
Children's poems about a snowman. Short poems about a snowman Poems about a snowman and a snow woman funny and funny


Who is he, where did the tradition of sculpting these "merry fellows" come from? And how old is this tradition? I propose to take a short excursion into the past ...

The Snowman is the father of the Snow Maiden, the son of pagan deities: Santa Claus and Blizzard-Blizzard.

They began to sculpt snowmen in Russia since pagan times, worshiping them as the spirits of winter (on a par with Frost), asking them for mercy, for a decrease in cold and bitter frosts.

I would like to note that the Snow Maiden and the Snow Woman are primordially Russian. Our ancestors sculpted snow women as a sign of respect for female spirits, who were the masters of winter natural phenomena such as blizzards, blizzards, snow, fog. Since that time, the following expressions "mother winter" and "frost-father" originate. In some areas, even winter month January was called the "snowman".

Russian people have long sculpted snow figures and called them snowmen, snow women and snow maidens, and the peoples of Europe are not familiar with the concepts of snow woman and snow maiden. For Europeans, a snowman is only a male creature, they did not have and do not have any snow maidens and snow women.

Among the Russian peoples, snowmen were previously associated with angels who descended from heaven, because snow was perceived by people as a gift from heaven. These angels could be asked for the most cherished, they necessarily fulfilled the desires of people, conveyed requests to God. Little snowmen were molded from the snow that had fallen, and people whispered their requests in their ears. As soon as the snow figure melted, the wish had to be fulfilled.

Snowmen used to be sculpted near houses. They were the embodiment of the fabulous owners of the courtyard, they were richly decorated with toys and garlands. Scarves were wrapped around them, and brooms were inserted into their hands. Their clothes were primarily of a mystical nature: a nose with a carrot in order to appease the pagan spirits of fertility; bucket on the head for prosperity in homes and families.

And today the molding of cheerful smiling snowmen is one of the favorite children's winter fun. But even over time, his image has not changed at all, except that there is no bucket on his head and sometimes carrots are replaced spruce cone, and instead of a broomstick, a stick or branch is inserted into his hands.

The snowman is one of the favorite characters of the New Year - an irreplaceable helper. A huge number of children's riddles, fairy tales, songs and poems are dedicated to him.

We, too, could not ignore this character, so we offer a selection poems about the Snowman... We hope that it will be interesting and useful for you and your child.

He is neither small nor great

Snowy white snowman.

He has a carrot nose

He loves frost very much,

In the cold, he does not freeze.

And spring comes - it melts.

What to do, how to be?

Maybe a white refrigerator

For a snowman to buy?

(V. Savonchik)

From fluffy snow

I make a snowman:

In a thick fur coat, so as not to freeze,

Even though it's already a carrot nose

Eyes - embers from the stove,

Two grasping hands.

Here is a shovel and a broom -

Eh, things will start spinning!

Only the snow friend is not easy -

He is a worthy man who keeps a fast -

Not to death, but to your stomach

Protects our winter!

(V. Pavleniuk)

We made a snowman.

It is neither small nor great.

Carrot nose.

Instead of eyes - potatoes.

Very cute and funny.

They brought him home.

Melted in the morning.

He made me wash the floors.

(I. Ustinova)

The kids blushed -

Dashed off three balls!

They were stacked on top of each other,

And the bucket was piled up.

Nose - carrot, coal - eyes,

A snowman from a children's fairy tale!

Hands are branches, mouth is candy ...

Let it stand now until the summer!

(M. Boykova)

What are you standing and waiting, my friend:

Lump, lump and lump?

Coals - eyes, nose - carrots,

And you hold the broom dexterously.

I'm well worth it here

At the door New Year knocking

Santa Claus and blizzard

They sculpt a girlfriend for me.

(L. Shaitanova)

What's happened? - Red nose!

Does the snowman have a cold? ...

Maybe a compress for him

Or do you need a doctor?

But the kids laugh

fun and loud:

- Instead of a nose he has

red carrot!

(G. Radionova)

Snowman, snowman

He is neither small nor great

We blinded him

And then they forgot

And by morning the snow melted

And our man disappeared

He was snowy

Snowy snowy

And so fluffy gentle

After school we are again

Let's walk in the yard

We blind another

Snowy - not - damp.

(D. Alverno)

Sculpts from the very morning

Snowman kids.

Snow balls rolls

And laughing, connects.

Below is the largest lump,

A little less lump on it.

Even less is the head,

We barely reached it.

Eyes - bumps, carrot nose.

They put on the cap dexterously.

Bright scarf, broom in hand.

And the kids are happy.

(E. Brom)

- Snowman! Snowman!

Where did you come from here?

We walked with my mother yesterday.

And we did not see you ...

- I came from a winter fairy tale,

I brought a sled for you.

I help Santa Claus,

I congratulate all the kids.

Tell me a rhyme

About the Snow Maiden and the snowball!

Sing, Katyusha, a song,

We will all have fun!

(N. Masley)

The snowman stood on the hill

Not dressed at all.

Yegorka brought him

Dad's old jacket.

Nina tied his scarf

Together with his grandmother.

Marina took out the hat -

Nothing that is borderless.

Snowman for local kids

I am grateful from the bottom of my heart:

How wonderful the outfit

The kids gave it!

(T. Nesterova)

I swing everything for a lump of lump,

The snowman is already like a home.

You would help me a little

I gave my back, my friend,

I'll get up and put on my hat

What did I find in my dad's closet!

It's not good to be alone

Blind the snow woman

Even better - "snowman",

To make it more pleasant for the ear ...

It's a pity mom doesn't have a shawl

Maybe a beret would work?

And now they would be children,

Three funny snowmen!

Or all, "snowmen",

Yes with knotted hands

In new colored scarves ...

Here is a verse about them ready!

(S. Teschler)

We sculpted it with Vovka.

It turned out just class! -

With a red carrot nose

With coals for eyes.

And a bucket, like a hat,

Hoisted on one side,

He turned out to be taller than dad!

We tried all day.

He stands so handsome

In plain sight of passers-by

And the snow-covered willows

They lead a round dance around.

We are ready to admire

Even until the morning

You just need to part -

Sleep is a long time ago.

He is not afraid of the frost,

And I got used to the blizzard for a long time.

Let us dream at night

Our beloved snowman!

(N. Rodivilina)

We rolled a snowman -

Three strong snowballs -

And they asked Igor,

So that he bring from home

Carrots -

Better authentic -

Lovely red nose.

Igorek rushed after her

And an hour later he brought ...


“No,” he says, “

Not a single carrot

And "vegetable"

Completely closed -

Probably a day off. "

"Let the snowman wait, -

My sister is screaming. -

And this nose



(V. Kozhemyakin)

Snow, snow in the clearing!

Near the tree - laughter, laughter!

We will roll a lump, lump,

And let's build a house, a house!

The snowman will live there, live there.

Tea with raspberries will drink, drink.

Tea, tea is not useful for him!

What if it melts by chance?

(M. Yanushkevich)

Snowman Adventure

Once upon a time there was a Snowman:

The mouth is a blade of grass, the nose is a knot.

All the animals were friends with him,

They often came to visit.

He walked somehow past the tree,

And towards him - wolves!

He hears - they whisper:

- Tilt the branches below!

- This tree for four

We'll cut it down quickly with an ax!

- There is no sense from these trees -

Only wounds from needles!

The snowman was not taken aback

Immediately rushed through the forest:

- Hey, animals, help,

Save our tree!

The animals ran to the tree.

Well, the wolves were scared,

They ran away in a hurry.

Well done, Snowman!

(O. Korneeva)

Snow woman

We blinded the snow woman yesterday,

And the woman's hat was from a bucket,

And the nose is made of carrots, and the arms are made of sticks,

The broom is from the broom, and the scythe is from the washcloth.

But only the kids went home,

She sneezed and said: - It's time! -

Oh, how she rushed from the icy mountain,

She chased the conference bank with a broom,

I caught snowflakes like butterflies with my hat -

The scythe fluttered behind the snow woman!

We have been looking for a snow woman since the morning.

We found a bucket in the middle of the yard.

We found the broom near the old gazebo,

The carrot is in the snow, and the loofah is on the branch.

Some were surprised: - This is the case! -

Others said that there was a blizzard.

And soon you hear sad

They forgot and blinded the new snow woman.

And only one boy did not sculpt:

He loved the old snow woman.

The snowman pulled himself away.

(Yu. Kushak)

The snowman pulled himself away.

The dog barked loudly all night.

The dog thought they would come to help ...

Heard the snow is sliding

From the roof ... But no one

He did not answer the call.

The door opened a little light ...

"People, where is our Snow Grandfather?"

Carrot-nose on the ground ... "He left himself

And he took the snow away! "

Snowman new year greetings

(S. Ostrovsky)

Snowman sends a letter to a friend:

“I wish you a blizzard ...

So that a blizzard chalk all year ...

And frosts "minus forty" ...

And sincere warmth! "

(A. Usachev)


Snowman, snowman

I'm used to living in the cold.

Do not be afraid for him

And in the frosty haze

Leave alone

On a starry winter night.

In a snowman's tube

Frost instead of tobacco.

And, armed with a broom,

He stands, does not breathe.

And home hours are ringing

He hears through the walls.

Talking snowman

(M. Karem)

A snowman came to our yard.

"But where is your Hat?" -

Vova could not resist.

And the Snowman, blinking slyly,

I put a sedro on my head

And suddenly he said: "It's done!"

(S. Ostrovsky)

I fashioned a snow maiden

I fashioned a snow maiden

Put it in plain sight

Snow girl-girl

Under the apple tree in the garden.

My princess is standing

Under a round tree -


Putting her face on.

In a brocade jacket

It's worth brighter than the dawn

And large ones on the neck

Amber plays.

(E. Blaginina)

Snow woman

We blinded the snowman to glory.

For glory, for glory, for fun.

She looks at us with black eyes,

As if laughing with two coals.

Although our woman is standing with a broom,

But do not seem to you to be angry.

We put on a bucket instead of a hat ...

With a snow woman, the game is more fun.

(A. Brodsky)

Snow bunny

We made a snowball

The ears were made later.

And just instead of eyes

We found the coals.

The rabbit came out as if alive!

He has a tail and a head!

Don't pull the mustache -

From straws they are!

Long, shiny, just like real!

(O. Vysotskaya)

Big Foot

Why look for it in the mountains?

You will find him in the courtyards.

From year to year, from century to century

Bigfoot lives here.

He is on the yard heel

Stands with a broom in his hand.

He makes the guys laugh all day

Having pulled the bucket on one side ...

(A. Shlygin)

How great

How great

How great

Our snowman!

We weren't sculpting together

Not three

Not four,

We worked with the whole yard!

Our snowman grew and grew.

Aunt Masha has outgrown

Uncle Sasha has outgrown!

I got my head up to the stars!

It's been dark outside for a long time

We stand looking out the window -

He's bored there

One night!

Growth up to a hill - small

We'll blind the snowman tomorrow!

Snowman new year greetings

Snowman sends a letter to a friend:

“I wish you a blizzard ...

So that a blizzard chalk all year ...

Ice, drifts, snow slides,

And frosts "minus forty" ...

And sincere warmth! "

(A. Usachev)

Snowman at the masquerade

Snowman for New Year

Drew a color poster.

And so he goes in the evening

To a noisy masquerade.

Nosed Snowman

They found out everything at once,

They shout to him from afar:

This is the highest class!

This is the mask, look! -

All opinions agreed

And here is the Snowman jury

Presenting the first prize.

Confused with applause,

He said: - Gentlemen!

Sorry, I was born this way

I've always been like this!

I'm a real Snowman!

We do not believe! - they say.

Come on, they say to him, -

Take off your outfit!

How suddenly - will you believe?

Drip-Drip! Drip-Drip! Drip-Drip!

He began to melt from the head,

He suddenly became completely weak ...

They grab him by the arms,

It melts before our eyes.

He doesn't see anything

There is no strength in the legs.

I'm sick ... May I sit down? -

He said a little audibly.

Hurry him to that hall!

There it! There it!

On the ice without further ado! -

He sat there for half an hour

And he went out alive and well.

Thank you, very glad -

He thanks everyone

And, leaving the masquerade,

Steps straight into the snow.

(D. Crews (translated by Y. Korinets))


To see the carrot nose

The moon rose over him.

On his head is a bucket,

In his hand is a broom.

They ring softly at my door,

And he stands, does not breathe.

Buttons-eyes do not tremble ...

Can't he hear?

But at midnight a cock crow

Has grown up to the stars

And at the same moment my snowman

He rubbed his nose with his hand.

Swung his broom, stepped onto the ice

And now she dances and sings,

And on his heels comes

Cheerful Santa Claus.

(Walter De La Mare (translated by V. Lunin))

Big Foot

Why look for it in the mountains?

You will find him in the courtyards.

From year to year, from century to century

Bigfoot lives here.

He is on the yard heel

Stands with a broom in his hand.

He makes the guys laugh all day

Bucket, pulled on one side ...

(A. Shlygin.)

I'm used to childish laughter

Our cheerful snowman.

He walks in the yard

Days and nights in January.

Instead of eyes - two coals,

Scarf with piping,

And visible from afar

Ginger carrot.

I went out into the yard once

My little brother, Yegor.

He sees: there is no snowman,

Only one puddle.

I'm like an older sister

I wipe away my tears:

Suddenly, it's time for him

To grandfather frost?

(T. Agibalova)

About the snowman

The yard is full of snow.
I made a snowman.
Hands, feet, head,
Carrot nose, two eyes.
I will paint the mouth.
Let the people please!
Tatiana Gusarova

Lump, lump and lump

What are you standing and waiting, my friend:
Lump, lump and lump?
Coals - eyes, nose - carrots,
And you hold the broom dexterously.
I'm well worth it here
New Year is knocking on the door
Santa Claus and blizzard
They sculpt a girlfriend for me.

Surprised snowman

The Snowman was surprised;
- I'm not used to that!
It started raining, then frost.
I'm wet
Instantly covered with a crust of ice
And now I am the Iceman!

Snow white snowman

He is neither small nor great
Snowy white snowman.
He has a carrot nose
He loves frost very much,
In the cold, he does not freeze.
And spring comes - it melts.
What to do, how to be?
How can we save it?
Maybe a white refrigerator
For a snowman to buy?

Snowman from a children's fairy tale

The kids blushed -
Dashed off three balls!
They were stacked on top of each other,
And the bucket was piled up.
Nose - carrot, coal - eyes,
A snowman from a children's fairy tale!
Hands are branches, mouth is candy ...
Let it stand now until the summer!

Snow woman

We blinded the snowman to glory.
For glory, for glory, for fun.
She looks at us with black eyes,
As if laughing with two coals.
Although our woman is standing with a broom,
But do not seem to you to be angry.
We put on a bucket instead of a hat ...
With a snow woman, the game is more fun.

Making a snowman

Sculpts from the very morning
Snowman kids.
Snow balls rolls
And laughing, connects.
Below is the largest lump,
A little less lump on it.
Even less is the head,
We barely reached it.
Eyes - bumps, carrot nose.
They put on the cap dexterously.
Bright scarf, broom in hand.
And the kids are happy.


Here is the Snowman
Broom in hand
On the head with earflaps.
And the nose is a carrot!
And the cheeks are blood!
Not a Snowman - Snezhanka!
Blizzard is her soul
She strives to follow her.
Children laugh: “Good!
Not afraid of frost. "
Lyubov Gorokhova

Winter, baby

Alexander Vladimirovich Chernyshev

The sky fell with snow. White
Has covered the city with a veil
Don't stop! Come on, rather do
My friend, the snowman is with me.
Under the freshness of a miracle snowfall,
Under the sonorous hubbub of children,
We certainly need to roll
Big, snowy balls.
And, hoisting them on top of each other, -
We count together: one, two, three,
Put the bucket on top of your head
The big ones of the snow. Look,-
We denote a spout with a carrot,
Eyes are two black coals
There is a broom in my hand, which means -
We made a snowman!

Useful walk

Alla Fonina

We don't just walk -
We are sculpting a snowman!
For starters out of the snow
Everyone sculpts a kolobok.

A lump grows quickly -
We are trying three of us.
The ball is smaller, the ball is larger.
Two hands - they are thinner.

Now the nose is ready - a carrot.
Katya puts her eyes deftly.
The snowman smiled
And he straightened his collar.

And in our yard ...

Anna Kornienko

In our yard since the morning
The kids are swarming.
So many joyful undertakings
At the courtyard's friends!

A serious snowman
I'm not used to tararam.
He is important, like Santa Claus,
And the nose sticks out like a carrot.

Winter has come!

Anna Samuilovna Shtro

Oh, the whole street is white!
Finally winter has come!
We, of course, were waiting for her,
So they got the sled.
You just need to ask moms:
Can? Can? Can we
Take a ride down the white slide
And tumble in the snow?
For now, for now
We make a snowman
And we will put him in a sleigh -
Let him ride with us!

Snow woman

Antonina Patrakova

We were on the hill yesterday
Baba was molded
It turned out a woman - a miracle
And he looks at us playfully
But she is completely naked
It's winter outside, not summer
We need to dress up a woman,
So that she does not get sick
Masha ran for a hat
Dima brought an old scarf
And the snow woman is not afraid
No frost now!


Antonina Teslenko

A snowman was born in winter,
Snowball one, another,
And then he covered himself with a bucket,
Very old, rusty.
The nose was real
From carrots, like everyone else,
Was shiny and graceful
And he had such a success.
But winter is fickle
Changeable at times
The thaw came unexpectedly
The sun shines day by day.
The snowman held on at first
And then he suddenly lost weight.
He fought with the Sun for a long time,
But it melted and disappeared.


Valeria Naumova

Three huge snowballs
We rolled, only from home
They all ran out in a crowd:
A friendly, joyful crowd.

The bottom is the largest lump,
A little less - for later,
Well, the smallest is the last
Let's hoist it to the very top.

It turned out the Snowman -
Not quite an old man yet
Instead of a peephole - coals.
He is like all snowmen

I took a broom in my hands, on the crown of my head -
A bucket with a hole, and for a while
I put on a striped scarf!
I just instantly fell in love with myself

Our old neighbors ...
The nose is a carrot, the mouth is made of twigs.
Here is such a hero of the yard!
The kids are happy!

Though it's frosty outside
And it's getting pretty late
Photoshoot in any way
Will not end! Like this!


Vera Anoshina

It's winter outside, frost,
Snow blockages,
The snowman is completely frozen
Looks tired ...

He stands here all day
Without a coat and a hat,
He was chilled, of course, all over,
This is disorder.

How can I warm it up?
At home it will melt
It is made of snow, after all,
Everyone knows that.

I'd rather give it to him
Hat, mittens,
And when I freeze myself,
He will share.

Snowman and Vesnianka

Galina Anatolyevna Maltseva

The snowman grabbed a freckle -
I got sick.
Sorry for the poor fellow!
He squinted and went limp,
A little more and shmyak
Will flop into a puddle
Will fall apart ...
How can he cope with the freckle?
Maybe take some medicine
And not to suffer in vain?
- Is there frosty snow? -
The snowman asks
And completely hanging his nose:
"What's the forecast for tomorrow?"


Galina Dyadina

Some sculptures - for centuries
Others are not.
For example, a snowman
In the spring, even a trace has gone cold.

In the frost he stood like a colossus,
Like a monument to Peter!
And suddenly he hung up his nose gloomily
One morning.

Then he disappeared behind a lump
And streams flowed.
Carrots with a kettle are sad:
"We are not anyone's left ..."

We make a Snowman!

Gennady Smirnov

Ball by ball, rolled
Wet snow on all sides
We started together together
We sculpt the Snowman.
The largest one fell to the bottom,
Slightly smaller in the middle
Well, little one, hold on!
The top will be, lay on your back.
Two koloboks, there will be legs,
We will collect the handles from the branches,
Seryozha found the bucket!
Like a hat on it.
Dasha smears her cheeks with paint,
Rubs his eyes with coals
Little black eyebrows
The mouth and nose, everything is just like ours.
Only the ears have nothing to do,
The branches will be in their place,
Snowman, like a man
Only timid, everything was quiet.


Ekaterina Yakukhina

I have a hand in the snow-
I'm making a snowman!

I made a lump of snow
I rolled him around the yard,
I ran along the paths for a long time -
He became a huge lump.
I put it on the porch,
And, having barely rested,
Above, the second lump attached-
This will be the head.
I found a bucket in a barn
The bottom of the bucket is in the holes!
But for a hat, I know for sure
It will do very well!
And then I went into the closet,
I took a hair wash,
And in the kitchen I took a carrot-
This is the best nose in the world!

And the eyes of the snowman
Two shiny coals!

I will paint my lips with beets,
How good he is!
To my sister Sasha
The snowman is a little bit similar!


Elena Sergeevna Safronova

We make a snowman
Three different koloboks.
We put on each other cleverly,
Red carrot nose,
Black coal eyes
And up the bucket upside down.
And now the snowman
Will not lie on the side
And he will be happy all winter
Guard our Kindergarten.


Irina Finkel

What a miracle in the yard:
Carrot nose, forehead in a bucket.
Clumsy fat man
Ice snowman.

We sculpted it together,
They put on a scarf so as not to get cold
And for some reason he needs
So that the frost creeps through him.

He stands like a brave guard
In the cold, night and day
And give your smile
Everyone in a row he is not lazy.

But only the sun's ray will break through
And it will bake a little
The good will melt without a trace
Ice snowman.

Will float away by a babbling stream
Under the cold snow roof
and will leave us as a keepsake
Only a red carrot nose.


Christina Malysheva

It's not easy to blind a snowman
Small children
We took a snowball in our hands,
We rolled a lump
Three balls, carrots, eyes,
Snowman, as if in a fairy tale.


Lena Erofeeva

Hello - hello snowman!
Snow fell and you appeared.
The children were waiting for the winter,
The whole yard was rolling balls.
One - two, together! One - two, cleverly!
They made your nose a carrot
They wrapped a scarf around my neck,
Dad's hat was awarded.
You, dear snowman,
In winter, the main guide.
Because you are so glad
Even grown guys.
And really kids
Have fun with all the heart!


Lyudmila Skorik

Snowman, snowman!
This white down jacket
Frost put on you
And made the nose carrot?

No, not Santa Claus
He presented me gifts.
I was rain, I was snow.
A special day has come
And I was born.
The guys came running
They rolled snowballs,
Strengthened, trimmed.
The branches became my hands
and the eyes look like coals.
The snow nose has become a carrot -
The boy brought it to me.
Mouth of sticks folded
And the bucket was fixed to me
On a huge head.
Well, thanks, kids!
At night the snow fell again
And he became a fluffy fur coat.
What a handsome man has become -
Snowy, white and lively.


Maxim Fabiyansky

We rolled a snowball
two others on horseback,
in the uppermost mouth and eyes
drew with charcoal.
It turned out very cleverly:
hands - sticks, nose - carrots,
the hat is a rusty bucket.
Smiles slyly
as if it had arisen by itself,


Marina Boykova

The kids blushed -
Dashed off three balls!
They were stacked on top of each other,
And the bucket was piled up.

Nose - carrot, coal - eyes,
A snowman from a children's fairy tale!
Hands are branches, mouth is candy ...
Let it stand now until the summer!


Mikhail Kryukov

We made a snowman
Diligently and dexterously -
Round sides turn white
The carrot nose turns red.

The eyes are blackened,
A smile to everyone's wonder -
All other snowmen
Will not be so beautiful ...

But spring is in a hurry to visit us,
Warming comes
And our snowman will stand
Not for long, unfortunately -
When we come to the park again
It will all melt in the rain.


Nadezhda Radchenko

My brother and I blinded the snowman.
They put glasses on a carrot nose,
They took my favorite tie in the closet -
They tied a snowman around the neck,
And they put a hat on the top of his head.
Now our snowman looks like dad!

And looking at him, we imagine
That we are not alone, but with dad we are walking.


Nadezhda Tumanova

The wet snow fell flat yesterday
And today - fun for the kids:
Three lumps of heavy and huge
The whole crowd rolls with a loud cry.
Piled up the clods on top of each other,
And they put a bucket on my head.
Embers are eyes, and eyebrows-arches,
They managed to stick the nose-carrot.
The snowman is beautiful and gallant!
They gave me an old broom
A bow was tied around the neck.
The children dressed up a Christmas tree nearby,
The Snowman smiled at the guys!
Winked: "Well, add some speed!"
You are still full of excitement -
And blind me to my girlfriend too! "
Snowman and spring

Natalia Batsanova

Once upon a time there was a Snowman.
In a blue hat on one side,
The nose is a sweet carrot
In general, a glorious old man!

Was cheerful, mischievous
Amused children in winter.
Frost is not afraid of him
But! Suddenly it smelled like spring!

Poor, poor Snowman!
He is so used to the cold!
And it's made of snow!
I completely wilted from the heat ...

Winter is over
There is no good in spring.
Before the autumn-winter cold
Where is there a corner?

Cold weather did not last long,
And the snow melted around
The snowman made up his mind at night
Ask for an overnight stay:

I will save you the winter:
I cannot live in warmth!
In the fridge all summer long
I can live with you!

In our refrigerator
No place this time!
We have jam there ...
From raspberries. A whole basin!

We wanted to offer
You get to the mountain,
At the top with a snow cap
live until winter!

Where did you come from?

Natalia Kapustyuk

Snowman, Snowman,
Where did you come from?
Is it really all of snow
White as snow
Your bright face!

Snowman answers:
There is a lot of snow - it's chic!
And without snow and frost,
I guys are just - zilch!

Snowmen grow here

Natalia Kapustyuk

Snow white lumps
Will turn into a miracle.
Snowmen grow here
Out of nowhere.
The cheek is flushed
Ice on the eyelashes
And in the eyes of the Snowman
Halves of the sky!

Winter's tale

Natalia Kapustyuk

The snowman saw the snowman
And the heart beat like a bird.
Sparks sparkled in my eyes
Snow white girl, ah!

And the girl, the Snowman,
From pine needles cilia,
Blue eyes, mother's beads
Belt at the waist is narrow.

And everyone noticed: by the way,
She also liked him very much.
Eyes - buttons, carrot nose.
Hat, scarf tied deftly,

So one day on our planet
They were blinded, children invented,
In our park by the old maple tree,
This snowy pair of lovers


Natalia Kapustyuk

The bucket was shining with joy,
They looked down on everyone -
It has become a hat today
On the head of the Snowman.

Snowman nose

Nikolaeva Elena

I snowball
He will become a snowman.
A smaller lump will be on top,
Instead of a nose, I will insert ... a turnip.
Ouch! Not a turnip, - a cucumber ...
Here, completely confused!
I'll call the guys for help:
Tell me the vegetable you want!

Snow woman

Nina Zhelezkova

White snow fell ...
Come out soon, buddy!
We will play snowballs
We will roll the lumps
Fasten them to each other -
Make a snow woman!
A woman needs to make a nose ...
Who brought the carrot?
Here's a scarf and here's a bucket
To keep her warm!
An old broom in your hands ...
Once! and the woman came to life!
Has come to life ?! Blimey!
Run away, who where!


Olya Lukoeva

It's winter outside, frost,
Snow blockages,
The snowman is completely frozen
Looks tired ...

He stands here all day
Without a coat and a hat,
He was chilled, of course, all over,
This is disorder.

How can I warm it up?
At home it will melt
It is made of snow, after all,
Everyone knows that.

I'd rather give it to him
Hat, mittens,
And when I freeze myself,
He will share.

The snowman is flying away!

Olga Borisova 5

Very nice snowman,
I was with my friends
He is used to playing with children,
Smiled with us!
He was the main guard,
Kind, fat, white,
I guarded the peace at night
He was a brave watchman!
But one day in the morning
The sun shone
I go to the window - wave to him,
Sad picture!
The snowman hung up his nose
Dropped a carrot
And streams flowed with tears
And he sat down awkwardly!
- Mom mom! Streams!
Our snowman is melting!
- He is on warm days,
Flies into the sky!
He will live on a cloud
Watching from above
Sail proudly above the ground
Waiting for the winter
And when Winter comes
It will turn into snow
The snowman will come to life again
To us, laughing, will return!

How snowmen grow

Olga Shalimova

White, white snowman
At the entrance, as stuck,
I call him with me
He's not behind me.

I tell him - let's go
Sweep the snow from the tracks
White snowfall at night
Made a thousand barriers

For cars and for people
For birds and beasts,
The snow was attacking and deep
The boot is sinking.

The snowman yawned slightly
Sly winked
Rolled into balls
And run into the distillation!

And while they were running
Overgrown with white snow,
The paths have been cleared for us
These snowy "peas"

And then they stuck together again
The snowman raised an eyebrow -
I grew up and grew
But where is my carrot?

A carrot was found here,
Became a nose very deftly,
A bucket on the head,
A broom rose nearby.

The snowman is ready again
Play with us
Guard the snow fortress,
Protect the snow for her.

And in our yard ...

Rina R-Ich

On the lawn, at the entrance -
White snowman,
He's from the morning blizzard
It appeared in the yard.

Nose - carrots, eyes - olives,
Hat "Adidas",
This is Angelina's dad
Surprised us all.

The sledges quickly rush down the hill,
Laughter and confusion.
The windows are glowing with candles:
New Year! Winter!


Svetlana Mulyukova

We puffed and sniffed
We barely rolled
An enormous snowball
To be him - a snowman!
Look, this is, it turns out - the belly!
A glorious head came out:
They barely lifted her!
Black eyes and eyebrows
A decent carrot nose,
They found a red scarf for him,
They even brought a hat!
And not small and not great,
Glorious snowman came out!

About the Snowman

Svetlana Mulyukova

May winter still walk
Let him ride on a sled!
Let the celebration celebrate
Transforming into a creature:
Who has it here,
Snowy round belly?
Wonderful carrot nose
Eyes, black eyebrows ...
He is neither a woman nor an old man.
This is a miracle - Snego-wick!
I've been friends with him all week
I follow the forecasts.
He doesn't understand yet
That in the spring the snow will melt ...
And the game will end
It will become empty in the yard.

We make a snowman

Svetlana Vashina

We make a snowman
Where is the leg and where is the hand?
Only a round snow globe
Steam flows from me
I'm at work, I'm at work
And a blush on your cheeks
My friend puffs, puffs,
He tells me to hurry.
Now the third ball is ready,
Let's take a break from work!
For carrots home
After all, the snowman is mine
Should be in all its glory
To make everyone amazed:
"Who is this master,
Who cleverly attached it so
Carrot nose - beauty! "
We're proud with a friend, yeah-
Snowman, great!
It is not in vain that they praise us.
Branch arms, scarf, bucket,
Embers are burning, sly
He winks at us -
He is glad to the winter cold!
He will stand in the yard,
For the fun of the kids
The frost guards him!
Just not to steal your nose
Two crows are sitting there
And they look in all eyes!
It's evening, we go home
Set off. Stop!
Goodbye snowman
I'm already used to you!
I'll meet you tomorrow
Good night, dear!

Our Cloud is the best!

Stanislavskaya Galina

I covered my eyelashes
Mascara flowed like a rivulet,
Growing up on the lawns
Pear silhouettes:

Stuck all sorts of different
Children of snowmen
And from the kitchens of the grannies
She stole all the carrots -

As many as eight kilograms
Preorange noses!
What a miracle - a panorama!
Yes for a couple of hours!

Aunt Cloud has tried hard,
Pouring snow for children
Soft, white, not prickly!
Our Cloud is the best!

When the snowman is alone

Elena A. Stepanova

When the snowman
left alone
He builds figures
from small ice floes,
Rolls out of the snow
Big balls,
Rides on a sled
From a high mountain.

But only light
Will light up the sky
Always in place
He comes back.
And with a cheerful look
He makes a sign to us:
I'm honestly from home
friends, not a step!

Complete happiness

Elena A. Stepanova

Case finished
Large scale -
There is a snowman
Nearby is a snow woman.

She is perfect!
And he's very cute.
But both of them look
Some kind of melancholy.

There are no kids in the family -
And they have no time for jokes!
I immediately blinded
Seven snow babies.

We made a snowman!

Elena A. Stepanova

We made a snowman!
It is very small yet.
We'll be sneaking away with a spoon
Feed him with a snowball,
Give fresh ice for breakfast -
And our snowman will grow up.


Tatiana Butakova 3

During the day we rolled with you
A ball of blue snow.
And then another one
The third is to make it smaller.

Bigger, smaller, okay
Well, come on with another bucket!
Nose - carrots, coals,
The snowman is standing, look!

Wearing a white fur coat,
The scarf around the neck is a bright color!
It's a pity not to take you home -
You will stand here for the winter.

Play with the guys during the day
At night - to guard the winter.
Laughter, fun ahead
Just don't fall!

About snow women

Tatiana Dergunova

Like birds on a tree - sparrows, titmouses,
and under the tree the snow grandmothers are chattering:
- How a blizzard sweeps!
- Soon, soon New Year!
- And Morozko will bring us gifts on a horse.
- I would have a new bucket.
- I would have a big pomelo.
- And I would like, girlfriends, to eat ten popsicles.
- I could dance!
- And I would show a trick!
- Well, I'm drumming on the drum, don't get tired.
- We need to decorate the tree.
- Hold the balls tighter.
- And we will plant an asterisk on the very top of the head.
... Birds flew away - sparrows, titmouses.
They call the snow grandmothers into the round dance.


Tatiana Dubovskaya

I am a cheerful snowman.
I live on the street.
And I'm used to frost -
Let the weather frown!
Eyes - coal, nose - carrots,
Red rag scarf.
And a bucket on my head
Instead of a winter hat.
And although they lie for a long time
There are snowdrifts in the yard,
Eat, perhaps, popsicle,
Do not melt to.
I want to wish everyone
Do not be afraid of the cold
And don't forget me
If I become a puddle.

Glorious new year

Tatiana Lavrova -Volgograd

It snows all day, in a hurry,
And he doesn't say where.
I want to know very much where
Is he always in a hurry?
The snow whirled stronger:
- I just make my friends happy!
My merry round dance
It will bring happiness to all of them!
Will build a snow house
And sculpt a lump for a lump.
Cute kind snowman
Santa Claus will become instantly.
He will bring gifts to everyone.
It will be a glorious New Year!

See you tomorrow

Auntie Ay

My faithful armless
funny snowman
is not afraid of dogs,
I'm used to crows,
don't even quarrel
with a badass cat!
Always smiling
berry mouth.
(I have not seen in my life
kinder face!)
He meets in the morning
me at the porch.
In any weather,
is on duty!
I press my cheek
to his belly,
I close my eyes
and suddenly I feel
warm hugs
invisible hands!


Yuri Vadimovich Klimenko

Instead of rain on Thursday
To the joy of the kindergarten,
Fluffy snow poured down
Sticky is what you need.

There is a lot of snow,
And our kindergarten decided -
So that everyone is not bored,
Make a snow woman competition.

Bunny, just a snowman,
Clubfoot bear,
Here is a mushroom - boletus,
And I blinded dad.

The janitor told me today
Shaking off the snow from the shovel -
Better than my dad
there is no snow woman.


Yana Fang

I am still small
But I'm making a snowman
He is neither small nor great
My lovely snowman.
From a carrot his nose,
Snowman loves frost
And his striped scarf,
He has gloves.
And from the buttons, eyes,
He seems to be from a fairy tale.
New Year is already knocking
Maybe a miracle will suddenly happen
My snowman will come to life
Will bring me a gift!

Snow white snowman

He is neither small nor great
Snowy white snowman.
He has a carrot nose
He loves frost very much,
In the cold, he does not freeze.
And spring comes - it melts.
What to do, how to be?
How can we save it?
Maybe a white refrigerator
For a snowman to buy?

Snowman from a children's fairy tale

The kids blushed -
Dashed off three balls!
They were stacked on top of each other,
And the bucket was piled up.

Nose - carrot, coal - eyes,
A snowman from a children's fairy tale!
Hands are branches, mouth is candy ...
Let it stand now until the summer!

Snow woman

We blinded the snowman to glory.
For glory, for glory, for fun.
She looks at us with black eyes,
As if laughing with two coals.
Although our woman is standing with a broom,
But do not seem to you to be angry.
We put on a bucket instead of a hat ...
With a snow woman, the game is more fun.

Making a snowman

Sculpts from the very morning
Snowman kids.
Snow balls rolls
And laughing, connects.

Below is the largest lump,
A little less lump on it.
Even less is the head,
We barely reached it.

Eyes - bumps, carrot nose.
They put on the cap dexterously.
Bright scarf, broom in hand.
And the kids are happy.

Snowman poems talk about bright emotions that arise during this lesson. What does it mean to make a snowman? Gathering in a noisy company, warmly dressed guys roll snowballs from fresh molded snow for several hours. From three balls of different sizes, from a large one at the bottom to a small one at the top, an unusual figure is obtained. In addition, there is a desire to make the snowman large so that it can be seen from afar.

Fun verse fun

The process of sculpting a snow woman is not at all hard work. All you need to get is a positive charge during fun activity... The lines of the poems describe not only how a beautiful snowman is made, but also what pleasure the children get from creating it. The fun is accompanied by noisy fun, loud laughter and just pleasant communication. And how many emotions the building evokes! An old bucket or a large hat is placed on the head, a carrot is placed instead of a nose, and mischievous eyes are two small coals shining in the sun. A smile, and a warm scarf around his neck - so that the snowman does not freeze. The arms are made of two branches, at the ends of which there are ramifications so that they look like fingers, and in one hand - a broom. Here you can observe the manifestation of boundless children's imagination. The imagination of the "builders" pushes for a lot: quite often the weight of these elements is replaced by others, accidentally caught. Along with sculpting, children throw snowballs, this further encourages and makes the process smooth and interesting. Finally, the snowman is ready! And, indeed, it looks like it’s alive. What a happiness the "builders" describe the poems about the snowman when the job is completed! The work went out to glory, and how many pleasant impressions remain from the time spent!

Useful activity

Creation snow figure- not just entertainment, it can even be called a sport. Winter walk, fresh frosty air, physical movement - all this develops sports activity and vital activity in motion. Poems about a snowman inspire children to their own "exploits", the reward for which is positive and wonderful communication.

When you read the lines that describe all the solemnity of what is happening, the mood rises and you want to take part in the fun yourself. Making a snow woman strengthens the team spirit. Building together, children gain experience of well-coordinated work and develop their own strategy, which will come in handy at any moment in life. In the process, strong friendly relations... In addition, poems about a snowman increase an active creative position and the manifestation of initiative.

The molding of snow sculpture has come down to our days since ancient times. In Russian fables, the snowman acts as a companion of Santa Claus. And the creation of this figure is associated with the noisy Christmas holidays. Snowman poems keep these pleasant traditions for many years to come, reminding many of us the most best moments childhood.

We present to you a selection of the most beautiful children's poems about a snowman and a snow woman. Each poem will become a real decoration New Year's party, will diversify the home meeting of the New Year.

In the poems about a snowman for children, there are tips for sculpting and a little bit of children's humor.

Snow white snowman

He is neither small nor great
Snowy white snowman.
He has a carrot nose
He loves frost very much,
In the cold, he does not freeze.
And spring comes - it melts.
What to do, how to be?
How can we save it?
Maybe a white refrigerator
For a snowman to buy?

Snowman from a children's fairy tale

The kids blushed -
Dashed off three balls!
They were stacked on top of each other,
And the bucket was piled up.

Nose - carrot, coal - eyes,
A snowman from a children's fairy tale!
Hands are branches, mouth is candy ...
Let it stand now until the summer!

Snow woman

We blinded the snowman to glory.
For glory, for glory, for fun.
She looks at us with black eyes,
As if laughing with two coals.
Although our woman is standing with a broom,
But do not seem to you to be angry.
We put on a bucket instead of a hat ...
With a snow woman, the game is more fun.