
Abstract of directly educational activities in the preparatory speech therapy group on the topic: “What is friendship? Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "house of friendship" Lesson in the preparatory group on the theme of friendship


Akishina Natalya Alexandrovna

Tasks: Continue to acquaint children with the concept of "friendship", "true friend";

To form in children the ability to establish good, friendly relations with each other;

To expand the communicative abilities of children, the ability to select adjectives for nouns denoting the qualities of a person;

Cultivate an attentive, sensitive attitude towards others; the ability to understand and explain the meaning of proverbs;

Stroke: Children enter the hall to the song of V. Shainsky "Friendship is strong."

Educator: Guys, look, there is a flower in our hall, but our flower is not at all beautiful, it lacks petals. But I will tell you a secret, this is not a simple flower, but a magical one and Friendship helps it bloom. Do you agree to restore the beauty of the flower?

Children's answers.

Now the first test that we must pass and find out what a friend should be and play the game " magic flower"(children pass a flower to each other and name the qualities that a friend should have).

Educator: You are great, you did your job and never repeated! And our flower has its first petal.

Educator: And now you have a difficult task! It will be necessary to remember and explain proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Children call: "One for all and all for one". "One in the field is not a warrior", " strong friendship you can’t cut it with an ax”, “A tree is firmly rooted, and a person is friends”, “Don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends”, “A friend is known in trouble”, etc.

Educator: Guys, you know a lot of proverbs about friendship and know how to explain them. And our flower has another petal. Well, now you have a new task. And it's called "A Clew of Kind Words"

Children stand in a circle, take turns talking to each other good words and make a ball of threads.

Educator: And now look what a big ball of kind words we got. What is your mood?

Children: The mood is joyful, cheerful, because everyone is pleased to hear kind words.

Educator: Did you enjoy saying those words to your friends?

Children: Yes.

Educator: So the third petal appeared on our flower. It was also a pleasure for him to hear your kind words. And now look at the screen and see illustrations that you need to guess what kind of work it is about and answer questions.

Illustrations from V. Oseeva's stories "Three Comrades", "Blue Leaves", "Magic Word" appear on the multimedia installation.

Questions for children:

Which work about friendship is the illustration suitable for?

Why do you think so?

Which of the heroes did the right thing, in a friendly way?

Which proverb fits each of the stories?

How do you evaluate the character's actions?

What do real friends do?

Anyone want to talk about their friend?

Answers and stories of children.

Educator: Great job guys! You are very familiar with friendship stories. Look, our flower has another petal.

And now I suggest you relax and stretch.

The teacher organizes a dynamic pause, the children stand in a circle.

- Good afternoon my dear friend (handshake)

Look around you (we turn our heads from side to side).

Here you are (put your right hand on the neighbor's shoulder).

Here I am (put your right hand on your chest).

Let's be together (we connect both hands with the palms of our neighbor's hands).

live (clap hands)

Be friends (join hands with palms).

Educator: Here we rested. Today we talked a lot about friends and friendship. Do you have friends?

Children's answers.

Educator: I suggest you play the game “finish the phrase”, because they are also friends with you and choose the best qualities. Listen to the phrase and complete it: “I think they are friends with me because ...”

Children's answers.

Educator: You see how many good qualities of friendship you have named. Look at our "Flower of Friendship", it has blossomed and pleases us with its beautiful view. It shows that you guys know how to be real friends. Take care of your friends and you will be happier to live in the world! I suggest you stand in a circle, join hands and sing the song "If you went out with a friend."

Name: Synopsis of the cognitive-speech lesson "Flower of Friendship"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Summaries of classes, GCD, game classes, Preparatory group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 162
Location: city of Kemerovo

OD cognitive-speech "Flower of Friendship" in the preparatory group


Clarify and expand knowledge about friendship, friends.

Teach children the secrets of friendship.

Education of moral qualities: the ability to make friends and cherish friendship, mutual assistance and kindness, to have many good and kind friends.

Development tasks:

Continue to develop cognitive interest, curiosity, ingenuity. Develop visually creative thinking attention, memory, auditory and visual perception,

Develop the ability to reason, argue your point of view, develop the colloquial speech of children, enrich vocabulary.

To develop intonational expressiveness of speech, the ability to attract the attention of listeners, express their thoughts, listen to comrades.

To form the ability to conduct a dialogue with the educator and peers, expressing their opinion in a full sentence.

preliminary work: conversations with children about friendship, reading fairy tales about friendship, reading proverbs about friendship, learning poems about friendship.

Materials and equipment: a letter from the old woman Shapoklyak, large voluminous flower, petals and letters of the word "friendship", tape recorder, ball, (everything for the game "Good ball", magnetic letters, two plates, emoticons in two colors (blue and yellow)

move educational activities

Motivation-oriented stage. Organizing time.

(Children sit on chairs.)


We have guests today.

You will now turn to them.

And we all smile together

And let's say to each other "HELLO"

Surprise moment:

Guys, this morning I received a letter addressed to our group (The teacher shows the children an envelope)

This is a letter from the old woman Shapoklyak.

Listen to what she writes:

- “Hello, dear guys of the preparatory group . I'm very sad. Why am I always alone and alone? No one plays with me, they won’t say a kind word, everyone is offended by me .... I do not know what is "friendship" and who are "friends"? I do not know what to do?"

Well guys, help the old woman?

- I suggest that you please old Shapoklyak and give her an amazing flower, and in order for all its petals to bloom, we will have to unravel all the secrets of friendship, so that it would be easier for her to find friends.

Main part

Search stage. Planning for further activities.

But first, let's remember what friendship is?

(children's answers)

Friendship is when children want to be together, when they play together and do not quarrel. Friendship is the smiles of friends. This means that friends are people with whom it is easy, interesting and comfortable for us.


Well done, they read poems about friends and friendship very well. But for some reason the petal does not open ....

I will tell you a little secret that we have already guessed one .... remember what we did at the very beginning of our meeting?

That's right, we said hello

What is the first secret of friendship?

The first secret of friendship: ALWAYS HELLO AND BE WELCOME.

And the first petal has blossomed.

Do you want to know the second secret?

Then listen to a short excerpt of a familiar children's song, and you can even sing along.

(song sounds "From a smile".)

Tell me, please, so where does friendship begin?

That's right, with a smile. See how quickly, easily and simply you figured out the second secret.

Tell me, which person is more pleasant to communicate with, the one who is gloomy or the one who smiles?

So let's smile at each other. We are all friends here!

So, what is the second secret we solved?

The second secret of friendship: SMILE

And here the second petal has blossomed, look how beautiful it is.

Guys, does it happen that you quarrel?

What is the most common cause of quarrels? (children's answers)


Do not quarrel with friends, try to play together.

Do you want to see what happened in a forest clearing with two girlfriends?

(Children show a scene)

Somehow they went for a walk

And they found a ball in the clearing.

Bunny stepped towards the ball

The fox pulled the ball towards itself

Chanterelle: "I am the first!"

A Bunny : "No, me!"

Girlfriends do not give in to each other.

The fox was offended: “So you are a Bunny,

As a friend, I’m not good at all!”

What happened that they didn't share?

- Why did Chanterelle decide not to be friends with Bunny?

How to reconcile Chanterelle and Bunny?

What needs to be done to reconcile?

Play peace

We won't be angry anymore

We decided to reconcile

Evil, get away from us.

We are friends again now!

Let's look at this story again, well, with a cheerful, good ending, when Chanterelle and Bunny were able to agree.

In a quiet forest, among bushes and paths,

Lived two girlfriends Chanterelle and Bunny

Somehow they went for a walk

And they found a ball in the clearing.

Bunny stepped towards the ball

The fox pulled the ball towards itself

Chanterelle said : Let's play together

we are with you Bunny girlfriends "

Bunny: Chanterelle, remember the rule of friendship: Know how to give in and not quarrel

- What is the third secret of friendship we solved?

The third secret of friendship: TO BE ABLE TO GIVE IN, NOT TO BE GREED

And the third petal has blossomed on the flower.


Guys, do you think it's easier to be kind or an evil person(It's easier to be angry, he doesn't help anyone, doesn't communicate with anyone, doesn't care about anyone)

Is it easier to be kind or evil?

Probably easier for the evil ones.

To be kind means to give

Your warmth to others.

To be kind means to understand

And relatives and strangers

And sometimes do not know joy

Caring for others.

Of course, it’s harder for the good,

And yet look:

How many friends he has!

And the evil one is always alone ...

So what is kindness?

- Guys, what do you think, is it possible to see kindness? And where?

Guys, look at these items (a dirty plate, a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen, an apple, a torn book, a broken toy, a bouquet of flowers) Can you do a good deed with these items? And which one, we will now find out by playing the game “Good Ball”. (Whoever has the ball, he calls what needs to be done with the object: wash the plate, give flowers, etc.)

Fizminutka : "Let's take hands together" (musical)


Now sit comfortably and place your right hand on the left side of your chest. Do you feel jolts? This is your good heart.

- I know kindness lives in your hearts, and I believe that they will talk about you "He has a good heart".

What other secret of friendship have we unraveled?

The fourth secret of friendship: KINDNESS

And another petal has opened.

- Today we are revealing the secrets of friendship for the old woman Shapoklyak .... and we forgot about the most important secret…. he really touches the old woman Shapoklyak, this is the secret she doesn’t know for sure.

Who can guess what the secret is… TO BE HONEST

- What does it mean?

And I want to tell you one very interesting story

In one kindergarten two girls Katya and Masha were friends. They were very friendly and always told each other only the truth. But one day, Masha accidentally broke Katya's doll.

Who broke my doll? Katya cried.

“I don’t know,” Masha said. - Probably, this is Grisha.

Why did you break my doll? Katya asked Grisha.

- I didn't break it. Masha did it, I saw it.

- Can not be! Katya exclaimed. - My Masha best friend and friends never deceive each other.

Katya came up to Masha and asked - Why did you deceive me Masha?

“I was afraid that you would stop being friends with me if you found out that it was I who broke your doll.

Don't do that again Masha! Katya said. Friends must be honest with each other!


“Remember guys, cheating can ruin a friendship. Therefore, friends should always be honest with each other.

What is the fifth secret of friendship we revealed?

The Fifth Secret of Friendship - HONESTY

- Look, almost all the petals have opened, we see one more secret remains ...

Let's try to unravel this secret. He "encrypted" in letters. - I name the word, and you name the first sound in the word, then find the desired letter and place it on the easel. Then carefully look and read what happened there for the word. (Help)

Here is another secret of friendship we revealed . which?

The sixth secret of friendship: HELP.

Help everyone who needs help and you will have many friends.

So our flower has one more opened petal.

Let's imagine that friendship is one big heart.

What do you think, what dangers lie in wait for our heart on the path of life?

Offensive words, fights, rudeness, anger, tears, greed.

Yes, that's right, such dangers can hurt the heart and the heart can get sick.

So let's never forget the secrets of friendship that we revealed today, and then our heart will always be healthy and cheerful.

- Now I'll see how you remember all the laws of friendship.


you guys help

answer questions

Only YES or only NO,

Give me the answer friends.

If YES you say

Then clap your hands

If NO you say

Then stomp your feet.

- Shall we be friends? D (Yes Yes Yes)

- Shall we learn to play? D (Yes Yes Yes)

- Shall we help each other? D (Yes Yes Yes)

- Do you need to annoy a friend? D (no no no)

- And give a smile? D (Yes Yes Yes)

- Is it worth hurting a friend? D (no no no)

- We will shout loudly (no no no)

-We'll tear off the bear's paw (no no no)

- Shall we all tear books? (no no no)

– And comrades to push? (no no no)

- Shall we drink tea with friends? D (Yes Yes Yes)

- Shall we wash our hands before eating? (Yes Yes Yes)

Will we always be friends? D (Yes Yes Yes)

Are you faithful to your comrades? (Yes Yes Yes)


Admire what a wonderful flower of Friendship we have.

- Please read the word that is written on the petals of the flower. (Friendship)

Look, guys, Shapoklyak, having seen the beautiful flower of Friendship, learns a lot about friendship, he will also find friends for himself, because living with friends is fun and interesting.

Did you like helping Shapoklyak?

- There are 2 plates in front of you : one plate contains blue emoticons, and the other yellow emoticons. Take one smiley each, a blue smiley if you did not like the activity, and a yellow smiley if you liked the activity.

Now tell me what you liked about the lesson and what you didn’t like.

The objectives of the lesson: to consolidate children's ideas about friendship; cultivate the desire for friendship.


  1. teach children to fairly evaluate positive and negative actions;
  2. associate the meaning of proverbs about friendship with a specific life situation;
  3. activate thinking and speech activity children.

Vocabulary work: consolidate the use of words denoting personal characteristics in speech (friendly, resourceful, caring, cheerful, hardworking) to consolidate the ability to form single-root words, to introduce the word compliment.

Preliminary work: reading fiction, acquaintance with proverbs about friendship, memorizing poems, drawing the faces of friends.

Equipment: writing, cardboard bricks for the house, letters, glue, petal blanks different color; emotion pictograms.

Lesson progress:

Teacher-psychologist: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Teacher-psychologist: Please tell me, when you come to kindergarten in the morning, how do you usually greet each other?

Children: We are talking "Hello" , « Good morning» , "Hey!"

Teacher-psychologist: Today I invite you to greet your comrades not with words, but with body parts. When I clap, once in your hands, you shake hands. Two claps - touch with your elbows. Three claps - press your backs to each other.

game in progress "Say hello" .

Teacher-psychologist: Guys! Someone threw us at the window

Look, letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What tickles our face?

Maybe it's a sparrow

Flying, dropped?

Do you want to know who the letter is from? Try to guess from this song.

The song Shapoklyak sounds.

Children: The letter was sent by Shapoklyak.

Teacher-psychologist: Well done, you guessed correctly. Do you remember what happened to Shapoklyak?

Children: Yes, she flew away in balloons.

Teacher-psychologist: Let's see what this lady writes to us.

The teacher-psychologist reads the letter:

Hello dear guys! Balloons brought me to your village. But even here I can't find friends. And the house of friendship, which was built by Crocodile Gena and his friends, was left far behind. I am so sad and bored alone, please help me find friends. I will never be mean and mischievous again. Goodbye, your Shapoklyak.

Teacher-psychologist: How can we help Shapoklyak?

Children: We invite you to live with us. Let's write an ad. Let's build a House of Friendship.

Teacher-psychologist: Let's build a house of friendship, like the heroes of a famous cartoon, and invite Shapoklyak to live there. But the bricks for the house will be special, we will get them if

do the tasks correctly. I hope you understand that the work is not so simple, we have a long way to go, and more than one task to complete. Each task is one brick, and each brick is a part of the house, our House of Friendship.

Task 1: Write a word. You need to make words from the letters that are in front of you on the board: r d u b a f.

Teacher-psychologist: What word did you get?

"Brainstorm" - what is friendship? PRESENTATION

Teacher-psychologist: How do you think, how does friendship begin?

Children: We must first get to know each other, invite them to visit.

Teacher-psychologist: And with whom can you be friends?

Children: With someone you like. With someone who shares with you. With someone who doesn't offend you.

Teacher-psychologist: Do you think it is possible to live without friends?

Children: Without friends it's boring, not interesting. No one to talk to or play with.

Teacher-psychologist: Are friends known in happiness or in trouble?

Children: In trouble, friends will always help.

Teacher-psychologist: I propose to answer a few questions / see. presentation next/

Children answer questions

Psychologist: Well done! Completed the first task. And we can lay the first brick of the house of friendship.

The game "Families of Words" . Approach the easel. A drawing of a tree is fixed on it, in the roots of which the word is written "Friendship" .

Teacher-psychologist: What word does this tree store? (child reads). At the word "friendship" there are words - relatives. Let's name words similar to it.

Children: Friend, darling, make friends, friendly, friends, make friends.

Psychologist: Well done! Completed the second task. And we can lay another brick of the house of friendship.

Teacher-psychologist: I want to offer you another game called "A World Without a Friend" . I will start the sentences and you will finish it:

  • The world without a friend would not be interesting, because ...
  • A world without a friend would be a bleak place, because...
  • A world without a friend would be bleak because...

Teacher-psychologist: We have laid the third brick of the friendship house. We continue further.

Teacher-psychologist: And now friends, I want to know if your friendship is strong?

The game "Spiderwebs" . The exercise "Web of Kind Words" .

Psychologist: I have "ball of friendship" , which I will give to Pauline. She wraps the free end of the thread twice around the index finger and rolls the ball towards one of the guys, accompanying the movement. good wishes or a compliment. The one who has accepted the ball wraps his index finger with a thread and with kind words passes the ball to another child, etc.

Teacher-psychologist: And now look what a web of kind words we got. What is your mood now? Has it changed? In which direction and why?

Children: The mood became joyful, cheerful, because it was nice to hear kind words.

Teacher-psychologist: Did you yourself like to say such words to your friends?

Children: Yes, and it was nice to say kind words to friends.

Teacher-psychologist: We have laid the fourth brick of the House of Friendship. Now we all have a joyful mood, the construction of the house continues. But to make it beautiful near our future home, let's make flowers. Sit down at the table, take the petals and make up each of your flowers.

And they completed this task. We put the fifth brick.

Physical education minute

Purpose: relieve physical stress, collect attention to move on to the next exercise.

Warm-up exercise. "Teremok" . Duration 2 min.

Teremok in the meadow,

(Palms folded "house" )

The door is locked

(Close your fingers in the castle).

Smoke comes out of the chimney

(Alternately make rings from all fingers)

There is a fence around the tower

(Hands in front of you, spread your fingers).

To prevent a thief from getting in

(Clicks with each of the fingers in turn)

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!

(Punch on palm with fist)


(Spread arms wide apart).

I am your friend!

(Palm close one across the other)

Teacher-psychologist: To get this brick, we must remember proverbs or poems about friendship.


  • Quarreling does not lead to good.
  • There is no friend - look for, but found, take care.
  • Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
  • One for all and all for one.
  • A man without friends is like a tree without roots.
  • Whoever loves to lie cannot be taken as a friend.
  • Better an honest enemy than a cunning friend.
  • Hold on to each other - do not be afraid of anything.
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  • Whoever leaves a friend in trouble, he himself gets into trouble.
  • Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor.
  • Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you can't put it together.
  • A friend argues, and an enemy agrees.

Teacher-psychologist: Well done, you know a lot of proverbs about friendship! The sixth brick was laid.

The game "Know the Mood" .

Teacher-psychologist: And how can you find out the mood of a person? That's right, in the face. Now I will show you pictures with different faces. Tell me, please, what emotion does this face reflect? / sad, funny, little man who was scared, surprised, angry /.

The game "One, two, three ... show"

Teacher-psychologist: And now I will give you commands. For example, one-two-three, how scared I was (surprised, saddened, angry, delighted) show. You must show fear, surprise, sadness, etc. on your face.

Teacher-psychologist: We coped with this task, here is the next brick.

Teacher-psychologist: You know a lot about friendship. It's time to repeat the rules of friendship that you use in life. I have these rules written down in the rays of the sun:

  • Help a friend; to be honest; yield; not be afraid to ask for forgiveness; do not be rude; do not be greedy; don't get angry.

Teacher-psychologist: How many difficult tasks we have completed, how much you know about friendship. This means you can easily find friends and be faithful and good comrades. Thanks to your efforts, the House of Friendship turned out to be large and beautiful. But, in my opinion, something is missing?

Children: People. Residents. Friends.

Psychologist: I agree with you. You need to settle friends in the House of Friendship.

Children are placed in the windows of the House of Friendship

pre-cooked painted faces of friends

Teacher-psychologist: Did you do a wonderful job? See how the House of Friendship was lit up with joyful smiles, warmed by the warmth of friendly hearts! And to make it beautiful near the house, let's plant your flowers!

Children attach their flowers "Flowers-seven-flowers" (emblem of tolerance)

At the end of the lesson there is an exercise "Sunshine" .

Children stand in a circle with their hands extended forward and join them in the center of the circle. Quietly stand like that, trying to feel like a warm ray of sunshine.

Teacher-psychologist: So our lesson has come to an end. And we will finish it "Speech" :

We are all friendly guys.

We are preschoolers.

We don't offend anyone.

How to take care, we know.

We will not leave anyone in trouble.

We will not take away, but we will ask.

May everyone be well

It will be joyful, light!

Teacher-psychologist: Goodbye, guys! See you soon!


  1. Shipitsyna L.M., Zashchirinskaya O.V., Voronova A.P., Nilova T.A. ABC of communication: Development of the child's personality, communication skills with adults and peers. - "Childhood - Press" , 2003.
  2. Plan - the program of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: Toolkit for kindergarten teachers. Comp. N.V. Goncharova and others; ed. PER. Mikhailova. - SPB.: "Childhood - press" , 2003.
  3. Series Demonstration material for frontal lessons, Proverbs and sayings: illustrations - Publishing House LLC "Bibliophile" , Moscow.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type "Fairy Tale"



Prepared and implemented:

Klyueva Oksana Vasilievna,

educational psychologist

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target. Development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age.


  • Learn to understand the meaning of proverbs about friendship.
  • Develop communication skills friendly relations between children, the ability to negotiate and help, positive social behavior.
  • To enrich with new knowledge and skills of conflict-free communication.
  • To form a favorable psychological climate of the group.
  • To educate the moral foundations of the child's personality in the process of forming ideas about friendship.
  • To consolidate the correct pronunciation of children, follow the full answers, consolidate reading by syllable, activate adjectives in speech.

Materials and Attributes

  • A parcel box with a letter from Snow White and a video camera inside;
  • CD-ROM with a song about friendship from the cartoon “Little Raccoon”;
  • cube "Let's make peace";
  • blank sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, a flashlight, proverbs printed and cut into separate words, cards with the names of musical notes.

Lesson progress

1. Greeting ritual:

“Good morning sun!
We are glad to see you.
Here we are awake
Gathered together:
And Vika is here, and Nastya is here,
And Semyon is here, and Maxim is here...”

2. Surprise moment.

(there is a knock on the door, the junior teacher brings in a parcel box, says that the postman brought it to the kindergarten)

Educator. Guys, what is this? Where? Help me read. (Return address on the box: Forest Glade, from Snow White) I wonder what's inside? (children, together with the teacher, open the box and find a letter with a video camera in it). What it is? (letter, camera) Read what is written here (letter: “Hello guys! All my gnome friends quarreled among themselves. They don’t want to be friends anymore. I don’t know what to do. Help them reconcile, please!”) Guys, I don’t understand what is a camcorder for? (to record something.) What do you think we will record? (we will teach the gnomes how to make peace, make friends.) Sit on the chairs, and I will ask one of the guests to help us and record everything on video. (The teacher gives the video camera)

3. Conversation on the topic “What is friendship?”

Educator (draw the children's attention to the correct pronunciation of the set sounds, answers in full sentences.) Are you friendly guys? (yes) Why do you think so? (because we help each other, care, try not to offend each other) Where does friendship begin? (from a smile, from an acquaintance, from an affectionate word, from common interests, etc.) What do you think, what color is friendship? And what smell? (children's answers) What can a strong friendship be compared to? (with iron, stone, chain, rope, castle, sun, song, etc.) How much do you know about friendship, well done. And now let's show how friendly we are. (children stand on the carpet)

4. Exercise "To each other."

Educator. In this game, you need to do everything very quickly, listen carefully to the tasks.

As soon as I say the phrase “to each other”, you should find yourself a partner and shake his hand, and then greet those parts of the body that I will name. Every time I say “to each other”, you will have to find yourself a new partner. Ear to ear; nose to nose; forehead to forehead; knee to knee; elbow to elbow; heel to heel; right hand to right hand; back to back; shoulder to shoulder (lose 3-4 times, sit on chairs).

Well done boys! Liked? Was it easy? Why?

5. Exercise "Drawing of friendship."

Educator. Friends should respect each other, be able to negotiate. Now we will show you how we can do it. Find a mate, go to the table, take a felt-tip pen for two, a piece of paper for two and draw any object together, while you can consult and negotiate with each other. (Children draw and name what they drew) Was it difficult to draw? Did everyone have the same desire to draw this particular subject? (no, why? (You need to be able to negotiate, listen to each other and agree.)

6. Exercise "Let's make peace" using a cube.

Educator. Guys, what attribute in the group helps us put up? Cube "Let's make peace." Let's show you how to use it. (one of the children comes out and tells on the example of 2-3 other children: for example, Vika and Maxim quarreled and do not want to put up, then they put their hands through the curtains into the cube, there their hands meet, stroke each other, they say sweet words and finally hug each other - shake hands.)

7. Fizminutka "Old Malanya".

(Children stand around the host-old lady Malanya)

At Malania, at the old woman's (children walk in a circle, holding hands)
Lived in a small hut (show the roof of the house with their hands)
seven sons, (show 7 fingers)
All without eyebrows. (They close their eyebrows, make an appropriate movement for each line)
With eyes like these
With these ears
With such noses
With such a mustache
With such a head
With such a beard...
Didn't eat anything (index finger from side to side)
Sitting all day (squatting down)
They looked at her (put fist to chin)
They did it like this... (perform the exercise suggested by the leader)

8. Proverbs about friendship.

Educator. What does the expression “Look for a friend, but found, take care” (children's answers) mean. Want to play with proverbs? Let's just show you guys how good you can read. Look, there is a proverb on the board that has a beginning, and you need to find its ending. (Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends; an old friend is better than two new ones)

And now a new task: the proverb crumbled into separate words. You need to put the words in the correct order. (A friend is known in trouble; perish yourself, but rescue a comrade)

Well done, guys, they coped with everything, you know proverbs about friendship very well. Can you play the piano together? (yes) Shall we teach the gnomes? (Yes)

9. The game "Piano"

Choose any note for yourself and stand in a row: do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si, do.

Now I am a pianist and play the piano. (The teacher calls any note, and the children squat.)

10. Exercise “Flashlight of Friendship”. (Sounds from the cartoon "Baby Raccoon")

I light a candle with a good flashlight, I am looking for affectionate words. (Children shine a flashlight at each other and say affectionate words.)

Do you guys think the gnomes will make peace after they watch the videotape? What do you think will be of particular interest to them? (children's answers)

12. Ritual of farewell:

Look around, smile, hug, disperse.

13. Seal the cassette with the video in a parcel and send it to Snow White.