
• Healing of clean bedsores. Quotlan-m napkin for bedsores


Next product category, in the category of patient care - a variety of remedies for pressure sores and similar wounds on the surface of the skin varying degrees difficulties. In a number of modern medicines, there are different opinions about which is the best, but we have collected the most proven and high-quality ones. Our list also contains wipes for bedsores - providing easy, gentle treatment of the damaged area, ointment for bedsores.

A wide range of not only sizes of napkins but also filling them makes the treatment of pressure ulcers at home a much easier procedure for both the staff and the patient. The use of such wipes requires less manipulation while maintaining the desired quality of care. In a number of treatments for bedsores, ulcers and wounds, a special place is occupied by the ointment for bedsores. The correct choice of it will provide a qualitatively quick positive result. Pressure sore wounds are especially long-lasting, difficult period healing, but the use of all the listed funds in the required configuration allows you to gently and quickly remove damaged, dead tissue and heal the cleansed skin surface.

Everyone who has had to deal with this knows how difficult it can be to find a better quality remedy for pressure ulcers. Sometimes you have to spend a lot of time - without the proper therapeutic effect until there is a suitable ointment for bedsores, and the patient's situation worsens. Our list of remedies for bedsores differs not only in a wide variety of types, but in great information content about their composition, methods of application and contraindications. You will immediately receive as much information as possible about a particular drug. There is no need to read anything else.

Considering your needs and a different state of finances, with us you can start taking care of your loved ones the best means paying only part of their cost.

Pressure ulcers can cause a lot of trouble for a person. Therefore, it is imperative for bedridden patients to engage in their prevention.

There are many devices that make it easier to care for such people, one of them is decubitus wipes.

We use anti-decubitus products correctly

By its type of action Bed sore wipes can be as follows:

  1. hygienic,
  2. medicinal.

The first are used to cleanse bedsores and are impregnated with an antiseptic.

Second used for treatment and applied after sanitary napkins. They are soaked special means that promote wound healing. These napkins are fixed on a sore spot for a long time.

Localization of wounds

Pressure sores can appear due to the fact that for a long time the body tissues are squeezed. This is a kind of reaction of the body to such a condition.

For some people, even two hours in one position is enough for sores to form on the skin.

Important! Places of formation of bedsores - protrusions of bones and places with a poorly developed layer of subcutaneous fat.

For example, a recumbent person is forced to be in bed on his back. In this case, bedsores are formed in the region of the sacrum, shoulder blades, elbows and heels.

When lying on its side - base area femur, shoulder and ankles.

Sometimes the patient is forced to take a prone position, for example, in the case of complex diseases of the spine (cancer, trauma, or the postoperative period). In this case, bedsores appear on the knees, on the surface of the legs and ilium.

Process stages

The formation of pressure ulcers takes place next stages:

  1. Initial stage I - at first it's just a red or reddish-cyanotic spot. It is formed due to poor blood circulation and accumulation of toxic substances in the place of compression. These are waste products of cells that must be excreted. But due to poor blood supply, this does not happen. In addition to redness, tissue compaction is felt. In the event that at this stage the squeezing of the capillaries is minimized, the tissues are quickly restored.
  2. Second stage- at this stage, the destruction of the epidermis begins, erosive areas are formed. In some patients, at first, bubbles form at the site of friction, which burst and form erosion. But in the second stage, the subcutaneous tissue has not yet been affected.
  3. Third stage- an ulcer appears on the skin. This is achieved by destroying all layers of the skin, including the subcutaneous tissue. The muscle tissue is not affected.
  4. Fourth stage- all skin layers, muscles and even tendons are affected, the process of tissue damage reaches down to bone tissue.

Important! The last two stages can lead to septic complications.

Medicines for bedridden patients

There are special remedies for getting rid of bedsores.

Gel dressings

Such dressings perform the following functions:

  1. Allow to exclude negative impact to the wound from external sources.
  2. They work as a barrier against infection and contamination.
  3. Used as a remedy.

Conventional gauze and bandages are now a thing of the past. The latest developments are being used more and more often.

Gel dressings have a transparent base that allows you to monitor the healing process. In addition, it is possible to notice the addition of an infection or the development of an inflammatory process in time and eliminate them.

Such dressings are widely used in conjunction with drugs, for example, hydrogel dressings with actovegin, with silver etc.

In addition to gel-based dressings, hydrocolloid, algal (alginate) dressings are also used. They provide a drying effect, absorb moisture that forms in the wound, create favorable conditions for the rapid healing of ulcers and erosions.

reference! Many anti-decubitus dressings are not used for deep lesions and wound pockets, as well as for infected necrosis.

How to choose dressings for the treatment of pressure ulcers is described in the video:

Treatment of healing ulcers

In the first and second stages, you can cope with pressure ulcers at home. But the subsequent stages are eliminated in a hospital setting.

Skin necrosis is eliminated in two main stages:

  1. It is necessary to restore blood flow to the damaged area.
  2. Cleanse the wound from pus and necrotic formations.

Blood circulation is restored when using such funds:

  1. Anti-decubitus mattresses.
  2. Using massage.
  3. Change in the position of the patient's body.

Special dressings are used to cleanse necrotic wounds.

As the effect on the wounds, such dressings are divided into:

  1. Cleansing, able to draw out pus and exudate.
  2. Healing, start the regeneration process in the tissues.

In general, both dressings are used, since most often they have a complex effect on bedsores - they draw out pus and heal tissues.

Actively applied ointments against bedsores.

The most popular ones are:

  • Methyluracil- regenerates tissue and resists infection of wounds. Ointment is applied 2-3 times a day, for greater effectiveness, a gauze bandage is applied on top. The drug is contraindicated for cancer patients.
  • Argosulfan- the ointment helps with the formation of pus. First, purulent crusts are removed, then the wound is disinfected with saline or Miramistin, and only then Argosulfan is applied. This is done 2-3 times a day. The remedy is prohibited for pregnant women and children under 1 year of age.
  • Solcoseryl or Actovegin- restores damaged tissue. It is applied 2-3 times a day under a gauze bandage. Use with caution in pregnant women, during lactation. Allergic reactions may be a contraindication.


When caring for a bedridden patient, it is imperative to take preventive measures to prevent skin necrosis. If this is not done, then the appearance of bedsores will worsen the condition of the sick person and cause him pain and suffering.

Every day, the patient must be wiped and washed.

The following devices are used as prophylactic agents for bedsores:

  1. Various gels and ointments.
  2. Special dressings.
  3. Mattresses and pillows designed specifically for bedridden patients.
  4. Inflatable rubber circle.
  5. Quartz irradiators.

What preventive measures need to be taken in order to prevent the occurrence of bedsores is described in the video:

If the process of bedsores has gone too far, then in addition to external use against wounds, you will have to take drugs inside.

These are antibacterial agents, anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. All new medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

Anti-bedsore dressings Comfil Plus are used to treat clean pressure ulcers that are not infected with infection and do not contain a large amount of necrotic tissue.

These dressings create a comfortable moist environment for the wound surface, evenly distribute pressure or reduce it in the wound area, thereby organizing additional unloading of damaged areas of the body and promoting rapid healing and tissue restoration in the pressure sore area.

The full course of treatment involves the use of two to five dressings, based on the size and condition of the pressure sores. One dressing can be located and have a therapeutic effect on the wound surface for up to five days.

The coatings used in Comfil Plus dressings have undoubted advantages:

  • They are made taking into account the operating principle of the backing circle in order to effectively reduce the load on the wound surface. This design allows the dressing to redistribute pressure in and around the wound in the most beneficial way.
  • Due to its properties, the dressing can remain on the surface of the bedsore for up to five days. Such a rare change of dressings creates additional comfort for the patient and has a positive effect on wound healing and recovery.
  • The dressing absorbs well the separated wound exudate.
  • Adhesive edges of the dressing ensure its secure attachment to the body surface without the use of additional fixing means. The butterfly-shaped Comfil Plus dressing is ideal for fixing and treating pressure ulcers in difficult to dress areas - elbows, heels, etc.
  • The dressings create optimal moisture conditions in the wound, which accelerate the formation of granulations.
  • The bandage protects pressure ulcers and prevents secondary infections from joining.
  • The dressing has an elastic and soft consistency, pleasant to the body. In addition, it is able to reduce or eliminate pain associated with the wound surface. This is due to the fact that the absorbent gel mass of the dressing reliably envelops and protects fresh granulation tissue and nerve endings in the wound.
  • The dressings are suitable for all skin types, as they are completely hypoallergenic.

The basis of the Comfil Plus anti-decubitus dressing is an elastic synthetic mass. It encapsulates special moisture-absorbing cellulose particles, to which alginate has been added. The outer layer of the dressing is made of a polyurethane elastic film with a semi-permeable structure. This design of the dressing ensures the most suitable exudation control for the wound. The polyurethane film reacts sensitively to changes in the degree of exudation. If formed a large number of wound discharge, the pores of the polyurethane film expand, thereby increasing the evaporation area and ensuring the discharge of excess exudate. If a meager volume of exudate is formed in the wound, then the pores, on the contrary, narrow, reducing the evaporation area and creating favorable moist conditions for the wound surface. Thus, the dressing provides a moist environment, stimulating the growth and development of fresh granulations, and accelerated epithelial formation.


As the dressing is soaked in the released wound exudate, a whitish gel will form. That is why the bandage will change its color, becoming transparent or whitish. As soon as the dressing changes its color around the perimeter of the pressure sore, it will need to be replaced. Depending on the degree of exudation of the pressure ulcer, the dressing will need to be changed approximately once every five days, sometimes once every two days. The dressing should be replaced when the thickness of the backing spongy rings of the dressing is reduced by half due to constant stress.


  • There are deep bedsores with additional wound pockets.
  • There is a local or generalized infection in the body.
  • There is necrosis or inflammation in the wound.

Pressure ulcers are a common problem for long-term immobilized patients. As a result of constant friction of the body against the surface, capillaries are destroyed, infection, tissue necrosis occur, and blood flow is disturbed. Skin wounds are effectively treated with pressure sore patches.

How to treat pressure ulcers with patches

Pressure ulcer patches are products that prevent new wounds and heal existing ones. The effect of anti-decubitus drugs depends on the group to which they belong, but the basic principle is the same. The product belongs to the category of medical dressings, consisting of a backing and a fixing surface. The upper layer of the product freely passes oxygen necessary for tissue regeneration, while the lower one absorbs secretions and heals the wound. The plasters have restorative, medicinal and analgesic properties. The components that make up the substrate (adsorbents, pectins, medicinal ointments, gels) nourish tissues, protect the wound from drying out, and clean the wound surface. It is easy to remove the adhesive plaster, since the layer in contact with the wound does not stick to it.

Pressure ulcer patches are products that prevent new wounds and heal existing ones.

Products are shown to the disabled, the elderly, bedridden for a long time, patients, forced for a long time be immobilized. Pressure sores often occur on the lower back, buttocks, between the shoulder blades, in the occipital region, on the feet. Plasters are especially effective against pressure ulcers of the two initial stages, characterized by redness and the appearance of multiple ulcers. The third stage affects the entire epidermis layer by layer, areas filled with exudate are formed - for such pressure ulcers, products based on seaweed extract, colloidal, are used.

Types of adhesive plasters, name and characteristics

There are three types of pressure ulcer patches:

  • Hydrogel.

Preparations in this group are based on a hydrogel support. The products absorb small secretions, heal the wound by acting on it with medicinal components. They are used in the early stages of pressure ulcers to close clean surfaces. Prevents germs from entering the wound. This subgroup includes Hydrosorb Comfort, HYDROTAC.

  • Alginate.

Designed for advanced decubitus ulcers with abundant exudate. Products are impregnated with sodium alginate (seaweed extract). The funds are used in places where it is difficult to attach a regular patch - on the heels or sacrum. The product changes shape, filling with discharge from the wound. Medisorb A is a member of the alginate patches subgroup.

  • Hydrocolloid.

A universal group of funds. Suitable for all types of pressure ulcers: dry, ulcerative, deep, with signs of necrosis. Products are antiseptic, cleansing, ergonomic (follow the contours of the body). It should be noted "Hydrocoll", Tegaderm, as well as the disinfecting self-adhesive dressing Granuflex.

If there is little content in the wound, then anti-decubitus plasters with the addition of silver are an excellent solution (Atrauman, Mepilex Ag).

You should dwell on these products in more detail:

Atrauman plaster.

The product contains not only argentum, but also triglyceride ointment. The product retains wound healing properties for about a week.

Self-adhesive bandage with the addition of silver. The agent disinfects the surface of the wound, preventing inflammation from developing and destroying tissue. It features a soft silicone contact layer.

It is advisable to use in patients with sensitive skin... Suitable for healing non-festering pressure sores. Before using the product, wipe the wounds with an antiseptic. The hydrogel patch can be used for up to 7 days in a row.

The product consists of polyurethane and a hybrid polymer, eliminates pathogenic microorganisms, heals wound surfaces. It is allowed to keep in the area of ​​occurrence of a bedsore for up to 5 days.

The alginate patch regenerates the wound skin thanks to the oxygen-permeable outer layer. Prevents secretions from leaving the patch.

The German hydrocolloid plaster is used to heal pressure ulcers and prevent them. You can easily form a pocket for a heel or an elbow from the product. Removable painlessly, securely attached.

Made in England. High-quality colloidal plaster, used not only to heal pressure ulcers, but also to heal trophic ulcers, burnt areas. The product actively absorbs secretions. There are types of agents for dry bedsores, as well as disinfectants, with the inclusion of silver.

Covered with a special adhesive film patented by the manufacturer (3M Health Care). Thanks to the outer layer, the plaster is securely fixed, has powerful adsorbing properties, kills pathogenic bacteria, maintains a healthy moist environment, and effectively treats pressure sores. Due to the free passage of water vapor, maceration of the skin of the wound is excluded. At the initial stages, the bandage is changed daily, then it is allowed to use the agent for up to 7 days in a row.

The plaster is not always used for as many days as indicated in the instructions - if the wound is not clean, the product should be changed more often. Before fixation, the affected area is treated with a weak solution of "Chlorhexidine". It is forbidden to use Zelenka and iodine, as they dry the skin.

Are there any contraindications

Basically, plasters and dressings for the treatment of pressure ulcers have no contraindications, on the contrary, the products are recommended without fail for bedridden patients. But there are several prohibitions:

  • Individual intolerance to the product.
  • Open bone tissue.
  • Fungal skin lesions.

Do not use the plaster on profusely festering wounds. Before use for advanced stages of pressure ulcers, their primary cleansing is performed.

Bedsores are externally and internally provoked. In the first case, the wound healing process is greatly facilitated by plasters or antiseptic dressings-napkins, wrapped with a bandage. The second type is more dangerous: its consequences are not immediately noticeable, they are caused by malfunctions within the body: metabolic disorders, brain diseases, tumors, diabetes mellitus. Patients from risk groups must be under constant medical supervision.

Product cost

Average prices for pressure sore patches are shown in the table below.

The investment pays off, because the plaster heals wounds, relieves pain, and healing in mild cases comes quickly.

An expert's point of view

The opinions of surgeons are unambiguous: the advantages of using a plaster against pressure ulcers are diverse, and its use is fully justified. The product is easy to attach, has a tangible effect by accelerating tissue regeneration, and reliably protects wounds from infections. Experts advise the use of plasters for the prevention of pressure ulcers in immobilized patients.

What are bedsores?

Bedsores are dead tissue that occurs with prolonged squeezing and disruption of the blood supply to the skin. Most often bed sores suffer from bedridden patients and paralyzed patients.

If left untreated, a pressure ulcer gradually affects all layers of skin, muscle, and bone. The degree of a pressure ulcer is determined by the depth of tissue damage. There are 4 degrees of pressure ulcers:

  • I degree - Looks like slight redness without disturbing the skin. It passes quickly after a light massage and a change of position.
  • II degree - Looks like a non-pallid redness that does not go away after a change in posture and massage. Painful ulcers, blisters, erosion, vesicles, superficial growths are possible. Skin covering damaged and peeling off.
  • III degree - Looks like a deep skin lesion. All layers of the skin are affected. Characterized by swelling, crater ulcers, severe redness. Ulcers are filled with a yellow mass or red granulation with an unpleasant odor.
  • Grade IV - Looks like necrosis of the skin, muscles and bone. An abundance of dead tissue and ulcers, the bottom of which is filled with black pieces of skin.

What contributes to the formation of pressure ulcers?

  1. Prolonged stay without movement in a horizontal position
  2. Incontinence of urine and feces
  3. Increased sweating
  4. Wet or dirty bedding
  5. Poor skin care (infrequent washing, insufficient hydration)
  6. Bed sheet folds, seams, buttons on clothes, crumbs in bed
  7. Being under or overweight
  8. Malnutrition
  9. Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus

What parts of the body do bedsores affect?

The place of formation of the bedsore depends on the position in which the patient lies.

  • The back of the head, shoulder blades, sacrum, buttocks, heels and elbows are affected if the patient lies on their back.
  • The iliac region and knees are affected if the patient lies on his stomach.
  • The iliac and ankle area is affected if the patient lies on their side.

Prevention of bedsores

The main task of caring for a sick person is to prevent pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers are pain and suffering for a sick person, and they are very difficult to treat. It is always easier to prevent their appearance than to condemn a loved one to torment and waste your own physical and mental strength.

Correct prevention of pressure ulcers is a compress measures that are carried out continuously.

The most important factors in the prevention of pressure ulcers are:

  1. anti-decubitus drugs
  2. careful care of the patient's skin

Medicines for the prevention of pressure ulcers

For the prevention of pressure ulcers, the following tools and devices are used:

  • inflatable rubber circle
  • vibrating massagers
  • open-type quartz irradiators

Treatment of pressure sores

Degree I and II bedsores can be treated at home. The treatment will take a long time, but it will eventually give results. And bedsores of III and IV degrees are treated only operatively in the clinic.

Treatment of pressure ulcers consists of three stages:

  1. restoration of blood circulation in the damaged area
  2. cleansing the wound from exudate, pus and necrotic masses
  3. acceleration of wound healing

It is possible to restore blood circulation with the help of anti-decubitus mattresses, massage, changing the position of the patient's body. To cleanse the wound and speed up healing, anti-decubitus dressings are provided.

According to the type of impact on the wound, anti-decubitus dressings are conventionally divided into 2 categories:

  1. cleansing and pulling discharge
  2. healing

The division is conditional, because all anti-decubitus dressings in one way or another cleanse the wound and accelerate healing.

Anti-decubitus dressings differ in shape.

  • For the treatment of pressure ulcers in easily accessible places, dressings of the classic square or rectangular shape are used
  • Butterfly and heart dressings are used to treat pressure ulcers in the sacrum.
  • Butterfly and trefoil dressings are used to treat pressure ulcers

Cleansing anti-decubitus dressings

The most common dressings that cleanse pressure ulcers today are:

  • Hydrocoll
  • Hydrosorb
  • TenderWet activity

Apply Hydrocoll dressings for 3-8 days, cleanse the wound, absorb exudate, turning it into a gel. Hydrosorb dressings create a moist environment in the wound, stimulate the rejection of necrotic tissue, and accelerate healing. TenderWet activity looks like soft cushions. They are impregnated with Ringer's solution and create the effect of continuous cleaning of the wound for 24 hours. Reject necrotic tissue and promote healing.

Cleansing and traction dressings for deep pressure ulcers

The most common dressings for deep pressure ulcers with discharge (pus, exudate) today are dressings:

  • Sorbalgon
  • PermaForm

Sorbalgon is a cotton-like, sterile material that must be inserted into the pocket of a large decubitus ulcer. This material absorbs pus, cleans the bottom of the wound, hardens, then it is easily and painlessly removed from the wound. If the bottom of the pressure sore is clean, the cotton-like material turns into a gel, cleans the wound and flows out of it on its own.

PermaForm dressings are a spongy matrix that absorbs pus and exudate and traps it. They are removed painlessly, leaving behind a favorable environment for healing.

Healing anti-decubitus dressings

The most common anti-decubitus dressings with pronounced healing properties today are dressings:

  • Atrauman
  • Branolind

Atrauman dressings are a mesh coated with a thin layer of silver and impregnated with a hydrophilic ointment. They have a bactericidal effect, disinfect the wound and promote the rapid restoration of the skin.

Branolind dressings are a net soaked in Peruvian balsam. They have a bactericidal, antiseptic effect and heal the wound.