
Homework on vocabulary topic late autumn. Homework card file on lexical topics "Autumn", "Mushrooms. Game "Guess the berries"


Homework on the lexical topic "Autumn" for older children speech therapy group include lexical material (vocabulary), grammatical exercises and tasks for the development of coherent speech (retelling of small texts, composing stories, memorizing).

Lexical topic "Autumn"

Subjects: autumn, September, October, November, season, month, leaf fall, rains, fog, dampness, bad weather, clouds, harvest, garden, trees, frost, leaves, forest, vegetables, fruits, birds, weather, sky, time ...

Actions: falling, crumbling, flying, rustling, rustling, coming, coming, saying goodbye, frowning, flying away, cleaning, collecting, ripping, digging, preparing, turning yellow, drying, withering.

Signs: early, late, golden, sad, farewell, foggy, distant, difficult, rich, long, short, clean, rare, gloomy, damp, crimson, naked, sad.


1. Pick up the signs (at least three signs):

autumn (what?) - ...
rain (what?) - ...
sun (what?) - ...
weather (what?) - ...

2. Select actions (at least three actions):

the sun (what is it doing?) - ...
rain (what is it doing?) - ...
leaves (what are they doing?) - ...

3. One - many (plural nouns):

cloud - clouds
cloud - …
leaf - ...
tree - …
Forest - …
bird - …
rain - …
fog - …

4. Reading, answering questions.

"Forest in autumn"

In the summer the forest was green. Now the birches and maples are yellow. The aspens are red. Fir-trees turn green between them.

The wind will come. Leaves will swirl in the air like butterflies. Then they will quietly descend to the ground.

Herbs and flowers wither. Their seeds fall to the ground. On the next year new plants will grow from the seeds.

(According to G. Skrebitsky and V. Chaplina)

1. What time of year does the story refer to?
2. What color was the forest in summer?
3. What color did the birches and maples become in the fall?
4. What is the color of the aspen in autumn?
5. What trees have not changed their color?
6. What happens to flowers and herbs in autumn?

5. Draw or stick a picture of autumn.

Troyan Natalya Anatolyevna,
teacher-speech therapist MBDOU kindergarten
combined type "Bell"
Noyabrsk (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug)

Especially for preschool and junior toddlers school age I picked up classes on the topic of autumn. They can be used both in kindergarten and at home.

All autumn games can be divided into several parts:

  • A story about autumn (using cards, we compose a story about autumn with the baby or on our own),
  • logic exercises
  • attention development exercises
  • sorting exercises
  • playing with flowers
  • puzzles on the theme of autumn
  • math autumn games.

Autumn Story: Using the fall story cards, create a story with your child.

Thematic cards

You can download autumn cards here - click on the pictures below and print:

If you practice according to the Doman's method, then they can be cut into separate words and separate pictures about autumn and connected when the child learns the words.

Pictures and tasks

the second option is a story about autumn with hand-drawn pictures - to download pictures on the theme of autumn for free, click on them:

Development game fine motor skills fingers on the theme of autumn - you need to circle dotted line from broom to leaves:

Autumn games - here you need to sort into two columns - in one apples, and in the other leaves:

Here you need to find the shadow of the object and connect the cards with each other:

Learn to sort the leaves into large, medium and small:

Scarecrow puzzle - cut into pieces and join together with your child:

Squirrel puzzle more difficult logical autumn game:

Autumn coloring - here you need to circle the acorn at the points with numbers, and then color it:

What is Autumn? We have already seen yellow leaves, an abundance of flowers, fruits and vegetables, rain and even frost, collected cones and chestnuts. It's time to talk about this time of the year during our classes in. Let me remind you straight away about Lotto and, which you can download from the links, and I'll start talking about the new set.

We tried to make it as creative as possible, because autumn is a time of inspiration and new achievements. The tasks of the kit are aimed at developing fine motor skills and coordination of movements, creativity, logic and thinking in children, as well as preparing the hand for writing.

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Thematic set "Autumn"

The set includes the following developmental tasks:

  1. Autumn finder. To complete this task, you need to go with your child for a walk in a park or forest, where you can together find the autumn treasures specified in the task.
  2. Find a pair and connect. Among the scattered objects, you need to find 2 identical ones and connect them with a pencil or a marker for a whiteboard, after putting the sheet with the task in the file corner.
  3. Arrange the leaves by color. To prepare this task, cut out separately colored autumn leaves, and then invite your child to arrange them into rectangles of a suitable color.
  4. Pattern for drawing with fingers. Need to draw autumn leaves on the tree and in the air, blown off the tree by the wind.
  5. Cut with scissors along the dotted line. To complete this task, cut out an autumn leaf, color it with the baby and, holding his hand in yours, cut the leaf with scissors along the dotted line.
  6. Acorn lacing. Cut out the acorn and stick it on the cardboard, punch holes along the indicated white dots with a hole punch. Show your toddler how to thread the laces through the holes. Invite him to repeat after you.
  7. Template for application "Autumn leaf". Pieces of colored paper, magazines or kitchen napkins, or you can smear the inside of the maple leaf with glue, and then sprinkle with semolina or other cereals.
  8. Pattern for applique from leaves. While walking with your baby, find colored leaves, dry them and stick them on: the torso of the bear, the girl's dress, the butterfly's wings, a balloon above the basket.

Didactic material for reinforcement on the lexical topic: "Autumn".

Meshcheryakova Svetlana Gennadievna, teacher - speech therapist MKOU SH-I No. 8, Gremyachinsk, Perm Territory.
Target: Generalization of students' knowledge about the season - autumn.
Tasks: Develop coherent speech, communication skills, auditory and visual attention, thinking;
Improve the grammatical structure of speech;
Foster curiosity.
It is known that good language skills play a significant role not only in Everyday life but also in professional activity person. A more pleasant impression on others is made by someone who is an interesting interlocutor, who can effectively and clearly express their thoughts.
Good command of the native language, speech is an art that needs to be learned.
Why is it necessary to develop oral speech?
- Be able to communicate with different people in different situations
- Express your thoughts and feelings
- To speak beautifully, correctly and pleasantly for the listeners.
Speech serves as a source of knowledge about the world around, a means of communication and mutual understanding. In this regard, the ability of children to use speech is of great importance.
Every child has a need for communication. The need for communication is one of the most important in human life. Entering into relations with the world around us, we communicate information about ourselves, in return we receive the information we are interested in, analyze it and plan our activities based on this analysis. And, of course, children want to be understood. Children often have difficulty in describing people, objects, phenomena. Even in spite of a sufficient vocabulary, most children do not know how to speak correctly, it is difficult for them to formulate their thoughts, they cannot fully participate in a conversation, conduct a dialogue.
The formation of coherent speech is the main task of speech education. Good speech - important condition development of the child's personality.
Didactic game- an excellent teaching and development tool used in the assimilation of any program material. Specially selected games and exercises make it possible to positively influence all components of speech. In the game, the child gets the opportunity to enrich and consolidate the vocabulary, form grammatical categories, develop coherent speech, expand knowledge about the world around him, develop verbal creativity, and develop communication skills. The proposed tasks are aimed at consolidating the material on the lexical topic: "Autumn". This is a kind homework, which is interesting to do with children after speech therapy classes at home, for a walk.
Material will be useful for educators, teachers primary school, parents, speech therapists.


"Read, add, make up sentences."


"Put the words in order, make the correct sentence."

Boots, rubber boots, footwear. (Rubber boots- these are shoes)


"Favorite Poems"

Listen to the poem. Find offers. Read it expressively.
To make children feel the beauty of a poetic word, an adult must feel it himself and be able to convey it in his performance. You cannot read a work monotonously, inexpressively.

Lingonberry ripens.
The days got colder
And from the bird cry
The heart is only sadder.
Flocks of birds fly away
Out beyond the blue sea.
All the trees shine
In a multi-colored headdress.
The sun laughs less often
There is no incense in the flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And she will cry sleepily.

Covers the golden leaf
Wet ground in the forest ...
I boldly trample with my foot
The outer forests are beautiful.
Cheeks burn from the cold:
Anyway in the forest I run,
Hear the branches crack

Rak up the leaves with your foot! ..
(A. N. Maikov)

Read the poem. Come up with a name.


"Let's clarify the signs"

Tell us what is typical for each autumn month? What is the difference between autumn and summer?

Concordance of an adjective with nouns:
Exercise: Find epithets for words: sun, sky, day, weather, trees, grass, animals, birds, insects.

Choose antonyms for words: warm - cold, cloudy day - sunny day, dry - wet, long - short.


"Speak a tongue twister."

First, say the tongue twister out loud two times slowly. Now to myself several times - slowly at first, then faster and faster. Learn to quickly pronounce tongue twisters out loud.

“All the maples have turned red,
And none of them teases:
Since all the redheads are all the same
Who cares!"


"Learning to answer questions"

Depending on what task you set for the child, ask for this answer: full or short. After reading the text, the answers can be full and meaningful. The question should be constructed correctly, clearly, so that the child is not distracted by extraneous details.
Listen to the story. Tell us, what time of year are we talking about?
Look at the pictures, which one matches the story?
It is important that the text read by an adult is an example of the correct literary construction of a sentence, is bright, expressive. Autumn comes after summer. Gradually the days become more and more cloudy, the sun shines less and less. The sky is covered with gray clouds. It often rains - long, drizzling. The leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall off. The cold wind rips off the leaves from the branches of the trees, and they fall to the ground, covering it with a golden carpet. The grass withers. The street is damp and slushy. The birds no longer sing. They hide from the rain, gather in flocks and fly away to warm lands. You can't go outside without an umbrella, you get wet. And it's cold without a jacket and boots.

Multi-colored boats.

I came to the pond. How many multi-colored boats are on the pond today: yellow, red, orange! They all flew here by air. A boat will arrive, sink into the water and immediately float. Many more will arrive today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. And then the boats will run out. And the pond will freeze.
(D. N. Kaigorodov)
Tell me what kind of boats are floating on the pond. What time of the year are there such boats?
Color this picture, make a story from it.

Share their impressions of autumn. Ask, how do you feel about autumn? Start your story with these words:
I AM I love autumn because ...
to me I don't like autumn, because ...

Compose a story according to your plan: "Knowledge Day!"

Exercise:“What the autumn gave us”.
Words are helpers: garden, fruits, vegetables, vegetable garden, harvesting, harvest, mushrooms, baskets, forest, collect, ripe, harvest.

The game:"What's growing in the garden?"
Remember what grows in the garden. And what grows in the garden? Look at the pictures, first name all the vegetables, then all the berries and finally all the fruits.
Answer the questions and explain why more than one correct answer can be given to the same question.

The game:"I cook myself"
Show and name the vegetables from which borscht soup is made, and fruits for compote.
We will cook borscht from ...
We will cook compote from ...

The game:"I come up with a color"
The names of some colors come from the names of words - objects. Let's come up with the names of the colors together.
Salad (what color?) - salad.
Lingonberry (what color?) - lingonberry.
Beetroot (what color?) - beetroot.
Walnut (what color?) - nut.
Carrots (what color?) - carrot.
Plum (what color?) - plum.
The game:"What juices are there"
What are these juices called?
Apple juice - apple.
Grape juice is grape.
Carrot juice - carrot juice.
Tomato juice - tomato juice.
Cucumber Juice - Cucumber juice.
Plum juice - plum juice.
Cabbage juice - cabbage juice.
Potato juice - potato juice.
Cranberry juice - ...
Pear juice - ...

Homework on the topic "Autumn"

Kalaeva Natalia Vladimirovna

1. Colorize the picture(an adult helps).

2. Consider the picture with the child and answer the questions:

    How does the sun warm in autumn? (In the fall, the sun warms slightly.)

    What are the leaves on the trees? (There are yellow and red leaves hanging on the trees.)

    When are the leaves yellow and red? (The leaves are yellow and red in autumn.)

    What's going on? (It's raining.)

    What's in the sky? (There are clouds in the sky.)

    What's on earth? (There are puddles, mud on the ground.)

    What time of year is it?(An adult asks and points to the picture.)(It's autumn.)

3. Mimic exercise

Depict Early Autumn - Early Autumn has a light tread, a cheerful face. She is joyful, generous, kind, beautiful.

Depict Late Autumn - Late Autumn is sad, sad.

Depict a crying Autumn.

4. Breathing exercise"Autumn wind".

Give the children the leaves and invite them to blow them off the palm of your hand without lifting your shoulders or puffing out your cheeks.

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing.

Blowing, blowing out.

Yellow leaves

Tears off the tree.

5. Articulation gymnastics

On forest paths

It walks - autumn wanders. (smile)

How many fresh cones

At the green pines. (needle - stick a sharp tongue out of your mouth)

And a leaf from a birch

The golden bee. (pancake)

Curls and flies

Above the green tree. (tongue movement from side to side)

6. Finger gymnastics "Autumn"

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If birds flew to a distant land,

If the sky is dark, if the rain is pouring down

This time of the year is called autumn.

Squeeze and unclench your fingers

Waving their hands

They cover their eyes with their palms


and put their hands up, put them down

7. Speech game "Count"

How many clouds? (One cloud, two clouds, many clouds)

How many puddles? (One puddle, two puddles, many puddles.)

How many birds? (One bird, two birds, many birds.)

Close all the clouds, puddles and ask:

How many clouds, puddles,? (None. Etc.)

8. Compilation of the story "Autumn"

For example: The sun is hot. It often rains. There are puddles and mud on the ground. The leaves turn yellow and fall off. People wear warm clothes. It's autumn.

9.Prepositions "ON", "S" A). Make a proposal according to the scheme and tell me where the leaf fell.

The leaf fell on the grass (on the path, on the car,).

V). Make a proposal according to the scheme and tell me where did Petya (Katya) get the piece of paper from?

Petya (Katya) took a leaf from the grass (from the path, from the car).

10. The game "The fourth extra" Color(adult)1st, 2nd, 4th leaf in red pencil, 3rd leaf in yellow pencil.

Which leaf is not like the rest? Cross it out.