
Homework speech therapist on the topic late autumn. Didactic materials on the topic: Autumn for kindergarten. Homework card


Lexical theme "Autumn"


Children should know:
- the names of the autumn months;
- the main signs of autumn;
- what happens to the trees, how the grass has changed, the meaning of the word "falling leaves";
What do animals and birds do in autumn?
- what people do
- what gifts did autumn bring to people;
- why they say "golden" about autumn.
Children's vocabulary expansion:
titles: autumn, september, october, november, months, falling leaves, rains, clouds, puddles, wind, fog, dampness, bad weather, freshness, nature, harvest, garden, kitchen garden, fruits, vegetables, stocks, trees, leaves, forest, birds , animals, slush, winter, weather, wilting, haze, sky, sun, people, clothes, umbrella;
signs: early, late, autumn, dull, sad, golden, farewell, foggy, distant, difficult, rich, long, short, frequent, rare, gloomy, rainy, rainy, damp, crimson, naked, fading, sad, marvelous, beautiful , lush, migratory, wintering;
actions: fly, rustle, fall, rustle, crumble, advance, come, frown, say goodbye, fly away, coo, clean, pluck, collect, dig, dress, prepare, fade, turn yellow, dry, drizzle.


The grammatical structure of speech

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes
"Call it sweetly"

Rain - rain, rain, sun - sun,
puddle - puddle, tree - tree,
wind - breeze, leaf - leaf, leaf, leaf,
cloud - cloud, forest - forest,
garden - garden, bird - bird.

Plural formation of nouns in the genitive case
"One - many"
Month - months, tree - trees,
rain - rain, fruit - fruit,
puddle - puddles, vegetable - vegetables,
harvest - harvests, leaves - leaves,
garden - gardens, bird - birds,
garden - gardens, slush - slush,
umbrella - umbrellas, forest - forests.

Noun and adjective agreement "Say with the word "autumn""

The sky (what?) - autumn,
wind (what?) - autumn,
alley (what?) - autumn.
The exercise is continued with the words: sun, cloud, rain, flowers, forest, weather, boots, day, morning, coat.

Formation of quality adjectives “Tell me what the weather is like?”

What is the weather like in autumn when it rains? - rainy
... the wind is blowing - windy;
if it's cold outside, what's the weather like? - cold;
if it's cloudy, it's cloudy
... damp - raw,
... gloomy - gloomy,
... sunny - sunny,
... clear - clear.

Formation of the plural of verbs, nouns and adjectives "One - many"
Autumn day has come autumn days,
yellow leaves on the tree - yellow leaves on the trees,
a dark cloud floats - dark clouds float,
there is a big tree - there are big trees,
it's cold raining - it's cold raining
a strong wind is blowing - strong winds are blowing,
hanging warm jacket- warm jackets hang,
a flock of birds flies - flocks of birds fly.

Lexical structure of speech

Retelling of the story "Autumn"

After summer comes autumn. The leaves on the trees, bushes turn yellow, redden, fall off. The sky is often covered with clouds, it rains. They are not the same as in summer - warm and strong, but small and cold.
At the beginning of autumn there are still many warm days, the sun is still warm, there are many flowers in the flower beds. it gold autumn. It's beautiful all around. By the end of autumn there are few sunny days, the sun heats badly, it becomes cold. The water freezes from the cold, sometimes snow falls, but it melts from the heat of the day. Almost all the trees are bare, the flowers have withered. It's getting cold, so the birds fly south. These are migratory birds. Animals are preparing for winter too. Some go to bed for the whole winter, having made reserves of fat over the summer (bear, hedgehog, badger), others change their coats to a warmer one (hare, squirrel), many animals store food for the winter (squirrels, mice).
Insects hide in old stumps, snags, climb under the bark. The forest is quiet and deserted.
In the autumn they harvest: vegetables in the garden, fruits in the garden.
People dress warmer: they put on jackets, hats, warm pants, sweaters, cover their heads with scarves, put on boots, shoes.

Antonym search for “Say the other way around”

Early autumn - late autumn
happy day - sad day,
sunny day - cloudy day,
white cloud - black cloud
... cold - hot,
... good - bad.

Search for a relevant concept
"I will start and you will finish"

People are dressed in autumn, (in what?) - ...;
schoolchildren go with portfolios (where?) - ...;
the leaves on the trees became (what?) - ...;
flowers in the flower beds (what did they do?) - ...;
birds fly away (where?) - ...;
animals do for the winter (what?) - ...;
people gather in forests, gardens, fields and orchards (what?) - ....

Building a monologue
"Tell me about autumn according to the plan":

1) when autumn comes;
2) autumn months;
3) signs of autumn in nature;
4) the beauty of golden autumn;
5) what do birds and animals do in autumn;
6) human labor in the autumn period;
7) autumn clothes.

Search for factual errors
"Correct mistakes"

Summer has passed and autumn has come. Cold winds blew, the flowers withered, leaves blossomed on the trees. The animals began to stock up for the winter: a hedgehog - honey, a squirrel - nuts, a bear - cabbage, a fox - apples. Birds have come from the south.
The children put on panama hats and went out for a walk in the yard. They played hide-and-seek, made a snowman and fed the crumbs to the birds.


Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,
And look sadly bare bushes.
The grass withers and turns yellow in the meadows.
Only the winter turns green in the fields.
A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine.
The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling.
The waters rustled a fast stream.
The birds have flown to warmer climes.
A.N. Pleshcheev

Solve riddles!

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly. (Autumn.)

Dry - wedge, wet - pancake. (Umbrella.)

They often call me, they wait,
And when I come, they hide from me. (Rain.)

Yellow leaves are flying
They rustle underfoot.
The sun doesn't shine anymore.
When does all this happen? (In autumn.)

All the trees flew around
Only firs are green
Day and night it rains,
Mud and puddles at the gate. (Autumn.)

mobile game
"Hello, autumn!"

Host: Hello autumn!
Children: lead a round dance.
Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came.
We, autumn, will ask you
What did you bring as a gift?
Simulate the preparation of pies.
I brought you pain
Children: So, there will be pies.
Leading: Brought you buckwheat -
Children Kasha will be in the oven.
Simulate cutting vegetables.
The host brought you
vegetables -
Children Both for soup and cabbage soup.
Presenter Are you happy with pears?
They spread their hands, showing a column of honey.
Children Dry for the winter.
Host Brought honey -
Children Full deck!
Host: And apples -
what honey! For jam, compote.
Children: You and apples, you and honey,
You saved the bread
And good weather
Did you bring us a gift?
Host: Are you happy about the rain?
Children: We don't want, we don't!
Who gets caught in the rain
He's going to drive now.
They run away, "hide from the rain."

Musical-rhythmic exercise
autumn leaves

We are autumn leaves
We are sitting on branches.
The wind blew - they flew.
We flew, we flew
And quietly sat on the ground
The wind came up again
And lifted all the leaves.
Turned them around, turned them around
And dropped to the ground.
Children accompany the poem with appropriate movements.

Finger gymnastics

Scattered autumn leaves, (open and close fists)
I painted them with a brush. (Make smooth waves with palms up and down.)
We will go to the autumn park, ("They walk" with the fingers of both hands.)
We will collect bouquets of leaves. (Cross palms with spread fingers.)
Maple leaf, aspen leaf, (Fingers are bent alternately, starting with the big one,)
Oak leaf, rowan leaf,
red poplar leaf
Jumped down the path. (jump off chair and squat down on carpet)
I. Mikheeva

Let's talk about roles:

Sun, sun, where are you from?
- I'm from a cloud of gold.
Rain, rain, where are you from?
- I'm from a thundercloud.
Wind, wind, where are you from?
- I'm from the far side.
- Leaf, leaf, where are you from?
- From the birch country!
From the manual of G. Bystrova, E. Sizova, T. Shuiskaya

Objectives: to develop general speech skills, intonational expressiveness of speech, voice power.
autumn, autumn,
Please visit.
Stay for eight weeks:
With rich bread
With the first snows
With leaf fall and rain
With a migratory crane.

Homework on the topic "Autumn"

Kalaeva Natalya Vladimirovna

1. Color the picture(an adult helps).

2. Look at the picture with your child and answer the questions:

    How warm is the sun in autumn? (The sun is weak in autumn.)

    What are the leaves on the trees? (Yellow and red leaves hang on the trees.)

    When are leaves red and yellow? (Leaves are yellow and red in autumn.)

    What's coming? (It's raining.)

    What's in the sky? (There are clouds in the sky.)

    What's on earth? (There are puddles on the ground, mud.)

    What time of year is this?(Adult asks and points to the picture.)(It's autumn.)

3. Mimic exercise

Depict Early Autumn - Early Autumn has a light tread, a cheerful face. She is joyful, generous, kind, beautiful.

Depict Late Autumn - Late Autumn is sad, sad.

Depict crying Autumn.

4. Breathing exercise"Autumn Wind"

Give the children the leaves and invite them to blow them off their palms without raising their shoulders or puffing out their cheeks.

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing.

It blows, it blows.

yellow leaves

Breaks from the tree.

5. Articulation gymnastics

Along forest paths

Walks - wanders autumn. (smile)

How many fresh cones

By green pines. (needle - stick out a sharp tongue from the mouth)

And a leaf from a birch

Golden bee. (pancake)

Curls and flies

Above the green tree. (move tongue from side to side)

6. Finger gymnastics "Autumn"

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If the birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring down,

This season is called autumn.

Squeeze and unclench fingers

Waving the hands

Close your eyes with your palms


and raise your hands up, lower down

7. Speech game "Count"

How many clouds? (One cloud, two clouds, many clouds)

How many puddles? (One puddle, two puddles, many puddles.)

How many birds? (One bird, two birds, many birds.)

Close all the clouds, puddles and ask:

How many clouds, puddles,? (None. Etc.)

8. Compilation of the story "Autumn"

For example: The sun heats weakly. It often rains. There are puddles and dirt on the ground. Leaves turn yellow and fall off. People wear warm clothes. It's autumn.

9. Prepositions "ON", "From" A). Make a sentence according to the scheme and say where the leaf fell.

The leaf fell on the grass (on the path, on the car).

AT). Make a sentence according to the scheme and say where did Petya (Katya) get the leaflet from?

Petya (Katya) took a leaf from the grass (from the path, from the car).

10. The game "The fourth extra" Colorize(adult)1st, 2nd, 4th leaf in red pencil, 3rd leaf in yellow pencil.

Which leaf is different from the rest? Cross it out.

Homework for lexical topic"Autumn" for older children speech therapy group include lexical material (dictionary), grammar exercises and tasks for the development of coherent speech (retelling short texts, compiling stories, memorizing).

Lexical theme "Autumn"

Subjects: autumn, September, October, November, season, month, leaf fall, rains, fog, dampness, bad weather, clouds, harvest, garden, trees, frosts, leaves, forest, vegetables, fruits, birds, weather, sky, time .

Actions: fall, crumble, fly, rustle, rustle, come, come, say goodbye, frown, fly away, clean, collect, pluck, dig, prepare, turn yellow, dry, wither.

Signs: early, late, golden, sad, farewell, foggy, distant, difficult, rich, long, short, pure, rare, gloomy, damp, crimson, naked, sad.


1. Pick up signs (at least at least three signs):

autumn (what?) - ...
rain (what?) - ...
sun (what?) - ...
weather (what?) - ...

2. Pick up actions (at least at least three actions):

the sun (what is it doing?) - ...
rain (what does it do?) - ...
leaves (what are they doing?) - ...

3. One - many (plural nouns):

cloud - clouds
cloud - …
leaf - ...
wood - …
forest - …
bird - …
rain - …
fog - …

4. Reading, answering questions.

"Forest in autumn"

In summer the forest was green. Now the birches and maples are yellow. Aspens are red. Between them the Christmas trees are green.

The wind will blow. Leaves swirl in the air like butterflies. Then quietly, quietly, they fall to the ground.

Herbs and flowers wither. Their seeds fall to the ground. On the next year new plants will grow from seeds.

(According to G. Skrebitsky and V. Chaplina)

1. What season is the story about?
2. What color was the forest in summer?
3. What color did birches and maples become in autumn?
4. What color are aspens in autumn?
5. Which trees have not changed their color?
6. What happens to flowers and herbs in autumn?

5. Draw or paste a picture of autumn.

Troyan Natalia Anatolievna,
speech therapist MBDOU kindergarten
combined type "Bell"
Noyabrsk (YNAO)

Lexical theme "Autumn"


Children should know:
- the names of the autumn months;
- the main signs of autumn;
- what happens to the trees, how the grass has changed, the meaning of the word "falling leaves";
What do animals and birds do in autumn?
- what people do
- what gifts did autumn bring to people;
- why they say "golden" about autumn.
Children's vocabulary expansion:
titles: autumn, september, october, november, months, falling leaves, rains, clouds, puddles, wind, fog, dampness, bad weather, freshness, nature, harvest, garden, kitchen garden, fruits, vegetables, stocks, trees, leaves, forest, birds , animals, slush, winter, weather, wilting, haze, sky, sun, people, clothes, umbrella;
signs: early, late, autumn, dull, sad, golden, farewell, foggy, distant, difficult, rich, long, short, frequent, rare, gloomy, rainy, rainy, damp, crimson, naked, fading, sad, marvelous, beautiful , lush, migratory, wintering;
actions: fly, rustle, fall, rustle, crumble, advance, come, frown, say goodbye, fly away, coo, clean, pluck, collect, dig, dress, prepare, fade, turn yellow, dry, drizzle.


The grammatical structure of speech

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes
"Call it sweetly"

Rain - rain, rain, sun - sun,
puddle - puddle, tree - tree,
wind - breeze, leaf - leaf, leaf, leaf,
cloud - cloud, forest - forest,
garden - garden, bird - bird.

Plural formation of nouns in the genitive case
"One - many"
Month - months, tree - trees,
rain - rain, fruit - fruit,
puddle - puddles, vegetable - vegetables,
harvest - harvests, leaves - leaves,
garden - gardens, bird - birds,
garden - gardens, slush - slush,
umbrella - umbrellas, forest - forests.

Noun and adjective agreement "Say with the word "autumn""

The sky (what?) - autumn,
wind (what?) - autumn,
alley (what?) - autumn.
The exercise is continued with the words: sun, cloud, rain, flowers, forest, weather, boots, day, morning, coat.

Formation of quality adjectives “Tell me what the weather is like?”

What is the weather like in autumn when it rains? - rainy
... the wind is blowing - windy;
if it's cold outside, what's the weather like? - cold;
if it's cloudy, it's cloudy
... damp - raw,
... gloomy - gloomy,
... sunny - sunny,
... clear - clear.

Formation of the plural of verbs, nouns and adjectives "One - many"
Autumn day has come - autumn days have come
yellow leaves on the tree - yellow leaves on the trees,
a dark cloud floats - dark clouds float,
there is a big tree - there are big trees,
it's cold raining - it's cold raining
a strong wind is blowing - strong winds are blowing,
a warm jacket hangs - warm jackets hang,
a flock of birds flies - flocks of birds fly.

Lexical structure of speech

Retelling of the story "Autumn"

After summer comes autumn. The leaves on the trees, bushes turn yellow, redden, fall off. The sky is often covered with clouds, it rains. They are not the same as in summer - warm and strong, but small and cold.
At the beginning of autumn there are still many warm days, the sun is still warm, there are many flowers in the flower beds. This is golden autumn. It's beautiful all around. By the end of autumn there are few sunny days, the sun heats badly, it becomes cold. The water freezes from the cold, sometimes snow falls, but it melts from the heat of the day. Almost all the trees are bare, the flowers have withered. It's getting cold, so the birds fly south. These are migratory birds. Animals are preparing for winter too. Some go to bed for the whole winter, having made reserves of fat over the summer (bear, hedgehog, badger), others change their coats to a warmer one (hare, squirrel), many animals store food for the winter (squirrels, mice).
Insects hide in old stumps, snags, climb under the bark. The forest is quiet and deserted.
In the autumn they harvest: vegetables in the garden, fruits in the garden.
People dress warmer: they put on jackets, hats, warm pants, sweaters, cover their heads with scarves, put on boots, shoes.

Antonym search for “Say the other way around”

Early autumn - late autumn
happy day - sad day,
sunny day - cloudy day,
white cloud - black cloud
... cold - hot,
... good - bad.

Search for a relevant concept
"I will start and you will finish"

People are dressed in autumn, (in what?) - ...;
schoolchildren go with portfolios (where?) - ...;
the leaves on the trees became (what?) - ...;
flowers in the flower beds (what did they do?) - ...;
birds fly away (where?) - ...;
animals do for the winter (what?) - ...;
people gather in forests, gardens, fields and orchards (what?) - ....

Building a monologue
"Tell me about autumn according to the plan":

1) when autumn comes;
2) autumn months;
3) signs of autumn in nature;
4) the beauty of golden autumn;
5) what do birds and animals do in autumn;
6) human labor in the autumn period;
7) autumn clothes.

Search for factual errors
"Correct mistakes"

Summer has passed and autumn has come. Cold winds blew, the flowers withered, leaves blossomed on the trees. The animals began to stock up for the winter: a hedgehog - honey, a squirrel - nuts, a bear - cabbage, a fox - apples. Birds have come from the south.
The children put on panama hats and went out for a walk in the yard. They played hide-and-seek, made a snowman and fed the crumbs to the birds.


Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,
And look sadly bare bushes.
The grass withers and turns yellow in the meadows.
Only the winter turns green in the fields.
A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine.
The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling.
The waters rustled a fast stream.
The birds have flown to warmer climes.
A.N. Pleshcheev

Solve riddles!

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly. (Autumn.)

Dry - wedge, wet - pancake. (Umbrella.)

They often call me, they wait,
And when I come, they hide from me. (Rain.)

Yellow leaves are flying
They rustle underfoot.
The sun doesn't shine anymore.
When does all this happen? (In autumn.)

All the trees flew around
Only firs are green
Day and night it rains,
Mud and puddles at the gate. (Autumn.)

mobile game
"Hello, autumn!"

Host: Hello autumn!
Children: lead a round dance.
Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came.
We, autumn, will ask you
What did you bring as a gift?
Simulate the preparation of pies.
I brought you pain
Children: So, there will be pies.
Leading: Brought you buckwheat -
Children Kasha will be in the oven.
Simulate cutting vegetables.
The host brought you
vegetables -
Children Both for soup and cabbage soup.
Presenter Are you happy with pears?
They spread their hands, showing a column of honey.
Children Dry for the winter.
Host Brought honey -
Children Full deck!
Host: And apples -
what honey! For jam, compote.
Children: You and apples, you and honey,
You saved the bread
And good weather
Did you bring us a gift?
Host: Are you happy about the rain?
Children: We don't want, we don't!
Who gets caught in the rain
He's going to drive now.
They run away, "hide from the rain."

Musical-rhythmic exercise
autumn leaves

We are autumn leaves
We are sitting on branches.
The wind blew - they flew.
We flew, we flew
And quietly sat on the ground
The wind came up again
And lifted all the leaves.
Turned them around, turned them around
And dropped to the ground.
Children accompany the poem with appropriate movements.

Finger gymnastics

Scattered autumn leaves, (open and close fists)
I painted them with a brush. (Make smooth waves with palms up and down.)
We will go to the autumn park, ("They walk" with the fingers of both hands.)
We will collect bouquets of leaves. (Cross palms with spread fingers.)
Maple leaf, aspen leaf, (Fingers are bent alternately, starting with the big one,)
Oak leaf, rowan leaf,
red poplar leaf
Jumped down the path. (jump off chair and squat down on carpet)
I. Mikheeva

Let's talk about roles:

Sun, sun, where are you from?
- I'm from a cloud of gold.
Rain, rain, where are you from?
- I'm from a thundercloud.
Wind, wind, where are you from?
- I'm from the far side.
- Leaf, leaf, where are you from?
- From the birch country!
From the manual of G. Bystrova, E. Sizova, T. Shuiskaya

Objectives: to develop general speech skills, intonational expressiveness of speech, voice power.
autumn, autumn,
Please visit.
Stay for eight weeks:
With rich bread
With the first snows
With leaf fall and rain
With a migratory crane.


autumn, cloud, rain, puddle, weather, bad weather, leaf fall,dampness, umbrella, September, October,

november, leaves, trees,birch, oak, aspen, mountain ash, ash, linden, poplar, maple, larch,

alder, willow, chestnut,hazel, spruce, pine.


advance, turn yellow, blush, fall off, blow, pour, wither,drizzle, pluck (leaves)

wither, paint, frown

(sky), fly around, sprinkle.


yellow, red, orange, colorful, rainy(weather, autumn), dry, cold,

wet, gloomy, autumn,

dull, cloudy, golden (autumn), gray (days), torrential, drizzling .

Adverbs :

wet, damp, cold, gray, rainy, gloomy, overcast.

Finger gymnastics

Scattered autumn leaves,

I painted them with a brush.

We'll go to the autumn park

We will collect leaves in bouquets.

Maple leaf, aspen leaf,

Oak leaf, rowan leaf,

red poplar leaf

Jumped down the path.

I. Mikheeva

(Make undulating movements with the palms.)

(Make smooth waves with palms up and down.)

(“Walk” with the fingers of both hands.)

(Cross palms with spreading fingers.)

(Fingers are alternately bent, starting with the big one,

on both hands

simultaneously for each


(Clap hands loudly.)

Finger gymnastics

Coordinating speech with the Forest-Wonders movement

Objectives: to teach to coordinate speech with movement, to develop fine motor skills, creative imagination,

Fix the names of trees in speech.

In the woods-wonders

We'll go,

We'll meet there

With smart bear.

Let's sit down

Me and you and the bear

And let's have a song

Forest sing:

About spruce, about birch,

About oak, about pine,

About the sun and stars

And about the moon.

About oak, about pine,

About birch and spruce

About sun and rain

And about the blizzard.


(Walk in a circle, holding on to


(sit down on their knees

on carpet.)

(Rhythmically connected

thumb thumb


on the right hand.)

(Same on the left hand.)


Goals: develop general language skillsclarity of diction, intonation

expressiveness of speech.

Sun, sun, where are you from?

I am from a cloud of gold.

Rain, rain, where are you from?

I am from a thundercloud.

Wind, wind

Where are you from?

I am from the far side.

From the help of G.

Bystrovoy, E.

Sizova, T. Shuiskaya


Goals: develop general speech skills, intonational expressiveness of speech, voice power.


autumn, autumn,

Please visit.

Stay for eight weeks:

With rich bread

With the first snows

With leaf fall and rain

With a migratory crane.

The game "What leaves are hidden in the picture?"

Goals: develop visual attention, learn to recognize images superimposed on each other, develop


construction of speech (formation of relative adjectives from nouns).

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Goals: learn to distinguish signs of autumn from signs of other seasons, develop coherent speech (use

complex sentences), develop visual attention.

Hodigry. The teacher places four pictures on the typesetting canvas, three of them

which are depicted one time year, and on the fourth - another. Children look at pictures and make sentences.

For example:

Here, the second picture is superfluous, because summer is drawn on it, and the rest of the pictures

depicted autumn. Etc.

Game "Three sheets"

Goals: develop visual-spatial representations, form the grammatical structure of speech (education

relative adjectives, agreement of nouns with a preposition).

Game progress. The teacher lays out in front of the children pictures depicting three different leaves.

childobligationname and say how they lie.

For example:

Oak leaf - between maple and birch.

Or: Maple Leaf- to the right of the mountain ash and to the left of the oak, etc.

For the correct answer, the child receives a token. At the end of the game, it is calculated who has scored more chips.

Repetition of the names of the autumn months

Goals: to fix the time of the title of the autumn months, to teach a coherent monologue statement.

The teacher invites the children to listen to the poem "Twelve months".

Conducts a conversation with a poem,

teaches it to children.

A crane flies to the warm south,

September gilded the leaves,

October plucked the leaves from the branches,

November covered the leaves with snow.

Questions and tasks:

What happens to the foliage in September (October, November)?

Name the first (second, third) autumn month.

List the autumn months in order.

The game "Which word does not fit?"

Goals: develop speech hearing, auditory memory, grammatical structure of speech (the ability to select single-root

the words).

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to listen to a series of words and repeat it from memory.

After that, the children should name,

which word is missing and why.

For example:

autumn, autumn, hay;

leaves, fox, leaf fall, deciduous;

wind, windy, spindle.

Then the children are invited to choose the same-root words for the data themselves.

Game "Catch and strip"

Goals: improve the skill of syllabic analysis of words. The division into syllables of words - the names of trees.

Hodigry. Children stand in a circle, the teacher throws the ball to one of the children, saying

the name of the tree.balls, throwing his teacher, pronounces the same word

by syllables and callsthe number of syllables in a word.

The words: and-va, then-pol, i-canopy, pine-on, spruce, maple, oak, o-si-na, rya-bi-na, be-re-za.

Game "Name the first sound"

Goals: develop phonemic hearing, learn to identify the first sound in a word.

Game progress. The teacher asks the children to name the first sound in words. For every correct answer

token is issued. In the endgames are summed up.

The words: autumn, weather, rain, willow, poplar, pine, oak, maple, cloud, cloud, thunderstorm, sun, November.

The game "How many sounds?"

Goals: develop phonemic hearing, improve the skills of sound analysis and synthesis,

learn to definethe number and sequence of sounds in a word.

Hodigry. The teacher asks the children to count the number of sounds in the word. Then he asks questions:

Name the first, second, third, etc. sounds;

Name the sound before or after the given one;

Name the sound between the given ones.

The words: willow, oak, linden, leaf, cloud, poplar, weather, thunderstorm, thunder.

The game "What is the cloud crying about?"

Goals: develop visual attention, improve the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, reading, prevention of dysgraphia.

Hodigry. The teacher places images of clouds and droplets on the flannel graph,

on which the letters are written. Childrenmake up a word from given letters.

For example: oak.

Materials for reading and learning by heart

* * *

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,

I gently brushed through the leaves with a brush.

The hazel turned yellow, and the maples blushed,

In the purple of the aspen, - only the green oak.

Autumn consoles: “Do not feel sorry for the summer.

Look - the grove is dressed in gold.


Our autumn is really golden,

How else can I call it?

Leaves, little by little flying around,

They cover the grass with gold.

The sun hides behind a cloud

That will spread yellow rays.

And sits fried, odorous,

With a golden crust bread in the oven.

Apples, high cheekbones, cool,

Every now and then they fall down

And golden grains flow

From the collective farm they spilled into the sea.

E. Blaginina


Foliage scatters a golden blizzard,

I sit in the park and dream about something.

Above the bench of the old maple leaf is spinning

And slowly falls into my palm.

So colorful, elegant, cheerful -

It's wonderful that maples grow near the school!

Autumn maples - round dance flowers,

And yellow and red in the midst of bad weather.

I will find a green drop of color

Like a reflection of the last summer gone.

S. Vasilyeva


Goals: develop auditory attention, teach a coherent monologue statement

(interpretation of the riddle).

Hogames. The teacher guesses a riddle, the children guess.

One of the guys explains its meaning. The rest are complementary.

Leaves fall from aspens

A sharp wedge rushes in the sky.


Redhead Egorka

Fell on the lake

Didn't drown myself

And he didn't stir up the water.

(Autumn leaf)

The collective farm garden is empty,

Spider webs fly into the distance,

And to the south end of the earth

Cranes stretched out.

School doors opened.

What month has come to us?


All the darker face of nature:

Blackened vegetable gardens

The forests are bare

The bear went into hibernation.

What month has come to us?


He walks and we run

He will catch up anyway!

We hurry to hide in the house,

Will knock on our window,

And on the roof thump thump!

No, we won't let you in, dear friend!


The clouds are catching up

Howls, blows.

Roaring around the world,

Sings and whistles.


Texts for retelling

* * *

Summer was over. A strong autumn wind blew more and more often. The old lipadrogala under his gusts.

From the hollow of the linden

Autumn has come. All migratory populations have flown south. There was only one cuckoo left. A storm arose during the night.


whipped into the hollow. In the morning a ray of sun slipped into the hollow and warmed the cuckoo.

By V. Bianchi


What season comes after summer?

What signs of autumn are described in the story?

Why was the cuckoo left alone?

How did the cuckoo live in the hollow?


September has come. After the summer, after the warm days of August, golden autumn has come.

Aspen mushrooms, russula and fragrant mushrooms still grow along the edges of the forests. On old big stumps

hug each other

friend, thin-legged honey agaric ...

In these autumn days, many birds are preparing to fly away. Swallows have already flown away, swift-winged swifts ...

Noisy flocks of starlings gather, songbirds fly south ...

According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov


What season is the story about?

What mushrooms can be found in the autumn forest?

Which birds flew away first?

What other birds are preparing to fly away?

Text to retell


Here a hare came out of thick fir trees under a birch and stopped when he saw a large clearing. Didn't dare to go straight

to the other side and went around the clearing, from birch to birch.

So he stopped, listened ... It seems to the hare that someone is sneaking from behind. And in fact

the leaves are falling from the trees, rustling. You can, of course, pick up a hare of courage and not

look around. But it may happen like this: the hare will not succumb to the deception of falling leaves,

and at this time someone will take advantagetheir rustle and grab him in the teeth.

According to M. Prishvin


What season is the story about?

Who came out of the thick fir trees?

Why did the hare listen?

Is the hare being careful?