
Quatrain about children in kindergarten. Children live in the kindergarten, play and sing here. Poems about kindergarten. Poems about washing in kindergarten


Poems about Kindergarten for babies: 35 best children's poems about kindergarten, children's games in kindergarten, daily routine, first days and life of children in kindergarten. In the article you will find poems by A. Barto, S. Marshak, E. Moshkovskaya, Z. Aleksandrova, G. Lagzdyn, O. Vysotskaya, G. Ladonshchikov and other children's poets.

Poems about kindergarten for kids

Poems about kindergarten for kids from this article can be used at children's parties, in the design of postcards or photo albums about kindergarten, in compiling children's and family newspapers or videos about kindergarten. You can learn and read to your favorite teacher or at a matinee.

The verses are organized according to subject matter, especially for the convenience of finding the desired poem. The article has five sections of poems about kindergarten for kids:

- Section 1. Poems about what a kindergarten is.
- Section 2. Poems about regime moments in kindergarten:

  • quiet time poems
  • wash poems,
  • poems about the games of children in kindergarten,
  • poems about breakfasts, lunches and afternoon snacks.

- Section 3. Poems about the first day of a child in kindergarten.
- Section 4. Poems about children who go to kindergarten.

The poems in each section are located for the convenience of searching alphabetically by the names of their authors.

Each poem in this article is carefully selected and meets the psychological and pedagogical requirements. I did not include excessively edifying verses in this selection, for example, that “good children eat well in kindergarten” and others similar to them in their approach to children, and I also selected poems with good literary speech for the article.

Very soon, on September 27, every year we celebrate professional holiday kindergarten teachers. As you know, the word "kindergarten" was invented by F. Fröbel. Namely, on September 27, many years ago, the first kindergarten in Russia was opened. And according to the idea of ​​the creators, it really was not just a building, but a garden where, under the supervision of gardeners, beautiful flowers should bloom - our children. In honor of this wonderful holiday - today's selection of poems about kindergarten for kids.

Section 1. Poems about what kindergarten is

Vysotskaya O. Kindergarten

We come to kindergarten
There are toys there.
The guys are waiting.
There's pictures on the wall
And flowers on the window.
I want -
I'll jump
On a toy horse!
Everything in this house is for us -
Fairy tales, song and story,
noisy dance,
Quiet time -
Everything in this house is for us!
Here's what good house!
In it we grow every day,
And when
Let's grow up
Let's go to school together.

Gurina I. My favorite kindergarten

I wake up with the sun
I'm glad to come in the morning.
I'm going fast
I'm in my favorite kindergarten!

There are books and toys
There are beloved friends
My faithful friends
I can't do without them!

The educator is the cutest,
Helps and teaches us.
She is almost like a mother to me.
And our kindergarten is the best!

Lagzdyn G. Good home

We hurry. At the appointed time
A good home welcomes us.
Here are my favorite toys
Here are friends and here are girlfriends.
I go, I go
I lead my younger brother
undressing on the go
We have a lot to do in the garden!

Ladonshchikov G. About himself and about the guys

The sun hid behind the houses
Leaving kindergarten.
I tell my mother
About myself and about the guys.
As we sang songs in unison,
How they played leapfrog
What did we drink
What did we eat
What did you read in kindergarten?
I'm being honest
And everything in detail.
I know mom is interested
Know about
How we live.

Marshak S. The garden is coming

We exit the gate.
We see: for a walk
With a friendly step the garden goes
Along the alley.

Yes, yes, yes, the garden is marching!
Crossed the road
And he sang a song in harmony
Speaking in the foot.

Can the garden go
Singing along the way?

Not like all gardens
This garden is walking.
He lays down by the water
Hot on the sand.

Quickly dumped by the river
Slippers and T-shirts,
Sculpts rolls, pies,
Kulichi and saiki.

The garden lay in the sun
And got into the water.
How happy is he with water
In hot weather!

Foam splashing waterfall
Fountains fly up
The undressed garden will run away a little
From the sandbar.

Here he is out of the water
Hedges like a hedgehog.
There are footprints in the sand
Six dozen legs.

The garden bathed nicely,
rested a little
And went back
Former dear.

The garden enters new house,
Where in the big dining room
Thirty cups of milk
Ready for him.

He played for five minutes
In dolls and horses
And then they put it
In white beds.

Does the garden go to bed
After breakfast in bed?

If the garden walked in the morning,
The garden needs rest.
And when the time comes
He will be awakened.

Takes his bed
Sheets, pillows
And go to play again
In games and toys.

There is a steam locomotive by the garden,
six cars,
Black dog - shiny nose
White cat Vasily,

Eight dolls in one
wooden doll
And clockwork parsley,
Red and ruddy.

This garden is not a zoo
But there's a shelf in the garden
For tiger cubs and cubs
Rabbit and wolf.

Every night thirty moms
They come to a new house
Every evening at home
They plant a garden.

This garden is walking us
No need to name
Because you yourself
From such a garden!

Moshkovskaya E. One hundred children - kindergarten

One hundred guys
Kindergarten -
They lived in a country house.
This means:

Wandered in the river
Laid down on the sand
Set up moves
And sand cities
walked up to their heart's content
Through the forest and the field.

Have become strong
Like a turnip

Moms look:
- Where are our
Sasha, Masha and Natasha?
Where are the white legs and arms? ..

Whose grandchildren are these? -
Grandmothers ask.
grandfathers answer:
- tanned, tanned,
The kids are on fire!!!

Pitirimov S. I love my kindergarten

I love my kindergarten.
It's full of guys.
One, two, three, four, five…
Too bad we can't count them all.
Maybe a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we are together!

Privarskaya S. Farewell to mother

Mom dear, dear
I'll kiss you goodbye.
Hello, hello kindergarten!
I am very happy to see everyone!

E. Ranneva. Our favorite kindergarten

Our favorite kindergarten
This is a kids house!
It has a fervent noise and din,
Cheerful ramble,
Stompers, chuckles
And exercise in the morning!

Our wonderful kindergarten
It's fun for the kids!
Ribbons, balls, cars,
colorful pictures,
Laughter of cheerful children
City of fabulous game!

Our fun kindergarten
This is a story for kids!
Dances, songs and jokes,
Sweet dream, physical education,
Books, paints, daughter dolls,
Voices like bells!

Our cozy kindergarten
This is a blessing for the kids!
Straight down the track
Let's run to our beloved home
Because kindergarten
Always waiting for his guys!

Sinyavsky P. Our portrait

Our group is friendly
Smart, obedient
chanting songs
And very drawing.

I am now our whole group
I will paint with all colors,
Let our cheerful portrait
Smiling for a hundred years!

Tovarkov V. Why do they say so?

Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say so?
We are not aspens,
We are not mountain ash.
Vova, Klava, Mishenka -
Those aren't cherries!

Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say so?
We are not leaves
We are not flowers
Blue, scarlet -
We are little guys!

Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say so?
Because together in it
We are growing as one family!
That's why they say:
- There is a kindergarten in this house!

Yaroslavtsev A. Kindergarten

Kindergarten, kindergarten!
The kids are in a hurry.
I'm going to the garden to see
What grows in such a garden?
Maybe pears, grapes?
I'm always glad to see them!
- What are you, uncle, do not be ridiculous! —
The kids tell me.
And ten of them shout:
“We are growing in the garden!”

Section 2. Poems about the daily routine in kindergarten

2.1. Poems about a quiet hour in kindergarten

Lotkin N. Quiet hour

In our kindergarten
Quiet hour.
At this hour we need
We said: - Chok! Chok! Chok!
closes you
In a trunk.
We lock the chest
On the hook.
All the kids on the bed
All is silent!
Because we have
Quiet hour.
Because you need

E. Tarakhovskaya. Quiet time

The shutters are closing
The children are undressing.
- Hush, hush, hush, birds,
You do not sing under the window!
In a quiet hour, sleep so sweetly,
The guys are sleeping sound sleep.
You do not click, cicadas,
Do not crack - clack-clack-clack!
Guys need to rest
They need to get some sleep!
You do not croak, frogs,
Under the window of the guys!
There are folding beds
The boys are fast asleep here.
shutters open
Children dress up...
Tell me children
What did you see in your dream?

2.2. Poems about washing in kindergarten

Moshkovskaya E. Morning Order

Open up!
Wash your face!

wash yourself

Wash yourself
wash yourself,

Neck, wash yourself

wash yourself,
wash yourself,
Get wet!

Flush out!
Flush out!

N. Naydenova Our towels

We are different pictures
They painted themselves
them over towels
They killed themselves.

Olino towel
Sasha will not take:
He does not confuse with a bird
Blue plane.

Knows his boat
Borya is a newbie.
Misha - strawberries,
Mashenka is a wolf.

Serezha has an apple,
Volodya has a pear.
A picture with cherries
Chose Katyusha.

Butterfly - Igor,
Hare - Natasha ...
We don't confuse at all
Our towels.

2.3. Poems about breakfasts, lunches and afternoon snacks in kindergarten

Lagzdyn G. The attendant speaks

Attendant says:
- Kids!
There you are clean wipes!
If you're careful
There will be no stains anywhere!
Napkins on tables
pink cells.
Spoons, cups with a rooster.
It smells delicious of milk.
Pancakes, jam!
Just a meal!

Moshkovskaya E. Masha and porridge

This -
good girl.
Her name is Masha!
And this is
her plate.
And in this bowl...
No, not porridge
No, not porridge
And you didn't guess!
Sela Masha,
Ate porridge -
How much did they give!

Moshkovskaya E. Penki

Dali in kindergarten
And in a glass
In everyone's sight
And below
And at the wall
Terrible foams swam! ..
Give me my filter
Give me my drinker!
And not that -
I won't walk
I won't
I won't play
Here I will sit
And look at the foam.
And everything is re-
and re-
and worry...

2. 4. Poems about games in kindergarten

Aleksandrova Z. Hide and Seek

Olenka plays hide and seek.
Where can I find it guys?
Looked under the bed
You can't see under the bed.
- Where are you, Olya, is it far?
We missed Olya!
And there is no Olya behind the door,
And not visible behind the buffet,
And in the kitchen under the table
Olya can't be found either.

Olya hides behind a chair:
"No, it's not fun to play.
Will they forget, won't they find it? »
— Where are you, Olenka?
- I'm here!

Barto A. Game

We played flock yesterday
And we had to roar.
We growled and groaned
They barked like dogs
Heard no comments
Anna Nikolaevna.
And she said sternly:
- What kind of noise do you have?
I saw a lot of children -
I see these for the first time.
We said to her:
- There are no children here!
We are not Petit and not Vova -
We are dogs and cows.
And the dogs are always barking
Your words are not understood.
And the cows are always mooing
Keeping flies away.
And she answered: - What are you?
Okay, if you are cows,
Then I am a shepherd.
I ask you to keep in mind:
I bring cows home.

Lagzdyn G. Hairdressing salon

We do the doll's hair:
They took scissors, a comb,
seated at the table,
To look in mirrors.
Masha doll cut her hair for a long time,
Natasha helped her.
Curled curls Anya,
Tanya trimmed her bangs.
Suddenly Mishka comes up behind:
"What's with the haircut?"
He took scissors, a comb
And fixed my hair!
The doll sits at the table
The doll looks in the mirror
Hey Mishka! Hey haircut!
The doll became like a boy!

Lagzdyn G. Building a house

We build a house, a new house,
Toys will live in it!
Here is a brick. Here is the board.
The tiles are two pieces.
In the house - windows, in the house - doors,
Walls - blocks and panels,
Take white crayons
Whitewashed ceilings.
The crane leaves important - important,
The flag on the arrow is lit.
The house is multi-storey.
Come in! Entrance is open!

Lagzdyn G. Supermarket store

This is the way out.
This is the entrance.
Don't go the other way!
We'll take a basket with us
And let's go shopping.

Shop - Supermarket.
We are not approaching the scales:
All hung in packages -
Drying, gingerbread, sweets,
sugar, salt, Bay leaf,
Vermicelli, flour and rice.

And in a completely different department,
If you only wanted
You could buy pillows
Chairs, armchairs, folding beds,
Cups, saucers, samovars -
All kinds of goods.

Come to the "Universum!"
Buy what you want, yourself!
And we'll pay - pretend -
We are for everything - to the cashier Leshka!

N. Naydenova. Our toys

Lots of toys in kindergarten
Our toys stand out:
Puss in boots, long-eared bunnies,
And a drum, and balalaikas.
Dolls dressed in braids are sitting,
Dolls look at hares and bears.
We don't beat our toys, we don't break them,
We do not take them away from our comrades.
Our toys stand out
We have everything in common in kindergarten.

2. 5. Poems about the locker room in kindergarten

Lazgdyn G. There are lockers in the corridor

There are lockers in the hallway.
They have coats and scarves,
Shoes, hats, boots!
And on the lockers pictures:
pear, apple, carrot,
Hedgehog, cherry, horse, rifle,
Duck, hare, tomato.
Here is our corridor!
I know why pictures!
So as not to confuse shoes,
Shoes, hats, coats
Tanya, Sasha and Irishka!
To remember Alyoshka,
Where did you put your boots?
To Petka-karapuz
Was not left without a breeches!

Section 3. Poems about newcomers and about the first day of the baby in kindergarten

Alexandrova Z. Katya in the nursery

One, two, three, four, five:
We are going to walk.
Tied up Katenka
The scarf is striped.
Katya's sleigh is lucky
From porch to gate.
And Seryozha on the track
Throws crumbs to pigeons.
… Girls and boys
Bouncing like balls
They stomp their feet,
They laugh merrily.
Why isn't he dancing
Our new one?
Katya goes to the new one,
He leads her into a round dance.

Lagzdyn G. My neighbor

Now I'm not just Vova!
I'm in the senior group!
But with a neighbor, let him roar,
I'm still friendly.
I tell tales
And I'm learning to read poetry.
My neighbor is in a wheelchair
And plays rattles.
Stop sucking your pacifier!
Yes, learn to walk faster!
I will give you a book!
I'll take you to the garden!
Good? Here's a striped ball.
Well, I'm going to kindergarten.
My neighbor threw a pacifier
And he said in response: Wow!

Naydenova N.. New girl

Girl new
In kindergarten.
To a new girl
I will come now.
Why are you on the sidelines?
After all, one is boring.
Here are our toys
Here is a clockwork elephant.
Here you see -
I turned it on with a key
Now it will pass
From wall to table.
Here are our cubes
We build houses.
You will also learn
Build yourself!
Let's go, I'm with the guys
I'll take you.
All girls like it
In kindergarten!

Sysoeva R. First time in kindergarten

I left the house with my mother
Sasha and Misha meet me.
"Are you at the cottage?" - they say.
I answer: "In Kindergarten!
Not to the country and not to visit -
Today I have become an adult.
On the most important day of the year
I'm going to the junior group!
I'll find a girlfriend there
To play with her toys
At a quiet hour to go to bed,
And then play again.
Every day with pencils
Draw gifts for mom
Lots of things to do in the garden...
Excuse me, I'll go.
I can't be late
Goodbye friends!"

Chizh E. First time in kindergarten

Tomorrow is a very important day
For family and for me!
They only talked about it
All four days!
We made a dress
And satin bows
And already in a beautiful vase
We have placed flowers.
Just one concern
And I don't know how to say...
V kindergarten mom too
I would like to pick up.
My mom can come with us
Play games together!
Well, who is my mother
Can interfere?

Poems about children who go to kindergarten

Demyanov I. I am big now

Taya boasts loudly:
“I’m quite big now!”
- And, hugging her friend Asya,
I looked at the guys
- I'm finishing the nursery
- I'm going to kindergarten!

Zubkova L. To kindergarten

The sun is shining outside the window.
Step from the morning
Reminds everyone around:
“It’s time to go to kindergarten!
I have already collected toys -
Bear, doll, dump truck.
I'll hide the bear under the pillow,
To sleep with me in the bedroom.
I will give the doll to my friend Dasha,
The dump truck asked Artem.
Handkerchief in a pocket.
All gathered. We are going?
Nothing too early
I'll be the first in the group
And today the captain
I'll be in the garden all day."
Hurry up the stairs
He walked with his father.
Went with a happy smile:
“We’re going to kindergarten again!”

Iovlev B. Sister

I go to kindergarten in the morning,
I lead Alenka by the hand ...
"Here's a real brother!"
Said one passerby.
If people say
So, we are similar.
A girl Alyonka
I'm not my sister at all.

G. Ladonshchikov. Poetry is a joke. Capricious bull

Burenka in the calf
Took my son away
So that he grows and walks
With friends.
But only she
Walked away from the gate
The son was capricious:
- To ma-a-me!
The calves frolic
Calves are funny
And he keeps on crying
Does not matter.
Roars like Seryozha
My little brother,
When they see him off
To a kindergarten.

Starikov A. We are walking to kindergarten

We walk, me and my brother,
Early in the morning to kindergarten.
If a puddle is on the way -
The puddle must be bypassed.

Just something our feet
They don't want to go around
If a puddle is on the road
Our feet carry us forward.

Why are our legs
Don't want to turn off the path?
Because the path through the puddles -
This is the closest way!

Chizh E. Tomorrow is a very important day

Tomorrow is a very important day
For family and for me!
They only talked about it
All four days!
We made a dress
And satin bows
And already in a beautiful vase
We have placed flowers.
Just one concern
And I don't know how to say...
In kindergarten mom too
I would like to pick up.
My mom can come with us
Play games together!
Well, who is my mother
Can interfere?

Poems about kindergarten for kids are very different both humorous and serious. Choose for memorization with children or for commenting in a photo album those verses about kindergarten that suit your child and your situation, which the child likes.

I wish all the children attending kindergarten happy, interesting, filled days in it! To all kindergarten teachers - creative inspiration! Until we meet again on the "Native Path"!


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Kids in kindergarten...

In kindergarten, kids -
All such rascals!
The children went for a walk.
Once! - Petya rushes down the hill.
Two! - Vanyusha flies after him.
Three! - on the carousel Ksyusha.
And four! - in Kolya's house.
Five! - Olya stands with a bucket.
Six! - Mitya plays with the ball.

Eight! - with doll Natasha.
Nine! - Masha jumps nearby.
Ten! - along the Fedya path
Riding a bike.

And now vice versa:
Ten! - by bike
Fedya is on the way!
Nine! - Masha jumps briskly.
Eight! - with doll Natasha.
Seven! - Vitya gets off his horse.
Six! - Mitya throws the ball.
Five! - Olya waves a bucket.
And four! - in Kolya's house.
Three! - on the carousel Ksyusha.
Two! - Vanyusha flies from the mountain.
Once! Petya laughs downstairs.
There are no friendlier guys in the world!

Goodbye Kindergarten

Breaks up with kindergarten
This morning kids
Sadness in the heart will respond
This bright time.
Bored in toy lockers
Children are no longer up to the game,
No time to chat with girlfriends
Everything is quiet here for the time being.
Children, you have become big,
Soon to school, first grade,
And today in this room
We hasten to congratulate you.
Don't be sad guys
Leaving the kindergarten
The school is rich in novelty,
Wait for new awards.
Goodbye, kindergarten, -
Our priceless miracle treasure!

Quiet time


The shutters are closing
The children are undressing.
- Hush, hush, hush, birds,
You do not sing under the window!
In a quiet hour, sleep so sweetly,
The boys are fast asleep.
You do not click, cicadas,
Do not crack - clack-clack-clack!
Guys need to rest
They need to get some sleep!
You do not croak, frogs,
Under the window of the guys!
There are folding beds
The boys are fast asleep here.
shutters open
Children dress up...
Tell me children
What did you see in your dream?

I am big now

I. Demyanov

Taya boasts loudly:
- I'm quite big now! .. -
And, hugging her friend Asya,
I looked at the guys
- I'm finishing the nursery -
I'm going to kindergarten!

About myself and about the guys

G. Ladonshchikov

The sun hid behind the houses
Leaving kindergarten.
I tell my mother
About myself and about the guys.
As we sang songs in unison,
How they played leapfrog
What did we drink
What did we eat
What did you read in kindergarten?
I'm being honest
And everything in detail.
I know mom is interested
Know about
How we live.

Why are the toys sad?

Why are the toys sad
leaning against sofa cushion?
They look at each other sadly -
Their owner forgot about them.
A doll in a satin dress has fallen.
How, how can she walk now?
Who will ride in a baby carriage
And tell funny stories?
What happened to the girl Mila,
Cute, funny, cute?
Mom and dad are talking
That kindergarten is over.
Bought a new leather briefcase,
Books, pens, pencils
AND beautiful shoes too.
Mila rejoices from the heart!
Soon, soon the people are cheerful
Hurry on the way to school.
The girl becomes a student
Mom and dad will be proud.
Hugs Mila toys:
"And I haven't forgotten about you.
My sister is growing up
I won't stand by
I will help a little.
Let's play with toys together!


O. Vysotskaya

We come to kindergarten
There are toys there.
The guys are waiting.
There's pictures on the wall
And flowers on the window.
I want -
I'll jump
On a toy horse!
Everything in this house is for us -
Fairy tales, song and story,
noisy dance,
Quiet time -
Everything in this house is for us!
What a nice house!
In it we grow every day,
And when
Let's grow up
Let's go to school together.
herd game
Agniya Barto
We played flock yesterday
And we had to roar.
We growled and groaned
They barked like dogs
Heard no comments
Anna Nikolaevna.
And she said sternly:
- What kind of noise do you have?
I saw a lot of children -
I see these for the first time.
We said to her:
- There are no children here!
We are not Petya and not Vova -
We are dogs and cows.
And the dogs are always barking
Your words are not understood.
And the cows are always mooing
Keeping flies away.
And she answered: - What are you?
Okay, if you are cows,
Then I am a shepherd.
I ask you to keep in mind:
I bring cows home.
Cheerful kindergarten
We play all day
It's not too lazy to play all day.
Dolls, cubes and bears ...
We can read books
We are big kids
We want to know everything in the World.
Our fun kindergarten
Every child is happy.
Come to us friends -
We will always be glad to see you.
We will be friends with you
go on excursions,
Learn everything new
Helpful, fun.
We want to know about nature -
How does an edible mushroom grow?
Why is it eaten
And they don't want a bastard?
Why are our proteins so
Deftly jumping on the branches,
The fox has a fluffy tail
And the bear loves honey so much.

wake-up call

P. Mazikin.

Here comes the sun
And in your window, child,
Over the fields unfolded
Golden canvas.
Get up, look out your window
V summer day full of wonders.
Here is a naughty track
She took someone to the forest.
There on the surface of the sky
The sun is pulling the plane.
Crows cry in the meadow
Terem-cloud floats.
Joy beats in bird songs.
The people are rushing along.
Who goes where, and we go to kindergarten.
Well, get up, mom is waiting!


S. Pitirimov

I love my kindergarten
It's full of guys.
One, two, three, four, five…
Too bad we can't count them all.
Maybe a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we are together!
Farewell, country of Courland,
Funny Fudge!
Let's swim, friends, be bold!
Sailing to the land of fantasy
Far First Class.
On our ship.
Farewell, our fabulous pier,
Kind and mysterious
Farewell, our kindergarten!

Our towels

N. Naydenova
We are different pictures
They painted themselves
them over towels
They killed themselves.
Olino towel
Sasha will not take:
He does not confuse with a bird
Blue plane.
Knows his boat
Borya is a rookie,
Misha - strawberries,
Mashenka is a wolf.
Serezha has an apple,
Volodya has a pear,
A picture with cherries
Chose Katyusha.
Butterfly - Igor,
Hare - Natasha ...
We don't confuse at all
Our towels!

New girl

N. Naydenova

Girl new
In kindergarten. To a new girl
I will come now.
Why are you on the sidelines?
After all, one is boring.
Here are our toys
Here is a clockwork elephant.
Here you see -
I turned it on with a key
Now it will pass
From wall to table.
Here are our cubes
We build houses.
You will also learn
Build yourself!
Let's go, I'm with the guys
I'll take you.
All girls like it
In kindergarten!

Katya in the nursery

Z. Alexandrova

One, two, three, four, five:
We are going to walk.
Tied up Katenka
The scarf is striped.
Katya's sleigh is lucky
From porch to gate.
And Seryozha on the track
Throws crumbs to pigeons.
… Girls and boys
Bouncing like balls
They stomp their feet,
They laugh merrily.
Why isn't he dancing
Our new one?
Katya goes to the new one,
He leads her into a round dance.
... The lights went out,
The manger fell asleep:
Both Lida and Katya,
And dolls in the bed.
Only Bear does not sleep,
Sitting on the window;
Looking at the moon
"I won't sleep at all!"

Olga Pavlovna

N. Naydenova

Who will tell about everything:
Why does thunder happen
How factories work
And what are the machines?
And about how gardeners
Breaking flower beds
And about the north, and about the south,
And about everything that is around
And about coal, and about gas,
About the taiga and about the Caucasus,
About the bear, about the fox
And about the berries in the forest?
Who will teach you how to draw
Build, sew and embroider,
Seating the guys in a circle,
Read them a poem
He will say: "Learn for yourself,
And then read to your mom?
Who will figure it out now
Why Oleg fights
Why Gali and Nina
He took the matryoshka
Why is the elephant made of clay
Misha immediately broke?
This is the teacher
This is Olga Pavlovna.
Loves Olga Pavlovna
All my guys
Very Olga Pavlovna
Loves kindergarten!

Odezhkin's house

I. Demyanov

I take galoshes home
Lots of things to do today...
clothing house,
my locker,
You are completely empty!
And how filled it was in winter - sleeves stuck out ...
It happened, the door, my locker,
I barely closed
Another baby will take you
I'm going to study!
Clothes house, my locker,
Forever we say goodbye to you, like old friends!

goodbye day

I. Demyanov

Sad maples near the fences - Day of farewell ...
Goodbye Kindergarten
We sit at our desks
This autumn!
Even a teddy bear
Doesn't want to sleep...
Sitting on the floor in the corner
They said goodbye to him.
Here are the raindrops on the glass
It's a sad day for us guys
And cheerful.
Goodbye kindergarten.
Hello school!

white kitten

Mother of a white kitten
Brought me to kindergarten.
But a furry child
I couldn't calm down.

He began to meow, to cling
Paw for her hem,
I didn't want to stay in the garden
He didn't join the group.

Mama Cat was in a hurry
And saying sadly: Oh,
Lost from Kitten
And she left in tears.

No, don't do it guys.
Cry and scream loudly
Mom is in a hurry somewhere,
Mom might be late.

Moms love you all very much,
Waiting for a long-awaited meeting
Children will not be forgotten -
Will definitely come!

To school

Z. Alexandrova

Yellow leaves are flying
The day is merry.
Leading a kindergarten
Kids to school.
Our flowers have bloomed
The birds are flying.
-You are going for the first time
to study in the first grade.
sad dolls sit
On an empty terrace.
Our fun kindergarten
Remember in class.
Remember the garden
A river in the far field...
We are also in a year
We will be with you at school.
The suburban train has departed,
Rushing past the windows ...
- They promised well
the best way to learn!

New nursery

Z. Alexandrova

New nurseries are open with us,
The children will come to the nursery now.
There are beds in bright rooms
Children will be put into these beds.
Misha holds on to his mother's hem -
Misha came to the nursery crying.
Olenka boldly walks alone,
She ran into the nursery herself.
Cleaner wash, do not spare water -
There will be palms from soap whiter.
Cows eat delicious grass
They will give a lot of milk for the children.
The children began to dine in the garden,
There will be pancakes in honey today.
The new one spilled his milk
It's a pity that the pussy is far away now.
Grasshoppers chirp loudly in the field.
The boys were put to sleep in the cold.
Plump Petya is still very small,
Start walking and fell on the grass.
The guys sat down to play on the sand,
Serezha made a tall pie.
Olenka lives happily in a manger,
He loves to dance and dance.
Here comes the gray winter
White hats were worn at home.
New sleds creak in the snow.
The guys were called to the manger for the Christmas tree.
The guys stood in a wide circle,
Someone lit candles on the Christmas tree.
Olenka boldly steps forward,
A little white bunny gives a doll.
Everyone is happy with a good gift.
Have fun in the nursery with our guys.

We go to school

I. Mikhailova

And today we have a holiday
Joyful, cheerful.
Goodbye Kindergarten!
Hello school!
So that we grow up brave
kind, skillful,
We know that you all loved us
And they taught well.
Get dressed very quickly
Wash very clean
Books by syllables read,
Everything we see, count
Carefully, quickly eat,
Don't even count everything.
We drew, we sculpted
From colored plasticine,
We went on excursions
And they played with Pinocchio,
They also played hide-and-seek
In daughters-mothers, horses
And they led a round dance
Near the Christmas tree New Year!
People music and fairy tales,
Our songs and dances
We love birthday games
We love holidays and fun!
Today we are escorted
To the land of wonders and knowledge,
And we're off to first grade
Thank you, good bye!


Dmitry Sukharev

Kindergarten starts at eight
And by eight, our yard is filled with a swarm.
Human offspring, lover of fuss,
Silent and gloomy in the morning.
So it's time for me to work, I'm running,
The yard greets me with a chirping burr,
And the offspring is already piling up in the snow
Their towers, their labor quarters.
Sometimes the bulletin, sticking out at the window,
All I look, I watch for a long time, for a long time,
Like, free and violent, from dark to dark
Change is taught to order and duty.
And the guys leave in the seventh, in the twilight,
In a hurry, without saying "goodbye" each other,
And hurry, mince on the frozen ground,
Holding on to my mother's warm hand.


Tatyana Shapiro

I don't want to go to kindergarten!
Vova is crying loudly.
-I don't want to go to kindergarten!-
Cries loudly again.
-I don't want to go to kindergarten!-
He sobs loudly.
It's here anyway
Mom leaves.
Here week is gone,
And then another.
And again, and again
The boy is crying.
- I don't want to go home!
How to understand this?
Loved Kindergarten
Very boy Vova.
Oh, he's used to drama.
-Nothing! All will pass!-
He tells his mothers.
Yes, the kids are leaving.
Kindergarten pours tears -
What to keep secret.
You don't forget!
And go away, baby
Then remember!
To a kindergarten,
To a kindergarten,
Children, come!
And then here their
Bring the kids!
-What to keep a secret?
Until what life is good,
When there are kids around!
You don't forget!
And go away, baby
Then remember!

Children live in kindergarten

G. Shalaeva, O. Zhuravleva, O. Sazanova.

The children live in the kindergarten
Here they play and sing
Find friends here
They go for a walk with them.

Together they argue and dream
They grow imperceptibly.
Kindergarten is your second home,
How warm and cozy it is!

You love him kids
The kindest house in the world!

We will be happy to place your articles and materials with attribution.
Send information by email

A selection of poems about kindergarten, poems about your favorite kindergarten for a graduation party. Beautiful and touching poems about kindergarten, poems about your favorite teacher.

My favorite kindergarten!

I. Gurina

I wake up with the sun
I'm glad to come in the morning.
I'm going fast
I'm in my favorite kindergarten!

There are books and toys
There are beloved friends
My faithful friends
I can't do without them!

The educator is the cutest,
Helps and teaches us.
She is almost like a mother to me.
And our kindergarten is the best!

Ah, my kindergarten, kindergarten ...

M. Goncharova

Ah, my kindergarten, kindergarten,
I'm glad to see you again!
I'm sad that my friends
Not looking for meetings with you, like me.
Yes, it's interesting at school too,
But for some reason you are more expensive.
I remember my group
And educators, children,
And how I looked through a magnifying glass
Snails, fish, ants.
And your walking area
Where we played shop
Searched for treasure, blew up mines,
Garage dug for cars.
Sometimes I smell porridge
The taste of jelly on the tongue.
But in quiet hours our beds
Others are rocked by babies.

Children tell their mothers...

S. Neversky

Children say to their mothers:
» We love our kindergarten!
They bake cheesecakes for us,
In the room of any toy -
Dolls, cubes, cars!
We look at different pictures.
Celebrating the New Year
We love Christmas trees, round dance!
We have balls, jump ropes,
We love hide-and-seek, catch-up.
In the older groups, even now,
Everyone is ready for first class!
They teach us to read, count,
We know how many five plus five!
The mountain will pick up.
The kid is growing up!

Our favorite kindergarten

E. Grudanov

Our favorite kindergarten!
He is always very happy with us!
In the morning cheerfully meets
Invites everyone to breakfast
Leads us for a walk
And dancing and singing...

And without us sad, bored,
Forget about toys.
Even at night - sleeps and waits:
Maybe someone will come...

Well, of course we
Let's not leave one
Let's just get some rest
And let's go back to it...
And we will be happy again
Our favorite kindergarten!

Your second home

G. Shalaeva

The children live in the kindergarten
Here they play and sing
Find friends here
They go for a walk with them.

Together they argue and dream
They grow imperceptibly.
Kindergarten is your second home,
How warm and cozy it is!

You love him kids
The kindest house in the world!

Why do they say so?

V. Tovarkov

Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say so?
We are not aspens,
We are not mountain ash.
Vova, Klava, Mishenka -
Those aren't cherries!

Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say so?
We are not leaves
We are not flowers
Blue, scarlet -
We are little guys!

Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say so?
Because together in it
We are growing as one family!
That's why they say:
- There is a kindergarten in this house!

Olga Pavlovna

N. Naydenova

Who will tell about everything:
Why does thunder happen
How factories work
And what are the machines?
And about how gardeners
Breaking flower beds

And about the north, and about the south,
And about everything that is around
And about coal, and about gas,
About the taiga and about the Caucasus,
About the bear, about the fox
And about the berries in the forest?

Who will teach you how to draw
Build, sew and embroider,
Seating the guys in a circle,
Read them a poem
He will say: "Learn for yourself,
And then read to your mother?

Who will figure it out now
Why Oleg fights
Why Gali and Nina
He took the matryoshka
Why is the elephant made of clay
Misha immediately broke?

This is the teacher
This is Olga Pavlovna.
Loves Olga Pavlovna
All my guys
Very Olga Pavlovna
Loves kindergarten!

I love my kindergarten...

S. Pitirimov

I love my kindergarten
It's full of guys.
One, two, three, four, five…
Too bad we can't count them all.
Maybe a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we are together!

wake-up call

P. Mazikin

Here comes the sun
And in your window, child,
Over the fields unfolded
Golden canvas.
Get up, look out your window:
Summer days are full of wonders.
Here is a naughty track
She took someone to the forest.
There on the surface of the sky
The sun is pulling the plane.
Crows cry in the meadow
Terem-cloud floats.
Joy beats in bird songs.
The people are rushing along.
Who goes where, and we go to kindergarten.
Well, get up, mom is waiting!


Happy child 12.05.2018

Dear readers, it is probably now difficult to find an adult who would not attend kindergarten as a child. And when our kids grow up, it will be good if we tell them about games and interesting activities in the garden, how many friends and girlfriends he will have.

And what better way to help with this, if not poems about kindergarten, which will come in handy later on matinees and even graduation. We offer you to use our selection of poems about all the most interesting things that happen in kindergartens.

The house in which all the windows are wide open in childhood

Funny and funny poems about kindergarten will help kids adapt from the first days of visiting the kindergarten. Easily and unobtrusively, they will talk about the house where small children play, sing, study and spend time together.

Your second home

The children live in the kindergarten
Here they play and sing
Find friends here
They go for a walk with them.

Together they argue and dream
They grow imperceptibly.
Kindergarten is your second home,
How warm and cozy it is!

You love him kids
The kindest house in the world!
G. Shalaeva

Working as a child

I'll get up and wake up my mother.
I'll put on my pants.
I wash myself. And I'll drink tea
And don't forget the book.

A job is already waiting for me.
I have to work hard!
Eat porridge, take a walk,
Sleep, have fun!

I'm at work all day
I sing, I sculpt, I dance.
Then I'll drink, I'll eat again
And I'll draw a letter.

And if you ask me
I will answer very loudly:
"I'm in the garden, I'm in the garden
Working as a child!
A. Vishnevskaya

preschool children

Me and my friend Toma
We go to kindergarten together.
This is not what you are at home!
It's a kids school!

Here we are doing exercises,
We eat properly with a spoon,
Let's get organized!
Kindergarten needed!

We learn poems and songs
Preschoolers in our group!
There is no better place for us!
What a favorite kindergarten!
I. Gurina

House windows in childhood

A house in which all the windows are open to childhood,
I admire you, I can not look enough.
I am dearer and more beautiful than all the buildings in the world
A house where children gather in the morning.

Fairy tales settled here, sonorous laughter sounds,
And attention, affection is enough for everyone.
It became a home for children - preschool children,
We are inseparable from him - this is our kindergarten!

And inside he is smart, and bright, and bright,
Every day for kids is like a magical gift.
Educators do not just play with them -
Children of life learn the basics in kindergarten.
N. Agoshkova


We come to kindergarten
There are toys there.
The guys are waiting.
There's pictures on the wall
And flowers on the window.
I want -
I'll jump
On a toy horse!
Everything in this house is for us -
Fairy tales, song and story,
noisy dance,
Quiet time -
This house has everything for us!
What a nice house!
In it we grow every day,
And when
Let's grow up
Let's go to school together.
O. Vysotskaya

About myself and about the guys

The sun hid behind the houses
Leaving kindergarten.
I tell my mother
About myself and about the guys.
As we sang songs in unison,
How they played leapfrog
What did we drink
What did we eat
What did you read in kindergarten?
I'm being honest
And everything in detail.
I know mom is interested
Know about
How we live.
G. Ladonshchikov

Poems about kindergarten are short and beautiful

miracle garden

What is this miracle garden?
Grapes don't ripen here
Raspberries don't grow
Marina lives here
And also Deniska, Masha and Boris.
If you got into a fight
Make up right now!
Because quarrel
You can't in the garden.
It's not snarky things that grow here
Not snarky, not thorny,
And true friends!
Elena Grigorieva

Our portrait

Our group is friendly
Smart, obedient
chanting songs
And very drawing.

I am now our whole group
I will paint with all colors,
Let our cheerful portrait
Smiling for a hundred years!
P. Sinyavsky

Kindergarten is waiting for us

The wind barely breathes...
Kindergarten sleeps under the roof
Sleep his toys -
Cubes, animals...

Soon a new day will begin
Morning smiles on all of us.
We'll go to work
And wake up this house!
E. Grudanov

I love my kindergarten...

I love my kindergarten
It's full of guys.
One, two, three, four, five…
Too bad we can't count them all.
Maybe a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we are together!
S. Pitirimov

I love our kindergarten
He is always happy with the kids.
Greets us with a smile
Smiling, he accompanies.

Because he lives there
Working year after year
I'll tell you a secret
The best staff in the world!

Kindergarten is toys
Dolls, cars, funny animals,
Delicious cheesecakes, semolina porridge,
The best girl in the world Masha ...

Nanny that never scolds us
And the teacher who loves us
A whole sea of ​​​​beautiful guys -
All this is our dear kindergarten!

I'm in love!!!

She is four years old...
I am her age!
I read poetry for her
And I sing songs...

From ear to ear, her smile
Eyelashes to eyebrows...
And her snowflake costume
I still dream!

She is ready to give compote,
Afternoon candy!
For the sake of this and the garden
I rarely miss!

Being a teacher is not easy...

Beautiful and touching poems about a kindergarten teacher will remind children about their “second mother”, with whom it is always fun and interesting, and most importantly, when she is there, it is not scary to be left without parents for the whole day in kindergarten.


Mom goes to work.
And dad has a lot to do.
So someone needs to
And looked after us!
Who will feed porridge from a spoon,
Who reads a fairy tale to us,
Who will put on our boots,
Who knows poems and songs?
Who will reconcile, who will tell
Who is a girlfriend and friend,
Who will show us tricks?
Well, of course, the teacher!
Irina Gurina

He always meets us in the Garden,
Teaches us and entertains.
If necessary - scold
And surround with care.

At a quiet hour put to sleep
What a caring mother.
Very sweet and delicate
Our favorite teacher!

Being an educator is not easy
After all, there are many children, he is one
Teach them as they grow
So that everyone suddenly becomes a child prodigy.

Who to pat on the head
Well, who should be punished?
And know different tricks
To lure kids to be able to.

Being an educator is great!
Being a mother is for thousands of children.
And daily, hourly
Be happier and wiser!

Even when I become an adult
I will always remember
Like a whiny little boy
Mom took me to kindergarten.

The most important inhabitant
She smiled back at me.
In my heart is a teacher
Forever left a mark!

Learned to eat with a spoon
Play different games
Don't give up when it's hard.
Just do the right thing!

preschool happiness

Who is so loved by "why"
And respect fidgets?
Who are the kids reaching out to?
Who knows children's secrets?
There is only one answer - go to kindergarten!
The people there are kind and cheerful.
All children know: the educator -
All the best before school!

Educators! Kindly you are not in the world!

Educator - what a word!
Light, goodness, warmth lurk in it.
Who will please the children with the game?
Who will scold them not evil at all?

Thanks to them, children grow up,
Knowing how to behave and live.
Educators! Kindly you are not in the world!
We want you to be happy!

Kindergarten starts in the morning

From morning until the arrival of parents, the kids are busy in kindergarten. But their "work" is not at all difficult, but easy and useful. This collection contains poems about walking, exercising, games, various activities in kindergarten.

About the walk

Kids in kindergarten
All such rascals!
The children went for a walk.
Once! - Petya rushes down the hill.
Two! - Vanyusha flies after him.
Three! - on the carousel Ksyusha.
And four! - in Kolya's house.
Five! - Olya stands with a bucket.
Six! - Mitya plays with the ball.
Seven! - Vitya gets off his horse.
Eight! - with doll Natasha.
Nine! - Masha jumps nearby.
Ten! - along the Fedya path
Riding a bike.

Kindergarten - elegant, bright,
But we will walk in the park.
We dine on the grass.
Our bus is at the gas station.
And then the fun began:
Carousels and swings
Auto racing, cycling!
Nobody stood aside.

About charging


We are charging
In the morning - sports according to the schedule.
Our t-shirts and shorts
Wonderful beauty!
Soon everyone will grow up
And straighten your shoulders.
Soon every adult will say:
Our child is a hero!
P. Sinyavsky

Strong kids

Strong kids
Came out to the platform
Strong kids
They are charging!
T. Volgina


We came, we were not late
Directly to charge.
From the branches we tore bananas
And cabbage from the garden.
And just like airplanes
We circled in the sky!
Raging, charged
And have fun!
M. Senina

About classes


We have mathematics
We'll be in first grade soon.
We counted on sticks -
Added, subtracted ...
It turned out that I and Tolya
Well almost ready for school!
M. Senina


We are sitting at the table
And draw a Christmas tree
Next to the Christmas tree - a house,
Near the house - a heifer.

Here is a bird flying
Here comes the fox
The fox has red fur.
Whose drawing is the best?
O. Vysotskaya

Everyone needs exercise

To be completely healthy
Everyone needs exercise.
To start in order -
Let's workout in the morning!

And without any doubt
There is a good solution
Running is useful and the game,
Get busy kid!

To develop successfully
You need to play sports.
From exercise
There will be a slim figure.

We will play together
Run, jump and jump.
To make it more fun
We'll take the ball as soon as possible.

Let's stand straight, legs wider
Raise the ball - three or four,
Rising up on your toes.
All movements are easy.

We will take the jump rope in our hands,
Hoop, cube or stick.
We learn all movements
We will become stronger and better.

To learn to jump
We need a jump rope.
Let's jump high
Like grasshoppers - easy.

Hoop, cubes will help
Flexibility to us to develop a little.
Let's bow more often
Squat and bend over.

Here's a great picture:
We are like a flexible spring!
Let not everything be given at once,
We'll have to work!

To become agile an athlete,
We'll run the relay.
Let's run fast together
We really need to win!

About music

Everywhere with us, music lives side by side,
In the summer warm rain sings a song to us.
The breeze leads a round dance to the music,
All the forest people dance along with the music.

In the good old violin, it carries its own motive
Music has wings if you're sad
The music will lift you up to the clouds.
Everywhere with us, music lives side by side,
It calls us to the big stage.
Music scatters ringing laughter around,
Music is magic - the best friend.

About games

How everyone likes to play in childhood
Life, what's around, portray
To the "Family", to the "Hospital", to the "Steamboat",
In "War", in "Cafe" and in "Airplane",
To the Library, to the Atelier, and to the Kingdom on the Moon,
In "Builders", in "Repairmen", in "Gaishnikov" and in "Carpenters".


I play shop
I sell books.
I won't sell this one to you.
I love her.

I didn't read this one
I won't sell either.
Haven't opened it yet
Here about different mothers.

Me too, unfortunately
Can't sell.
And anyway, it's already so late -
I will close.


One, two, three, four, five…
Let's play hide and seek!
Hide bunny, lion, bear,
I can't watch yet.

Behind the pillow, whose ears are there?
Come on, bunny, come out!
The bear hid better
But the edge of the leg is visible.

The lion cub tried best of all,
I could outwit everyone -
Hidden under the bed
Only eyes shine.


Meet me, I'm a matryoshka!
I have inside
Little girls sleep quietly
Twin sisters.

Line them up according to their height
And count.
Have fun as much as you want
Just don't lose!

Watch a video with the kids about how interesting it is in kindergarten. A wonderful song for kindergarten, you can sing it at graduation and any other holiday.

Goodbye Kindergarten! To you: "Thank you" from the guys!

Poems about kindergarten at graduation will be useful to children of the preparatory group for school. Here is a farewell with tears, and joyful memories, and gratitude to all the employees of the kindergarten.

Kindergarten graduation invitation

We invite everyone to the ball
In an elegant music hall,
Where there will be music and laughter
And setting for success
Smiles, games, songs, speeches,
Hope to meet in the future
The fragrance of flowers
And the chirping of children's voices,
Gifts, cakes, sweets,
Chastushek voiced couplets,
In love, an awkward confession
Honor and glory for calling
Great - to love children,
Give the warmth of your hearts,
Where in the waltz memory will swirl:
“Do you remember?..” “It can’t be…”
“How matured… matured…”
“We didn’t have time to look back…”
And eyes wet with tears
Everything has its time, its time!
Go ahead baby! Go!
You are full of strength, hope, love.
We believe that your destiny is
Always be happy!
Is always!

Goodbye Kindergarten!

Why do so many smiles illuminate the kindergarten?
Because there is a parade of first-graders.
Although they don’t go to school yet and don’t sit at the desk,
In kindergarten, the kids look at them with envy.
This is the first step, the path through life is not easy,
May happiness accompany you on this graduation holiday.
“Hello,” you say to the school. Goodbye, Kindergarten!
Educators and nannies, we will not go back.
We will never forget you! Don't get bored here without us!"
And everyone has tears without asking, now they are rolling from their eyes.
Galina Rukosueva

About toys and kindergarten

Goodbye cubes, toys
It's time for us to learn to go!
Goodbye buns, cheesecakes
And porridge is delicious in the morning.

In the garden, I confess, it was cool
We are sorry to leave him.
But, you know, we loved you all
And we will visit often!

Goodbye Kindergarten

Remember how we used to be - crumbs and babies -
They didn't know how to put on their pants,
In the mornings without dads and moms wept, sobbed,
And you wiped wet noses for us.

Day after day passed.
It was hard and easy...
You taught us everything
And now we are O-GO-GO!

Our good garden! Soon we know
We will step over your threshold.
We wish you happiness, joy
To everyone who helped us grow!

Goodbye Kindergarten!
And thanks guys!
E. Grudanov

I say goodbye to kindergarten

I'm graduating today
I say goodbye to kindergarten.
Looks sad at me
Dolls friendly family,
The bear turned away in a corner,
And the giraffe bent slightly:
So sad, lonely
The puppy pouted.
I went to the toys
She hugged them all tenderly.
- I love you all, friends,
I don't say goodbye to you
I will come to visit
Come on, come on, don't be sad!
L. Schmidt

Graduation in kindergarten

We dressed up today
And they gathered here for the holiday!
With the first fall call
Let's go to school together!

We will say to the Garden: “Farewell!
Meet the new kids.
For now their hour has come,
Well, first class is waiting for us!”

Farewell to Kindergarten

Our favorite kindergarten
Kingdom fairy tale golden!
Please don't forget
We say goodbye to you.
Kindergarten has become our home,
Let's say in this sad hour,
To their educators:
We love you with all our hearts!
Even the sun is shining
It became brighter over the earth,
To give to children
This graduation party!
A. Metzger


You are a graduate today
You graduated from kindergarten.
Pen, eraser and diary
They're in a brand new bag.

We wish to receive
Only one rating "five",
A lot to know
Remember Kindergarten!

Kindergarten as a lifesaver for working parents. Moms and dads calmly do their job, knowing that their children are fed, busy with useful and developing things. And, of course, the kids will have a rest here after walks and interesting activities.

Check out other interesting articles about children preschool age:

Poems about a snowman for children

Poems about kindergarten for preschoolers 4-6 years old

A. Yaroslavtsev

Kindergarten, Kindergarten!
The kids are in a hurry.
I'm going to the garden to see -
What grows in such a garden?

Maybe pears, grapes?
I'm always glad to see them!
- What are you, uncle, do not be ridiculous! -
The kids tell me.
And ten of them shout:
"We are growing in the garden!"

V. Shestakov

In your darling Kindergarten
I am happy to walk every day!
How are you at home? Just a little - and immediately
Our ancestors are dragging us into the corner!
Not so in the garden
(Although a lot of bullies):
Do not go there beyond words -
Not enough corners for everyone!

O. Picus

Lots of fun in the garden
I'm happy to go there
To play all day
Run, sing and dance

S. Privarskaya
Mom dear, dear
Goodbye kiss
Hello hello, Kindergarten!
I am very happy to see everyone!

A. Smetanin

They came to kindergarten: a bunny,
Piglet, Lion cub, Bear,
Two snowflakes, Three princesses,
Goblin from the deep forest,
Spiderman, Malvina,
Fairy, Batman, Pinocchio.
And more of the same kind
Lots of people.
Maybe we got with you
V kindergarten with miracles?
No, in a regular kindergarten.
But today is Masquerade!

E. Chizh

Tomorrow is a very important day
For family and for me!
They only talked about it
All four days!
We made a dress
And satin bows
And already in a beautiful vase
We have placed flowers.
Just one concern
And I don't know how to say...
V kindergarten mom too
I would like to pick up.
My mom can come with us
Play games together!
Well, who is my mother
Can interfere?

I. Abgaryan

This is how grown up I am!
Stop soiling your trousers.
Know, sister, that your brother
Goes to Kindergarten!
I learned to count
One, two, three, two, one, one, five...
And I draw on a piece of paper
How many fingers are on the hand.
I try to eat by myself.
Well, the food is delicious!
And when I sit down at the table -
The floor remains clean.
Together with a friend we eat
Let's build a house with him.
They say you need to sleep
A pillow and a bed are waiting.
I love my kindergarten
There is always full and happy.
Three years later, believe me
School will open the door for me!

A. Mont

Early in the morning, barely
I get up from bed.
Silently put on shorts
And I yawn... I yawn...
Who came up with Kindergarten
Taking the kids out in the morning?
Here's the caveman
Lived without a garden for many years!
And no one tormented him:
- Better brush your teeth with toothpaste
My hands before eating.
Eat a cutlet, eat porridge,
See how skinny you are...
I wish I really
To be in that cave...
Only STOP! ... But there are books
Children are not read at all
Neither girl nor boy
Don't know about computers...
And what kind of toys are there -
Coals, yes turtles?
And in the garden: airplanes,
Boats, tanks, helicopters,
"Lego" - a brand new designer,
Also a toy scooter.
And there are many different machines
And the railroad...
We play, we dance
We read and draw...
No, caveman
This is a very old age.
I can't live in a cave
I'd rather run to kindergarten!

S. Neversky

Children say to their mothers:
"We love our Kindergarten!
They bake cheesecakes for us,
In the room of any toy -
Dolls, cubes, cars!
We look at different pictures.
Celebrating the New Year
We love Christmas trees, round dance!
We have balls, jump ropes,
We love hide-and-seek, catch-up.
In the older groups, even now,
Everyone is ready for first class!
They teach us to read, count,
We know how many five plus five!
The mountain will pick up.
The kid is growing up!

Ya. Sysoeva

I left the house with my mother
Sasha and Misha meet me.
"Are you at the cottage?" - they say.
I answer: "In Kindergarten!
Not to the country and not to visit -
Today I have become an adult.
On the most important day of the year
I'm going to the junior group!
I'll find a girlfriend there
To play with her toys
At a quiet hour to go to bed,
And then play again.
Every day with pencils
Draw gifts for mom
Lots of things to do in the garden...
Excuse me, I'll go.
I can't be late
Goodbye friends!"

L. Zubkova

The sun is shining outside the window.
Step from the morning
Reminds everyone around:
"V Kindergarten it's time to go!
I have already collected toys -
Bear, doll, dump truck.
I'll hide the bear under the pillow,
To sleep with me in the bedroom.
I will give the doll to my friend Dasha,
The dump truck asked Artem.
Handkerchief in a pocket.
All gathered. We are going?
Nothing that's too soon -
I'll be the first in the group
And today the captain
I'll be in the garden all day."
Hurry up the stairs
He walked with his father.
Went with a happy smile:
“We’re going to kindergarten again!”

M. Goncharova

Oh, Kindergarten my kindergarten,
I'm glad to see you again!
I'm sad that my friends
Not looking for meetings with you, like me.
Yes, it's interesting at school too,
But for some reason you are more expensive.
I remember my group
And educators, children,
And how I looked through a magnifying glass
Snails, fish, ants.
And your walking area
Where we played shop
Searched for treasure, blew up mines,
Garage dug for cars.
Sometimes I smell porridge
The taste of jelly on the tongue.
But in quiet hours our beds
Others are rocked by babies.

V. Puzyrev

In the morning I woke up myself
Sweet, sweet stretched.
I won't sleep anymore
Goodbye bed.
I brushed my teeth, washed my face,
She combed her hair, dressed up.
Together with mommy
V kindergarten we are going.
Toys are waiting for me in the garden,
And also friends, girlfriends.
Let's have fun together
Run, jump and spin.

L. Klimanskaya. Goodbye Kindergarten!

Every day we went to the garden.
Here we were met and fed.
We were taught to play here
Songs to sing and dance.
We are very sorry to part
But we cannot stay.
Though kindergarten our second home
We will go to school soon
Goodbye Kindergarten
We won't go back.
To their educators
We say thank you.