. And today we will talk about how to behave on a slippery road.

Listen to the poem "Ice" by Valentin Berestov

Doesn't walk or ride
Because the ice is icy.
But it falls perfectly!
Why isn't anyone happy ?!

Teacher: Why do you think no one is happy that there is ice on the street?

Children:(slippery, falling)

Teacher: Does anyone else know a poem about ice?

It froze in the morning

There is no yesterday's warmth

Ice on the roads

And everything carries the car.

Sidewalks like a skating rink

I would take another step

But the sole failed

It is very slippery.

How many troubles from ice!

There is work for the janitors.

Pour salt and sand

So that a pedestrian can pass.

Pedestrians in icy conditions should also be attentive and careful. Shoes should be on a porous base, as they slip less on ice.

Scene from V. Oseeva's story "Just an Old Woman"

A boy and a girl were walking along the street. And in front of them was an old woman. It was very slippery. The old woman slipped and fell.

Hold my books! - shouted the boy, handed the girl his bag and rushed to help the old woman. When he returned, the girl asked him:

Is this your grandmother?

No, the boy replied.

Mum? - the girlfriend was surprised.

Well, aunt? Or a friend?

No, no! The boy answered her. - It's just an old woman.

Teacher: Why did the old woman fall?

Children: She fell because it was slippery and icy.

Teacher: what would you do if you were next to your grandmother (children's answers)

Teacher: What boy?

Children: kind, attentive, responsive.

Teacher: Guys how to move along the road (look at their feet, try to bypass dangerous places).

When the road is very slippery and difficult to walk on, certain rules must be followed.


If possible, you need to bypass slippery areas; you need to walk carefully, stepping on the whole foot. In order not to get injured, you must be able to fall correctly: if you slip, try to fall forward, on your stomach, arms outstretched forward, slightly bent at the elbows - so that there is no fracture, palms soften the blow. When falling, you need to raise your head so as not to injure your face; do not fall on your knees: it is better to get your clothes dirty than to be seriously injured. If you fall backward, have time to group by rounding your back and tucking your knees towards your stomach. (Falling flat on your back may injure your spine.)

Teacher: what can happen if you fall incorrectly?

Children: break down arm, leg, get injured and go to the hospital.

One more thing important rule, which must be remembered: be especially careful when crossing the road! Do not under any circumstances break the rules of crossing the street. On ice, the car can skid, and it will not have time to brake in time.

Let's do an experiment: first push the clipper on the carpet and then on the smooth floor. Why has the car traveled less distance on a carpet than on a smooth surface?

Children: the more slippery the surface is, the further the machine will roll.

Guys, many of you have driven a car with your dad more than once. How should dad drive to avoid skidding on the road?

Children: move at a low speed. Keep a distance between cars, avoid hard braking when cornering, smoothly turn the steering wheel, drive with headlights on.

(music of the Cat and the Fox from the movie "Pinocchio" sounds)

Fox Alice: Hello my good, lovely little naughty kids!

Basilio's cat: Hello, hello my gullible friends!

Fox: Now the winter-winter is in full swing, oh, how I love winter

Flying sleds

Humpbacked skates!

Cat: Beaters,


Fox: And the most interesting entertainment is skiing from the mountain, from the highest, highest snowy mountain, the steepest. sat on a sled and from the mountain zhik .... beauty!

Cat: And it's not interesting to ride down the hill just like that. Guys, come with us, we will show you how to look for such a hill.

Fox: Exactly, exactly. We will show you such a mountain, from which you can leave quickly and go straight onto the road along which cars rush. and compete with car drivers.

Cat: Class! Cars are going, and we will slip between them on sledges, so the drivers will be surprised!

Vedas: Guys! tell our guests, is it really possible to sled down the hill, and onto the road where cars drive?

(children's answers)

Cat: Okay, okay, convinced. But can you ride the toy yourself safely?

game "Sleigh ride safely"

(on sheets of cardboard - these are imaginary sledges, children are carrying a toy to the landmark and back. 2 teams.)

zero participates

Fox: Listen, Basilio! We haven't skated for a long time. We have to go to the river, it's so cool there!

Cat: Exactly, Alice! The ice is so thin, sparkling, transparent, you can see the fish already and it's so fun to ride, and I love the fish so much ... meow!

Fox: Guys, let's go to the river with us, we'll take skates, beauty .....!

Vedas: Oh, oh, what do you suggest to our guys? Is it really possible to get up on thin ice, and even more so to skate? Guys explain to Kota and Lisa why not.

(children's answers: the ice will break off, you can fall through the ice and drown, etc.)

Vedas: That's right, but where can you skate, where is it safe?

(children's answers court, ice rink, etc.)

Cat: Okay, okay, they convinced me, next time we’ll go with Alice to the rink, and now let’s play hockey, but in this hall we’ll play a joke one.

hockey game

(2 teams, 2 clubs, 2 balloons... 2nd goal (chairs stand at a certain distance from the teams) balloon and drive the "washer" between the legs of the "gate" chair

Fox: This is not allowed, then it is not possible, it is dangerous here! What then is possible? It's winter, after all, I want to have fun, frolic, play.

Cat: Aha! Do you remember how we recently had fun, you and I clung to the buses and rode ..... wow!

Fox: My bus, yours overtook and I swept faster than you with the breeze.

Cat: Guys, Come with us to cling to the buses, we will accelerate, but with a breeze, oh, how fast, it takes our breath away. and you do not have to pay for the ticket, and they will take you to the place.

Vedas: Again the Fox and the Cat want to violate all safety rules. Apparently they do not know them at all and, of course, do not fulfill them. And in order for us not to be in trouble, we must clearly know and follow the rules of the road and safety rules.

Fox: Okay, everything is clear, but you still want to catch on, but I don’t know for what or for whom?

Vedas: You can think of different games and play with each other without risking your life and health, but it will still be fun!

Vedas: Fox Alice and cat Basilio, I hope you understood and remembered that there are traffic rules that must not be violated.

Cat and fox: We understood everything, understood everything and promise not to break the rules, be careful and not involve the guys in dangerous games. Be attentive and trouble will not happen to you, take care of your life. (leave).

Vedas: thank you guys for helping me, explained everything correctly to the cat and the fox, about the dangers on the road, on thin ice, about dangerous descents from the mountain. Well done, and most importantly, remember the safety rules yourself and follow them. Until next time.

Memo (distributed to children)

Summary of the lesson on PPD "Beware of ice"

Target: formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life in unfavorable weather conditions - ice, ice.


    Clarify and expand children's ideas about how to behave safely on the street during an icy road.

    Form a holistic picture of the world, broaden horizons in terms of ideas about possible dangers, ways to avoid them, ways to preserve health and life.

    To develop free communication with adults and children in the process of mastering methods of safe behavior, rules of behavior in standard dangerous situations.

    • Develop artistic perception.

Vocabulary work: ice, ice.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, we live in the beautiful city of Krasnouralsk. Our city is especially beautiful in winter: there is a lot of snow all around, the trees are covered with silvery frost. Cars move along the wide snow-covered streets, buses go, pedestrians walk on the sidewalk, and no one bothers anyone, because everyone follows the traffic rules.

Didactic game "Good - bad"

Winter(well a lot of snow, children make snow constructions; bad traffic jams, drifts on the roads).

Ice(ice skating, playing hockey, ice fishing; bad road accidents, falling people).

In winter, ice and ice often form on the road.

Ice- This is a layer of dense ice that has formed on the surface of the earth, sidewalks, the carriageway of the street and on objects.

Ice is formed only on the surface of the earth. And today we will talk about how to behave on a slippery road.

Listen to the poem "Ice" by Valentin Berestov

Doesn't walk or ride
Because the ice is icy.
But it falls perfectly!
Why isn't anyone happy ?!

Educator: Why do you think no one is happy that there is ice on the street?

Children:(slippery, falling)

Educator: Maybe someone else knows a poem about ice.

It froze in the morning

There is no yesterday's warmth

Ice on the roads

And everything carries the car.

Sidewalks like a skating rink

I would take another step

But the sole failed

It is very slippery.

How many troubles from ice!

There is work for the janitors.

Pour salt and sand

So that a pedestrian can pass.

Pedestrians in icy conditions should also be attentive and careful. Shoes should be on a porous base, as they slip less on ice.

Scene from V. Oseeva's story "Just an Old Woman"

A boy and a girl were walking along the street. And in front of them was an old woman. It was very slippery. The old woman slipped and fell.

Hold my books! - shouted the boy, handed the girl his bag and rushed to help the old woman. When he returned, the girl asked him:

Is this your grandmother?

No, the boy replied.

Mum? - the girlfriend was surprised.


Well, aunt? Or a friend?

No, no! The boy answered her. - It's just an old woman.

Educator: Why did the old woman fall?

Children: She fell because it was slippery and icy.

Educator: what would you do if you were next to your grandmother (children's answers)

Educator: What boy?

Children: kind, attentive, responsive.

Educator: Guys how to move along the road (look at their feet, try to avoid dangerous places).

When the road is very slippery and difficult to walk on, certain rules must be followed.


If possible, you need to bypass slippery areas; you need to walk carefully, stepping on the whole foot. In order not to get injured, you must be able to fall correctly: if you slip, try to fall forward, on your stomach, arms outstretched forward, slightly bent at the elbows - so that there is no fracture, palms soften the blow. When falling, you need to raise your head so as not to injure your face; do not fall on your knees: it is better to get your clothes dirty than to be seriously injured. If you fall backward, have time to group by rounding your back and tucking your knees towards your stomach. (Falling flat on your back may injure your spine.)

Educator: what can happen if you fall incorrectly?

Children: break down arm, leg, get injured and go to the hospital.

And one more important rule that must be remembered: be especially careful when crossing the road! Do not under any circumstances break the rules of crossing the street. On ice, the car can skid, and it will not have time to brake in time.

Let's do an experiment: first push the clipper on the carpet and then on the smooth floor. Why has the car traveled less distance on a carpet than on a smooth surface?

Children: the more slippery the surface is, the further the machine will roll.

Guys, many of you have driven a car with your dad more than once. How should dad drive to avoid skidding on the road?

Children: move at a low speed. Keep a distance between cars, avoid hard braking when cornering, smoothly turn the steering wheel, drive with headlights on.

Guys, what proverbs do you know about the road?

    On a dark night, the road is far away.

    The road is even bumpy, better off-road

    And on a flat road people break their legs.

(music of the Cat and the Fox from the movie "Pinocchio" sounds)

Fox Alice: Hello my good, lovely little naughty kids!

Basilio's cat: Hello, hello my gullible friends!

Fox: Now the winter-winter is in full swing, oh, how I love winter

Flying sleds

Humpbacked skates!

Cat: Beaters,


Fox: And the most interesting entertainment is skiing from the mountain, from the 1st, the highest snowy mountain, the steepest. sat on a sled and from the mountain zhik .... beauty!

Cat: And it's not interesting to ride down the hill just like that. Guys, come with us, we will show you how to look for such a hill.

Fox: Exactly, exactly. We will show you such a mountain, from which you can leave quickly and go straight onto the road along which cars rush. and compete with car drivers.

Cat: Class! Cars are going, and we will slip between them on sledges, so the drivers will be surprised!

Vedas: Guys! tell our guests, is it really possible to sled down the hill, and onto the road where cars drive?

(children's answers)

Cat: Okay, okay, convinced. But can you ride the toy yourself safely?

game "Sleigh ride safely"

(on sheets of cardboard - these are imaginary sledges, children are carrying a toy to the landmark and back. 2 teams.)

Fox: Listen, Basilio! We haven't skated for a long time. We have to go to the river, it's so cool there!

Cat: Exactly, Alice! The ice is so thin, sparkling, transparent, you can see the fish already and it's so fun to ride, and I love the fish so much ... meow!

Fox: Guys, let's go to the river with us, we'll take skates, beauty .....!

Vedas: Oh, oh, what do you suggest to our guys? Is it really possible to get up on thin ice, and even more so to skate? Guys explain to Kota and Lisa why not.

(children's answers: the ice will break off, you can fall through the ice and drown, etc.)

Vedas: That's right, but where can you skate, where is it safe?

(children's answers court, ice rink, etc.)

Cat: Okay, okay, they convinced me, next time we’ll go with Alice to the rink, and now let’s play hockey, but in this hall we’ll play a joke one.

hockey game

(2 teams, 2 hockey sticks, 2 balloons. 2nd goal (the chairs stand at a certain distance from the teams) Use the hockey stick to bring the balloon and drive the "puck" between the legs of the "gate" chair

Fox: This is not allowed, then it is not possible, it is dangerous here! What then is possible? It's winter, after all, I want to have fun, frolic, play.

Cat: Aha! Do you remember how we recently had fun, you and I clung to the buses and rode ..... wow!

Fox: My bus, yours overtook and I swept faster than you with the breeze.

Cat: Guys, Come with us to cling to the buses, we will accelerate, but with a breeze, oh, how fast, it takes our breath away. and you do not have to pay for the ticket, and they will take you to the place.

Vedas: Again the Fox and the Cat want to violate all safety rules. Apparently they do not know them at all and, of course, do not fulfill them. And in order for us not to be in trouble, we must clearly know and follow the rules of the road and safety rules.

Fox: Okay, everything is clear, but you still want to catch on, but I don’t know for what or for whom?

Vedas: You can come up with different games and play with each other without risking your life and health, but it will still be fun!

game "Little Truck"

(2 teams, the first child runs, runs around the landmark, runs to the team, the second catches hands on the first, runs together, runs around the landmark, runs after the third, etc.)

Vedas: Fox Alice and cat Basilio, I hope you understood and remembered that there are traffic rules that must not be violated.

Cat and fox: We understood everything, understood everything and promise not to break the rules, be careful and not involve the guys in dangerous games. Be attentive and trouble will not happen to you, take care of your life. (leave).

Vedas: Thank you guys for helping me, explaining everything correctly to the cat and the fox, about the dangers on the road, on thin ice, about dangerous descents from the mountain. Well done, and most importantly, remember the safety rules yourself and follow them. Until next time.

(the event ended with a conversation with and the traffic police inspector N.V. Brovina)